专题29 词汇运用 考点3 按照首字母提示填空(原卷版)

2024-09-10·12页·229.1 K

三年2022-2024中考英语真题分项汇编全国通用)专题29 词汇运用 考点3 按照首字母提示填空(2024中考真题)1.(2024四川眉山中考真题)It is so hot, but the air conditioner doesn’t work. Please repair it as q as possible.2.(2024四川眉山中考真题)In Journey to the West, the clever and b Monkey King is never afraid to fight bad people.3.(2024四川眉山中考真题)To our great joy, the astronauts of the Shenzhou-17 crew (乘组) l safely back to earth as planned in April, 2024.4.(2024四川眉山中考真题)—Tom! Please brush your t carefully twice a day!—OK, I will.5.(2024四川眉山中考真题)—Look at the CDs here. I p folk music to pop music.—So do I.6.(2024四川眉山中考真题)Everyone is here e Alan, because he is still ill in hospital.7.(2024四川眉山中考真题)I like cycling so much that there is n in the world that can bring me such pleasure.8.(2024四川眉山中考真题)With the teachers’ help, we have greatly improved ourselves s we entered junior high schools three years ago.9.(2024四川眉山中考真题)When you make a banana milk shake, you can use a k to cut up the bananas.10.(2024四川眉山中考真题)—Could you please come to my birthday party this Saturday afternoon?—I’d love to. Thank you for i me.11.(2024江苏苏州中考真题)As the host city, Suzhou will m to make the 2026 ISF Football World Cup a great success.12.(2024江苏苏州中考真题)Tiger Hill c an area of about 14, 100 square metres and is 36 metres high.13.(2024江苏苏州中考真题)There is hunger in many parts of the world, even in r countries.14.(2024江苏苏州中考真题)You need a good sense of b to ride a bicycle.15.(2024四川自贡中考真题)You’d better study for the test, or you may f in it.16.(2024四川自贡中考真题)Could you tell me the r why you can remember so many words in a short time?17.(2024四川自贡中考真题)All of us were e about the good news that Shenzhou-18 was sent into space successfully.18.(2024四川自贡中考真题)Be careful with the knife while cooking, and don’t c your fingers.19.(2024四川自贡中考真题)We are going to have a party to celebrate the v of the basketball game.20.(2024四川自贡中考真题)The little girl wants to h herself under the bed so that others can’t find her.21.(2024四川自贡中考真题)I like carrots better than beef, because I p vegetables to meat.22.(2024四川自贡中考真题)January is the first m of a year.23.(2024四川自贡中考真题)It’s good to open the d and the window in the morning to let fresh air in.24.(2024四川自贡中考真题)My teacher is often b with work, and he even has no time to relax on weekends.25.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)Kids should spend more time exercising i of playing with mobile phones.26.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)Tony can see things more clearly now with this pair of g .27.(2024四川遂宁中考真题)Qi Jiguang is one of the greatest national h in China. We will remember him forever.28.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)I am looking f to hearing from you.29.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)China is a large country with a long h .30.(2024四川遂宁中考真题)Last weekend, all of us went for a picnic e Tom because he was ill.31.(2024四川宜宾中考真题)Please tell me the t . Don’t lie to me again.32.(2024四川遂宁中考真题)Don’t talk in the library. We’d better keep s .33.(2024四川凉山中考真题)—Is this your dictionary?—No, maybe it’s h . She is looking for it.34.(2024四川达州中考真题)What time do you u get up on weekends?35.(2024四川成都中考真题)From pocket parks to forest parks, local governments have been making efforts to make China’s cities much g .36.(2024四川成都中考真题)Chinese archaeologist (考古学家) Fan Jinshi was h for her sixty years’ work to protect the Dunhuang Mogao Caves.37.(2024四川成都中考真题)For a shy student, it takes c to give a speech in class.38.(2024四川达州中考真题)The car is too expensive. I can’t a it.39.(2024四川成都中考真题)The brain makes up 2% of our body weight but uses about a fifth of the e we get from food.40.(2024四川成都中考真题)They enjoy h up the mountains in the free time.41.(2024四川乐山中考真题)We Chinese often shake hands when we meet visitors, and sometimes we n our heads.42.(2024四川乐山中考真题)The two museums both o to the public from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.43.(2024四川乐山中考真题)Alex w the first prize in the city’s invention competition for middle school students last month.44.(2024四川凉山中考真题)The old man lives by himself, but he doesn’t feel l .(2023中考真题)1.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)Let’s i________ Kate over for dinner tomorrow.2.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)I’ll help to clean u__________ the city parks.3.(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)Mr. Zhang is an experienced teacher. He has t________ geography for over thirty years.4.(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)W________ a football team wins or loses, it is important to congratulate the other team after the game. That is called sportsmanship.5.(2023山东泰安统考中考真题)To avoid w________ food, our school held a “Clear Your Plate” activity.6.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)Women’s Day is on M__________ 8th.7.(2023湖北随州统考中考真题)—How o________ do you watch TV?—Twice a week.8.(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)The whole town is c__________ the opening of the new bridge with a huge party.9.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)I like to spend time with my parents on Saturdays and S________.10.(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)To get everybody in the discussion, Miss Su has d__________ our class into six groups.11.(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)Although I’ve met her only once or t__________, I can tell that she has a strong personality.12.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)The train j________ from Hangzhou to Shanghai takes about 40 minutes.13.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)The firefighters saved eight people in the big fire, three men and f________ women.14.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)—What did you do on vacation, Sally? —N________. I just stayed at home.15.(2023江苏苏州统考中考真题)We all look f__________ to the day when scientists discover more secrets of outer space.16.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)I like to follow the story and see what will h________ next.17.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)There is a delicious s________ coming from the kitchen. Is Mom cooking fish?18.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)I have finished reading this magazine. Please give me a________ one.19.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)As far as we know, the Sahara is the b________ desert in the world.20.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)I’m crazy about the folk stories l________ Yu Gong Moves the Mountains and Hou Yi Shoots the Suns.21.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)Hanfu, a kind of ancient Chinese clothes, is getting more and more p________ among Chinese young people now.22.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)—Helen, have you ever t________ eating hot pot in Chengdu?—Yes, it’s so delicious.23.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)The Monkey King can make 72 c________ to his shape and size, turning himself into different animals and objects.24.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)—Look, here is a Harry Potter. I’m wondering w________ book it is.—It must be Mary’s. J. K. Rowling is her favorite writer.25.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)—Tim, how often do you visit your grandparents?—O________ a week. I really enjoy staying with them.26.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)Finally, he r________ our invitation to the party because he had to prepare for an important interview.27.(2023四川眉山统考中考真题)It’s my dream to play s________ with the super player—Messi, who won the 2022 World Cup with his teammates.28.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)Sweet memories were b________ back when I saw these old things.29.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)You’ve told me the truth. Thank you for being so h________ with me.30.(2023浙江杭州统考中考真题)I didn’t know the word’s meaning, so I had to g________.31.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)Climbing mountains is a good way to get close to n________.32.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)It is reported that a blind man has made a living by repairing b________ bikes for 30 years.33.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)Spring is my favorite s________ because different kinds of flowers come out.34.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)The pens are on sale in that store, so you can buy them more c________ than usual.35.(2023四川宜宾统考中考真题)It’s polite to k________ at the door before entering the office.36.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)Some desert plants grow d________ into the earth to get water.37.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)Humor is a type of language art, which brings a lot of p________ and laughter to our daily life.38.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)Wu Yuren, a 73-year-old professor from Tongji University, e________ difficult physics knowledge in a simple way on Douyin to help children develop interest in science.39.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)Jiuzhaigou is one of the most popular places in China and the number of the visitors keeps r________.40.(2023四川成都统考中考真题)In Beijing, people’s act of k________ makes me feel warm even in the place far from home.41.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)Tom would like to c______ a meal for his mother on her birthday.42.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)There are four s______ in one year. They are spring, summer, autumn and winter.43.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)Students are not a______ to eat in class. We should follow the school rules.44.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)Let’s help the little kid f______ up the broken wheels of the bike.45.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)I have to get up e______ in the morning to catch the bus, or I will be late for school.46.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)Chinese g______ each other by shaking hands while Japanese bow.47.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)As long as we work together and never give up, we can o______ all the difficulties.48.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)B______ is the color of the sky or the sea on a fine day.49.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)It’s a tradition to admire the full m______ on Mid-Autumn Day.50.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)The government has taken action to reduce water p______. So Fuxi River becomes cleaner.51.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)He is a warm-hearted boy. He is always t________ others with warmth and kindness.52.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)The two books are b________ about history, you can choose either of them to read.53.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)It’s raining hard, so you’d better take an u________ with you.54.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)—Dad, could I go swimming if I’m f________ tomorrow?—OK. Be careful! Safety must come first.55.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)We may meet many challenges in our lives. When we fail, we shouldn’t lose c________ and confidence.56.(2023安徽统考中考真题)Students u________ (通常地) listen to the teachers’ advice and act on it.57.(2023安徽统考中考真题)Fei Fei is a l________ (可爱的) girl, honest and caring.58.(2023安徽统考中考真题)I don’t r________ (后悔) many things about my school days, for they are just part of my life.59.(2023安徽统考中考真题)I’ve got into the h________(习惯)of reading Tang poems every morning.60.(2023安徽统考中考真题)Foreign g________ (客人) will surely enjoy their stay in China during the 19th Asian Games.61.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)Mr. Chen is humorous and he often tells funny jokes to make us l .62.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)The film Born to Fly is well w watching. You can’t miss it.63.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)The Sahara is the b desert in the world.64.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)It’s so c in winter in Harbin that most people stay in warm houses.65.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)Li Dong often d math problems with his classmates.66.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)We don’t have umbrellas. We have to wait u the rain stops.67.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)Su Lin is sitting by the pool and d orange juice.68.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)—What’s the matter with Wu Wei? —She hurt h badly. She has a sore back.69.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)You’d better not go out a at night in America because it’s not safe.70.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)Mr. Yang’s h include singing, painting and playing chess.71.(2023新疆中考真题)There is no other food that is as s as nang in Xinjiang.72.(2023新疆中考真题)Women’s Day and Tree-planting Day are in M .73.(2023新疆中考真题)To have a greener life, it is better to walk or ride bicycles i of driving.74.(2023新疆中考真题)My mother always gets up e to cook breakfast for me.75.(2023新疆中考真题)I have a memory like an elephant and I never f anything.76.(2023山东日照中考真题)Kate’s room is in good o and everything is in its proper place.77.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)I r Wilson’s invitation to the party because I had to study for a test.78.(2023山东日照中考真题)Our city received a lot of v during May Day holiday.79.(2023山东日照中考真题)Breakfast is s between 7 and 9 a.m. in the hotel.80.(2023山东日照中考真题)Another bridge is going to be built a the river this year.81.(2023山东日照中考真题)Jack’s bike went wrong and he will r it this afternoon.82.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)Shenzhou-16 was sent into space in May. We are p of China’s progress.83.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)It’s wrong to c other students’ homework. You should do it by yourself.84.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)Which s do you prefer, spring or summer?85.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)—Whose volleyball is this? —It must b to Carla. She loves volleyball a lot.86.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)The boy in blue is my c , my uncle’s son.87.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)—What’s in the bag? —N . It’s empty.88.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)—What do you think of this piece of music? —It s beautiful but a little sad.89.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)Chinese family members usually like to get together, e during the Spring Festival.90.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)The library is o our school. To get there, we just need to cross the street.91.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)Our basketball team won the first place. How e we felt!92.(2023四川内江统考中考真题)Many people like pandas. During this May Day holiday, t of tourists came to Chengdu Research Base to watch them.93.(2023山东济宁中考真题)—Is your home n our school?—No, it’s far away.94.(2023山东济宁中考真题)13 Chinese scientific researchers r the top of Mount Qomolangma on May 23, 2023.95.(2023山东济宁中考真题)Don’t speak l . It’s polite to keep your voice down in public.96.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)Our school students will w traditional clothes to experience the Sichuan Opera next weekend.97.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)Dragon Boat Festival is coming in June, the s month of this year.98.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)In 2022, India had more than 1.412 billion people, and the l population can be both good and bad for India.99.(2023山东济宁中考真题)—What’s the m , Nancy? —I have a headache.100.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)May is the f month of a year.101.(2023四川德阳统考中考真题)The telephone was i by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.(2022中考真题)1.(2022江苏苏州中考真题)The doctor’s advice on keeping healthy is w_________ taking.2.(2022江苏苏州中考真题)Kate has p_________ her bedroom blue because the colour brings peace to her mind and body.3.(2022江苏苏州中考真题)You can’t make much progress in study without m_________ your time well.4.(2022新疆中考真题)Cartoon characters like Monkey King are still p_________ in China.5.(2022新疆中考真题)It is reported that the h_________ of Qomolangma is more than 8844.43 meters.6.(2022新疆中考真题)They are such interesting books that we all enjoy r_________ them.7.(2022新疆中考真题)Learning to s_________ problems is very important.8.(2022新疆中考真题)She is fifteen, and next year she is going to celebrate her s_________ birthday.9.(2022湖北随州中考真题)The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened on F________ 4th, 2022.10.(2022湖北随州中考真题)I usually go to bed at half p________ ten.11.(2022湖北随州中考真题)My alarm didn’t go o________ so I woke up late.12.(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)Though Judy has a real g__________ for Physics, she still works hard on it.13.(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)When I have difficulty in making a choice, Mr Wu will o__________ me some suggestions.14.(2022山东泰安中考真题)There are 5 people waiting for Nucleic Acid Testing(核酸检测)in front of me. I am the s________ one.15.(2022山东泰安中考真题)To make the villagers’ lives easier, our government will build a b________ over the river.16.(2022四川成都中考真题)Jiangnan, a famous area in China, has long been m_______ in many Chinese poems for its beautiful style.17.(2022四川成都中考真题)The Chengdu Plain belongs to the country’s double-planting area. This means wheat(小麦)and rice are planted in the same f_______.18.(2022四川成都中考真题)Animal r_______ have discovered the number of endangered animals in Yunnan Province is increasing.19.(2022四川成都中考真题)School education offers chances for p_______ development to help each of us realize our dream.20.(2022四川成都中考真题)China’s railway network has grown to c________ most cities and the government is looking to build on it further.21.(2022四川德阳中考真题)F__________ is the sixth day of a week.22.(2022四川德阳中考真题)Please get up e______, or you will be late.23.(2022四川德阳中考真题)We students must follow the r______ of our school.24.(2022四川德阳中考真题)A true friend reaches for your hand and t________ your heart.25.(2022四川德阳中考真题)Bruce jumps f______ than most of the students in his class.26.(2022四川德阳中考真题)Be quiet! Your father is s________. He stayed up late last night.27.(2022四川德阳中考真题)The doctor said, “You must walk s________ because of your leg wound.”28.(2022四川德阳中考真题)Jack hasn’t had anything for a whole day and he is very h______ now.29.(2022四川德阳中考真题)—Have you h______ that Wang Qiang won a game yesterday?—Yes, it’s a piece of good news.30.(2022四川乐山中考真题)Beijing is now the first city to hold both the Summer and the W________ Olympics.31.(2022四川乐山中考真题)Bing Dwen Dwen (冰墩墩) waves its left hand to say h________ to the world.32.(2022四川乐山中考真题)Lucy is a small woman but she wears a l________ pair of black glasses.33.(2022四川眉山中考真题)—Mary, do you know which sweater is Lily’s? —The red one is h________.34.(2022四川眉山中考真题)The young man is new here and he has few friends. So sometimes he feels l________.35.(2022四川眉山中考真题)Some wild animals need our protection, because they are in great d________ now.36.(2022四川眉山中考真题)—Could you please come to my office? I have s________ important to tell you. —Of course. I will come soon.37.(2022四川眉山中考真题)The telephone was i________ by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876.38.(2022四川眉山中考真题)—Congratulations! You have just passed the driving test. —Wow, thank you. I am so e________ to hear the good news.39.(2022四川眉山中考真题)You will get into a good university i________ you keep studying hard in senior high school.40.(2022四川眉山中考真题)Amy used to read books before going to bed, but now she g________ used to listening to music.41.(2022四川眉山中考真题)My grandpa put on his glasses, but he still couldn’t see the small-size words c________ in this newspaper.42.(2022四川眉山中考真题)Taking n________ in class is a good way to help you review what you have learned.43.(2022四川自贡中考真题)Tree Planting Day is on M________ 12 every year.44.(2022四川自贡中考真题)If you can’t understand a new word, you can look it up in a d________.45.(2022四川自贡中考真题)It’s only a joke—don’t take it s________.46.(2022四川自贡中考真题)We must follow the school rules and we should w________ uniforms at school.47.(2022四川自贡中考真题)Mary lost the speech competition and she is unhappy. Let’s go to c________ her up.48.(2022四川自贡中考真题)In the exam, the more careful you are, the fewer m________ you will make.49.(2022四川自贡中考真题)Wild animals are our friends. It’s our duty to p________ them, for we can’t live without them.50.(2022四川自贡中考真题)We must pay much attention to our s________, so don’t go swimming alone in the river.【答案】(s)afety51.(2022四川自贡中考真题)Don’t eat junk food. It’s h________ to your health.52.(2022四川自贡中考真题)After he thought twice, he d________ to become a teacher in a poor village after college.53.(2022四川德阳中考真题)—Can I go shopping with John, mom? He just got his driver’s license.—No way! I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be a________ to drive.54.(2022山东日照中考真题)My friend gave me some a__________ on how to keep a pet.55.(2022山东日照中考真题)I must r__________ the books to the library before Friday.56.(2022山东日照中考真题)Tom was so sleepy that he could h__________ keep his eyes open.57.(2022山东日照中考真题)My car has b__________ down. Will you please give me a ride?58.(2022山东日照中考真题)We all volunteered on the farm e__________ Tom, who was ill at home.59.(2022四川内江中考真题)Tina is a book lover. She s________ an hour reading every day.60.(2022四川内江中考真题)The kids were taught to keep q________ in the reading room.61.(2022四川内江中考真题)It’s said that a new bridge will be b________ in our city next year.62.(2022四川内江中考真题)Make sure you t________ off the lights before you leave the house.63.(2022四川内江中考真题)Science is one of my favorite s________. I will try my best to learn it well.64.(2022四川内江中考真题)The whole class went camping e________ Tom, because he was seriously ill.65.(2022四川内江中考真题)The room was so dark that we could h________ see anything.65.(2022四川内江中考真题)Tony b________ a book from the library yesterday, but he hasn’t read it yet.66.(2022四川内江中考真题)My best friend sent me a beautiful g________ on my birthday.67.(2022四川内江中考真题)We enjoyed o________ climbing the mountain yesterday. What a wonderful day!68.(2022广西河池中考真题)Three hundred and seven hundred is one t_____.69.(2022广西河池中考真题)Ken is busy working every night and he h_____ ever watches TV.70.(2022广西贵港中考真题)J________ is the seventh month of a year.71.(2022广西贵港中考真题)My mother allows me to watch TV t________ a week.72.(2022广西贵港中考真题)Joe likes listening to English songs in his f________ time.73.(2022广西贵港中考真题)I can lend my dictionary to you, but you must r________ it to me next week.74.(2022广西贵港中考真题)He bought f________ balls for the kids, including ten soccer balls and forty volleyballs.75.(2022山东济宁中考真题)A_______ is the fourth month of the year.76.(2022山东济宁中考真题)The sun rises in the e________ and sets in the west.77.(2022山东济宁中考真题)I’m h_______. I want to buy something to eat.78.(2022山东济宁中考真题)Alan is an honest boy. You can t________ him.79.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)It’s a p______ that I missed a good chance.80.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)Many places of interest in China a______ millions of tourists every year.81.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)Actions speak l________than words.82.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)We should t______ our best to improve handwriting.83.(2022贵州铜仁中考真题)As a student, you must s______ away from smoking and drinking.84.(2022海南中考真题)Hurry up! The movie will b________ in ten minutes.85.(2022海南中考真题)Pandas are black and w________. They feed on bamboo.86.(2022海南中考真题)Sam has lost his k________ to the door. He can’t get in now.87.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)As we all know, J________ 1st is Children’s Day.88.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)I’d love to go there with you, but I haven’t finished our task y________.89.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州教育科学研究所中考真题)The air pollution will be more serious u________ each of us does something helpful to cut it down.





