专题36 短文语法填空(解析版)

2024-09-10·162页·3.5 M

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题36 短文语法填空(2024中考真题)(2024河北中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。The Lin family has a son and a daughter, Lin Ming and Lin Fang. Lin Ming is seven and Lin Fang is two years 1 (young) than her brother. They study in different 2 (school). One day, Mrs. Lin picked up Lin Ming and then they went to Lin Fang’s school together. Some boys and girls were playing 3 (happy) on the playground. Lin Ming stood at the school gate and waited 4 his sister. Just then, the bell 5 (ring). Several minutes later, many 6 (child) walked out in a line. Lin Fang was the 7 (five) one in it. When Lin Ming saw her, he couldn’t wait to run to her. “Fangfang,” Lin Ming 8 (shout). Jumping with joy, Lin Fang rushed to meet 9 (he). They hugged each other and walked to their mother hand in hand. When Mrs. Lin saw this, 10 big smile appeared on her face. Her heart was filled with happiness.【答案】1.younger 2.schools 3.happily 4.for 5.rang 6.children 7.fifth 8.shouted 9.him 10.a【导语】本文主要介绍林一家的家庭生活。1.句意:林明七岁,林芳比她哥哥小两岁。根据“than”可知,此处应使用比较级,故填younger。2.句意:他们在不同的学校学习。different修饰名词复数,故填schools。3.句意:一些男孩和女孩在操场上玩得很开心。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词happily,故填happily。4.句意:林明站在学校门口等他的妹妹。wait for“等待”,固定短语,故填for。5.句意:就在这时,铃响了。时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填rang。6.句意:几分钟后,许多孩子排着队走出去。many修饰名词复数,故填children。7.句意:林芳是其中的第五个。此处作定语修饰one,用序数词fifth,故填fifth。8.句意:“芳芳,”林明喊道。时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填shouted。9.句意:林芳高兴得跳了起来,冲过去迎接他。此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格,故填him。10.句意:林太太看到这,脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。她的心里充满了幸福。此处泛指一个微笑,用不定冠词a,故填a。(2024黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)Fill in the blanks with the grammatical knowledge according to the passage.A group of Chinese astronauts visited Hong Kong and Macao in China. They met with young people there and encouraged 11 (they) to have a dream of space exploration (探索).During the visit, the group of Chinese astronauts went to many middle schools 12 two universities in Hong Kong. They also gave a talk in Macao and met 13 (thousand) of students in both places.“The Chinese space station is 14 a home for the motherland in space,” Chen Dong said. He is one of 15 Shenzhou-14 astronauts. He hopes that he 16 (see) people from Hong Kong and Macao in the Chinese space station in the future.During a special show, Shum, a Hong Kong middle school student, felt really 17 (excite) to meet the astronauts. She thinks that the astronauts 18 (be) true heroes. “I am proud of our country and this makes me even 19 (interested) in space,” Shum said.“The visit is special and important for students,”the chief executive of the Macao SAR (澳门特别行政区行政长官) said. He thinks that China has taken the education of science and technology 20 (serious).The visit to Hong Kong and Macao was really successful.【答案】11.them 12.and 13.thousands 14.like 15.the 16.will see 17.excited 18.are 19.more interested 20.seriously【导语】本文讲述了中国载人航天工程代表团走进香港和澳门,与学生进行深入交流。11.句意:他们在那里会见了年轻人,鼓励他们有一个太空探索的梦想。动词“encouraged”后跟代词宾格形式。them“他们”,宾格。故填them。12.句意:在访问期间,中国宇航员小组去了香港的多所中学和两所大学。“many middle schools”和“two universities”是并列关系,需用and连接。故填and。13.句意:他们还在澳门做了一次演讲,并在两地会见了数千名学生。thousands of“数以千计的”,表示一种概数。故填thousands。14.句意:陈东说:“中国空间站就像祖国在太空中的家。”根据“The Chinese space station is...a home”可知,此处是指中国空间站就像祖国在太空中的家,like“像”,介词。故填like。15.句意:他是神舟十四号的宇航员之一。“one of the...”后接可数名词的复数形式,表示某一群体中的一部分。 故填the。16.句意:他希望将来能在中国的空间站看到来自香港和澳门的人。根据“in the future.”可知,本句是一般将来时(will do)。故填will see。17.句意:在一个特别的节目中,香港中学生Shum,对见到宇航员感到非常兴奋。空处修饰人“Shum”,且位于“felt”后,用形容词excited,表示“兴奋的”。故填excited。18.句意:她认为宇航员是真正的英雄。本句陈述事实,用一般现在时;主语“the astronauts”是复数,be动词用are。故填are。19.句意:Shum说:“我为我们的国家感到骄傲,这让我对太空更感兴趣了。”“even”修饰形容词比较级,more interested“更加感兴趣的”。故填more interested。20.句意:他认为中国重视科技教育。take sth seriously“认真对待某事”,固定短语。故填seriously。(2024湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Chinese New Year is a great celebration. It 21 (mark) the end of the winter season and the beginning of spring. According to tradition, people like to give flowers and fruits 22 each other during Chinese New Year, because they carry many special 23 (meaning). They represent (象征) the earth coming back to life and best wishes for new beginnings,Orchids (兰花) come in many colors, but many people like purple and red ones for Chinese New Year. They are believed 24 (represent) love and beauty. Orchids say, “Wish you to be 25 (luck), successful and happy.” During the holiday period, this plant is a must.Peonies (牡丹) are like soft clouds in pink, red and white. They are beautiful and can brighten up someone’s day. Red peonies 26 (give) to people to show love and care. Peonies say, “You are special to me.” They are also a symbol of wealth and 27 (rich).Kumquats (金橘), with 28 (they) golden color, ate a symbol of wealth and luck. The Chinese word for “kumquat” sounds like “gold orange”, which connects kumquats with richness. This small fruit tree is often presented in pairs.The apple, with its bright colors 29 round shape, represents peace and harmony (和谐). In fact, the word for “apple” in Chinese sounds like “peace”. 30 (certain), apples make great gifts.【答案】21.marks 22.to 23.meanings 24.to represent 25.lucky 26.are given 27.richness 28.their 29.and 30.Certainly【导语】本文主要介绍人们喜欢在春节期间互赠鲜花和水果这一习俗及背后的意义。21.句意:它标志着冬天的结束和春天的开始。时态是一般现在时,主语是It,动词用三单,故填marks。22.句意:根据传统,人们喜欢在春节期间互赠鲜花和水果,因为它们承载着许多特殊的含义。give sth to sb“给某人某物”,故填to。23.句意:根据传统,人们喜欢在春节期间互赠鲜花和水果,因为它们承载着许多特殊的含义。many修饰可数名词复数,故填meanings。24.句意:人们认为它们代表着爱和美。be believed to do sth“被相信做某事”,故填to represent。25.句意:兰花的意思是:“祝你幸运、成功、快乐。”此处在句中作表语,用其形容词形式,故填lucky。26.句意:红色的牡丹是用来表示爱和关心的。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动语态be done,主语是复数,be动词用are,故填are given。27.句意:它们也是财富和富裕的象征。此处与wealth并列,用名词形式,故填richness。28.句意:金黄色的金橘被认为是财富和幸运的象征。此处作定语修饰其后的名词,用形容词性物主代词their,故填their。29.句意:苹果颜色鲜艳,形状圆润,象征着和平与和谐。前后构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。30.句意:当然,苹果是很好的礼物。此处在句中修饰整个句子,用副词Certainly放句首,故填Certainly。(2024福建中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Xi’an is the capital city of Shaanxi province. It lies in 31 north of China. The city’s early history is often connected with Liu Bang, who started the Han Dynasty and made Xi’an his capital. He 32 (give) it the name Chang’ an. During the Tang Dynasty, Xi’an achieved its great importance. Korea and Japan followed Xi’an’s example in 33 (build) their ancient capitals.Many things from ancient times can still be found in Xi’an today. The city wall—one of the few city walls still left in China—is a good example. It 34 (go) around the city and is an important cultural site (遗址). In central Xi’an there is the Bell Tower—the 35 ( large) bell tower remaining in China. The bell was first designed as an emergency alarm (警钟) to warn of danger, 36 it was very often used to tell people the time.While Xi’an is a city 37 a long history, it is also very much a part of the modern world. It is best 38 (know) as a center for software (软件) research, development and services. Historically, Xi’an has always been a city of art, industry and business that have placed it far in front of many other 39 (city).Xi’an is a city always remaking 40 (it) and looking forward, all the while keeping the best of the past.【答案】31.the 32.gave 33.building 34.goes 35.largest 36.but 37.with 38.known 39.cities 40.itself【导语】本文介绍了中国的城市西安。31.句意:它在中国北方。in the north表示“在北方”。故填the。32.句意:他给它长安的名字。根据“who started the Han Dynasty and made Xi’an his capital. ”可知描述过去的事,用一般过去时,give过去式为gave。故填gave。33.句意:韩国和日本效仿西安建造古都。in为介词,后接动词的动名词形式。故填building。34.句意:它环绕着城市,是一个重要的文化遗址。根据“is an important cultural site ”可知此句时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用三单。故填goes。35.句意:在西安的中心有钟楼——中国现存最大的钟楼。the后接形容词最高级,largest表示“最大的”。故填largest。36.句意:钟最初是作为紧急警报来警告危险的,但它经常被用来告诉人们时间。空前后有转折关系,用but连接。故填but。37.句意:西安是一座历史悠久的城市,同时也是现代世界的一部分。根据“While Xi’an is a city ... a long history”可知此处指有悠久历史的城市,介词with表示“具有”。故填with。38.句意:它以软件研究、开发和服务中心而闻名。形容词短语be known as表示“被称为”。故填known。39.句意:从历史上看,西安一直是一座艺术、工业和商业之都,这使它远远领先于许多其他城市。many other后接名词复数。故填cities。40.句意:西安是一个不断自我改造和向前看的城市,同时也保留着过去的精华。根据“Xi’an is a city always remaking”可知此处指改进自己,主语是Xi’an,此处用反身代词itself。故填itself。(2024宁夏中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入恰当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。More Than Just A Noodle ShopGuo Zhanglong, a Chinese young man, has lived in France 41 12 years. In 2022, he 42 (begin) selling traditional Shanxi sliced noodles in France. Sliced noodles are also 43 (call) Daoxioomian in Chinese. Guo shared some videos of his noodle shop online, and the shop 44 (quick) became popular. So far, he has already had 45 (million) of fans all over the world. At first, Guo was 46 (worry) about whether his noodles would be popular with French customers. 47 , he found the French customers not only could eat it, but also accepted it with gusto (津津有味). “Many French friends have added 48 (we) noodles to their daily diet now,” Guo said. “Food knows no borders (国界).” Since the noodle shop opened. Guo has hosted (招待) many French people 49 are interested in China. Over dinner, Guo often shares his knowledge of China with them. “I want more and more 50 (foreigner) to learn about Chinese food and Chinese culture, so that they can better understand China,” he said.【答案】41.for 42.began 43.called 44.quickly 45.millions 46.worried 47.However 48.our 49.who/that 50.foreigners【导语】本文主要介绍把中国山西刀削面带进法国的郭章龙的故事。41.句意:郭章龙,一个中国年轻人,已经在法国生活了12年。根据“has lived in France...12 years”可知,此处强调时间段,用“for+段时间”,故填for。42.句意:2022年,他开始在法国销售传统的山西刀削面。根据“In 2022”可知,是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填began。43.句意:“Sliced noodles”在汉语中也被称为刀削面。根据“Sliced noodles are also...Daoxioomian in Chinese.”可知,此处是be called“被称为”,故填called。44.句意:郭在网上分享了一些他的面馆视频,这家店很快就火了起来。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填quickly。45.句意:到目前为止,他已经在世界各地拥有了数百万的粉丝。此处是millions of“数百万的”,故填millions。46.句意:起初,郭担心他的面条是否会受到法国顾客的欢迎。be worried about“担心”,固定短语,故填worried。47.句意:然而,他发现法国顾客不仅可以吃,而且还津津有味地接受了它。前后两句构成转折关系,用However连接,故填However。48.句意:现在很多法国朋友都把我们的面条加入了他们的日常饮食中。此处作定语,用形容词性物主代词our,故填our。49.句意:自从面馆开业以来,郭接待了许多对中国感兴趣的法国人。此处是定语从句,先行词是人,引导词在从句中作主语,用who/that引导。故填who/that。50.句意:我希望越来越多的外国人了解中国食物和中国文化,这样他们就能更好地了解中国。“more and more”修饰可数名词复数,故填foreigners。(2024四川眉山中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hotpot, Mapo Tofu and Fish Filets in Hot Chili Oil (水煮鱼) —these dishes are well-known names in China. And they all have one thing 51 common: They’re very numbing (麻的) and spicy (辣的).“Numbing and spicy” is a special phrase which is used 52 (describe) Sichuan food. Generally, Sichuan cooks are good at using Pixian Broad Bean Paste (郫县豆瓣). It 53 (see) as “the soul (灵魂) of Sichuan dishes” by many people. As 54 result, they are quite different from the dried and spicy Hunan food and the sour and spicy Guizhou food.However, to Sichuan dishes, there is much more than 55 (they) numbing and spicy flavor (味道) because Sichuan cooks are able to create all kinds of flavors. So people praise Sichuan dishes, “Each dish 56 (have) its own style; a hundred dishes have a hundred different flavors.” There are at 57 (little) 24 kinds of flavors in Sichuan dishes and only one-third of them are spicy. Some dishes are neither numbing 58 spicy, like sweet and sour fish.Visitors to Sichuan are surprised at so many 59 (choice) they have for food. Sichuan is 60 (certain) a great place to start your Chinese food journey.【答案】51.in 52.to describe 53.is seen 54.a 55.their 56.has 57.least 58.nor 59.choices 60.certainly【导语】本文主要介绍了川菜。51.句意:它们都有一个共同点:麻辣。此处是固定短语in common“共同的”。故填in。52.句意:麻辣是一个用来形容川菜的特殊短语。be used to do sth“被用来做某事”,为固定短语,符合题意,故填to describe。53.句意:它被许多人视为“川菜之魂”。此处是固定短语be seen as“被视为”,句子是一般现在时,主语是it,be动词用is。故填is seen。54.句意:因此,它们与干辣的湖南菜和酸辣的贵州菜有很大的不同。as a result“因此,结果是”,为固定短语。故填a。55.句意:然而,川菜的味道远不止麻辣,因为川菜厨师能做出各种各样的口味。空后是名词,应用形容词性物主代词their修饰,故填their。56.句意:每道菜都有自己的风格。句子是一般现在时,主语是each,谓语动词用三单形式,故填has。57.句意:四川菜至少有24种口味,其中只有三分之一是辣的。at least“至少”,为固定短语,故填least。58.句意:有些菜既不麻也不辣,比如糖醋鱼。neither...nor...“既不……也不……”,为固定结构。故填nor。59.句意:到四川旅游的人对四川有这么多可选择的食物感到惊讶。many修饰可数名词choice的复数,故填choices。60.句意:四川无疑是开始你的中国美食之旅的好地方。certain是形容词,此处应用副词certainly“无疑”作状语。故填certainly。(2024江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。When cultures meet, not just their language or clothing may be different. Often their food will be 61 (great) different too. People on both sides can discover new chances for trading. This text 62 (tell) how some common food plants spread around the world.As early as 5, 000 BC, 63 (potato) were traded in South America as a valuable type of food. They were 64 (take) to Europe in the 1500s and their use soon spread across it.Tea drinking started in China. By the early 1600s, traders had begun to ship tea from China to Europe. Tea drinking soon 65 (become) fashionable there but because 66 its high price, it remained a drink for the wealthy.Sugar cane (甘蔗) was first used to produce 67 kind of sweet juice over 8, 000 years ago on the island of New Guinea. Its use soon spread across South East Asia and then to the 68 (wide) world.Cocoa was used to make a cold, spicy drink in Central America over 3, 000 years ago. The Europeans brought it back with 69 (they) in the 1520s and added sugar to make the sweet, hot drink we know today. 70 it’s expensive, many people still love it.【答案】61.greatly 62.tells 63.potatoes 64.taken 65.became 66.of 67.a 68.wider 69.them 70.Although/Though【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了一些常见的食用植物是如何在世界各地传播的。61.句意:通常他们的食物也会有很大的不同。great“大的”,形容词,此处应用其副词形式greatly,修饰形容词different。故填greatly。62.句意:本文讲述了一些常见的食用植物是如何在世界各地传播的。tell“讲述”,动词。本句是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,谓语动词用其单三形式。故填tells。63.句意:早在公元前5000年,土豆就作为一种有价值的食物在南美洲进行贸易。potato “土豆”,可数名词,由“were”可知,用其复数形式。故填potatoes。64.句意:它们在16世纪被带到欧洲,并很快传遍了整个欧洲。take“携带”,动词。此处指土豆被带到欧洲,是被动语态,动词用其过去分词形式。故填taken。65.句意:饮茶很快在那里成为一种时尚,但由于价格高昂,它仍然是富人的饮品。become“成为”,动词。本句描述过去的事,应为一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填became。66.句意:饮茶很快在那里成为一种时尚,但由于价格高昂,它仍然是富人的饮品。此处是短语because of “由于”。故填of。67.句意:8000多年前,在新几内亚岛,甘蔗首次被用来生产一种甜果汁。此处是短语a kind of “一种”。故填a。68.句意:它的使用很快就传遍了东南亚,然后传播到了更广阔的世界。wide“宽阔的”,形容词。此处指甘蔗后来传播到更为宽阔的世界,暗含比较,应用其比较级。故填wider。69.句意:15世纪20年代,欧洲人将其带回欧洲,并添加糖制成我们今天所知的甜味热饮。they “他们”,代词主格。此处应用其宾格形式them,作介词with的宾语。故填them。70.句意:虽然它很贵,但许多人仍然喜欢它。分析句子可知,此处缺少连词,指虽然它很昂贵,但是很多人仍然很喜欢,故用although/though引导让步状语从句。故填Although/Though。(2024湖北武汉中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据上下文或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的适当形式。The theme parks in the world are popular because they have their own character IPs (知识产权), such as Mickey Mouse and Harry Potter. According to 71 research report, IP is the “heart” of a theme park. 72 (develop) China’s own IPs, some theme parks make good use of traditional Chinese culture, and others focus on films about Chinese 73 (story). It is 74 (encourage) that the Chinese cultural industry (产业) has been taking a big step in creative works. For example, some famous theme parks have opened in Shanghai and Beijing 75 (recent). It’s happy to see that some Chinese culture has been welcomed in the parks. Over the past few years, Chinese cultural IPs have often appeared 76 movies and TV dramas. For example, the Chinese film Chang’an San Wan Li became a success thanks to the Chinese ink paintings, ancient poems 77 high technology in it. Besides, Mulan, which 78 (produce) years ago, helped traditional Chinese cultured to be learned by the world. Traditional Chinese culture 79 (provide) special experiences for the entertainment industry. The key lies in new ideas. With the help of high technology, China can develop 80 (it) traditional cultural IPs and it will have world-class theme parks in the coming years.【答案】a 72.To develop 73.stories 74.encouraging 75.recently 76.in 77.and 78.was produced 79.provides 80.its【导语】本文主要介绍中国文化产业的发展。71.句意:一份研究报告显示,知识产权是主题公园的“心脏”。此处泛指一份研究报告,“research report”首字母发辅音音素,故填a。72.句意:为了开发中国自己的知识产权,一些主题公园很好地利用了中国传统文化,而另一些主题公园则专注于中国故事的电影。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填To develop。73.句意:为了开发中国自己的知识产权,一些主题公园很好地利用了中国传统文化,而另一些主题公园则专注于中国故事的电影。此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填stories。74.句意:令人鼓舞的是,中国文化产业在创意作品方面迈出了一大步。句中It为形式主语,真正的主语是that the Chinese cultural industry (产业) has been taking a big step in creative works,此处表示中国文化产业在创意作品方面迈出了一大步,这是一件令人鼓舞的事情,应用形容词encouraging来修饰。故填encouraging。75.句意:例如,最近在上海和北京开设了一些著名的主题公园。此处在句中作状语,用副词形式。故填recently。76.句意:在过去的几年里,中国文化知识产权经常出现在电影和电视剧中。根据“Chinese cultural IPs have often appeared...movies and TV dramas”可知,中国文化知识产权经常出现在电影和电视剧中,in“在……中”符合语境。故填in。77.句意:例如,中国电影《长安三万里》的成功要归功于其中的中国水墨画、古诗词和高科技。前后构成并列关系,用and连接。故填and。78.句意:此外,多年前制作的《木兰》帮助中国传统文化被世界学习。本句主语是动作的承受者,结合“years ago”可知,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是“Mulan”,be动词用was。故填was produced。79.句意:中国传统文化为娱乐业提供了特殊的体验。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“Traditional Chinese culture”,动词用三单。故填provides。80.句意:在高科技的帮助下,中国可以开发其传统文化知识产权,并将在未来几年拥有世界级的主题公园。此处作定语修饰“traditional cultural IPs”,用形容词性物主代词its。故填its。(2024四川达州中考真题)阅读下面短文,在文章空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Shenzhou-18 manned spaceship has been successfully launched (发射) from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center. It marks China’s 32nd manned flight into space. At 8: 59 p. m. on April 25, 2024, it 81 (send) three astronauts and nearly 100 experimental boxes (实验柜) to the Tiangong space station. The three astronauts 82 (be) Ye Guangfu, Li Cong and Li Guangsu. They were all born in the 1980s. Ye was one of the 83 (member) of the Shenzhou-l3 mission (任务) from October 2021 84 April 2022. This time, he works as the 85 (lead) of the three astronauts. Both Li Cong 86 Li Guangsu are newcomers to space. During 87 (they) time in space, they will care for the space station to make sure it can work 88 (safe). They will do over 90 experiments. A fish 89 (call) “the 4th member of Shenzhou-18” will be used for an experimental project. The Shenzhou-18 astronauts are planned to return to 90 earth in late October this year. So they will spend about six months on the space station.【答案】81.sent 82.are 83.members 84.to 85.leader 86.and 87.their 88.safely 89.called 90.the【导语】本文介绍了神舟十八号的航天员以及航天任务、行程等。81.句意:2024年4月25日晚8点59分,中国航天局将3名航天员和近100个实验柜送往天宫空间站。send“发送”,动词。根据“At 8: 59 p. m. on April 25, 2024”可知,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填sent。82.句意:这三名宇航员分别是叶光富、李聪和李广苏。本句陈述事实,是一般现在时,主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are。83.句意:叶是2021年10月至2022年4月神舟三号任务的成员之一。member“成员”,可数名词。one of the+名词复数,意为“……之一”。故填members。84.句意:叶是2021年10月至2022年4月神舟三号任务的成员之一。from…to…“从……到……”,固定搭配。故填to。85.句意:这一次,他是三名宇航员中的领导者。lead“领导”,动词。此处指叶光富是三人中的领导者。leader“领导”,可数名词,用其单数形式。故填leader。86.句意:李聪和李广苏都是太空新人。both…and“两者都……”,固定搭配。故填and。87.句意:在太空期间,他们将照顾空间站,确保它能安全工作。they“他们”,人称代词。此处应用形容词性物主代词their,作定语修饰time。故填their。88.句意:在太空期间,他们将照顾空间站,确保它能安全工作。safe“安全的”,形容词。此处用其副词形式safely,修饰动词work。故填safely。89.句意:一种名为“神舟十八号”的鱼将被用于一个实验项目。call“称为”,动词。此处用其过去分词形式called,作后置定语修饰名词fish。故填called。90.句意:神舟十八号航天员计划于今年十月下旬返回地球。此处缺少冠词,earth“地球”是世界上独一无二的物体,其前应加定冠词the。故填the。(2024黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空。After some warm-up activities, Zhang Hanliang starts her martial (武术的) art exercises in the morning. To promote (推广) martial arts to more people, Zhang and her team 91 (make) many 92 (tradition) Chinese martial art videos in the past few years. 93 (million) of people watched the videos. “I hope that more and more people will feel the beauty of 94 (do) Chinese kung fu.” said Zhang.Zhang has practiced martial arts for over 20 years. 95 (she) love for martial arts 96 (come) from her family. After Zhang had practiced at home for a few years, her father sent her to a sports school. At that time, Zhang was the 97 (young) child to learn martial arts at the school, but she practiced very hard. “I would keep 98 (practice) after daily training every day.” Zhang said.In 2007, Zhang began to teach martial arts. Besides her job at the university, Zhang 99 (work) to promote the martial arts to foreigners now. She has been invited to many foreign countries to give lessons on it. “Martial arts can be a bridge for cultural exchanges between China and other countries,” said Zhang. She wished more and more people 100 (know) and love martial arts.【答案】91.have made 92.traditional 93.Millions 94.doing 95.Her 96.comes 97.youngest 98.practicing 99.is working 100.to know【导语】本文主要介绍了张含亮和其团队制作的多个中华传统武术视频在互联网悄然走红的故事,引导学生尊重并弘扬传统文化,增强文化自信。91.句意:为了向更多人推广武术,张和她的团队在过去几年里制作了许多中国传统武术视频。根据“in the past few years”可知,强调动作的持续,所以用现在完成时,主语是复数名词,所以助动词用have,后跟过去分词made。故填have made。92.句意:为了向更多人推广武术,张和她的团队在过去几年里制作了许多中国传统武术视频。空处作定语修饰名词videos,所以用tradition的形容词形式traditional。故填traditional。93.句意:数百万人观看了这些视频。millions of“数百万的”,固定短语,句首单词首字母要大写。故填Millions。94.句意:我希望越来越多的人能感受到中国功夫的美。介词of后跟动名词作宾语,故填doing。95.句意:她对武术的热爱来自她的家庭。空处作定语修饰名词love,所以用she的形容词性物主代词her,句首单词首字母大写。故填Her。96.句意:她对武术的热爱来自她的家庭。不可数名词love作主语,时态是一般现在时,所以谓语动词用三单形式,故填comes。97.句意:当时,张是学校里最小的孩子,但她练得很刻苦。根据“at the school”可知,是与学校的孩子相比,三者以上作比较用最高级,young的最高级youngest,故填youngest。98.句意:在每天的日常训练之后,我会继续练习。keep doing sth“继续做某事”,所以空处用动名词作宾语,故填practicing。99.句意:除了大学的工作,她现在还在向外国人推广武术。根据“now”可知,时态是现在进行时,主语是第三人称单数,所以be动词用is,后跟work的现在分词。故填is working。100.句意:她希望越来越多的人了解并热爱武术。wish sb to do sth“希望某人做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动词不定式,故填to know。(2024四川自贡中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Zigong Lantern Festival shows the wisdom and culture of people in Zigong. In 2008, the festival 101 (become) a national-level intangible cultural heritage (国家级非物质文化遗产). So far the Zigong lantern festival 102 (reach) many places in China and more than eighty 103 (country) around the world.Wan Songtao is 104 important leader of a lantern-making company in Zigong. He spent his every vacation 105 (learn) lantern-making from his father when he was a teenager. 106 (get) better at designing (设计), Wan studied fine art in college.One of the most important parts of making a large lantern is designing. “We used to design the lanterns all by ourselves,” said Wan. “ 107 (lucky), we can use AI for good ideas now.” Besides AI, other technologies are also very 108 (help). “The great success of Zigong lanterns comes 109 team effort,” said Wan. His favorite work The sundial in 2024 is the work of over 80 Zigong lantern makers as well as a group of engineers. It took them over 4,000 hours to make it 110 bring it to the park.【答案】101.became 102.has reached 103.countries 104.an 105.learning 106.To get 107.Luckily 108.helpful 109.from 110.and【导语】本文主要介绍了自贡元宵节的影响以及现代科技对设计灯笼的影响。101.句意:2008年,该节日被列为国家级非物质文化遗产。根据“In 2008”可知,此处是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填became。102.句意:到目前为止,自贡元宵节已经传到了中国许多地方和世界上80多个国家。根据So far可知,此处用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语是单数形式,助动词用has,故填has reached。103.句意:到目前为止,自贡元宵节已经传到了中国许多地方和世界上80多个国家。根据“more than eighty”可知,此空应填复数形式,故填countries。104.句意:万松涛是自贡一家灯笼制作公司的重要领导。此处表示泛指,且important是以元音音素开头的,故填an。105.句意:十几岁的时候,他每个假期都跟着父亲学习制作灯笼。spend time doing sth“花费时间做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填learning。106.句意:为了更好地设计,他在大学学习美术。根据“better at designing (设计), Wan studied fine art in college.”可知,在大学学习美术是为了更好地设计,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To get。107.句意:幸运的是,我们现在可以用人工智能来想出好主意。此空位于开头,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词作状语。根据“we can use AI for good ideas now.”可知,现在可以用人工智能来想出好主意,这是一件幸运的事,故填Luckily。108.句意:除了人工智能,其他技术也很有帮助。are后接形容词作表语,helpful“有帮助的”符合,故填helpful。109.句意:自贡灯笼的巨大成功来自于团队的努力。根据“The great success of Zigong lanterns comes…team effort”可知,成功来自于团队的努力,come from“来自”,故填from。110.句意:他们花了4000多个小时制作并把它带到公园。空格前后是并列关系,用and连接,故填and。(2024四川遂宁中考真题)根据下面材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。The oil-paper umbrella has a history of over 1,000 years in China. There are different 111 (story) about the invention of the umbrella in China. The most popular one has something to do with Lu Ban. It’s said that once he and his wife visited the West Lake. It started raining suddenly. His wife said, “Let’s have 112 competition. Before sunrise tomorrow, the one who comes up 113 a good way to visit the West Lake even on rainy days will be the winner.” Lu Ban 114 (think) it was easy. He collected some tools and materials. Then he spent the whole night 115 (build) pavilions (亭子) around the lake. He was quite proud of his work. The next morning, 116 Lu Ban talked about his achievements and felt proud, his wife held something unusual in her hand. It could be opened into a round shape. Lu Ban was 117 (surprise). He found that the object, made of silk and bamboo, could be opened and closed 118 (easy). It was light, beautiful and easy to carry. Lu Ban said, “You win. Your invention can protect us from rain better.” So the umbrella 119 (invent). Later, people began to use paper, which was 120 (cheap) than silk. To make the umbrella water-proof, people brushed a kind of oil on the surface. So the oil-paper umbrella appeared.【答案】111.stories 112.a 113.with 114.thought 115.building 116.when 117.surprised 118.easily 119.was invented 120.cheaper【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了鲁班和妻子发明雨伞的典故。111.句意:关于雨伞的发明,中国有不同的故事。story“故事”,可数名词,被different修饰,用其复数形式。故填stories。112.句意:我们来比赛吧。competition是可数名词单数,且以辅音音素发音开头,其前应加不定冠词a。have a competition“比赛”。故填a。113.句意:明天日出之前,谁能想出一个雨天也能游西湖的好办法,谁就是赢家。come up with“想出”,动词短语。故填with。114.句意:鲁班认为这很容易。think“认为”,动词。时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填thought。115.句意:然后他花了一整晚在湖边建造亭子。build“建造”,动词。spend some time doing sth.“花费时间做某事”,动名词作宾语。故填building。116.句意:第二天早晨,鲁班谈起自己的功绩,得意洋洋,他的妻子手里拿着一件不寻常的东西。此处缺少连词,指当鲁班谈到自己建造的亭子时,妻子手里拿着一件不寻常的东西。when“当……时”,引导时间状语从句。故填when。117.句意:鲁班很惊讶。surprise“使惊讶”,动词。此处应用其形容词surprised“惊讶的”,作表语,修饰人。故填surprised。118.句意:他发现这个由丝绸和竹子制成的东西可以很容易地打开和关闭。easy“容易的”,形容词。此处应用其副词easily,修饰动词。故填easily。119.句意:于是伞被发明了。invent“发明”,动词。此处指雨伞被发明,应为被动语态。时态是一般过去时,应为一般过去时的被动语态。主语是单数,be动词用was。故填was invented。120.句意:后来,人们开始使用比丝绸便宜的纸。cheap“便宜的”,形容词。根据“than”可知,此处用其比较级。故填cheaper。(2024四川宜宾中考真题)根据下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡上的相应位置。In China, when you want to travel on a high-speed train, you can now choose a quiet car. The big train company in China has started this on some train lines, 121 the ones from Beijing to Shanghai, Beijing to Guangzhou, and Chengdu to Chongqing.You can choose a quiet car when you buy your train ticket on the website 12306.cn 122 can offer train tickets. You can ask for a quiet seat in the 123 (two) class (等级). On the 12306 phone app, if a train has a quiet car, you 124 (find) a “quiet” sign.After you buy your ticket, you will receive 125 message telling you not to make any noise in the quiet car. You should use headphones when 126 (listen) to music and go outside the quiet car if you talk on the phone. Parents must make sure their 127 (child) behave well so that they won’t cause any trouble for others. The conductors (列车员) will speak more 128 (soft). They also know when each person will get off the train and can tell 129 (they) quietly.If you would like 130 (buy) some food, you can scan (扫描) a special code on the arm of your seat. Follow the steps to order, and the salesperson will bring it to you.Now, you can enjoy a nice and quiet train trip!【答案】121.including 122.that/which 123.second 124.will find 125.a 126.listening 127.children 128.softly 129.them 130.to buy【导语】本文主要讲了火车上可以选择安静车厢服务,介绍了服务要遵守的一些规定以及一些注意事项。121.句意:中国最大的铁路公司已经在一些线路上推出了这项服务,包括北京至上海、北京至广州和成都至重庆的线路。根据“The big train company in China has started this on some train lines, ...the ones from Beijing to Shanghai, Beijing to Guangzhou, and Chengdu to Chongqing.”可知,此处举例推出这项服务的线路包括哪些,介词including“包括”符合语境。故填including。122.句意:你可以在12306.cn网站上买火车票时选择一节安静的车厢。此处是定语从句,先行词是物,引导词在从句中作主语,用that/which引导定语从句。故填that/which。123.句意:你可以在二等座要一个安静的座位。此处作定语修饰class,用序数词second,表示第二等级的车厢,故填second。124.句意:在12306手机应用程序上,如果火车上有安静车厢,你会发现一个“安静”的标志。此处是if引导的条件状语从句,动作未发生,满足“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时。故填will find。125.句意:在你买了票之后,你会收到一条信息,告诉你不要在安静的车厢里制造任何噪音。此处泛指一条信息,“message”首字母发辅音音素。故填a。126.句意:听音乐时应戴上耳机,打电话时应离开安静的车厢。此处在句中作状语,用现在分词形式。故填listening。127.句意:父母必须确保他们的孩子表现良好,这样他们就不会给别人带来麻烦。此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式。故填children。128.句意:父母必须确保他们的孩子表现良好,这样他们就不会给别人带来麻烦。此处在句中修饰动词speak,用副词形式。故填softly。129.句意:他们还知道每个人什么时候下车,并能悄悄地告诉他们。此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格。故填them。130.句意:如果你想买一些食物,你可以扫描座位扶手上的特殊码。would like to do sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故填to buy。(2024四川南充中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相应的横线上。Jiang Shumei, born in 1937, spent most of her time working in a factory. In 1996, she learned her 131 (one) Chinese character (汉字). Sixteen years later, she started to write down some of her own 132 (story). It was not easy. Sometimes, completing a single sentence could take a day. She 133 (usual) started at 3 or 4 a.m., and revised (修改) the pieces several times until she was 134 (satisfy). In 2013, her book, Time of Trouble, Time of Poverty, was published and proved to be 135 success. The book earned Jiang a lot of fans and sympathy (同情). “Don’t feel sorry for me,” she says to her fans, “The hardships mentioned in the book are now in the past. 136 them, I could never have finished this book.”So far, the elderly woman 137 (publish) six books, totaling more than 600,000 characters in length. “It’s never too late. I enjoy 138 (I) when writing,“ Jiang says. She lives a healthy life, exercising every day 139 eating a balanced diet. “If I could live as long as 130, would you still say that it is too late for me 140 (start) after 60?” she says jokingly.【答案】131.first 132.stories 133.usually 134.satisfied 135.a 136.Without 137.has published 138.myself 139.and 140.to start【导语】本文通过描述姜淑梅在60岁以后开始学习汉字并成为作家的故事,告诉我们:活到老,学到者,131.句意:1996年,她学会了第一个汉字。根据“she learned her...Chinese character (汉字).”可知,空处是指学会了第一个汉字,需用序数词first,意为“第一个”。故填first。132.句意:16年后,她开始写下自己的一些故事。根据“some of her own...”可知,空处需填入复数名词。stories“故事”。故填stories。133.句意:她通常在凌晨3、4点开始,把作品修改几次,直到满意为止。修饰空后动词“started”需用副词usually,意为“通常”。故填usually。134.句意:她通常在凌晨3、4点开始,把作品修改几次,直到满意为止。be动词后跟形容词作表语;satisfy的形容词为satisfied,意为“满意的”。故填satisfied。135.句意:2013年,她的书《乱时候,穷时候》出版并取得了成功。空处泛指“一个成功”,且“success”以辅音音素开头,需用不定冠词a。故填a。136.句意:没有它们,我永远也写不完这本书。根据“The hardships mentioned in the book are now in the past.”和“them, I could never have finished this book.”可知,此处是指没有书中提及的困难,姜淑梅写不出这本书。without“没有”。故填Without。137.句意:到目前为止,这位老妇人已经出版了六本书,总长度超过60万字。根据“So far,”可知,本句是现在完成时(have/has done),主语是单数,助动词用has;publish的过去分词为published。故填has published。138.句意:我很享受写作的过程。enjoy oneself表示“尽情享受,过得愉快”;此处需用myself与主语I保持一致。故填myself。139.句意:她过着健康的生活,每天锻炼,饮食均衡。“exercising every day”和“eating a balanced diet.”并列,需用连词and表示“和”。故填and。140.句意:如果我能活到130岁,你还会说我60岁以后再开始太迟吗?it is adj for sb to do sth“对某人来说做某事是……”,固定短语。故填to start。(2024山东滨州中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。The year 2024 celebrates the Chinese Year of the Dragon. It is respected as a 141 (luck) year, full of hope for all.Chinese people respect the dragon, and even see themselves as the descendants (后代) of the dragon. In Chinese culture, the dragon is a symbol of power and good luck. People believe it controls the water and brings a good harvest. So they 142 (admire) the dragon since ancient times. And people who are born in the dragon year are thought to be confident and unafraid to take risks.But how did the dragon become one of the twelve 143 (animal) in the Chinese zodiac (生肖)? According to the legend, there was a party, the order of the zodiac animals would be decided by the order in which they arrived. The dragon, although it had the ability 144 (fly), didn’t come first because it stopped to make rain for farmers on 145 (it) way. So, it was the 146 (five) one to arrive.To show great respect towards the dragon, Dragon Dance 147 (start) by the Chinese during the Han Dynasty. Now it has been spread all over the world. The length of dragons can be 50 to 70 meters because people believe that the 148 (long) the dragon is, the more luck it will bring. But a small group 149 (not run) a very long dragon because it needs great human power, much money, and special skills.The dragon is not just an animal in the Chinese zodiac, it’s also a powerful symbol that is rooted (根植) 150 (deep) in Chinese history and customs.【答案】141.lucky 142.have admired 143.animals 144.to fly 145.its 146.fifth 147.was started 148.longer 149.can’t run 150.deeply【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了龙如何成为十二生肖之一的典故以及龙在中国文化中的重要地位和意义。141.句意:它被认为是幸运的一年,对所有人都充满希望。luck“运气”,名词。此处应用形容词lucky“幸运的”,作定语修饰名词year。故填lucky。142.句意:所以他们自古以来就崇拜龙。admire“尊敬”,动词。根据“since ancient times”可知,时态是现在完成时,主语是人称复数,助动词用have。故填have admired。143.句意:但是龙是如何成为中国十二生肖中的十二种动物之一的呢?animal“动物”,可数名词,被twelve修饰,用其复数形式。故填animals。144.句意:虽然龙有飞行的能力,但它并没有排在第一位,因为它在途中停下来为农民降雨。fly“飞”,动词。此处用动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词ability ,指飞行的能力。故填to fly。145.句意:虽然龙有飞行的能力,但它并没有排在第一位,因为它在途中停下来为农民降雨。it“它”,人称代词。此处应用其形容词性物主代词its,作定语修饰名词way。故填its。146.句意:所以,它是第五个到达的。five“五”,基数词。此处指龙第五个到达,表顺序,应用序数词fifth。故填fifth。147.句意:为了表示对龙的高度尊重,中国人在汉代开始了舞龙运动。start“开始”,动词。由“by”可知,此处是被动语态。结合“during the Han Dynasty”可知,时态是一般过去时,故此处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,be动词用was。故填was started。148.句意:龙的长度可以是50到70米,因为人们相信龙越长,它会带来更多的好运。long“长的”,形容词。此处是“the+比较级, the+比较级”,意为“越……,就越……”,故用其比较级。故填longer。149.句意:但一小群人无法驾驭一条很长的龙,因为它需要大量的人力、大量的资金和特殊的技能。run“使运转”,动词。根据常识可知,几个人无法舞动一条巨长的龙。结合“needs”可知,时态是一般现在时,故用情态动词can’t表“不能”,动词run用原形。故填can’t run。150.句意:龙不仅是中国十二生肖中的一种动物,也是深深植根于中国历史和习俗的强大象征。deep“深的”,形容词。此处应用其副词deeply“深深地”,修饰动词。故填deeply。(2024青海中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。Wu Muliang is a photographer from a village. He is 151 kind boy. He takes 152 (photo) for old people in his village. Wu Muliang is very young, but he helps his neighbors by 153 (take) pictures. Wu’s grandparents took care 154 him when he was a little boy, but they couldn’t see each other often after he 155 (start) school. Wu’s grandpa died years ago. But there was no picture of him for the family to remember him with. This made Wu and his family very sad. Wu knew that many old people in 156 (he) village didn’t have pictures either. They didn’t have phones with cameras like us, so Wu wanted 157 (help) them take pictures. Wu took pictures of his grandma 158 other old people in the village. Some of them were not very old, but they wanted pictures to remember themselves when they were younger. Wu learned that it’s 159 (importance) to spend time with family from his experience. He will help more old people in his village and other places too. He would like to see them smiling 160 (happy) when they look at their pictures.【答案】151.a 152.photos 153.taking 154.of 155.started 156.his 157.to help 158.and 159.important 160.happily【导语】本文主要介绍吴木良帮自己的奶奶以及全村一共十多位老人拍照这件事。151.句意:他是一个善良的男孩。此处泛指一个男孩,“kind”首字母发辅音音素,故填a。152.句意:他为村里的老人拍照。take photos“拍照”,故填photos。153.句意:吴木良很年轻,但他帮助他的邻居拍照。by是介词,其后加动名词作宾语,故填taking。154.句意:吴的祖父母在他还是个小男孩的时候就照顾他,但在他上学后,他们就不能经常见面了。take care of“照顾”,固定短语,故填of。155.句意:吴的祖父母在他还是个小男孩的时候就照顾他,但在他上学后,他们就不能经常见面了。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填started。156.句意:吴知道他村里的许多老人也没有照片。此处作定语修饰village,用形容词性物主代词his,故填his。157.句意:他们没有像我们这样带摄像头的手机,所以吴想帮他们拍照。want to do sth“想要做某事”,故填to help。158.句意:吴给他的奶奶和村里的其他老人拍了照片。前后两句构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。159.句意:吴从他的经历中学到,花时间和家人在一起很重要。此处在句中作表语,用其形容词形式,故填important。160.句意:他希望看到他们在看照片时开心地微笑。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词happily,故填happily。(2024吉林长春中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Westwood National Park is a very huge national park. It is well-known 161 its fascinating scenes and many kinds of animals, especially bears. It is one of my favorite 162 (place) to take photos.I will never forget that afternoon. Birds flew over the 163 (peace) lake. The mountains 164 (cover) with white snow. With the camera held to my eye, I was recording the amazing picture. All of a sudden, I found two baby bears far away running after each other 165 (happy). Sometimes they stopped to look around; sometimes one rubbed (蹭) against the other’s back. They had a lot of fun playing in 166 sun. At that moment, I completely lost myself in the sweet environment. How I wished that time could stand still! I really hoped 167 (catch) the warm scene with my camera and I did it. After a while, I 168 (hear) a loud roar (吼叫) from the mother bear. The two baby bears stood up quickly 169 ran back to the forest. I was so lucky that I could take such a picture.The photo always reminds 170 (I) that the real beauty is “nature” in nature.【答案】for 162.places 163.peaceful 164.were covered 165.happily 166.the 167.to catch 168.heard 169.and 170.me【导语】本文作者介绍自己在韦斯特伍德国家公园拍照的经历。161.句意:它以其迷人的景色和多种动物,尤其是熊而闻名。此处是be well-known for“以……而闻名”,故填for。162.句意:这是我最喜欢拍照的地方之一。one of后用名词复数形式,故填places。163.句意:鸟儿飞过宁静的湖面。此处用形容词作定语修饰lake,故填peaceful。164.句意:山上覆盖着皑皑白雪。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,故填were covered。165.句意:突然,我发现两个熊宝宝在远处快乐地追逐着对方。此处用副词修饰动词短语,故填happily。166.句意:它们在阳光下玩得很开心。in the sun“在阳光下”,固定短语,故填the。167.句意:我真的希望用我的相机捕捉到温暖的场景,我做到了。hope to do sth“希望做某事”,故填to catch。168.句意:过了一会儿,我听到熊妈妈的一声大吼。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填heard。169.句意:两只熊宝宝迅速站起来,跑回森林。前后动作构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。170.句意:这张照片总是提醒我,真正的美是大自然中的“自然”。此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格,故填me。(2024山东东营中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。While I was going through the forest. I fell on the ground. Ouch! That hurt. Then a voice said, “Are you l right? You 171 badly ________ (not hurt), are you?”I looked up and saw a boy of my age. “No, I’m OK, Thanks.” He helped me up.“I haven’t seen you at school. Do you live near here?” I asked.“No. I’m from Manchester,” with these words, the boy hurried away.Back home, Mum 172 (watch) the news.“Hi, Grace 173 you ________ (hear) about this boy, Mark?” she asked.“No. What boy?” I said.“A boy from Manchester. He’s run away from home. Look! This is his dad.”There was a man on TV sitting next to a policeman. He was crying. Then they showed a photo of the missing boy. It was the boy in the forest!“Should I tell mum? No. I 174 (not say) anything. I have to talk to Mark first.” I said to myself.The next day, I found Mark in the forest. I said, “Your dad was on TV last night. The police 175 (look) for you.”He looked shocked and asked, “Have you told them?”“No.” I said, “I wanted 176 (talk) to you first. Why have you run away?”He said sadly. “I argued with my dad. My mum died four years ago. Recently, my dad met a woman named Mel. Mel wants my dad for herself and isn’t interested in me. That night, Father 177 (tell) me that we would all move to London because Mel’s from London. But my grandpa and my friends 178 (be) in Manchester. I don’t want to move there. We both got angry. So I left in the midnight.”I felt sorry for Mark. But when I thought of his dad crying on TV. I am sorry for him too. “What 179 you ________ (do)?” I asked.“I don’t know.” he replied.“Why not live with your grandpa in Manchester? Let your dad and Mel 180 (move) to London and visit them in the holidays.”Mark didn’t answer for a while. then he nodded and smiled. “Can I use your phone? I need to call my dad.”【答案】171.aren’t;hurt 172.was watching 173.Have;heard 174.mustn’t say 175.are looking 176.to talk 177.told 178.are 179.are;going to do 180.move【导语】本文主要介绍了作者在森林中遇到了Mark,他因为与父亲争吵而离家出走,Mark的父亲在电视上寻找他,作者在得知后决定先和Mark谈谈,最后,作者给了Mark一些建议。171.句意:你没有受重伤,是吗?根据“are you”可知陈述部分用be动词are,和not缩写成aren’t,作表语用形容词hurt“受伤的”。故填aren’t;hurt。172.句意:妈妈在看新闻。根据“Back home”可知回到家的时候,妈妈正在看新闻,用过去进行时,主语是Mum,be动词用was。故填was watching。173.句意:你听说过这个男孩吗?此处表示过去的动作对现在的影响,用现在完成时,主语是you,助动词用have,变疑问句时,把助动词have放主语之前,动词用过去分词heard。故填have;heard。174.句意:我什么都不能说。根据“I have to talk to Mark first.”可知要先找Mark谈谈,所以什么都不能说,mustn’t“不能,禁止”,情态动词后加动词原形。故填mustn’t say。175.句意:警察正在找你。根据“The police...for you”可知此处强调警察正在寻找,直接引语中用现在进行时,此处主语the police指代复数,be动词用are。故填are looking。176.句意:我想先和你谈谈。want to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填to talk。177.句意:那天晚上,爸爸告诉我,我们都要搬到伦敦,因为梅尔来自伦敦。根据“That night”可知句子用过去时,动词用过去式told“告诉”。故填told。178.句意:但我爷爷和我的朋友都在曼彻斯特。此处描述客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are。179.句意:你打算怎么办?根据“What...you...”可知此处询问他打算怎么办,直接引语中用一般将来时be going to do,主语是you,be动词用are,变疑问句时把be动词are放主语之前。故填are;going to do。180.句意:让你爸爸和梅尔搬到伦敦。let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”。故填move。(2024内蒙古包头中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Students in the French cities of Paris and Lyon recently got the chance to take part in traditional Chinese cultural and sports events hosted by East China Normal University.The events were held from Thursday 181 Monday. On Thursday, students from five French middle schools 182 (experience) calligraphy (书法) and seal carving (篆刻) under the instruction of professors and students from China. It was 183 first time that they were provided in those French schools.Tryston Beck, a 12-year-old middle school student from Lyon, was 184 (satisfy) with his work in carving the Chinese character (文字) zhong, or middle. “The teachers from China told me 185 it meant. It was a very cool and fun experience,” he said.A friendly badminton match was held on Sunday between a team of students led by Wang Yihan, who came 186 (two) at the London 2012 Olympic Games, and student athletes from Lyon.“The match allowed Chinese and French youths 187 (improve) their competitive skills, friendship, and sow the seeds for future cooperation between the two sides,” said by a French officer.To show Chinese kung fu and tai chi, teachers and students from the university also went to three schools in Lyon. Some local people had chances to experience it themselves.“The movements in tai chi may be practiced very 188 (slow), but they are very 189 (create) and artistic,” another French officer said. “It’s a lovely beginning. I believe such activities will help more French 190 (teenager) improve their understanding of Chinese culture,” he said.【答案】to 182.experienced 183.the 184.satisfied 185.what 186.second 187.to improve 188.slowly 189.creative 190.teenagers【导语】本文是一篇新闻类阅读,文章介绍了法国巴黎和里昂的学生参加了由华东师范大学主办的中国传统文化和体育活动。该活动帮助法国青少年提高了对中国文化的了解。181.句意:活动从周四持续到周一。from…to…“从……到……”。故填to。182.句意:周四,来自法国五所中学的学生在来自中国的教授和学生的指导下体验了书法和篆刻。experience“体验,经验”,名词/动词。事情发生在过去,时态是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填experienced。183.句意:这是这些法国学校第一次提供这些课程。序数词first前加定冠词the,the first time“第一次”。故填the。184.句意:来自里昂的12岁中学生Tryston Beck对自己雕刻的“中”字很满意。be satisfied with“对……满意”,形容词短语。故填satisfied。185.句意:来自中国的老师告诉我这是什么意思。分析句子可知,told后接宾语从句。从句中缺少宾语,指“中”字是什么意思,故用what引导宾语从句。故填what。186.句意:上周日,一场羽毛球友谊赛在2012年伦敦奥运会亚军王仪涵率领的学生队和来自里昂的学生运动员之间举行。two“二”,基数词。此处指第二名,应用序数词second“第二”。故填second。187.句意:这场比赛让中法两国年轻人提高了竞技技能,增进了友谊,为双方未来的合作播下了种子。improve“提高”,动词。allow sb. to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,不定式作宾补。故填to improve。188.句意:太极拳的动作可能练习得很慢,但它们非常有创造力和艺术性。slow“慢的”,形容词。此处应用副词slowly修饰动词practice。故填slowly。189.句意:太极拳的动作可能练习得很慢,但它们非常有创造力和艺术性。create“创造”,动词。此处应用其形容词creative“有创造性的”作表语。故填creative。190.句意:我相信这样的活动将帮助更多的法国青少年提高他们对中国文化的了解。teenager“青少年”,可数名词,被more修饰,用其复数形式。故填teenagers。(2024山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Hi Alice,How are you? I want to tell you about my trip to the city space museum two days ago. I have never been there before, so I was 191 (excite)! I was taking care of my little sister and she was bored so I said, “We are going on an 192 (usual) experience!”When we arrived, we started to explore (探索). The space museum is very large and full of interesting and exciting objects 193 (touch). The first room you enter looks like deep space. There is information about different planets with a quiz (知识竞赛) at the end. The 194 (win) has a chance to invent a name for a planet—that’s exciting, isn’t it? The 195 (two) room looks like the inside of a spaceship. You can touch an astronaut’s spacesuit (宇航服). It looks really heavy! I don’t know how an astronaut can wear it. It looks a little old. I don’t know when it 196 (make), either. And you can see where the astronauts prepare their food. Did you know they use a knife, fork and spoon to eat? I didn’t. I thought it was all in bags.We were looking at the oven from the spaceship when my sister 197 (tell) me she was hungry. So we went to have a snack. They were preparing a pizza (比萨饼) in the restaurant and the smell of food always makes me hungry so we had a piece of pizza! It was delicious. While we 198 (eat) a pizza, they were baking (烘焙) biscuits, so we ate some. Don’t worry! We have bought some 199 you—you will love them! They look like rockets and taste like honey!After lunch, we explored more of the museum 200 stayed for the rest of the day. They were turning off the lights when we left!Have you ever been to a museum? See you soon!Helen【答案】191.excited 192.unusual 193.to touch 194.winner 195.second 196.was made 197.told 198.were eating 199.for 200.and【导语】本文是一篇应用文,海伦向爱丽丝介绍了自己前两天去城市航天博物馆的经历。191.句意:我以前从来没有去过那里,所以我很兴奋!excite“使兴奋”,动词。此处应用形容词excited“兴奋的”,作表语,修饰人。故填excited。192.句意:我们要去经历一次不同寻常的经历!usual“通常的”,形容词。结合空前冠词an及文章内容可知,此处指一次不寻常的经历。unusual“不寻常的”,作定语修饰名词。故填unusual。193.句意:太空博物馆非常大,充满了有趣和令人兴奋的可以触摸的物体。touch“触摸”,动词。此处应用动词不定式作后置定语修饰名词objects,指可以触摸的物体。故填to touch。194.句意:获胜者有机会为一颗行星发明一个名字——这很令人兴奋,不是吗?win“赢得”,动词。此处缺少主语,应用名词形式winner“获胜者”,结合“has”可知,用单数形式。故填winner。195.句意:第二个房间看起来像宇宙飞船的内部。two“二”,基数词。room是单数,此处指第二个房间,应用序数词second表顺序。故填second。196.句意:我也不知道它是什么时候制作的。make“制作”,动词。it指宇航服,与动词之间存在被动关系,且制作宇航服这件事发生在过去,应为一般过去时。主语it指第三人称单数,故用be动词was,make用其过去分词。故填was made。197.句意:我们从宇宙飞船上看烤箱的时候,我妹妹告诉我她饿了。tell“告诉”,动词。此处是含when引导的时间状语从句的复合句,从句动作发生时,主句动作正在进行,指妹妹说她饿了的时候,我们正在……。主句是过去进行时,从句应为一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填told。198.句意:当我们吃披萨的时候,他们在烤饼干,所以我们吃了一些。eat“吃”,动词。此处是含while引导的时间状语从句的复合句,从句是过去进行时,结构是was/were doing,主语是复数,be动词用were。故填were eating。199.句意:我们给你买了一些——你会喜欢的!此处是buy sth. for sb.“给某人买某物”。故填for。200.句意:午饭后,我们探索了更多的博物馆,并在那里待了一天。“explored more of the museum”和“stayed for the rest of the day”之间是并列关系,用and连接。故填and。(2024广东深圳中考真题)Ole is a student from Norway at East China Normal School. He first visited China in 2016, and since then, he 201 (develop) a deep interest in traditional Chinese culture. Recently, he and his team won the Shanghai International Students Dragon Boat Race. It was the team’s 202 (six) win in a row and his second time winning the first prize. “I 203 (introduce) to the dragon boat racing in the spring of 2023. My teacher noticed my strong arms and encouraged me 204 (try) it,” said Ole. When he was asked the secret of his success, he replied, “There is no ‘I’, 205 only ‘we’. My teammates are international students coming 206 different countries. Before we became the champions, we practiced rowing three times a week, trying to match the strokes with drumbeat. At first, we weren’t very good. We did not know 207 the problem lay. However, with continuous effort, we learned that teamwork is the key. Although we are culturally different, we are one team in the race. Before each race, the team would stand in 208 circle and cheer loudly. “Taking part in this sport, we realized the 209 (important) of cooperation. We trained hard, each stroke bringing us a closer to understanding the tradition of Dragon Boat Festival,” said Ole 210 (proud).【答案】201.has developed 202.sixth 203.was introduced 204.to try 205.but 206.from 207.where 208.a 209.importance 210.proudly【导语】本文主要讲述了留学生Ole参加中国的龙舟赛的经历。201.句意:他于2016年首次来到中国,从那时起,他就对中国的传统文化产生了浓厚的兴趣。根据“since then”可知,句子应用现在完成时,主语为he,助动词用has。故填has developed。202.句意:这是该队连续第六次获胜,也是他第二次获得冠军。根据“the team’s…win in a row”可知,此处应用序数词表示顺序。故填sixth。203.句意:2023年春天,我开始接触龙舟比赛。根据“in the spring of 2023”可知,句子应用一般过去时,主语I与动词introduce存在被动关系,句子应用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词应用was。故填was introduced。204.句意:我的老师注意到我结实的双臂,鼓励我去尝试它。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”。故填to try。205.句意:没有“我”,只有“我们”。空格前后存在转折关系,根据“no”可知用“no…but…”表示“不是……而是……”,因此用but连接。故填but。206.句意:我的队员们都是来自不同国家的国际学生。come from“来自”。故填from。207.句意:我们不知道问题在哪里。know后接宾语从句,从句中主谓为the problem lay,缺少地点状语,因此用where引导该宾语从句。故填where。208.句意:每次比赛前,整个团队会站成一个圆圈,大声地鼓劲。结合语境可知,此处表示泛指,circle为单数名词,且为辅音音素开头的单词,其前用不定冠词a表泛指。故填a。209.句意:参加这项运动,我们意识到了合作的重要性。定冠词the后接名词。故填importance。210.句意:Ole骄傲地说道:“参加这项运动,我们意识到了合作的重要性。我们刻苦训练,每一次划桨都让我们更加了解端午节的传统。”此处应用副词proudly修饰动词said。故填proudly。(2024山东烟台中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Mooncakes are one of the most popular foods during the Mid-Autumn Festival. But let’s be honest: not many of us really like to eat them, mainly 211 they are made in factories and often several months old by the time they 212 (buy). Now here’s the thing: homemade mooncakes. They’re amazing, whether you’re eating them 213 (you) or giving them to your friends as gifts. Yes, they require a lot of effort, but they’re worth it. 214 (produce) mooncakes, you’ll need a mold (模具). Molds are available in different sizes and depths. I usually use a traditional large 215 (wood) mold. But a plastic mold in a similar size will do just line.Before cooking, I prepare several kinds of ingredients (原料) and make them into balls separately. The key to 216 (make) proper mooncakes is to gather each ball in layers (层). In my way, the middle ball is made of nut (坚果) pieces. The 217 (two) layer is made of mashed red bean mixed with sugar, which is lastly covered with a layer of pastry (油酥面团). It is then pressed into a mold and carefully taken out into the oven.It’s important to follow the cooking 218 (instruction) carefully. To prevent breaking up, I first cook mooncakes 219 a high temperature to set the pattern and shape. Then, I lower the temperature and remove them 220 (regular) to brush the surface with egg wash.Just look at my mooncakes! Not bad. right?【答案】211.because 212.are bought 213.yourself 214.To produce 215.wooden 216.making 217.second 218.instruction 219.at 220.regularly【导语】本文主要是作者介绍了制作月饼的方法。211.句意:但说实话:我们中没有多少人真的喜欢吃它们,主要是因为它们是在工厂里制作的,通常在买的时候已经放了好几个月了。根据“they are made in factories and often several months old by the time they”可知,空格后是解释没有多少人喜欢月饼的原因,故填because。212.句意:但说实话:我们中没有多少人真的喜欢吃它们,主要是因为它们是在工厂里制作的,通常在买的时候已经放了好几个月了。空格前they指代“月饼”,与动词buy之间是被动关系,此句是一般现在时,应填一般现在时被动语态,根据they可知,助动词用are,故填are bought。213.句意:无论你是自己吃还是作为礼物送给朋友,它们都很神奇。当宾语与主语为同一人称时,宾语用反身代词,此处是“无论你自己吃”,故填yourself。214.句意:制作月饼,你需要一个模具。根据“mooncakes, you’ll need a mold”可知,需要模具的目的是为了制作月饼,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To produce。215.句意:我通常使用传统的大型木制模具。此空修饰名词mold,应填形容词wooden“木制的”作定语,故填wooden。216.句意:制作月饼的关键是把每个圆都叠起来。to是介词,后接动名词,故填making。217.句意:第二层是由红豆泥和糖混合而成,最后覆盖一层糕点。根据“The…layer”可知,此处指第二层,应填序数词表示顺序,故填second。218.句意:认真按照烹饪说明去做很重要。instruction“说明”,可数名词,此空应填其复数形式,故填instructions。219.句意:为了防止破裂,我首先在高温下做月饼,以确定图案和形状。at a high temperature“在高温下”,故填at。220.句意:然后,我降低温度,定时取出它们,用蛋液刷表面。此空修饰动词remove,应填副词regularly“有规律地”,故填regularly。(2024贵州中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Leonardo da Vinci began painting the Mona Lisa, one of the most famous paintings of all time, in 1503. He was working on a special painting for a church at the time, but it was not going 221 (good). The woman who can be seen in the Mona Lisa is said to be Madonna Lisa del Giocondo. She was the wife of an Italian businessman. Her husband asked da Vinci 222 (paint) a portrait (肖像) of her.After da Vinci finished the painting in 1506, he was invited by the French King to visit France 223 he took the painting with him. Today the Mona Lisa is kept in the Louvre, an art museum in Paris, and it is seen by about six million 224 (visit) a year.The painting measures (测量为) only 77 centimeters by 53 centimeters and is painted 225 oil on wood. In 1911, Vincenzo Peruggia, a worker at the Louvre, stole the painting. He took it out of the museum by hiding it under 226 (he) coat. Two years later, police officers found 227 painting when he tried to sell it.In 1962, the Mona Lisa was 228 (take) to Washington and New York for artwork shows. For the journey, the museum 229 (want) to insure (给……投保) the painting. The insurance company set the value of it at 100 million dollars, making it the most 230 (value) painting ever! Today, the value of the painting would be over 700 million dollars.【答案】221.well 222.to paint 223.and 224.visitors 225.with 226.his 227.the 228.taken 229.wanted 230.valuable【导语】本文主要以达芬奇所画的《蒙娜丽莎》为主线,讲述了《蒙娜丽莎》的创作原形,以及它出名后展览于卢浮宫,经历了被人盗走又寻回,直至变为现在最有价值的油画。221.句意:当时他正在为一座教堂画一幅特别的画,但进展并不顺利。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填well。222.句意:她的丈夫请达芬奇为她画一幅肖像。ask sb to do sth“请求某人做某事”,故填to paint。223.句意:达芬奇在1506年完成这幅画后,应法国国王的邀请访问法国,并随身带着这幅画。前后两句构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。224.句意:今天,《蒙娜丽莎》被保存在巴黎的卢浮宫艺术博物馆,每年约有600万游客参观。根据“and it is seen by about six million...a year”可知,每年约有600万游客参观《蒙娜丽莎》visitor“游客”,“six million”修饰可数名词复数,故填visitors。225.句意:这幅画的尺寸只有77厘米乘53厘米,是在木头上用油绘制的。根据“is painted...oil on wood.”可知,用油绘制,with“用”符合语境,故填with。226.句意:他把它藏在外套下面,把它带出了博物馆。此处作定语修饰coat,用形容词性物主代词his,故填his。227.句意:两年后,当他试图卖掉这幅画时,警察发现了这幅画。此处特指这幅画,用定冠词the,故填the。228.句意:1962年,《蒙娜丽莎》被带到华盛顿和纽约参加艺术展。根据“In 1962, the Mona Lisa was...to Washington and New York for artwork shows.”可知,《蒙娜丽莎》被带到华盛顿和纽约参加艺术展,此处与was构成被动语态,用动词过去分词taken,故填taken。229.句意:为了这次旅行,博物馆想为这幅画投保。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填wanted。230.句意:保险公司将它的价值定为1亿美元,使它成为有史以来最有价值的画作!此处与“the most...”构成形容词最高级,用valuable“有价值的”,故填valuable。(2024四川乐山中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。I can still remember my primary school homework on animals. I decided 231 (write) about the whale (鲸鱼). I have loved them from a young age.I’m not quite sure why I love them. It might be something about 232 (they) shape. They have a smooth shape, and their tails look like a heart. They also move so 233 (slow) and beautifully, like a tree dancing in the wind. This way, they seem very clever.So, of course, one of my best memories 234 (be) when I got to see a type of whale called the Southern Right Whale in Argentina. Watching them moving smoothly in the water, I felt 235 (happy) than ever. They were so beautiful!And I’m not the only one who loves whales. Different peoples across the world have a special place for whales in their 236 (heart). Take the Maori people in New Zealand as 237 example. Living by the ocean, they see whales as guardians (守护者) of the ocean and talk about them a lot in their 238 (tradition) stories.Why was I interested in whales like the Maori people? 239 they need our protection. That’s what my school homework was about— animals we need to protect. Whales play a big role 240 the ocean. So, protecting whales means protecting the whole ocean.【答案】231.to write 232.their 233.slowly 234.was 235.happier 236.hearts 237.an 238.traditional 239.Because 240.in【导语】本文主要介绍了作者小学时写了关于鲸鱼的作业情况。231.句意:我决定写有关鲸鱼的事情。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,为固定短语。故填to write。232.句意:可能和它们的形状有关。空后是名词,应用形容词性物主代词their作定语。故填their。233.句意:它们移动得又慢又美,就像一棵树在风中翩翩起舞。空处修饰动词,应用副词。故填slowly。234.句意:所以,当然,我最美好的回忆之一是我在阿根廷看到了一种叫做南露脊鲸的鲸鱼。根据“got”可知,本句是一般过去时,one作主语,谓语动词用单数was。故填was。235.句意:看着它们在水里平稳地移动,我感到前所未有的快乐。根据“than”可知,此处应用比较级。故填happier。236.句意:世界上不同的民族在他们的心中对鲸鱼有着特殊的地位。根据“their”可知,名词应用复数。故填hearts。237.句意:以新西兰的毛利人为例。此处表示泛指,example以元音音素开头,应用an。故填an。238.句意:他们生活在海边,把鲸鱼视为海洋的守护者,在他们的传统故事中经常谈论鲸鱼。空处修饰名词stories,应用形容词traditional“传统的”。故填traditional。239.句意:因为它们需要我们的保护。根据前句“Why...”可知,应用because回答原因。故填Because。240.句意:鲸鱼在海洋中扮演着重要的角色。play a role in“扮演……角色”。故填in。(2023中考真题)(2023青海统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。In February, there was a video about Asian elephants in Yunnan, in which two 1 (elephant) were fighting for food. By 2 end of 2022, the number of wild Asian elephants 3 (be) more than 300.They started to visit villages. 4 did they do so? Because they needed more space and food. But this brought losses for the farmers.Sometimes, the elephants were scared and 5 (hurt) people. So the local government is 6 (think) of some smart ways to get along with the cute but naughty animals. If the elephants eat farmers’ plants, farmers can get some money from the government.If the elephants get too close to people, fences (栅栏) can be built near villages and schools to protect people. If you see some elephants, stay 7 least 300 meters away from them. Also, you should leave the place 8 (quick). If you are in a place with elephants, don’t 9 (wear) bright-colored clothes. Such clothes could make elephants 10 (angry).【答案】elephants 2.the 3.was 4.Why 5.hurt 6.thinking 7.at 8.quickly 9.wear 10.angry【导语】本文向我们介绍亚洲象的相关内容,并告诉我们遇到大象应该怎么做。1.句意:今年2月,有一个关于云南亚洲象的视频,两头大象在争夺食物。two修饰可数名词复数,故填elephants。2.句意:到2022年底,野生亚洲象的数量超过了300头。by the end of...“到……为止”,故填the。3.句意:到2022年底,野生亚洲象的数量超过了300头。本句主语中心词是“the number of”,强调整体数量,时态是一般过去时,故填was。4.句意:他们为什么这样做呢?根据“Because they needed more space and food.”可知,此处在回答原因,用Why提问,故填Why。5.句意:有时,大象会受到惊吓,伤害人类。根据“were”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,hurt的过去式还是hurt。故填hurt。6.句意:因此,当地政府正在考虑一些聪明的方法来与这些可爱但淘气的动物相处。根据“So the local government is...of some smart ways to get along with the cute but naughty animals.”可知,动作正在发生,时态是现在进行时,动词用现在分词形式,故填thinking。7.句意:如果你看到一些大象,要离它们至少300米远。根据“If you see some elephants, stay...least 300 meters away from them.”可知,此处是at least短语,意为“至少”,故填at。8.句意:还有,你应该尽快离开这个地方。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填quickly。9.句意:如果你在有大象的地方,不要穿颜色鲜艳的衣服。助动词don’t后用动词原形,故填wear。10.句意:这样的衣服会让大象生气。make...+adj“使……”,故填angry。(2023山东济南统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Last March I lost my camera while I was on a school trip. I left it on the bus on the way back to 11 (we) school. I called the bus company the next day 12 (check) if they could find it, but it wasn’t there. My parents got really angry and told me they couldn’t buy me a new one.I 13 (know) they were right, so I decided I would get one by myself. I started thinking of ways to make and save money. My parents 14 (usual) give me 8 every week, so the first thing I did was to keep the money 15 the small box on the bookcase.I also offered to help my uncle Alan. He’s often away for work, but he can’t 16 (take) his dog with him. I started to look after his dog when he wasn’t at home. After some time, my uncle’s neighbors saw me. They asked me if I could help with their cats, dogs and rabbits, too. So, I started working for three 17 (family) living across the street.In less than three months I had enough money to buy a new camera. It was the same as the one I had lost, but to me it was much 18 (nice). I paid for it with 19 money I made and it felt very different. This experience teaches me what it means to work hard and I 20 (learn) that you must be careful with the things you have, because they take a lot of hard work.【答案】our 12.to check 13.knew 14.usually 15.in 16.take 17.families 18.nicer 19.the 20.have learned/have learnt/learn【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,作者讲述自己赚钱购买新相机的经历。11.句意:我把它落在回学校的公交车上了。此处作定语修饰“school”,所以用形容词性物主代词,故填our。12.句意:第二天,我打电话给公共汽车公司,问他们是否能找到它,但它不在那里。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to check。13.句意:我知道他们是对的,所以我决定自己买一个。本句时态是一般过去时,所以动词用过去式。故填knew。14.句意:我的父母通常每周给我8英镑,所以我做的第一件事就是把钱放在书架上的小盒子里。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词usually,故填usually。15.句意:我的父母通常每周给我8英镑,所以我做的第一件事就是把钱放在书架上的小盒子里。in the box“在盒子里”,故填in。16.句意:他经常出差,但他不能带着他的狗。情态动词“can’t”后用动词原形,故填take。17.句意:于是,我开始为住在街对面的三户人家打工。three修饰可数名词复数,故填families。18.句意:它和我失去的那个一模一样,但对我来说要好得多。much修饰比较级,强调比较含义,故填nicer。19.句意:我用自己赚的钱买了它,感觉很不一样。此处特指自己赚的钱,故填the。20.句意:这段经历教会了我努力工作的意义,我学会了你必须小心对待你拥有的东西,因为它们需要付出很多努力。根据“This experience teaches me what it means to work hard and I...that you must be careful with the things you have”可知,本句可用现在完成时强调动作已经发生,或用一般现在时强调现在,主语是I,助动词是have,动词用原形。故填have learned/have learnt/learn。(2023山东东营统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空 (必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。“Alex! Jen! It’s time for dinner!” Mom called. “Mom! We 21 (make) a treehouse! Wait a minute!” Alex shouted. At dinner, Dad said, “We have something to tell you. Our neighbor, Mr Morris, came to our house 22 (talk) to us today. He wants us to cut down our tree because the leaves fall into his yard. Then he has to clean them.”“No! That’s our favorite tree. I 23 (love) it ever since I was just a little baby!” Jen cried. “Yeah, and the tree is old and beautiful. It helps keep our air clean. It also 24 (give) us shade (树荫) from the sun,” Alex said. Everybody had special memories of the tree. They all shared their favorite ones. “One of my favorite memories is how excited you were when the leaves began to fall,” said Mom. “We 25 (jump) into the huge piles (堆) of colorful leaves every autumn,” said Alex. Jen nodded. “I remember the time we had a picnic for the whole neighborhood,” said Dad. “It was so nice.”“It’s brought us all so many great memories. Something must be done.” Mom said. “Yes,” said Jen. “We 26 (save) our tree!”After dinner the whole family discussed what to do. “I have a good idea!” said Alex. “I can make a chart showing him when leaves fall. And we can promise him that we 27 (help) clean the leaves in the future!”Everyone agreed. The next day, the whole family went to visit Mr Morris. At that time, he 28 (clean) the yard. “Mr Morris, this tree is very special to our family. If we offer to help clean its leaves, would you consider 29 (keep) it?” Dad said. Alex handed Mr Morris his chart. Mr Morris was quiet for a moment. Then he said, “I guess if the tree is that important to you all, and I can get some help with cleaning, the tree can stay.”The tree 30 (save)! Everyone in the neighborhood, even Mr Morris, came to celebrate.【答案】are making 22.to talk 23.have loved 24.gives 25.jumped 26.must save 27.will help 28.was cleaning 29.keeping 30.was saved【导语】本文主要讲述了邻居来抱怨作者家里的大树上的落叶让邻居很苦恼,所以建议要砍掉这棵大树。家人们在回忆了这棵大树带来的好处之后,决定要保留这棵大树。于是去跟邻居商量,帮忙打扫他家院子里的落叶,最终邻居同意了。21.句意:我们正在做一个树屋。根据“Wait a minute”可知,正在做树屋,所以说等一会,用现在进行时表示正在进行的动作,主语we是复数形式,助动词用are,故填are making。22.句意:我们的邻居莫里斯先生今天来我们家和我们谈话。根据“came to our house… to us”可知,来家里的目的是谈话,所以用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to talk。23.句意:从我还是个小婴儿的时候我就喜欢它了!该句是“since+一般过去时”的从句,主句用现在完成时结构“have/has done”,主语I是第一人称,助动词用have,故填have loved。24.句意:它也给我们遮阳。根据前一句的“helps”可知,此句用一般现在时,主语It是第三人称单数形式,动词用三单,故填gives。25.句意:每年秋天,我们都会跳进一大堆五颜六色的树叶中。根据“were”以及“began”可知,此句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填jumped。26.句意:我们必须要保留我们的树!根据前文的描述可知,家里的每一位成员都发表了这棵大树给自己留下的美好的回忆,所以这里是说必须要把这棵树保留下来,must“必须”,后接动词原形,故填must save。27.句意:我们可以向他保证,以后我们会帮助清理树叶!根据“in the future”可知,此处用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will help。28.句意:那时,他正在打扫院子。根据“At that time”可知,此处用过去进行时“was/were doing”的结构,主语he是第三人称单数形式,助动词用was,故填was cleaning。29.句意:如果我们愿意帮忙清理它的叶子,你会考虑留下它吗?consider doing sth“考虑做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填keeping。30.句意:这棵树被保留下来了!主语“The tree”与动词save之间是被动关系,结合后一句“came”可知,此处用一般过去时被动语态“was/were done”,主语是单数形式,助动词用was,故填was saved。(2023江苏徐州中考真题)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。Frederic Chopin (1810-1849)was a great composer and an excellent pianist. He composed twenty-four short 31 (piece) for the piano called preludes. The longest one, Prelude no.15, is better 32 (know) by its nickname, the “Raindrop” Prelude. How did it get its nickname? One day in 1838, when Chopin’s lover George Sand went out in a rainstorm, Chopin became worried. While he 33 (wait) for Sand, he wrote Prelude no.15.When Sand came back, Chopin played 34 (she) the music. Sand thought the notes sounded like raindrops. She let Chopin 35 (listen) to the raindrops falling on the roof. This made Chopin 36 (happy). He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds or 37 (copy) them.However, like Sand, many people hear raindrops in this prelude. Some notes repeating throughout the piece sound like raindrops. The flow of the music is like rain, too. The piece starts 38 (soft), but it gets louder, like rain getting 39 (heavy). Then the music gets quiet and finally 40 (end), like rain when it stops.【答案】pieces 32.known 33.was waiting 34.her 35.listen 36.unhappy 37.copied 38.softly 39.heavier 40.ends【导语】本文介绍了肖邦创作《雨滴前奏曲》的经历及《雨滴前奏曲》的特点。31.句意:他为钢琴创作了二十四首名为前奏曲的短曲。piece“一首”,可数名词,被twenty-four修饰,用其复数形式。故填pieces。32.句意:最长的一首,《第15号前奏曲》,更为人所知的是它的昵称,《“雨滴”前奏曲》。know“知道”,动词,此处指它的昵称被人们所知道,应为被动语态,结构是be done,know用其过去分词。故填known。33.句意:在等待Sand的时候,他写了《第十五号前奏曲》。wait“等待”,动词。此处是含while引导的时间状语从句的复合句,主句动作发生时,从句动作正在进行,且事情发生在过去,故从句应为过去进行时,主语是第三人称单数,应用be动词was。故填was waiting。34.句意:Sand回来后,肖邦为她演奏了乐曲。she“她”,代词主格。played是动词,其后应接代词宾格her作宾语。故填her。35.句意:她让肖邦倾听雨点落在屋顶上的声音。listen“听”,动词。let sb. do sth.“让某人做某事”,空格处应为动词原形。故填listen。36.句意:这让肖邦很不高兴。happy“开心的”,形容词。根据“He insisted that he never paid attention to those sounds…”可知,肖邦的钢琴曲与雨滴声极为相似,肖邦以为Sand认为自己的曲子模仿了雨滴声,所以很不高兴。unhappy“不高兴的”,作宾补。故填unhappy。37.句意:他坚持说他从来没有注意过这些声音,也没有模仿过它们。copy“模仿”,动词。根据“He insisted that he never paid attention to…”可知,主句是过去时,从句也应为过去时,故copy用其过去式。故填copied。38.句意:乐曲开始时很轻柔,但声音越来越大,就像雨越来越大。soft“柔软的”,形容词。此处应用副词softly,修饰动词starts。故填softly。39.句意:乐曲开始时很轻柔,但声音越来越大,就像雨越来越大。heavy“重的”,形容词,作表语。根据“but it gets louder, like rain getting…”可知,钢琴曲的声音变大,就像雨声越来越大一样,故应用比较级。故填heavier。40.句意:然后音乐安静下来,最后结束了,就像雨停了一样。end“结束”,动词。此处描述客观事实,应为一般现在时,主语是不可数名词,谓语动词用其单三形式。故填ends。(2023湖北恩施中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式(不超过3词)。The Duanwu Festival is also called the Dragon Boat Festival. It is a traditional holiday with a history of more than 2,000 years in China. It is on the 41 (five) day of lunar May every year.There are many 42 (story) about the origin (起源) of this festival. Among them, the following one about Qu Yuan is the most 43 (wide) accepted.Qu Yuan was 44 great poet and good official. He loved his country deeply. He 45 (jump) into Miluo River after his country’s being defeated. People threw a kind of food named zongzi into the river to feed the fish in order that they wouldn’t eat Qu’s body.Now on the Dragon Boat Festival, Chinese people enjoy a one-day holiday 46 (remember) Qu Yuan. People have different activities, including 47 (eat) zongzi and having dragon boat races and so on. The dragon boat races are the most 48 (excite) part of the festival. All the teams practice so hard 49 they can become the winners.Many western countries 50 (hold) dragon boat races every year, like Sweden, Canada and the USA.The Duanwu Festival is becoming more and more popular around the world.【答案】fifth 42.stories 43.widely 44.a 45.jumped 46.to remember 47.eating 48.exciting 49.that 50.hold【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了端午节的由来及传统习俗。41.句意:它在每年的农历五月初五。five“五”,基数词,此处表日期,应用其序数词fifth。故填fifth。42.句意:关于这个节日的起源有很多故事。story“故事”,可数名词,被many修饰,用其复数形式。故填stories。43.句意:其中,以下关于屈原的说法是最被广泛接受的。wide“宽的”,形容词,此处应用其副词widely“广泛地”,修饰动词accept。故填widely。44.句意:屈原是一位伟大的诗人和优秀的官员。此处泛指一位伟大的诗人,且great以辅音音素开头,其前应加不定冠词a。故填a。45.句意:他的国家战败后,他跳进汨罗江。jump“跳”,动词。事情发生在过去,应为一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填jumped。46.句意:现在端午节,中国人享受一天的假期来纪念屈原。remember“记得”,动词。人们端午节放一天假的目的是为了纪念屈原,应用不定式表目的。故填to remember。47.句意:人们有不同的活动,包括吃粽子和赛龙舟等等。eat“吃”,动词。including是介词,其后应用动名词作宾语。故填eating。48.句意:赛龙舟是这个节日中最令人兴奋的部分。excite“使兴奋”,动词。此处修饰龙舟赛,应用形容词exciting“令人兴奋的”作表语。故填exciting。49.句意:所有的球队都努力训练,他们可以成为胜利者。本句是句式so…that…,意为“如此……以至于……”。故填that。50.句意:许多西方国家每年都举办龙舟赛,如瑞典、加拿大和美国。hold“举办”,动词。根据“every year”可知,本句是一般现在时,主语是复数,谓语动词用其原形。故填hold。(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。Deng Qingming is one of the three Chinese astronauts carrying out China’s Shenzhou-15 spaceship mission. He 51 (final) got the chance to go to space after nearly 25 years of preparation. Deng was born in a village in Jiangxi Province in 1966. As his 52 (parent) both worked in the fields, he had to look after his younger brothers and sisters. At that time, his dream was to go to college and find a job 53 (support) his family. Deng 54 (be) a member of the PLA Air Force (空军) since 1984. When he left his village that year, his friends came to say goodbye to him. He was deeply touched and decided to work hard. Years of hard 55 (train) made him an excellent pilot, and he was chosen as one of the 56 (one) group of Chinese astronauts in 1998. For a long time, Deng served as a backup (后备) astronaut. His road to space was 57 (long) than that of his teammates. He spent almost all of his time preparing and waiting and he 58 (give) the chance to travel to space in the end. Besides that, Deng’s wife supported him a lot. She 59 (take) care of the whole family and never complained. “You’ve set an example to 60 (we) daughter and we are proud of you,” she told him. After a long wait, he flew into space by Shenzhou-15 spaceship in November 2022 at last. Twenty-five years was quite a long time, but Deng never gave up. Whenever the nation needs him, he is always waiting there, ready to take on any challenge.【答案】finally 52.parents 53.to support 54.has been 55.training 56.first 57.longer 58.was given 59.took 60.our【导语】句意:本文主要介绍了宇航员邓清明的经历。51.句意:经过近25年的准备,他终于有机会进入太空。此处用副词修饰动词,final的副词形式finally,意为“最终”。故填finally。52.句意:由于他的父母都在地里干活,他不得不照顾弟弟妹妹。根据“both”可知此处用复数形式parents。故填parents。53.句意:那时,他的梦想是上大学,找份工作养家。养家是找工作的目的,用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to support。54.句意:邓自1984年以来一直是中国人民解放军空军的一员。根据“since 1984”可知用现在完成时,区域“Deng”后接助动词has,be的过去分词形式been。故填has been。55.句意:多年的艰苦训练使他成为一名优秀的飞行员,并于1998年被选为中国首批宇航员之一。hard是形容词,其后接名词,train的名词形式training,意为“训练”,不可数名词。故填training。56.句意:多年的艰苦训练使他成为一名优秀的飞行员,并于1998年被选为中国首批宇航员之一。定冠词the后接one的序数词形式first,意为“第一”。故填first。57.句意:他的太空之路比他的队友要长。than前用形容词比较级longer表示“更长的”。故填longer。58.句意:他几乎把所有的时间都花在准备和等待上,最终他得到了去太空旅行的机会。主语“he”与动词give之间是动宾关系,结合“spent”可知用一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为was/were done,主语he后用be动词was,give的过去分词given。故填was given。59.句意:她照顾全家,从不抱怨。根据“complained”可知用一般过去时,take的过去式took。故填took。60.句意:“你为我们的女儿树立了榜样,我们为你感到骄傲,”她告诉他。daughter前用we的形容词性物主代词our表示“我们的”。故填our。(2023浙江衢州统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的词或用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空。每空不超过两词。Mr. Smith is our school gardener. He is 61 old man with a head of white hair. He works hard 62 (make) our school green and lively. No matter in the winter cold or in the summer heat, he is never late 63 work. He goes to work early in the morning and only leaves in the evening. Every day, he 64 (wear) a grey hat and a pair of blue trousers. He cleans the leaves in the garden three 65 (time) a day. He also plants trees and waters flowers. When he is working, he is very serious. He even gets angry when we try to talk to 66 (he). He is always quiet during his working time. 67 , he becomes a different person after finishing all the work. He will talk to us about his family and friends 68 (happy). He always puts a smile on our faces, just like our dear grandfather. Mr. Smith makes our school 69 (beautiful) than before and we are glad to have such a school gardener. He 70 (love) by everyone in our school.【答案】an 62.to make 63.for 64.wears 65.times 66.him 67.However 68.happily 69.more beautiful 70.is loved【导语】本文主要介绍了作者学校的园丁——史密斯先生。61.句意:他是个白发苍苍的老人。此处表示泛指,且old是以元音音素开头的,故填an。62.句意:他努力工作,使我们的学校绿色和生气勃勃。“努力工作”的目的是为了“让学校变得好看”,所以用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to make。63.句意:无论冬天寒冷还是夏天炎热,他上班从不迟到。be late for“迟到”,固定搭配,故填for。64.句意:每天,他戴着一顶灰色的帽子和穿着一条蓝色的裤子。根据“Every day”可知,此句是一般现在时,主语he是第三人称单数形式,动词用三单,故填wears。65.句意:他一天三次清理花园里的树叶。three times a day“一天三次”,表示频率,故填times。66.句意:当我们试图和他说话时,他甚至会生气。介词to后接宾格him,故填him。67.句意:然而,在完成所有的工作后,他变成了一个不同的人。“he becomes a different person after finishing all the work”与前文是转折关系,此空后有逗号,应填副词however表示“然而”,故填However。68.句意:他会愉快地和我们谈论他的家人和朋友。此空修饰动词talk,应填副词happily“开心地”,故填happily。69.句意:史密斯先生使我们的学校比以前更美丽,我们很高兴有这样的学校园丁。make sth+形容词,表示“使某物……”,根据than可知,此空应填形容词比较级,故填more beautiful。70.句意:他受到我们学校每个人的喜爱。根据by everyone可知,此处用被动语态,陈述事实用一般现在时,故此处应用一般现在时被动语态,主语he是第三人称单数形式,助动词用is,故填is loved。(2023吉林长春统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Zhang Yi is a Chinese reporter in Singapore. In 2022, a woman with grey hair living nearby visited him. The woman introduced 71 (she) as Sarah. She asked if Zhang could help look for her pen pal 72 was from China. Duan Chun was Sarah’s first Chinese pen pal. They wrote a lot of letters and shared the colorful school lives sixty-one years ago. All the letters 73 (keep) by Sarah. They were full 74 her sweet memories. However, Sarah hadn’t received any letters from Duan for many years. It seemed impossible to find a person after such a long time, 75 Zhang promised to do his best. He posted some of Duan’s black-and-white 76 (photo) and their stories on the Internet. To his joy, many 77 (love) strangers joined him in searching for Duan. Although they went through lots of trouble, they never stopped trying. A few months 78 (late), the two pen pals finally began to communicate with each other again. They were so excited that they decided 79 (meet) in China. Sarah prepared a gift for Duan to celebrate her 80 (seventy-five) birthday. It was with the help of so many caring people and high technology that the cross-country friendship was able to continue.【答案】herself 72.who 73.were kept 74.of 75.but 76.photos 77.lovely 78.later 79.to meet 80.seventy-fifth/75th【导语】本文主要讲莎拉让记者张怡帮忙寻找失联多年的笔友段春的故事。71.句意:那个女人自我介绍叫莎拉。introduce oneself as“自我介绍叫”,she的反身代词herself,意为“她自己”。故填herself。72.句意:她问张是否可以帮她寻找来自中国的笔友。根据“her pen pal ... was from China”可知此处是定语从句,先行词her pen pal指人,且在从句中作主语,用who引导定语从句。故填who。73.句意:所有的信都由莎拉保存着。主语“All the letters”与keep之间是动宾关系,陈述过去事实,用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是复数,be动词用were,keep的过去分词kept。故填were kept。74.句意:它们充满了她甜蜜的回忆。be full of“充满”。故填of。75.句意:经过这么长时间,似乎不可能找到一个人,但张答应尽力而为。前后句意出现转折,用but表转折。故填but。76.句意:他在网上发布了段的一些黑白照片和他们的故事。根据“some of”可知此处用可数名词复数photos。故填photos。77.句意:令他高兴的是,许多可爱的陌生人和他一起寻找段。根据“strangers”可知用love的形容词lovely表示“可爱的”,形容词作定语。故填lovely。78.句意:几个月后,这两个笔友终于又开始联系了。a few months later“几个月后”。故填later。79.句意:她们非常兴奋,决定在中国见面。decide to do sth.“决定做某事”。故填to meet。80.句意:莎拉为段准备了一份礼物来庆祝她75岁的生日。根据“her ... birthday”可知用序数词表顺序,seventy-five的序数词seventy-fifth或75th。故填seventy-fifth/75th。(2023山东潍坊统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。“I suddenly understood,” Valeria said, “why Mario wanted to buy the farm. He and Pagani were busy 81 (work) together during this period, I’m sure. They must have burned the farm down, Roberto. They could have killed you!”“I can’t believe it,” Roberto said. “My own uncle wouldn’t do that. It’s 82 (possible).”“But it must be true, Roberto,” Valeria said. “It’s the only explanation.”In the evening, Inspector (警官) Pavone telephoned and asked to speak to Roberto. “So far your uncle 83 (tell) us everything. He burned your farm down to make you 84 (sell) it. Pagani knew that land prices would go up when a big company moved to the town. Then he and your uncle made a project 85 (build) shops and houses on your land so that they could sell them for a profit. They would have become terribly wealthy!”Roberto could not speak. His own uncle had lied to him and almost killed him. “Your uncle and Pagani are both criminals (罪犯),” the inspector said. “Your uncle is a foolish and greedy man. He got himself into some 86 (danger) business. They must pay for their 87 (act).”Roberto held the telephone 88 (quiet) with eyes full of tears. The inspector was right. Mario and Pagani 89 (put) into prison soon. Roberto did not feel happy, sad or angry about them. He was too 90 (disappoint) to feel anything. Some months passed. Roberto began to think about the future.【答案】working 82.impossible 83.has told 84.sell 85.to build 86.dangerous 87.action/actions 88.quietly 89.were put 90.disappointed【导语】本文主要讲述了Roberto无法相信自己的叔叔为了赚钱而把Roberto的农场烧了,他的叔叔和朋友因此被关进了监狱,Roberto感到非常失望。81.句意:我敢肯定,这段时间他和帕加尼在一起很忙。be busy doing sth“忙于做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填working。82.句意:那是不可能的。is后接形容词作表语,根据“I can’t believe it”及“My own uncle wouldn’t do that”可知,认为无法相信发生这样的事情,认为这是不可能的,故填impossible。83.句意:到目前为止,你叔叔什么都告诉我们了。根据So far可知,此处用现在完成时,主语是单数形式,助动词用has,故填has told。84.句意:他烧了你的农场,要你把它卖掉。make sb do sth“使某人做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填sell。85.句意:然后他和你叔叔做了一个计划,在你的土地上建造商店和房子,这样他们就可以卖掉它们来赚钱。根据“made a project…shops and houses on your land”可知,此空应填动词不定式作定语修饰名词project,故填to build。86.句意:他做了一件危险的事。此空修饰名词business,应填形容词dangerous“危险的”,故填dangerous。87.句意:他们必须为自己的行为付出代价。action“行为”,此空可以填单数形式,也可以填复数形式,故填action(s)。88.句意:罗伯托默默地拿着电话,眼里噙满了泪水。此空修饰动词held,应填副词quietly“静静地”,故填quietly。89.句意:马里奥和帕加尼很快就被关进了监狱。主语与动词put之间是被动关系,and连接并列主语看作复数形式,描述过去发生的事情,助动词用were,故填were put。90.句意:他太失望了,什么也感觉不到。was后接形容词作表语,修饰人用以ed为结尾的形容词,故填disappointed。(2023湖南常德统考中考真题)One evening, a clever man, Haojia went to get some water. To his surprise, 91 he looked into the well, he found the moon in it. “Oh, my god! The beautiful moon 92 (drop) into the well!” He quickly put his bucket (水桶) into the well to fish for the moon. After some time, Haojia was pleased 93 (find) that the moon was in the bucket. He began to pull. He pulled so hard that the rope on the bucket 94 (break) and he fell on his back. Facing the sky, Haojia saw the moon again high there. “Aha, 95 finally came back to the sky! What a good job!” He felt very happy and told everyone about the wonderment proudly.【答案】91.when 92.has dropped 93.to find 94.broke 95.it【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一个“聪明人”用木桶捞井里的“月亮”的故事。91.句意:令他惊讶的是,当他往井里看的时候,他发现了里面的月亮。根据“…he looked into the well, he found the moon in it”可知,当他往井里看时,发现井里的月亮,故用when“当……时”引导时间状语从句。故填when。92.句意:美丽的月亮掉到井里了!drop“掉”,动词。分析句子可知,月亮已经掉到井里了,所以他会发现月亮在井里,过去的动作对现在产生了影响,应为现在完成时,主语moon是第三人称单数,故用助动词has。故填has dropped。93.句意:过了一段时间,郝佳很高兴地发现月亮在桶里。find“发现”,动词。be pleased to do sth.“高兴做某事”,故用动词不定式。故填to find。94.句意:他用力拉得水桶上的绳子都断了,他仰面摔倒了。break“打破,断裂”,动词。根据“fell”可知,此处是一般过去时,谓语动词用其过去式。故填broke。95.句意:啊哈,它终于回到了天空!此处指井里的月亮又回到了空中,故用人称代词it指代moon。故填it。(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)Zhang Peng is a ten-year-old boy. He has a brother and a sister. They often fight with each other for many 96 (reason). Those fights influence his daily life. However, he doesn’t know 97 to do. Li Yong is Zhang Peng’s friend. He has two brothers and they never fight. They always have smiles on 98 (they) faces. One day Zhang Peng asked Li Yong why he and his brothers could get on well with each other. Li Yong smiled and 99 (invite) Zhang Peng to his home. As they entered the house, Li Yong’s elder brother saw them and said, “Hi, come and share some ice-cream 100 me.” At the same time, Li Yong’s 101 (young) brother came out of his room. When he saw them, he looked very happy and said 102 (excited), “Hi, Li Yong, I have a story 103 (tell) you. It’s interesting!”How happy Li Yong’s family life is! After 104 (think) for a while, Zhang Peng understands that Li Yong’s secret of having 105 good relationship with his family is to share. They share all their food and stories.【答案】reasons 97.what 98.their 99.invited 100.with 101.younger 102.excitedly 103.to tell 104.thinking 105.a【导语】本文讲述了张鹏和兄弟姐妹之间的关系不好,但是他的朋友李勇和兄弟之间的关系很好,张鹏去了李勇家做客,明白了李勇和兄弟之间相处得好的秘诀是——分享。96.句意:由于许多原因,他们经常互相打架。many后接复数名词,故填reasons。97.句意:但是,他不知道该怎么办。根据“Those fights influence his daily life. However, he doesn’t know...to do.”可知,他不知道该怎么办,此处是“疑问词+不定式”的结构,空处作do的宾语,应用what,故填what。98.句意:他们脸上总是挂着微笑。根据“They always have smiles on...faces.”可知,空处修饰其后的名词,应用形容词性物主代词,故填their。99.句意:李勇微笑着邀请张鹏到家里做客。and连接的两部分形式要保持一致,结合“smiled”可知,此处的动词也用过去式,故填invited。100.句意:嗨,来和我一起吃冰淇淋。根据“come and share some ice-cream...me.”可知,此处是短语share sth with sb“和某人分享某物”,故填with。101.句意:与此同时,李勇弟弟从他的房间里出来了。根据“He has two brothers”可知,此处指的是“弟弟”,英语表达为younger brother,故填younger。102.句意:当他看到他们时,他看起来很高兴,兴奋地说:“嗨,李勇,我有一个故事要告诉你。很有趣!”空处修饰动词,应用副词形式,故填excitedly。103.句意:我有一个故事要告诉你。空处作定语,应用不定式形式,故填to tell。104.句意:想了想,张鹏明白了李咏和家人搞好关系的秘诀就是分享。after是介词,后接动名词doing形式,故填thinking。105.句意:张鹏明白了李勇和家人搞好关系的秘诀就是分享。此处表示泛指“一段良好的关系”,应用不定冠词修饰,good是辅音音素开头的单词,应用a修饰,故填a。(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)阅读短文,然后用短文括号中所给词的适当形式填空。In China, people often talk about “Shuxiang”, especially during the Spring Festival. Images (形象) of the 12 Chinese “Shuxiang” animals are fun for everyone. The rabbit is in the 106 (four) place.The rabbit is a symbol (象征) of kindness and a love of beauty in Chinese culture. People born in the Year of Rabbit are usually 107 (peace) and quick-minded. Although they are sometimes shy, they have a strong mind and will try their best 108 (make) their dreams come true. It is said that rabbit people are much 109 (wise) than other people and love taking part in artistic activities.2023 is a “rabbit year”. Rabbits become more popular. You can see 110 (they) across the world. As a cultural image, the rabbit has been in different forms of art, including 111 (stamp), colourful lights and so on. Through the rabbit, people from other countries can get a closer look into Chinese culture. In January, 2023, an exhibition (展览) about rabbits 112 (hold) in the US.【答案】fourth 107.peaceful 108.to make 109.wiser 110.them 111.stamps 112.was held【导语】本文主要讲述了兔子在中国文化中的含义。106.句意:兔子在第四名。根据the可知,此空应填序数词表示顺序,故填fourth。107.句意:兔年出生的人通常都很平和,思维敏捷。此空与quick-minded构成并列关系,所以此空应填形容词peaceful“平和的”,故填peaceful。108.句意:虽然他们有时会害羞,但他们有一个坚强的头脑,会尽他们最大的努力使他们的梦想成真。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力去做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故填to make。109.句意:据说兔子人比其他人聪明,喜欢参加艺术活动。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填wiser。110.句意:你可以在世界各地看到它们。see是动词,后接人称代词宾格作宾语,them是宾格,故填them。111.句意:作为一种文化形象,兔子已经出现在不同的艺术形式中,包括邮票、彩灯等。此空与colourful lights构成并列关系,所以此空应填复数形式,故填stamps。112.句意:2023年1月,美国举办了一个关于兔子的展览。主语an exhibition与动词hold之间是被动关系,结合“In January, 2023”可知,此处用一般过去时被动语态,主语是单数形式,助动词用was,故填was held。(2023黑龙江大庆统考中考真题)Fill in each blank with a proper form of the word given or a proper word. Nov. 29th, 2022—China’s 113 (tradition) tea-making was added to the intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录) of the UNESCO. Tea has 114 history of more than 2000 years in China. In ancient times, people called tea by many different names. It 115 (say) that the Chinese character “cha” for tea is finally decided by Lu Yu. . Since the Tang Dynasty (朝代), Chinese tea has left a big influence 116 other countries. After the 18th century. Chinese tea was 117 (successful) introduced to many countries, such as India and Sri Lanka. Now a great number of people enjoy 118 (drink) tea. Besides, they are greatly interested in 119 (it) history and culture. China is actually the only country 120 can produce all six types of tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black. There are more than 2000 tea products. Chinese tea culture 121 (include) the Chinese way of dealing with the world. In tea, we find peace, art, and 122 (polite). It has been an important part of Chinese culture.【答案】113.traditional 114.a 115.is said 116.on/upon 117.successfully 118.drinking 119.its 120.that 121.includes 122.politeness【导语】本文主要介绍了茶的悠久历史以及茶文化。113.句意:2022年11月29日—中国传统泡茶被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录。此空修饰名词tea-making,应填形容词作定语,traditional“传统的”,故填traditional。114.句意:茶在中国已有2000多年的历史。have a history of“有……的历史”,固定搭配,故填a。115.句意:据说,汉字“茶”是鲁豫最后决定的。It is said that“据说”,固定句式,故填is said。116.句意:自唐朝以来,中国茶就对其他国家产生了很大的影响。leave a big influence on/upon表示“对……产生了很大的影响”,固定搭配,故填on/upon。117.句意:中国茶被成功地介绍到许多国家,如印度和斯里兰卡。此空修饰动词introduced,应填副词successfully“成功地”,故填successfully。118.句意:现在很多人喜欢喝茶。enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填drinking。119.句意:此外,他们对它的历史和文化很感兴趣。此空修饰名词history和culture,应填形容词性物主代词its,故填its。120.句意:中国实际上是唯一一个可以生产所有六种茶的国家——绿茶、黄茶、黑茶、白茶、乌龙茶和红茶。分析句子结构可知,此处是定语从句,先行词有the only修饰,关系词用that,故填that。121.句意:中国茶文化包含了中国对待世界的方式。此句是一般现在时,主语是不可数名词,动词用三单,故填includes。122.句意:在茶中,我们找到了平静、艺术和礼貌。此空与peace,art构成并列关系,作动词find的宾语,所以此空应填名词,故填politeness。(2023江苏泰州中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。有提示词的空格不限一词,无提示词的空格限填一词。 Students at a university in Anhui Province will probably not receive their diplomas (毕业文凭) if they fail a fitness test. The test has running, standing long jump and some other sports 123 (activity). This rule has caused hot discussion. According to the plan, the new rule 124 (come) into force soon. And if students fail to pass the fitness tests, they won’t get their diplomas.However, it is not a one-time test like gaokao. Students who fail the tests 125 graduation will be given another chance. He can take the test for a 126 (two) time. And if they fail again, they will have to take the test even after graduation.Do you think it is 127 only university doing so? No! If students want to enter Tsinghua University, they also have to be able to swim. Or they will prepare to learn swimming. And they must pass a swimming test after school begins.Tsinghua University will ask the students 128 (learn) swimming and will organize a swimming test for all new students in September. If students fail to swim as long as at least 50 metres, they will have to take the swimming course throughout their studies. And of course, students are also reminded to learn and practise swimming 129 (safe). They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, 130 the university won’t give them diplomas.University students 131 (encourage) to do more exercise after class. But some just stay in the classroom all day long. Few students take exercise even if they are free. They need to do some exercise to keep 132 (they) healthy. Swimming is also a survival skill. It does no harm to people at all and is the correct sport for students. Any student who wants to enter Tsinghua University, remember, swimming is your necessary skill.【答案】123.activities 124.will come 125.of 126.second 127.the 128.to learn 129.safely 130.or 131.are encouraged 132.themselves【导语】本文介绍安徽的一所大学将对学生进行体育测试的规定,如果学生测试不及格,将无法获得毕业证。123.句意:考试有跑步、立定跳远等体育活动。some other修饰可数名词复数,故填activities。124.句意:按照计划,新规定将很快生效。根据“soon”可知,此处使用一般将来时,故填will come。125.句意:没有通过毕业考试的学生将会得到另一次机会。根据“Students who fail the tests...graduation will be given another chance.”可知,此处表示毕业测试,所属关系用of,故填of。126.句意:他可以参加第二次考试。此处作定语修饰time,用序数词形式,故填second。127.句意:你认为这是唯一一所这样做的大学吗?the only“唯一的”,故填the。128.句意:清华大学将要求学生学习游泳,并将于9月份为所有新生组织一次游泳测试。ask sb to do sth“要求某人做某事”,故填to learn。129.句意:当然,学生们也被提醒要安全地学习和练习游泳。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填safely。130.句意:他们毕业的时候会游泳,否则大学不会给他们颁发文凭。根据“They will be able to swim by the time they graduate, ...the university won’t give them diplomas.”可知,必须学会游泳,否则学校不给毕业证,or“否则”符合语境,故填or。131.句意:鼓励大学生在课后多做运动。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are encouraged。132.句意:他们需要做一些运动来保持健康。本句主语是They,所以是保持“他们自己”的健康,用反身代词形式,故填themselves。(2023贵州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在各题空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Each year, billions of pounds of garbage end up in the oceans. Sometimes people throw away water 133 (bottle) or other plastic. They do not recycle their garbage. People may not know that wind 134 rain can move garbage from land to sea. Plastic takes a very long time to break down. It can remain in the oceans 135 hundreds of years. Plastic pieces are very 136 (danger) to sea animals. One group, Washed Ashore, came up with a new idea 137 (tell) people about the problems in the oceans. First, they take the garbage from 138 beach. Then, they clean and sort it. 139 (final), they work with the plastic pieces to make huge works of art. The artwork is mostly of sea creatures (生物). Washed Ashore has 140 (create) more than seventy of these works of art. Some of 141 (they) are now traveling in a show all over the world. Each piece shows the effects of trash. In one show, people learn how plastic fools fish and other sea animals. They think the plastic 142 (be) food, eat it, and get very sick or even die. This would not happen if people used less plastic and did not litter. The plastic would not end up in the ocean.【答案】133.bottles 134.and 135.for 136.dangerous 137.to tell 138.a 139.Finally 140.created 141.them 142.is【导语】本文介绍海洋垃圾的问题,呼吁人们少用塑料,不乱扔垃圾。133.句意:有时人们会扔掉水瓶或其他塑料制品。此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填bottles。134.句意:人们可能不知道,风和雨可以把垃圾从陆地带到海洋。wind和rain构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。135.句意:它可以在海洋中存留数百年。“hundreds of years”是时间段,此处表示持续多长时间,故填for。136.句意:塑料碎片对海洋动物非常危险。此处在句中作表语,用形容词形式,故填dangerous。137.句意:一个名为“冲上岸”的组织提出了一个新想法,向人们讲述海洋中的问题。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to tell。138.句意:首先,他们从海滩上捡垃圾。此处泛指一个海滩,beach首字母发辅音音素,故填a。139.句意:最后,他们用塑料片制作出巨大的艺术品。此处在句中修饰整个句子,用副词finally,句首需大写首字母。故填Finally。140.句意:“冲上岸”已经创作了70多件这样的艺术作品。时态是现在完成时,动词用过去分词形式,故填created。141.句意:他们中的一些人现在正在世界各地进行展览。介词后用宾格作宾语,故填them。142.句意:他们认为塑料是食物,吃了它,就会生病甚至死亡。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是不可数名词,故填is。(2023山东日照中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。When I was 20 years old, I had a big dream in my mind. I wanted 143 (travel)around Africa with my backpack. So I left my hometown with confidence (信心)and arrived 144 Cape Town, not really sure what to do next. 145 (lucky), before my trip started, I met a kind, old Nigerian man. He gave me the 146 (good) travel advice I had ever received: “Be like a student on your way around the world.”The advice sounded simple, but 147 really changed my idea about traveling. He helped me realize that travel is about 148 (learn)cultures. It’s far too easy to go into 149 new country and believe your ways are better.“But if you study, ask questions, 150 try to learn from the locals, you will have far richer experience,” he promised.After seven 151 (month)of full backpacking in Africa from Cape Town to Cairo, I realized having a student-like mind helped me learn a lot, which 152 (satisfy)me more than any other trip that ever did to me.【答案】143.to travel 144.in 145.Luckily 146.best 147.it 148.learning 149.a 150.and 151.months 152.satisfied【导语】本文介绍了作者以一个学生的心态环游非洲的经历。143.句意:我想背着背包环游非洲。want to do sth“想要做某事”,为固定短语,故填to travel。144.句意:于是我满怀信心地离开了家乡,来到了开普敦,不知道下一步该做什么。arrive in“到达”,是固定短语,后加大地点,故填in。145.句意:幸运的是,在我的旅行开始之前,我遇到了一位善良的尼日利亚老人。lucky是形容词,此处是修饰整个句子,应用副词形式。故填Luckily。146.句意:他给了我最好的旅行建议:“像一个学生一样环游世界。”good“好的”,根据“I had ever received”可知此处应用形容词最高级,故填best。147.句意:这个建议听起来很简单,但它确实改变了我对旅行的看法。此空代指advice,是不可数名词,应用it,故填it。148.句意:他帮助我认识到旅行是学习文化的。about是介词,后加动名词作宾语,故填learning。149.句意:进入一个新的国家,很容易就会相信自己的方式更好。此处泛指一个新国家,应用不定冠词,new以辅音音素开头,应用a,故填a。150.句意:“但如果你学习,多问问题,并试着向当地人学习,你会有更丰富的经验,”他保证说。前后是并列关系,应用and连接,故填and。151.句意:在非洲从开普敦到开罗的七个月的背包旅行中,我意识到有一颗学生的心帮助我学到了很多东西,这比我以往任何一次旅行都更让我满意。month是可数名词,位于seven后,应用复数名词,故填months。152.句意:在非洲从开普敦到开罗的七个月的背包旅行中,我意识到有一颗学生的心帮助我学到了很多东西,这比我以往任何一次旅行都更让我满意。satisfy“使满意”,动词,根据前后句可知,本句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填satisfied。(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)Fill in the blanks with the grammatical knowledge according to the passage.Do you know any customs on New Year’s Day in other countries?In the UK, they have 153 interesting custom. According to the custom, the family will have good luck in the new year if a tall, dark and handsome man is the 154 (one) person to enter the front door after the new year arrives. Usually the 155 (visit) carries a piece of coal, a loaf (面包) and a bottle of Whiskey (威士忌酒). He should not speak to 156 (someone) or be spoken to until he finishes several things. These things include placing the coal on the fire, putting the loaf on the table, 157 (serve) the drink to the family head and 158 (final) wishing everyone a “Happy New Year” . He should leave the house through the back door to complete the tradition perfectly. 159 France, before the arrival of the New Year, the family always get together and drink up all the liquor (酒) at home. They think that if there is still liquor in the house, there 160 (be) bad luck in the new year.And in some 161 (area) in India, people do not celebrate the New Year, but cry. Do you know why? It is said that they cry 162 time goes quickly and life is so short.These customs are really interesting, aren’t they?【答案】an 154.first 155.visitor 156.anyone 157.serving 158.finally 159.In 160.will be 161.areas 162.because【导语】本文讲述了其他国家迎新年的习俗。153.句意:在英国,他们有一个有趣的习俗。根据“interesting custom”可知,此处泛指一个有趣的习俗,interesting为元音音素开头的单词,用冠词an。故填an。154.句意:根据习俗,如果一个高大、黝黑、英俊的男人是第一个新年到来后进入前门,这个家庭在新的一年里会有好运。根据“the…person”可知,此处指第一个人,one对应序数词first“第一个”。故填first。155.句意:通常游客会带一块煤、一条面包和一瓶威士忌。根据“carries a piece of coal”和“He”可知,此处为名词,visitor“游客”,且为单数。故填visitor。156.句意:在他做完几件事之前,不应该和任何人说话。根据“ He should not speak to …”可知,否定句用anyone,表示“任何人”。故填anyone。157.句意:这些事情包括把煤放在火上,把面包放在桌子上,给户主端上饮料,最后祝大家“新年快乐”。根据“putting the loaf on the table”可知,空格处为动名词短语作主语。故填serving。158.句意:这些事情包括把煤放在火上,把面包放在桌子上,给户主端上饮料,最后祝大家“新年快乐”。根据“wishing everyone a…”可知,此处为副词finally作时间状语。故finally。159.句意:在法国,在新年到来之前,一家人总是聚在一起,把家里所有的酒都喝光。根据“France”可知,此处表示在法国,较大地点前用in。故填In。160.句意:他们认为,如果房子里还有酒,那么新的一年就会倒霉。根据“bad luck in the new year”可知,此处为一般将来时will+动词。故填will be。161.句意:在印度的一些地区,人们不庆祝新年,而是哭泣。根据“some”可知,空格处为可数名词复数areas。故填areas。162.句意:据说他们哭是因为时间过得很快,生命过得很短。根据“It is said that they cry … time goes quickly and life is so short.”可知,空格前后为前果后因,用because“因为”。故填because。(2023四川内江统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Zhang Daqian was born on May 10, 1899, in Neijiang, Sichuan. He was one of the most famous Chinese 163 (artist)of the 20th century. At a young age, he 164 (encourage)by his family to paint. In 1917, he went to Japan 165 (learn)painting. Two years later, he went to Shanghai to receive 166 (tradition)painting instruction from two famous Chinese painters. 167 the help of them, Zhang had the chance to study some ancient paintings. Zhang went to the north in the late 1920s. He 168 (begin)to work with a Beijing painter, Pu Xinyu. Zhang and Pu were so well-known 169 they were honored as “South Zhang and North Pu”. It showed their high status(地位)in painting. In 1940, Zhang Daqian went to the caves(窟)of Mogao and Yulin. He and his group worked hard day and night there. 170 (final), they studied over 200 paintings. After this experience, his painting skills were much 171 (good)than before. His painting, created in 1978, was sold at 172 very good price in 2021.【答案】163.artists 164.was encouraged 165.to learn 166.traditional 167.With 168.began 169.that 170.Finally 171.better 172.a【导语】本文主要介绍了著名画家张大千的成名经历。163.句意:他是20世纪最著名的中国艺术家之一。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一”。故填artists。164.句意:在他很小的时候,他的家人就鼓励他画画。根据“by his family”可知,此处用被动语态结构,主语he是第三人称单数形式,助动词用was,故填was encouraged。165.句意:1917年,他去日本学习绘画。去日本的目的是为了学习绘画,用动词不定式表目的,故填to learn。166.句意:两年后,他到上海接受两位中国著名画家的传统绘画指导。此空修饰名词painting,应填形容词traditional表示“传统的”,故填traditional。167.句意:在他们的帮助下,张有机会研究一些古代绘画。with the help of“在……的帮助下”,固定搭配,故填With。168.句意:他开始和北京画家溥心畬一起工作。整段用的都是一般过去时,所以此句也用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填began。169.句意:张、溥是如此的知名,他们被誉为“南张北溥”。so…that“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句,故填that。170.句意:最后,他们研究了200多幅画。此空位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词作状语,故填Finally。171.句意:这次经历后,他的绘画技巧比以前好多了。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填better。172.句意:1978年创作的这幅画在2021年以非常好的价格售出。at a good price“以一个非常好的价格”,故填a。(2023山东临沂统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。It was early spring, and there was a light fog(雾) over the trees and fields. I and the other young horses 173 (eat) at the lower end of the field when we heard the cry of dogs far away. The 174 (old) among us lifted his head to listen. “There are the dogs!” he said, and ran away at once. We followed him to the top 175 the field.My mother and another old horse were standing near. “They have found a hare(野兔),” said my mother, “and if they come this way, we 176 (see) the hunt(打猎).”Soon the dogs were all running down the field next to ours, making aloud “yo-yo-yo” sound at the top of their voices. After then came men on horses as fast as they could. Suddenly, the dogs became 177 (silence) and ran around with their noses to the ground.“They 178 (lose) the smell of the hare already,” said the old horse. “Perhaps she will run away.”But the dogs began their “yo-yo-yo” again and came at full speed towards our field. Just then a hare, wild with fear, ran towards the trees. The dogs jumped over a small river and ran across the field. Six or eight huntsmen(猎人) jumped their horses over 179 small river, close behind the dogs. Before the hare could get away, the dogs were upon her with wild cries. We heard a terrible cry, and that was the end of the hare. She 180 (pick) up by one of the men. She was covered in blood, but all the huntsmen seemed pleased.I was 181 surprised that at first I didn’t see what was happening by the river. Later I saw a sad sight(景象)—two horses were down and the riders were hurt.My mother said, “I can’t understand why men like this sport so much. They quite often hurt 182 (they) and good horses.”【答案】173.were eating 174.oldest 175.of 176.shall see 177.silent 178.have lost 179.the 180.was picked 181.so 182.themselves【导语】本文节选自《黑骏马》,讲述了猎人们带狗打猎的故事。173.句意:我和其他小马正在田野的尽头吃东西,突然听到远处传来狗的叫声。根据“when we heard the cry of dogs far away.”可知,此处是when引导的时间状语从句,从句是一般过去时,主句表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,主语是复数,be动词用were,故填were eating。174.句意:我们当中年纪最大的那位抬起头来听。根据“among us”可知,三者以上的比较应用最高级,故填oldest。175.句意:我们跟着他来到了田顶。此处是固定搭配the top of“……的顶部”,故填of。176.句意:如果他们从这边来,我们就能看到狩猎了。if引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,因为主语是第一人称we,我们可以使用“shall+动词原形”,故填shall see。177.句意:突然,狗安静了下来,把鼻子贴在地上跑来跑去。became是系动词,后加形容词silent作表语,故填silent。178.句意:他们已经闻不到野兔的气味了。根据“already”可知,句子时态是现在完成时,主语是they,助动词用have,故填have lost。179.句意:六个或八个猎人跳上他们的马越过小河,紧跟在狗的后面。根据“jumped their horses over...small river,”可知,是指越过小河,应用定冠词the表示特指,故填the。180.句意:她被其中一个男人带走了。主语She代指兔子,和动词之间是被动关系,结合前句可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是单数,be动词用was,故填was picked。181.句意:我很惊讶,起初我没有看到河边发生了什么事。此处是“so...that...”结构,意为“如此……以至于……”,引导结果状语从句,故填so。182.句意:他们经常伤害自己和好马。句子主语是they,此处宾语和主语人称一致,应用反身代词themselves,故填themselves。(2023山东威海统考中考真题)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。请将答案填写在答题卡指定位置。I went to a restaurant for lunch with my Granddad yesterday, and when the starters came, I got out my phone and began to take some photos of them. My Granddad was very surprised, and he laughed at me. “Food is for eating!” he said, “And why 183 you _______ (take) photos of it?” Then I was surprised. Didn’t he know why?All my friends always take photos of food in restaurants when they go out to eat, and the photos 184 (share) on social media(社交媒体). When we’re deciding which restaurant to go to, we look at photos people post on social media. Before I go to a restaurant, I also look at photos on social media 185 (see) the food on the menu. So, when I 186 (arrive) at the restaurant, I know what I want to eat.Yesterday, my Granddad 187 (choose) mushroom(蘑菇) soup for his starter because he likes soup, and I ordered fruit salad because it looked delicious in a photo I saw on my phone. Both dishes were very good.“Granddad! We 188 (finish) our starters. Now! Look at the menu for the main course (主菜).” He couldn’t 189 (decide) between a fish dish and a beef dish. “Would you like to see some photos of them?” I asked. He laughed again. “OK!” he said. I got out my phone again, found the photos and gave him the phone. He decided the beef because it came with rice and carrots.After the meal, I asked Granddad, “ 190 you _______ (use) photos on social media to choose your food next time you eat out?” “Maybe” he sad, “if I’m with one of my grandchildren!”【答案】183.are/did;taking/take 184.are shared/will be shared 185.to see 186.arrive 187.chose 188.have finished 189.decide 190.Will;use【导语】本文主要叙述作者和爷爷去餐厅吃饭的故事,作者饭前拍照发社交媒体,爷爷对此不太理解,但爷孙俩还是按照别人发过的照片挑选了菜品。183.句意:你为什么要给它拍照?根据语境可知,此处可以是爷爷在问作者正在做的事情,用现在进行时;另一方面,也可以是作者拍完了照,爷爷问作者刚才为什么拍照,用一般过去时。主语是you,现在进行时be动词用are;一般过去时里助动词用did,后加动词原形,故填are/did;taking/take。184.句意:我所有的朋友出去吃饭的时候都会给餐馆里的食物拍照,并把照片分享到社交媒体上。根据“All my friends always take photos of food in restaurants when they go out to eat,”可知此处的时态可以是一般现在时,表示经常性的动作。另一方面,可以说是先拍照,然后再分享,可以用一般将来时。主语和动词share之间是被动关系,应用一般现在时的被动语态:am/is/are done,或一般将来时的被动语态:will be done。主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are shared/will be shared。185.句意:在我去餐厅之前,我也会在社交媒体上看照片,看看菜单上的食物。see是动词,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to see。186.句意:所以,当我到达餐厅时,我知道我想吃什么。根据“I know what I want to eat.”可知本句是一般现在时,主语是I,动词用原形,故填arrive。187.句意:昨天,我爷爷选了蘑菇汤作为他的开胃菜,因为他喜欢汤。根据“Yesterday”可知句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填chose。188.句意:我们已经吃完了开胃菜。根据“Now! Look at the menu for the main course (主菜).”可说明开胃菜已经吃完了,所以可以看主菜了,应用现在完成时,主语是we,助动词用have,故填have finished。189.句意:他决定不了是吃鱼还是吃牛肉。decide是动词,空前有情态动词,动词用原形,故填decide。190.句意:你会用社交媒体上的照片来选择食物吗?根据“next time you eat out?”可知本句是一般将来时:will do。故填Will;use。(2023湖北鄂州统考中考真题)根据下面短文内容,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。Motuo lies in the south of the Himalayas in Tibet. It 191 (be) known as the “Natural Museum of Tibet”. It is home to all kinds of mountains, rivers, waterfalls, plants and animals. Its 192 (special) geographic location (地理位置) makes it a beautiful place. It was one of the 193 (hard) places to reach and was the last city in China without a highway.The construction (施工) of the first highway to Motuo 194 (start) in the 1960s. However, it was not completed until over 50 years later. In 2014, the construction of 195 (its) second highway-the Paimo Highway started. In October 2022, the construction of the main body of the highway was completed.They are great engineering projects. In this area, earthquakes and heavy rains happened very 196 (often). There could be falling rocks or even landslides (滑坡). People must build many walls and nets to protect the two highways. Another 197 (challenge) was the snow. Large amounts of snow sometimes destroyed rocks and roads. As a result, the construction of the highways to Motuo was stopped several times. 198 (solve) this problem, people built a tunnel (隧道) that goes through the mountain area.The two highways stand for the Chinese 199 (spirit) of “never giving up”. They are ways to connect Motuo to the outside world and show how China 200 (care) about people in the far areas.【答案】191.is 192.special 193.hardest 194.started 195.its 196.often 197.challenge 198.To solve 199.spirit/spirits 200.cares【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了国家为西藏墨脱建造高速公路的艰辛历程,体现了永不放弃的中国精神。191.句意:它被称为“西藏自然博物馆”。描述事实,用一般现在时,主语是It,be动词用is。故填is。192.句意:它的特殊的地理位置使它成为一个美丽的地方。此处应填形容词作定语,special表示“特殊的”,故填special。193.句意:这是最难到达的地方之一,也是中国最后一个没有高速公路的城市。“one of the 形容词最高级+名词复数”表示“最……的……之一”,hard最高级为hardest。故填hardest。194.句意:第一条通往墨脱的高速公路始于20世纪60年代。跟“in the 1960s”可知描述过去的事,用一般过去时。start过去式为started。故填started。195.句意:2014年,第二条高速公路——派墨高速公路开工建设。此空修饰名词,用形容词性物主代词its修饰。故填its。196.句意:在这个地区,地震和大雨经常发生。often表示“经常”,频率副词。故填often。197.句意:另一个挑战是雪。根据was可知主语是单数,challenge表示“挑战”。故填challenge。198.句意:为了解决这个问题,人们修建了一条通向山区的隧道。此处用不定式表目的。故填To solve。199.句意:这两条高速公路代表了“永不放弃”的中国精神。spirit表示“精神”,此处可以用单数,也可以用复数,故填spirit/spirits。200.句意:它们是将墨脱与外部世界联系起来的路,展示了中国对偏远地区人民的关心。根据“They are ways to connect Motuo to the outside world and show how China ”可知此句时态是一般现在时,主语是China,谓语动词用三单。故填cares。(2023山东济宁中考真题)A young man was looking for a new way to spend his free time. He heard about people hiking (徒步) in the forest parks and decided to try it for himself. One day, 201 he was ready to start, an old man walked up to him.“Don’t hike in this park.” 202 old man said. “The paths (道路) are not clear.” But the young man said, “I 203 already ________ (study) the map of this park many times. I know its paths so well that I 204 (not, get) lost.”Then the young man walked into the park. After two hours, he wanted to go back. However, he had no idea where 205 (go) even with the help of his map. The young man didn’t know what he should do. 206 (lucky), a hiker saw him and helped him walk out of the park.【答案】201.when 202.the 203.have;studied 204.won’t get 205.to go 206.Luckily【导语】本文主要讲一个年轻人因为不听老人的劝告而迷路了,一个徒步路行者看到他并帮助他走出了公园。201.句意:一天,当他准备出发时,一位老人向他走来。根据“... he was ready to start, an old man walked up to him.”可推出当他准备出发时有个老人走了过来,when“当……时候”,引导时间状语从句。故填when。202.句意:“不要在这个公园里徒步旅行。”老人说。此处特指上文出现过的老人,用定冠词the。故填the。203.句意:我已经把这个公园的地图研究过很多次了。根据“already”可知用现在完成时,其结构为have/has done,主语I后用助动词have,study的过去分词形式studied。故填have;studied。204.句意:我非常熟悉它的路径,所以我不会迷路。此处表示不会迷路,是对未来的推测,用一般将来时,其结构为will do,won’t get lost“不会迷路”。故填won’t get。205.句意:然而,即使有地图的帮助,他也不知道该去哪里。此处用“疑问词+动词不定式”作宾语,where to go“去哪里”。故填to go。206.句意:幸运的是,一个徒步旅行者看见了他,扶他走出了公园。此处用副词修饰整个句子,lucky的副词形式luckily,意为“幸运地”。故填Luckily。(2023山东济宁中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。Oliver Kent is a thirteen-year-old student, but he doesn’t go to school. His dad is his teacher and 207 (teach) him at home. It is known as homeschooling.It is popular in Australia, Canada, the USA and many other countries. Can parents home school their 208 (child) in every country in the world? No. Some countries, like Brazil, Greece, Cuba and Turkey, say “no” to homeschooling. “What about 209 (you) friends? People often ask me that question,” says Oliver. “I have lots of friends. Most of them go to school and that’s the right thing for them. But my friend Ella is home schooled by her mum. So we 210 (discuss) things about homeschooling that other people don’t understand.”【答案】207.teaches 208.children 209.your 210.discuss【导语】本文主要介绍了在家接受教育。207.句意:他的爸爸是他的老师,在家教他。teach“教”,根据“His dad is his teacher and...”可知此处是并列的动作,动词形式一致,故此处用动词单三。故填teaches。208.句意:世界上每个国家的父母都能在家教育孩子吗?根据“Can parents home school their...”可知此处指他们的孩子,用名词复数children“孩子”。故填children。209.句意:你的朋友呢?空格后是名词,此处用形容词性物主代词your“你的”。故填your。210.句意:所以我们讨论其他人不理解的在家上学的事情。discuss“讨论”,本文时态为一般现在时,主语是we,谓语动词用原形。故填discuss。(2023湖南长沙统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Do you know World Letter Writing Day? It falls 211 September 1st every year. It was set up by Richard Simpkin in 2014. He encouraged people 212 (take) a break from today’s social media (媒体) and write a letter to someone by hand. Who should you write to? Think about a friend or relative that lives far away. A parent or best friend would also love to receive 213 (you) letter. How do you write a letter? 214 (general) speaking, a letter includes these parts. The date and a greeting (问候语) such as “Dear…” should be at the top of the letter. A closing such as “Love” or “Yours truly” needs to follow the body. End it by 215 (sign) it. Why should you pick up a pen and write a letter? It is a surprise that may make someone’s day. It’s 216 good way to show people that you have been thinking of them. Everyone loves a personal touch. It makes 217 (enjoy) memories (回忆). Some people save 218 (letter) and look at them over the years. A recent study shows that letter writing 219 (make) the writer happy, too. “Handwriting is your DNA.It’s your fingerprint that only you can share with others,” said Richard Simpkin. So, get some paper 220 pick up a pen. Start writing a letter today!【答案】211.on 212.to take 213.your 214.Generally 215.signing 216.a 217.enjoyable 218.letters 219.makes 220.and【导语】本文介绍世界写信日,应该写信给谁,应该怎么写信,写信有什么意义等。211.句意:它是在每年的9月1日。“September 1st”是具体的时间,用介词on,故填on。212.句意:他鼓励人们从今天的社交媒体中休息一下,手写一封信给别人。encourage sb to do sth“鼓励某人做某事”,故填to take。213.句意:父母或最好的朋友也会很乐意收到你的信。此处在句中作定语修饰letter,用形容词性物主代词your。故填your。214.句意:一般来说,一封信包括这些部分。generally enerally“一般来说”,句首需大写首字母。故填Generally。215.句意:通过签名来结束它。by是介词,其后加动名词作宾语。故填signing。216.句意:这是一个很好的方式来告诉人们你一直在想着他们。此处泛指一个方法,good首字母发辅音音素,故填a。217.句意:它带来愉快的回忆。此处作定语修饰memories,用形容词形式。故填enjoyable。218.句意:有些人把信件保存起来,多年来一直看。根据“them”可知,此处应使用名词复数形式。故填letters。219.句意:最近的一项研究表明,写信也会让写信人感到快乐。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“letter writing”,动词用三单。故填makes。220.句意:所以,拿起纸和笔。分析“get some paper...pick up a pen”可知,前后构成并列关系,用and连接。故填and。(2023湖北统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。The children, seeing the house the bird landed on, stopped and looked for some time. It was not a normal house at all. It was made of bread and candy, and the 221 (window) were made of sugar. The children 222 (sudden) ran to the house and started to eat it.As they ate, a 223 (woman) voice could be heard from inside the house saying, “Who’s that, eating at my home?”The children dropped what they 224 (eat), and were about to run away, but then a very old woman appeared at the door. “Ah! Children!” she said. “Do not run, come in. There’s much more food inside.” The woman seemed so kind 225 the children lost all feeling of danger, and went straight to her, and let her take their hands and lead them into her room.They 226 (give) all kinds of delicious food and drink, and they were told that they could stay as long as they wanted, for the woman had another room 227 two clean beds.As kind as the old lady appeared to be, she was really a terrible witch (女巫), who liked to eat children. Her house was made of bread and candy, because children liked such things, and so it would be easier for the witch 228 (get) them to stay. She did not eat them right away, for often the children were very thin, and the witch wished to make them 229 (fat) than before, by giving them a lot of food.And so, the next morning, she 230 (go) into the room where the children were sleeping. As she looked down on them in their beds, she said, “Yes. They will make a very delicious dinner.”【答案】221.windows 222.suddenly 223.woman’s 224.were eating 225.that 226.were given 227.with 228.to get 229.fatter 230.went【导语】本文主要介绍了一个女巫用面包和糖果做成的房子吸引孩子们,因为她实际上是一个可怕的女巫,喜欢吃孩子。221.句意:它是用面包和糖果做的,窗户是用糖做的。window“窗户”,是名词,结合were可知,名词用复数,故填windows。222.句意:孩子们突然跑到房子里,开始吃它。sudden“突然的”,形容词,此处修饰动词ran,应用副词,故填suddenly。223.句意:当他们吃饭的时候,一个女人的声音从屋子里传来:“谁呀,在我家吃东西?”woman是名词,空后是名词voice,所以应用woman的所有格形式woman’s修饰,故填woman’s。224.句意:孩子们扔掉了正在吃的东西,正要逃跑,这时一位老妇人出现在门口。eat“吃”,动词,根据语境可知,孩子把当时正在吃的东西扔掉,应用过去进行时,they作主语,be动词用were,故填were eating。225.句意:这个女人看起来很善良,孩子们完全没有危险的感觉,他们径直走到她身边,让她牵着他们的手,把他们带到她的房间里。此处是so...that“如此……以至于”引导的结果状语从句,故填that。226.句意:他们得到了各种美味的食物和饮料,并被告知他们可以想住多久就住多久,因为那个女人有另一个房间,里面有两张干净的床。give“给”,和主语they之间是被动关系,结合后句可知,应用一般过去时的被动语态。they作主语,be动词用were。故填were given。227.句意:他们得到了各种美味的食物和饮料,并被告知他们可以想住多久就住多久,因为那个女人有另一个房间,里面有两张干净的床。根据“another room...two clean beds.”可知,是指房间有两张干净的床,应用介词with表示“带有”。故填with。228.句意:她的房子是用面包和糖果做成的,因为孩子们喜欢这样的东西,所以女巫更容易让他们留下来。此处是it作形式主语,动词不定式作真正主语的结构,故填to get。229.句意:她没有马上吃掉它们,因为孩子们通常都很瘦,女巫希望给他们很多食物,让他们比以前更胖。根据“than”可知,应用形容词比较级,故填fatter。230.句意:于是,第二天早上,她走进孩子们睡觉的房间。根据前后语境可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填went。(2023内蒙古包头统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。If you live in the cities in England, there will be a great chance that you may meet a fox in real life. Some animals need special habitats (栖息地) or food. But foxes can live in all kinds of amazingly different 231 (place) such as deserts, mountain s and cities. A city like London can be really busy and 232 (noise), but it still has quiet corners where foxes can sleep. It also has fox food such as mice and foods dropped by people.Recently some people in cities have already 233 (see) foxes close at hand, but they never seem scared. Why is that? They are 234 smart that they can even remember all the safe corners where they can escape. If a fox thinks it can run to its safe exit 235 (fast) than you can approach (接近), it will probably just sit down and wait. They won’t waste energy running off unless it really 236 (become) necessary.However, it’s 237 (usual) better not to feed foxes. But do enjoy 238 (watch ) them. They are beautiful interesting animals and lots 239 people enjoy them around. After all, seeing foxes is 240 exciting reminder of our connection to nature.【答案】231.places 232.noisy 233.seen 234.so 235.faster 236.becomes 237.usually 238.watching 239.of 240.an【导语】本文主要讲述了如果你住在英国的城市里,你很有可能在现实生活中遇到狐狸,文中介绍了狐狸的生活环境以及其行为表现等内容。231.句意:但是狐狸可以生活在各种不同的地方,比如沙漠、山区和城市。different修饰可数名词法术,所以空处用place的复数形式places,故填places。232.句意:像伦敦这样的城市可能非常繁忙和嘈杂,但它仍然有安静的角落,狐狸可以在那里睡觉。根据“can be really busy and....”可知,空处应填形容词作表语,noise的形容词是noisy“嘈杂的”。故填noisy。233.句意:最近,城市里的一些人已经看到狐狸近在咫尺,但他们似乎从不害怕。根据“have already”可知,此处用see的过去分词seen构成现在完成时结构,故填seen。234.句意:它们非常聪明,甚至能记住所有可以逃跑的安全角落。根据“...smart that they can even remember all the safe corners where they can escape. ”可知,此处是so...that...“如此……以至于……”引导的条件状语从句,故填so。235.句意:如果一只狐狸认为它跑到安全出口的速度比你接近的速度快,它可能会坐下来等着。根据than可知,此处用fast的比较级faster,故填faster。236.句意:除非真的有必要,否则他们不会浪费能量跑掉。本句是unless引导的条件状语从句,主句用一般将来时,则从句用一般现在时,主语是it,谓语动词用三单形式,故填becomes。237.句意:然而,通常最好不要喂狐狸。分析句子可知,句中不缺成分,所以空处应用usual的副词形式usually“通常地”作状语,故填usually。238.句意:但是一定要喜欢观察它们。enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,所以空处用动名词作宾语,故填watching。239.句意:它们是美丽有趣的动物,很多人喜欢它们。lots of“很多”,固定短语,故填of。240.句意:毕竟,看到狐狸是一个令人兴奋的提醒,提醒我们与自然的联系。根据单数名词reminder可知,此处表示泛指,且exciting是以元音音素开头,所以用不定冠词an修饰,故填an。(2023黑龙江绥化统考中考真题)根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空.Hello, I’m Tom. I come from Cuba (古巴), but 241 (recent) I moved to China. I started a new school life here. It was a big change for me because the school life in China is quite different from that in Cuba.School in China starts at 8: 00 a.m. and 242 (end) at 4: 50 p.m. The new school is much better than my old school in Cuba, such as it is 243 (big) and more beautiful than my old one. I thought that I might be lost in the first week. Luckily my new classmate Zhang Bin is very friendly. He 244 (offer) to show me around the school when we were available.In China, we don’t have so much homework 245 (do) every day. If I listen to the teachers carefully, I can finish my homework quickly. To keep 246 (healthily), our school provides us with sports instruments to exercise, so we can spend 247 (we) free time playing ping-pong, basketball or running. Sometimes we like to listen to pop music and watch 248 (movie) at the cinema.Time flies so quickly and I 249 (be) in the new school for two months. I get many 250 (student) help. I start enjoying my school life here. I am always having so much fun!【答案】241.recently 242.ends 243.bigger 244.offered 245.to do 246.healthy 247.our 248.movies 249.have been 250.students’【导语】本文主要介绍了来自古巴的汤姆搬到中国后,发现中国的校园生活和古巴的校园生活不一样。241.句意:我来自古巴,但最近我搬到了中国。此处修饰动词moved用副词recently“最近”。故填recently。242.句意:中国的学校早上8点开始上课,下午4点50分结束。and前后动词形式保持一致,故此处动词用单三形式ends“结束”。故填ends。243.句意:因为它比我的老学校更大、更漂亮。根据“more beautiful”可知此处用比较级bigger“更大”。故填bigger。244.句意:当我们有空的时候,他主动提出带我参观学校。根据“when we were available.”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式offered“主动提出”。故填offered。245.句意:在中国,我们没有那么多的家庭作业每天要做。根据“have so much homework...”可知此处用动词不定式作定语。故填to do。246.句意:为了保持健康,我们学校为我们提供了运动器材,这样我们就可以把空闲时间用来打乒乓球、打篮球或跑步。keep healthy“保持健康”。故填healthy。247.句意:为了保持健康,我们学校为我们提供了运动器材,这样我们就可以把空闲时间用来打乒乓球、打篮球或跑步。空格后是名词,此处用形容词性物主代词our“我们的”。故填our。248.句意:有时我们喜欢在电影院听流行音乐和看电影。此处表示泛指用名词复数movies“电影”。故填movies。249.句意:时间过得太快了,我在新学校已经两个月了。根据“for two months”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是I,助动词用have。故填have been。250.句意:我得到了许多学生的帮助。空格后是名词,根据“many”可知此处用名词复数的所有格students’“学生们的”。故填students’。(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。Once upon a time, there was a wise old man who had seven sons. But his sons 251 (are) always fighting. It made some bad people happy because they wanted to cheat(欺骗)the brothers out of their 252 (father) money.One day, the father decided to help his sons stop 253 (fight), so he brought them together. He tied seven chopsticks together, and said, “I will give all of my money to 254 one who can break this bundle(捆).”The seven sons each tried 255 (break) the chopsticks, but it was too hard. They agreed that it was impossible.“Yet, my sons,” said the father, “it’s actually easy to do.”He untied the chopsticks and broke them one 256 one easily.“Aha!” said his sons, “It’s easy to do that way. Anyone can do it.”The father 257 (go) on, “As it is with these chopsticks, so it is with you, my sons. If you stick together and help each other, you will do well, and nobody can harm you. But if you fight, you will be like these chopsticks, broken 258 weak.”The seven sons listened 259 (careful) and promised to stick together. They kept their promise and faced life’s 260 (difficulty) together, just as their wise father had taught them.【答案】251.were 252.father’s 253.fighting 254.the 255.to break 256.by 257.went 258.and 259.carefully 260.difficulties【导语】本文讲述了一个睿智的父亲用一捆筷子教会七个儿子要团结的故事。251.句意:但是他的儿子们总是争吵。根据上一句“Once upon a time, there was a wise old man who had seven sons.”可知,这是在讲述故事,句子应用一般过去时,主语his sons为复数名词,因此应用are的过去式were。故填were。252.句意:这让一些坏人很高兴,因为他们想骗取兄弟们的父亲的钱。money为名词,此处应用father的名词所有格father’s来修饰名词money。故填father’s。253.句意:有一天,父亲决定帮助他的儿子们停止战斗,于是他把他们召集在一起。根据“stop”可知此处应用动词短语stop doing sth表示“停止做某事”,动词fight的动名词为fighting。故填fighting。254.句意:我会把我所有的钱都给那个能折断这捆筷子的人。根据“one who”可知who引导限制性定语从句,修饰代词one,因此其前应用定冠词the来表特指。故填the。255.句意:七个儿子都努力去折断筷子,但是太难了。根据“tried”可知此处应用动词短语try to do sth表示“努力做某事”,动词break的不定式为to break。故填to break。256.句意:他解开筷子,轻而易举地把它们一根一根地折断。根据“one…one”可知此处应用one by one来表示“一个接一个地”。故填by。257.句意:父亲继续说道:“我的儿子们,正如这些筷子一样,你们也是如此。如果你们团结一致,互相帮助,你们会做得很好,没有人可以伤害你们。但如果你们打架,你们会像这双筷子一样,又碎又弱。”结合语境,句子应用一般过去时,动词go的过去式为went。故填went。258.句意:父亲继续说道:“我的儿子们,正如这些筷子一样,你们也是如此。如果你们团结一致,互相帮助,你们会做得很好,没有人可以伤害你们。但如果你们打架,你们会像这双筷子一样,又碎又弱。”根据“broken”和“weak”可知此处应用表示并列关系的连词and来连接两个形容词。故填and。259.句意:七个儿子认真地听着,并保证会团结一致。listened为动词,此处应用careful的副词carefully来修饰动词。故填carefully。260.句意:他们信守诺言,共同面对生活中的困难,正如他们睿智的父亲教导他们的那样。根据“faced life’s”可知此处应用名词difficult的复数形式difficulties来表示“面对生活中的困难”。故填difficulties。(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(每空不超过三个单词)Once there was a king, whose son was badly ill. Only the water from a lake far away could save the prince. The king promised to pay half of his gold 261 the water. The news reached a farmer who had two 262 (son) and a daughter. “Let’s look for the water.” said the two brothers. They traveled a lot, 263 they still didn’t find it. So they brought some water from 264 river nearby. Of course, the prince got 265 (bad) than before. The king became angry and he would kill the two brothers. The farmer’s young daughter Tina decided to look for the water by herself. She walked for a long time, and stopped 266 (have) a rest under a tree. She noticed three birds, tired and hungry. “Birds, take some of my corn!” she said. “Thank you! Where are you going?” asked the birds. Tina told 267 (they) the story. “A long and 268 (danger) journey! Maybe you need our help.” said the birds. They offered her a magic(神奇的) leaf. “Make a wish, and shake the leaf. Your wish will come true.” Tina made a wish to get to the lake 269 (quick). She shook the leaf, and then there she was!Tina got the magic water and brought it to the king. The prince 270 (save). “Take half of my gold!” said the king. Tina didn’t want the gold. She only asked the king to free her two brothers. The king agreed. Finally, Tina and her two brothers went home together.【答案】261.for 262.sons 263.but 264.a 265.worse 266.to have 267.them 268.dangerous 269.quickly 270.was saved【导语】本文主要讲述了农夫的女儿蒂娜找水救了王子,从而也解救了自己的两个哥哥的故事。261.句意:国王答应用他一半的金子买水。根据“pay half of his gold ...the water.”可知,此处是短语pay...for...“为……支付……”,故填for。262.句意:这个消息传到了一个有两个儿子和一个女儿的农民那里。two后跟名词son的复数形式,故填sons。263.句意:他们跑了很多地方,但还是没找到。“They traveled a lot”和“ they still didn’t find it.”在句意上是转折关系,所以用but连接,故填but。264.句意:于是他们从附近的河里打了一些水来。根据“... river ”可知,此处泛指附近的一条河里,且river首字母发元音音素,所以用不定冠词a,故填a。265.句意:当然,王子的病情比以前更严重了。由than可知,此处用形容词bad的比较级worse。故填worse。266.句意:她走了很长一段时间,然后在一棵树下停下来休息。根据“ stopped ... a rest under a tree”可知,是停下来去休息,stop to do sth“停下来做某事”,所以空处用动词不定式,故填to have。267.句意:蒂娜给他们讲了这个故事。空处作told的宾语,所以用they的宾格them,故填them。268.句意:漫长而危险的旅程!and连接两个并列成分,结合long可知,空处应用danger的形容词dangerous“危险的”,故填dangerous。269.句意:蒂娜许愿要快点到湖边去。空处修饰动词get to,所以用quick的副词形式quickly“快速地”。故填quickly。270.句意:王子得救了。主语是动作save的承受者,所以用被动语态,全文是一般过去时,所以此处是一般过去时的被动语态,主语是The prince ,be动词用was,save的过去分词是saved,故填was saved。(2023福建统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。Niejiazhuang Village in Weifang is famous for colored clay sculpture handicraft (泥塑手工艺), which dates back to the Ming Dynasty. The Weifang government has 1 (encourage) local people to learn traditional handicraft and make more money to get rid of poverty(脱贫).Nie Peng 2 (be) a young villager in Niejiazhuang. He is crazy about clay sculpture handicraft. He began learning it from his father when he was 3 child. He has led lots of young craftsmen (手艺人) in and near 4 (he) village to make colored clay sculptures and the handicraft has become an important way for local people to get 5 (rich) than before.The tiger is a typical subject for colored clay sculptures. Nie 6 (start) to learn to make clay tigers in 2010, the Year of the Tiger. Over these years, he has seen the development of the art form. 7 first, the clay tigers were all of the same small size. Now there are tigers of different 8 (size) and the largest can be over two meters tall. The tigers used to be colored pink and green, but now have become more colorful.Today Nie cares for the future of clay sculpture handicraft 9 encourages young craftsmen to create more works. He 10 (real) hopes that the sculpture handicraft will be passed down to the next generation.【答案】1.encouraged 2.is 3.a 4.his 5.richer 6.started 7.At 8.sizes 9.and 10.really【导语】本文主要介绍了潍坊的聂家庄村以彩泥塑工艺品闻名。1.句意:潍坊市政府鼓励当地人学习传统手工艺,多赚钱以摆脱贫困。根据has可知,时态是现在完成时,动词用过去分词,故填encouraged。2.句意:聂鹏是聂家庄的一位年轻村民。此处是说明一个事实,主语是单数,be动词用is,故填is。3.句意:当他还是个孩子的时候,他就开始向父亲学习。此处是泛指一个孩子,child以辅音音素开头,应用a,故填a。4.句意:他带领村里和附近的许多年轻工匠制作彩泥塑,手工业成为当地人比以前更富有的重要途径。空后是名词,应用形容词性物主代词his,故填his。5.句意:他带领村里和附近的许多年轻工匠制作彩泥塑,手工业成为当地人比以前更富有的重要途径。根据“than”可知,应用比较级,故填richer。6.句意:2010年虎年,聂开始学习制作泥虎。根据“in 2010”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填started。7.句意:起初,粘土老虎都是一样的小尺寸。at first“起初”,是固定表达,故填At。8.句意:现在有不同大小的老虎,最大的可以超过两米高。size“大小”,可数名词,different后加可数名词复数,故填sizes。9.句意:今天,聂关心泥塑手工艺的未来,鼓励年轻工匠创作更多的作品。前后句是并列关系,应用and,故填and。10.句意:他真希望雕塑手艺能传给下一代。real是形容词,修饰动词hopes,应用副词,故填really。(2023浙江丽水统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Kendall Rae Johnson spends a lot of time playing in the dirt. She has 11 huge garden that produces over 100 pounds of food each year! Kendall Rae 12 (begin) gardening at age three, when her great-grandmother gave her some fresh collard greens. Kendall Rae says, “Grandma Kate told 13 (I), ‘Don’t throw away the stems, because if you put them in the ground, they will grow back.’” She tried it and the stems 14 (real) grew new leaves. Soon after, her parents put in a backyard garden. 15 her friends came to their house, Kendall Rae enjoyed sharing what she knew about farming. She says, “My friends would help me water 16 care for the plants. They started to enjoy farming, too.” At age six, she became the youngest certified farmer 17 her hometown. Today, her garden has grown to include sixty plant beds and twelve 18 (tree)! When the vegetables and fruits are ripe(成熟), Kendall Rae sells some of them 19 (make) money. She also invites people who don’t have enough food to take what they need. “If 20 (many) kids join us, our community will surely become better,” says Kendall Rae. “Growing food takes a lot of work, but together we can do it.”【答案】11. 12.began 13.me 14.really 15.When 16.and 17.in 18.trees 19.to make 20.more【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍喜欢种植的肯德尔雷约翰逊。11.句意:她有一个巨大的花园,每年生产超过100磅的食物!此处泛指一个花园,huge首字母发辅音音素,故填。12.句意:肯德尔雷三岁时开始园艺,当时她的曾祖母给了她一些新鲜的羽衣甘蓝。根据“at age three”可知,是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填began。13.句意:肯德尔雷说:“凯特奶奶告诉我,‘不要扔掉茎,因为如果你把它们埋在地里,它们会重新长出来的。’”此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格,故填me。14.句意:她试了试,茎真的长出了新叶。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填really。15.句意:当朋友们来她家做客时,肯德尔雷喜欢分享她对农业的了解。根据“...her friends came to their house, Kendall Rae enjoyed sharing what she knew about farming.”可知,当朋友们来做客时,肯德尔雷会分享对农业的了解,用when引导时间状语从句。故填When。16.句意:我的朋友会帮我浇水和照顾植物。前后构成并列关系,用and连接,故填and。17.句意:六岁时,她成为了家乡最年轻的持证农民。in her hometown“在她的家乡”,故填in。18.句意:今天,她的花园已经发展到包括60个植物床和12棵树!twelve修饰可数名词复数,故填trees。19.句意:当蔬菜和水果成熟时,肯德尔雷会卖掉一些来赚钱。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to make。20.句意:如果有更多的孩子加入我们,我们的社区肯定会变得更好。根据“our community will surely become better”可知,此处应使用比较级,more“更多”符合语境,故填more。(2023河北统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。My favorite teacher is Mr. Zhao. He has made 21 big difference in my life. I was 22 (real) shy and nervous on the first day at school. But Mr. Zhao was 23 kind that I soon forgot about that. In 24 (he) first class, he asked us to draw a picture of ourselves.When he 25 (get) to my desk, he looked at my picture and said, “Wow! I like those bright 26 (color)! That’s great!” I felt 27 (relax) at once. Mr. Zhao is patient and he always 28 (tell) us not to worry about giving wrong answers. Also, he shows us how to learn 29 our mistakes. Now I am in the 30 (nine) grade, and I’m leaving school. I will remember all the suggestions he has given me.【答案】21.a 22.really 23.so 24.his 25.got 26.colors 27.relaxed 28.tells 29.from 30.ninth【导语】本文主要介绍了作者最喜爱的老师。21.句意:他给我的生活带来了很大的改变。make a big difference“有很大影响”。故填a。22.句意:上学的第一天,我非常害羞和紧张。此处修饰形容词shy用副词really“真地”。故填really。23.句意:但是赵老师太好了,我很快就忘记了。根据“kind that I soon forgot about that”可知此处是so...that“如此……以至于”结构。故填so。24.句意:在他的第一节课上,他让我们给自己画一幅画。空格后是名词,此处用形容词性物主代词his“他的”。故填his。25.句意:当他走到我的桌子旁时,他看着我的照片说。根据“he looked...”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填got。26.句意:我喜欢那些鲜艳的颜色!those后加可数名词复数colors“颜色”。故填colors。27.句意:我立刻感到放松。作felt的表语用形容词,形容人用relaxed“放松的”。故填relaxed。28.句意:赵老师很有耐心,他总是告诉我们不要担心回答错误。根据“Mr. Zhao is patient and he always...”可知句子用一般现在时,主语是he,谓语动词用单三tells“告诉”。故填tells。29.句意:他还向我们展示了如何从错误中吸取教训。learn from“从……中学习”。故填from。30.句意:现在我上九年级了,我要离开学校了。此处指“九年级”,用序数词ninth“第九”。故填ninth。(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词成情态动词。An idol is someone who we respect or love. However, unlike many of my classmates, my idol is not a film star, a famous writer or a sportsman, my idol is my dad.Most people believe that a man 31 (go) out and work. However, when I was only a five-year-old boy, I was 32 (serious) ill and needed attention all the time. My dad knew how much my mum loved her job, so he stopped 33 (work) to stay at home and look after me. Many men in this situation would want their 34 (wife) to stay with the child, but my dad always thinks about 35 (other) before himself. This made me start to respect him.My dad later took a job and worked at night. He chose the job so that he would only be out of the house when I was sleeping. Since then, my dad 36 (help) and supported me in everything I do. I remember when I was learning to ride a bike, my dad ran behind me and held the back of the bicyele so that I would not fall. I 37 (feel) so safe because I knew he was near. Soon, I was able to ride by 38 (I).My family is not rich, and we do not own a big house or an expensive car. My dad has shown me that something is 39 (important) than money. Although he now works hard every day and is often very busy, he always makes time 40 (stay) with me. He helps me with my homework, and plays games with me on weekends. He has also taught me that I can achieve anything if I really work hard on it.My dad is my idol because he showed me the most important things in life.【答案】should go 32.seriously 33.working 34.wives 35.others 36.has helped 37.felt 38.myself 39.more important 40.to stay【导语】本文主要介绍了作者的父亲是自己的偶像,并介绍了父亲为作者所做的事情。31.句意:大多数人认为男人应该出去工作。根据“Most people believe that a man...out”可知大部分认为男人应该出去工作,应该:should,情态动词后加动词原形。故填should go。32.句意:然而,当我还是一个五岁的男孩时,我病得很重,一直需要照顾。修饰形容词ill用副词seriously“严重地”。故填seriously。33.句意:所以他停止了工作,留在家里照顾我。work“工作”,根据“to stay at home and look after me”可知他停止了工作,留在家照顾我,stop doing sth.“停止做某事”。故填working。34.句意:很多处于这种情况的男人都希望他们的妻子留在孩子身边,但我爸爸总是先考虑别人,然后再考虑自己。根据“Many men”可知此处用名词复数wives“妻子”。故填wives。35.句意:很多处于这种情况的男人都希望他们的妻子留在孩子身边,但我爸爸总是先考虑别人,然后再考虑自己。根据“thinks about...”可知是考虑其他人,others“其他人”。故填others。36.句意:从那以后,我爸爸在我做的每件事上都帮助和支持我。help“帮助”,根据“Since then”可知句子用现在完成时,主语是my dad,助动词用has。故填has helped。37.句意:我感到很安全,因为我知道他就在附近。根据“I knew...”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式felt“感觉”。故填felt。38.句意:很快,我就可以自己骑车了。根据“I was able to ride by...”可知是会自己骑车,用反身代词myself“我自己”。故填myself。39.句意:我爸爸告诉我,有些东西比金钱更重要。根据“than”可知此处用比较级more important“更重要”。故填more important。40.句意:但他总是抽出时间和我在一起。stay“待”,分析句子可知,“makes time”的目的是“stay with me”,作目的状语用动词不定式。故填to stay。(2023浙江台州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。You don’t need to wait until you’re an adult to take part in community service. You can develop good habits now. Community service is a great way to make 41 difference in your neighborhood. You also can enjoy 42 (spend) time with friends and meeting new people. Here are some ideas for you to start 43 (quick). Do you play an instrument or love to draw? Offer to give free concerts at a senior center or spread your love of art by giving 44 (lesson) to younger children. You can never imagine 45 happy you will be after that. Do you live near a public park? You can volunteer 46 (plant) or clean up the park. You’ll bring pleasure 47 everyone who uses the park. Do you know any sick or disabled people in your neighborhood? Offer to do yard work for 48 (they). Sweep the floor and 49 (do) the dishes. Or just stop by for a friendly visit with some food. Does your school encourage a buddy (伙伴) system? You can set up buddy systems which connect older children with 50 (young) ones. Buddies often spend time together reading books. Helping a young person grow into a smart reader is a gift that keeps on giving.【答案】41.a 42.spending 43.quickly 44.lessons 45.how 46.to plant 47.to/for 48.them 49.do 50.younger【导语】本文主要介绍了如何快速开始社区服务。41.句意:社区服务是一个很好的方式来改变你的社区。make a difference“有影响”。故填a。42.句意:你还可以享受与朋友共度时光和结识新朋友的乐趣。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”。故填spending。43.句意:以下是一些快速开始的想法。修饰动词start用副词quickly“快速地”。故填quickly。44.句意:在老年中心举办免费音乐会,或者通过给年幼的孩子上课来传播你对艺术的热爱。此处表泛指用名词复数lessons“课”。故填lessons。45.句意:你永远无法想象在那之后你会有多幸福。根据“happy you will be”可知是多么开心,用how引导宾语从句。故填how。46.句意:你可以自愿种植或打扫公园。plant“种植”,volunteer to do sth.“自愿做某事”。故填to plant。47.句意:你会给每个使用公园的人带来快乐。bring sth. to/for sb.“给某人带来某物”。故填to/for。48.句意:主动提出为他们做庭院工作。此处作介词for的宾语用代词宾格them“他们”。故填them。49.句意:扫地洗碗。或者只是顺道拜访一下,带上一些食物。此处动词和sweep并列,故此处用动词原形。故填do。50.句意:你可以建立好友系统,将年龄较大的孩子与年龄较小的孩子联系起来。根据“older children with...ones”可知是将较大的孩子和较年轻的孩子联系起来,用比较级younger“更年轻的”。故填younger。(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Lixia, or the Start of Summer, is the 51 (seven) of the 24 Chinese solar terms (节气) which falls on May 6 of this year. It symbolizes (象征) the passing from spring 52 summer.With the heat of summer, plants and crops will begin to grow much 53 (fast). So farmers are always happy to welcome the arrival of Lixia. This is 54 best time of the year to plant early rice in the southern part of China. Chinese has plenty of old sayings 55 are used to warn people not to be lazy during this period of time.In China, people celebrate the day of Lixia in different ways. For example, in some places people cook “Five-Colored Rice”. Usually, it 56 (make) from five kinds of beans (豆)—mung bean, red bean, yellow bean, black bean and green bean. It stands for people’s good wishes for a colorful life. People also have the custom of 57 (eat) some different kinds of fresh fruits and vegetables. On the day of Lixia, children will wear a bag with an egg around their necks in some areas. This is believed to help keep 58 (they) safe and healthy. Other 59 (tradition) of Lixia include the singing of beautiful folk songs. And people also weigh themselves on Lixia. When the summer 60 (pass), they’ll weigh themselves again to see how many pounds they have lost during the hot season.【答案】51.seventh 52.to 53.faster 54.the 55.which/that 56.is made 57.eating 58.them 59.traditions 60.passes【导语】本文主要介绍了立夏这个节气。51.句意:立夏是中国24个节气中的第七个。此处指“第七个”节气,用序数词seventh“第七”。故填seventh。52.句意:它象征着从春天到夏天的过渡。from...to“从……到”。故填to。53.句意:随着夏季的炎热,植物和作物将开始生长得更快。much修饰比较级faster“更快”。故填faster。54.句意:在中国南方,这是一年中种植早稻的最佳时间。空格后是最高级,此处用定冠词the。故填the。55.句意:中国有很多古老的谚语用来警告人们在这段时间不要懒惰。句子是定语从句,先行词是sayings,关系词在从句中作主语,用which/that引导定语从句。故填which/that。56.句意:通常,它是由五种豆子制成的。be made from“由……制成”,句子用一般现在时,主语是it,be动词用is。故填is made。57.句意:人们也有吃一些不同种类的新鲜水果和蔬菜的习俗。介词of后加动名词。故填eating。58.句意:这被认为有助于保持他们的安全和健康。根据“help keep...safe and healthy”可知是让他们保持安全和健康,作宾语用代词宾格them“他们”。故填them。59.句意:立夏的其他传统包括唱优美的民歌。other后加可数名词复数traditions“传统”。故填traditions。60.句意:当夏天过去时,他们会再次称体重,看看自己在炎热的季节减掉了多少磅。pass“通过”,句子是if引导的条件状语从句,从句用一般现在时,主语是the summer,谓语动词用单数。故填passes。(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。Traffic SchoolHave you ever driven through a red traffic light? Have you ever parked in the wrong place or driven 61 (fast) than the speed limit (限制)? The answers are probably “yes”. Every year 62 (thousand) of drivers become “offenders”-they break the rules of the road. But 63 are the punishments for this offence?In most countries drivers have to pay a fine (罚款), 64 (usual) $100—$300. But in the USA, Australia and some 65 (Europe) countries offenders also get points on their driving license. After they get 66 certain number of points, they can’t drive. Life is difficult when you can’t drive. So far some states in the USA 67 (introduce) a new way to avoid this-Traffic School. Offenders have a choice: They can get points on their license 68 they can do a course at Traffic School. Traffic Schools run “driver improvement courses”. They cost about $100 and take from four 69 twelve hours. Most people do the course in a classroom, but in some states drivers can do the course online. Drivers learn the rules of the road and they learn how 70 (be) better drivers. They don’t have to take a driving test, but at the end of the course they have to pass a written examination.【答案】61.faster 62.thousands 63.what 64.usually 65.European 66.a 67.have introduced 68.if 69.to 70.to be【导语】本文主要介绍了人们在不同国家违反交通规则的处理方法。61.句意:你是否曾把车停错地方或超速驾驶?根据“than”可知空处需用比较级。故填faster。62.句意:每年都有成千上万的司机成为“违规者”——他们违反交通规则。空前无具体数字,需用thousands of“数以千计的”表示泛指。故填thousands。63.句意:但是这种罪行的惩罚是什么呢?根据“are the punishments for this offence?”可知是询问处罚是什么。what表示“什么”。故填what。64.句意:在大多数国家,司机必须支付罚款,通常是100到300美元。修饰动词,需用副词形式usually表示“通常”。故填usually。65.句意:但在美国、澳大利亚和一些欧洲国家,违规者的驾驶执照也会被扣分。修饰名词“countries”,需用形容词作定语。European“欧洲的”。故填European。66.句意:在他们得到一定数量的分数之后,他们就不能开车了。a certain number of表示“一定数量的……”。故填a。67.句意:到目前为止,美国的一些州已经推出了一种新的方法来避免这种情况——交通学校。根据“So far”可知本句需用现在完成时(have/has done),主语是复数,助动词用have。故填have introduced。68.句意:违法者有一个选择:如果他们能在交通学校学习课程,他们可以在驾照上获得分数。分析句子可知,前句是后句是肯定条件,需用if表示“如果”。故填if。69.句意:它们花费大约100美元,需要4到12个小时。from...to...表示“从……到……”,固定短语。故填to。70.句意:司机学习道路规则,他们学习如何成为更好的司机。how to do sth表示“如何做某事”。故填to be。(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,在答题卡标有题号的横线上,填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dancing with the LightA few years ago, I visited the Classical Gardens of Suzhou. During the visit, my attention was drawn away from the plants, bridges and stones, towards 71 walls of the gardens. Mostly white, some parts of the walls are losing small 72 (piece) of their covering. This creates space in which light and plants can be 73 (see). The walls are not only the boundaries of the gardens, but they also form protected paths that guide you on a trip.The memory of the white walls stayed with me. I kept 74 (imagine) how many shadows (影) could be collected by them to dance with the light. This fantastic moment was so lively 75 I came back to explore it with my camera.Working 76 (free) with these walls and their marks, I began to feel like collecting all the stories that were painted there. Weather and time have turned these 77 (amaze) white walls into Chinese landscape paintings.I 78 (take) the photos during the month of June, just after the rain. The air was full of small drops of water, showing the light and the color 79 the things around. As color was born out of a dance between light and a body, when photographing in color I found 80 (I) enjoying a moment of this dance.【答案】71.the 72.pieces 73.seen 74.imagining 75.that 76.freely 77.amazing 78.took 79.of 80.myself【导语】本文主要介绍了作者参观苏州古典园林的经历。71.句意:在参观期间,我的注意力从植物、桥梁和石头上转移到了花园的墙壁上。根据“walls of the gardens.”可知此处是特指花园的墙壁,应用定冠词the,故填the。72.句意:大部分墙壁是白色的,有些部分正在失去小块的覆盖物。piece“块”,可数名词,此处应用复数表示泛指,故填pieces。73.句意:这创造了可以看到光线和植物的空间。see是动词,根据“can be”可知是含有情态动词can的被动语态can be done,故填seen。74.句意:我一直在想象,它们能收集多少影子,与光共舞。keep doing sth“一直做某事”,为固定短语,故填imagining。75.句意:这个奇妙的时刻是如此的生动,以至于我带着相机回来探索它。根据“so lively...I came back to explore it with my camera.”可知此处是so...that“如此……以至于……”引导的结果状语从句,故填that。76.句意:在这些墙壁和它们的标记上自由地工作,我开始想收集所有画在那里的故事。free是形容词,此处修饰动词应用副词freely,故填freely。77.句意:天气和时间把这些令人惊叹的白墙变成了中国山水画。空后是名词,所以此处应用形容词amazing“令人惊奇的”修饰物,故填amazing。78.句意:这些照片是我在六月雨后拍摄的。take是动词,根据语境和后句可知,本句是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填took。79.句意:空气中充满了小水滴,显示出周围事物的光和颜色。根据“the color...the things around”可知是指周围事物的颜色,应用of所有格,表示“……的”,故填of。80.句意:因为色彩是光与身体之间的舞蹈而产生的,所以当我拍摄彩色照片时,我发现自己在享受这种舞蹈的时刻。根据“I found...enjoying a moment of this dance.”可知主语是I,所以宾语应该用反身代词myself,故填myself。(2023湖南衡阳统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Our family bought a new smart TV set last week. It is 81 (real) cool! But we didn’t know what we should do 82 the old one. Then I 83 (see) an advertisement (广告) for Tech-Help. Tech-Help donates smart TV sets to people who need them. 84 far, Tech- Help has donated (捐赠) 85 (many) than 2,000 smart TV sets to different families across the country. Last year they gave smart TV sets to poor families. 86 is very easy to donate smart TV sets to Tech-Help. Yesterday, my brother 87 I took the old smart TV set to a local shop. Two 88 (hour) later, Tech-Help collected it from the shop. They will clean the smart TV set and make it better.Right now, Tech-Help is giving smart TV sets to families in Xinjiang. There are about 50 families on the 89 (wait) list. They believe they will get the smart TV sets soon. I’m 90 (excite) we could do something to help others!【答案】81.really 82.with 83.saw 84.So 85.more 86.It 87.and 88.hours 89.waiting 90.excited【导语】本文介绍了上周作者家买了一台新电视,如何处理旧的就成了问题,幸好看到了Tech-Help,在它的帮助下,作者和哥哥将旧电视捐赠给了需要的人。81.句意:它真的很酷!cool是形容词,所以应用副词really修饰,故填really。82.句意:但我们不知道该怎么处理旧的。此处是固定短语do with“处理”,故填with。83.句意:然后我看到了一则Tech-Help的广告。see“看见”,动词。根据前句可知句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填saw。84.句意:到目前为止,Tech-Help已经向全国各地的不同家庭捐赠了2000多台智能电视。根据“...far, Tech- Help has donated...”可知本句是现在完成时,所以应用时间状语so far“到目前为止”,故填So。85.句意:到目前为止,Tech-Help已经向全国各地的不同家庭捐赠了2000多台智能电视。根据“than”可知应用比较级more,故填more。86.句意:向Tech-Help捐赠智能电视机非常容易。此处是动词不定式作真正的主语,it作形式主语,故填It。87.句意:昨天,我和哥哥把那台旧的智能电视带到当地的一家商店。根据“my brother...I took the old smart TV set to a local shop.”可知空处前后是并列关系,应用and连接,故填and。88.句意:两小时后,Tech-Help从商店取走了它。hour“小时”,可数名词,two后加名词复数,故填hours。89.句意:大约有50个家庭在等候名单上。wait是动词,此处应用其ing形式作定语修饰list,故填waiting。90.句意:我很高兴我们能做些事情来帮助别人!excite“激动”,此处是作表语,应用形容词,修饰人,应用excited,故填excited。(2023湖南怀化统考中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Many people often leave their hometowns to work in the cities. Zhang Bin, 91 46-year- old man from Huaihua, is one such person. He 92 (work) in a shoe factory in Wenzhou. He 93 (real) misses his hometown.More and more hometowns are developing 94 (fast) than before. Large hospitals and new schools are built. There are many new roads and 95 (bridge). This has made traveling between villages 96 cities much easier. Thanks to the new roads around his village, Zhang Bin will now be able 97 (open) an online shop that sells delicious food from his hometown.Zhang Bin thinks the changes 98 (be) great in his hometown. He is very happy about the new school in his village. 99 , he believes that one thing will never change — the lovely old tree. The hometown is the place that holds 100 (he) best memories.【答案】a 92.works 93.really 94.faster 95.bridges 96.and 97.to open 98.are 99.However 100.his【导语】本文主要以张斌为例,讲述了一些离开家乡去城市里工作的人发现家乡发生了很大的变化。91.句意:来自怀化的46岁男子张斌就是这样一个人。此处表示泛指,且46对应的英文是forty-six,是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。92.句意:他在温州的一家鞋厂工作。此句是一般现在时,主语He是第三人称单数形式,动词用三单,故填works。93.句意:他非常想念他的家乡。此空修饰动词misses,应填副词really,故填really。94.句意:越来越多的家乡比以前发展得快。根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填faster。95.句意:有许多新的道路和桥。此空与roads构成并列关系,所以此空应填复数形式,故填bridges。96.句意:这使得乡村和城市之间的旅行更加容易。between…and“在……和……之间”,故填and。97.句意:由于村里修了新路,张斌现在可以开网店卖家乡的美食了。be able to do sth“能够做某事”,故填to open。98.句意:张斌认为家乡的变化很大。此句是一般现在时,主语changes是复数形式,be动词用are,故填are。99.句意:然而,他相信有一件事永远不会改变——那棵可爱的老树。“he believes that one thing will never change — the lovely old tree”与前文是转折关系,此空位于句首,且空格后有逗号隔开,应填副词however“然而”,故填However。100.句意:家乡是拥有他最美好的回忆的地方。此空修饰名词memories,应填形容词性物主代词his,故填his。(2023浙江绍兴统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。When Reshma Kosaraju was 12, her family 101 (move) from Chicago to Northern California. Soon after, the Camp Fire started. “It was one of 102 (big) fires in California history,” Reshma, now 17, told TIME for Kids. 103 her school was about 320 kilometers south of the fire, students still had to wear masks (面罩) because 104 the smoke. “It is an unusual experience for me, because I have never 105 (real) experienced this problem,” she said. So she hoped 106 (deal) with the problem. Later she created a 107 (use) way to predict forest fires with artificial intelligence (人工智能). Her method is nearly 90% right. “ 108 realized that if I could succeed, the results could make 109 big difference. For example, the environment can be helped and many 110 (life) can be saved,” Reshma said.【答案】101.moved 102.the biggest 103.Though/Although 104.of 105.really 106.to deal 107.useful 108.I 109.a 110.lives【导语】本文主要介绍Reshma Kosaraju发明人工智能预测森林火灾的方法。101.句意:当Reshma Kosaraju 12岁时,她的家人从芝加哥搬到了北加州。根据“When Reshma Kosaraju was 12”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填moved。102.句意:这是加州历史上最大的火灾之一。此处是“one of+the+最高级+名词复数”结构,故填the biggest。103.句意:虽然她的学校在火灾以南约320公里处,但由于浓烟弥漫,学生们仍然不得不戴上口罩。分析“...her school was about 320 kilometers south of the fire, students still had to wear masks...”可知,前后构成让步关系,用though/although引导让步状语从句。故填Though/Although。104.句意:虽然她的学校在火灾以南约320公里处,但由于浓烟弥漫,学生们仍然不得不戴上口罩。根据“students still had to wear masks (面罩) because...the smoke”可知,由于浓烟弥漫,学生们仍然不得不戴上口罩,because of“因为”符合语境,故填of。105.句意:对我来说是一次不寻常的经历,因为我从来没有真正经历过这个问题。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填really。106.句意:所以她希望能解决这个问题。hope to do sth“希望做某事”,故填to deal。107.句意:后来,她发明了一种用人工智能预测森林火灾的有用方法。此处在句中作定语修饰way,useful“有用的”符合语境,故填useful。108.句意:我意识到,如果我能成功,结果会有很大的不同。此处在句中作主语,结合“...realized that if I could succeed”可知,应用I作主语。故填I。109.句意:我意识到,如果我能成功,结果会有很大的不同。make a big difference“产生重大影响、有很大的不同”,固定短语。故填a。110.句意:例如,环境可以得到改善,许多生命可以得到拯救。life“生命”,many修饰可数名词复数。故填lives。(2023浙江温州统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的适当形式。Tina is a thirteen-year-old middle school student. Last year, she went to 111 summer school in France and stayed with a local family, the Truffauts.At first, things didn’t go well 112 she couldn’t speak French. Simple things like finding the right bus stop became big problems. The Truffauts helped her a lot and treated her like part of the family. They played 113 (game) and shared traditional food with her. Tina was helpful as well. She did some housework with the family every day. On the weekend, she 114 (join) a community club and did volunteer work. For most of the time, she used body language to communicate. People showed 115 (they) thanks with smiles and she would always smile back. Language was not a problem 116 her any more. As a new member of the club, Tina 117 (invite) to have parties with the other members. Day by day, she made more friends. Tina began 118 (love) her new life. “A smile is a second language we were born to speak. It is also the best gift I have got,” she often said 119 (proud).Smiles and a helping hand can always make people 120 (close) than a language can.【答案】111.a 112.because/as 113.games 114.joined 115.their 116.for 117.was invited 118.loving/to love 119.proudly 120.closer【导语】本文主要讲述了蒂娜如何在法国适应上她的新生活。111.句意:去年,她去了法国的一所暑期学校,并住在当地的一个家庭,特吕福一家。summer school为第一次出现,且summer为辅音音素开头的单词,因此应用不定冠词a来泛指“一所暑期学校”。故填a。112.句意:刚开始,事情进展并不顺利,因为她不会说法语。空格前后两个句子存在语义上的因果关系,前为果,后为因,因此可用because或as来引导原因状语从句。故填because/as。113.句意:他们和她一起玩游戏,和她分享传统食物。根据“played”可知此处应用动词短语play games表示“玩游戏”。故填games。114.句意:周末,她加入了一个社区俱乐部,并承担志愿者工作。根据“and did”可知句子采用一般过去时,动词join的过去式为joined。故填joined。115.句意:人们用微笑表示感谢,她总是回以微笑。thanks为名词,此处应用人称代词they的形容词性物主代词their修饰名词。故填their。116.句意:语言对她来说不再是个问题。根据“Language was not a problem”可知此处表示语言对她来说不是问题,应用介词for来表示“对……而言”。故填for。117.句意:作为俱乐部的新成员,蒂娜被邀请和其他成员一起聚会。句子应用一般过去时。根据“Tina”和“invite”可知此处应用其被动语态表示“她被邀请”,句子采用一般过去时的被动语态,其谓语结构为:was/were+过去分词,主语Tina为第三人称单数,be动词应用was,动词invite的过去分词为invited。故填was invited。118.句意:蒂娜开始爱上她的新生活。根据“began”可知此处应用动词短语begin doing sth或begin to do sth表示“开始做某事”,动词love的动名词为loving,其不定式为to love。故填loving/to love。119.句意:“微笑是我们生来就要说的第二种语言。这也是我得到的最好的礼物,”她经常自豪地说。said为动词,此处应用proud的副词proudly来修饰动词。故填proudly。120.句意:微笑和伸出援助之手总是比语言更能拉近人们的距离。根据“than”可知此处应用形容词close的比较级closer。故填closer。(2023山东烟台统考中考真题)阅读下面短文、在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。During this year’s May Day holiday, Yemeni (也门) student Mohammed Saleh Ahmed and his Chinese friends visited Pingyao ancient city in Shanxi Province. They even experienced the ancient way of getting money in the 121 (early) bank of China.“The historical relics (遗迹) in China’s ancient 122 (city) have made me want to learn more about the country’s past,” Mohammed said. In recent years, tourism industries have developed 123 (rapid) and these relics have become new favorites of tourists.Xinzhou ancient city in Shanxi, with a history of more than 1,800 years, 124 (have) over 500 stores and restaurants. During the five-day holiday, Xinzhou ancient city received more than 400,000 visitors.“ 125 (I) restaurant is always busy. During the peak (高峰) season, the yard is 126 (crowd) with tourists waiting for dinner,” said Wang Guodong, a businessman 127 owns a restaurant in Xinzhou ancient city.Geng Yeqiang, an expert from Shanxi University, said that historical relics can form a cultural tourism circle during their protection and development. The process can increase local economic(经济的) growth. 128 expert also said, “At the same time, relics protection organizations and the tourism organizations should work together 129 (make) this economic model better.When a modern city meets its old past, not only can the tourism be developed better, but the local culture and history can also 130 (know) by more people.【答案】121.earliest 122.cities 123.rapidly 124.has had 125.My 126.crowed 127.who/that 128.The 129.to make 130.be known【导语】本文通过以山西平遥古城和忻州古城为例,讲述了开发文化旅游圈不仅可以促进当地的经济增长还可以宣传当地的文化和历史。121.句意:他们甚至在中国最早的银行里体验了古老的取钱方式。根据“in the ... bank of China.”可知,句中含比较之意,the后跟形容词最高级,early的最高级是earliest。故填earliest。122.句意:中国古城的历史遗迹使我想更多地了解这个国家城市的过去。city“可数名词”,此处是泛指城市,所以用其复数形式,故填cities。123.句意:近年来,旅游业发展迅速,这些遗迹已成为游客的新宠。rapid“迅速的”,此处修饰动词developed,应用其副词形式rapidly“迅速地”,故填rapidly。124.句意:山西忻州古城有1800多年的历史,有500多家商店和餐馆。根据“with a history of more than 1,800 years,...over 500 stores and restaurants.”及语境可知,此处应用现在完成时,强调对现在的影响,主语是Xinzhou ancient city,所以助动词用has,have的过去分词是had,故填has had。125.句意:我的餐馆总是很忙。空处修饰动词restaurant,应用I对应的形容词性物主代词my,句首单词首字母要大写。故填My。126.句意:在旺季,院子里挤满了等着吃饭的游客。根据“is ... with ”可知,此处考查短语be crowded with“挤满 ”,故填crowded。127.句意:在忻州古城拥有一家餐馆的商人王国栋说。空后整个句子在句中作定语修饰名词a businessman,指人,在句中作主语,所以空处用关系词who或that,故填who/that。128.句意:这个专家还说。上文已经提到了“Geng Yeqiang, an expert from Shanxi University,”这个专家,再次提到应用定冠词the,故填The。129.句意:同时,文物保护组织和旅游组织应该共同努力,使这种经济模式更好。“work together共同努力”的目的是“为了使这种经济模式更好”,所以此处用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to make。130.句意:当一个现代的城市遇到它古老的过去,不仅可以更好地发展旅游业,而且当地的文化和历史也可以被更多的人所了解。主语“the local culture and history”和know之间是动宾关系,表示被了解,所以此处用被动语态(be done),can后跟动词原形,know的过去分词是known,故填be known。(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)根据下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。School gardening 131 (be) now very popular. Parents and teachers all like these hands-on lessons very much. Students are 132 (excite) about the gardening lessons, too. The lessons give them a new way 133 learning and help them relax. The children don’t have to sit at 134 (they) desks all day. The gardening lessons teach them something that they can’t learn in the classroom. Also, they have a chance 135 (move) outside and get hands dirty. Teachers ask students to take gardening 136 (serious). In gardens, students watch carefully with a purpose. They can see the 137 (begin), the middle and the end of the project. However, some schools don’t have enough space for a garden, so the lessons can be 138 (give) in the community gardens or parks. “Gardening is 139 important subject,” many teachers say, “It not only lets students know where our food comes from, 140 also makes them have more love for the earth. Gardening is not just a hobby, it’s a life skill.”【答案】131.is 132.excited 133.of 134.their 135.to move 136.seriously 137.beginning 138.given 139.an 140.but【导语】本文主要介绍了学校的园艺课。131.句意:校园园艺现在很受欢迎。根据“now”可知句子应用一般现在时,主语School gardening为第三人称单数,be动词应用is。故填is。132.句意:学生们也对园艺课感到兴奋不已。根据“are”和“about”可知此处应用形容词短语be excited about表示“对……感到兴奋”。故填excited。133.句意:这些课程给了他们一种新的学习方式,帮助他们放松。根据“a new way”和“learning”可知此处应用a way of doing sth表示“做某事的方式”。故填of。134.句意:孩子们不必整天坐在书桌前。desks为名词,其前应用they的形容词性物主代词their来修饰名词desks。故填their。135.句意:此外,他们有机会到外面去,把手弄脏。根据“have a chance”可知此处应用动词短语have a chance to do sth表示“有做……的机会”,动词move的不定式为to move。故填to move。136.句意:老师要求学生认真对待园艺。根据“take gardening”可知此处用动词短语take sth seriously表示“认真对待某事”,副词seriously修饰动词take。故填seriously。137.句意:他们可以看到项目的开始、中期和结束。定冠词后加名词,动词begin的名词为beginning。故填beginning。138.句意:然而,有些学校没有足够的空间建花园,所以可以在社区花园或公园上课。根据“the lessons can be”可知主语the lessons与动词give存在逻辑上的被动关系,此处应用含有情态动词can的被动语态,其谓语结构为:can be+过去分词,动词give的过去分词为given。故填given。139.句意:园艺是一个重要的项目。根据“important project”可知project为单数名词,且important为元音音素开头的单词,因此应用不定冠词an来表泛指。故填an。140.句意:它不仅让学生知道我们的食物来自哪里,而且让他们对地球有更多的热爱。根据“not only”和“also”可知此处应用not only…but also…来表示“不仅……而且……”。故填but。(2023山东枣庄统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。把答案写在答题卡的横线上。When May Day comes, it means that people will have several vacation days. Are you sorry for not traveling during the vacation this year? If you stayed at home, I think you made a good 141 (choose). Why? Because there were a lot of people in many 142 (place) of interest in China. They were too crowded for the people to have a good time.It was 143 (report) that there were over 100,000 people on Mount Tai on May 1st, 2023. You couldn’t take photos for you or 144 (you) friends. You even had no place to rest. A friend of mine 145 (tell) me he could see nothing except lots of people on Mount Tai. “We couldn’t walk if the people 146 front of us didn’t walk,” He said. He showed me a photo taken on Mount Tai. In 147 photo, I hardly found him, because there were so many people.So some people advise that we should just stay at home 148 (avoid) too many people. However, other people disagree with them. They think it’s 149 (excite) to go traveling. I love staying at home more 150 traveling. What’s your idea?【答案】141.choice 142.places 143.reported 144.your 145.told 146.in 147.the 148.to avoid 149.exciting 150.than【导语】本文介绍了五一假期期间应该待在家还是出去旅游的一些不同的观点,并举例说明。141.句意:如果你待在家里,我认为你做了一个不错的选择。空前有a修饰,空处应用单数名词,choose的名词是choice,故填choice。142.句意:因为有很多人都去中国的许多名胜古迹旅游。空前有many修饰,此处名词应用复数形式,故填places。143.句意:据报道,2023年5月1日,泰山上有超过10万人。空前有was,此处动词应用过去分词形式,构成一般过去时的被动结构,构成句型“It was reported that...”,表示“据报道……”,故填reported。144.句意:你不能为你或你的朋友拍照。空处修饰其后的名词,指的是“你的朋友”,应用形容词性物主代词,故填your。145.句意:我的一个朋友告诉我,他在泰山上除了很多人什么也看不见。描述过去的事情,动词用过去式,故填told。146.句意:如果前面的人不走,我们就走不动。结合“front of us”可知,此处是短语in front of“在……前面”,故填in。147.句意:在照片里,我几乎找不到他,因为人太多了。根据“He showed me a photo taken on Mount Tai.”可知,此处再次提到前面提到的名词photo,应用定冠词the,故填the。148.句意:所以有些人建议我们应该待在家里,以避免太多人。空处表示目的,应用不定式作目的状语,故填to avoid。149.句意:他们认为去旅游是令人兴奋的。空处修饰“to go traveling”这件事情,应用-ing形容词作表语,故填exciting。150.句意:比起旅游,我更喜欢待在家里。根据“more”可知,此处是“staying at home”和“traveling”的比较,应用than“比”,故填than。(2023浙江金华统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Hanfu has become popular again in recent years. A growing number of young people in China are starting to wear the 151 (tradition) Han Chinese clothing. The style has even attracted some foreigners. One of them is Rian, a young man from Brazil.Rian lives in Xi’an. Two years ago, he came to the beautiful city and became 152 English teacher at a kindergarten. After 153 (see) many people wearing Hanfu in the streets, Rian developed a strong interest in it and wanted 154 (try) it on himself. “My first taste of Hanfu was the Tang style. 155 is fun to wear it,” said the young man. “Today, it is still my favorite Hanfu style.” Every time he puts it on, he feels as if he has travelled back to ancient times.Since then, Hanfu has helped Rian learn more 156 China. In the past, the only thing he 157 (know) about the country was that it had a long history and a rich culture. But now Hanfu has shown him more details about Chinese culture.He wants to share his feelings with friends both in China 158 abroad, so he begins to make short 159 (video) of himself trying on Hanfu and posts them up on Western social media platforms. It has 160 (quick) become a hot hit on the Internet. He spreads Chinese culture in his own way.【答案】151.traditional 152.an 153.seeing 154.to try 155.It 156.about 157.knew 158.and 159.videos 160.quickly【导语】本文主要介绍了来自巴西的年轻人Rian对汉服非常感兴趣,他也制作短视频传播中国文化。151.句意:越来越多的中国年轻人开始穿传统的汉服。空格后是名词,此处用形容词traditional“传统的”。故填traditional。152.句意:两年前,他来到这个美丽的城市,在一所幼儿园当了英语老师。此处泛指“一名老师”,English以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an。故填an。153.句意:在街上看到许多人穿着汉服后,瑞安对汉服产生了浓厚的兴趣,并想亲自试穿。介词后加动名词。故填seeing。154.句意:在街上看到许多人穿着汉服后,瑞安对汉服产生了浓厚的兴趣,并想亲自试穿。want to do sth.“想要做某事”。故填to try。155.句意:穿上它很有趣。It is adj. to do sth.“做某事是……的”。故填It。156.句意:从那时起,汉服帮助Rian更多地了解中国。根据“learn more...China”可知是更了解中国,用介词about。故填about。157.句意:在过去,他对这个国家唯一了解的是它有着悠久的历史和丰富的文化。根据“In the past”可知句子用一般过去时,动词用过去式knew“知道”。故填knew。158.句意:他想与国内外的朋友分享自己的感受,于是他开始制作自己尝试汉服的短视频,并将其发布在西方社交媒体平台上。both...and“两者都”。故填and。159.句意:他想与国内外的朋友分享自己的感受,于是他开始制作自己尝试汉服的短视频,并将其发布在西方社交媒体平台上。此处表示泛指用名词复数videos“视频”。故填videos。160.句意:它在互联网上迅速走红。修饰动词用副词quickly“快速地”。故填quickly。(2023浙江宁波统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。One day at school, something strange caught Ann’s attention. Lily 161 (quick) put a bag in her own desk, making Ann feel unusual. Later, she saw Lily secretly give something 162 Cindy under the desk. It seemed that they decided 163 (do) something without her. Ann thought, “How can my best friend plan something without inviting me?” Even though they were still 164 (friend) to her, she was a little upset.On the bus ride home, Ann avoided 165 (sit) next to Lily on purpose. She noticed Lily giving an envelope to someone else, which made her even more upset.Later that evening, there was 166 knock on Ann’s door. There stood Cindy from next door, inviting her to Lily’s party. 167 first, Ann didn’t want to go and said no to her, explaining that they were no 168 (long) friends. But Cindy kept asking Ann to come along.When they arrived at Lily’s house, everyone shouted, “Surprise!” Ann hardly 169 (believe) that. Lily smiled and said, “Tomorrow is your birthday!” Ann was 170 moved that tears filled her eyes. She said thanks and hugged Lily.【答案】161.quickly 162.to 163.to do 164.friendly 165.sitting 166.a 167.At 168.longer 169.believed 170.so【导语】本文主要讲述了安的朋友们为她筹划生日派对,给她一个惊喜的故事。161.句意:莉莉迅速地在自己的书桌里放了一个包,让安感到不寻常。此空修饰动词put,应填副词quickly“快速地”,故填quickly。162.句意:后来,她看到莉莉在桌子底下偷偷给辛迪一些东西。give sth to sb“给某人某物”,动词短语,故填to。163.句意:似乎她们决定做些什么瞒着她。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,此空应填动词不定式,故填to do。164.句意:尽管他们对她仍然很友好,她还是有点心烦意乱。be friendly to sb“对某人友好”,形容词短语,故填friendly。165.句意:在回家的公共汽车上,安故意避免坐在莉莉旁边。avoid doing sth“避免做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填sitting。166.句意:那天晚上晚些时候,有人敲安的门。此处表示有人敲门,knock是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。167.句意:起初,安不想去,还拒绝了她,解释说他们不再是朋友了。at first“起初”,固定搭配,故填At。168.句意:起初,安不想去,还拒绝了她,解释说他们不再是朋友了。no longer“不再”,固定搭配,故填longer。169.句意:安几乎不相信。整段用的是一般过去时,此空应填过去式,故填believed。170.句意:安感动得热泪盈眶。so…that“如此……以致于”,引导结果状语从句,故填so。(2023浙江统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。It was the fifth day of our Italian journey. We arrived at our hotel 171 (early) than usual. Dad offered to take us to the ancient city of Pompeii. I didn’t really want to go 172 I had no interest in old cities. We travelled there by train. On the way, Dad told us something about 173 history. Many years ago, Pompeii was a large city near a volcano(火山). The volcano broke out and 174 (complete) covered the city in ash(灰). About twenty thousand people 175 (kill). But the buildings remained there. And now, 2,000 years later, people around the world come here 176 (see) how people lived all those years ago. I had thought it was boring to visit the 2,000-year-old 177 (house), but I was wrong. They were very interesting! Most of their rooms 178 (have) fine paintings all over the walls. I was also amazed at the bathrooms. I’d love a big bathroom in our house— 179 (our) is so small! Dad usually makes bad plans but this time he gets it right, finally. 180 a surprise! I got really interested in Pompeii. In fact, I’ve got lots of ideas for our house when we get home!【答案】171.earlier 172.because/as 173.the 174.completely 175.were killed 176.to see 177.houses 178.had 179.ours 180.What【导语】本文讲述了作者和家人去庞贝古城的经历。171.句意:我们到达旅馆的时间比平时早。根据“than”可知应用比较级,故填earlier。172.句意:我并不是真的想去,因为我对古城没有兴趣。根据“I didn’t really want to go...I had no interest in old cities.”可知后句是前句的原因,此处可以用because或as引导原因状语从句,故填because/as。173.句意:爸爸给我们讲了一些历史。此处是特指庞贝古城的历史,应用定冠词the,故填the。174.句意:火山爆发了,整个城市被火山灰完全覆盖了。complete是形容词,此处修饰动词,应用副词,故填completely。175.句意:大约有两万人丧生。主语people和动词kill之间是被动关系,应用被动语态,结合句子是一般过去时可知应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done,主语是people,be动词用were。故填were killed。176.句意:现在,2000年过去了,世界各地的人们来到这里,看看那些年前人们是如何生活的。分析语境可知人们来到这里是为了看看那些年前人们是如何生活的,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to see。177.句意:我原以为参观那些有2000年历史的老房子很无聊,但是我错了。house“房子”,可数名词,此处应用复数表示泛指,故填houses。178.句意:他们大多数房间的墙上都挂满了精美的油画。have“有”,动词,句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填had。179.句意:我希望我们家有个大浴室——我们家的浴室太小了!此处是指“我们家的浴室”,空后无名词,应用名词性物主代词ours。故填ours。180.句意:真是个惊喜!此处是感叹句,surprise是名词,应用what引导感叹句,故填What。(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。China is the birthplace of tea. Since ancient times, Chinese people have been planting, picking, making and drinking tea. Chinese tea makers have developed 6 main kinds 181 tea—green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black teas. There are more than 2,000 tea 182 (product) in China.Tea was originally used as herbal (香草的) medicine 183 (call) “tu”. During the treating process, people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness 184 also help to clear heat away, so tea became 185 necessary drink. Nowadays, tea is one of the world’s three major drinks. It 186 (enjoy) by people all over the world. Tea can be found everywhere, such as in family activities, workplaces, teahouses and restaurants. It is also an important 187 (communicate) medium for making friends, weddings and other activities. So far, Chinese tea culture 188 (become) an important part of Chinese culture.On November 29th, 2022, China’s traditional tea-making was 189 (successful) added to the intangible cultural heritage list (非物质文化遗产名录) of the UNESCO. China now has the 190 (many) items (项目) on the list. The move will help protect and hand down Chinese tea culture. It also helps foreign people have a better understanding of Chinese tea, as well as Chinese culture.【答案】181.of 182.products 183.called 184.but 185.a 186.is enjoyed 187.communication 188.has become 189.successfully 190.most【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍中国的茶文化。181.句意:中国的茶叶制造商已经开发出6种主要的茶——绿茶、黄茶、红茶、白茶、乌龙茶和红茶。kinds of“各种”,固定短语,故填of。182.句意:中国有2000多种茶叶产品。“more than 2,000”修饰可数名词复数,故填products。183.句意:茶最初被用作草药,被称为“荼”。此处应使用过去分词called作后置定语修饰其前的名词,故填called。184.句意:在治疗过程中,人们逐渐发现茶不仅可以治病,还可以清热,因此茶成为一种必要的饮品。根据“people gradually found that tea could not only cure illness...also help to clear heat away”可知,此处是not only...but also...结构,意为“不仅……而且……”。故填but。185.句意:在治疗过程中,人们逐渐发现茶不仅可以治病,还可以清热,因此茶成为一种必要的饮品。此处泛指一种饮品,“necessary”首字母发辅音音素。故填a。186.句意:它受到全世界人民的喜爱。本句主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,主语是It,故填is enjoyed。187.句意:它也是交友、婚礼和其他活动的重要交流媒介。此处在句中作定语修饰其后的名词,communication medium“交流媒介”,故填communication。188.句意:迄今为止,中国茶文化已经成为中国文化的重要组成部分。根据“So far”可知,时态是现在完成时,主语是“Chinese tea culture”,助动词用has。故填has become。189.句意:2022年11月29日,中国传统制茶成功被列入联合国教科文组织非物质文化遗产名录。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式。故填successfully。190.句意:中国现在拥有清单上最多的项目。此前有定冠词the修饰,用形容词最高级most。故填most。(2023四川达州统考中考真题)语法填空 阅读下面短文,在文章空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Basketball is 191 active and much-loved sport that is enjoyed by many for fun and exercise. So far, the “Village Basketball Association” at Taipan village in Guizhou has 192 (get) tons of attention. The final game of the Guizhou country basketball league (联赛), known 193 “Village BA”, took place on March 27. The winner was Team Qiandongnan and prizes for the team 194 (be) bags of rice, fish and ducks. The players were not 195 (profession). Most of them were farmers from local villages and nearby cities. More than 30,000 people from across the country poured into the small village to watch the game. Even a single 196 (sit) was hard to get. People knocked on iron pots and bowls to cheer for players. Villagers performed folk songs and 197 (dance) in the halftime show.Since 2016, the local government has worked 198 (hardly) to build new standard basketball courts (篮球场) to support basketball development. Taipan has now been a model place of rural vitalization (乡村振兴) in 199 (sport) and tourism (旅游业). In the summer of 2022, about 500,000 visitors came here to watch “Village BA” games. It brought great benefits (收益) to the village.Zeng Jinlong, a 17-year-old villager, has watched the games 200 he was 6 years old. He said, “I dream of taking part in the ‘Village BA’ final one day.”【答案】191.an 192. got/gotten 193.as 194.were 195.professional 196.seat 197.danced 198.hard 199.sports 200.since【导语】本文介绍篮球运动是一项深受人们喜爱的运动,也介绍了贵州台盘村的“村BA”。191.句意:篮球是一项活跃而备受喜爱的运动,许多人都喜欢它来娱乐和锻炼身体。此处泛指一项运动,“active”首字母发元音音素,故填an。192.句意:到目前为止,贵州台盘村的“乡村篮球协会”已经获得了大量的关注。本句时态是现在完成时,get的过去分词是got/gotten,故填got/gotten。193.句意:被称为“村BA”的贵州乡村篮球联赛决赛于3月27日拉开帷幕。根据“The final game of the Guizhou country basketball league (联赛), known...‘Village BA’”可知,此处是known as短语,意为“被称为”。故填as。194.句意:冠军是黔东南队,该队的奖品是几袋大米、鱼和鸭子。本句时态是一般过去时,主语中心词“prizes”是复数,故填were。195.句意:这些球员都不专业。此处在句中作表语,用形容词形式,故填professional。196.句意:连一个座位都很难订到。a修饰可数名词单数,seat“座位”符合语境,故填seat。197.句意:村民们在中场表演中表演了民歌和舞蹈。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填danced。198.句意:自2016年以来,当地政府努力建设新的标准篮球场,以支持篮球运动的发展。work hard“努力工作”,故填hard。199.句意:台盘现在已经成为乡村体育和旅游振兴的典范。此处与“tourism”并列,使用名词复数形式,故填sports。200.句意:17岁的村民曾金龙从6岁起就开始观看比赛。根据“Zeng Jinlong, a 17-year-old villager, has watched the games...he was 6 years old.”可知,此处是“现在完成时+since+一般过去时”结构,故填since。(2023四川南充统考中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相应的横线上。How can I become a better person? This question has been in my head for long. As students, we spend most of our time 201 (study). I know that learning at school 202 (make) us better persons, but I always dream of doing more.Last year, I got to know a group of autistic (患自闭症的) children. We called 203 (they) “the Snails”. It was hard to communicate with them at first, because they wouldn’t like to. After 204 two-week training, I became more skilled and got 205 (close) to them day by day. I also received much 206 (please) when playing with them. What’s more, I found that every one of “the Snails” had his or her own talent. And their colorful pictures on the wall caught my special attention, 207 it was difficult to tell what they were trying to express. 208 (deep) moved by their pictures, I decided to hold a charity (慈善) sale. We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures. 60 pictures 209 (sell) that day. People thought their pictures were full 210 imagination.Back to the question about how to become a better person, I think I’m lucky enough to get my own answer.【答案】201.studying 202.makes 203.them 204.a 205.closer 206.pleasure 207.although/though 208.Deeply 209.were sold 210.of【导语】本文主要介绍了作者如何帮助自闭症儿童,因此让自己变得更好就要学会去帮助他人。201.句意:作为学生,我们把大部分时间都花在学习上。spend time doing sth表示“花费时间做某事”,固定短语。故填studying。202.句意:我知道在学校学习使我们成为更好的人,但我总是梦想做得更多。动名词“learning at school”作主语,谓语动词用单数形式。故填makes。203.句意:我们称他们为“蜗牛”。动词called后跟代词宾格形式。故填them。204.句意:经过两周的训练,我变得越来越熟练,一天天地接近他们。空处泛指“两周的培训”,且two是以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词a修饰。故填a。205.句意:经过两周的训练,我变得越来越熟练,一天天地接近他们。根据“I became more skilled and got ...(close) to them day by day.”可知,此处暗含比较含义,表示“更接近他们”,close的比较级为closer。故填closer。206.句意:当我和他们一起玩的时候,我也得到了很多乐趣。much后跟不可数名词pleasure,表示“乐趣”。故填pleasure。207.句意:他们挂在墙上的彩色图画引起了我的特别注意,尽管很难说出他们想表达什么。“their colorful pictures on the wall caught my special attention,”和“ it was difficult to tell what they were trying to express”之间是让步关系,需用连词although/though表示“尽管”。故填although/though。208.句意:他们的照片深深地打动了我,我决定举办一场慈善义卖。修饰动词需用副词形式deeply,表示“深深地”。故填Deeply。209.句意:当天共售出60幅画。根据“We walked on the busy street, selling their creative pictures.”可知本句是一般过去时;且主语60 pictures和动词sell之间是被动关系,需用一般过去时的被动语态(was/were done)。主语是复数,be动词用were,sell的过去分词为sold。故填were sold。210.句意:人们认为他们的画充满了想象力。be full of表示“充满……”,是固定短语。故填of。(2022中考真题)(2022广东深圳中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Surrounded(环绕) by mountains and snow, Chinese pianist Lang Lang played “Loving Dream”, “Jasmine Flower” and “Goldberg Variations” at the highest railway station in central Switzerland. The show was 1 (warm) welcomed by the audience. What he did helped 2 the cultural exchanges between China and Europe by means of music.Lang Lang is one of the leading 3 (musician) in the classical music world. Though he put on thousands of shows worldwide, this was his first time to play 4 piano at the top of a snowy mountain. The low temperature 5 (make) it quite challenging for him. However, playing in a “fairytale-like” environment was a very special experience, according to Lang Lang,“The piece ‘Jasmine Flower’ 6 (choose) specially for this show,”Lang Lang said,”Iplayed this beautiful piece from my own culture, hoping 7 (draw) the audience’s interest in learning more about China through the beauty of Chinese music.”Before Lang Lang played the 8 (three) piece, his fingers became a little cold, 9 he showed no fear of the heavy snow and the thin air.”I hope we will do more cultural exchanges in the future so as to understand each other better and build a 10 (close) relationship between the two countries than before,” added Lang Lang.【答案】1.warmly 2.with 3.musicians 4.the 5.made 6.was chosen 7.to draw 8.third 9.but/yet 10.closer【导语】本文主要讲述了朗朗为中欧之间的文化交流进行了表演。1.句意:演出受到观众的热烈欢迎。根据“welcomed”可知,副词修饰动词,warmly符合句意,故填warmly。2.句意:他所做的一切都有助于通过音乐促进中欧之间的文化交流。根据“helped”可知,help with sth“在某方面帮助……”,故填with。3.句意:郎朗是古典音乐界的主要音乐家之一。根据“one of”可知,需要名词复数,故填musicians。4.句意:虽然他在世界各地举办了数千场演出,但这是他第一次在雪山之巅弹钢琴。play the piano“弹钢琴”,故填the。5.句意:低温对他来说很有挑战性。根据“However, playing in a “fairytale-like” environment was a very special experience, according to Lang Lang,”可知,句子时态是一般过去时,made符合句意,故填made。6.句意:《茉莉花》是专门为这次展览挑选的。根据“The piece”可知,与谓语动词choose是被动关系,因此是含有一般过去时的被动语态,was chosen符合句意,故填was chosen。7.句意:我演奏了这首来自我自己文化的优美曲子,希望通过中国音乐的美来吸引听众更多地了解中国。hope to do“希望做某事”,故填to draw。8.句意:在朗朗演奏第三首之前,他的手指有点冷,但他并不害怕大雪和稀薄的空气。根据“piece”和全文内容可知,弹奏第三首曲子,需要序数词,故填third。9.句意:在朗朗演奏第三首之前,他的手指有点冷,但他并不害怕大雪和稀薄的空气。根据“he showed no fear of the heavy snow and the thin air.”可知,与前文构成转折,but/yet符合句意,故填but/yet。10.句意:我希望我们今后能进行更多的文化交流,以便更好地相互了解,使两国关系比以前更加密切。根据“than before”可知,需要比较级,closer符合句意,故填closer。(2022湖北荆门中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词)。During the Dragon Boat Festival last year, 11 traditional Chinese dance which was performed underwater on Henan TV, went popular around the world.The dance is named the Rhapsody on the Luo River Goddess(《洛神水赋》). The goddess of Luo River 12 (play) by He Haohao in the show. Most people got to know the goddess in Cao Zhi’s poetry. “Her body soars lightly like a startled swan. Gracefully, like a dragon in flight,” Cao wrote.The dance is less than two minutes, but it took He Haohao and her team about 26 hours underwater to make the video. “Each time, I would hold my breath(呼吸) for 50 seconds 13 (do) a part of the dance,” He Haohao said. She was once a synchronized swimmer.Although it was hard to finish the dance, He Haohao felt really happy 14 she knew people loved the dance very much. Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hua Chunying also shared the video online. In many people’s opinion, the dance underwater was much 15 (beautiful) than any dance they had enjoyed before.It’s the Chinese culture of 5,000 years that makes the dance special and famous around the world.【答案】11.a 12.was played 13.to do 14.when 15.more beautiful【导语】本文主要介绍在水下表演的中国传统舞蹈《洛神水赋》。11.句意:去年端午节期间,河南电视台在水下表演的中国传统舞蹈在世界各地流行开来。此处泛指一支中国传统舞蹈,“traditional”首字母发辅音音素。故填a。12.句意:洛河女神在剧中由何灏浩扮演。主语“The goddess of Luo River”是动作play的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数。故填was played。13.句意:每次,我都会屏住呼吸50秒来跳一段舞蹈。此处在句中作目的状语,用动词不定式形式。故填to do。14.句意:当何灏浩知道人们非常喜欢这个舞蹈时,她感到非常高兴。根据“He Haohao felt really happy...she knew people loved the dance very much.”可知,当何灏浩知道人们喜欢这个舞蹈时,她很高兴,用when引导时间状语从句。故填when。15.句意:在许多人看来,水下的舞蹈比他们以前欣赏过的任何舞蹈都要美丽得多。根据“than”可知,此处用形容词比较级作表语,故填more beautiful。(2022宁夏中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空一词)。You might think all penguins(企鹅)live somewhere 16 (real) cold like Antarctica(南极洲), but it is not true for Felix. This 14-year-old penguin not only lives in Africa, but is also a lovely pet in a family.Felix’s way to becoming a pet began about ten 17 (year) ago, after he was caught in a fisherman’s net by mistake. He was too weak to swim away. Later, he was saved and taken back home by a family. 18 their help, he soon became 19 (health) again. However, 20 they tried to return him to the water, Felix refused to leave, so the family 21 (decide) to keep him instead. They even prepared a large room with air-conditioning(空调)for him.Another thing Felix likes 22 (much) than his cool and comfortable room is his daily shopping trip to town. His first and only stop is at the local fish store. There he buys two fish and puts 23 (they) in his special backpack(背包), because he enjoys 24 (eat) fish. He is now 25 popular that he becomes an animal star.【答案】16.really 17.years 18.With 19.healthy 20.when 21.decided 22.more 23.them 24.eating 25.so【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了Felix如何成为一只宠物企鹅的故事。16.句意:你可能认为所有的企鹅都生活在非常寒冷的地方,比如南极洲,但对Felix来说不是这样的。cold为形容词,应用副词来修饰,形容词real的副词是really。故填really。17.句意:Felix的宠物之路始于十年前,当时他被渔夫的渔网误捕。基数词ten后接复数名词,名词year的复数形式为years。故填years。18.句意:在他们的帮助下,他很快就恢复了健康。根据“their help”可知此处用with one’s help表示“在某人的帮助下”,可知此处应用介词with,位于句首首字母应大写。故填With。19.句意:在他们的帮助下,他很快就恢复了健康。系动词became后接形容词作表语。名词health意为“健康”,其形容词为healthy“健康的”,符合语境。故填healthy。20.句意:然而,当他们试图把他送回水中时,Felix拒绝离开,所以这家人决定留下他。根据句子结构可知,此处缺少从句引导词,结合此处与后半句之间的关系可知,此处意为“当……时”,应用when来引导时间状语从句。故填when。21.句意:然而,当他们试图把他送回水中时,Felix拒绝离开,所以这家人决定留下他。the family为主语,根据上下文可知讲述故事时句子采用一般将来时,因此应用动词decide的过去式decided。故填decided。22.句意:相比于凉爽舒适的房间,Felix更喜欢的是另一件事,那就是每天去镇上购物。根据“than”可知此处应用比较级,much的比较级为more。故填more。23.句意:在那里,他买了两条鱼,把它们放在他的特殊背包里,因为他喜欢吃鱼。puts为谓语动词,谓语动词后应用人称代词的宾格,they的宾格为them。故填them。24.句意: 在那里,他买了两条鱼,并把它们放在他独特的背包里,因为他喜欢吃鱼。enjoy doing sth.“喜欢做某事”,因此此处应用动词eat的动名词形式eating。故填eating。25.句意:他现在很受欢迎,以至于成了一个动物明星。根据“popular”和“that”可知,此处应用so,soadj./adv.that表示“如此……以至于”,引导结果状语从句。故填so。(2022贵州遵义中考真题)Who were the 26 (popular) stars during the winter holiday? Maybe the Beijing 2022 mascots(吉祥物). Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon. As we know, it was hard 27 (get) Bing Dwen Dwen during that time. Now you can see 28 (they) on the big screen! The movie Me and My Winter Games 29 (come) out in February, 2022. This is the first time in Olympic history that mascots have starred in a movie.In 30 movie, Bing Dwen Dwen and Shuey Rhon Rhon travel to four different 31 (world) and meet many friends, such 32 the Monkey King, the Calabash Brothers, Vick and so on. They visit the Snow and Ice Fair. They pull together to challenge the scary but 33 (excite) skating games. They have trouble getting away from the snow storm. 34 the journey is full of risks, they spend a happy and surprising vacation.“Our film is a gift for Beijing 2022.” said the movie’s producer. “Through it, we show the cheerful, open and 35 (confidence) spirit of China.”【答案】26.most popular 27.to get 28.them 29.came 30.the 31.worlds 32.as 33.exciting 34.Although 35.confident【导语】本文主要介绍了电影《我和我的冬奥》里面的剧情。26.句意:寒假期间最受欢迎的明星是谁?根据“the”结合语境可知,此处应用形容词最高级,故填most popular。27.句意:正如我们所知,那段时间很难得到冰墩墩。get“得到”,动词。it is hard to do sth“做某事很困难”,为固定句型。故填to get。28.句意:现在你可以在大屏幕上看到他们了!they是代词主格,位于动词后,应用宾格形式,故填them。29.句意:电影《我和我的冬奥》(Me and My Winter Games)于2022年2月上映。come是动词,根据语境可知,动作已发生,应用一般过去时,故填came。30.句意:在电影中,冰墩墩和雪容融旅行到四个不同的世界,结识了许多朋友,比如孙悟空、葫芦兄弟、维克等等。根据“In...movie,”可知此处是特指上文提到的电影,应用定冠词the,故填the。31.句意:在电影中,冰墩墩和雪容融旅行到四个不同的世界,结识了许多朋友,比如孙悟空、葫芦兄弟、维克等等。world“世界”,是可数名词,different修饰可数名词复数,故填worlds。32.句意:在电影中,冰墩墩和雪容融旅行到四个不同的世界,结识了许多朋友,比如孙悟空、葫芦兄弟、维克等等。根据“many friends, such...the Monkey King, the Calabash Brothers, Vick and so on. ”可知此处是表示列举,such as“比如”,是固定短语,故填as。33.句意:他们齐心协力挑战可怕但令人兴奋的滑冰比赛。excite是动词,此处应用形容词exciting修饰games,故填exciting。34.句意:尽管旅途充满了风险,但他们度过了一个愉快而惊喜的假期。根据“the journey is full of risks, they spend a happy and surprising vacation.”可知前后是让步关系,应用although“尽管”引导让步状语从句,故填Although。35.句意:通过它,我们展现了中国开朗、开放和自信的精神。confidence“自信”,是名词,此处应用形容词confident“自信的”修饰名词,故填confident。(2022四川中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。This story is about the saying “To see is to believe”. I 36 (live) in a small town where anyone can easily get the 37 (late) news. I’m a local reporter. It’s my duty to search for some news that is 38 (value).One day, we got many 39 (call) from the villagers, saying that someone found 40 strange fish in the lake late at night. The fish had a strange shape that nobody had ever seen before. The news caught 41 (we) attention. Later, several friends and I set up a tent, and waited by the lake. For a long time, we all slept 42 (bad). All of us wanted 43 (go) home for a good rest. Suddenly, we 44 (hear) some strange noises from the lake. We were full of energy again and started to find the truth. 45 when we saw it, we laughed, because it was just the common fish with the big shape.From this experience, we realize that we must find out the truth by ourselves.【答案】36.live 37.latest 38.valuable 39.calls 40.a 41.our 42.badly 43.to go 44.heard 45.But【导语】本文主要是作者通过讲述自己和朋友去发掘新消息的故事告诉我们眼见为实的这个道理。36.句意:我住在一个小镇上,在那里任何人都可以很容易地得到最新的消息。根据“I… in a small town”可知,此句陈述事实,句子用一般现在时,主语I是第一人称,动词用原形,故填live。37.句意:我住在一个小镇上,在那里任何人都可以很容易地得到最新的消息。此空缺少形容词修饰名词news,latest“最新的”符合,故填latest。38.句意:搜寻一些有价值的新闻是我的职责。is后接形容词作表语,valuable“有价值的”符合,故填valuable。39.句意:一天,我们接到很多村民打来的电话,说有人在深夜里在湖里发现了一条奇怪的鱼。many修饰可数名词的复数形式,故填calls。40.句意:一天,我们接到很多村民打来的电话,说有人在深夜里在湖里发现了一条奇怪的鱼。此处表示“一条奇怪的鱼”,表泛指,且strange是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。41.句意:这消息引起了我们的注意。此空修饰名词attention,应填形容词性物主代词,故填our。42.句意:很长一段时间,我们都睡不好觉。此空修饰动词slept,应填副词badly,故填badly。43.句意:我们大家都想回家好好休息一下。want to do sth“想要做某事”,固定搭配,故填to go。44.句意:突然,我们听到湖里传来一些奇怪的声音。描述过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填heard。45.句意:但当我们看到它时,我们都笑了,因为它只是普通的大形状的鱼。“when we saw it, we laughed, because it was just the common fish with the big shape”与前文是转折关系,故填But。(2022山东东营中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。It was around 3 o’clock p.m. on Sunday. Gina 46 (play) basketball with her brother Bill outside when she saw a car stop in front of Jenny’s house. Jenny jumped out of the car, and Gina could hear a lot of voices laughing and saying goodbye to Jenny. The car 47 (drive) away and Jenny jumped to her front door. Gina felt terribly uncomfortable, and her eyes started to water. “Hey, what’s wrong?” Bill asked.“Nothing. I don’t want to play anymore.” Gina stormed inside and slammed (砰地关上) the door. She went straight to her room. Gina 48 (hear) Bill talking to her mom in the living room, but she didn’t want to talk to anyone. “Gina, are you OK?” her mom asked. “What ________ you 49 (do) inside, my dear? May I come in?”Gina opened the door. Her mom always had some good ideas to help her.“What’s going on, Gina?” Mom asked. “Jenny went somewhere with our friends, but she didn’t invite me,” Gina said. “That’s not very nice. After all, we 50 (be) friends for nearly 5 years.”“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. I will be pretty upset too if I 51 (feel) left out. Maybe Jenny knew that you wouldn’t like what they were going to do,” Mom suggested. “Why don’t you talk with Jenny on Monday?” “I don’t want to talk to her. I 52 (leave) her out.”“Well ...sometimes ignoring(忽视) another person is a good choice, but I don’t think this is the right time to do that. You might lose Jenny as a friend if you make such a choice without 53 (talk) about it with her,” replied Mom.“I still want Jenny to be my friend, but talking about it is uncomfortable. I just expect her 54 (know) what’s wrong and say she’s sorry.”“That might happen, but it might not. I really think talking to her about how you feel is the best way.”“OK, Mom, I will. Thanks,” Gina said. And guess what? Gina’s mom was right! A new snake show 55 (hold) that day. Jenny knew Gina didn’t like snakes, so she didn’t invite her. Gina was glad she had talked to Jenny to solve the problem.【答案】46.was playing 47.drove 48.heard 49.are; doing 50.have been 51.feel 52.will leave 53.talking 54.to know 55.was held【导语】本文讲述了吉娜的朋友珍妮没有邀请吉娜去看展出,于是吉娜很不高兴,打算和珍妮绝交。后来在母亲的建议下,吉娜和珍妮交谈了,了解了事情的真相后,挽回了两人的友谊。46.句意:吉娜正和哥哥比尔在外面打篮球。根据“It was around 3 o’clock p.m. on Sunday.”以及“when she saw a car stop in front of Jenny’s house.”可知,本句是when引导的时间状语从句,表示当一个动作发生时,另一个动作正在进行,从句是一般过去时,所以主句应用过去进行时,主语是单数名词,be动词应用was,故填was playing。47.句意:汽车开走了,珍妮蹦跳着奔向自己家的前门。连词and连接的是两个并列句,而后一个句子是一般过去时,故本句也是一般过去时,故应填drive的过去式,故填drove。48.句意:吉娜听到比尔在起居室和妈妈在谈话,但是她不想跟任何人谈话。连词but连接的是两个并列句,而后一个句子是一般过去时,故本句也是一般过去时,故应填hear的过去式,作为前一个并列句的谓语。故填heard。49.句意:亲爱的,你在里面干什么?本句是引用原话,在直接引语中,说的是现在正在发生的动作,故用现在进行时。故填are;doing。50.句意:我们作为朋友已经接近五年了。根据句中“for nearly 5 years”可知,本句是现在完成时,主语是we,助动词用have,故填have been。51.句意:如果我感到受冷落,我也会感到很不安的。主句为一般现在时,而在条件状语从句中用一般现在时代替一般将来时。从句主语是I,动词用原形,故填feel。52.句意:我不会理她的。根据上文“Why don’t you talk with Jenny on Monday?”和“I don’t want to talk to her.”可知,本句说的是将不会做的事情,故本句用一般将来时。故填will leave。53.句意:如果你选择这样做,你也许会失去珍妮这样一个朋友。without是介词,此处应填talk的动名词,作为介词without的宾语。故填talking。54.句意:我只是希望她知道哪里错了,并希望她道歉。本句是expect sb to do sth结构,意思是“期望某人做某事”,故填know的不定式,作为补足语。故填to know。55.句意:那晚举办了一场关于蛇的展览。主语和动词hold是动宾关系,故用被动语态(即“be+过去分词”结构);根据时间状语“that day”可知,事情发生在过去,故用一般过去时的被动。故填was held。(2022山东淄博中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Hanging a red lantern in front of the door is believed to drive off bad luck. The first Chinese paper lanterns 56 (invent) during the Eastern Han Dynasty (东汉). In ancient China, people raised lanterns to get light and wish for a better life. Also, lanterns were widely used on festivals. Nowadays, it has become a tradition that both big cities 57 small towns are filled with red lanterns during the festival.The materials for making lanterns are simple. People can 58 (make) bamboo, wood and metal into frames (框架) of lanterns. Paper and silk 59 (be) the main materials for covers. People like to paint beautiful Chinese pictures on 60 (they). The traditional lantern is covered by rice paper with a candle burning inside. Lights shine through the rice paper 61 night. That is really Chinese style. The most common Chinese lanterns are red, round and with red or golden tassels (流苏). They are seen as bright symbols of happiness and good 62 (wish). In Chinese culture, lanterns in different colors express different meanings.People 63 (usual) light several lanterns for the Chinese New Year, and enjoy lantern shows with family during the Lantern Festival Lanterns light the night of festivals. Happiness and joy spread into different families by these different lanterns. Lanterns are also used in all kinds 64 celebrations. Lanterns have become the national 65 (proud) in China【答案】56.were invented 57.and 58.make 59.are 60.them 61.at 62.wishes 63.usually 64.of 65.pride【导语】本文主要介绍了灯笼的起源,制作材料以及它的用处。56.句意:中国最早的纸灯笼发明于东汉时期。主语与动词invent之间是被动关系,且描述过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时被动语态,主语是复数形式,助动词用were,故填were invented。57.句意:如今,无论是大城市还是小城镇,在节日期间都挂满红灯笼已经成为一种传统。both…and“……和……都”,故填and。58.句意:人们可以用竹子、木头和金属做成灯笼的框架。情态动词后接动词原形,故填make。59.句意:纸和丝绸是制作封面的主要材料。此句是一般现在时,and连接并列主语看作复数形式,be动词用are,故填are。60.句意:人们喜欢在上面画美丽的中国画。介词on后接人称代词宾格作宾语,故填them。61.句意:夜晚,灯光透过宣纸。at night“在晚上”,固定搭配,故填at。62.句意:它们被视为幸福和良好祝愿的明亮象征。wish“祝愿”,可数名词,此空应填名词复数形式,故填wishes。63.句意:人们通常在中国新年点上几盏灯笼,并在元宵节时与家人一起欣赏花灯表演。分析句子结构可知,此空应填副词作状语,故填usually。64.句意:灯笼也用于各种庆祝活动。all kinds of“各种各样的”,固定搭配,故填of。65.句意:灯笼已经成为中国的民族骄傲。形容词national后接名词,proud对应的名词是pride,故填pride。(2022贵州安顺中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空格处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或使用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空(不超过3个单词)。Chinese-American community groups are preparing to hold their second International Confucius Cultural Festival(国际孔子文化节) 66 September 8th in Flushing Queens, New York City. The festival 67 (hold) once a year. The event is not only to honor the world-famous Chinese thinker, 68 also a chance to celebrate Chinese culture. One of 69 most important parts of the festival is to recite the Di Zi Gui. It is a book based on Confucius’ teaching. In this book, Confucius told people 70 to be good persons and get on well with 71 (other). This book is translated as Standards for Being a Good Pupil and Child. During the festival, people can also enjoy Chinese 72 (tradition) dances, Shandong folk music and photo shows. The groups hosted the first International Confucius Cultural Festival on September 28th last year. It aimed to celebrate the 2,572nd anniversary (周年) of the birth of Confucius (551BC-479 BC).Confucius 73 (be) also a great educator and a philosopher, and he set up Confucianism.He was the one 74 opened up private schools and received students from every walk of life without 75 (consider) their social status (地位).【答案】66.on 67.is held 68.but 69.the 70.how 71.others 72.traditional 73.was 74.who/that 75.considering【导语】本文是一篇说明文,介绍国际孔子文化节以及孔子的相关内容。66.句意:美国华人社区团体正准备于9月8日在纽约市法拉盛皇后区举办第二届国际孔子文化节。“September 8th”是具体的时间,用时间介词on,故填on。67.句意:节日在这里一年举行一次。主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,此处用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is held。68.句意:这也是一个庆祝中国文化的机会。根据前一句“The event is not only to honor the world-famous Chinese thinker”及空格后的“also”,可知此处考查not only……but also“不仅……而且”,故填but。69.句意:这个节日最重要的部分之一就是背诵《弟子规》。此处是“one of the+最高级+名词复数”结构,故填the。70.句意:在这本书中,孔子告诉人们如何做一个好人,如何与他人友好相处。根据“Confucius told people...to be good persons...”可知,孔子告诉人们如何做一个好人,how“如何”符合语境,故填how。71.句意:在这本书中,孔子告诉人们如何做一个好人,如何与他人友好相处。此处作动词短语的宾语,用others表示“其他人”,故填others。72.句意:在节日期间,人们还可以欣赏中国传统舞蹈、山东民族音乐和摄影表演。此处在句中作定语修饰“dances”,用形容词形式,故填traditional。73.句意:孔子也是一位伟大的教育家和哲学家,他创立了儒家学说。本句时态是一般过去时,主语是“Confucius”,故填was。74.句意:是他开办了私立学校,不考虑社会地位,招收来自各行各业的学生。此处是定语从句,先行词是“the one”,指人,引导词在从句中作主语,用who/that连接。故填who/that。75.句意:是他开办了私立学校,不考虑社会地位,招收来自各行各业的学生。without是介词,其后加动名词作宾语,故填considering。(2022四川绵阳中考真题)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1个恰当的词或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3个单词) ,并将答案写在答题卡的相应位置。Mr. Gordon was a kind old man and the 76 (child) liked him. They enjoyed his lessons and he enjoyed 77 (teach) them. One day, he visited Mr. Wood’s farm and talked to the Woods. “I 78 (be) a teacher for forty years, but I have never met a boy like Tony. He is very special. He needs 79 (work) with other musical boys and girls. I know his parents are poor, but I can give him 80 first piano lesson. And maybe Tony can go 81 the College of Music in the daytime and work in a restaurant in the evenings.”“No, he needn’t.” said Mr. Wood. “Tony is a good boy. He is like a son to 82 (we). His parents are poor, but we are not. We will pay for his education.”“That’s right!” said his wife. She was 83 (usual) a quiet woman, but she was 84 (excite) with bright eyes. Tony 85 (know) nothing about their conversation. He was cleaning Mr. Wood’s new car when Mr. Gordon visited the farm. But that visit changed his life.【答案】76.children 77.teaching 78.have been 79.to work 80.the 81.to 82.us 83.usually 84.excited 85.knew【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,向我们介绍善良的戈登先生愿意资助托尼学习。76.句意:戈登先生是个善良的老人,孩子们都喜欢他。根据后句中的“They”可知,此处应使用名词复数children,表示“孩子们”,故填children。77.句意:他们喜欢他的课,他也喜欢教他们。enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,故填teaching。78.句意:我当老师已经40年了,但我从来没有遇到过像托尼这样的男孩。根据“for forty years”可知,此处应使用现在完成时,主语是I,助动词用have,故填have been。79.句意:他需要和其他音乐男孩和女孩一起工作。need to do sth“需要做某事”,故填to work。80.句意:我知道他的父母很穷,但我可以给他上第一节钢琴课。此处用在序数词first前,用定冠词the,故填the。81.句意:也许托尼可以白天上音乐学院,晚上在餐馆打工。go to sp“去某地”,故填to。82.句意:他就像我们的儿子一样。此处在介词后作宾语,用宾格,故填us。83.句意:她通常是一个安静的女人,但她很兴奋,眼睛明亮。此处在句中作状语,用副词形式,故填usually。84.句意:她通常是一个安静的女人,但她很兴奋,眼睛明亮。此处在句中作表语,修饰人,故填excited。85.句意:托尼对他们的谈话一无所知。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填knew。(2022湖北襄阳中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在短文空白处填入一个适当的单词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式,使短文的意思完整。We can find Chinese people growing vegetables tirelessly in every corner of the world. When the Chinese move into a house in 86 foreign country, they always grow vegetables in the garden. Even at the frozen South Pole( 南极), there’s a “vegetable greenhouse” built up by the members of Zhongshan Scientific Research Station, which 87 (true) provides enough vegetables. Such a difficult situation cannot stop those 88 (science) love for vegetable growing.Although more cheap and fresh vegetables 89 (place) on the shelves of supermarkets, the Chinese people’s love for growing vegetables themselves never goes away. Besides, some people even build virtual(虚拟的) farms in smart phones to get the 90 (please) of growing vegetables.Why do many Chinese grow vegetables in both daily lives and the virtual world?Such love comes from the Chinese history. 91 (fill) their stomachs, Chinese people have formed a tradition of hard work. In China’s culture, working hard solves the stomach problem 92 studying satisfies the hunger for knowledge.And now, smarter technologies are used for growing vegetables. Even in the outer space, Chinese astronaut Jing Haipeng showed how he grew vegetables in 93 (spacial) laboratory of Tiangong-2 space station. Nothing can prevent the Chinese people 94 vegetable growing. The “Chinese vegetable gardens” 95 (produce) hopes across the world, and they also carry the best wishes of the Chinese people to their ancestors.【答案】86.a 87.truly 88.scientists’ 89.are being placed 90.pleasure 91.To fill 92.and 93.space 94.from 95.are producing【导语】本文主要讲述了中国人对蔬菜种植的热情。86.句意:当中国人在外国搬进一所房子时,他们总是在花园里种蔬菜。根据“in...foreign country”可知是泛指“一个国家”,且foreign是以辅音音素开头,应用a修饰,故填a。87.句意:即使在冰冻的南极,也有中山科考站成员搭建的“蔬菜大棚”,真正提供了足够的蔬菜。true是形容词,此处应用副词修饰动词,故填truly。88.句意:如此困难的情况不能阻止科学家们对蔬菜种植的热爱。根据“love”可知此处应用形容词或名词所有格修饰名词love,结合“Such a difficult situation cannot stop those”可知是不能阻止那些科学家们对于蔬菜种植的热爱,scientist“科学家”,名词,首先变为复数scientists,再加“ ’ ”,构成名词所有格,故填scientists’。89.句意:虽然超市的货架上摆放着越来越多便宜新鲜的蔬菜,但中国人对自己种菜的热爱从未消失。place“放置”,是动词,主语vegetables和动词place之间是被动关系,结合语境可知句子应用现在进行时的被动语态:am/is/are being done,表示“越来越多便宜新鲜的蔬菜正被摆放在货架上”,主语是复数,be动词用are,故填are being placed。90.句意:此外,有些人甚至在智能手机上建立虚拟农场,以获得种植蔬菜的乐趣。the...of之间应用名词,此处是指种植蔬菜的乐趣,应用名词pleasure,故填pleasure。91.句意:为了填饱肚子,中国人形成了努力工作的传统。根据“their stomachs, Chinese people have formed a tradition of hard work”可知中国人形成了努力工作的传统,是为了填饱肚子,应用动词不定式作目的状语,故填To fill。92.句意:在中国文化中,努力工作可以解决肠胃问题,学习可以满足对知识的渴望。分析句子可知,前后句子是并列关系,都是属于中国文化的一部分,应用and连接,故填and。93.句意:甚至在太空中,中国航天员景海鹏在天宫二号空间实验室展示了他如何种菜。此处是指太空实验室,应用space laboratory,故填space。94.句意:没有什么能阻止中国人种植蔬菜。固定短语stop sb from doing sth“阻止某人做某事”,故填from。95.句意:“中国菜园”在世界各地孕育着希望,也承载着中国人民对祖先的美好祝愿。根据“The ‘Chinese vegetable gardens’ ...hopes across the world”结合语境可知,“中国菜园”正在世界各地孕育着希望,应用现在进行时,主语是复数,be动词用are。故填are producing。(2022山东烟台中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Huang Qiang is the owner of a cube (魔方) store in Changsha. Recently, using 560 cubes, he spent eight hours 96 (make) a portrait (肖像) of Wang Yaping, one of the three astronauts on the Shenzhou XIII. “I want to show 97 (I) respect for the three astronauts, especially Wang, the first woman Chinese astronaut to enter the space station,” Huang Qiang said.Before leaving, Wang promised her daughter 98 (pick) stars for her. So now Wang 99 (call) the “star-picking mother” by Chinese people.Huang has also used cubes to make portraits of some famous medical workers who have fought 100 (brave) against COVID-19 across China.He started to play with cube puzzles during high school. Because 101 his love for them, he joined the cube society while attending college. He practiced with cubes on buses, in school dining hall-basically whenever he 102 (have) spare time.His record for solving a cube puzzle is 8 seconds, which is the 103 (high) speed in his college.Although he majored in chemistry, Huang opened a cube store in Changsha after his 104 (graduate). In his store he teaches people to solve cube puzzles. “I have strong support from my parents, who always tell me that I won’t know what is possible 105 I have a try,” Huang said.【答案】96.making 97.my 98.to pick 99.is called 100.bravely 101.of 102.had 103.highest 104.graduation 105.unless【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,介绍长沙一家魔方店的店主黄强。96.句意:最近,他用560个魔方,花了8个小时为神舟十三号航天员之一的王亚平画像。根据“he spent eight hours...a portrait (肖像) of Wang Yapin”可知,此处是“spend+时间+doing sth”结构,故填making。97.句意:我想表达对三名宇航员的尊敬,尤其是王亚平,她是第一位进入空间站的中国女宇航员。此处作定语修饰“respect”,用形容词性物主代词,故填my。98.句意:临走前,王亚平答应女儿帮她摘星星。promise sb to do sth“承诺某人做某事”,故填to pick。99.句意:所以现在王亚平被中国人称为“摘星妈妈”。主语是动作的承受者,时态是一般现在时,此处用一般现在时的被动语态,故填is called。100.句意:黄强还用立方体制作了一些著名医务工作者的肖像,这些人在中国各地英勇抗击新冠肺炎。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填bravely。101.句意:因为对魔方的热爱,他在大学期间加入了魔方社团。根据“Because...his love for them”可知,此处是because of短语,意为“因为”,故填of。102.句意:他在公共汽车上、学校食堂里——基本上只要有空闲时间,他就会练习魔方。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填had。103.句意:他解魔方的记录是8秒,这是他所在大学的最快速度。根据“which is the...speed in his college”可知,本句给出范围,此前有定冠词the修饰,所以用形容词最高级,故填highest。104.句意:虽然他的专业是化学,但毕业后他在长沙开了一家魔方店。此处作宾语,用名词形式,故填graduation。105.句意:我的父母非常支持我,他们总是告诉我,除非我尝试,否则我不知道什么是可能的。“I have a try”是“I won’t know what is possible”的否定条件,用unless引导条件状语从句,故填unless。(2022浙江衢州中考真题)阅读下面材料,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空。每空不超过两词。My name is Rebeca and I’m 11. I’m from beautiful Brazil! But my family live in a poor area, and life isn’t easy. My father 106 (work) hard so my brother and I can go to school. And we always come straight home after school 107 (help) with the housework. But I have a dream…football! And I want to tell you how football has changed my life. My dad wanted my big brother to be 108 football player, but he didn’t like training. I loved football and when I played I felt happy and forgot about everything around 109 (I). My mum said, “Football isn’t for girls.” The boys at school didn’t want to play 110 a girl either, but when they saw I was good, I got the chance to join them. One day I 111 (tell) by my teacher that there was a football team just for girls and they were preparing for a competition in March. I 112 (real) wanted to be part of the team and I decided to try my hardest. When my dad and brother knew that, they were very happy. My mum still didn’t like the idea. “It isn’t going to be easy for you 113 football is a boy’s sport,” she said. But she said nothing after that, and my dad and brother trained with me every day for seven 114 (month). Finally, in February the coach showed us which players were in the team. When I heard my name, I jumped in the air. Our team traveled to Rio de Janeiro in March and we won the competition—it was amazing! Since then we’ve won a lot of matches. But more importantly, I’ve become much 115 (confident) about myself. When I get older, I want to be a great football player. That’s my biggest dream in life.【答案】106.works 107.to help 108.a 109.me 110.with 111.was told 112.really 113.because 114.months 115.more confident【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,作者是一个热爱足球的女孩子,在爸爸和哥哥的陪伴下参加比赛,成为一名足球运动员是作者的梦想。106.句意:我的父亲努力工作,所以我和我的哥哥可以去上学。时态是一般现在时,主语是My father,动词用三单,故填works。107.句意:我们总是放学后直接回家帮助做家务。根据“And we always come straight home after school...with the housework.”可知,放学后回家帮忙做家务,用动词不定式作目的状语,故填to help。108.句意:我爸爸想让我哥哥成为一名足球运动员,但他不喜欢训练。此处泛指一名足球运动员,football首字母发辅音音素,故填a。109.句意:我喜欢足球,当我踢球的时候,我感到快乐,忘记了周围的一切。此处在介词后作宾语,用宾格,故填me。110.句意:学校里的男孩们也不想和女孩一起玩,但当他们看到我很棒时,我就有机会加入他们。根据“The boys at school didn’t want to play...a girl either”可知,此处指和女孩一起玩,play with“和……一起玩”,故填with。111.句意:有一天,我的老师告诉我,有一个女子足球队,她们正在准备三月的比赛。本句主语I是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was told。112.句意:我真的很想成为这个团队的一员,于是我决定尽我最大的努力。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填really。113.句意:这对你来说并不容易,因为足球是男孩的运动。“football is a boy’s sport”是“It isn’t going to be easy for you”的原因,用because引导原因状语从句,故填because。114.句意:但从那以后,她什么也没说,我爸爸和哥哥在七个月的时间里每天都跟着我训练。seven修饰可数名词复数,故填months。115.句意:但更重要的是,我对自己更加自信了。much修饰形容词比较级,故填more confident。(2022山东威海中考真题)用括号里所给动词的适当形式填空。Mr. Hope, the doorman at our school, walks with a limp (跛脚). Sometimes people make fun of his limp. It always 116 (make) me angry to hear them laughing at him. Watching him make his way slowly around our school with the cleaning tools in hand, I often wondered why he limped. One day while I 117 (stand) in the hall, I saw two boys laughing at Mr. Hope’s limp. The headmaster saw this and he was very mad. He took all of us down to the basement. He showed us a picture of a young man standing by a long, thin boat. “This is Mr. Hope when he 118 (be) a young man,” said the headmaster. I was shocked 119 (learn) that our doorman was once a great rower (划船运动员). In the 1968 Olympics, after the final race started, Mr. Hope’s boat and another one were soon far ahead of the other boats, racing neck and neck towards the finish line The race was going well when suddenly, Mr. Hope heard a huge cracking (爆裂) sound. He saw his opponent’s (对手) boat 120 (go) down fast. The man was in trouble because the boat had broken right in the middle. He 121 (stick) inside, unable to escape. Without 122 (stop) to think, Mr. Hope jumped into the water and pulled the man up from underneath the water. The other boats 123 (pass) them on their way to the finish line, leaving the two men alone in the water. The other man had a broken leg and Mr. Hope’s leg was cut badly by the sharp wood splinters. Mr. Hope never finished the race. He never got a gold medal at the Olympics. He did end up getting a special medal for sportsmanship. And ever since then he 124 (be) unable to walk properly. As we stood there listening, the boys felt ashamed of what they had done. “Mr. Hope is a hero. His bravery and selfless actions make him an Olympic champion (冠军) forever. We 125 (not laugh) at him anymore,” said the boys.【答案】116.makes 117.was standing 118.was 119.to learn 120.going 121.was stuck 122.stopping 123.passed 124.has been 125.will not laugh/won’t laugh【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,很多孩子嘲笑门卫霍普先生的跛脚,校长告诉我们背后的故事,霍普先生因为救人,自己受了伤,他是一位真正的英雄。孩子们意识到了自己的错误。116.句意:听到他们嘲笑他,我总是很生气。时态是一般现在时,主语是It,动词用三单,故填makes。117.句意:一天,我站在大厅里,看见两个男孩在嘲笑霍普先生的跛脚。根据“One day while I...in the hall, I saw two boys laughing at Mr. Hope’s limp.”可知,此处强调在过去的某个时间点,动作正在发生,用过去进行时,主语是I,故填was standing。118.句意:“这是年轻时的霍普先生,”校长说。本句时态是一般过去时,主语是he,故填was。119.句意:我很震惊地得知我们的门卫曾经是一个很棒的划船运动员。be shocked to do sth“做某事感到震惊”,故填to learn。120.句意:他看到对手的船沉得很快。根据“He saw his opponent’s (对手) boat...down fast.”可知,此处是see...doing sth“看见……正在做”,使用现在分词作宾语补足语,故填going。121.句意:他被卡住了在里面,无法逃脱。主语He是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故填was stuck。122.句意:霍普先生想都没想就跳进水里,把那个人从水下拉了上来。Without是介词,其后用动名词作宾语,故填stopping。123.句意:其他的船在他们到达终点的路上超过了他们,留下这两个人独自在水里。本句时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填passed。124.句意:从那以后,他就不能正常走路了。根据“And ever since then”可知,此处用现在完成时,主语是he,故填has been。125.句意:我们不会再嘲笑他了。根据“We...at him anymore”可知,此处承诺未来的事,用一般将来时,will not=won’t,故填will not laugh/won’t laugh。(2022四川宜宾中考真题)根据下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Sun Jiarui, a 10-year-old girl from Outang Central Primary School in Wuxi, Jiangsu province, recently was famous online for her 126 (cook) skills. Sun, who has been learning to cook from her father since she was eight, can now cook more than fifty 127 (dish) .It is 128 (report) that Sun Jiarui would go to the restaurant with her parents and liked watching her father cook food 129 she was four or five years old. She first learned cooking out of curiosity and wanted 130 (try) her father’s work. At her request, the father, Sun Yadong, began teaching his daughter 131 (careful) to do some simple cooking. She found cooking difficult 132 first, but along the way, she found it enjoyable. “Cooking improves my labor ability and makes me experience life,” she said with emotion.In the past two years, Sun Jiarui 133 (learn) a lot of home cooking. Now Sun Jiarui’s cooking is also famous in the school. The school has opened a studio (工作坊) for the father and daughter, and students can learn some simple cooking from 134 (they) once a week.In the coming September, primary school 135 junior school students in China will find a new “practical activities” course in their schedule, with at least one class every week.【答案】126.cooking 127.dishes 128.reported 129.when 130.to try 131.carefully 132.at 133.has learnt 134.them 135.and【导语】本文介绍了孙家瑞跟父亲学习烹饪的情况以及中写学生即将开始的“实践活动”课程。126.句意:最近来自江苏无锡欧塘中心小学的孙家瑞,在网上因烹饪技巧而出名。此处指的是“烹饪技巧”,应用表达为cooking skill,此处cooking修饰名词skill,故填cooking。127.句意:孙从八岁起就开始向父亲学习烹饪,现在她能做五十多道菜。空前有fifty修饰,名词用复数形式,故填dishes。128.句意:据报道,孙家瑞四五岁时会和父母一起去餐馆,喜欢看父亲做饭。此处是固定结构It is reported that“据报道”,空处用过去分词形式,故填reported。129.句意:据报道,孙家瑞四五岁时会和父母一起去餐馆,喜欢看父亲做饭。结合空格前后句可知,此处指的是“当四五岁时”,应用when引导时间状语从句,故填when。130.句意:她第一次学习烹饪是出于好奇,想尝试一下她父亲的工作。want to do sth“想要做某事”,是固定结构,空处用不定式形式,故填to try。131.句意:在她的要求下,父亲孙亚东开始认真地教女儿做一些简单的烹饪。空处修饰动词,应用副词形式,故填carefully。132.句意:起初她觉得做饭很难。此处是at first“起初”,固定短语,故填at。133.句意:在过去的两年里,孙家瑞学会了很多家常菜。根据“In the past two years”可知,句子用现在完成时,主语是单数名词,助动词用has,故填has learnt。134.句意:学校为这对父女开设了一个工作室,学生们每周可以向他们学习一次简单的烹饪。空处作介词from的宾语,应用宾格,故填them。135.句意:在即将到来的9月份,中国的小学生和初中生将在他们的课程表中找到一门新的“实践活动”课程,每周至少有一节课。此处是并列“primary school”与“junior school”,应用and并列,故填and。(2022吉林长春中考真题)Zhang Lei, a fifteen-year-old boy, is an animal lover. He saved an elephant that was 136 great danger.On March 13th, 2020, Zhang Lei heard a baby elephant lost 137 (it) mother and the living place. He wanted to save the poor animal. Zhang Lei used his pocket money to help it. Later, the elephant was sent to a local zoo. The zoo could give it a much 138 (good) place to live in than before.Look! What is Zhang Lei doing now?He 139 (play) with the elephant in the zoo.Every weekend, Zhang Lei and his friends visit and 140 care of the elephant. It grows up healthily there.Zhang Lei also enjoys 141 (spend) time with other animals. He decides to help more animals. Trees are sometimes cut down by people 142 want to make money, so animals lose their homes. Zhang Lei hopes to stop this. Many children have the same idea. They expect to join him 143 (quick).“Protecting animals needs many 144 (volunteer). I’ll always be one of them,” said Zhang Lei. “Though there’s a long way to go to save the endangered animals, I’ll never give 145 . My journey has just begun.”【答案】136.in 137.its 138.better 139.is playing 140.take 141.spending 142.who/that 143.quickly 144.volunteers 145.up【导语】本文主要介绍了一个15岁的男孩保护动物的善行义举。136.句意:他救了一头处于极大危险中的大象。in great danger”处于极大的危险“,固定搭配,故填in。137.句意:2020年3月13日,张磊听到一只小象失去了妈妈和生活的地方。此空修饰名词mother,应填形容词性物主代词,故填its。138.句意:动物园可以给它一个比以前更好的地方生活。根据much以及than可知,此空应填比较级,故填better。139.句意:他正跟大象在动物园里玩。根据“What is Zhang Lei doing now”可知,答语应用现在进行时结构,主语he是第三人称单数,助动词用is,故填is playing。140.句意:每到周末,张雷和他的朋友们都会来看望这头大象并照顾它。根据“care of the elephant”可知,此处指照顾大象,take care of“照顾”,此空与visit是并列关系,故此空应填动词原形,故填take。141.句意:张雷也喜欢和其他动物在一起。enjoy doing sth“喜欢做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填spending。142.句意:树木有时会被那些想赚钱的人砍倒。此处是定语从句,先行词people是指人,在从句中作主语,应填who或that引导定语从句,故填who/that。143.句意:他们希望很快加入他的行列。此空修饰动词join,应用副词quickly“快速地”,故填quickly。144.句意:保护动物需要许多志愿者。many修饰名词的复数形式,故填volunteers。145.句意:我绝不会放弃。根据“Though there’s a long way to go to save the endangered animals, I’ll never give”可知,尽管保护动物有很长的路要走,但是绝不会放弃,give up“放弃”,故填up。(2022贵州六盘水中考真题)阅读短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或根据括号内所给单词的正确形式填空。To work towards a peaceful life, you should always try to develop good relationships with the people around you. Be kind and help those in need. Do this not only for family and friends, but also for the people who 146 (live) in your neighborhood.People in your community might have different ways of living and 147 (think). This doesn’t mean that they’re wrong and you’re right. If everyone had the same ideas, the world would be 148 boring place.Today, in many 149 (city), people usually lock their doors after work and don’t see their neighbors much. Social interactions (相互影响) are often 150 (limit) to a “Hi!” on the street. However, there may be times when someone does something that upsets you. If this happens, discuss the matter in a 151 (friend) way. This allows you to express your ideas without 152 (make) your relationship damaged. Avoid arguments, especially ones that judge the nature of the person rather than the actions. For example, your neighbors are playing loud music while you try to fall asleep. Should you politely 153 (suggest) they turn it down? 154 should you angrily shout at them? The first choice is wise. By calmly examining any problems, you create the relationship of mutual respect and understanding. After all, good neighbors are 155 (good) than distant relatives.【答案】146.live 147.thinking 148.a 149.cities 150.limited 151.friendly 152.making 153.suggest 154.Or 155.better【导语】本文主要讲述了和周围的人建立良好关系的好处。146.句意:这样做不仅是为了家人和朋友,也为了住在你附近的人。本文主体时态是一般现在时,此处是定语从句,且先行词“the people”是复数,动词需用原形。故填live。147.句意:您所在社区的人们可能有不同的生活方式和思维方式。空处需用动名词形式和“living ”形式保持一致。故填thinking。148.句意:如果每个人都有相同的想法,世界将是一个无聊的地方。空处泛指一个无聊的地方,且“boring”是以辅音音素开头,用a。故填a。149.句意:今天,在许多城市,人们通常下班后锁门,很少见邻居。many后跟名词复数形式。故填cities。150.句意:社交互动通常仅限于在街上“嗨!”。固定短语be limited to“局限于……”。故填limited。151.句意:如果发生这种情况,请以友好的方式讨论此事。空后有名词“way”,需用friend的形容词形式friendly“友好的”修饰。故填friendly。152.句意:这使你可以表达自己的想法,而不会破坏你的关系。介词without后跟动名词。故填making。153.句意:你应该礼貌地建议他们把音量关小吗?情态动词should后跟动词原形。故填suggest。154.句意:还是应该愤怒地冲他们大喊大叫?此处是表示选择关系,需用or表示“还是”;且单词位于句首单词首字母需大写。故填Or。155.句意:毕竟,远亲不如近邻。根据“than”可知,此处需用形容词比较级。故填better。(2022山东潍坊中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词。“No, I won’t tell you anything about those geese(鹅),” repeated Breckinridge. “Well, let’s 156 (make)a bet,” said Holmes. “I bet you five pounds the geese came from a farm outside London.” “Ha, you are wrong,” said Breckinridge. “Actually the geese came from London.”“I don’t believe you,” said Holmes. “All right,” said Breckinridge. “Wait, I 157 (show)you in a moment.”He took out two large books and opened one of 158 (they). “This book contains a list of the people who sell me geese. The 159 (name)in red ink are people who live in London. Read out the 160 (three)one on the list.”Holmes took the book and read, “Mrs Oakshott, 117 Brixton Road. This name 161 (write)in red ink. So that means Mrs Oakshott lives in London.”“Yes,” said Breckinridge. “Now look in the other book. It records the dates I bought the geese.”Holmes read, “December 22nd, bought from Mrs Oakshott, 24 geese at 7 shillings each. Sold to Mr Windigate of the Alpha Inn.”“See? I was right,” said Breckinridge. “So I 162 (win)the bet. Now give me my money.” 163 (Silent)Holmes took out a gold coin and threw it down in front of Breckinridge. Then we left. A few yards away, we stopped 164 (laugh)loudly. “You are very clever! Holmes,” I said. “Breckinridge refused to tell us the 165 (true). So you made a bet with him…”“Yes, Watson,” said Holmes. “Though I lost the bet, I found out what I wanted.”【答案】156.make 157.will show 158.them 159.names 160.third 161.was written 162.won 163.Silently 164.to laugh 165.truth【导语】本文主要是福尔摩斯探案集中追踪大鹅的来历中的一段,讲述了福尔摩斯用自己的智慧知道了大鹅来自哪里。156.句意:让我们打一个赌吧。let sb do sth“让某人做某事”,此空应填动词原形,故填make。157.句意:一会我展示给你看。根据in a moment可知,此处用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will show。158.句意:他拿出两本大书,打开其中一本。of是介词,后接人称代词宾格,故填them。159.句意:用红墨水写的是住在伦敦的人。根据are可知,此空应填名词复数形式,故填names。160.句意:把名单上的第三个读出来。the后接序数词表示顺序,故填third。161.句意:这个名字是用红墨水写的。主语name与动词write之间是被动关系,且名字被写是发生在过去,故此处用一般过去时被动语态,主语name是单数形式,助动词用was,故填was written。162.句意:所以我会赢得这场赌局。根据“I was right”可知,此句也应用一般过去时,故填won。163.句意:福尔摩斯默默地掏出一枚金币,扔在布雷肯里奇面前。此空修饰动词短语took out,应用副词,故填Silently。164.句意:几码远的地方,我们停下来放声大笑。根据“we stopped…loudly”可知,是停下来大笑,用stop to do sth表示“停下来去做另一件事”,故填to laugh。165.句意:布雷肯里奇拒绝告诉我们真相。the后应接名词,truth“真相”是名词,故填truth。(2022湖南娄底中考真题)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号内所给单词的正确形式(每空最多不超过三个单词)。Brandon Collins-Green is a man from Canada. He is interested in Chinese poems. He spends nearly ten 166 (hour) a day translating Chinese poems into English. He 167 (translate) more than 1, 000 Chinese poems since six years ago.After translating a Chinese poem into 168 English one, Collins-Green often writes it down on a piece of paper with a brush pen. He also draws a picture beside the poem to help show the 169 (mean) of the Chinese poem. He connects Chinese and foreign cultures 170 his paintings, and writes the poems in English, so his readers can have a better understanding about Chinese poems, even Chinese history 171 culture.Brandon Collins-Green is studying for his doctor’s degree(博士学位)in China now. He wants 172 (learn) another foreign language if his Chinese is good enough, but that day hasn’t arrived yet. He has found there’s always new knowledge to learn in Chinese.Collins-Green 173 (have) a small workshop(工作坊)near his university. The place is small, but he likes 174 (they) very much because he can pay attention to his translation work in his workshop.Collins-Green hopes that his works can help 175 (many) western people know China than before, and come to see how fast it is changing and enjoy the beauty of its culture by themselves.【答案】166.hours 167.has translated 168.an 169.meaning 170.with 171.and 172.to learn 173.has 174.it 175.more【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一个加拿大人Brandon Collins-Green因为对中国诗歌感兴趣,从而花很多年精力致力把中文诗歌翻译成英文,帮助更多的西方人更了解中国。166.句意:他每天花近十个小时的时间把中国诗歌翻译成英语。基数词ten后接复数名词,名词hour的复数形式为hours。故填hours。167.句意:自从六年前以来,他已经翻译了超过一千首中国诗歌。根据“since six years ago”可知句子应用现在完成时,其结构为:has / have+过去分词。主语He为第三人称单数,助动词应用has。动词translate的过去分词为translated。故填has translated。168.句意:把一首中国诗歌翻译成英语后,Collins-Green经常用毛笔把它写在一张纸上。根据“English one”可知one为代词,指代一首中国诗歌,为单数意义,其前应用不定冠词限定,English为元音音素开头的单词,不定冠词应用an。故填an。169.句意:他还在诗的旁边画一幅画,以帮助表达这首中国诗歌的含义。定冠词the后接名词,动词mean的名词为meaning“意思”。故填meaning。170.句意:他将中外文化和他的绘画联系起来,并用英语写诗,因此他的读者能够更好地了解中国诗歌,甚至是历史和文化。动词短语connect sth with sth表示“把……和……联系起来”。故填with。171.句意:他将中外文化和他的绘画联系起来,并用英语写诗,因此他的读者能够更好地了解中国诗歌,甚至是历史和文化。根据“even”后的“history”和“culture”可知此处指“历史和文化”,应用并列连词and来连接。故填and。172.句意:如果他的中文足够好,他还想再学一门外语,但这一天还没有到来。want to do sth表示“想要做某事”,因此空格处应填动词learn的不定式to learn。故填to learn。173.句意:Collins-Green在他的大学附近有一个小工作坊。结合下文可知,本句应用一般现在时,主语Collins-Green为第三人称单数,因此动词have应用其第三人称单数形式has。故填has。174.句意:这个地方很小,但他很喜欢,因为他可以在工作坊里专心做翻译工作。上文提到的The place为单数名词,因此应用人称代词it来指代。故填it。175.句意:Collins-Green希望他的作品能帮助更多的西方人比以前更了解中国。由than before可知要用比较级,形容词many的比较级为more。故填more。(2022山东日照中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三个单词)。In America hitching a ride(搭便车)is very common. Many people there love hitching a ride during 176 (they) trips. I also once hitched a ride when I was travelling in America.I 177 (drive) on the road when my car stopped. I was going to a town that was 178 (far) than I had expected. My tank(油箱)became empty 179 I got to the town. Standing there, I didn’t know what to do. I just knew I needed help. But I could see nobody around. Who could I turn to? Then I thought 180 the scenes that I had seen in Hollywood 181 (movie). I remembered that people in America loved hitching a ride. I told myself that I could do that too.So when a car was coming, I tried to hitch a ride. To my joy, the car 182 (real) stopped in front of me. The driver was 183 old man. After knowing my problem, he said he could help me out. He took me to the nearest gas station. But then he left as he had something important 184 (do).I couldn’t walk all the way back to my car. Therefore, I tried to hitch a ride and I was 185 (help) out once again. I was greatly moved.【答案】176.their 177.was driving 178.farther 179.before 180.of 181.movies 182.really 183.an 184.to do 185.helped【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲述了作者在美国搭便车的经历。176.句意:那里的很多人喜欢在他们的旅途中搭便车。trips为名词,其前应用形容词修饰。they的形容词性物主代词为their。故填their。177.句意:当我的车子停下来的时候,我当时正驾驶在公路上。when引导时间状语从句,从句中的“stopped”说明从句应用一般过去时,因此主句部分应用过去进行时,其结构为:was / were+现在分词。主语为I,因此be动词用was,动词drive的现在分词driving。故填was driving。178.句意:我要到一个小镇上去,那个小镇比我预期的还要更远。根据“than”可知该句应用比较级。形容词far的比较级为farther。故填farther。179.句意:在我到达镇上之前,我的油箱已经空了。根据空格后的“I got to the town”可知此处表示我到达镇上之前,我的油箱已经空了,所以车子也走不了了,因此此处应填意为“在……之前”的连词before。故填before。180.句意:然后我想起了我在好莱坞电影里看到的那些场景。thought的动词原形为think,think of意为“想起”。故填of。181.句意:然后我想起了我在好莱坞电影里看到的那些场景。movie“电影”为可数名词,此处应用其复数形式movies。故填movies。182.句意:令我高兴的是,那辆车真的在我的面前停了下来。stopped为动词,此处应用副词修饰。形容词real的副词为really“真的”。故填really。183.句意:那位司机是一位老人。man是名词单数,其前应用不定冠词来限定。old为元音音素开头的单词,因此不定冠词应用an。故填an。184.句意:但是之后他就离开了,因为他还有一些重要的事情要做。something important是“一些重要的事情”,后接动词不定式作后置定语,动词do的不定式为to do。故填to do。185.句意:所以,我尝试再搭次便车,然后我又再次被帮助脱困了。help sb out表示“帮助某人脱离困境”,主语是I,谓语动词有was,说明此句是一般过去时的被动语态,其结构为:was / were+过去分词,表示“我被帮忙脱离困境”。动词help的过去分词为helped。故填helped。(2022广西玉林中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。China is a nation with a rich culture in handwriting (书法). “Even though the computer is 186 (wide) used today, Chinese people should not forget the skill of writing with hands,” said a Chinese government officer.So far, the computer 187 (become) a very useful tool to help people to write. As people use computers more often than before, many people have forgotten how to write Chinese characters (字). People often makes plenty of 188 (mistake) in writing.The Chinese character test shows that nowadays, many college students’ handwriting has got even 189 (bad). Many college students do not know how to make words or sentences in Chinese character in the right way. Not only kids but also many adults have met 190 same problem. They might be able to tell the general form of a certain character. However, 191 you ask them to spell out the character correctly, they can’t. On the other hand, they can type out the character on a computer without thinking 192 (two).At present, China is trying its best 193 (solve) this problem. With the use of certain technologies, teachers can write their teaching contents (内容) and the students can reply by writing in the nation language teaching course. We can also write letters 194 our relatives and friends instead of sending messages. This can help 195 (we) practice handwriting. Besides, there are many ways that we can try.【答案】186.widely 187.has become 188.mistakes 189.worse 190.the 191.if 192.twice 193.to solve 194.to 195.us【导语】本文主要介绍计算机如今被广泛使用,导致很多人都忘记手写的技能,本文就此提出了一些相应的建议,来让人们提高自己的手写技能。186.句意:即使今天电脑被广泛使用,中国人不应该忘记用手写字的技能。此空修饰动词used,应填wide的副词widely“广泛地”,故填widely。187.句意:到目前为止,计算机已经成为帮助人们写作的一个非常有用的工具。根据“So far”可知,此句用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语computer是单数形式,助动词用has,故填has become。188.句意:人们经常在写作中犯很多错误。mistake“错误”,可数名词,plenty of修饰可数名词的复数形式,故填mistakes。189.句意:汉字测试显示,现在很多大学生的书写水平甚至越来越差。got在这里是连系动词,后接形容词作表语,even修饰比较级,故填worse。190.句意:不仅是孩子,很多成年人也遇到了同样的问题。the same problem“相同的问题”,固定搭配,故填the。191.句意:然而,如果你让他们正确地拼写这个字符,他们不能。“you ask them to spell out the character correctly”与“they can’t”是条件关系,用if引导条件状语从句,故填if。192.句意:另一方面,他们可以毫不犹豫地在电脑上输入字符。think twice“再三考虑”,twice是副词,修饰动词think,故填twice。193.句意:目前,中国正在努力解决这个问题。try one’s best to do sth“尽某人最大努力去做某事”,故填to solve。194.句意:我们也可以写信给我们的亲戚和朋友,而不是发送消息。write to sb“给某人写信”,固定搭配,故填to。195.句意:这可以帮助我们练习书写。此空位于动词help后,应填人称代词宾格us作宾语,故填us。(2022山东滨州中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。One day, I decided to tidy my bookshelf up. Suddenly, a white envelope(信封)fell to the floor. I was 196 (surprise)! I couldn’t remember 197 (put) the envelope on my shelf. It must have been years ago! Anyway, I opened the envelope 198 (careful). Inside it, there was a folded piece of paper. I read it. It was a letter 199 (write) by my mom. My dear child,I love you so much! This is not a letter to be posted. I have written this in the hope that one day you 200 (find) it. Yes, I wanted to let you know something that was not suitable to express face to face. Life is too short and uncertain. If you are reading this, I am no longer with you. You are alone now. I’m not there to help you or give you any kind of 201 (advise). The world around you can be confusing(令人困惑的). But if you look inside yourself, you can light your path and find out where 202 (go). Remember the saying, “You reap what you sow(播种).” The way you act will have an influence on your life. Be positive(积极的)as much as possible. You are a great child. I hope you 203 (understand) what I mean. Be kind to others and to 204 (you).Yours,MomI was 205 (silence) for a long time, holding that letter. I thought how much I loved and missed my mother.【答案】surprised 197.putting 198.carefully 199.written 200.will find 201.advice 202.to go 203.can understand 204.yourself 205.silent【导语】本文讲述作者在整理书架时发现妈妈生前留下的信,妈妈希望孩子们能有自我认知,找到自己人生的方向,善待他人,善待自己。196.句意:我很惊讶!“surprise”是名词,表达“惊讶”。本句主语是“I”,表达“惊讶的”,填形容词“surprised”作表语。故填surprised。197.句意:我记不得把信封放在我的架子上。句子表达“不记得做过的事”用“not remember doing”,句子用动名词“putting”作宾语。故填putting。198.句意:我小心地打开信封。句中“opened”是动词,使用副词对其进行修饰,“careful”的副词形式“carefully”表达“小心翼翼”。故填carefully。199.句意:是一封我妈妈写的信。根据“by my mom”可知,信件与母亲之间是被动关系,用过去分词“written”作定语。故填written。200.句意:我写这封信是希望有一天你能找到它。根据“one day”可知,这里要用一般将来时,说明希望将来会发生的事情,表达“会找到”用“will find”。故填will find。201.句意:我不是来帮助你或给你任何建议的。“advise”是动词,表达“建议”。动词“give”缺直接宾语,“any kind of”后面加不可数名词“advice”,表示“建议”。故填advice。202.句意:但如果你审视自己的内心,你就能照亮自己的道路,找到前进的方向。根据“where”可知句子用“特殊疑问词+动词不定式”结构。用“where to go”表示“去哪里”。故填to go。203.句意:我希望你能明白我的意思。根据“hope”可知宾语从句表达“能够明白”,用情态动词“can”和动词原形“understand”。故填can understand。204.句意:对其他人友善,对你自己友善。介词“to”后缺宾语,句子表达“对自己友善”,用反身代词“youeself”。故填yourself。205.句意:我拿着这封信,很长时间一句话不说。句子表达“安静的”,用形容词“silent”作表语。故填silent。(2022山东临沂中考真题)阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空,必要时可加助动词或情态动词。One Leaf, One WorldMaybe you know Chinese paper cutting, but have you ever heard of leaf-cutting art?In autumn and winter, many streets 206 (cover)in fallen leaves. Most of us probably just pass over them without paying much attention. But not Kanat Nurtazin, an artist from Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦). He will pick up some fallen leaves and cut beautiful artworks out of them. Kanat works at a university. He 207 (keep)drawing as a hobby to stay creative since 2013. This long-time hobby has also allowed him 208 (express)himself through art. In 2013, Kanat 209 (start)a project called “100 Methods of Drawing”. In this project, he tries to use different materials and skills to create artworks. Among all these creative paintings, leaf-cutting art 210 (be)one of his favorites. To make leaf art, Kanat first chooses a leaf from his collection. Then, he simply 211 (imagine)a funny story or a lively moment (时刻). He draws it on a piece of paper and sticks the paper to the leaf. After the glue dries, Kanat uses a razor(剃须刀)to cut out the pattern(图案)on the leaf. Finally, the artist finds a beautiful background to take pictures of the leaf. And this “leaf story” will be shared online. A leaf’s life is short. But if you look at it with your creative eyes, like Kanat does, you too can give the leaf a second life by 212 (make)it tell an interesting story!【答案】206.are covered 207.has kept 208.to express 209.started 210.is 211.imagines 212.making【导语】本文介绍了艺术家Kanat用普通的树叶创造了精美的艺术品,为叶子赋予了“二次生命”。206.句意:秋冬时节,许多街道被落叶覆盖。根据“ many street…in fallen leaves”可知,街道被落叶覆盖,两者为被动关系,句子时态为一般现在时,应用一般现在时的被动语态“is/am/are done”,主语为复数many streets,助动词用are。故填are covered。207.句意:自2013年以来,他一直将绘画作为一种业余爱好,以保持创造力。根据“since 2013”可知,空格所在句时态为现在完成时“has/have done”,主语为第三人称单数he,助动词用has。故填has kept。208.句意:这个长期的爱好也让他能够通过艺术表达自己。allow sb to do sth.“允许某人做某事”,空格处应为动词不定式to express作宾语补足语。故填to express。209.句意:2013年,Kanat启动了一个名为“100种绘图方法”的项目。根据“In 2013”可知,句子时态为一般过去时,谓语动词用过去式started“开始”。故填started。210.句意:在这些富有创造性的绘画作品中,剪叶艺术是他的最爱之一。根据“In this project, he tries to use different materials and skills to create artworks.”可知,该句时态为一般现在时,leaf-cutting art是句子的主语,为单数,be动词应用is。故填is。211.句意:然后,他只是想象一个有趣的故事或一个生动的时刻。根据“To make leaf art, Kanat first chooses a leaf from his collection.”可知,空格所在句时态为一般现在时,主语为he,谓语动词应用三单形式imagines。故填imagines。212.句意:但是,如果你像Kanat一样用创造性的眼光看待它,你也可以通过让叶子讲述一个有趣的故事来给它第二次生命!by为介词,后面应跟动名词,make的动名词为making。故填making。(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)Fill in the blanks with the grammatical knowledge according to the passage.Look back at Beijing 2022. As the first city to ever host(主办) 213 the Summer and Winter Olympics, Beijing has left the world with some wonderful memories. The Closing Ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games 214 (hold) in Beijing’s Bird’s Nest.The Chinese team was the 215 (three) on the medal(奖牌) list, with 9 gold medals and 15 in all at the Games, 216 (good) than ever. The Chinese people take pride 217 the great improvement in winter sports. Sui Wenjing and Han Cong 218 (final) got the last gold medal for China, making the Chinese team have a happy ending.Many people 219 (do) a lot for the Games in the past few years. During the Games, volunteers from across China helped the players and 220 (visit). Doctors, workers and reporters also worked hard. They all worked for the success and 221 (safe). “It’s one of the safest places on the planet, if not the safest place on the planet, and this is 222 great achievement,” said Thomas Bach, International Olympic Committee President.Chinese President Xi Jinping’s idea “one world” becomes one of the Olympic spirits. A stronger China shows itself to the whole world.【答案】213.both 214.was held 215.third 216.better 217.in 218.finally 219.have done 220.visitors 221.safety 222.a【导语】本文主要介绍了北京冬奥会的相关内容。213.句意:作为第一个同时举办夏季和冬季奥运会的城市,北京给世界留下了美好的回忆。根据“the Summer and Winter Olympics”可知,此处是指夏季和冬季奥运会,both...and...意为“两者都”。故填both。214.句意:2022年冬奥会闭幕式在北京鸟巢举行。主语“The Closing Ceremony of the 2022 Winter Olympic Games”和动词“hold”之间是被动关系,需用被动语态(be done);且本句时态为一般过去时,主语是单数,be动词用was。hold的过去分词为held。故填was held。215.句意:中国队在奖牌榜上排名第三,在全运会上获得了9枚金牌和15枚金牌,比以往任何时候都要好。空前有“the”,需用序数词形式third“第三”,表示顺序。故填third。216.句意:中国队在奖牌榜上排名第三,在全运会上获得了9枚金牌和15枚金牌,比以往任何时候都要好。根据“than”可知,此处需用形容词比较级。故填better。217.句意:中国人民为冬季运动的巨大进步感到自豪。固定短语take pride in“以……自豪”。故填in。218.句意:隋文静和韩聪终于拿到了中国队的最后一枚金牌,让中国队有了一个圆满的结局。空后有动词“got”,需用副词形式finally“最终地”修饰动词。故填finally。219.句意:在过去的几年里,很多人为奥运会做了很多。根据时间状语“in the past few years.”可知,本句时态是现在完成时(have/has done);主语“Many people”是复数,助动词用have。do的过去分词为done。故填have done。220.句意:比赛期间,来自全国各地的志愿者为运动员和游客提供帮助。根据“the players and...”可知,空处指人,且需用名词复数形式,与“players”形式保持一致。visitors“游客”,名词。故填visitors。221.句意:医生、工人和记者也辛苦了。他们都为成功和安全而努力。根据“the success and...”可知,空处需用safe的名词形式safety“安全”。故填safety。222.句意:这是一个伟大的成就。空处泛指一个伟大的成就,且“great”是以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词“a”。故填a。(2022山东聊城中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Gala Village lies in Tibet. It is famous for its beautiful peach blossoms(桃花) in spring. A large number 223 (介词) tourists all over the country go there during March and April. They enjoy 224 (冠词) beautiful blossoms and the good environment. And the village serves the tourists well and tries to make 225 (they) feel at home.The village is much 226 (good) than before. In the past, its people cared little about the environment. They made a living by 227 (cut) down trees. In 2011, the village decided to develop tourism. Some villagers (村民) were 228 (pick) out to provide tourist services. Those villagers went to receive training at two 229 (school) before they started working. Over the last ten years, as tourists get better travel experiences in Gala Village, its people have made more money 230 (连词) lived a better life.Now, the villagers plant about 13. 3 hectares (公顷) of trees every 231 (year). They are doing all they can to make their hometown greener. They 232 (strong) agree that they should protect the environment while developing tourism.【答案】223.of 224.the 225.them 226.better 227.cutting 228.picked 229.schools 230.and 231.year 232.strongly【导语】本文主要介绍了Gala村因为发展旅游业而提升了人们的生活水平,同时也让人们更加关注保护环境的重要性。223.句意:在3月和4月,全国有大量的游客去那里。a large number of“大量的”,固定搭配,故填of。224.句意:他们喜欢美丽的花朵和良好的环境。根据“beautiful blossoms and the good environment”可知,此处特指“美丽的桃花”,故填the。225.句意:村子为游客提供了很好的服务,努力让他们有宾至如归的感觉。动词make后接人称代词宾格作宾语,故填them。226.句意:村子比以前更好了。is后接形容词作表语,根据than可知,此空应填比较级,故填better。227.句意:他们靠砍伐树木为生。by是介词,后接动名词,故填cutting。228.句意:一些村民被挑选出来提供旅游服务。主语villagers与动词pick之间是被动关系,空格前已有助动词were,此空应填过去分词,故填picked。229.句意:这些村民在开始工作前去了两所学校接受培训。two后接名词复数形式,故填schools。230.句意:村民赚了更多的钱,过上了更好的生活。“made more money”与“lived a better life”是并列关系,故填and。231.句意:现在,村民们每年种植约13.3公顷的树木。every year“每一年”,固定搭配,故填year。232.句意:他们强烈同意应该在发展旅游业的同时保护环境。此空修饰动词agree,应用副词,故填strongly。(2022山东济宁中考真题)Mrs. Green is an old lady. She has a small car, and she always drives to the shops 233 (buy) food. Sometimes her grandchildren say to her, “Please 234 (not go) out in your car all by yourself, Granny. We can take you to the shops.”But she always says, “No, I like driving. I 235 (drive) for thirty years, and I’m not going to stop now.” Last Saturday she 236 (stop) her car at some traffic lights because they were red, and then the car didn’t start again. The lights were green, then yellow, then red, and then green again, 237 her car did not start again. “What 238 I 239 (do) now?”Then a policeman came and said to her kindly, “Good morning, madam! Don’t you like any of our colors today?”【答案】233.to buy 234.don’t go 235.have driven 236.stopped 237.but 238.should 239.do【导语】本文为一个小故事,讲述格林太太80岁了,仍旧经常开车去购物,孩子们劝她不要开车,她坚持要开。一次,去购物的时候,停在了交通灯下,结果车子不能启动了。233.句意:她有一辆小汽车,她总是开车去商店买食物。此处在句中表示目的,用动词不定式形式,故填to buy。234.句意:奶奶,请不要一个人开车出去。此次是祈使句,用“don’t+动词原形”,故填don’t go。235.句意:我已经开了30年车了,现在我不会停下来的。根据“for thirty year”可知,此处用现在完成时,故填have driven。236.句意:上星期六,她在交通灯前停车,因为交通灯是红色的,然后车又发动不起来了。根据“Last Saturday”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填stopped。237.句意:绿灯,然后是黄灯,然后是红灯,然后又是绿灯,但她的车再也发动不起来了。前后两句构成转折关系,用but连接,故填but。238.句意:我现在该怎么办?根据“What...I...now?”可知,询问应该怎么办,用should表示“应该”,故填should。239.句意:我现在该怎么办?情态动词后用动词原形,故填do。(2022山东济宁中考真题)We can’t imagine our life without inventions. TIME magazine has picked the 100 best inventions of 2021. Here is one of 240 (they).Paper ShootPaper Shoot is a camera made mostly out of paper! Paper Shoot 241 (work) just like any other camera. But it is much 242 (small) and lighter. You can take it around easily and get the fun moments of your life. It can hold 800 pictures. But be careful when you take 243 (photo) on rainy days. Don’t get it wet!【答案】240.them 241.works 242.smaller 243.photos【导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍Paper Shoot这项发明。240.句意:这就是其中之一。在介词后作宾语,用宾格,故填them。241.句意:Paper Shoot的工作原理和其他相机一样。此处在句中作谓语,时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词work用第三人称单数形式,故填works。242.句意:但是它更小更轻。much修饰比较级,且此处与“lighter”并列,用small的比较级形式,故填smaller。243.句意:但在下雨天拍照时要小心。take photos“拍照”,固定短语,故填photos。(2022江苏徐州中考真题)用括号中所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。This time yesterday, Mr Zhang 244 (celebrate) his 245 (ninety) birthday at home. He said this to his family 246 (member): “Most people change houses during their lifetime, but I 247 (live) in this house since I was born. I’ve got three children and all of them were born in this house too. Most of the time it has 248 (be) a happy place. The street is very different from when I was young. At that time, there were no cars and all the children used to play in the road. Some children still do, but it’s not the same—you’ve got to be very careful nowadays with the traffic. None of the people who live in the street now are as 249 (old) as I am—many of them have died; others have moved to another area. I 250 (not go) out much now and I’m getting a bit deaf. But none of this is important. I’ve got my children and my grandchildren, and they are everything to 251 (I).”At the end of the party, on the dinner table, Mr Zhang’s daughter laid two big bowls of noodles which 252 (eat) up in a minute by the whole family.“Happy birthday!” Everyone said 253 (cheer) to Mr Zhang.【答案】244.was celebrating 245.ninetieth 246.members 247.have lived 248.been 249.old 250.don’t go 251.me 252.were eaten 253.cheerfully【导语】本文主要介绍了张先生的九十大寿情况。244.句意:昨天的这个时候,张先生正在家里庆祝他的九十大寿。根据“This time yesterday”可知句子时态是过去进行时:was/were doing,主语是单数,be动词用was,故填was celebrating。245.句意:昨天的这个时候,张先生正在家里庆祝他的九十大寿。描述生日时,应用序数词,故填ninetieth。246.句意:他对家人说。member“成员”,可数名词,老人的家庭成员不止一个,应用复数,故填members。247.句意:大多数人一生都会换房子,但我从出生起就一直住在这所房子里。根据“since”可知主句是现在完成:have/has done,主语是I,助动词用have,故填have lived。248.句意:句意:大多数时候,它是一个快乐的地方。根据“has”可知句子是现在完成时,动词用过去分词形式,故填been。249.句意:现在住在这条街上的人没有一个和我一样老。as...as“和……一样”,中间用形容词副词原级,故填old。250.句意:我现在不常出去,而且我有点聋了。根据“now”可知句子是描述现在的一般性情况,用一般现在时,主语是第一人称,助动词用do。故填don’t go。251.句意:但这些都不重要。我有我的孩子和孙子,他们就是我的一切。I是主格,此处位于介词to后,应用宾格形式me,故填me。252.句意:晚会结束时,张的女儿在饭桌上放了两大碗面,一家人一会儿就吃完了。分析句子可知noodles和eat之间是被动关系,结合语境可知句子是一般过去时,所以应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done。主语是复数,be动词用were,故填were eaten。253.句意:“生日快乐!”大家都高兴地对张先生说。分析句子可知此处应用副词修饰动词,cheer的副词为cheerfully。故填cheerfully。(2022山东枣庄中考真题)阅读下面的材料并填空。有的答案要填入适当的内容,有的答案要用括号内单词的正确形式,但每个答案不多于三个单词。Do you know Stonehenge? It’s one of Britain’s most famous historical 254 (place). Every year more than 750, 000 people 255 (visit) it. People like to go to this place as they want to see the sun 256 (rise) on the longest day of the year, especially 257 June. Different people have different ideas about Stonehenge. Some historians believed Stonehenge was a temple, 258 historian Paul Stoker thinks this can’t be true because Stonehenge was built many centuries ago. Other people believe the stones were used to keep people 259 (health). No one is sure 260 Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. People might build it 261 (respect) ancestors. Stonehenge was built 262 (slow) over a long period of time. Most historians believe it must be almost 5,000 years old. The stones are so big and heavy 263 no one knows how it was built, but we do know the builders must have been hard-working and great planners.【答案】254.places 255.visit 256.rising 257.in 258.but 259.healthy 260.what 261.to respect 262.slowly 263.that【导语】本文介绍了英国最著名的观光景点之一——巨石阵。254.句意:它是英国最著名的历史名胜之一。固定句型one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数“……中最……之一”,此处应用名词复数形式。故填places。255.句意:每年有超过 750,000 人参观它。此处是在描述一个客观事实,需用一般现在时。主语“more than 750, 000 people”是复数,动词需用原形。故填visit。256.句意:人们喜欢去这个地方,因为他们想在一年中最长的一天看到太阳升起,尤其是在六月。根据“see the sun...”可知,此处是指看到太阳在升起。固定短语see sth./sb. doing sth.“看到……正在做某事”。故填rising。257.句意:人们喜欢去这个地方,因为他们想在一年中最长的一天看到太阳升起,尤其是在六月。空后“June”是具体的月份,用介词in。故填in。258.句意:一些历史学家认为巨石阵是一座寺庙,但历史学家保罗斯托克认为这不可能是真的。空后前后句意转折,用连词but“但是”连接。故填but。259.句意:其他人认为这些石头是用来保持人们健康的。固定短语keep sb. adj.“让某人保持某种状态”。health的形容词形式为healthy“健康的”。故填healthy。260.句意:没有人知道巨石阵是用来做什么的,但大多数人都同意,巨石阵的位置肯定有特殊用途。根据“No one is sure...Stonehenge was used for,”可知,此处是宾语从句,表示“巨石阵是用来做什么的”,用what作引导词。故填what。261.句意:人们可能会为了尊重祖先而建造它。分析句子可知,此处使用动词不定式表示目的,作目的状语。故填to respect。262.句意:巨石阵是在很长一段时间内慢慢建成的。空处应填副词slowly“缓慢地”,修饰前面的动词“built”。故填slowly。263.句意:这些石头又大又重,没有人知道它是如何建造的,但我们知道建造者一定是勤奋的和伟大的规划者。根据“The stones are so big and heavy...no one knows how it was built,”可知,此处是指石头又大又重,以至于没人知道它是如何被建造的。so...that...意为“如此……以至于……”。故填that。(2022湖北恩施中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式(不超过3词)。When you are watching TV, you will notice that many famous stars make the ads on TV. Many people believe them because they are famous. 264 , have you ever thought whether the ads are real or not?In the past few years, lots of stars 265 (be)on TV as spokesmen(代言人)of some products. People spent much money on these products, but 266 (final), many of them were not like what the stars said. Many people aren’t 267 (satisfy)with the famous actors for making the ads after accidents.What are the public’s 268 (idea)about the famous people making ads on TV? Do you agree that the famous people should take responsibility if the products have 269 (some)problem? A research shows that about 36% think it the 270 (star)fault(过错), but they all think stars should give out the money they got from the ads to the charity(慈善机构). More than 34% think stars must take responsibility, or they will 271 (punish).So we should be more 272 (care)when buying things advertised(做广告)by stars. We must find what these things are really like instead 273 listening to what the stars say. Think it over before we make a decision.【答案】264.However 265.have been 266.finally 267.satisfied 268.ideas 269.any 270.stars’ 271.be punished 272.careful 273.of【导语】本文主要讲述了明星代言的广告也会有虚假产品,所以在购买明星宣传的东西时要更加小心。264.句意:但是,你有没有想过这些广告是真的还是假的?根据“Many people believe them because they are famous...have you ever thought whether the ads are real or not?”可知此处是表示转折关系,空后有逗号,however符合,置于句首,首字母大写。故填However。265.句意:在过去的几年里,很多明星都在电视上担任某些产品的代言人。根据“In the past few years”可知句子是现在完成时,主语是复数,助动词用have,故填have been。266.句意:人们在这些产品上花了很多钱,但最后,很多都不像明星所说的那样。final“最终的”,形容词,此处应用副词finally修饰整个句子,故填finally。267.句意:许多人对那些在事故发生后拍广告的著名演员不满意。固定短语be satisfied with“对……满意”,故填satisfied。268.句意:公众对名人在电视上做广告有何看法?idea“想法”,可数名词,根据“are”可知名词用复数,故填ideas。269.句意:你是否同意产品出现问题应该由名人承担责任?some“一些”,一般用于肯定句,疑问句里一般用any,故填any。270.句意:一项研究表明,大约 36%的人认为这是明星的错。空后是名词,所以空处应填名词所有格修饰名词,且应用复数形式,故填stars’。271.句意:超过34%的人认为明星必须承担责任,否则会受到惩罚。分析主语they和动词punish可知它们是被动关系,结合will可知应用一般将来时的被动语态:will be done。故填be punished。272.句意:所以我们在购买明星宣传的东西时要更加小心。根据“be more”可知空处应用形容词作表语,故填careful。273.句意:我们必须找出这些东西的真实情况,而不是听明星说什么。固定短语instead of“而不是”,故填of。(2022内蒙古包头中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。How does it feel when you try something new? I’ve always wanted to go to Antarctica(南极洲) because my Dad once worked there as 274 scientist before I was born. He said it was the 275 (quiet) and most beautiful place he had ever been to. So when I got a job at one of the research stations, I was really excited. All my friends 276 (think) I was mad and tried to persuade(说服) me not to go. They couldn’t understand 277 I wanted to live somewhere that was so cold and far 278 home. But I 279 (simple) said, “I love it.”There I met Antarctic penguins and these birds never learned 280 (fear) us. They are calm, curious and so 281 (fun) to watch. In summer, we spend our weekends 282 (fish) and climbing mountains. In winter, it can get boring because it’s dark 24 hours a day. But it’s more interesting than I expected because we watch lots of 283 (movie) and play games together. On 21 June, we celebrate mid-winter with a big party. I am lucky, for I see the world with my own eyes.【答案】274.a 275.quietest 276.thought 277.why 278.from 279.simply 280.to fear 281.funny/fun 282.fishing 283.movies【导语】本文讲述作者去南极洲的研究站的所见和经历。274.句意:我总是想去南极洲,因为在我出生之前,我的爸爸曾经作为一名科学家在那里工作。句子表达泛指“一个”,scientist以辅音音素开头,用不定冠词“a”。故填a。275.句意:他说这是他去过的最安静、最美丽的地方。根据“and most beautiful place he had ever been to”可知,用最高级形成并列结构,用“quiet”的最高级“quietest”。故填quietest。276.句意:我所有的朋友认为我疯了,努力劝说我不要去。根据“was”可知句子是一般过去时,表达“认为”,用“think”的动词过去式“thought”。故填thought。277.句意:他们不能明白我为什么想住在如此冷的,远离家的某个地方。动词“understand”后面是宾语从句,根据“I wanted to live somewhere that was so cold”可知从句表达“为什么”,用疑问词“why”。故填why。278.句意:他们不能明白我为什么想住在如此冷的,远离家的某个地方。根据“far”及“home”可知,句子表达远离家,用“far from”。故填from。279.句意:但是我只是说:“我喜欢它。” 动词“said”用副词修饰,用“simple”的副词形式“simply”。故填simply。280.句意:在那里我见到了南极企鹅,这些鸟从没有学会害怕我们。表达“学习做某事”,用“learn to do”,表达“害怕”用动词不定式“to fear”。故填to fear。281.句意:它们镇定、好奇、看起来很有趣。根据“They are calm, curious”及“and”,可知用形容词形成并列结构,根据“Antarctic penguins and these birds never learned”可知,句子表达“有趣的”,用形容词“fun”,或者表达“好笑的”,用形容词“funny”。故填funny/fun。282.句意:在夏天,我们周末花时间钓鱼和爬山。句子用“sb. spend 时间 doing”的结构,表达“钓鱼”用动名词“fishing”作宾语。故填fishing。283.句意:但是它比我更有趣的,因为我们看了很多电影,一起玩游戏。根据“watch lots of”可知是复数概念,表达“看了很多电影”,用复数名词“movies”。故填movies。(2022黑龙江中考真题)We all want to protect our environment, but most of us are too busy or too lazy 284 make big changes that will improve our lifestyle and save the environment. Here are some suggestions for 285 (protect) our environment. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs (紧凑型灯泡). It’s true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much 286 (long) and they can save energy. So in the long term your electricity bill would be 287 (reduce). Donate. You have lots of clothes or things you want to throw away. If they are still valuable, give them to someone who 288 (need) them. You may also choose to give them to organizations. These organizations may sell them and collect a little money. Not only will you protect the environment, but you’ll also help people 289 need. Turn off your devices (设备). When you don’t use a house device, turn it off. For example, if you don’t watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you leave a room. It’s 290 easy habit to keep and you can save energy and money. Walk or ride bikes. Driving is one of the biggest 291 (cause) of pollution. If you want to use your car, ask 292 (you) the following question: Do I really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is short. Rainwater. Rainwater is very 293 (use) in our daily life, so try to hold it when it rains. This water can be used for different purposes. These suggestions above are good for the environment, and they help you save some money.【答案】284.to 285.protecting 286.longer 287.reduced 288.needs 289.in 290.an 291.causes 292.yourself 293.useful【导语】本文主要介绍了一些保护环境的建议。284.句意:我们都想保护我们的环境,但我们中的大多数人太忙或太懒,无法做出重大改变来改善我们的生活方式和拯救环境。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定结构too…to“太……而不能……”。故填to。285.句意:以下是一些保护环境的建议。protect“保护”,是动词,空前有介词“for”,此处应用动名词形式。故填protecting。286.句意:这些灯泡确实更贵,但它们的使用寿命更长,而且可以节约能源。long“长的”,是形容词,根据“It’s true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last much…”可知,此处需用形容词的比较级形式,long的比较级为longer,意为“更长的”。故填longer。287.句意:所以从长远来看,你的电费会减少。reduce“减少”,是动词,主语“your electricity bill”与动词“reduce”之间是被动关系,此处应用被动语态,空处应用reduce的过去分词形式。故填reduced。288.句意:如果它们仍然有价值,就把它们送给需要它们的人。need“需要”,是动词,根据“give them to someone who…”可知,句子时态是一般现在时,主语是第三人称单数,动词应用第三人称单数形式。故填needs。289.句意:你不仅会保护环境,而且会帮助到需要帮助的人。根据“help people… need”可知,此处指帮助需要帮助的人,in need“困难中的”,是固定短语,空处缺少介词in。故填in。290.句意:这是一个很容易保持的习惯,你可以节省能源和金钱。根据“It’s… easy habit to keep and you can save energy and money.”可知,此处指一个容易保持的习惯,空处应填一个不定冠词,easy是以元音音素开头的单词,其前应用an。故填an。291.句意:开车是造成污染的最大原因之一。cause“原因”,是可数名词,分析句子结构可知,此处考查“one of the+形容词最高级+名词复数”,空处应用cause的复数形式。故填causes。292.句意:如果你想用你的车,问自己以下问题:我真的需要我的车吗?you“你”,是人称代词,根据“If you want to use your car, ask…the following question”可知,此处指问你自己,应用you的反身代词yourself。故填yourself。293.句意:雨水在我们的日常生活中是非常有用的,所以下雨的时候试着储存它。use“使用”,是动词,根据“Rainwater is very…in our daily life”可知,be动词后接形容词作表语,此处应用use的形容词形式useful,意为“有用的”。故填useful。(2022湖南长沙中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。The Netherlands needs thousands of new houses because the country 294 (have) a growing population. Anyway, it may not have to build all those houses. Some of 295 (they) can be printed. 296 (recent), the government has been working together with a university and some building companies(公司) to build houses that are fully 3D-printed. As volunteers, an old couple has become the first people in Europe to move into such 297 house.With two 298 (bedroom) and a big living room, the house was built layer(层) by layer, using a huge 3D printer and special cement(水泥). After being printed out, the house 299 (carry) by a truck to the building site, and a roof (屋顶) and windows were later added. It took around 120 hours 300 (finish) this 3D-printed house. Usually, it takes about one or two years to build a house in the 301 (tradition) way.The couple will live 302 this house for six months, with a monthly pay of 800 euros(欧元). The cost seems a little bit high, but they think it is much cheaper 303 living in the hotel.【答案】294.has 295.them 296.Recently 297.a 298.bedrooms 299.was carried 300.to finish 301.traditional 302.in 303.than【导语】本文主要介绍了荷兰用3D打印机建造的一座房子。294.句意:荷兰需要数千栋新房子,因为该国人口不断增长。根据“The Netherlands needs…”可知,句子时态用一般现在时,主语是“the country”,谓语have用第三人称单数形式。故填has。295.句意:其中一些可以打印。介词“of”后用代词宾格,some of them“它们中的一些”。故填them。296.句意:最近,政府一直在与一所大学和一些建筑公司合作建造完全3D打印的房屋。逗号前用副词修饰整个句子,recently“最近”,首字母大写。故填Recently。297.句意:作为志愿者,一对老夫妇成为欧洲第一对搬进这样一所房子的人。“house”是可数名词单数,前面需加冠词,表示“这样的一所房子”,且“house”以辅音音素开头,用such a house。故填a。298.句意:这座房子有两间卧室和一个大客厅,是用一台巨大的3D打印机和特殊的水泥一层一层地建造的。bedroom“卧室”,“two”修饰可数名词复数。故填bedrooms。299.句意:房子被打印出来后,用卡车运到了建筑工地,后来又加上了屋顶和窗户。描述过去的事情用一般过去时,根据“by a truck”可知,用被动语态was/were+done的结构,主语是“the house”,be动词用was。故填was carried。300.句意:完成这座3D打印房子花了大约120个小时。“It takes+时间段+to do sth”,表示“做某事花费多长时间”,动词不定式作主语。故填to finish。301.句意:通常,用传统的方式建造一所房子需要一到两年的时间。tradition“传统”,名词,空处需用形容词作定语修饰名词“way”。故填traditional。302.句意:这对夫妇将在这所房子里住六个月,月付800欧元。live“住,生活”,不及物动词,live in…“住在……”。故填in。303.句意:费用似乎有点高,但他们认为这比住在酒店便宜得多。根据“it is much cheaper…living in the hotel”可知,住在这所房子比住酒店便宜,than“比”,前面用比较级。故填than。(2022黑龙江绥化中考真题)根据短文内容用所给词的适当形式填空How time 304 (fly)! The senior high school life is coming. I still remember the 305 (one) day like it was yesterday. Everything in our school is 306 (mean) to me. I used to 307 (be) shy, but my teachers always encouraged me to be active and confident. I 308 (make) great progress in the last few years. My teachers and parents are 309 (pride) of me.The end of junior high school is the 310 (begin) of a new life. I know learning is a lifelong journey. I will learn from my 311 (mistake) and never give up. I’ve also got much. 312 (happy) is always around me. I think the harder I work, the 313 (good) I will be.【答案】304.flies 305.first 306.meaningful 307.be 308.have made 309.proud 310.beginning 311.mistakes 312.Happiness 313.better【导语】本文是作者回顾了初中三年的生活,并展望未来的高中生活。304.句意:时光飞逝!句子是一般现在时,主语time是不可数名词,动词用三单,故填flies。305.句意:我还记得第一天,就像昨天一样。根据“the …day”可知,此处指第一天,用序数词表顺序,one是基数词,序数词是first,故填first。306.句意:我们学校的一切对我都有意义。is后接形容词作表语,mean对应的形容词是meaningful“有意义的”,故填meaningful。307.句意:我过去很害羞。used to do sth“过去常常做某事”,此空应填动词原形be,故填be。308.句意:在过去的几年里,我已经取得了巨大的进步。根据“in the last few years”可知,此句用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语I是第一人称,助动词用have,故填have made。309.句意:我的老师和父母都以我为傲。be proud of“以……为傲”,proud是形容词作表语,故填proud。310.句意:初中的结束是新生活的开始。根据“the…of”可知,此空应填名词,begin对应的名词是beginning“开始”,故填beginning。311.句意:我要从我的错误中学习,从不放弃。mistake“错误”,可数名词,此处不止一个错误,故此空应填名词复数形式,故填mistakes。312.句意:幸福就在我身边。此空在句中作主语,happy是形容词,对应的名词是happiness“幸福”,不可数名词,句首的单词首字母要大写,故填Happiness。313.句意:我认为我越努力学习,我就会越好。the+比较级,the+比较级,表示“越……,就越……”,故此空应填比较级better,故填better。(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)阅读短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Dear David,How is everything going? We are facing 314 long summer vacation. I’m writing to tell you about our 315 (discuss) in our class for the coming vacation. All the students have their own plans about how 316 (spend) a meaningful summer vacation. Half of the students plan to travel at home and abroad. They want to relax 317 completely and enjoy the beautiful scenery. Thirty percent of the students plan to read more books. They believe that 318 (read) can increase knowledge. It can also make people much 319 (smart) and more independent, and develop more interests. 20% of them plan to take up some social practice activities. They want to get self-improvement and make new friends to have a 320 (color) life. I’m going to take part 321 social practice activities, too. I want to learn something new and get good experience from these activities. 322 the junior high school life will end soon, it will stay in our hearts forever. Best 323 (wish) to you! YoursLi Hua【答案】314.a 315.discussion 316.to spend 317.themselves 318.reading 319.smarter 320.colorful 321.in 322.Although/Though 323.wishes【导语】本文是李华写信给David,向他介绍同学们的暑期计划以及自己的暑期计划。314.句意:我们正面临一个漫长的暑假。此处指“一个漫长的暑假”,表泛指,且long是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。315.句意:我写信是想告诉你我们班关于即将到来的假期的讨论。our后接名词作宾语,discuss对应的名词是discussion“讨论”,此空应填单数形式,故填discussion。316.句意:关于如何度过一个有意义的暑假,所有的学生都有自己的计划。疑问词how+动词不定式作宾语,故填to spend。317.句意:他们想彻底放松自己,欣赏美丽的风景。relax后缺少宾语,根据“They want to relax…completely”可知,想彻底放松他们自己,用反身代词themselves表示“他们自己”,故填themselves。318.句意:他们相信阅读可以增加知识。此空在句中作主语,应填动名词,故填reading。319.句意:它还可以让人更聪明,更独立,发展更多的兴趣。make sb+形容词,表示“使某人……”,much修饰比较级,故填smarter,320.句意:他们想要自我提升,结交新朋友,拥有丰富多彩的生活。此空修饰名词life,应填形容词作定语,color对应的形容词是colorful“丰富多彩的”,故填colorful。321.句意:我也要参加社会实践活动。take part in“参加”,固定搭配,故填in。322.句意:虽然初中生活即将结束,但它将永远留在我们的心中。“the junior high school life will end soon”与“it will stay in our hearts forever”是让步关系,用although或though引导让步状语从句,故填Although/Though。323.句意:向你致以美好的祝愿!wish“祝愿”,不止一个美好的祝愿,所以此空应填名词的复数形式,故填wishes。(2022黑龙江大庆中考真题)Zhang Guimei, 324 is the headmaster of Huaping High School for Girls, has been given the title(称号) “Role Model of the Times” for 325 (help) girls from poor families.She moved to Lijiang to teach in the middle school in Huaping county 326 the age of 17. Once, she got badly ill but had no money. The local people raised money 327 helped her. “From then on, I told myself that I must do something for those people who helped me.” Zhang said. She was sad when she saw her 328 (student) couldn’t afford to go to school. 329 (slow), a dream appeared in her heart. In 2008, she managed 330 (found) the Huaping High School. This is 331 free school for girls from poor families. When people asked why she worked so hard, she just said, “I hope these girls can live a 332 (happy) life than me.”With her great efforts, she 333 (send) more than 1, 800 students to universities so far.【答案】324.who 325.helping 326.at 327.and 328.students 329.slowly 330.to found 331.a 332.happier 333.has sent【导语】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了张桂梅的成长经历以及她创立华坪女高的故事。324.句意:张桂梅,华坪女子高级中学的校长,因帮助来自贫困家庭的女孩们而被授予“时代楷模”的称号。has been given是整个句子的谓语,句子的主语为Zhang Guimei,根据空格前的逗号,可知其后接who引导的非限制性定语从句,关系代词who指代主语Zhang Guimei。故填who。325.句意:张桂梅,华坪女子高级中学的校长,因帮助来自贫困家庭的女孩们而被授予“时代楷模”的称号。for为介词,在此表示“因……”,后接动词ing形式作宾语。故填helping。326.句意:17岁时,她搬到丽江,在华坪县教初中。at the age of表示“在……岁的时候”。故填at。327.句意:当地的人们筹钱帮助她。raised money“筹钱”和helped her“帮助她”是并列的谓语,应用并列连词and来连接。故填and。328.句意:当她看到她的学生们没钱上学的时候,她非常伤心。形容词性物主代词her后接名词,在此学生应是复数意义,应填student的复数形式students。故填students。329.句意:慢慢地,一个梦想在她心里油然而生。此处应用副词来修饰整个句子,形容词slow的副词是slowly。故填slowly。330.句意:在2008年,她成功创立了华坪高中。manage to do sth.表示“成功做某事”,因此此空应填动词found“成立”的不定式to found。故填to found。331.句意:这是一个给来自贫穷家庭的女孩们就读的免费学校。high school为单数名词,其前应用表示“一”的不定冠词a限定。故填a。332.句意:我希望这些女孩们能过上比我更幸福的生活。than说明句子应用比较级,形容词happy的比较级为happier。故填happier。333.句意:经过她的努力,到目前为止,她已经把1800多名学生送到了大学。so far“到目前为止”说明句子应用现在完成时,其结构为:has/have+过去分词。主语she为第三人称单数,助动词应用has,动词send的过去分词为sent。故填has sent。(2022湖北鄂州中考真题)根据下面短文内容,用括号内所给单词的正确形式填空,使短文完整、通顺。Beep! Beep! Beep! The barcode(条形码)technology makes it faster and easier to buy things in stores. You have probably seen the black-and-white barcode on 334 (product) packaging(外包装). In 2022, the great invention is 51 years old. In 1971, an IBM engineer named George Laurer 335 (come) up with a code(代码)that could be printed on food packages. Then, a complete code system(系统), the barcode was formed later. The system was used by many 336 (company) from 1973. Before this, shopkeepers had to 337 (record) prices by hand which took much time and energy. Actually, a barcode is 338 (real) a simple idea: show each product’s information in different numbers(just like the ID card number), then 339 (include) these numbers into a code and print it for computers to read. Today, barcodes are scanned(扫描)over six billion times every day and used by two 340 (million) companies. What information does a barcode carry? Where the product comes from, 341 (it) price, production date…It can also help stores always 342 (know) about their products. For example, if there are 10 boxes of milk and a customer buys one, it will be recorded so that the store owner knows there are nine boxes 343 (leave) on the shelf. In the 1980s, libraries started to use barcodes to follow their books in this way.【答案】334.product 335.came 336.companies 337.record 338.really 339.include 340.million 341.its 342.know/to know 343.left【导语】本文主要讲述了条形码的发明使用所带来的便利。334.句意:你可能已经看过产品包装上的黑白条码。product“产品”,此处表示“产品外包装”,用结构“product packaging”,名词作定语。故填product。335.句意:1971 年,一位名叫George Laurer的IBM工程师提出了一种可以打印在食品包装上的代码。come up with“想出”,根据“In 1971”可知句子使用一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填came。336.句意:该系统从1973年开始被许多公司使用。many后加可数名词复数companies“公司”。故填companies。337.句意:在此之前,店主必须手工记录价格,耗费大量时间和精力。record“记录”,had to do sth.“不得不做某事”。故填record。338.句意:实际上,条码其实是一个很简单的想法:用不同的数字显示每个产品的信息。real“真的”,此处表示强调用副词really。故填really。339.句意:然后将这些数字包含在代码中并打印出来供计算机读取。根据“show...then”可知此处表述动词的顺承,形式应一致,此处用动词原形include“包括”。故填include。340.句意:今天,条形码每天被扫描超过60亿次,并被200万家公司使用。million“百万”前有具体数字,应用单数形式。故填million。341.句意:产品的来源、价格、生产日期……空格后是名词,应用形容词性物主代词its“它的”。故填its。342.句意:它还可以帮助商店始终了解他们的产品。know“知道”,help sb. (to) do sth.“帮助某人做某事”。故填(to) know。343.句意:它将被记录下来,以便店主知道货架上还剩下九个盒子。句中已有谓语动词,此处用非谓语,此处“boxes”和“leave剩下”是被动关系,用过去分词作定语。故填left。(2022浙江嘉兴中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。My pen friend is Allison. She is a lovely Australian girl 344 big blue eyes. Like me, Allison loves singing and dancing, 345 we both like travelling to different places for our holidays.Do you want to know 346 our friendship started? By travelling! Three years ago, I paid a visit to my 347 (uncle) home in Sydney. One Saturday my cousin and I went to the Blue Mountains Scenic World and I 348 (meet) Allison on the bus. She was sitting just next to me. At first, we were both a bit shy. We sat 349 (silent) all the way until we got near the foot of mountains. I was surprised by the amazing views and opened the window 350 (take) photos. That’s when Allison turned to 351 (I) and said, “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Then she began to explain why the mountains looked blue.For the rest of the day, 352 three of us travelled together. We saw many koalas and were happy to see that they 353 (protect) well in the forest. What a great experience! Back home, I started writing to Allison and we’ve been friends ever since.【答案】344.with 345.and 346.how 347.uncle’s 348.met 349.silently 350.to take 351.me 352.the 353.were protected【导语】本文主要介绍了作者和艾利森的友谊是如何开始的。344.句意:她是一个可爱的澳大利亚女孩,有一双蓝色的大眼睛。根据“She is a lovely Australian girl...big blue eyes. ”可知此处是指有一双蓝色的大眼睛,with“有”,是介词,符合语境,故填with。345.句意:和我一样,Allison喜欢唱歌和跳舞,我们都喜欢去不同的地方旅游度假。根据“Like me, Allison loves singing and dancing..we both like travelling to different places for our holidays.”可知此处需要一个连词连接句子,且表示并列递进的关系,and符合语境,故填and。346.句意:你想知道我们的友谊是怎么开始的吗?根据“By travelling”可知此处询问友谊开始的方式,how“如何”,符合语境,故填how。347.句意:三年前,我去我叔叔在悉尼的家做客。根据“home”可知此处应用uncle的名词所有格形式修饰home,故填uncle’s。348.句意:一个星期六,我和表弟去蓝山风景区,我在公共汽车上遇到了艾利森。根据“went”可知句子是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填met。349.句意:我们一路静静地坐着,直到接近山脚下。silent“安静的”,是形容词,此处应用其副词形式修饰动词,故填silently。350.句意:我被这惊人的景色惊呆了,打开窗户拍照。take photos“拍照”,此处动词用不定式作目的状语,故填to take。351.句意:就在这时,艾利森转向我说:“它很美,不是吗?” I“我”,是主格,位于to后,应用宾格形式,故填me。352.句意:那天剩下的时间,我们三个人一起旅行。根据“three of us travelled together.”可知此处是特指我们三个人,应用定冠词the修饰,故填the。353.句意:我们看到了许多考拉,很高兴看到它们在森林里受到很好的保护。分析主语they和动词可知是被动关系,且句子是一般过去时,应用一般过去时的被动语态:was/were done,主语是复数,be动词用were,故填were protected。(2022浙江台州中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。As a foreigner, the first time I ate hot pot was in Chongqing, China. The hot pot restaurant was one of the largest and 354 (busy) places in the city. In the restaurant, hundreds 355 people were crowded into one large room. My friend and I sat at a table with 356 large pot in the middle. It was an amazing experience. I 357 (real) couldn’t forget it.Today, the hot pot is one of the most popular forms of cooking in China, and nearly every town and city has some hot pot 358 (restaurant). Some people might ask how hot pot becomes so popular. With a hot pot, you can 359 (put) in any food that you like. The same pot can serve any number of different meals to the people sitting around the table. Everyone can eat as much 360 they want and no one is left out. This 361 (be) one of the values of Chinese culture. Finally, not only does hot pot taste wonderful, but it is the perfect way 362 (spend) time with others.In China, people often joke that there’s no problem that a hot pot can’t solve. Over a hot pot, people can talk about not just food, but friendship. The food may soon be forgotten, 363 the friendship will stay with us forever. Even today, I remember all the good times I spent with my friends in Chongqing.【答案】354.busiest 355.of 356.a 357.really 358.restaurants 359.put 360.as 361.is 362.to spend 363.but【导语】本文主要介绍了中国最受欢迎的烹饪形式之一——火锅。354.句意:火锅店是城市里最大、最繁忙的地方之一。 busy“忙碌的”,是形容词,应改成与largest并列的最高级。故填busiest。355.句意:在餐馆里,数百人挤在一个大房间里。 hundred使用复数形式时必须与介词of连用,hundreds of“数百”。故填of。356.句意:我和我的朋友坐在一张桌子旁,桌子中间放着一个大锅。 pot是可数名词单数形式,前面需要加冠词,又本句中的pot是泛指。故填a。357.句意:我真的难以忘记。real真的,是个形容词,应改成副词形式,作状语。故填really。358.句意:今天,火锅是中国最受欢迎的烹饪形式之一,几乎每个城镇都有一些火锅店。restaurant“餐馆”,是可数名词,放在some后面需使用复数形式,故填restaurants。359.句意:有了火锅,你可以放进任何你喜欢的食物。 put“放”,放在情态动词can后面需使用动词原形。故填put。360.句意:每个人都可以想吃多少就吃多少,没有人会被遗漏。这是一个同级比较的句子,as much as…“和……一样多”。故填as。361.句意:这是中国文化的价值观之一。主语this,谓语动词使用单数形式,又因本句描述的是一般事实,应使用一般现在时。故填is。362.句意:最后,火锅不仅味道很好,而且是与他人共度时光的完美方式 。spend“度过”,放在名词way后面作后置定语应使用动词不定式。故填to spend。363.句意:食物可能很快就会被遗忘,但友谊会永远伴随我们。“the friendship will stay with us forever”与“The food may soon be forgotten”存在转折关系,应使用表转折关系的连词连接两个分句。故填but。(2022湖北中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。At the end of the Spring and Autumn Period, there was a man named Gao Chai in the Qi Kingdom. Gao Chai was clever and kind-hearted. Many stories about his childhood 364 (tell) in his hometown.For example, one day, little Gao Chai and his friends 365 (play) near a river when one of them fell into the water. The other 366 (kid) were shocked and very frightened (受惊吓的). They did not know what 367 (do) and there were no adults to help. Gao Chai 368 (quick) found a solution. He picked up a large gourd (葫芦) and threw 369 to his friend in the river. His friend 370 (understand) at once and caught the gourd, which enabled him to float on the water and swim to the river bank.Gao Chai's mother was often ill. When his father was out, the little boy would help a lot in the house, cooking meals for his mother and preparing medicine for 371 (she).After some time, Gao Chai went to the Lu Kingdom and became a student of Confucius (孔子). He was neither good-looking 372 tall, and he did not talk much. Even Confucius did not have a high opinion of him at first. Fortunately, Gao Chai had one good friend among his classmates whose name was Zilu. Zile later served 373 an official (官员) in the Lu Kingdom. He was asked to recommend (推荐) someone to be a good government official. The person he recommended was Gao Chai.【答案】364.were told 365.were playing 366.kids 367.to do 368.quickly 369.it 370.understood 371.her 372.nor 373.as【导语】本文向我们介绍有关高柴的一些故事。364.句意:他的家乡讲了许多关于他童年的故事。主语“Many stories”是动作tell的承受者,时态是一般过去时,此处用一般过去时的被动语态,故填were told。365.句意:例如,有一天,小高柴和他的朋友们在河边玩耍,其中一个掉进了河里。根据“ little Gao Chai and his friends...near a river when one of them fell into the water”可知,此处强调在过去的某个时间点正在发生的动作,用过去进行时,故填were playing。366.句意:其他孩子都惊呆了,非常害怕。根据“were”可知,此处使用名词复数形式,故填kids。367.句意:他们不知道该怎么办,也没有大人帮忙。此处使用“疑问词+动词不定式”结构作宾语,故填to do。368.句意:高柴很快找到了解决办法。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填quickly。369.句意:他捡起一个大葫芦,扔给了河里的朋友。此处指那个大葫芦,用it代替,故填it。370.句意:他的朋友立刻明白了,抓住了葫芦,漂浮在水面上,游到河边。时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填understood。371.句意:当他的父亲不在家的时候,小男孩会在家里帮很多忙,为他的母亲做饭,为她准备药。此处在介词后作宾语,用宾格,故填her。372.句意:他长得不好看,个子也不高,话也不多。根据“He was neither good-looking...tall”可知,此处是neither...nor...结构,意为“既不……也不……”,故填nor。373.句意:子乐后来到鲁国做官。根据“Zile later served ...an official (官员) in the Lu Kingdom.”可知,子乐作为鲁国的官员,as“作为”符合语境,故填as。(2022湖北中考真题)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式填空。(每空不超过三个词)In a small village, a boy named Mark lived with his father, a wise old man. One day, Mark told his father 374 (sad) that he made little progress in learning the guitar. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t improve. Mark asked his father 375 some help.“Follow me, and I 376 (lead) you to the high hills around the village tomorrow.” said his father. The next day, they set out. The road was long and difficult, 377 Mark still followed his father. As they got higher, the father said that he wanted to go to the top of the highest hill where he had never been to. Mark was surprised but decided 378 (help) his father.With great difficulty, Mark helped his father climb the hill. Sometimes he even carried his father on his back. At the top, he put his father on the ground and laughed with joy.“When you were 379 little boy, sometimes you returned home with tears in your eyes,” said his father. “The elder children laughed at you. Do you remember why?”Mark nodded. He remembered that as a child, he and all his 380 (friend) called this hill Mount Impossible, because small children couldn’t reach its top.“And today,” said his father, “you not only climbed here, but also helped 381 (I) to get here.”“I became bigger and 382 (strong) than before,” said Mark.“Instead of 383 (climb) Mount Impossible every day, you played on the smaller hills and became better at climbing,” said his father. “It became possible for you to climb Mount Impossible while you weren’t even thinking about it.”【答案】374.sadly 375.for 376.will lead 377.but 378.to help 379.a 380.friends 381.me 382.stronger 383.climbing【导语】本文主要介绍了一位智者如何教儿子不要放弃,稳扎稳打,终究会成功的故事。374.句意:一天,马克悲伤地告诉他的父亲,他在学习吉他方面几乎没有进步。此空修饰动词told,要用副词,sadly“难过地”,是副词,故填sadly。375.句意:马克向他的父亲寻求帮助。ask sb for help“向某人求助”,固定搭配,故填for。376.句意:明天我带你去村子周围的高山上。根据tomorrow可知,此处用一般将来时will do的结构,故填will lead。377.句意:道路是漫长而艰难的,但马克仍然跟随他的父亲。“The road was long and difficult”与“Mark still followed his father”是转折关系,故填but。378.句意:马克很惊讶,但还是决定帮助他的父亲。decide to do sth“决定做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to help。379.句意:当你还是个小男孩的时候,有时你回家时眼里含着泪水。此处表示“一个小男孩”,表泛指,且little是以辅音音素开头的,故填a。380.句意:他记得当他还是个孩子的时候,他和他所有的朋友都称这座山为“不可能的山”,因为小孩子无法到达山顶。根据“all”可知,此空应填名词复数形式,故填friends。381.句意:你不仅爬到这里,还帮我走到这里。此空位于动词help后,应填人称代词宾格作宾语,故填me。382.句意:我变得比以前更大更强壮。此空与bigger构成并列关系,故此空也应填形容词比较级,故填stronger。383.句意:你不是每天都去攀登“不可能的山”,而是在较小的山丘上玩耍,爬得更好。instead of doing sth“代替做某事”,动名词作宾语,故填climbing。(2022四川广元中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个恰当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式,并将答案写在答题卡相应的横线上。China is a large country. It has special cultures with a very long history.Chinese food plays 384 important role for Chinese families. Chinese people eat their meals with chopsticks. One of the main foods 385 (be) rice. Tea is a favorite drink. Chinese calendar is different from the one in 386 (west) countries. New Year’s Day is in late winter. It is also called the Spring Festival. And it also has some special 387 (tradition) cultures. For example, sweeping the floor 388 New year’s Day sweeps away all the old year’s bad 389 (lucky). The Chinese zodiac, known as Sheng Xiao, follows a twelve-year cycle. Each year is 390 (name) after an animal. For example, the year that begins in 2022 is the year of the tiger. Chinese is a little difficult language. Chinese writing 391 (develop) for over 4,000 years. It has thousands of characters. A character stands for a word and also a 392 (mean). Besides Putonghua, Chinese people speak some other 393 (form) of the language, and there are many kinds of dialects (方言).【答案】384.an 385.is 386.western 387.traditional 388.before 389.luck 390.named 391.has developed 392.meaning 393.forms【导语】本文介绍了一些中国传统文化:食物、历法、生肖及语言特点等。384.句意:中餐在中国家庭中扮演着重要的角色。此处是泛指一个重要的角色,且“important”是以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an。故填an。385.句意:主要食物之一是米饭。固定句型one of+名词复数“……之一”,谓语动词用单数;本文应用现在时态,此处为一般现在时,应用is。故填is。386.句意:中国的历法与西方国家的不同。空后有名词“countries”,此处需用形容词修饰名词。western“西方的”,形容词。故填western。387.句意:它也有一些特殊的传统文化。空后有名词“cultures”,此处需用形容词traditional“传统的”来修饰。故填traditional。388.句意:例如,新年前扫地,一扫旧年的霉运。根据习俗常识可知,在春节前会扫地。before“在……之前”。故填before。389.句意:例如,新年前扫地,一扫旧年的霉运。空前有名词所有格“the old year’s...”,其后需跟名词形式luck“运气”,bad luck“霉运,坏运气”。故填luck。390.句意:每年都以一种动物的名字命名。固定短语be named after“以……命名”。故填named。391.句意:中国文字发展了4000多年。根据“for over 4,000 years”可知,本句是现在完成时(have/has done);主语“Chinese writing”是单数,助动词用has。develop的过去分词为developed。故填has developed。392.句意:一个字符代表一个词,也代表一个意义。空前有不定冠词“a”,其后跟名词单数形式,meaning“意思”,名词。故填meaning。393.句意:除了普通话,中国人还讲其他形式的语言,还有很多种方言。“some”后跟名词复数形式。故填forms。(2022湖南湘潭中考真题)阅读下面的材料,在空白处填入适当内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Shaoshan is a famous city, the hometown of Chairman (主席) Mao Zedong. He once lived, studied, and 394 (work) here. Shaoshan is a comfortable place with flowers blooming (开花) and birds singing all year round. Shaoshan is a place 395 is almost in the middle of Hunan, about 40 kilometers from Xiangtan City and 100 kilometers from Changsha City. As the high-speed trains are available, more and more people come here 396 train. For example, it only 397 (take) less than half an hour from Changsha City to Shaoshan. Others still want 398 (drive) here with families or friends. If people come here on December 26th, it will be the 399 (good) time. On that day there are a lot of celebrations, because it’s Chairman Mao’s birthday. 400 (Visitor) from all over the country come here to show their respect. They also look forward to 401 (watch) The Most Memorable Shaoshan (《最忆韶山冲》), which can help them better understand Chairman Mao. They will be deeply moved and encouraged. Besides, it is not only 402 good place for students to have school trips, but also an education base for 403 (they) to learn about the history of the Communist Party of China (中国共产党).【答案】394.worked 395.that/which 396.by 397.takes 398.to drive 399.best 400.Visitors 401.watching 402.a 403.them【导语】本文主要介绍了韶山这一座著名的城市,韶山也是毛主席的故乡。394.句意:他曾在这里生活、学习和工作。根据“lived, studied, and…”可知,此处使用动词过去式。故填worked。395.句意:韶山几乎位于湖南中部,距湘潭市40公里,长沙市100公里。根据“a place…”可知,此处空后为定语从句,先行词为地点,使用that或者which,在句中作主语。故填that/which。396.句意:随着高铁的普及,越来越多的人乘火车来这里。根据“train”可知,by train“乘火车”,故填by。397.句意:例如,从长沙市到韶山只需不到半个小时。根据“it only…(take) less than half an hour from Changsha City to Shaoshan. ”可知,本句为一般现在时,主语为单数形式,使用动词第三人称单数。故填takes。398.句意:其他人仍然想和家人或朋友一起开车来这里。根据“want”可知,want to do“想要做”,故填to drive。399.句意:如果人们在12月26日来这里,那将是最好的时间。根据“the… (good) time”和“On that day there are a lot of celebrations, because it's Chairman Mao’s birthday.”可知,此处指最好的时间。使用形容词最高级。故填best。400.句意:来自全国各地的游客来这里表达他们的敬意。根据“from all over the country come here to show their respect. ”可知,此处指来自全国各地的游客,使用名词复数形式。故填Visitors。401.句意:他们还期待着观看《最忆韶山冲》,这可以帮助他们更好地了解毛主席。根据“look forward to”可知,look forward to doing“期待做”,故填watching。402.句意:此外,它不仅是学生进行学校旅行的一个好地方,也是他们了解中国共产党历史的教育基地。根据“good place”可知,此处表泛指,good以辅音音素开头,使用不定冠词a。故填a。403.句意:此外,它不仅是学生进行学校旅行的一个好地方,也是他们了解中国共产党历史的教育基地。根据“for”可知,介词后使用宾格them。故填them。(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)根据短文内容,用括号内所给词的正确时态或形式填空,使短文完整。Zhang Yugun is head of Heihumiao Primary School in Henan Province. He 404 (be) a person full of love and responsibility(责任).After graduation in 2001, Zhang chose to work in the poor countryside. Over the past 21 years, he 405 (see) many teachers come and go because of the poor conditions in the village. However, he has stayed on and made every effort to help the children deal with their 406 (problem).One winter, travelling on the mountain road was much 407 (difficult) than usual. The school was about to start, but those 408 (student) books were still in a town outside the village. Then Zhang and another teacher left early in the morning with a shoulder pole(扁担). They carried back kilos of books. When they 409 (get) to the school, they were both covered in mud(泥), but the books were protected 410 (good). In 2006, a cement road(水泥路) 411 (build) in the village. So Zhang started to carry the books with a motorbike. Although four motorbikes broke down, he never 412 (stop).In order to provide better care for the students whose parents had left the village to find work in the city, Zhang asked his wife to give up her job to help 413 (cook) and clean for the students. Thanks to the teachers like Zhang, the students in Heihumiao Primary School are able to learn at school and hope for a brighter future.【答案】404.is 405.has seen 406.problems 407.more difficult 408.students’ 409.got 410.well 411.was built 412.stopped 413.cook【导语】本文是一篇记叙文,向我们介绍张玉滚的个人事迹。404.句意:他是一个充满爱心和责任感的人。时态是一般现在时,主语是He,故填is。405.句意:在过去的21年里,他目睹了许多教师因为村里的恶劣条件来了又走。根据“Over the past 21 years”可知,时态是现在完成时(have/has done),主语是he,助动词使用has,故填has seen。406.句意:然而,他留下了,并尽一切努力帮助孩子们解决他们的问题。孩子们的问题不止一个,用名词复数形式,故填problems。407.句意:有一年冬天,在山路上行走比平时难得多。根据“than usual”可知,此处用形容词比较级,故填more difficult。408.句意:学校就要开学了,但那些学生的书还在村外的一个小镇上。those修饰可数名词复数,此处作定语修饰books,所以用名词复数的所有格,故填students’。409.句意:当他们到达学校时,他们都满身是泥,但书被保护得很好。根据“were”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填got。410.句意:当他们到达学校时,他们都满身是泥,但书被保护得很好。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词形式,故填well。411.句意:2006年,村里修建了一条水泥路。主语“a cement road”是动作的承受者,时态是一般过去时,所以用一般过去时的被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,be动词使用was,故填was built。412.句意:虽然有四辆摩托车坏了,但他从未停下来。根据“broke down”可知,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式,故填stopped。413.句意:为了更好地照顾那些父母离开农村到城市找工作的学生们,张要求他的妻子放弃工作,帮学生做饭和打扫卫生。此处与clean并列,help do sth“帮助做某事”,使用动词原形,故填cook。(2022浙江金华中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词,或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。Some people say it is not easy for a middle-aged person to learn a foreign language. But is it 414 (real)true? Several years ago, I worked for 415 English newspaper which was doing such a research. They asked me to learn a new language for one month. Then I had to go to the country and do some “tests” 416 (see)if I could “survive(挺过来)” in different situations. I chose Spanish(西班牙语)and did a one-month course at a language school and 417 (find)that some Spanish words are very similar to English ones. 418 example, hola isn’t very different from “hello”. Of course, there are other things which are more difficult. In Spanish you have to change the verbs(动词)for each person. But my 419 (big)problem of all was the pronunciation. I found 420 was very difficult to pronounce some letters in Spanish, especially r and j. So I had to download 421 (sentence)onto my phone and I listened and practised them again and again. A month later I went to Spain. A Spanish teacher 422 (call)Paula came and began the test. “Will I survive?” I wasn’t sure enough but 423 I wished I would!【答案】414.really 415.an 416.to see 417.found 418.For 419.biggest 420.it 421.sentences 422.called 423.how【导语】本文主要讲述了作者通过自己学习西班牙的经历来验证一下中年人学外语是否不容易。414.句意:但这是真的吗?根据“true”可知,此处使用副词修饰形容词,real 的副词为really。故填really。415.句意:几年前,我为一家英文报纸工作,该报纸正在做这样的研究。根据“English newspaper”可知,此处表泛指,English以元音音素开头,使用不定冠词an。故填an。416.句意:然后我不得不去些地区做一些“测试”,看看我是否能在不同的情况下“挺过来”。根据“Then I had to go to the country and do some “tests”…(see)if I could “survive(挺过来)” in different situations.”可知,此处空后为做一些“测试”的目的,使用动词不定式作目的状语。故填to see。417.句意:我选择了西班牙语,在一所语言学校上了一个月的课程,发现一些西班牙语单词与英语单词非常相似。根据“did a one-month course”可知,此处为一般过去时,使用动词过去式。故填found。418.句意:例如,hola与“hello”没有太大区别。根据“example”可知,For example“例如”,介词短语。故填For。419.句意:但我最大的问题是发音。根据“of all”可知,此处指最大的问题,使用形容词的最高级,故填biggest。420.句意:我发现用西班牙语读一些字母很困难,尤其是r和j。根据“I found …was very difficult to pronounce”可知,find it adj. to do sth.“发现做某事是……”,it作形式宾语。故填it。421.句意:所以我不得不把句子下载到手机上,一遍又一遍地听和练习。根据“them”可知,此处使用名词复数,故填sentences。422.句意:一位名叫Paula的西班牙语老师来了,开始考试。根据“A Spanish teacher…(call)Paula”可知,此处使用过去分词作后置定语修饰名词teacher。故填called。423.句意:我不太确定,但我多么希望我能做到!根据“I wishe I would!”可知,此处指多么希望我能做到,使用how“多么”,强调程度,故填how。(2022江苏苏州中考真题)请认真阅读下面短文,填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。A hurricane(飓风) is a huge storm that forms over warm ocean water. Hurricanes have winds that move in 424 circle. Hurricane winds are very 425 (power), and can move at speeds from 120 km/h to over 300 km/h. The centre of hurricane winds is called the eye. Winds in the eye 426 (be) not very strong. Around the eye is an area called the eye wall. The wall is where winds are the 427 (strong) and rain is the heaviest. Strong winds and heavy rain can do a lot of damage(破坏) when a hurricane moves over land. Hurricane winds can be strong enough to break 428 (window) into pieces. The winds can even knock over tall trees, which might fall on buildings or cars. Strong winds can pick up objects and send 429 (they) into the air, causing damage. Heavy rain from a hurricane can cause floods in areas that are not close 430 a coast. The floodwater can be very deep. It sometimes 431 (reach) almost up to the top of houses. Water goes into the houses 432 (quick) and does a lot of damage. Wooden structures(结构) might not be safe after a flood. 433 there is no way to prevent a hurricane, you can get prepared for it.【答案】424.a 425.powerful 426.are 427.strongest 428.windows 429.them 430.to 431.reaches 432.quickly 433.Although/Though【导语】本文是一篇说明文,向我们介绍飓风的相关内容。424.句意:飓风的风是绕圈运动的。此处泛指一个圈,“circle”首字母发辅音音素,故填a。425.句意:飓风非常强大,风速可以从每小时120公里到每小时300公里以上。此处在句中作表语,用形容词powerful,故填powerful。426.句意:风眼的风力不是很强。本句时态是一般现在时,主语“Winds”是复数,故填are。427.句意:这堵墙是风最强、雨最大的地方。根据并列句“rain is the heaviest”可知,此处应使用最高级strongest,故填strongest。428.句意:飓风的威力足以把窗户吹成碎片。此处表示复数含义,使用名词复数形式,故填windows。429.句意:强风会把物体吹到空中,造成破坏。此处在动词后作宾语,用宾格them,故填them。430.句意:飓风带来的暴雨会在不靠近海岸的地区引发洪水。be close to“靠近”,故填to。431.句意:有时它几乎达到了房子的顶部。本句时态是一般现在时,主语是“It”,动词用三单,故填reaches。432.句意:水很快进入房屋,造成很大的破坏。此处在句中修饰动词,用副词quickly,故填quickly。433.句意:虽然没有办法预防飓风,但你可以做好准备。前后两句构成让步关系,用although/though引导让步状语从句,句首需大写首字母。故填Although/Though。(2022四川乐山中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填写1个适当的单词或括号内所给单词的正确形式。A Postman of SmilesJohn Matson has been a postman for four years. He loves being out in the fresh air and meeting people. He has made 434 (friend) with many of his customers and enjoys talking with them while he is working.However, when COVID-19 began, John’s life and work 435 (change) a lot. He still saw his customers, 436 he had to talk with them from a safe social distance (社交距离). He was feeling 437 (little) happy than before.What could he do to cheer both 438 (him) and others up? John found some cool Halloween costurnes (万圣节服装) in his house. He asked his manager if he could wear them to work. He wanted 439 (try) to “ send ” smiles to people.The manager agreed. And people smiled 440 (happy) when they saw John in his costurne. The next day, he dressed up as 441 ancient soldier and everyone loved it. Some would even wait by their windows and doors 442 order to see him. From then on, John decided to wear his funny costurnes every day.“ So many people are happy and look forward to 443 (see) what I end up wearing, ” said the postman. “ I think I love my job more than ever now! ”【答案】434.friends 435.changed 436.but 437.less 438.himself 439.to try 440.happily 441.an 442.in 443.seeing【导语】本文主要讲述了在新冠疫情期间,邮递员Jon Matson在送邮件时穿着戏服,把自己打扮成各种造型,给自己和客户都带来了欢乐。434.句意:他和许多顾客交了朋友,并喜欢在工作时与他们交谈。make friends with sb“和某人交朋友”,固定短语。故填friends。435.句意:然而,COVID-19开始后,约翰的生活和工作发生了很大变化。根据“when COVID-19 began”可知,时态是一般过去时,空处用动词过去式。故填changed。436.句意:他仍然会看到他的顾客,但他必须在一个安全的社交距离与他们交谈。空前空后在句意上存在转折关系,所以用but连接。故填but。437.句意:他觉得不像以前那么高兴了。根据than可知,空处用little的比较级less。故填less。438.句意:他做什么才能使自己和别人都高兴起来呢?主语和宾语都是同一人称,所以空处用反身代词himself表示“让自己高兴”。故填himself。439.句意:他想把微笑“传达”给人们。want to do sth“想要做某事”,固定短语。故填to try。440.句意:当人们看到穿着戏服的约翰时,都高兴地笑了。空处修饰动词smiled,应用happy的副词形式happily。故填happily。441.句意:第二天,他打扮成古代士兵的样子,大家都很喜欢。soldier是可数名词单数形式,需与不定冠词连用,ancient是元音音素开头的单词,所以用an。故填an。442.句意:有些人甚至会守在门窗边等着见他。in order to do sth“为了做某事”,固定短语,作目的状语,故填in。443.句意:“很多人都很高兴,期待着我最后穿什么。”邮递员说。look forward to doing sth“期待做某事”,固定短语,所以空处用动名词作宾语。故填seeing。(2022四川眉山中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Peking Opera(京剧)is a traditional form of Chinese culture. In Peking Opera, each character has their face painted in a special way. By looking at the face painting, the audience(观众)can know whether the character is good 444 bad. Where did this kind of face painting come from? An old story told us that it had something to do 445 the Prince of Lanling. This prince was one of the four most handsome 446 (man)in ancient China. Some soldiers in the prince’s army 447 (think)that he was weak because of his good-looking face. So, to make himself look 448 (strong)than his appearance, the prince wore a mask with an ugly face painted on it. Another face painting story was about Li Longji, 449 emperor in the Tang Dynasty. He loved opera very much. One day, a clown actor(丑角)fell ill right before a performance. The emperor planned 450 (play)this role himself. Then he covered his face with a piece of white square jade(玉)so that others wouldn’t be able to recognize 451 (he). Ever since then, clown actors 452 (continue)to paint white squares on their faces. As time went on, face painting started being 453 (wide)used to show the characters of different roles. It has become one of the many special art forms of Peking Opera.【答案】444.or 445.with 446.men 447.thought 448.stronger 449.an 450.to play 451.him 452.have continued 453.widely【导语】本文主要介绍了京剧中脸谱的来源。444.句意:通过看人脸画,观众可以知道这个人物是好是坏。根据“whether the character is good…bad”可知,知道人物是好的还是坏的,or“或者”,故填or。445.句意:一个古老的故事告诉我们,它与兰陵王子有关。have something to do with“与……有关”,446.句意:这位王子是中国古代四大帅哥之一。one of the+形容词最高级+复数名词,表示“最……之一”,此空应填入man的复数形式men,故填men。447.句意:王子军队里的一些士兵认为他很虚弱,因为他长得很好看。根据“was”可知,此句是一般过去时,此处的动词用过去式,故填thought。448.句意:所以,为了让自己看起来比外表更强壮,王子戴了一个画着丑陋面孔的面具。look“看起来”,连系动词,后接形容词作表语,根据“than”可知,此空应填形容词比较级,故填stronger。449.句意:另一个脸谱的故事是关于唐朝皇帝李隆基的。此处表示“唐朝的一位皇帝”,表泛指,且emperor是以元音音素开头的,故填an。450.句意:皇帝打算亲自扮演这个角色。plan to do sth“计划做某事”,动词不定式作宾语,故填to play。451.句意:然后他用一块白方玉把脸蒙起来,这样别人就认不出他来了。此空位于动词recognize后,应填代词宾格作宾语,故填him。452.句意:从那时起,小丑演员继续在脸上画白色的方块。根据“Ever since then”可知,此句用现在完成时have/has done的结构,主语actors是复数形式,助动词用have,故填have continued。453.句意:随着时间的推移,脸谱开始被广泛用于表现不同角色的性格。此空修饰动词used,要用副词,wide对应的副词是widely“广泛地”,故填widely。





