
2023-12-22·14页·5.2 M









英 语


第一部分 听力

1—5 AACBC 6—10 BAABC 11—15 BCCCA 16—20 CABBB


Text 1

W: Excuse me, do you have a fitting room?

M: Yes. It’s on the right hand side behind that cash desk.

W: Can I bring more than one dress to try on?

M: Sure.

Text 2

M: Oh, I wish I hadn’t borrowed this camera from Larry. I dropped it and it doesn’t work now.

W: Let’s go downtown and find someone to fix it.

M: Okay.

Text 3

M: Kate, good news. The company I did a field project for offered me a job at a good starting salary.

W: Wonderful, Bill. Let’s have a party this weekend.

Text 4

W: I can’t decide where to take my mom to dinner for her birthday. Crest Cafe, or Blue Plate?

M: Crest cafe is better. Or you can try King Lees. I had dinner there yesterday. It was fantastic.

W: Okay, I’ll try it. Thanks.

Text 5

W: Bob, you are wet all over. Where did you go?

M: I went to jog in the park.

W: Didn’t you know there would be a thunderstorm today?

M: I knew there would be a shower, but I didn’t expect it would rain cats and dogs.

Text 6

W: Oh dear, I gained 5 pounds in the last 2 months. These jeans don’t fit me now.

M: Don’t worry. You still look pretty.

W: But it’s too quick. I eat healthy foods and drink plenty of water. I haven’t done anything differently.

What gives?

M: Maybe because of those healthy foods. You know, too much dark chocolate, nuts and fruits can all lead

to weight gain.

W: You’re right. I should stop eating them.

M: No needs, dear. You can just take more exercise and still enjoy those foods.

Text 7

W: Hello, Joshua.

M: Hi, Maria. I’m sorry. We can’t be at your place on time.

W: Yeah, we were wondering where you were. What happened?

M: We seem to have made a wrong turn and got lost.

英语 第 1 页(共 6 页 )


W: Where are you?

M: Let me see. We passed the National Bank on Elmer Road 10 minutes ago, and we’re now on a street

with a tall white building. I think it’s Popular Street.

W: Gee, you really are lost. The best thing to do is to drive back down Elmer Road until you get to Weston

Hospital and then turn right.

M: Drive back down Elmer Road?

W: Yes. After you turn right at the hospital, Cider Street will be the second street on your right.

M: Got it. Thanks. Hopefully we’ll be there by 7:30.

Text 8

M: Excuse me, I’m calling about the ad for the flat.

W: Yeah, it’s still available.

M: Good. The ad says the rent is 950 a month. Could it be 800 if I rent it for a longer period of time?

W: Possible. We can talk about it. By the way, you can find someone to share the rent. You know, it’s a two-

bedroom flat.

M: Thank you for the advice. How close is the flat to London College? I have classes every weekday there.

W: It's about eight blocks from the college, but you can take a number of buses right out in front.

M: Oh, If there’s a busy road out front, is it noisy?

W: Well, it’s a little noisy, but the place is really convenient. There’s a shopping center right across the


M: I see. Is it possible for me to drop by and see the flat tomorrow?

W: Sure. You can take No. 9 bus and get off at the art gallery.

M: Thanks. See you tomorrow.

Text 9

W: So slow.

M: Yea, It’s a long line. People are buying a lot for the holiday. Would you like to go ahead of me?

W: Really? Thank you so much. My husband is waiting outside the store. We’re in a hurry. I really

appreciate it.

M: That’s okay. If you don’t mind, could you pay it forward by doing something kind for someone else?

W: Sure. I’d love to. I will figure out something nice to do on my way back.

M: By the way, I’m doing it for Random Acts of Kindness Week. Could I tell you something about it?

W: Yes, please!

M: It’s initiated by the local church. We do it from Monday to Thursday. On Monday, we encouraged

people to smile more. Tuesday’s challenge was to have lunch with someone we don’t normally eat with.

Yesterday, we had the third challenge: volunteering. I helped at a nursing home. Today we do something

for someone in need and ask them to pay it forward.

W: That’s great. I love it. How can I join?

M: Here is the website. Just apply online.

W: It’s simple. I’ll do it now.

Text 10

W: Good afternoon, everyone. I’m here to offer you some tips on public speaking. One of the worst

mistakes you can make as a public speaker is talking too long. It doesn’t matter if your entire speech

was good. The audience come away with information that will change their lives. If you talk too long,

they will leave saying that speaker just wouldn’t quit. Don’t let this happen to you, say what you have

to say and sit down. Before you do, give them a well-thought-out closing. The last thing you say is

generally what the audience remembers most. Just like your opening, your closing doesn’t have to be

英语 第 2 页(共 6 页 )






