专题23 任务型阅读 考点2 回答问题(原卷版)

2024-09-10·79页·3.7 M

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题23 任务型阅读 考点2 回答问题(2024中考真题)(2024安徽中考真题)My family has always had family dinners, as far as I can remember. Since I was a little boy, my mother has insisted (坚持) that we attend family dinners at least once a week. Every Sunday, my mother would prepare a lot of food and bring it to my grandma’s house. We would wait for more family members to come before eating together at the table, my grandma’s dinner table. I used to feel that was a silly little tradition. But now I find it’s fantastic to get together as a family to talk about anything and everything after a long week of school and work. Every time I sit at the dinner table, my grandma’s dinner table, I look around and find so many people who truly love me. It’s a love that feels so good. For me, dinner is not just a meal, but a chance to reconnect with each other. I finally realize the true meaning of this tradition. It’s not about the dinners or activities. It’s about family, a group of people who care about each other. All the memories (记忆) around my grandma’s dinner table will last forever. Now, I’m always expecting Sunday to arrive.1.How often do the writer’s family members get together for dinner?(不超过5个词) 2.What does dinner mean to the writer?(不超过10个词) 3.Why is “my grandma’s dinner table” mentioned several times in the text?(不超过10个词) (2024江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,用英语回答短文后的问题,并将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。In his lovely piece of writing “Why Write?”, the writer Paul Auster shares a story about growing up as an eight-year-old in New York City. He was crazy about baseball, especially the New York Giants. The only thing he remembers about attending his first major league baseball game is that he saw his hero Willie Mays after the game. The young Auster gathered his courage and went close to his hero. “Mr. Mays,” he said, “could I please have your autograph (签名)?”“Sure, kid, sure,” Mays replied kindly. “Have you got a pencil?”Auster didn’t have a pencil on him, neither did his father or his mother or anyone else in his group.Mays waited patiently, but when it became clear that no one present had anything to write with, he said, “Sorry, kid. We’ve got no pencil. I can’t give you my autograph.”From that day on, Auster made it a habit to never leave the house without a pencil in his pocket. “It’s not that I had any special plans for that pencil,” Auster writes, “but I didn’t want to be unprepared. I had been caught empty-handed once, and I wasn’t about to let it happen again. The years have taught me this: If there’s a pencil in your pocket, there’s a good chance that one day you’ll feel like starting to use it. That’s how I became a writer.”What is your pencil? What is so important that without it you feel unprepared? I know some cartoonists always carry pen and paper and some photographers always have a camera in their pockets. They are always prepared.Pick your “pencil” and don’t leave home without it.4.To get Willie Mays’ autograph, what did Auster need? 5.What habit did Auster form after that day? 6.What do you think of Auster’s habit? Why do you think so? (2024江苏扬州中考真题)阅读短文,回答下面5个问题,将答案写在答题卡标有题号的横线上。(每题答案不超过10 个词)A total of 23 spotted seals (斑海豹) were put back into the waters off the coast of Dalian in Northeast China’s Liaoning Province on Tuesday, Dec. 12, 2023 as part of China’s continuous efforts to protect endangered wildlife.The seals were hunted and sold, but have now been saved and marked for future protection. A fishery law enforcement ship arrived at the sea area near Dalian in the morning, carrying the spotted seals. The seals were let go free one by one into the sea. They swam freely in the water, returning to their natural home.Spotted seals are nationally protected animals in China. They are the only kind of seals that can breed (繁殖) in Chinese waters. Like migratory (迁徙的) birds, they appear around October every year in Liaodong Bay, and take the long journey back to the Northwest Pacific in May after breeding. They are often considered as the “panda of the sea”.Thanks to China’s top-class national protection in recent years, the population of spotted seals in Chinese waters has reached around 2,000, while the global population is between 400,000 and 600,000. Studies have shown that these 2,000 spotted seals are of great importance for the study and research on spotted seals.To protect this rare animal and its ecological environment, the Liaoning Dalian Spotted Seal Wetlands were set up in 1992. In January 2002, they were included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance. Covering an area of 560,000 hectares with a coastline of about 370 kilometers, the wetlands are rich in biological resources. They have become home to nationally protected animals such as the spotted seal, finless porpoise, killer whales, false killer whales, common dolphins, bottlenose dolphins, and East Asian river dolphins.Since 1992, researchers in Dalian have successfully saved 388 spotted seals and put 299 of them back into the wild.7.Where were the 23 spotted seals put back into the sea? 8.What is the other name of the spotted seal? 9.With China’s protection, what has happened to the spotted seals in Chinese waters? 10.What does the underlined word “they” in paragraph 5 refer to (指的是)? 11.As a student, what can you do to protect wildlife? (2024山东滨州中考真题)阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。From September to February each year, Dazhong Mountain in Chuxiong, Yunnan is home to more than 50,000,000 migratory birds (候鸟). People used to call the mountain Daqueshan, which means bird-hunting mountain.The villagers used to hunt birds on the mountain. Then one year, they couldn’t hear birds singing. People started to worry if migratory birds would return again. In 1984, the Hongtupo Forest Police Station was set up. The officers worked on the mountain, trying to find migratory birds and stop people from hunting them. The job was really difficult. They might lose their way or meet dangerous animals.The officers also tried to tell villagers the importance of protecting birds and other wild animals. They visited the villagers door to door and helped them with farm work. They even organized activities in schools to get their messages across to children. Now, even children know that birds are to be loved.The mountain is greener, the water is clearer, and more and more animals come to live here. It has become a bird-protecting mountain. Many people have opened bed-and-breakfasts (民宿) for birdwatchers.“The village has changed a lot, and we don’t hunt birds anymore,” people say. Since people have stopped hunting, the police station now mainly works to save injured (受伤的) wildlife.12.How many migratory birds live on Dazhong Mountain from September to February? 13.What did the villagers on Dazhong Mountain use to do? 14.What danger might the officers face on the mountain? 15.Do the villagers know that birds are to be loved now? 16.What is the theme of this passage? (2024吉林长春中考真题)Have you ever read Little Women by US writer Louisa May Alcott? The classic has been changed into plays, films and television programs many times because of its popularity since it came out in 1868. It tells a story of a mother raising her four daughters, while their dad is away fighting a war. Meg, the eldest, wants to live a better life very much. Jo, the second-born, wants nothing more than to be a writer. Beth is a sweet girl who loves music and always brings joy to others. The youngest daughter, Amy, dreams of being an artist. After reading Little Women, I have a feeling of warmth and kindness from the family.In the following scene, the girls talk about what they can buy with the very little money they have. They feel hopeful about the future even though their dreams may not come true.“I can’t expect anything from Mother or you. I know I only have one dollar with me. Although it isn’t that much, it works. I can at least buy the book Undine and Sintran for myself. I’ve wanted it so long,” said Jo.“I planned to spend mine on new music,” said Beth.“I shall get a nice box of drawing pencils. I really need them,” said Amy.“Mother didn’t say anything about our money, but she does wish us to get something. Let’s each buy what we need. I’m sure we work hard enough to make it,” cried Jo.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。17.When did Little Women come out? 18.Who is the third-born girl in the family? 19.How do the girls feel even though their dreams may not come true? 20.Why does Amy want to buy drawing pencils? 21.What does Jo advise her sisters to do at last? (2024吉林中考真题)Life is full of unexpected surprises. Paul was 71 years old and came from England. He liked using a 3D printer to make models.One day, while Paul was searching for something online, he saw a red car on a website. It was his father’s favorite car made in the 1950s. He felt so shocked!The car brought Paul back to the “good old days”. When he was a child, his dad always drove him around London. He sat in the back seat of the red car excitedly. When he went abroad to work, this car took him away from home to say goodbye to his father. To his surprise, many years later, the car showed up online!Paul decided to buy the car. With his son’s help, he bought it. It was a really difficult job to repair the car because it was old and broken. But Paul didn’t give up. He spent a long time repairing it. After he tried many times, he finally made the car as good as it used to be with the 3D printer. Paul drove it here and there.Paul said driving the old car reminded him of his father. The car was seen as a connection between his father and him. It was a treasure for him from the past.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。22.How old was Paul? 23.Where did Paul see his father’s favorite car? 24.When did Paul’s dad always drive him around London? 25.Why was it a difficult job to repair the car? 26.What was the connection between Paul and his father? (2024山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成短文后的问题。After a game like football, the players might get an X-ray in the hospital if they hurt their legs or arms. A dentist can use X-rays to look at teeth. And airport workers use an X-ray machine to check objects before a plane leaves. Nowadays, X-ray technology is widely used in medicine and other fields.X-rays were first discovered by a German scientist, Wilhelm Conrad Rntgen (1845 –1923). He found them quite by accident in 1895. One day, he discovered that an unknown kind of radiation (放射线) could hardly pass through hard objects like bones (骨头). Later, Rntgen took a photo of his wife’s hand. It clearly showed her ring and her bones. That was the first X-ray photo in the world.Why is there an “X” in the word X-ray? It’s because Rntgen couldn’t explain exactly how it worked. He just knew that X-rays were new and useful for science. In fact, X-rays soon became an important tool in medicine. With the help of X-rays, doctors could see inside the human body for the first time without surgery (外科手术).Rntgen was awarded the first Nobel Prize (诺贝尔奖) in physics in 1901 for his discovery. When he was asked what he was thinking at the moment of discovery, he replied, “I didn’t think, I investigated (研究).” Rntgen gave away his Nobel Prize money to his university. And he never took out any patents (专利权) on X-rays, to make sure that the world could freely make use of his discovery.27.Where is X-ray technology used? 28.When were X-rays discovered? 29.Whose hand was in the first X-ray photo? 30.Why did Rntgen name the ray “X-ray”? 31.What do you think of Rntgen? And why? (2024内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据短文内容回答问题。In 223 BC Meng Tian (蒙恬) led the army in a war against the Chu Kingdom. In those days, people wrote on silk with a kind of stick pen. The stick pen was very hard and made writing very slow. Meng Tian had to often write a great number of reports about battlefield situation to the Qin ruler. He was frustrated (沮丧的) with the difficulty of writing, so he decided to make improvements.Between battles, Meng enjoyed hunting. One day, Meng hunted a wild rabbit. It was fat and heavy and its tail left a trail (痕迹) on the ground. Meng suddenly had an idea. He immediately tied the rabbit’s tail to a stick and tried writing with it. But the rabbit’s hair was too oily (多油的) to hold the ink. Meng felt very sad and threw his “rabbit hair brush pen” away into a hole in the rocks.However, Meng Tian couldn’t accept the failure and continued to spend time wondering how to improve the brush pen. A few days later, he was having a walk outside for some fresh air. By chance, he found again the rabbit hair brush pen that he had thrown away. He picked it up and found that it had changed and was now soft and wet—holding water. Meng Tian got inspiration at once. He put the rabbit hair brush pen back in the ink and found it worked beautifully on silk.32.What did people write with in 223 BC? 33.What was Meng Tian’s hobby between battles? 34.How did Meng Tian feel when he failed to write with the rabbit’s hair? 35.Did Meng Tian succeed in making the brush pen at last? 36.What do you think of Meng Tian? Why do you think so? (2024黑龙江中考真题)Chinese calligraphy is an important part of traditional Chinese culture. Calligraphy started in China and spread to other parts of Asia with Chinese culture. It has a history of 4,000 to 5,000 years. Calligraphy is the art of writing Chinese characters (汉字) and rules of writing with a brush. When you practice calligraphy, it is important to pay attention to the changes of the strokes (笔画) and the spaces between characters. There are many famous calligraphers in history, such as Wang Xizhi and Yan Zhenqing. Different calligraphy works can show different calligraphers’ feelings and personalities. Today, they can be seen on the walls of offices, shops, hotels and many other places. “If I live in China, I will become a calligrapher rather than a painter for sure,” the world-famous master of art, Picasso said. He fell in love with Chinese calligraphy as soon as he saw Zhang Daqian’s works. The tool for practicing calligraphy is calligraphy brushes. They are usually made from the hair of different animals. Practicing calligraphy takes a lot of time and many people take lessons to learn it. During the lessons, they can learn how to write different strokes of Chinese characters. If you’re interested in it, you may start practicing with a teacher right away. Calligraphy, an amazing traditional art form, shows the love that all Chinese people have for culture and beauty. Chinese people of all ages practice calligraphy often, not to be a calligrapher, but to enjoy the peaceful mind.37.How long is the history of Chinese calligraphy? 38.What do we need to pay attention to when we practice calligraphy? 39.What does the underlined word “they” refer to? 40.When did Picasso fall in love with Chinese calligraphy? 41.Why do Chinese people of all ages practice calligraphy often? (2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容,回答下列各题。Gui Haichao became the country’s first payload expert (载荷专家) in space and the first Chinese civilians (平民) to go on a space flight. He went into space in the Shenzhou-16 together with Jing Haipeng and Zhu Yangzhu. They set out for the space station from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in the Gobi Desert.Gui’s interest in science started when he was a child. He read a lot about space from a set of books he had at home. After finishing his studies at Beihang University, Gui went to Canada to do research and wrote many papers. Since then, he had been working at Beihang University as a teacher. In 2018, China planned to choose its third group of astronauts. Gui was chosen and went through really hard training for his body and mind. He even had to learn how to deal with high G-force during his training. Gui and his team also went to the Badain Jaran Desert in northwest China to learn living skills. They had to collect water and repair their tools in very difficult situations. During the training, Gui’s shoes broke and he had to walk on the hot sand for two hours, which was very painful.The Shenzhou-16 is the first crewed mission (载人任务) since China’s space station entered its application (应用) and development stage. Gui Haichao is a member of the team, and he did lots of research to help scientists learn more about space. “I’m sure we can finish the mission successfully,” he said.42.Where was the Shenzhou-16 sent to the space station? 43.What did Gui Haichao do in Canada? 44.What was Gui Haichao before going on a space flight? 45.What’s the purpose of the text? 46.According to the text, how do you like Gui Haichao? (2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)Every Saturday, Wang Weifang puts on a play with his friends in a small town near Xi’an. The audience (观众) can hear them, but they cannot see them. That is because they are putting on a shadow puppet (皮影) play. Shadow puppets are made of hard leather (皮革). The leather is cut out in the shape of a person, an animal or an object. Each puppet is painted in bright colors and put on a stick. Some puppets have movable arms and legs. During a shadow puppet play, Wang stands behind a white screen with lights behind it. The audience sit in front of the screen. Wang and his friends hold the puppets very close to the screen so that the audience can see the puppets’ shadows clearly. Then they move the puppets around and do the voices of the different characters. Shadow puppet play is a kind of ancient Chinese art. Now with TV and films, shadow puppet plays are not as popular as before. Wang and his friends often work very hard for little money, but they do not mind. They want to keep this traditional art form alive. 阅读短文,回答下列问题。47.What are the shadow puppets made of? 48.Is each puppet painted in bright colors? 49.Where does Wang stand during a shadow puppet play? 50.Why do Wang and his friends still work hard on shallow puppet plays without much money? 51.What’s the best title of the passage? (2024四川广安中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容简要回答第1至5小题。Once a little weed (杂草) grew in a field. There were many tall and beautiful flowers around it. Lots of bees and butterflies came to them because of their nice smells and bright colours. The little weed wasn’t satisfied, because its flowers were tiny and simple.One spring morning, three children came to play in the field. “Let’s pick some flowers for our grandma!” said one. “That’s a good idea!” said another. “She will love all these bright and beautiful flowers!”“What about that one?” the youngest child said, pointing at the little weed. “Forget it!” laughed the oldest brother. “That’s just a useless weed!”Hearing this, the little weed felt even worse. “Am I really useless?” it asked itself. “Why was I put on the Earth?”In winter, all flowers were gone, only the little weed stood alone in the field. Just at that time, it noticed some birds coming above the field. “We are hungry!” they shouted. The little weed felt sorry for the poor birds and called out to them, “Hey! Down here! I have pods (豆荚) that you can eat!”“You’re so kind!” The birds ate up the seeds (种子) in the pods thankfully. “They’re delicious. We can’t find anything better than what you gave us!”This made the little weed pleased and confident. “At last, I have found out what I am good for!” the little weed said.52.Why did lots of bees and butterflies come to the flowers? (no more than 8 words) 53.Who did the three children pick the flowers for? (no more than 2 words) 54.When did the little weed notice the birds come above the field? (no more than 2 words) 55.Did the birds think the little weed was useful? (no more than 3 words) 56.How did the little weed feel finally? (no more than 3 words) (2024江苏连云港中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,每个题目的答案不超过5个单词。A talented young band, called Esinaba, became one of the top 10 winners at a national music competition this year. The band came from Aba Tibetan and Qiang autonomous prefecture (阿坝藏族羌族自治州), Sichuan. The band’s name means “azalea flower” in the Qiang language. The band was formed in March last year. It is made up of six children, including lead singer Li Guoran, guitarist Zhang Ruixiang, and drummer (鼓手) Qiu Zixin, with an average (平均) age of 10. “The original (起初的) idea of forming a band was to make music class interesting. Our goal is to make folk music popular so that this beautiful music can reach more people,” says Ha Xue, a music teacher at two local primary schools. She adds that one of the members in the band is Yu Meng xiaofeng, who plays a Qiang musical instrument made of sheepskin. “We collected old songs of our ethnic group (民族). Many of them are not written. They are passed down by elders singing to their children,” says the teacher. “I worked with the children to turn the old songs into new pieces with modern instruments. We plan to hold a concert this year.”57.What’s the name of the band? 58.How many members are there in the band? 59.Why did they form the band? 60.What do they plan to do this year? 61.What’s special about the band? (2024四川泸州中考真题)根据短文内容,回答文后所给出的问题,并按要求将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。Because of his excellent performance, Hao Yongquan, 58, was chosen as Gansu’s most beautiful forest ranger (护林员) in December, 2023.Hao has been a forest ranger for 37 years since he stopped serving in the army in 1987. He and his workmates at Guanyin Forest Farm are called the “forests eyes” and “green guardians”.“Daily work usually starts with patrolling (巡逻). Every morning, we carry necessary equipment after having breakfast and then set off to forests with dry food and water bottles, patrolling until it gets dark,” Hao said.Rangers have been living in the mountains and forests for years, getting used to difficulties and loneliness. They always go out early and return at sunset during the whole year, and their duty is to protect green mountains and clear waters.A forest ranger often has to walk more than 12 kilometers a day, and a pair of shoes wears out in two to three months, according to Hao.Hao Yongquan works at Liuping Forest Management Office. It manages 10,511.6 hectares (公顷).“Because of poor road conditions, if rangers go to the farthest villages for patrols, they have to walk 30 to 40 kilometers on mountain roads, climb four mountains, and cross more than 10 rivers,” Hao said. “And each patrol takes three to four days.”When Hao returns from his patrol every day, he writes down the results in the patrol diary, recording his love for mountains and forests.“The environment is improving day by day, and that makes me feel my work is worth it,” he said.62.When was Hao Yongquan chosen as Gansu’s most beautiful forest ranger? 63.What are Hao Yongquan and his workmates called? 64.What is the duty of the forest rangers? 65.How many days does the farthest village patrol take? 66.Why does Hao Yongquan feel his work is worth it? (2024山西中考真题)请阅读下面语篇,根据其内容回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。If you have a chance to learn by yourself, what might you do? Perhaps you choose to practice football skills; you would prefer to discuss something together; and you might just read. This is the most important thing of “unschooling”. It is also known as “natural learning” or “independent learning”.For this kind of educational practice, people think differently. Here are their comments (意见).Know MoreSchooling is education that children receive at school.Home schooling is the practice of educating that children learn at home with a parent or a tutor.Unschooling is an educational practice that allows children to decide how, what and where they want to learn.AgreeIndependent learning teaches children to be responsible for themselves. With no teacher around, children must manage themselves, and this is a really important skill for later life.Unschooling allows children to learn what they are really interested in. If learning is enjoyable, it’s more successful.Very young children learn in a natural way. Without being taught, they know colors and voices, they learn smiling and walking. Why shouldn’t people continue to learn like this?Unschooling gives children more time for sports, volunteering and museum or park visits. They may meet different people who share their interests.DisagreeUnschooling requires parents’ support and attention. They need to create a learning space that excites children and remind them of their daily routines.Teachers can push children to learn what they don’t enjoy but can be important later in life.Unschooling sounds too good to be true. It can be helpful when children are very young. But it puts too much pressure on children because they can learn difficult subjects easily only with teachers’ help.Unschooling happens at home, so children could have less contact with others at their age. This means they could end up becoming shy.When deciding how you are going to learn, it’s necessary to think about which works. Choose what is suitable for you and what can have a positive influence on your growth.67.What is the most important thing of unschooling? 68.Whose support and attention do children need when they experience unschooling? 69.How can children become successful in learning? 70.Why are children under too much pressure from unschooling? 71.If possible, what kind of educational practice would you like to choose? Why? (2024重庆中考真题)阅读下文并回答问题。Liang Qichao educated his own children well. He set a good example for them and often communicated with them. If there were a talk across time and space, he would advise middle school students like this. Don’t be afraid of the difficulties in life. Never stop learning. You’ll get good results sooner or later. No matter where you go in the world, don’t forget your motherland. You have many chances and can go after your personal dreams anywhere, but you should always keep your homeland in your heart.It took Qian Xuesen five years to finally return to China from America and ten years to complete the rocket project. Mr. Qian put all his life into the endless outer space as the leader of China’s “Two Bombs and One Satellite” Project. He is known as the “father of China’s space program” and “king of rocket”. Qian Xuesen was so great a scientist, but he never stopped his research. He believed that there was no end to the exploration (探索) of science and truth, and said, “Nothing is final!”When Yuan Longping was young, he saw lots of Chinese people starving (挨饿). To make sure everyone had enough to eat, he worked in the fields for many years doing experiments. He didn’t stop even when others told him he was wasting his time. Because of his research, China’s rice yields (产量) increased greatly. When hunger was no longer a problem in China, Mr. Yuan still spent all his time out in the experimental fields so that people could live a better life.72.Did Liang Qichao educate his own children well? 73.How long did it take Qian Xuesen to finally return to China from America? 74.What qualities (品质) do the three great people have in common (共有的)? 75.As there are different situations in real life, do you agree that nothing is final? Please explain. (2023中考真题)(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)根据短文内容简要回答下面的问题。In a history class, Mrs. Bartlett asked the students to make a poster (海报) in groups. She told the students to write the names of three friends they wanted in one group and she would think about their choices.The next day, Karma was told to be in a group she would never want—the boy who was too weak in English, and the two girls who wore strange clothes. Oh, how she wanted to be with her friends. With tears in her eyes, Karma walked up to Mrs. Bartlett. She looked at Karma and seemed to know what Karma was there for. Karma said that she should be in the “good” group. The teacher gently (温柔地) placed a hand on Karma’s shoulder. “I know what you want, Karma,” she said. “But your group needs you. I need you to help them. Only you can help them.” Karma was surprised and moved. The teacher’s words encouraged her.“Will you help them?” the teacher asked. “Yes,” Karma replied. Then she bravely walked over to her group. She sat down and they started. Each of them did a part according to their interests. Halfway through the week, Karma felt herself enjoying her group. They did a good job together. The group members weren’t thought to be excellent just because no one cared enough about them except Mrs. Bartlett.At last, the group got an A, but Karma thought they should hand the A back to Mrs. Bartlett. She was the one who should truly receive it. Mrs. Bartlett brought out the potential (潜能) in the four of her students.1.What did the teacher ask the students to write down? 2.How many members are there in Karma’s group? 3.Why did Karma walk up to her teacher after knowing the group members? 4.How did Karma and her group members feel about their group work in the end? 5.Who brought out the students’ potential? (2023江苏徐州中考真题)阅读短文,回答短文后的五个问题。Before 1970, few laws protected the environment. Then on April 22 that year, Earth Day was created to celebrate our planet, tell people about environmental problems, and encourage them to take action. Now Earth Day is celebrated all around the world. We still face many challenges, such as climate(气候) change, plastic pollution, and deforestation(毁林). But we can make a difference. Here is an Earth-helping hero.Adeline Tiffanie Suwana was twelve when her family’s home flooded. Indonesia, her island nation in South-east Asia, is often hit hard by floods and other natural disasters.Adeline wanted to help. Studying the problem, she learned that mangrove trees play an important role in flood protection. Their big, tangled(缠结的)roots slow floodwaters and keep soil from washing away. But the trees were being cut down.Adeline gathered her classmates to plant 200 mangrove young trees during a school break. They started a group called Friends of Nature, which works to keep the area’s biodiversity(生物多样性), fight against climate change, and help people realize the importance of the environment. They even started a project to get clean energy to remote villages.Today, Adeline attends college, studying how businesses can help the environment.Remember: every one of us can be a hero for the environment!注:每题答案不超过5个词。6.What do the underlined words “our planet” in Paragraph 1 refer to? 7.What happened to Adeline’s home when she was twelve? 8.How many things did Adeline and her classmates do to help with the environment? 9.What does Adeline do now? 10.What is the proper title for the passage? (2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)根据短文内容回答短文后的问题。Rabbit is the fourth of the 12 Chinese zodiac(parts, in the order of Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig). It is the Year of the Rabbit this year. Because rabbits are gentle and smart, they are very popular with people from all over the world. In China, rabbits are considered to be a lucky sign. That’s because rabbits can have many babies in the nature, even in terrible conditions. In the past, people thought the more children they had, the better their life would be. The rabbit can make people think of the moon. Ancient Chinese people believed a rabbit was living on the moon. It is called the Moon Rabbit and helps Chang’e, a goddess who is widely known in China, to make medicine. Similarly, rabbits are seen to be lucky in Western culture. There are some traditions about how to get the rabbit’s good luck for yourself. For example, a rabbit’s foot is one of the most famous symbols of good luck and the person who holds it is supposed to be lucky. Also, people usually say the word “rabbit” on the first morning of every month. They’re looking forward to bringing themselves good luck for this whole month. Now it’s the Year of the Rabbit. Hope you are always lucky this year!11.Will it be the Year of the Rabbit in 2033? 12.Why are rabbits seen as lucky animals in China? 13.In Chinese ancient folk stories, what did Chang’e and the Moon Rabbit do on the moon? 14.How can Western people possibly get the rabbit’s good luck? 15.Do you like rabbits? Why or why not? (2023北京统考中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。My 100 Days Without a Mobile PhoneWhen was the last time you left home without your mobile phone? Can you imagine yourself living a month, or even a year without checking your mobile phone from time to time? As a busy modern person with lots of social connections, plans and responsibilities, I just cannot afford to not be in touch with the rest of the world. Staying connected to other people is a big part of my life. However, sometimes it can be bothersome (恼人的). One day I discovered I was terribly tired out. I tried turning notifications (通知) off. But the fear of missing out something important made me check the phone more often than before. So, I simply stopped using my phone. Well, to tell the truth, it was not simple at all. For the first couple of days, I had a big fear that all of my friends would soon forget about me. When I had a free moment, I had no idea what to get myself distracted (分心的) with, and the worries mixed with boredom kept bothering me. However, after three weeks without a mobile phone, I started noticing changes — changes which I liked, and which drove me to not just continue the experiment, but in fact to reorganize some of my habits. First of all, I noticed that I became much more focused (专注的). Before, while doing something, I would often find myself wondering what was going on online. After a month of staying away from my mobile phone, I found that the urge (冲动) was already not that strong and that my ability to focus improved. I discovered that the world is a beautiful place. Before, I would look at it through my camera mostly: take a photo, post it, get some likes. Now, I saw beautiful people walking around and I sensed the seasons change. I could understand the actual beauty of the world, and I did not need anyone else to prove the value of this beauty through likes or shares. Now, as 100 days have passed, I can say that the experiment was worth it. I am planning to stay away from my phone for as long as possible.16.What made the writer check the phone more often than before? 17.When did the writer start noticing his changes? 18.What does the writer plan to do with his phone after the experiment? 19.Would you like to follow the writer’s example? Why or why not? (Please give two reasons.) (2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。Zengzi, also called Zeng Shen, became a good student of Confucius(孔子)when he was 16.Early one morning, Zengzi’s wife left for the market. Her little son wanted to go with her. But he was too young and the market was too far.Then she cheated(欺骗)her son and said, “I will soon be back. You stay at home and wait for me. If you do as I say, I will kill a pig and make a nice dish for you.” The child went back to the house happily.When Zengzi’s wife got back from the market, she showed no sign of killing a pig. So Zengzi himself prepared to do that, but his wife rushed to stop him and said, “Don’t do that. I just cheated the child.”“Honesty(诚实)is the most important thing,” Zengzi said. “Children are like blank(空白的)pieces of paper. They understand nothing but they can learn from their parents’ actions. Because you have cheated your son, he won’t trust you anymore. In the future he will cheat others.”Hearing her husband’s words, Zengzi’s wife regretted cheating the child. So she wanted to keep her word. She joined Zengzi in killing the pig, and cooked nice dishes for the child. While eating, the boy was happy and thankful to his parents.One evening, when the child went to bed, he suddenly got up and ran outside. Zengzi asked him where he was going. The boy replied, “I promised I was going to return a toy to a friend today. But I forgot, so I am going to return it now.” The couple exchanged(交换)satisfied smiles, and waited until the boy came back.20.Whose teacher was Confucius from the passage? 21.How did Zengzi’s wife let her son stay at home? 22.What did Zengzi think of honesty? 23.Why did Zengzi’s wife kill the pig and cook dishes? 24.Did Zengzi’s son become an honest person? (2023吉林长春统考中考真题)A king once offered a prize. Anyone could get it if he painted the best picture of peace. Many famous artists tried. The king looked at all the pictures and among them there were only two he really liked. But he had to choose between them. The first picture was of a quiet lake. Around the lake were peaceful mountains. Above them was a blue sky with white clouds. Everyone seeing this picture thought that it was a perfect picture of peace. The second picture had mountains too. But few trees could be seen. Above them was a dark, angry sky. A heavy rainstorm was happening. Down the side of the mountain ran a powerful waterfall. It did not look peaceful at all. However, the king felt it was special. At midnight, the king looked carefully at the second picture again. Suddenly, he found behind the waterfall a small tree growing between two rocks. A mother bird built her home in the tree. There, in the middle of all the noise of rushing water and frightening skies, that mother bird sat in perfect peace.Which picture do you think the king chose? The king chose the second picture because he thought it better expressed peace. “Peace does not mean you must be in a place where there is no noise, trouble, or pain. The real meaning of peace is to be right in the middle of all those difficult experiences, and still be calm and sure of yourself in your heart,” said the king.根据短文内容, 回答下列问题。 25.Who tried to get the prize? 26.What was around the lake in the first picture? 27.When did the king find the small tree in the second picture? 28.Where did the mother bird build her home? 29.Why did the king choose the second picture? (2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)阅读图文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。Justin has just ordered some food from the Corner Cafe. Here is his order form.30.What is the name of the restaurant? 31.Which sandwich is the most expensive? 32.How much should the customer pay in total? 33.By what time will the order be ready? 34.Who placed the order above? (2023山东日照中考真题)阅读下面短文, 回答短文后面的各个小题。In many countries of the world people are saying, “We must do something about our rubbish. We don’t want our world to become one big landfill site (垃圾填埋场).”In Ireland the government were very worried about plastic bags so they decided to make people pay for them. Since 2002 Irish people have been paying for the bags they take home from the shops. Of course, they soon stopped buying new bags and started taking bags with them when shopping.Some countries have made even bigger changes. In 2006, the people of Zanzibar decided to stop making plastic bags. They were worried the bags were killing fish and sea animals. They also said nobody could bring plastic bags into the country. Soon there were no plastic bags in the country.One of the most exciting recycling ideas is Freecycle. It has grown around the world.People join a Freecycle group because they are looking for things or have things that they want to give to other people. Perhaps they have a chair they do not need any more, or they want a camera. They leave a message on the Internet to tell people what they want or what they are going to give. Nobody buys or sells anything—people give things to other people who want them. It is a good idea because it recycles useful things.Recycling is important and sometimes it is exciting too, but it is only one part of the answer. Using less and reusing are also important answers to the problem of rubbish.35.What did the Ireland government ask people to do? 36.Why are there no plastic bags in Zanzibar? 37.Why is Freecycle a good idea? 38.Please give a title to the passage. 39.What’s your answer to the problem of rubbish? (2023辽宁统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。When people around the world talk about ping-pong, they must think of China. Without doubt, ping-pong has been China’s national sport for a long time. Why do Chinese ping-pong players always dominate (称霸) the world’s major (主要的) ping-pong events (比赛项目)? One of the reasons is that there is a large fan base (基础) for the sport in China. Almost everyone can play a little. You can hear the sound of ping-pong almost everywhere in China. People of all ages like this kind of sport.My father, for example, has played it for more than 50 years. Every day, he goes to the park and plays ping-pong with his old friends for two hours. It is part of his life. He was even named one of the “Beijing Masters (高手)” when he was 70.Not only the old people, but also kids are practicing hard in any ping-pong club in China. Many children hope that they can be excellent players one day. The great players’ spirit of never giving up encourages the young to stick to their dreams. Also, many kids say playing ping-pong helps them relax after doing schoolwork.Chinese people take part in this sport, not only to win, but also to have fun, to socialize (社交) and to live a healthy life.40.Who always dominates the world’s major ping-pong events? 41.How long has the writer’s father played ping-pong? 42.What does the great players’ spirit encourage the young to do? 43.Why do many kids play ping-pong after doing schoolwork? 44.Do Chinese people play ping-pong just to win? (2023内蒙古通辽统考中考真题)These days, the word “taikonaut” is hot in the world. It is a special name for Chinese astronauts. Today, let’s meet one of them—Deng Qingming.In1998, Deng Qingming became a member of the first group of Chinese astronauts. For the next 25 years, he was always ready to fly. He waited and waited. At the age of 56, Deng’s dream finally came true. Not long ago, he joined Shenzhou-15’s team and went into space. Shenzhou-15’s team spent six months in space. After they met with Shenzhon-14’s team, they took over their job. They helped complete the Tiangong Space Station, do some science experiments and go on spacewalks. The journey to his dream took a very long time. Deng once felt sad and hurt, but he never gave up. He worked hard all the time and finally his dream came true. The trip to space was not only exciting for Deng, but also for his family and friends. His daughter, who also works for China’s Space Program, said with pride, “My father is a hero!”根据短文内容,请用完整句子回答下列问题。45.When did Deng Qingming become an astronaut? 46.How old was Deng Oingming when he flew to space? 47.How long did Deng Qingming stay in space? 48.What does Deng’s daughter think of him? 49.What do you think made Deng’s dream come true? (2023辽宁营口中考真题)阅读短文,回答问题。These days, short videos and live streaming (网络直播)have gotten millions of views online. More and more people create and share short videos on popular apps like Douyin and Kuaishou to show parts of their lives.Using live streaming is popular among the people aged 18 to 35. Even the teachers give lessons by live streaming. Besides leaving reviews on the screen, viewers can also communicate directly with the hosts by buying virtual(虚拟的)gifts such as flowers, toys and cars for them online. The most recent famous example was the Olympic swimmer Fu Yuanhui. She did one-hour live streaming which reached more than 11 million viewers.What’s more, live streaming allows users to communicate with strangers and express themselves. A 19-year-old college student called Nic Li says she spends three to four hours each week chatting and singing with viewers through one app called Ingkee. “Sometimes I feel lonely and want to talk to people,” she says, “I feel nice when viewers are paying attention to me.”However, as there are more than 80 apps and 300 websites for live streaming in China, the Internet regulator(监管机构)almost can’t monitor the content(内容)all the time.“We support the use of live streaming. But people should be aware of the two sides of it,” one of the officials said.50.What do more and more people show by sharing videos on apps? 51.How do viewers communicate with hosts? 52.Why is Nic Li’s example mentioned? 53.It isn’t difficult for the Internet regulator to monitor the content all the time, is it? 54.What should people be aware of when using live streaming? (2023吉林统考中考真题)Twenty years ago, Linda was a young mother with two little children depending on her. She worked for eight hours a day as a house cleaner. Washing clothes and doing the cleaning caused her fingers to split (裂开) in the cold and dry air. Before going to work, she needed to bandage her fingers. The heavy burden (负担) made her stressed out and tired.Linda still remembered that unforgettable day. When she was working for her host, she broke an expensive glass by accident. To her surprise, the host didn’t blame (责备) her. Instead, seeing her tired face and the fingers with bandages, the host let her go home to have a rest. Though the weather was cold, Linda could feel the warmth from her host’s kindness.Linda went back home tiredly but thankfully. When she opened the door, her son ran up to her and shouted, “Mom!” He put his little arms around her neck. Linda lifted him up and her heart was filled with love. When she was checking her painful fingers, her daughter came to her and passed her the medicine. Linda could see care in her daughter’s eyes.Linda realized her life is full of love and care. Love and care from the people around her is the thing that keeps her going. And she believes things will get better.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。55.How many children did Linda have? 56.When did Linda need to bandage her fingers? 57.What did Linda break when she was working for her host? 58.Who did Linda see when she opened the door? 59.What is the thing that keeps Linda going? (2023山东临沂统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成短文后的问题。September is a big month for students in China since the new term begins from now on. In ancient China, the school entrance ceremony(入学典礼) was one of the most important ceremonies.Children began school between the ages of 4—7 in ancient China. Since there was no certain time to begin a new term at that time, the most important thing for parents was to choose a lucky day for their children to enter school. Next, parents would prepare some school things for their children, including desks, chairs and four treasures of the study.In ancient times, teachers were usually very knowledgeable local persons. Parents would prepare many gifts, and then write a letter of invitation to ask a knowledgeable man to be their children’s teacher.On the day their children entered school, parents would take them to take part in the First Writing Ceremony. Before that, children would kowtow(叩头) to the statue of Confucius(孔子像) 9 times and then to their teacher 3 times to show their deep respect(尊敬). During the ceremony, the teacher would put a red point on the students’ forehead(前额) as it meant opening the wisdom eye. Children would also ring a certain bell to start a new term. After that, they could finally sit down in their seats and begin to study. The First Writing Ceremony was a very important ceremony for every student.Every day, students would arrive at school earlier than their teacher, and kowtow to the statue of Confucius, and then go back to the seats. Usually the teacher would give every student a new name, which was used for future Imperial Examination(科举考试) .Today, some schools are starting to hold an entrance ceremony like they did in ancient times. Students put on traditional costumes and bow to the statue of Confucius and their teachers. This means that from this moment, they take a step in the lifelong journey of learning.60.At what age did children begin school in ancient China? 61.List two things parents did for children to enter school in ancient China. 62.Why would children kowtow to the statue of Confucius and their teacher before the First Writing Ceremony? 63.What would children do during the First Writing Ceremony? 64.What do you think of the school entrance ceremony? And why? (2023山东威海统考中考真题)研读报刊“畅所欲言”专栏,结合文中信息回答问题并表达观点。请将答案填写到答题卡指定位置。OPINIONA.I.In each Opinion section of the The New York Times for Kids: China, we visit a different Chinese school and invite kids to express their opinions on a certain topic(话题). In March, we went to Shenzhen Bay School to record students’ opinions on how humans and A.I.(人工智能) get along.1—4小题,每小题答案不超过8个词;5小题,不限词数。65.What’s the topic of the Opinion section in March? 66.According to Andy, what can humans do better than A.I.? 67.Why does Eileen want to predict earthquakes? 68.From Eva’s opinion, what ability does A.I. have? 69.In your opinion, what else could A.I. possibly do for us? (2023内蒙古赤峰统考中考真题)根据短文内容回答问题。There is a kindergarten(幼儿园) in a mountain village of Tongren, Guizhou Province. Rao Si is the only teacher working there for 18 children.Inside the kindergarten, various plants can be found in a small garden. Walking out of the kindergarten’s door, the children can see terraced fields(梯田) in the clouds. It helps them get a better understanding of nature. When she sees children’s pictures and artworks with imagination on the wall, she finds her work helpful.“Most children in my class don’t live with their parents. Their grandparents care for them. They are like my family. We care about each other and grow up together,” Rao says.There were no kindergartens in Tongren when Rao was born there in 1991. Things have become greatly different over the past ten years. Every village has a kindergarten now.In order to make children’s learning interesting, Rao gets training and often visits city kindergartens. She watches how the teachers teach and shares teaching experience with them.Though great changes have taken place, there are still some difficulties. For example, they don’t have enough musical instruments and painting materials. “We don’t have the material(物质) conditions like those in city schools, but we are close to nature. Nature is the best teacher,” Rao says.70.How many children are there in Rao Si’s kindergarten? 71.What makes Rao Si find her work helpful? 72.What does Rao Si do when she visits the city kindergartens? 73.Are there still any difficulties in Rao Si’s kindergarten now? 74.Rao says, “Nature is the best teacher.” Do you agree with her? Why or Why not? (2023湖南长沙统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。One day, a group of tourists from Australia climbed a large rock in the Central Park of New York City. They took pictures of one another with the high-rise buildings in the background. Like many other tourists, they didn’t realize that high in a nearby tree, there was something more worthy of attention: an eagle-owl (雕鸮) named Flaco. Earlier that month, the bird Flaco made his great escape (逃跑) from the Central Park Zoo. The zookeepers then tried several times to catch him but were unsuccessful. He seemed to be in no hurry to return to the zoo. Olga Torrey, a photographer, has been photographing animals in city parks for 12 years. Since Flaco escaped, Torrey has kept a close eye on him. She wondered if he would ever return to the zoo. “Once he gets a taste of freedom, I’m not sure...” she said. Still, each day spent outside puts Flaco in danger. He might accidentally hit windows and get injured (受伤) while flying. Moreover, the eagle-owl lived his whole life in the zoo in the past. He may not be used to finding food on his own. And if he made a meal of a rat (耗子), it might harm his health—the rat might contain poison (含有毒物). The zoo has had the workers carefully watch Flaco all the time, as they are worried about his safety. Has Flaco eaten anything today? Has he got injured today?Well, another day of watching has now begun.75.Where did Flaco escape from? 76.What is Olga Torrey’s job? 77.If Flaco made a meal of a rat, what might happen to him? 78.Why do the zoo workers keep watching Flaco carefully? 79.Should we get Flaco back to the zoo? Why or why not? (2023湖北统考中考真题)About 2300 years ago, the area around Chengdu had bad floods (洪水) in spring every year. Flood water from the mountains flowed (流动) down the Minjiang River and covered the land. Luckily, the Qin governor (太守), Li Bing, was a water engineer. The king of Qin provided the money and asked the governor to solve the problem.The usual method to avoid flooding is to build a wall across the river, called a dam. Special openings in the dam allow the flow of water to be controlled. However, the king had also asked Li Bing to make sure that ships could still use the river. This was necessary because the king needed to send food to his army. So Li Bing studied the situation and came up with a plan—a plan that still works today!Helped by his son, and tens of thousands of workers from the area, Li Bing built a man-made island in the middle of the river. This island was shaped like a fish and it divided the water into an inner and an outer river. The inner river was deeper than but not as wide as the outer river. It took four years to build the island.Li Bing also cut a new channel (运河) through Mount Yulei. This channel would take water away to irrigate (灌溉) the land in the flat farmland below. The rock of the mountain was very hard and difficult to cut. Li Bing used fire to heat the rock and then water to cool it quickly. This made the rock break into smaller pieces which could be carried away more easily. Cutting the channel took eight years!After Li Bing’s work was finished, there were no more floods, and the Dujiangyan irrigation system (灌溉系统) allowed the farmers to grow more and more food. The river flowed naturally, and because there was no dam, ships and fish could pass freely. Sichuan became the most productive area in China, as it still is today. Today, scientists and visitors from all over the world come to look at this wonderful example of engineering. This work and the name of Li Bing live on.80.What was Li Bing’s job?(答题词数不超过11个) 81.Why did the king ask Li Bing to make sure that ships could still use the river?(答题词数不超过10个) 82.How long did it take Li Bing to cut a new channel?(答题词数不超过5个) 83.What does the writer think of the Dujiangyan irrigation system?(答题词数不超过12个) (2023湖南株洲统考中考真题)Can you imagine how people on a more than 1200-meter-high mountain in Hunan get their letters and parcels? Over the past 16 years, YangZhengui, a 60-year-old man, has always been able to help people there to get them in time. Yang is the only postman there. In order to get to the office from his home on time, which is over 30 kilometers away, he has to get up at around 5 a. m. on workdays. Before leaving, Yang sorts the parcels in his post office. As an experienced postman, Yang can complete his sorting in just about 30 minutes. He has to ride more than 70 kilometers along the mountain road for nearly three hours to complete his work. When the parcels need to be delivered right away, he will always find a way to deliver them to the villagers, even if he goes there on foot, regardless of the bad weather. In 2007, when Yang was new, the road was not completed, so he had to deliver the parcels on foot for nearly one year. “The bags weighed about 35 to 40 kg and I had to carry them, walking over 30 km a day.” said Yang. Before Yang started his job, his elder brother and father had also been postmen working there since the late 1990s. Together with Yang, his father and brother have provided delivery services there for over 20 years. So far, Yang has traveled more than 40,000 kilometers and worn out four motorcycles. Although the trips were hard. Yang said he got such a strong feeling of satisfaction when he saw the smiling faces of the villagers after they received their parcels.84.How old is Yang Zhengui? 85.When does Yang Zhengui have to get up on workdays? 86.Why did Yang have to deliver the parcels on foot in 2007? 87.How many kilometers has Yang traveled so far? 88.What can you learn from Yang? (2023黑龙江统考中考真题)My name is Bob. Many people ask me what my favorite invention is. I find it very hard to answer the question, because there are so many things in my life that I can choose. However, I have chosen a pen. Don’t you think it’s surprising?To most people, a pen is very boring, but to me, it stands for possibility (可能). There are so many things you can do with a pen. You can write a novel or a song, record information, or draw a picture.A pen is like the beginning of something amazing to me. Every day, I write a new page with my pen, and I am slowly making a path (路) for my future. Maybe I will be a scientist and change the world with my discoveries. Maybe I’ll become a musician and touch people’s hearts with my music. Or perhaps I will be a writer and move people through words.There are so many possibilities as to what I will do with my life in the future, but I know that with the pen in my hand, I will write a good future for myself. Tell me what future you will write for yourself.Answer the questions according to the passage.89.What’s the writer’s favorite invention? 90.How may people feel after they know the writer’s choice? 91.What’s the writer’s favorite invention like? 92.Who do you think can move people through words? 93.Will the writer write a good future for himself? (2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔统考中考真题)Farming has always been a countryside thing. But now, farms are coming to the balconies(阳台) of city flats.According to a recent report, sales of vegetable seeds(种子) on the Internet in the first quarter of 2022 doubled compared with the same period in 2021. Of these buyers, most were born after 1995.Zhang Chao from Anhui Province is one young “city farmer”. The senior high school student said his love for planting was formed in primary school, when he lived with his grandpa in the countryside. He learned to grow vegetables from his grandpa, who has been a farmer for life. Though farming takes hard work, Zhang said he felt excited when he saw seeds turn into plants.Now Zhang still keeps up his hobby with a balcony garden. He grows strawberries and carrots. “Growing fruits and vegetables not only brings delicious food, but it also reminds me of the happy times with my grandpa.” said Zhang.Unlike Zhang, Fang Minke from Shenzhen thinks that planting a garden is a good way to relax and develop patience.The 16-year-old girl sometimes felt stressed. To deal with this, she started planting vegetables on her balcony in 2021. Most of the seeds were given to her by friends. Not knowing what plants the seeds were from, she just planted them and waited patiently. After half a year, her balcony became a small garden. Every day it takes her long hours to do homework. Then she likes to walk around her balcony garden. “Seeing different colors and breathing fresh air, I feel closer to nature.” Fang said.Planting vegetables is now more than just away to live. It also brings joy to the lives of the young.阅读短文,回答下列问题。94.When did Zhang Chao learn to grow vegetables? 95.What does Zhang Chao grow on his balcony, vegetables or fruits? 96.What does Fang Minke think of planting a garden? 97.How did Fang Minke deal with her stress? 98.Why do you think so many young people become “city farmers”? (2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据短文内容,回答下列各题You may know about “junk food” like French fries. But do you know about “junk sleep”?A British survey shows that there are many electronic products in teenagers’ bedrooms. They are influencing teenagers’ sleep badly.The survey was done among 1,000 British kids from 12 to 16. It is found that 50% of them got just 4 to 7 hours’ sleep every day. But doctors say they need 8 to 9 hours.Almost 25% of the kids said they often fell asleep while they were watching TV, listening to music or using other electronic products.“This is very worrying,” said Dr. Chris, a British professor (教授), “We call it ‘junk sleep’. It means you don’t get enough sleep and the quality (质量) of the sleep is low, too.” The survey found that quite a few of the kids felt tired each day because of the junk sleep, especially girls between 13 and 16. Nearly all the teenagers have a phone, music player or TV in their bedrooms. And lots of them even have all the three.Dr. Chris suggested that parents should help their children keep away from electronic products, and that teenagers should spend less time on the electronic products.99.How many of the 1, 000 British kids from 12 to 16 get only 4 to 7 hours’ sleep a day in the survey? 100.According to the passage, what were 25% of the kids doing when they fell asleep? 101.What does “junk sleep” mean in the passage? 102.In Dr. Chris’ opinion, what should teenagers do? 103.What does this passage mainly talk about? (2023湖南张家界统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,根据所读内容回答问题。Once upon a time, Zeng Zi’s wife was going to the market. Her little son wanted to go with her. She said, “It is too far and you’d better stay at home.” Her son was very upset and cried. She didn’t know how to deal with it. Finally, she said to her son, “Stop crying, my dear, go home now. Mum will be back soon. When I’m back, I’ll kill a pig to make a meal for you.” When the son heard what his mum said, he went home happily. When Zeng Zi’s wife returned home, Zeng Zi tied up their fat pig and prepared to kill it. His wife stopped Zeng Zi from killing the pig in a hurry and said, “We needn’t kill it. I just made an excuse (借口).” Zeng Zi said seriously, “How can you cheat a child? Now you cheat him, then he will follow your example and cheat others. Besides, when a mother cheats her child, the child will no longer trust his mother. Then how can you educate the child well? So we must be honest and keep our promises.”Zeng Zi raised his knife and killed the pig.104.Whose wife was going to the market? 105.Did the little son go to the market? 106.Why did the little son go home happily? 107.Who killed the pig at last, Zeng Zi or his wife? 108.What can we learn from the passage? (2023重庆统考中考真题)阅读下文并回答问题。I was reading when my little brother rushed into my room. “I made paper airplanes, David! Aren’t they cool?” Tex shouted, sending his plane directly into my head.I was a bit angry. “Excuse me, can I have a little peace and quiet so I can read?” In fact, I was upset about the exam which I failed yesterday.“Oh! I want to read!” said Tex. “Can you read your book out loud?”“I don’t want to read aloud,” I said more angrily.“Are you in a bad mood (情绪)?” Tex asked.“Tex, just leave me alone!” I got up, making my way towards the living room.“What’s up, David?” asked my father.“I’m in a terrible mood!” I said.“I like organizing things when I’m in a bad mood,” said my dad.“I like cleaning up when I need a change in mood,” said my mom.I knew everybody was trying to help make me feel better, but I felt even worse.Just then, my friend Ollie stopped by. “Check out my new soccer ball.”I stepped outside and said, “I’m too busy being in the world’s worst mood to do anything at all.”“When I am in a bad mood, I move,” said Ollie. He kicked the ball far. “We ran and ran to catch it until it was finally stopped by a tree. That’s when we saw a cute squirrel (松鼠) catch snacks from a bird feeder.”“Whoa!” said Ollie. “I never knew squirrels could hang upside down like that.”“Sure,” I giggled (咯咯地笑).“Hey!” said Ollie. “That noise you just made sounded a lot like a laugh.”I smiled. “Possibly.”“Of course, you do. Catch!” said Ollie. He threw the ball at me.1.Did David fail the exam?_________________________________________________________________2.How did David feel when his parents tried to help?_________________________________________________________________3.What does the advice from Father, Mother and Ollie have in common (共有的)?_________________________________________________________________4.Do you think the way that helped David is useful to you? Explain._________________________________________________________________(2023湖南郴州统考中考真题)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题。Cheng Feng is a teacher. However, to many of her students, the 33-year-old teacher is more than that. Cheng’s care for her students has made her “a mother” to them.Over the past years, Cheng has gone into the mountains and worked in several poor schools in Poyang to help village children.Right after graduation in 2011, Cheng became a teacher at Tutang Primary School in Youcheng Town of Poyang. Over the following four years, she did well at her job there.Beitang Primary School is a poor school far away from her home. When Cheng found out it was on going to close because of a lack (缺少) of teachers, she decided to give up her life at Tutang Primary School and go there.After arriving there, she learned that because of the poor educational conditions, many local parents had sent their children to schools further away. Cheng tried her best to encourage seventeen students to return. She called upon her college classmates to offer a helping hand. To make the students’ life more colorful, Cheng learned music, sports and art courses online and then taught the students. As things got well at Beitang Primary School, Cheng went to Siwanghu Primary School.Cheng’s husband is 35 years old. He always supports Cheng’s choice. He has also served as a teacher in Poyang over the years.“We should help the children to see further and dream bigger.” Cheng says.5.Did Cheng Feng work as a teacher in a city at first?___________________________________________6.When did Cheng Feng graduate?___________________________________________7.How many students did Cheng Feng encourage to return to Beitang Primary School?___________________________________________8.What did Cheng Feng learn online to make the students’ life more colorful?___________________________________________9.Who always supports Cheng Feng’s choice to work in the poor schools?___________________________________________(2023重庆统考中考真题)阅读下文并回答问题。A Teacher’s DiaryApril 14I put Sharla, Tony, and Lee together to make a volcano(火山). I knew they weren’t good friends, and I encouraged all my students to learn to work together.Something blew up! One looked mad, one looked sad, and one was nearly in tears. They didn’t agree with each other. Oh, dear!I calmed them down. But they couldn’t agree on even the base for the volcano, and Tony didn’t want to touch the paste(浆糊). I wondered if I had made a big mistake. Maybe this was one group who couldn’t work together.A Student’s DiaryApril 16Yesterday, Mrs. Holt made us stay behind so we could finish planning our volcano. Anyway, we finally moved ahead with our project.I was making my side smooth. Tony just watched (unfair). I told Lee to smooth out her side, too. “No, Sharla, it should look like a real mountain,” she said just as if she were the boss. The whole thing went downhill. The day ended with no progress.The Show TimeThe last workday for the project came.“Is there a problem?” Mrs. Holt knew well there was a problem. She wanted them to put it in their own words, though. “Well, I think the volcano should be smooth.” Sharla began.“And,” jumped in Lee, “it should look rocky, like a real mountain.”“I see. What do you think, Tony?” Mrs. Holt waited.“Well, I think it would have lava(岩浆) running down.”“Hey, a great idea!” cut in Sharla, “The lava would be smooth. Right Mrs. Holt?”Sharla continued. “The other side without lava would look rocky. Right?”Tony caught on. “So one side can be smooth, and the other rocky. Come on, you guys, let’s go finish!”It was the show time.________10.Did the students agree with each other at first?________________________________________________________________11.Who wrote the student’s diary?________________________________________________________________12.What could the students learn about working together after the project?________________________________________________________________13.What happened next? Finish the ending. (about 30 words)________________________________________________________________(2023山西统考中考真题)请阅读下面的非连续性文本,根据语篇内容,回答问题,并将答案写在答题卡相应的位置上。Project-based learning(项目化学习)is learning while doing. It gives learners the chance to get a deeper understanding of a topic. During the learning, learners solve problems by using real-world examples and challenges. Project-based learning is becoming widely used in schools. Students work on a project over a period of time—from a week to a term. At the end of the project, they show their knowledge and skills by creating a product for people. Let’s take the example of Sandra. Sandra is an eleven-year-old student in Sunshine Primary School. She wanted to know more about Greek mythology(希腊神话). Well, how did she make it? She chose Greek mythology characters as the topic because she was interested in the characters and their stories. Step 1Choose a topic She had to learn about that topic and do some research on it. To collect information, she read books and articles about the history of Greek mythology. She also read some novels like Harry Potter and Percy Jackson. She watched videos and played games all connected with Greek mythology. When she collected her information, she was ready to create a project. Step 2Do the research She created a project based on(以……为基础)her talents and skills. She loves to build with Legos(乐高), so she decided to build lego creations based on the stories of Greek mythology characters. She’s also really good at art, so she created a book about her favorite characters. In her book, she drew pictures of them and wrote the stories in her own words. Step 3________ After all of that work, she made a living room presentation for Mom and Dad and shared the two products that she had created. Then she shared her project online with friends, and even shared her project on social media. Step 4Do the presentationFrom the example of Sandra, we can see that project-based learning allows a student to learn about a topic and then create a project based on his or her talents and skills. Not everyone is a great test taker, but everyone is good at something. Through project work, students can not only learn deeply about a topic, but also have fun learning. So if you’ re interested in something, why not start with project-based learning?14.How do learners solve problems in project-based learning?__________________________________________15.How long does it take students to finish a project?__________________________________________16.What did Sandra do to collect information? (One example is OK. )__________________________________________17. What is the best subtitle(小标题)of Step 3? __________________________________________18.What were the two products that Sandra created? Why could she create them? __________________________________________19.What do you think of Sandra’s learning experience? In your opinion, what’s the advantage of project-based learning?__________________________________________(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容,简要回答下列问题。Days pass by, it seems that daily life will become boring if nothing unexpected happens in our lives. The sense of ceremony (仪式感) from special days keeps our feelings fresh and increases expectations of life.Mrs Li has two children. Li Xin is her 15-year-old daughter. Li Lei is Li Xin’s brother. He’s older than Li Xin. A new semester (学期) should begin with a sense of ceremony. On the first day of new term, Li Xin sat in front of the TV and watched the First Class, an educational program of CCTV. The First Class encouraged her to study hard and be a useful person.Another exciting thing to bring her the sense of ceremony is flag-raising ceremony. On Monday morning, students were dressed in school uniforms and stood in a neat (整齐) line on the playground quietly. While Li Xin was singing along with the national anthem (国歌) and watching the rising flag, the sense of national pride and love for the country came into her heart.Li Xin will leave junior high school this year. She expects the moving moment of graduation ceremony. She will never forget the important people in her life who helped and supported her—her parents, her teachers and her friends. She will consider what they’ve done for her and hope that they will be proud of her in the future.As for Li Lei, he can’t wait to grow up, as he can make his own decisions. He always asks a question, “At what age do I really become an adult?” In China, the 18th birthday is a very important event for young people because they can vote (投票) and learn to drive a car, so Mrs Li regards Li Lei’s birthday as a most important event. She will have a big birthday party for her son. Li Lei realizes no matter how old he is, becoming an adult is really about learning how to be independent and responsible. Every moment to record a meaningful event brings a sense of ceremony and makes our lives colorful.20.How old is Li Xin?__________________________________________21.What did the First Class encourage Li Xin to do?__________________________________________22.When did Li Xin take part in the flag-raising ceremony?__________________________________________23.Who helped Li Xin during her junior high school?__________________________________________24.Can Li Lei vote and learn to drive a car at the age of 18?__________________________________________(2023湖南永州统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题,并将答案填写在答题卡上对应题号的横线上。Like many other foreigners, Rosalind Oliver’s first touch of Chinese Tai Chi came from popular kung fu movies. However, she has become a Tai Chi master herself, teaching it to both Chinese and foreigners. Oliver’s journey with Tai Chi began in her early 20s, when her backache was always troubling her and she was turning to an exercise. Then she discovered advertisment classes about Tai Chi by accident and decided to try the “mysterious” eastern sport. Right away Oliver fell in love with the beautiful movement of Tai Chi. To her joy, she found that her back pains disappeared after years of practice. Oliver later met her late husband, who was also her Tai Chi teacher. In the early 1990s, the couple opened their own Tai Chi school in the UK. To further understand Tai Chi, they decided to start a journey to China. However, three years after moving to Shanghai in 2000, her husband died, leaving her alone to work on Tai Chi. The 58-year-old British woman recalled that it was a hard time for her. However, she was thankful to Chinese friends in Shanghai who supported her through the painful process. “They didn't treat me like a foreigner, but rather like a friend.” Oliver said. In 2005, Oliver set up the Double Dragon Alliance Cultural Center, which acts as a bridge for foreign people to get a better understanding of Chinese culture such as traditional Chinese medicine and Peking Opera. Besides her Tai Chi classes, Oliver now teaches English at Shanghai University. Oliver expressed her deep love for cultural exchange and hoped to spread her work in this area.25.When did Oliver’s journey with Tai Chi begin? __________________________________________________________________26.What happened to Oliver’s back after years of practising Tai Chi? __________________________________________________________________27.Where did Oliver’s couple open their own Tai Chi school? __________________________________________________________________28.Who supported Oliver through her hard time? __________________________________________________________________29.Why did Oliver set up the Double Dragon Alliance Cultural Center? __________________________________________________________________(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Artist shapes a bit of Chinese cultureOver the past three years, Kang Jian has created more than 400 dough sculptures (面塑) and become a city-inheritor (继承人) of the dough sculpture in Mohe, Heilongjiang province.Kang has shown an interest in art, especially dough sculpture since he was a child. Every time his parents made dumplings, he would ask for a small piece of dough to make animals — a rabbit, a fish or a small. Those small dough animals brought him lots of good childhood memories. However, Kang didn’t learn art in college. His family was poor and his parents were not able to afford his art education. Kang left college in 2016 and worked in the Mohe Forestry Bureau.Then in 2018, during a visit to a museum in Beijing, Kang learned something about dough sculpting. Then he had the idea of taking his childhood interest up. He visited some famous artists and learned to make dough sculptures from them. His skills were improved a lot.As a fan of Chinese literature, Kang would like to make dough sculptures of Chitese heroes, such as Sun Wukong and Guan Yu. In April 2022, he even finished the dough sculptures of 108 heroes from the novel Outlaws of the Marah after 16 months of work.When Kang is free, he is invited to give classes at schools to teach students to make dough sculptures. He is happy to have a chance to tell young people about dough sculptures and stories about Chinese folk heroes. He expects more young people to take up this traditional art form.30.Where is Kang Jian from?___________________________________________________31.Why didn’t Kang learn art in college?___________________________________________________32.How did Kang improve his skills of making dough sculptures?___________________________________________________33.How long did it take Kang to finish the 106 heroes from the novel Outlaws of the Mark?___________________________________________________34.What’s Kang Jian’s hope?___________________________________________________(2023安徽统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,并用英语回答问题(请注意每小题的词数要求)。When I was in Grade Three, I watched a video about the findings of ancient ruins(遗迹). It interested me so much that from that moment I knew what I wanted to do with my life.Today, I’m very lucky to work as an archaeologist(考古学家). It’s exciting work. Holding a piece of history is really fantastic.I decided what I wanted to be at the age of nine. But the road wasn’t easy. Along the way I was told many things: I was too young. I wasn’t good enough, I should get married and have kids, ... All these words really got me down, but I chose to follow my heart and move on.I needed money to support my study, so I asked for six grants(经费). The first five replies said no. At the beginning, it hurt. But the next no hurt a little less. Six months later, the last reply came. This time it was yes. Finally, I could go on with my archaeological work.As you can see, so many noes didn’t beat me. Instead, they made me stronger and helped me grow. For anyone thinking of a dream job, I would say:_____________________________35.What made the writer want to be an archaeologist?(不超过10个词)______________________________________36.How did the writer feel about the road to becoming an archaeologist?(不超过5个词)______________________________________37.What would the writer say at the end of the text?(不超过10个词)______________________________________(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)请认真阅读下面材料,用英语回答材料后的问题。Reporter: Why do you love Suzhou?Zekro: When I was a child, my parents told me that love has no boundaries. They told me the purpose of life is to serve people and make contributions to our society. Since my wife and I came to Suzhou twenty-four years ago, I have never stopped showing my love in action. I’ve taught the latest technology to my students in Suzhou University for free. I’ve helped people in need, caring for sick children, sending money to disaster areas and teaching African drumming to poor children. I’ve also worked closely with Suzhou government to introduce Suzhou to foreigners. Many friends often call me the Ambassador(大使) of Suzhou.Reporter: Please tell us about Happy Home Club.Zekro: Seven years ago, I opened Finland Home Cafe to introduce Finnish (芬兰的) culture to our Chinese friends through food and music. One meaningful activity we hold every week is Happy Home Club. It is open from 7:00 p. m. to 8:30 p.m. on Fridays. It’s for everybody who loves to make new friends, learn about life and practice their English. The most recent topics for Happy Home Club are: Why we sleep; How to read a book; Remember to say thank you…Reporter: What else do you want to say to people who are watching our TV show?Zekro: Those who are interested in our culture, food and topics are most welcome to our Cafe. Please come and share your stories with us. Together, we can make a difference.38.How long have Zekro and his wife lived in Suzhou?___________________________________________________39.Why do Zekro’s friends call him “the Ambassador of Suzhou”?___________________________________________________40.Please write another good topic for Happy Home Club and explain your reason.(Avoid any topics of Happy Home Club that are mentioned in this paper.)___________________________________________________(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)阅读短文,回答下面5个问题。(每题答案不超过10个词)Roberta woke up early the next morning. Then she woke up Phyllis and Peter. “We’re in the new house. There are no servants here. We must help Mother now,” whispered Roberta.Carefully the three children lit the fire and filled a kettle (水壶) with water. They hung the kettle above the fire.“Mother isn’t awake yet. Let’s go outside and sit on that flat stone,” said Roberta. “Perhaps we will see a train go by.”When Mother came out at eight o’clock, Roberta, Peter and Phyllis were all fast asleep in the sunshine. They had put the kettle on the fire at five o’clock: three hours ago. All the water had boiled away (烧干). Now there was a hole in the bottom of the kettle. The fire had gone out.“Never mind,” laughed Mother. “We can boil some water in a pan. And I’ve found the dinner.”She led them into the kitchen and pointed to a door.“Last night, I thought this was a cupboard. It was so dark. But look,” she said.Mother opened the door and the children saw a little room with a table in the middle. On it there was roast beef, bread and butter, cheese and an apple pie.“Apple pie for breakfast,” cried Peter. “What fun!”It was a wonderful breakfast. Everyone was very hungry.“It feels like dinner because we were up so early,” said Peter, as he passed his plate for more apple pie.When the children had finished, they helped Mother put everything away in the right place.Then Mother said, “I’m tired. I’m going to lie down for a while. Go out to play but please be careful.”Roberta, Peter and Phyllis looked at each other. They were all thinking the same thing.“Let’s go down to the railway,” cried Roberta.“Listen!” said Phyllis. “I think I can hear a train.”Peter asked, “Do you think it’s going to London?”“Father is in London,” replied Roberta. “Let’s go to the station and find out.”—Taken from The Railway Children41.When did the children get up?____________________________________________________________42.What happened to the kettle when the water boiled away?____________________________________________________________43.How did the children like the breakfast?____________________________________________________________44.What is “the same thing” they were thinking?____________________________________________________________45.What are the children like in your eyes? Why do you think so?_____________________________________________________________(2023湖南衡阳统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,并根据短文内容回答所提问题。Can you cook by yourself? Do you like the homework of making a meal? These days, primary and middle school students are required to take the Practical Activity Class (实践活动课) at least one class hour every week. The topic of cooking was discussed mostly by parents and students. Learning practical skills plays an important role in shaping a person’s character for sure.Some schools and students have already practiced their practical activities. Gu Quan, 13 years old, from No.18 Middle School, used to be a lazy boy. In his own words, he hardly ever did any housework. But things have changed since No.18 Middle School made housework part of its students’ homework. Doing the dishes, cooking and making the bed... All of these tasks have become part of Gu Quan’s daily life.At the beginning of each month, every student gets a list of housework to do every weekend. Their parents help them keep a record of their performance. The tasks are common and simple in daily life, such as sweeping the floor, washing cups and cooking food. On holidays like Mother’s Day, students should prepare presents for their mothers. Huang Yixi, 14, has learned several life kills, including cooking. “I used to be afraid of fire,” she said. But she managed to overcome her fear and complete her cooking tasks. At the same time, she also learned how tired her mother gets after doing housework every day. On Mother’s Day, she made a cake for her mother to show her thanks. “I’ve begun to better understand my parents and want to help them more,” she said.46.Who is required to take the Practical Activity Class?_____________________________________________47.How old is Gu Quan?_____________________________________________48.Do the students’ parents help them keep a record of their performance?_____________________________________________49.What did Huang Yixi use to be afraid of?_____________________________________________50.What do you think of the Practical Activity Class?_____________________________________________(2023山东烟台统考中考真题)读下面短文,完成短文后的问题。Cristina Zenato, a world-famous shark expert and diver (潜水员), was born in Italy and grew up in Africa until the age of 15. In 1994, she went on a vacation to Grand Bahama and fell in love with both diving and the island. So she decided to make Bahama her home and make diving her life.Cristina learned to feed sharks when she was a child. In 1996, she became a shark feeder trainer. She created a course that educated divers about the beauty of sharks and the need to protect them and their environment. Through the “shark feeder course”, she has created more shark lovers.Cristina is talented in communicating with sharks. With just a touch on a shark’s head and face, she can lead it into a state of sleep for 15 minutes. Cristina’s special talent has been used to study shark behavior by scientists. It also helps to save sharks. Cristina still remembers clearly the first time she managed to take out a huge hook(钓钩) from a tiger shark’s mouth. Up to now, she has taken out hundreds of hooks and fishing lines from shark mouths and skin without hurting them. Her work has saved many sharks from possible death.Cristina has received many prizes and honors for her great work in shark research and protection. She also acted in several films including “Saving the Sharks” by the BBC. Until today, she continues to give speeches to let the public know the importance of shark protection.51.What does Cristina do?___________________________________________________________________________52.Why did Cristina decide to make Bahama her home?___________________________________________________________________________53.What can divers learn from Cristina’s “shark feeder course”?___________________________________________________________________________54.What can Cristina’s special talent help to do?(list two ways)__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________55.What may Cristina talk about in her speeches?___________________________________________________________________________(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。The first forest library in Shanghai recently opened to the public. Readers can relax and read books in the forest library. The forest library was built by Pudong New Area and Shanghai Library. It is known as Read & Joy Forest. The forest library is near Shanghai Library East. It covers an area of 20,546 square meters.Readers can relax themselves in the quiet and comfortable environment. There are many different kinds of trees in the library. The green spaces are connected by wooden walkways.The library is in the open air. There are many things such as chairs and an information desk. Most of the visitors to the forest library are young people and parents with their children.Having a library in the forest is such a wonderful idea. People enjoy themselves reading in the forest. “I love the fresh air and trees here,” said Wang Tao, a reader of the library, “The library makes it possible to enjoy reading in the natural environment. I feel very relaxed here. I will come back for sure.”56.What can readers do in the forest library?___________________________________________________________________________57.Where is the forest library?___________________________________________________________________________58.Are there many different kinds of trees in the library?___________________________________________________________________________59.Who are most of the visitors to the forest library?___________________________________________________________________________60.What does Wang Tao love there?___________________________________________________________________________(2023山东枣庄统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在答题卡的每个题目下面做简单的笔记。A young man was on a train. As the train turned a corner, it slowed down and then a simple house appeared. The house looked so different from the grey building of the city that everybody on the train turned to look at it. Some passengers began to talk about it.The young man was also interested in the house. He decided to get off at the next station and make his way to the house. The owner of the house said that he was trying to sell the house, but no one would buy it, as the noise of the trains passing nearby made it uncomfortable to live in.The young man decided to buy the house at once for $30,000. He used it for advertising(做广告), as the house faced the railway turning. The train had to slow down at the turning, giving the passengers plenty of time to look at the house.The young man went to meet several businessmen and explained the advantages of placing advertisements on the side of the house. Finally, one businessman agreed to place some ads. The young man was paid $180,000 for three years of advertising.In this world, turning disadvantages into advantages is the key to success.61.The place of the house: ___________________________________________________________62.The reason why no one would buy the house: ___________________________________________________________63.The advantage of advertising on the house: ___________________________________________________________64.The idea of the writer: ___________________________________________________________65.List another two ways to success (no more than 10 words each): ______________________(2023四川广安统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容简要回答第1至5小题,并将答案写在答题卡上的相应位置。Ma Xu was China’s first woman paratrooper (空降兵) and her another dream came true at age 86. She totally gave away (捐赠) 10 million yuan of her life savings (积蓄) to her hometown, Mulan County in Heilongjiang Province. She gave away 3 million yuan on Sep. 13, 2018 and 7 million on April 8, 2019.Ma was bon in a doctor’s family in Mulan County in 1933. She joined the army as a doctor in 1947. She won many medals and honors. After the wars, she studied at a military medical university and later worked at a military hospital in Wuhan, Hubei Province. In 1961, she became China’s first woman paratrooper. She made more than 140 jumps until 1984, when she was 51 years old. She was the oldest woman paratrooper and she owns the largest number of jumping. After stopping work, Ma Xu and her husband invented instruments for paratroopers and wrote over 100 important papers.Ma Xu did many meaningful things. She thought if children kept studying, the country would be better. So she decided to support (支持) the education of her hometown with her family’s savings. Now the family lives in a small house. They still use their old bed from the 1970s. Their sofa has a 50-year history. They also wear their army uniforms.66.Was Ma Xu China’s first woman paratrooper? (no more than 3 words)______________________________________________________________67.How much did Ma Xu give away totally? (no more than 3 words)______________________________________________________________68.When was Ma Xu born? (no more than 2 words)______________________________________________________________69.Where does Ma Xu live now? (no more than 4 words)______________________________________________________________70.Why did Ma Xu decide to support the education of her hometown? (no more than 12 words)______________________________________________________________(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题,每个题目的答案不超过5个单词。One day, a young boy named Zhang Liang was walking along a bridge. He saw an old man sitting there. One of the old man’s shoes was left under the bridge.“Go over there and get my shoe, young boy!” the old man ordered. Zhang Liang felt surprised, but he still picked it up for the old man. The old man said, “Five days later, please come to meet me at the bridge early in the morning.”Five days later, Zhang Liang went there as promised. But the old man came there before him. The old man got angry about his lazy habit.Zhang Liang was asked to come again. The next day, Zhang Liang arrived earlier than before. But the old man was still before him. The old man became much angrier and asked him to get there again the next morning.This time, Zhang Liang arrived at the bridge late at night. He spent the whole night there. When the old man came the next early morning, he was happy to find Zhang Liang there earlier than him.The old man nodded with a smile and gave Zhang Liang a valuable book. Zhang Liang read the book carefully day and night and learned many skills from it. Many years later, he became a wise general (将军) and made great achievements.71.Where did Zhang Liang get one of the old man’s shoes?______________________________________________________72.Who came to the bridge first five days later?______________________________________________________73.Why was the old man angry with Zhang Liang?______________________________________________________74.What did the old man give Zhang Liang at last?______________________________________________________75.What can we learn from Zhang Liang?______________________________________________________(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)根据短文内容,回答文后所给出的问题,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。Xu Xiake was an explorer of the late Ming Dynasty who travelled huge mountains and deep valleys in China. He was one of the greatest explorers in Chinese history.Xu’s travels were totally up to him and done on his own. He travelled so that his feet could feel strong winds beat his body; he travelled so that his feet could kiss the soil of the mountains.After his death, Xu left behind his famous book, Xu Xiake’s Travels, which provides meaningful materials to the Chinese geological research. It included a record of what he saw, heard and thought about during his travels and was a personal diary that was not published during his lifetime. It was said that Xu was a filial (孝顺的) son and the beginning purpose of his travel diary was to allow his mother to travel the world through his eyes at home. He followed the ancient teaching that says, “When one’s parents are alive, one must not travel to far places.” For this reason, when his mother was still alive, he mainly travelled the southeast half of the country and would not leave home for too long.The most important part of his travels was his ten-thousand-mile journey to the southwest. He travelled from Zhejiang to Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, then Guizhou, and Yunnan. This journey took him four years and he wrote about ten times more than he did in the past. In the morning, he would be climbing the mountains and crossing rivers. At night, he would lay out a piece of paper and record his daily experiences beside an oil lamp.Xu lived his life travelling mountains and rivers all day long. He was an outstanding person in history. In fact, Xu who lived 400 years ago was more like today’s backpackers-very cool!76.Which dynasty did Xu Xiake live in?___________________________________________________________________________77.How did Xu Xiake travel?___________________________________________________________________________78.What did Xu Xiake leave behind?___________________________________________________________________________79.Who did Xu Xiake write for at first?___________________________________________________________________________80.How long did the journey to the southwest take?___________________________________________________________________________(2022中考真题)(一)(2022湖南益阳中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。On March 20, 2016, Molly was born at the Kunming Zoo in Yunnan. Everyone liked her. They called her Little Princess. When she turned 1 year old, the zoo held a big birthday party. The baby elephant got her name and a big cake.But in 2018, the zoo took Molly away from her mom. They sent Molly to Swan Lake Ecology Park in Xinyang, Henan in exchange (交换) for another elephant. Life got hard for Little Princess. She had to do tricks and carry tourists on her back. Her body was badly hurt.Seeing that, people took action to save her. They posted pictures and articles of Molly online. They asked to send her back home. And they also asked not to let elephant perform in China. Even some famous people joined in the activities to save Molly.With their help, Molly finally left the ecology park in Henan. She went back to the Kunming Zoo on May 16. There, her family waited for her. Later, the doctors gave her a check-up. Little Princess will be loved again!1.When was Molly born? _________________________________________2.Who did the zoo take Molly away from in 2018? _________________________________________3.What did people post online? _________________________________________4.Did any famous people join in the activities to save Molly? _________________________________________5.Where did Molly go back on May 16? _________________________________________(二)(2022内蒙古通辽中考真题)DNA is the whole “map” of the human body. It is something that all humans have, and it tells the body what to do. DNA is the reason that we look like our parents, because we get some of their DNA to make our own. People have been trying to understand the human body for a long time. In 1860, Mr. Mendel discovered why we look similar to other people in our family. It is because of small things called “genes” in our body. In 1953, two scientists, Watson and Crick, found out that those small parts are real messages. They are written in the DNA with a special language. In 1961, another two scientists found the first “word” that they could understand in that language. It shows how DNA tells the cell (细胞) to build its parts. So far, scientists have found all the words in the DNA map, but we do not understand what they all do. By understanding what just one “word” means, we can help to save people from several illnesses. So the more we understand, the more doctors will be able to do. Most people hope that this will help to make better medicine to help sick people. Other people worry that when we learn more “words” and find out more information, we will use it in the wrong way, just to make people more attractive, or stop sick people getting jobs.根据短文内容,请用完整句子回答下列问题。6.Why do we look like our parents?__________________________________7.What did the two scientists find in 1961?__________________________________8.How can we help sick people if we understand more “words” in the DNA map?__________________________________9.What does the underlined word “They” refer to?__________________________________10.What can we know from the last paragraph? __________________________________(三)(2022湖南张家界中考真题)阅读下面的短文,根据所读内容回答问题。Many students may have time to enjoy after-school activities because of the double reduction policy(双减政策). Some students can play sports. Some students can go to learn music. Other students can draw or practice calligraphy(书法)and more. Many people believe after-school activities are fun and good for students.But why should students do after-school activities? Here are some good reasons. First, doing an after-school activity is a good short break from studying. Second, students can make some friends while doing after-school activities. Third, students can get some new skills from the activities.11.Why may many students have time to enjoy after-school activities? ________________________________________________12.Who do many people believe after-school activities are good for? ________________________________________________13.How many good reasons are there for doing after-school activities? ________________________________________________14.Can students get any new skills from the activities? ________________________________________________15.What do you think of the double reduction policy? ________________________________________________(四)(2022湖南株洲中考真题)阅读下面的材料,然后根据材料内容回答问题。Lucy, a nine-year-old little girl, grew up in a small village near a forest. She liked feeding birds bread and knew a lot about them.One summer morning, she was listening to birds’ joyful singing when she heard a sharp whistle (哨声) not far away. It wasn’t a friendly bird’s whistle but a whistle of a person.“Hello, little girl,” a young man greeted cheerfully. Lucy looked up into a face of a tall young man carrying a gun. Then the young man explained that he was a scientist, who collected birds.“Do you put them in a cage?” Lucy asked. “No,” he answered slowly, “I shoot them and keep them with special chemicals (药剂). I have over 100 different kinds of birds from all over the United States at home.” Lucy felt surprised to hear that. “I have been looking for a heron (苍鹭) not far from here. It’s a tall, white, strange bird with long thin legs. It often lives at the top of a tall tree. Have you seen it? I will give 10 to the person who shows me where the white bird is.” said the man.Lucy’s heart began to beat fast. She knew that strange white bird! She had seen it on the other side of the forest. She remembered how the white bird came flying through the golden air every morning. But Lucy decided not to speak a word. She would not tell the bird’s secret and give its life away. They were good friends. So Lucy shook her head and the young man had to go away disappointedly.16.Where did Lucy grow up? __________________________________17.How did the young man keep the birds? __________________________________18.What does the heron look like? __________________________________19.Why did Lucy’s heart begin to beat fast? __________________________________20.What was Lucy’s decision at last? __________________________________(五)(2022湖南湘西中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容简要回答下列问题。China throws(扔)away enough food to feed about 5, 000, 000 people every year. President Xi calls on Chinese people to stop wasting their food and try to change the bad habit. It’s called Operation Empty Plate(光盘行动).“We’re going to prepare plates of two different sizes for people. That way, they can choose the one they need.” A restaurant owner said.Some eaters are known as “big eaters”. Today it is not easy for you to find them. When you search for “big eaters” online, you can watch a short video. The video tells people not to waste food.Now, schools around the country are also teaching children to treasure(珍惜)food from a young age in different ways. Students need to return his empty plate at a school in Shanghai. The school starts the “Clear Your Plate” program to stop food waste.A teacher tells stories about saving food before having meals at school in Xiangxi. The school hopes that children know it’s important to treasure food.21.How many people can be fed by the food China throws away every year? ______________________________________________________22.Who calls on Chinese people to stop wasting their food and try to change the bad habit? ______________________________________________________23.Why is the restaurant owner going to prepare plates of two different sizes for people? ______________________________________________________24.Is it easy for you to find “big eaters” today? ______________________________________________________25.What does the school in Xiangxi hope? ______________________________________________________(六)(2022辽宁大连中考真题)阅读下面短文,根报短文内容,回答下列问题。Seeing changes in ChinaIt was a warm spring day in 2021. Chen Beier, a reporter and TV presenter from Hong Kong, was on her way to a small village called Atule’er. The small village sits at the top of an 800-meter-high cliff (悬崖). People can only get up to it by climbing a 2.556-step steel ladder (钢梯). It is very dangerous.So, was Chen looking for adventure there? The answer is no. The famous presenter was, instead, making a documentary.In February 2021, China reached an important goal. It got rid of poverty (摆脱贫困). Many people couldn’t believe this. After all, China has a large number of poor villages. In order to show the truth to people, Chen set out to make No Poverty Land.The trip turned out to be hard. When she was halfway up the ladder to Atule’er. For example. Chen felt so tired that she could hardly go any further. She was also afraid of heights. The villagers advised her to stop the climb, but the woman continued her climb.This steel ladder, in fact, is only six years old. Before it was built, the villagers had to face even bigger danger and use a rattan (藤条制成的) ladder. The government has also built houses for the villagers at the foot of the mountain. Through No Poverty Land, people can easily see how life in poor areas of China has been improved.China has changed a lot, but some people just find it hard to believe. Now, Chen has shown us what we can do about that: Don’t just tell people about the great changes; show them when you can.26.Who is Chen Beier?________________27.Where is the small village Atule’er?________________28.Why did Chen make the documentary No Poverty Land?________________29.How did Chen feel about climbing up the ladder?________________30.Through No Poverty Land, what changes can be seen in Atule’er? (Give one example.)________________31.What do you think of Chen Beier? Why do you think so?________________(七)(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)阅读图文,然后根据内容回答所提问题。Here is a notice for the Table Tennis Club matches in Sunshine Sports Center. Table Tennis Club matchesEvents(赛事): Boys’, Girls’Dates: 7 July: last day to enter10 July to 30 July: matches up to the semi-finals(半决赛)2 August: finalsTimes: Boys’ final 1:30.Girls’ final 2:30For more information, please call on 2862 3111 or visit www.sunshineschool.com.32.What is the text above? __________________________________________________33.Where will the matches take place? __________________________________________________34.Is July 7 the last day to enter? __________________________________________________35.At what time will the Boys’ final start? __________________________________________________36.How many ways are mentioned to get more information? __________________________________________________(八)(2022山东日照中考真题)阅读下面短文,回答短文后面的各个小题。Anne of Green Gables has been a favorite book of teenagers all over the world since it came out in 1908. What it teaches us is simple: How to grow up to be a happy and useful person.Anne is an 11-year-old orphan who arrives in the town of Avonlea, Canada. She helps Mathew and Marilla Cuthbert, a brother and sister, on their farm.At first, Mathew and Marilla hope to adopt (收养) a boy, not a thin girl. Will she be of any use on the farm? It seems unlikely: Anne is very imaginative, talkative and easily distracted (分心的). That’s not what is needed on a farm.And yet, Annie proves (证明) that she can actually be useful. She works really hard. But she doesn’t lose her great sense of fun and this is why readers love the story. She doesn’t become “a good girl”, if “good girl” means knowing only how to work and live unhappily. We see Anne’s love for life everywhere. She knows how to enjoy herself, whether it’s by eating ice cream or trying on a new dress.Many stories for children are written to tell them how to be good. Usually, it means doing one’s duty (责任) and not having any fun. But that’s not the kind of story Canadian author Lucy Maud Montgomery wanted to tell. The book gives readers a helping hand rather than try to scare them into being “good” girls and boys.37.When was the book first printed?___________________________________________________38.Why do the brother and sister dislike Anne at first?___________________________________________________39.How does Ann prove herself on the farm?___________________________________________________40.What is a usual “good girl” like in the passage?___________________________________________________41.What does the writer of the passage think of the book?___________________________________________________(九)(2022山东滨州中考真题)阅读下面短文,并根据短文内容回答问题。Known as the birthplace (发源地) of kites. Weifang in Shandong Province has a long history of making kites. Made from bamboo and decorated with traditional Chinese paintings. Weifang kite-making was included in the national-level intangible cultural heritage (国家级非物质文化遗产) lists in 2006. The International Kite Festival has been held in Weifang every year since 1984.Yang Hongwei, 56, is an inheritor (传承人) of Weifang kite-making skill. She was born in a kite-making family. Yang often saw kites with bright colors and different shapes in her grandfather’s workshop. Having a special connection with kites. Yang learned the skill from her grandfather at the age of 16. After practising the skill for 10 years, she started her own shop in 1992. In her free time, she also travels to different countries including Germany, Australia, the US and New Zealand to tell people about Chinese stories seen on kites and the traditional ways of making kites. “I’m an inheritor of the culture. It is also an important job of mine to spread the Chinese culture around the world.” she said.42.Where is the birthplace of kites?________________________________________________________________43.When was the International Kite Festival first held in Weifang?________________________________________________________________44.What did Yang Hongwei often see in her grandfather’s workshop?________________________________________________________________45.How old was Yang Hongwei when she opened her own shop?________________________________________________________________46.According to Yang Hongwei, what is an important job of hers?________________________________________________________________(十)(2022湖南常德中考真题)阅读下面材料,然后根据材料内容简要回答下列问题。Lingling: Where are you going on holiday, Tony?Tony: To Los Angeles.Betty: Oh, really? You’ll love it. I went there two years ago and enjoyed it a lot.Tony: How long did it take to get there? Did you fly?Betty: Yes, we did, and that took about nine hours. Then our friends met us and drove us to their home.Lingling: Who was with you?Betty: My parents.Tony:So what did you do?Betty: Well, first we went to Disneyland, and guess what? I met Snow White and Mickey Mouse! I was so excited!Tony: Wow! How long did you stay there?Betty: We stayed there for two days. And then we went to Hollywood.Lingling: Did you see any movie stars?Betty: No, but we swam in the Pacific Ocean at Santa Monica. It was great!Lingling: Where are you going on holiday this year, Betty?Betty: Hong Kong.47.Are Tony and Betty going on holiday?____________________________________________________________48.When did Betty go to Los Angeles?____________________________________________________________49.Did Betty go to Los Angeles with her parents or friends?____________________________________________________________50.Where did Betty meet Snow White and Mickey Mouse?____________________________________________________________51.What did Betty do at Santa Monica?____________________________________________________________(十一)(2022湖南永州中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据短文内容回答问题。Sagarika Sriram was 10 years old when she started reading newspaper stories. One story was about sharks. They had plastic in their stomachs. Sagarika knew she needed to do something. First, she joined a group. It organized clean-up activities in Dubai. That’s her home city. “The group helps me understand what a person can do and how I can really make a difference.” she says.Then Sagarika created Kids for a Better World. Its goal is to fight climate(气候) change. It has brought together nearly 10,000 youths. They come from all over the world. Kids for a Better World is for people aged 8 to 16. It teaches them about what they can do to deal with climate change. They can grow food or plant trees. They can collect recyclables. “This is the information which can help change our future.” Sagarika says.Dubai is a desert big city. Growing up there has made Sagarika understand the need for action.Her city faces the risks of rising temperatures and less water supply. She believes young people can bring attention to these environmental challenges.Sagarika is all about small actions. But she has big plans. She’d like to go to college in California. While she’s there, she’ll continue being an activist. She’ll also be running Kids for a Better World, She hopes to encourage others to fight for a greener planet.52.How old was Sagarika Sriram when she started reading newspaper stories?_____________________________________________________53.Where is Sagarika Sriram’s home city?_____________________________________________________54.What is the goal of Kids for a Better World?_____________________________________________________55.What risks does Sagarika Sriram’s city face?_____________________________________________________56.Will Sagarka Sriram continue being an activitist when she goes to college?_____________________________________________________(十二)(2022山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面短文,完成短文后的问题。Rob Frenette, a Canadian boy, was often bullied (欺凌)at school. He was often lonely and scared. When he was fifteen, however, he decided to do something about his problems. He walked into a newspaper office and told them about the bullying. His story went into the newspaper and soon, all the TV stations in Canada wanted to talk to him about his experiences. They also wanted to hear his ideas about how to stop bullying. In his free time after school, Rob helps other people with bullying problems. With his friend Katie Neu, he set up the website www. bullyingcanada.ca. On the website, visitors can find advice, stories and poems about bullying, in both English and French. When people are upset, they can talk on the phone or online to Rob and his team. Every weekend, Rob answers e-mails from people who have been bullied at school. He also speaks to children and teachers around Canada about bullying. Rob’s most important message is: “When you’re bullied, there’s nothing wrong with you. So, keep trusting yourself. And remember that there are people who care about your problems. You just have to find those people. ”One of Rob’s ideas is “Blue Day”, a special day that works to stop the problem of bullying in schools. On that day, students have to wear blue clothes, and in class, they learn how to stop bullying from happening. More than 150 Canadian schools now celebrate Blue Day. Rob says he won’t stop until there is Blue Day in every school in Canada.57.Why did Rob Frenette often feel lonely and scared?____________________________________________________________58.How did Rob solve his problems at the age of fifteen?____________________________________________________________59.List two ways Rob helps other people with bullying problems. ____________________________________________________________60.What do you think of Rob Frenette? And why?____________________________________________________________61.What can you learn from the story?____________________________________________________________(十三)(2022辽宁盘锦中考真题)根据短文内容,回答短文后所提出的问题。Mike and Dave lived in a small village far from the city. One Sunday morning, they walked in the forest and found a big, deep hole. Mike looked at it and said, “Wow! That looks deep.” “It sure does,” said Dave. “Let’s drop some stones into the hole. We can count until we hear the stones hit the bottom.” They threw some stones and waited. There was no sound.Mike said, “Wow! That is really deep. Let’s throw some big rocks down there. Those should make a noise.” So they picked up a few soccer-sized rocks and threw them into the hole. Again, they heard nothing. They looked at each other in surprise. Mike found a big log (木头). He got an idea. “Help me carry that log,” he said. Finally, they carried the heavy log together and dropped it into the hole. Still, no sound.Suddenly, out of the forest, a sheep showed up, running like the wind. It rushed towards the two boys, and then right past them. All of a sudden, it jumped into the air and down the hole. Mike and Dave looked at each other. “What just happened?” asked Dave.Before Mike could answer, a farmer came out of the forest, too. “Hey, did you see my sheep just now?” Mike said, “Yes, we did. It’s the craziest thing that I’ve ever seen. It came running like crazy and jumped into that hole!” “Nah,” said the farmer. “That can’t be my sheep. My sheep was chained (被链条拴住) to a big log.” Hearing this, Mike and Dave felt guilty (内疚的). And then...62.Where did Mike and Dave find the deep hole?________________________________________________________63.Did Dave help Mike carry the log together?________________________________________________________64.How many times did they throw things into the hole?________________________________________________________65.Who was the owner of the sheep?________________________________________________________66.What do you think Mike and Dave might do next?_________________________________________________________(十四)(2022辽宁营口中考真题)阅读短文,回答问题。It was a hot summer day. Clara was drinking juice in the yard. Her mom was cutting grass with a lawnmower(割草机). The lawnmower was loud, and Clara wished her mom would play with her instead. But Mom said the grass was tall and had to be cut.Suddenly, the lawnmower stopped. Clara’s mom looked sad. Clara wondered what was wrong. Her mom picked something up out of the grass, and walked to Clara.Clara’s mom had a little turtle in her hand! As Clara looked closer, she saw that one of his legs was in bad shape. “I think I broke his leg.” Clara’s mom said. “I’m really sorry. Will you help me nurse(照料) him back to health? “Clara felt bad for the little turtle. A turtle moved slowly, so he probably could not run away when he saw the lawnmower coming. And Clara’s mom could not see him in the tall grass! It was a mistake, but Clara and her mom would do something to make it right. Clara named the turtle Phillip.They took Phillip to the vet(兽医). The vet took an X-ray of Phillip’s leg, and made sure that it was broken. The turtle got a little splint(夹板)and bandage. The vet told Clara that the turtle needed plants to eat, water to drink and a place to live in. Clara and her mom bought a small tank(水箱)for Phillip on the way home.At home, Clara took good care of Phillip. She put water and rocks in the tank. She brought him fruit and leaves to eat, and kept his tank clean.After eight weeks, Clara and her mom took Philip to the vet, who said that his leg was healthy again. Clara was both happy and sad. She was happy because Phillip was better, and she was sad because she had to let him go. After Clara got home, she fed Phillip some fruit, kissed his back and said goodbye, then put him in the grass and let him go. Clara would always remember Phillip.67.Why did Clara’s mom look sad and have to stop the lawnmower? ____________________________68.Who helped the turtle to get healthy? ____________________________69.How many times did Clara and her mom take the turtle to the vet? ____________________________70.What did Clara do with the turtle after his leg was healthy? ____________________________71.What can we learn from the story? ____________________________(十五)(2022辽宁朝阳中考真题)根据短文内容,简略回答所提出的问题。Xian Xinghai is a very famous musician in China. He has written many great pieces of music. In his short life, he wrote nearly 300 songs and an opera.Xian was born in Panyu, Guangzhou in 1905.Because his father died before he was born, Xian had to move from place to place with his mother. He began learning to play the violin when he was 20 years old. At first, his violin was so cheap and in a poor quality that he could not play it well. His friends laughed at him. However, Xian did not stop practicing and soon showed his talent. In 1934, he became the first Chinese student who studied in a special music school in Paris. Before he left, Xian became the school's best student and won several prizes for his talents.The next year, be got back to China and helped fight against the Japanese army. Later, he came to Yan’an to teach music at a college. Although there were no pianos in Yan’an at that time, Xian still wrote some of his most important music there, including The Yellow River Chorus, his most famous work.In May 1940, Xian Xinghai went to the Soviet Union (苏联) to write music for movies. Life there was so hard that he got very sick. Later he died of a lung illness on October 30, 1945, aged only 40.Xian Xinghai is such a great man and his music will live on in people’s hearts forever.72.Was Xian Xinghai talented in the violin or the piano at first?______________________________________________________73.When did Xian Xinghai get back to China from Paris?______________________________________________________74.What is Xian Xinghai’s most famous work?______________________________________________________75.Why did Xian Xinghai go to the Soviet Union?______________________________________________________76.How do you like Xian Xinghai?______________________________________________________(十六)(2022广西贵港中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Do you know the self-driving bullet (子弹) train just for the Beijing Winter Olympics? Is there anything new on the train? Let’s have a look!The train links (连接) Beijing and Zhangjiakou, the co-host cities of the Games. With a top speed of 350 kilometers an hour, the train can run the 174-kilometer journey between the two cities in around 50 minutes, while a regular express (特快的) train takes three hours.It is said to be the world’s first high-speed train with a 5G live broadcast studio (现场直播演播室). It can carry 564 passengers each trip in its eight cars (车厢). It has business, first-class and second-class cars. Besides, for the needs of media (媒体), it also has special working cars with 12 tables and international electric sockets (电源插座).The train is painted in white and blue colors and there are 24 snowflakes (雪花) on the outside of the train, showing this is the 24th Winter Olympic Games. Inside the train, there are winter sports photos on the walls and paper snowflakes on top.The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened in February, 2022. The high-speed train provided transportation services for the 2022 Winter Olympics and the Paralympics (残奥会) from January 21 to March 16. Up to 40 pairs of trains traveled between the two cities every day.77.Which two cities does the train link?______________________________________________________________78.Can the train run faster than a regular express train?______________________________________________________________79.How many kinds of cars does the train have according to the passage?______________________________________________________________80.What do the 24 snowflakes stand for (代表)?_____________________________________________________________81.What does the passage mainly talk about?_____________________________________________________________(十七)(2022湖南郴州中考真题)阅读短文,然后根据短文内容简要回答问题。My friend’s eight-year-old daughter, Mary, used to stay with her grandparents in the countryside. Recently her parents brought her to town to live with them. Wild and uneducated, Mary would use rude or dirty words when she was angry. Sometimes she rolled(打滚)on the ground, which shocked all people around. Mary’s parents tried to tame(驯服)her by beating and kicking, but it didn’t work. Finally they became completely disappointed with her. One day their next-door neighbor, a woman teacher, gave Mary a beautiful snow-white dress. It caught Mary’s eyes right away and made them shine brightly. Mary put on the dress and became quite another person. She no longer abused(骂人)or hit others. She didn’t roll on the floor, either. She knew that running wildly was not suitable for a girl in such a beautiful dress. Since then, Mary has changed a lot. And now she is gentle, tidy and lovely. Her parents are quite satisfied with her. Perhaps everyone has a beautiful dress hidden somewhere in his or her heart. However, he or she may not realize it, forget it or give it up.82.How old is Mary? _________________________________________________________83.What would Mary do when she was angry? _________________________________________________________84.Who gave Mary the beautiful dress? _________________________________________________________85.Did Mary still roll on the floor after she put on her beautiful dress? _________________________________________________________86.What is Mary like now? _________________________________________________________(十八)(2022北京中考真题)阅读短文,根据短文内容回答问题。Working Out through Online VideosPhysical exercise is good for our mind, body and spirit. Today, working out through online videos is becoming very popular. Since the Internet is widely used, it’s very easy for us to do so. That means we can work out anytime anywhere.One of my friends, Lin Fei. followed short workout videos to do daily exercise. “With live programs, I feel like working out with my friends, which encourages me to hold on to the last minute.” she said. Another friend of mine, Michael, told me that workout videos let him feel so comfortable. “I have a fear of working out at the gym(健身房)because I don’t like being watched by others. Working out at home makes working out much more enjoyable.” he said.With their examples, I decided to give it a try. When I told my plan to my elder sister, a P.E. teacher, she reminded me that workout videos could be helpful but might still carry some problems.“Without being with someone in person, you will be less willing (愿意的)to work out to your best. Working out at the gym allows you to have advice in real time and get pushed harder.” my sister said to me. “Well, if you really want to have a try. first, choose proper programs or videos. That’s very important. And then ask your friends for advice. Their experiences can give you a good sight into what you can expect. Anyway, don’t be addicted(沉迷的)to it. You should try different ways to work out to be healthy.”At her suggestions, I finally followed an online workout program with personalized help that is held for three months. After the first period of training, I felt it very practical and helpful when I put in the right amount (量) of work along with a strong will. Compared with going to the gym, using online videos to work out is a much cheaper and time-saving choice. But it can be difficult sometimes when I’m too lazy or too busy to stick to it.87.Which way to work out is becoming very popular today?__________________________________________________________________88.Why does Michael dislike working out at the gym?__________________________________________________________________89.What is the problem of working out without someone else in person?__________________________________________________________________90.How did the writer feel about his first period of training?__________________________________________________________________91.Would you like to follow online videos to work out? Why or why not?__________________________________________________________________(十九)(2022四川广安中考真题)阅读下面的短文,然后根据文章内容简要回答第1至5小题。In China, many students spend much of their time on their studies, and don’t help with housework at home. As a result, they lack basic skills.Luckily, things are changing. Last year, many schools began to teach students life skills.Guangming Middle School in Sichuan set up some farming clubs. There students learnt to plant vegetables. “At first I thought I could only grow some vegetables here, but actually, I learnt a lot about vegetables.” said Chen Jia, a girl at the school.In Hope Middle School, students have a special life skill class: they learn to make dumplings in different kinds of shapes. “I couldn’t make dumplings before, but now I am good at doing it. I really love my life skill class. It’s my favourite class.” said Zhang Yan, a boy at the school.In fact, learning life skills is as important as learning Chinese and maths, because it helps us prepare for our future life. Boys and girls, do you help your parents do housework at home? If not, maybe you should get started now.92.When did many schools begin to teach students life skills? (no more than 2 words)__________________________________________________93.What club did Guangming Middle School set up? (no more than 3 words)__________________________________________________94.Did Chen Jia learn a lot about vegetables? (no more than 3 words)__________________________________________________95.What is Zhang Yan good at now? (no more than 2 words)__________________________________________________96.Why is learning life skills as important as learning Chinese and maths? (no more than 9 words)__________________________________________________(二十)(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)阅读下面短文,简略回答所提出的问题。Chen Jinying who is called “Honest Lady” comes from Lishui, Zhejiang. She is 90 years old. She used to be a boss. After she retired(退休), she opened a clothes factory and it went very well. In 2011, her factory was in trouble and she was in debt(欠债), so she had to sell her apartment and her factory to pay back her debt. After ten years, she finally paid back all her debt. It’s said that someone advised her to apply for bankruptcy(申请破产), then she could avoid paying back her debt, but she refuse. “I can’t do that. When we’re in debt, we must pay it back.” The old lady sold most of her things to pay back the debt because of this faith. Some businessmen were so touched by this “Honest Lady” that they reached out to help her. When things became better, she gave away jackets worth more than 20,000 yuan to an old people’s home and more than 140 persons received the warmth she passed. Chen shows us how to be an honest and trustworthy(可信赖的) person. When one person loses his honesty, he’ll fail. The 90-year-old lady not only moves us, but also gives us a true lesson in honesty.97.What did Chen Jinying used to be? ___________________________________________________98.Why was Chen Jinying in debt? ___________________________________________________99.How long did it take Chen Jinying to pay back all her debt? ___________________________________________________100.Was Chen Jinying alone when she had trouble? ___________________________________________________101.What do you think of Chen Jinying? (至少两点)___________________________________________________ (二十一)(2022吉林中考真题)I’m Lin Yue. In March, 2022, COVID-19 started suddenly in my city. It was so serious that the whole city was locked down. At the very beginning of the lockdown (行动限制), some old people, especially those living alone, had difficulty getting vegetables.One day, in the community WeChat group, an old man said that he was short of vegetables so I had an idea of setting up a food bank in the community, and my neighbors were also ready to offer help.To keep social distancing (社交距离), I used a large box as the food bank, and put it in the public area. Neighbors could give away and get some food there. The large box was quickly filled with vegetables, rice and snacks.One evening, I saw a bag of vegetables with a note saying “These are fresh vegetables. Please take them home if you need.”In the WeChat group, an old lady who got the vegetables said, “I was so moved by the good-will (善意), but I only took three tomatoes, because I wanted to leave the rest for those people really in need.”There were many similar stories in my city during the lockdown. Although COVID-19 keeps us apart, we can get through the hard times as long as we pull together.根据短文内容,回答下列问题。102.When did COVID-19 start suddenly in the city?_______________________________________________103.Who had difficulty getting vegetables?_______________________________________________104.Where did the writer put the large box in the community?_______________________________________________105.Why did the old lady only take three tomatoes?_______________________________________________106.What can we learn from the passage? _______________________________________________(二十二)(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)As we all know, environmental pollution is serious now. Our group wanted to know how much our young people knew about this problem and whether they realized the situation of our environment. So we made a survey of them.This survey was mainly about many different environmental problems in China and the situation of the polluted environment. What’s more, we also paid attention to the environmental awareness (环保意识) of our young people. In the project, we also designed a questionnaire (问卷调查) to survey the young people in China.The questions in the questionnaire could be divided into two parts. One was mainly about some knowledge of the environmental problems in China, the other was about environmental awareness.The results of our questionnaireDo you know about these problems?Use the plastic bagsFrom the results of the questionnaire, we can see our young people’s environmental awareness needs to be raised and they are short of the knowledge of the environment. It’s really worrying.107.Why did the group do the survey?_____________________________________108.How many parts are there in the questionnaire?_____________________________________109.Which is known by the most people among the problems?_____________________________________110.According to the chart, what do 15% of the people sometimes do?_____________________________________111.What does the data (数据) of the two survey charts show?_____________________________________(二十三)(2022湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。MessageNewReplyForwardDeletePrintMove toDear Wang,Great to hear you are coming to the USA! I do hope you can stop by and visit us in the Big Apple — a popular name for New York City. There are so many things to see and do here. It would take a lifetime to list them all: Chinatown, Wall Street, Central Park, to name only a few. But knowing you as I do, I’d suggest walking through Midtown Manhattan. It is very popular in the USA and just can’t be missed!People often say that no visit to New York City is complete without a trip to Broadway! Broadway with its cafs, street performers(表演者)and colorful signs really represents New York’s loud spirit! As Broadway is the heart of the American theater industry, it’s at night when it truly comes alive. Broadway is well-known for its big theaters. They show Shakespeare, modern plays, dance shows or musicals — take your pick! With your love of singing and interest in drama(戏剧), I’d recommend(推荐)a musical. It’s a great and moving experience that I’m sure you would love — a bit like Peking opera! Many musicals are based on classic stories like Les Miserables or Peter Pan, and they might even inspire(激发)you to read the books, too!My big news is that I am going to China on vacation this winter. I am looking for places of interest in China. Can you recommend some to me?See you soon!Leslie112.What is New York City also called?__________________________________________113.Is Broadway famous for its big theaters?__________________________________________114.What are many musicals based on?__________________________________________115.When is Leslie going to China on vacation?__________________________________________116.Which place of interest in China will you recommend to Leslie?__________________________________________(二十四)(2022内蒙古赤峰中考真题)根据短文内容回答问题。Sun Jiarui, a 10-year-old girl from Jiangsu Province, recently went popular for her cooking skills. What makes people surprised is that she can cook more than 50 dishes now.Jiarui’s father, Sun Yadong is a cook, he runs a farm restaurant in Wuxi. “My daughter just grew up in the kitchen.” says he,“She started helping out with housework when she was around 4 or 5. When she was 8, she asked me to teach her to cook after school. It’s not bad for her to master some life skills, and she can take good care of herself when she grows up.” Sun Yadong adds.Jiarui is famous for her cooking in her school. “We have set up a cooking studio (工作室) at school and Sun Jiarui is one of the ‘teachers’,” says Li Hua, the headmaster of the school, Jiarui teaches the students who are interested in cooking to make simple dishes.“It’s a great thing for students to experience the joy of cooking and the fruits of their labor.” says Li, “This will finally help develop their love for life.”117.Where is Sun Jiarui from?________________118.How many dishes can Sun Jiarui cook now?________________119.When did Sun Jiarui start helping out with housework?________________120.What is Sun Jiarui famous for in her school?________________121.Is Sun Jiarui’s father a cook or a teacher?________________(二十五)(2022黑龙江中考真题)In order to improve students’ health and reduce students’ pressure, our country made some rules. Here are some of them.Firstly, homework for middle school students should take no more than 90 minutes. They can finish most of written homework at school so that after school they only spend a little time finishing the rest. Some students can still go to sleep on time even though they don’t finish their homework until bedtime. Then they will have more time to relax. Secondly, mobile phones mustn’t be brought to class because students are easily absent-minded (心不在焉的) from the lesson. Students must control the time on electronic products to protect their eyesight. They shouldn’t lose themselves in the Internet. Thirdly, students are expected to listen carefully and go over lessons in time so that they can master the right methods of learning. Fourthly, parents should often communicate with their children, pay attention to their feelings and help them develop good learning and life habits.In a word, these rules are helpful to middle school students. If they follow the rules, they can improve their study and health.Answer the questions according to the passage.122.Why did our country carry out the rules?_______________________________123.How long should homework for middle school students take?_______________________________124.Mobile phones mustn’t be brought to class, must they?_______________________________125.How can students master the right methods of learning according to the passage?_______________________________126.How many rules are talked about in this passage?_______________________________(二十六)(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)Once there were four beggars (乞丐). One day, they met at an old temple at night. They were very upset because none of them had much to eat.“I only got this piece of meat today.” the first said. “I almost got nothing,” the second said, “I just picked up a potato outside the vegetable store during the day.” The third said that all he had was a small bottle of salt. The fourth beggar had not done much better, “I only got some old beans, but they aren’t very mice!” As they sat around the fire, the beggar with only a bottle of salt had a great idea “Let’s put all our things together and boil them. In this way, we can make a tasty dish and share it.” They all agreed. However, the first beggar thought, “I don’t want to share. I’ll just pretend to throw my meat into the pot. They’ll never know and I’ll eat my meat alone later.” So he pretended to put the meat into the pot. And at the same time the other beggars had similar ideas to him. At that time, the temple was too dark for the beggars to see what the others were doing.Finally, one of them suggested that the dish should be ready and, in turn, each of them helped himself to it. They drank the hot water in silence, learning that selfishness (自私) doesn’t taste all that good.阅读短文,回答下列问题。127.How did the four beggars feel when they met one day?_______________________________________________128.What did the second beggar get during the day?_______________________________________________129.Who wanted to share with others in the end?_______________________________________________130.Did they have a tasty dish?_______________________________________________131.What do you learn from the story?_______________________________________________(二十七)(2022江苏泰州中考真题)Flora and her dad are moving to a new house soon. Next week, workers will turn the yard of the old house into a car park. The yard is full of beautiful flowers grown by Flora and Dad.“My poor flowers,” Flora complains in a low voice, looking at the bright purple blooms(花朵) sadly. She sits outside, selling things she doesn’t want to take to the new house. Beside her hangs a sign that says Yard Sale. Several of her neighbours come to have a look.Dad comes out, holding some snacks in his hands. “Here’s a snack for everyone,” he says. Flora’s dad loves sharing things.Occasionally(偶然地), Flora digs her heels(鞋后跟) deep into the grass. Then she feels the soft earth move under her heels, and she knows what she can do.She whispers her plan to Dad. He nods with a smile. Flora takes out some flowerpots(花盆) happily and finds a tool to dig with. Carefully she digs up the flowers with some earth and puts them into the pots.She lines up the pots near her sign. Now she is ready to be a generous person, just like her Dad.“How much is a pot?” asks Ana from next door.“Zero cents!” she smiles and says, “Pick any pot you like!”回答下面5个问题,每题答案不超过8个词。132.What will happen to the yard?____________________________________________133.Why does Flora feel sad at first?____________________________________________134.What is written on the sign?____________________________________________135.Where are the flowers in the pots from?____________________________________________136.What do you think of Flora’s Dad according to the passage?____________________________________________(二十八)(2022湖北湖北中考真题)Jane and her family loved buffets. When they were on holiday, they had a buffet dinner at the hotel where they were staying.Jane put a lot of beef and a few vegetables on plate. She also took a lot of fried rice and fries.Her mother looked at Jane’s plate and said, “You shouldn’t eat too much meat or fried food. You’ve put so much food on your plate. Are you sure you can finish it all?”“Of course!” said Jane.Next Jane and her father went to get some dessert (甜点). Jane put a lot of jelly and cake on her plate.“You should only take a little jelly and cake, Jane. Look at your plate! Are you sure you can eat it all?” asked her father.“Of course!” said Jane.Jane was soon full.“Look at all the food you’ve left on your plate, Jane.” said her father. “Can’t you eat it all up?”“Sorry, Dad. I can’t.” said Jane.Jane’s father asked for the bill. The waiter looked at the food.“Do you want this food, sir?” he asked.Jane’s father said, “No, I’m sorry. We can’t finish it. We’re full.” The waiter weighed the food. Then he gave Jane’s father the bill.Jane’s father looked at the bill and said, “My goodness! You’ve wasted a lot of food, Jane. Now we have to pay for it. No pocket money for you this month!”137.Where did Jane and her family have the buffet? (答题词数不超过7个)____________________________________________________________________________________138.What dessert did Jane take? (答题词数不超过8个)____________________________________________________________________________________139.Why did Jane’s father stop her pocket money? (答题词数不超过11个)____________________________________________________________________________________140.Do you think the rule in the picture is a good idea? Why? (答题词数不超过15个)____________________________________________________________________________________





