专题35 短文填空 考点4 杂糅型填空(原卷版)

2024-09-10·15页·492.8 K

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题35 短文填空 考点4 杂糅型填空(2024中考真题)(2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)阅读短文,根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。Electric cars may seem to be a recent invention, but they have been around for years. In the early 1900s, there were more electric cars on the road t 1 gasoline (汽油) cars. At that time, gasoline was expensive compared with other fuels (燃料), so electric cars were more popular. When gasoline prices d 2 and new technologies on gasoline cars were developed, electric cars were out of date. Gasoline cars became more popular i 3 .During the 20th century, gasoline cars got bigger, 4 (heavy) and faster. More and more people had bought gasoline cars. More fuel was needed. So this c 5 more air pollution. When people began to r 6 that there were not enough oil on the earth, they required car 7 (make) to produce more efficient (高效能的) cars. One method of 8 (solve) the problem was a “hybrid” car, one that ran partly on gasoline and partly on electricity. Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s because gasoline prices went up while prices of hybrid cars went down. An all-electric car uses no gasoline. H 9 , the problem is that electric cars are not suitable for long journeys. Many people are not pleased with it. The government and the car factories are working together to develop safe, cheap and 10 (use) electric cars. When more and more people have these electric cars in the future, a gasoline station may disappear.(2024重庆中考真题)根据下面短文内容及部分首字母提示,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。In the world that we are creating very quickly, we’re going to see more and more things that look like science fiction, and fewer and fewer things that look like jobs. For example, our cars are very quickly going to start driving 11 . That means we’re going to need fewer drivers. At the same time, there might be some new kinds of 12 in the future. Let’s have a look at some of them.Robots will become more common in our homes and schools, so we’ll need people who know 13 to fix them. These workers will be like robot doctors, finding out what’s wrong with a robot and helping it get better.Imagine going on vacation to space! In the future, more people might be interested in space travel, so we might need g 14 who can show tourists around the stars and planets.As AI (人工智能) is developing fast, we’ll need people to check that it works properly. We call these people AI rule keepers. They will make 15 that AI won’t do anything harmful to humans.School might look different in the future, with lessons designed just for you. Then we’ll need p 16 learning planners. These planners would create special learning plans 17 each student, so that everyone could get what they need to succeed.These are just a few examples of the jobs we might have in the future. The best way to get ready for these future jobs is to be open to new ideas and never 18 learning. Knowledge will remain important, and problem solving and critical (批判性的) thinking skills will be needed for our future education and work.(2024重庆中考真题)根据下面短文内容及部分首字母提示,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。请将完整的单词填写在答题卡上对应的位置。“Do you get enough sleep?” The answer is probably no if you ask a tired student who is always taking a nap (小睡) on a classroom desk. “I couldn’t get to sleep and experienced a restless night again.” You may often hear such words from an adult. Not having enough 19 is a common problem around the world.However, sleep is just like food and water to us. 20 of us can live if we don’t sleep at all. Sleep experts say that an adult requires 7 to 9 hours of sleep a night and a teenager needs 8.5 to 9.5 hours. Anything less could be h 21 to our health.According to a study, sleeping only five hours a night for a week is like having a blood-alcohol (酒精) level of 0.1 percent. That is above the safe driving limit (限制) in most countries. Most people probably wouldn’t take an exam or go to work if they get drunk. But 22 enough sleep, they still do these things. As a result, they 23 in the exams or perform badly at work. What’s worse, doctors and nurses often work long hours. When they are sleepy, they might hurt a patient or even 24 a patient’s death by accident. 25 sleep is so important, many people these days are not getting enough. In a survey, twenty percent say that daytime sleepiness influences their daily work. They feel it hard to pay full attention during the day. However, they don’t seem to care. Some even show off how energetic they can be the next day just with little sleep. It may be time to wake up and 26 the way we think. We should realize that not sleeping enough is a serious problem.(2023中考真题)(2023内蒙古中考真题)阅读短文,根据音标、首字母、汉语意思、所给单词的适当形式或语篇要求填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。每空一词。When you are w 27 TV, you will notice that many famous stars make the ads on TV. Many people believe them because they are famous. H 28 , have you ever thought whether the ads are real or not? In the past few years, lots of stars have been on TV as spokesmen(代言人) of some products. People 29 much money for these products, but finally, many of them were not like what the stars said. Many people weren’t 30 (satisfy)with the famous actors for making the ads after accidents.What are the public’s 31 (idea)about the famous people making ads on TV? Do you agree that the famous people should take responsibility(负责)if the products have any problems? A research shows that about 36% think it wasn’t the 32 (star)fault(过错), but they all think stars should give out the money they got from the ads to the charity. More than 34% think stars must take responsibility, or they will be 33 /pnt/ .So we should be more 34 (小心的)when buying things advertised by stars. We must find what these things are really like instead 35 listening to what the stars say. Think it over before we make a 36 /d'sn/.(2023青海西宁中考真题)综合填空,每空1词,限用一次,有三处请用括号内词的正确形式填空 hardlyawomanweHave you heard of the show Tang Gong Ye Yan? You may know it if you are 37 (interesting) in traditional Chinese culture. It is a dance about the Tang Dynasty. We were surprised when the show was first 38 (play) on TV. Fourteen 39 dancers wore Tang clothes and gave a lively performance. They worked 40 to show the best dance to the world. Their dance was very classical and looked like 41 artwork. People might feel like 42 (travel) to 1,300 years ago while they were watching it. It made 43 know more about the Tang Dynasty in a new way. “The show is very wonderful. I enjoy it a lot,” one man said.(2023湖南邵阳中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境、中文、首字母或所给单词的提示,在空白处填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确、使短文意思完整,行文连贯。Li Bai was a great poet in the Tang Dynasty. He loved nature, especially big mountains and rivers. When he was 24 years old, he 44 (leave) home and traveled to Chengdu and Mount Emei, and then down the Yangtze River. Li Bai wrote lots of poems about the beautiful mountains. He also wrote a lot about the 45 (月亮). These poems are loved by many Chinese people, f 46 example Thoughts on a Tranquil Night (《静夜思》). In his forties, Li Bai met another great poet, Du Fu, in Luoyang. They two became close friends. They traveled together for some time, visited other poets and had a great time. Li Bai gave Du Fu a lot of inspiration in the art of poetry. But 47 (they) poems were different. Li Bai’s poems were 48 (usual) about nature, while Du Fu wrote many poems to express the feelings of the ordinary people. They will always be remembered.(2023山东聊城中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处按要求填入适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。每空1个单词。Zhao Yafu is an old agricultural(农业的)researcher in Jiangsu Province. He spends most of the year working 49 (介词)the fields.Born in 1941, Zhao’s childhood dream was to become 50 (冠词)news reporter. When he was at college, Zhao saw how hard lives were in the countryside, 51 (连词)he decided to do something to help. He began to teach agricultural science to the farmers in a primary 52 (school) in the village. “The villagers needed someone to help 53 (they) change their minds and learn new techniques(技术),” Zhao said.Zhao kept on 54 (encourage) the farmers to use the new techniques and to plant new kinds of rice, which brought in a lot of money. As time went by, more new 55 (house) and roads were built in the village. And the villagers came to understand that Zhao 56 (real) wanted to help them.Besides working in Jiangsu, Zhao and his team are also 57 (active) in Western China. Since 2013, they have helped many farmers in Western China become rich.“I saw how poor villagers used to be, and I also see how they have 58 (change) over the years. I will continue with my work if my health is not too bad,” said Zhao.(2023内蒙古通辽中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。As Chinese, I’m sure you know something about tai chi. It’s a kind of sport and one of the symbols of Chinese culture. Tai chi is common in China. If you walk through a park, you might see people doing these slow and 59 (beauty) actions. They are doing tai chi, 60 ancient art called wushu. Doing tai chi is good for our health and helps us 61 / rlks / and free ourselves from pressure. It can make us walk and move freely. Tai chi also mixes slow actions and deep breaths 62 (perfect). But tai chi is more than a kind of sport. It shows 63 we see the world as well. The world is full of yin and yang, such as dark and light, soft and hard, full and empty etc. Tai chi sets up good relationships 64 yin and yang, while they aren’t opposite. Just like the picture on the right, a white circle is in the black area and a black circle is in the white area. After a dark night, the sun will rise. Leaves fall in autumn but grow in spring. Everything keeps changing. Yin and yang depend on each other and make 65 (different) to each other. That is why humans can get on well with nature and people can use softness to beat hardness. Tai chi makes full use of yin and yang.In China, tai chi has been practiced for about 600 years. At present, more people are 66 (encourage) to join in tai chi and pass it on. 67 (million) of people in more than 150 countries practice tai chi. It is 68 (get) more and more popular in the world.(2023黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)阅读短文,根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。Do you know China’s Teeth Care Day? It falls on S 69 20th every year. It began in 1989. Its aim is to take good care of 70 (people) teeth.There are thirty-eight students in Wang Bin’s class, and eleven of 71 (they) have tooth problems which bring them a lot of trouble.Mao Kang said, “I had three bad teeth. Each tooth c 72 me four hundred yuan, and I had to see the dentist five times.”Liu Jian said, “Something is wrong with my front teeth. I don’t like to open my mouth. My classmates say my teeth look like an old woman’s. I’m sad to hear that. And I can’t speak 73 (clear) now.”Do you have good teeth, my friend? If you want to take care of your teeth, please follow the f 74 suggestions below: Brush your teeth at 75 (little) once a day. If you can, brush them after every meal.Brush all your teeth, and do not just brush the front o 76 .Brush your teeth slowly and carefully. Spend four minutes or more each time.Do not use your teeth a 77 tools to open bottles. It’s very easy to hurt your teeth to do such jobs.Eating and drinking are also important to your teeth. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables and drink water.Try not 78 (drink) Coke or other drinks.(2023湖北荆州中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或根据括号内单词的正确形式填空(1—3个单词)或根据音标填词。The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. Of all the legends (传说) about it, 79 (famous) one is about Qu Yuan. Qu was a poet of the State of Chu. He was very faithful to his state. When he realized that his state was becoming weaker 80 weaker, he felt heartbroken. On the fifth day of the fifth lunar month in 278 BC, Qu threw 81 (he) into the Miluo River and died for his homeland. People who lived near the river rushed into their boats 82 (search) for him. They threw zongzi and other food into the river to keep fish 83 eating Qu’s body.To remember Qu, the 84 /'kstmz/ of holding dragon boat races and throwing zongzi into the river on that day were passed down, and the holiday was 85 (name) “Dragon Boat Festival.” In 2009, the Dragon Boat Festival became China’s 86 (one) festival to be recognized as one of the world’s intangible cultural heritages(非物质文化遗产).In Qu’s hometown, a dragon boat race is 87 (real) welcomed every year during the festival. Dragon boat racing, in fact, has developed from a local activity into 88 international sporting event. China’s dragon boats have “rowed” throughout the world.(2023湖北宜昌中考真题)根据所给首字母、上下文或汉语提示完成空格中所缺单词,使短文完整通顺,语法正确,每个空只能填一个词。I do believe the power of letters. There’s something 89 (特别的) about handwritten things. You write an email because there’s something you need to know. But you write a letter because there’s something you w 90 to say.When I cleared my grandmother’s house, I found hundreds of letters and 91 (卡片) she had kept, and they told the story of her relationships. There were many letters from her mother. Sitting and reading them, I knew her well through the words.Sometimes receiving a letter is such a big s 92 . When I was about 12 years old, my wise mum made me write letters to my relatives to improve my writing skills. 93 of them was my uncle. I only met him a few times when I was a very young c 94 . I wrote a long letter to tell him about my life.I 95 (忘记) about this until I suddenly got a reply from him. “ 96 happy to hear from you!” he said, and went on to tell me all about his life. He’d love to hear about what 97 (学科) at school I enjoyed. We have been much closer 98 writing letters.It encouraged me to write to lots of other people in fact, and it’s something I still stick to this day. So, I'd encourage you to put pen to paper and see what will happen.(2023湖北武汉中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据上下文、所给首字母或括号内单词等提示,在空白处填入适当的单词。每个空只能填一个单词。Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is used to help people keep the balance of yin and yang. But have you ever imagined that one day you can learn herb (药草) planting and TCM courses at school? A primary school in Nanjing has just 99 (open) a herb farm. More than 30 herbs are planted. Students there are g 100 by doctors from a TCM hospital to tell different herbs and learn plant development, medicinal value as well as 101 (grow) herbs. The hospital has also donated over 100 cartoon books about TCM to help draw children’s a 102 in herbal medicine. Another middle school has i 103 TCM courses to students of all grades. These courses c 104 a basic knowledge of herbs, herb planting and cooking with herbs. They give students a deeper understanding of TCM, bringing out their sense of p 105 in Chinese traditions and the country’s rich culture. Also in Shanghai, Tongji University has provided foreign students 106 some chances to plant different kinds of herbs 107 (wide) used in Chinese medicine and cooking. By taking care of the plants, foreign students can get first-hand experience of making herbal medicine from start to finish, and spread TCM culture to their o 108 countries. The herb planting courses at schools and universities across China get students close to TCM and help pass on the tradition.(2023湖南衡阳中考真题)根据所给汉语或英文首字母写出短文中所缺英语单词。My sister finished high school two weeks ago. As a special g 109 , our parents took us to India. Last weekend was interesting but scary.We went camping in a small village in India. First, we took a long bus ride to a lake in the countryside. There we 110 up (搭起) our tents and made a fire to keep us warm and cook food on. On the first night, we just sat u 111 the moon and told each other stories. But I was so tired that I went to sleep early.The next morning, my sister and I got a terrible surprise. When we looked out of our tent, we found a big snake sleeping near the fire. I was so scared that I couldn’t move. We shouted to our parents to let them know about the danger. My dad started to jump up and down in their tent. This woke the snake up and it moved into the 112 (森林) near the lake. My dad told me later that snakes don’t have ears but can feel things moving. He also told me it was important not to go near a snake. This was a very 113 (有用的) lesson for me.(2023重庆中考真题)根据下面短文内容及部分首字母提示,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺。请将完整的单词填写在答题卡上对应的位置。After exercising, the first thing that you want to do is to drink up a glass of cold water. When the water travels down your throat, you will 114 so good. However, you are often told not to do so. Is drinking 115 water really unhealthy?Cold water is said to slow down a person’s digestion(消化). Having cold water or a cold drink makes your body’s temperature l 116 . Cold water causes your blood vessels (血管) to become narrower (更狭窄的). So, the body needs to burn energy to bring your 117 back to normal. At the same time, less energy is used for digestion.Think of your digestive system as a burning pot. If someone suddenly poured cold water into this pot what would 118 ? Doing this would be dangerous. Similarly, when you drink cold water while eating, it is 119 adding water to a burning pot. Of course, it isn’t that bad, but it is a good way to explain why drinking cold water during meals maybe a bad idea. 120 you cannot control your urge(冲动) to do so, drinking water at room temperature is a better choice.Traditional Chinese medicine suggests trying to avoid drinking cold water. And modern studies in Europe point out drinking cold water causes headaches. Scientists are doing more research on this. Maybe in the future t 121 can give us more helpful information.(2023重庆中考真题)根据下面短文内容及部分首字母提示,在短文的空格处填上一个最恰当的词,使短文完整、通顺,并将完整的单词填写在答题卡上对应的位置。Many successful people follow a similar routine (常规). This helps them make the best use of their days. This also helps sleep well at night. One of the most important things successful people do is to get ready for the next day the night before. Let’s see 122 they do that.Learn to relaxSuccessful people say it is important to relax. Some enjoy listening to music, w 123 others like taking a bath before going to bed. Studies show that a 15-minute bath an hour or two before bedtime helps them sleep better. Sleeping well tonight means a good day tomorrow.Put the phone downStudies show that the blue light from a phone is bad for our sleep. Successful people c 124 their phone use. They don’t sleep with their phones nearby. They put phones away an hour 125 bedtime and they use an alarm clock to wake up.Think about todayBefore sleep, it helps to think about the day. Many 126 people think about the good things from the day. This helps them to learn and to change. It also 127 them to make a plan for a good (perhaps even better) day tomorrow.Make a 128 Many successful people make plans for their activities the next day. It helps them sleep well. This is important because sleeping b 129 sometimes makes everything seem worse the next day. Making plans also helps them wake up relaxed, happy and ready for the new day.(2022中考真题)(2022宁夏中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入适当的单词,单词的汉语提示或首字母已给出(每空一词)。When I was a high school student, I wanted to go on a school trip. My parents said it was too expensive for them to pay for, so I decided to make money 130 (我自己). I got a parttime job in a bookstore. There were many people buying books there. I was 131 (忙碌的) all the time, and I got very tired, but I didn’t g 132 up. I worked every F 133 and Saturday night for a whole year. At the end of the year, I had enough money. I had a good t 134 on the school trip, and my hard work at the bookstore made it possible. For me, it was a big achievement.(2022湖南邵阳中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境、中文、首字母或所给单词的提示,在空白处填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确,形式正确,使短文意思完整,行文连贯。It is normal to feel a bit nervous about exams, especially if you’re u 135 pressure from school or family. Exam stress can cause you to feel nervous. It might influence you. Here are some things you can do to reduce your exam pressure.Firstly, let your trusted friends or family know if you are having 136 hard time. They can support you, encourage you and offer a listening ear. Keeping it a secret will only make things 137 (bad), so don’t be afraid to open up.Secondly, tell your teachers about your worries and ask for help. They may have talked to lots of 138 (学生) who are going through similar things. So they can give you some helpful advice.Thirdly, be kind to yourself. Think about all the things you have achieved so far. It can be helpful to write the things you like about yourself, and the things other people value about you, too. Treating yourself 139 (kind) is helpful.If you follow these things above, I’m sure you will not be worried about exams anymore.(2022四川内江中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Sichuan Opera (戏剧) is one of China’s 140 (old) and most popular local operas. It started at the end of the Ming and the beginning of the Qing Dynasty. Different kinds of art 141 (form) were brought in to mix with the local traditions, music and dances. Today’s Sichuan Opera is 142 new form of art. It’s best to watch a Sichuan opera when you visit Sichuan.Sichuan Opera that is 143 (especial) popular in the southwest of China is the most powerful local opera. Face-changing is 144 (it) Top 1 Wonder. It is said that ancient people painted their faces 145 (drive) away wild animals. Sichuan Opera 146 (take) in this ancient skill and perfects it into an art. Artists in 147 (tradition) clothes dance around, shaking their heads up or down and changing the thin painted masks (面具) over their faces. They do this so quickly that you will be left surprised at 148 they can control the masks so skillfully.It’s not only a local opera 149 a show of music, puppetry (木偶) and humor. In short, Sichuan Opera is well worth watching.(2022江苏常州中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Museums play a big role in our society. They are also 150 important classroom for primary and secondary school students. During holidays, groups of young museum guides 151 (see) everywhere in Changzhou Museum. Since 2011, Changzhou Museum 152 (carry) out more than 100 public training activities for volunteer guides.In July, 2021, I was chosen 153 (be) a volunteer guide in Changzhou Museum. 154 it was my first time to serve there, I didn’t know what to do. Luckily, the teachers there gave many interesting training classes, including “Public Places and Manners”, “Red History and Red Culture” and so on. I was deeply touched by the stories of 155 (pioneer) like Qu Qiubai and Zhang Tailei. I was impressed that they had risked 156 (lose) their lives to create a new China.In the following month,I guided hundreds of tourists and did my job 157 (success). This experience had a great influence 158 me. I know more about my hometown and the meaning of life. I feel 159 (pride) of being a volunteer guide to help more people learn about Changzhou.(2022湖北荆州中考真题)阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或根据括号内单词的正确形式填空(1-3个单词)或根据音标填词。According to some old Chinese stories, there once was 160 ancient emperor named Shennong. At that time, there was no medicine to treat illnesses. Many sick people could only wait for 161 (die).To save his people, Shennong decided 162 (find) and test out different plants. He and his men set out on a journey in search of medicinal(药用的) plants.Each time the team found a new plant, Shennong would taste it 163 (he). Some plants made him feel 164 /sli: pi/, some caused him to have a stomachache, and some made him tremble(颤抖) all over. 165 Shennong searched and tested over a long time, he and his men discovered lots of medicinal plants.As they continued their search, the team found a plant 166 small yellow flowers. Shennong picked off one piece from the plant in order to taste it. He said, “It looks like a medicinal plant. I have to test it, or some people may misuse it.”Suddenly, Shennong’s face turned pale and he fell on the ground 167 (heavy). Even after he 168 (give) the leaves from other medicinal plants, he still lost his life. People covered him with 169 (thousand) of flowers. From then on, they called him “the Emperor of Medicine”.(2022黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)阅读短文,根据首字母或所给词的适当形式填空,使文章语义通顺。Have you ever seen pop-ups (弹出窗口) when you go online?These days it’s common for you to get a pop-up which lets you 170 ( put ) the App in “teen mode (模式) ” every time you begin to use Apps like QQ or Tiktok. A lot of Apps, especially video Apps, have added this feature (功能) to protect teenagers. It’s said that it will bring teenagers 171 ( good ) experiences than before and make sure they’re using the Apps in a healthier way. For example, Apps like Tiktok have the feature to prevent teenagers from watching videos for long and with the feature, they might only be allowed 172 (watch) for 40 minutes. The videos that teenagers can watch are made sure to be safe and even educational. There are no advertisements and teenagers cannot pay any m 173 for the videos. In QQ’s teen mode, teenagers can only talk to people on their contact lists. 174 ( they ) chat records show pinyin, which is useful for primary school students.However, the teen mode does not work for all Apps, a 175 to a recent report by the National Consumer Council. There aren’t any 176 ( different ) between the teen mode and the normal mode in some Apps. And in some video Apps, the teen mode won’t start 177 users watch videos for 40 minutes. But users can get past it b 178 clicking (点击) “I know” and continue watching.Though you can learn a lot from short videos, it’s n 179 to control the time.(2022福建中考真题)阅读下面短文,根据语境、音标或所给单词的提示,在每个空格内填入一个恰当的词,要求所填的词意义准确、形式正确,使短文意思完整、行文连贯。In the closing years of the Sui Dynasty, a terrible flood (洪水) happened on the Xiao River outside the city of Zhaozhou. 180 flood brought down a large stone bridge.People had rebuilt the bridge many 181 (time). But it was still washed away over and over again. “What’s wrong 182 it?” Li Chun, the most famous local engineer at that time, asked himself. He 183 (work) day and night at the drawing of the bridge and found out that the stone supports (支柱) couldn’t stand the force of the flood.One day, an idea came into his mind! He thought of 184 (build) bow-shaped arches (拱) instead of stone supports. And there would be only one big arch, supported at each end by two small ones. When floods came, the waters would run through the 185 /f: (r)/ small arches, bringing little influence on the bridge. He was 186 (great) excited by the idea, and danced happily right at his desk.A new Zhaozhou Bridge was built. It was safe 187 beautiful. The local people of Zhaozhou were very 188 /gld/ that the problem of the stone bridge was finally worked out. Now, this great stone bridge with a history of over 1,300 years has 189 /bkm/ a classical example of China’s arched bridges. It shows the wisdom and creativity of the Chinese people.(2022河北中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的单词(有提示词的,填入所给单词的正确形式)。Mrs. Zhang is my neighbor. Her house is next to 190 (my). She is a warm and 191 (friend)person. She is popular among us. She always 192 (like)to help others. And she often asks people 193 she can do for them. She often says hello 194 me from her front garden when I come back home. She plants different 195 (kind)of beautiful flowers in her garden. It was Mrs. Zhang’s birthday last Saturday. She held a party and 196 (invite)all the neighbors. She made 197 very big cake with fresh flowers on it. It was my 198 (one)time to see such a cake. I thought it was the 199 (nice)cake I had ever eaten. We sang, danced and talked and it was really a great time.(2022湖北宜昌中考真题)I’ve always run.When I was a k 200 , my dad took me to the Olympics and we saw the 400m final. A runner named Arthur won it and that really shocked me. I remembered it so well. I even wrote 201 article about it.I was never good enough for the Olympics 202 (我自己), but I tried running. I want to keep fit and like the challenge. After 27, I began to play t 203 . At 65, I started hurdling (跨栏) again. When I was 71, I won the 200m hurdling as the oldest person. When I was 80, I b 204 the world record. I would never 205 (改变) my mind. Now I’m 89, but I still do a couple of press-ups (俯卧撑) once 206 twice a week.To my pleasure, my family all exercise together in our nice 207 (花园) every day. We own a better life because we have a 208 (健康的) habit. My dream is to run the 100m at 100 — only another e 209 years to go — and then to live to 120.No matter what comes my way, I will keep it.(2022湖南衡阳中考真题)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入一个适当的词或填入括号中所给单词的正确形式。A new report predicts that by 2050, half of the world’s population (around 4.8 billion people) will be shortsighted. The medical name for this is myopia (近视). It is also 210 (call) nearsightedness. 211 we have myopia, we can’t see the things far away from us. It is true that more and more people have myopia. It’s a bad situation. According to the data released (发布) by the National Health Commission, China is a big country of myopia, and almost 90 percent 212 young Chinese people are near-sighted. Children aged between six and ten 213 have myopia are more likely to suffer from severe myopia in the future. Some experts make a prediction 214 (recent). In the opinion, there will be seven times more people with myopia in 2050 than there were in the year 2000.The researchers say that the number of people with myopia will increase because of different reasons. Looking at computer screens and mobile phones may be the major reason. The increase may have something to do with lifestyle 215 (change). Now, people spend 216 (little) time outdoors than before. A science journalist says that 217 (spend) more time outdoors in early childhood can reduce the chances of getting myopia. A researcher once said. “You can spend time on computers and screens, 218 remember to spend two hours outdoors every day. That is 219 for your eyesight.”(2022湖南衡阳中考真题)根据所给汉语或英文首字母写出短文中所缺英语单词。It was snowy and dark on the l 220 evening of the year. Many people were getting together in their warm homes. A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes. There were some matches in her hand.“Matches, matches!” the little girl cried in a low voice. No one heard her when they were passing by. She didn’t sell any matches and no one gave her a 221 (硬币). The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair. She felt cold and hungry.Lights were shining from every window. But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches, because her father would beat her.“Ah, a burning match may warm me up!” she thought. She lit three matches. When the matches were burning, she saw a warm stove, a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree. But all these disappeared when the flames went out. Then she lit a 222 (第四) match. A kind old woman was standing there.“Grandmother!” cried the little girl, “Take me with you.” Her grandmother smiled and h 223 the girl in her arms.On the morning of the new year, the girl was lying a 224 the wall, dead!





