
2023-12-22·11页·6.5 M









贵港市2024 届普通高中毕业班 12 月模拟考试


听力 1-5 ABACA 6-10 BCBCA 11-15 BCACC 16-20 BACAB

阅读 21-23 BBD 24-27 ACAD 28-31 ADCA 32-35 DCBD 36-40 DCBGE

完形 41-45 DCADB 46-50 CBCAB 51-55 ACADB

语填 56. whose 57. was founded 58. involved 59. typically 60. and

61. Working 62. to learn 63. visitors 64. of 65. an


My name is Li Hua. It’s my great honor to stand here to give you a speech with the topic of

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival, which is a traditional festival of China.

It usually falls on the 15th day of August in lunar calendar. It is a time when families come

together to appreciate the full moon and give thanks for the harvest. On this day, people usually

get together with their families and have a nice meal. After that, people always eat delicious

moon cakes. Lanterns are also lit to create a festive atmosphere, and children often participate in

lantern parades. The full moon is always be admired, which symbolizes unity and harmony

among loved ones.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a time of joy and reunion.

Thank you for listening.


That night, Lisa couldn’t go to sleep, reflecting in bed. She had difficulty sleeping. Of

course, she longed for the prize. However, Lisa was feeling guilty. After a while, she got up,

knocked at her mom’s door and entered her room. Aware that there was something wrong with

Lisa, Mom asked, “What’s the matter, sweetheart, and where’s your spelling test paper?” Lisa

took out the paper and handed it to her mom. When Mom spotted “honesly”, Mom frowned,

“Probably you don’t deserve the prize.” After thinking for a while, she soon understood what she

should do.

The next day, arriving early at school, Lisa pushed open the door of Mr. Matt’s office.

Hands slightly trembling, Lisa gave Mr. Matt her test paper and the books. Lisa admitted to Mr.

Matt that she had a spelling mistake in the test. A pink flush spread over her cheeks. Hearing that,

Mr. Matt wore a big surprise on his face. Then he picked up a pen, crossed out the word “perfect”

and wrote “honest” instead before handing the prize back to Lisa. Lisa’s jaw dropped. Mr. Matt

grinned, “For honesty.”


Text 1(34 词)去图书馆

M: What are you doing this Saturday?

W: I don’t know. I might go to the movies or do some shopping.

M: Do you want to visit the new library with me?

W: Sure.

Text 2(45 词)晚上上课

W: I just signed up for a cooking class.

M: Don’t you already have swimming classes in the evening? And Spanish classes?

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W: Yes, but swimming classes are on Tuesday and Thursday, and Spanish classes are on Monday

and Friday. I still have Wednesday free!

Text 3(42 词)大声呼救

W: Someone tried to break into my house last night.

M: Oh, no. Did you call the police?

W: Not at first. I shouted really loud for help. Lucky for me, my neighbors heard me, came over,

and scared the person away.

Text 4(36 词)火警响了

W: The fire alarm goes off. Let’s head to the closest exit.

M: Should we check on the others first? Pete’s office is right there.

W: That wouldn’t be wise. We should leave the building immediately.

Text 5(36 词)忘拿衣服

W: Hello, Roger. It’s Anna. I left my jacket at your house. Could you bring it with you when we

meet for lunch?

M: OK. I just want to show you some photos of the party.

Text 6(87 词)欢迎新邻居

W: Hi! I’m Natalie. I live next door to you. I hope you don’t mind — I heard you come home a

few minutes ago and thought it would be a good time to say hello.

M: Nice to meet you. I’m Gary.

W: Gary! Let me officially welcome you to the building with these — they’re chocolate chip


M: Thank you! That’s so thoughtful of you! You’ve really made my day!

W: Don’t thank me yet — you might not like the cookies!

M: I’m sure they’re delicious!

Text 7(138 词)吉尼斯纪录

M: Megan, do you know who the oldest person in the world is? My grandma just turned 98. I

want to find out about other old people.

W: Check the Guinness World Records book. It has all the world records in it.

M: Is there a website?

W: Yes. Let me check… Look, the oldest person in the world is 119. And the world’s oldest

living land animal is 190!

M: Wow! So, who started Guinness World Records?

W: Hugh Beaver. Because he had an argument with some friends.

M: About what?

W: The fastest bird. He couldn’t find a reference book with answers. So he worked to start one.

M: Good for him!

W: Hey, look at this. The world’s smallest dog is less than 10 centimeters tall.

M: Impossible! Show me the picture.

W: Okay.

Text 8(140 词)周末安排

M: Hey Marie. What are you doing this weekend?

W: Hi, Lucas. On Saturday, I’m going skydiving with my friends.

M: Skydiving? That’s crazy!

W: Why is it crazy? It’s very enjoyable. You should try it.

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