
2024-04-18·13页·330.1 K




I. Listening comprehension

Section A

Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end

of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said. The conversations and the

questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and a question about it, read the

four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you

have heard.

1. A. Work at the store. B. Sell books. C. Go to the beach. D. Go over lessons.

2. A. 9:15. B. 9:20. C. 9:30. D. 9:40.

3. A. Check the man's eyes. B. Adjust the new glasses.

C. Change the old glasses. D. Put on the special spectacles.

4. A. At a train station. B. At a theatre. C. At a hotel. D. On a train.

5. A. Salesman and customer. B. Professor and student.

C. Nurse and patient. D. Doctor and patient.

6. A. She avoids most of her neighbours.

B. She likes to make friends with everyone.

C. Most of the neighbours are unfriendly.

D. Some neighbours are hard to deal with.

7. A. Her watch is stolen all of sudden.

B. She is able to fix her watch.

C. Her watch is a few minutes fast.

D. Her watch needs checking.

8. A. Teaching English is the biggest business throughout the world.

B. Language schools are being established everywhere.

C. Many Canadians are fond of teaching English in Canada.

D. Language schools are more than other types of schools.

9. A. She can find a person to help him.

B. She can give him a helping hand.

C. She needs a dictionary now, too.

D. She picked up a dictionary somewhere.

10. A. He's learned a lot from the play.

B. He finds the plots hard to follow.

C. He can tell the characters from each other.

D. He usually has difficulty telling characters.

Section B

Directions: In Section B, you will hear two passages and one longer conversation. After each

passage or conversation, you will be asked several questions. The passages and conversation will

be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four

possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have


Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.

11. A. By depositing layers of material on top of each other.

B. By creating a solid object on paper.

C. By laying down ink on a 2D material.

D. By setting down layers of different ingredients.

12. A. It can make items with a water-absorbent material.

B. It can manufacture shape-shifting 3D structures.

C. It can print 3D items using different materials.

D. It can double 3D items in volume in water.

13. A. Developing numerous new materials.

B. Using a water-absorbent material in projects.

C. Having a wide range of applications.

D. Producing a framework that can fold and stretch.

Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.

14. A. Harmful substances in the smoke from homes.

B. Damp chemical gases from factory chimneys.

C. Smoke from homes mixed with dust in the air.

D. Mixture of fog, smoke and other waste gases.

15. A. Harmful gases rise and fall between layers of cold and warm air.

B. Smoke and chemical gases build up under a layer of warm air.

C. Smoke and waste gases remain near the ground as cold air pours in.

D. Thick smoke and gases blown by the wind pile up above warm air.

16. A. Temperature inversion. B. Solar radiation.

C. Automobile exhausts. D. Foggy weather.

Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following conversation.

17. A. Because she wants to buy some secondhand things.

B. Because she thinks it amazing to eat and bargain there.

C. Because she decides to buy some big-ticket items.

D. Because she is too busy in the daytime on weekends.

18. A. Flea markets are held in the daytime only.

B. Flea markets only provide used things.

C. Night markets only happen on weekends.

D. Only night markets provide good deals.

19. A. 2. B. 4. C. 5. D. 6.

20. A. Trash and treasure go hand in hand. B. One's trash is similar to his treasure.

C. Trash is equal to treasure to a degree. D. Different people have different needs.

II. Grammar and Vocabulary

Section A

Directions: After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and

grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the

given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.

Imagine you are out fishing on the high seas - the wind and water are clean and comfortable and

you begin bringing up your first catch of the day. That's when everything goes wrong. Your fishing

nets are tangled up (缠成一团) in older, abandoned fishing tool, and you're unable to untangle them.

Your equipment (21) _____ (ruin), and all of the fish you have worked so hard to catch are trapped.

They will die (22) _____ you are unable to draw or free them. Ghost fishing has claimed yet another


Ghost fishing is what abandoned fishing tool does. It still catches fish, but no one benefits.

Trapped fish die and attract scavengers (清道夫) (23) _____ also get caught, creating a vicious cycle.

In fact, lost fishing tool, or ghost tool, is among (24) _____ (great) killers in the oceans. This tool

further reduces the already declining number of fish.

Environmental agencies estimate that 10 percent of all seawater litter is lost or deserted fishing

tool (25) _____ (equal) 640,000 tons every year. Fortunately, these agencies are asking why this is

happening and what (26) _____ be done to stop it.

It's not the intention of the majority of fishermen to lose their tool. In most circumstances bad

weather is to blame. But in other cases fishermen throw their tool in the ocean on purpose, risking

expensive fines. But to them, it's worth the risk (27) _____ (free) up space onboard, cut fuel costs or

avoid paying handling fees. (28) _____ equipment loss is accidental or not, a strategy involving tool

identification seems to be a practical solution.

By marking tool with electronic tags and utilizing GPS technology, owners are more likely to

recover lost tool and less likely to abandon it. Currently, ownership regulations are reportedly very

weak. Leading the effort for tagging fishing tool and creating accountability is the GGTI(Global

Ghost Tool Initiative). (29) _____ (launch) in 2015, the GGTI is the first organization of its kind. It's

brought together an organization of governments, fishing-industry executives, seafood companies

and non-profits. Their efforts to get back and recycle the tool (30) _____ (improve) marine

environment, protecting fish and fishermen's way of life.

Ghost fishing poses a serious threat to the fishing industry worldwide, and a global effort is

needed to solve it.

Section B

Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be

used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.

A. process B. impacting C. appearance D. linked E. assessment F. costly

G. crucial H. highly I. legal J. pause K. marketed

Tobacco use and its negative impacts on health have been well-documented for decades.

Traditional tobacco products, such as cigarettes, have been 31 to a wide range of health

problems, including cancer, heart disease, respiratory (呼吸的) disorders and others. According to a

survey, 78.3 percent of smokers start smoking before age 20. Taiwan Province of China has raised

the 32 smoking age to 20 or above. By instituting this change, they hope to reduce the number of

young people taking up the habit.

Despite being 33 as a safe alternative to traditional cigarettes, heated tobacco products

(HTPs) are still considered tobacco. As such, they pose significant dangers to human health. The

heating 34 used in these products releases harmful chemicals and poisons, including tar (焦油),

carbon monoxide and nicotine, a(n) 35 addictive substance.

HTPs are packaged to appeal to young people who perceive them as safer than smoking. To

prevent young people from experimenting with HTPs and 36 their health, Taiwan Province

strictly controls every kind of tobacco product by adding a health risk 37 review mechanism.

Only products that pass the review process are allowed to be manufactured, imported and sold to


The innumerable downsides to smoking should give smokers 38 and encourage them to

quit. Quitting tobacco improves your health and reduces your risk of various diseases, including

cancer, heart disease, and breathing problems. Quitting smoking can also improve your 39 .

Tobacco use can cause wrinkles and yellow teeth. Quitting can lead to healthier skin, whiter teeth and

fresher breath. Smoking can also dull your senses of taste and smell. By stopping tobacco use, your

senses recover, leading to enhanced enjoyment of food and beverages.

Unfortunately, quitting tobacco isn't easy. Most people will also encounter numerous challenges

including nicotine withdrawal and symptoms such as eagerness, irritability (易怒) and difficulty

concentrating. Supportive social environments, coping strategies and professional help are 40 for

overcoming these things and living a smoke-free life.

III. Reading Comprehension

Section A

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C

and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

For decades, people have guessed that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually replace human

workers. But developments in the past few years have 41 these concerns as companies have

released AI that can answer questions, write articles and create images. Now, even people in creative

fields must consider the 42 of AI replacing them. But many experts still insist that these AI

programs are no substitute for human ability.

AI programs have the 43 to perform some tasks currently performed by human workers.

These include media jobs, such as writing advertisements and articles, along with many jobs in the

financial fields and even tech-related jobs such as computer programming. AI is good at 44 data,

so financial analysts and market research analysts may find their jobs 45 .

Using AI for certain tasks may be a good thing. Perhaps AI will 46 less interesting work,

allowing people to do more satisfying jobs, just as earlier technologies have. Using a machine to do

laundry saves time 47 to washing clothes by hand, and many people use that extra time

productively. 48 , AI may be able to take over dull tasks, liberating people to be truly creative,

since thinking up new ideas is something AI cannot do.

Another big challenge for AI is human 49 . Most people prefer to communicate with

humans rather than machines. Hence, AI is 50 to replace humans for jobs that require personal

connection, such as counseling or teaching. A robot can perform tasks, but it cannot 51 care

about others, and sometimes care is what people need.

AI can process data quickly, but it can only use data that it is given. So it cannot adapt to

situations that 52 significantly from those in its data. Thus, although some AI programs can

create content, none of them can be truly creative as the content AI creates will 53 consist of

some combination of its sources.

Finally, if the AI receives false information, it has no way of recognizing that as false. Humans

can also be fooled, but life experience can tell them whether a claim is reasonable, an ability that AI

does not have. 54 , AI must continually be fact-checked to make sure its data, and therefore its

conclusions, are accurate.

Thus, although AI may replace some jobs, others require a human 55 . At best AI may

eliminate certain boring parts of tasks so that humans can focus on things that only they can do.

41. A. denied B. prevented C. transferred D. intensified

42. A. function B. possibility C. capability D. character

43. A. potential B. schedule C. objective D. ambition

44. A. searching B. providing C. analyzing D. storing

45. A. at risk B. at work C. at last D. at least

46. A. bring over B. get over C. turn over D. take over

47. A. wasted B. compared C. consumed D. spared

48. A. However B. Therefore C. Similarly D. Meanwhile

49. A. interaction B. resource C. resistance D. creativity

50. A. unwilling B. unlikely C. unfair D. unfortunate

51. A. deeply B. accurately C. directly D. genuinely

52. A. evolve B. range C. differ D. result

53. A. inevitably B. immediately C. insignificantly D. improbably

54. A. Frequently B. Generally C. Instantly D. Consequently

55. A. nature B. need C. touch D. permission

Section B

Directions: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions. For

each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best

according to the information given in the passage you have just read.


Every summer, Europeans and tourists from all over the world sail by boat down the Danube

River. Their trips often begin in Nuremberg, Germany, where they can visit the Imperial Castle, the

ancient city wall, and the water fountain in Market Square.

From Nuremberg, the boats proceed down the Danube to Melk, which for centuries was one of

Europe's most important religious centers. Among the interesting sights in Melk is its famous church


After Melk, the boats pass through wine country to Vienna. Called the City of Waltzes,

Vienna has a magnificent opera house and an imperial palace. Aside trip from Vienna takes visitors

into the Austrian Alps. The tour bus trip offers marvelous views of the surrounding countryside.

From Vienna, the boats sail to Budapest. The capital of the central-European country of

Hungary, Budapest boasts a history that's more than 2,000 years old.

The city's name combines those of Buda, Obuda and “Pest, once separate towns on either

side of the Danube River. In 1873, these towns were unified and their names combined into one.

Budapest's World Heritage site also comprises several distinct areas, designated (指定) by UNESCO

starting in 1987. These include the Castle District, the Banks of the Danube, Gellrt Hill and

Andrssy Avenue. At each of these locations, you can explore many hundreds of years of history, art

and culture. One great way of doing so is through guided walking tours. Some of these tours are free,

led by local people who have extensive knowledge of their city. Or, if you prefer something that's

faster-paced and easier on the legs, try a Segway tour! The Castle District displays centuries of the

city's history. Numerous attacks, wars and natural disasters destroyed much of the original Castle

Quarter. Still, beauty and charm remain.

56. What does this article mainly describe?

A. Voyages with several interesting stops.

B. Cycling through urban and rural areas.

C. Travel by air to a continent's oldest towns.

D. Fascinating rides on a historic railway.

57. What does Vienna's nickname imply about the city?

A. Its location made it an important political center.

B. Hunting was a popular activity there years ago.

C. It has attracted a lot of people who enjoy skating.

D. Dancing has been an important part of its culture.

58. What does the article point out about some of the tours that people can take in Budapest?

A. They frequently include a meal.

B. They don't cost anything.

C. They require advance reservations.

D. They may not be entirely safe.

59. According to the article, which have impacted Budapest's Castle quarter in the past?

A. International festivals.

B. Military conflicts.

C. An educational institution.

D. Industrial expansion.


Product info:

Jacobsen Healthy Charms Cereal 500g $6.99

By Jacobsen Foods

1.8 out of 5 stars 815 customer reviews

It's time to feed your family cereal that's both healthy and exciting! Healthy Charms combines

both the fun of sugary cereals with the health benefits of healthy foods. After years of research, we've

created this cereal that appeals to both kids and adults alike. It's made with 18 nutritious ingredients

that provide your body with vitamins, minerals, and proteins to start your day off right! We've added

dried fruits in fun shapes that your children will love.

Low in fat

Low in sugar

No GMO or artificial colors or ingredients


1.0 out of 5 stars Definitely tastes healthy

By parentof4 May 18, 2023

Well, I can't say I didn't try. I wanted to feed my kids something healthier for breakfast than their

usual Frosted O's and Cinnareal, but this one completely failed. My kids aren't even picky, but this

cereal tasted like cardboard.There was absolutely nothing fun or charming about it. The shaped

fruit just looked like pressed bugs, and that was the only part of the cereal that tasted good. And it

was so expensive on top of it all!


I'm sorry to hear your family did not like our cereal. We had broad feedback making this product

and received lots of good reviews about it. Perhaps the transition from a lot of sugar to a product that

has almost none was too quick? We want you to be happy and would be glad to send you a beneficial

ticket to purchase something else our company makes. Please email us at contact@jacobsenfoods.

com and tell us about your situation and we'll get into contact with you.

60. What was the company's goal when making Healthy Charms?

A.They wanted to be in direct competition with another cereal.

B. They wanted to create something that no one had ever heard of.

C. They wanted to make kids and parents happy at the same time.

D. They wanted to turn a kid's idea into reality with their help.

61. What is one complaint parentof4 has?

A. The dried fruit was tasty but looked terrible.

B. The cereal was a little wet even without milk.

C. There was still a lot of sugar for children.

D. There was so little cereal inside the box.

62. What is the company's explanation for parentof4's complaints?

A. They said the family doesn't know what they're talking about.

B. They said that the cereal isn't supposed to taste good.

C. They said that the product the family purchased was bad.

D. They said the family needs more time to get used to it.


Pretty much everyone has, at some point, made excuses to avoid working on a task they fear.

But some people do this more often than others, which can result in disastrous consequences.

Regularly putting off difficult or unpleasant tasks can lead to low grades at school, poor performance

at work and financial consequences, such as late fees. Procrastination can also harm relationships and

even affect your health, as it increases stress levels, sometimes resulting in illness.

It's possible to procrastinate by binge-watching (大量观看) your favorite show or doing other

mindless activities, but procrastination doesn't always look like laziness. Some people procrastinate

to avoid difficult tasks by working on easier but less important tasks. This can make them feel

productive even as they neglect the most important items on their to-do lists.

In order to overcome procrastination, you must first understand why you procrastinate. Perhaps

you are a perfectionist, so you find not completing a task less upsetting than doing it badly. Perhaps

the task is complicated or confusing, and you don't know where to begin. Or perhaps you are waiting

to feel inspired to complete the task or believe that you become better under pressure.

Correcting your thinking can aid you in overcoming procrastination. You probably tend to

overestimate how quickly you can finish tasks and how motivated you will feel later. Most work does

not need to wait until you feel inspired, and if you begin the task, feelings of inspiration may follow.

Further, research shows that despite some people's perceptions (感知), most individuals do not

actually produce better work under pressure.

If you are procrastinating because a task seems too overwhelming or too complicated, break it

up into smaller pieces that feel more manageable. This can mean doing a part of the task, or

dedicating a set amount of time - say, 15 minutes - to working on it.

It may help to think about why the task is important. How will it contribute to your goals? How

will it affect other people? What negative consequences could come from not doing it in a timely


Scheduling when you will work on tasks can be helpful as well, and so can ruthlessly

eliminating distractions. You may need to put away your phone or go to a quiet room.

Overcoming procrastination is a challenge, but doing so leads to benefits in many areas of life.

63. The word procrastinate in the second paragraph most probably means ______.

A. keep off B. get off C. put off D. take off

64. According to the passage, how many kinds of consequences may result from


A. 5. B. 2. C. 6. D. 7.

65. What can we conclude from the passage?

A. Nobody can entirely avoid procrastination in his personal life.

B. Doing easier or unimportant tasks can make us more productive.

C. The more pressure we have, the more productive we will become.

D. It's generally more subjective than objective to procrastinate in life.

66. The best title for the passage may be ______.

A. The challenges of procrastination and strategies to solve it

B. The reasons of procrastination and the ways of avoiding it

C. The advantages and disadvantages of procrastination in life

D. The causes and process of procrastination in communication

Section C

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box.

Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

A. Afterward, he sold over 200,000 CDs and his popularity rising.

B. Rather, it was part of one of Andr Rieu's amazing concerts.

C. As a result, Rieu became a house-hold name and won great popularity.

D. Yet his shows consist of an extensive variety of musical genres and performances.

E. Then, Rieu continued his style until he got his nickname.

F. From early on, Rieu knew what he wanted - his own orchestra.

Mary Poppins held on to her famous black umbrella while floating overhead and singing

Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The audience watched in amazement, and many sang along!

Poppins floated for a bit and eventually landed in the midst of the excited crowd before getting on

stage. No, this wasn't a scene from a Disney movie. 67

His background helps explain his passion for music. The world-renowned violinist and

conductor was born into a musical family in October 1949 in Maastricht, Netherlands. He began

learning to play the violin at age five and immediately fell in love with the instrument!

68 He started by creating a small ensemble (乐团). Then in 1978, Rieu established the

Maastricht Salon Orchestra, from which he later developed the Johann Strauss Orchestra.

They had limited success until 1995 when Rieu was asked to provide entertainment for a soccer

game. He got the entire stadium to sing along to a popular waltz. 69

Today Rieu is the best-selling classical artist worldwide. He has sold in the ballpark of an

astonishing 40 million records. He is the biggest male solo touring artist on the planet. His concerts

sell more tickets than Beyonc and Bruce Springsteen!

Many classical concerts are serious events, but Rieu's are the opposite. He's been nicknamed

The King of the Waltz because he loves waltzes. 70 Rieu says, I love Johann Strauss, but

I am also fascinated by Andrew Lloyd Webber and Bruce Springsteen.

His shows are attended by people of all ages and always include surprises, like the delightful

appearance by Mary Poppins. As Rieu says,I only play music that touched my heart. And I know

when it touches my heart, it will touch your heart. During his performances, many audience

members are visibly moved. They often clap, sing, dance, laugh, weep or hug one another. Rieu

promises his audience, You will have an evening that you will never forget.And he is true to his


IV. Summary Writing

71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the

passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.

Before you head out to a run event where there will be many people, you should be aware of the

dangers of a crowd crush.

Though the risk of crowd crush is rare, it can be deadly when it happens. Crowd crush occurs

when many people are packed together and begin to fall over one another. In the past, such instances

have caused horrible injury and even death. To avoid such a fate, it's best to escape the crush before it


Before attending a crowded event, look up a map of the venue. This will give you an idea of the

surroundings - pay special attention to any exits. Once you arrive, choosing the right spot can be

crucial. Avoid the middle or front; instead, pick the back or edges of a crowd. It's also important to

trust your feelings. Stay aware to see if you feel packed in at any point. The more crowded the event

becomes, the sooner you may need to retreat to a safe place.

If you do end up in a crush, here's how you can stay safe. The most important thing you can do is

stay on your feet. To do this, spread your feet apart and bend your knees a little. Also make sure to

move with the flow of the crowd. Trying to move against a crowd of people will only end in disaster.

Helping others is another great way to keep everyone safe. Once one person falls down, more

people tend to fall over them. So if your neighbor in the crowd falls to the ground, help them up.

A common cause of death in a crowd crush isn't being crushed but rather losing air. It's best to

hold out your arms in front of your chest. This allows space between you and the person in front of

you. It also protects your chest and lungs from being crushed on the ground should you fall.

There is usually fun where the crowds are, so enjoy yourself. But remember to stay alert!

V. Translation

Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the word given in the brackets.

72. 我们大家都觉得你的方法很实用。(practical)

73. 让他懊恼的是,刚才他不小心把那个重要文件给删了。(frustrate)

74. 坦率地说,考试分数只能作为一个参考,不能作为评价的唯一标准。(guideline)

75. 你认为中学生为了完成作业,有必要化大量的时间到网上去查找资料吗?(it)

VI. Guided Writing

76. Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions

given below in Chinese.













