专题14 情景交际(解析版)

2024-09-10·38页·914 K

三年(2022-2024)中考英语真题分项汇编(全国通用)专题14情景交际(2024中考真题)1. (2024安徽统考中考真题)—The National Museum of China is just five minutes’ walk away. We don’t have to take a taxi. —_______ We can go there on foot.A. My pleasure.B. Take care.C. That’s right!D. Good luck!【答案】C【解析】句意:——中国国家博物馆离这里只有五分钟的步行路程。我们不需要坐出租车。——没错!我们可以步行去那里。考查情景交际。My pleasure.我的荣幸;Take care.当心;That’s right!没错;Good luck!祝你好运。根据“We don’t have to take a taxi.”及“We can go there on foot.”可知,此处指同意对方的观点,That’s right符合语境。故选C。2. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)The bird in Picture ________ is between the boxes.A. B. C. D. 【答案】A【解析】句意:图片A中的鸟在两个盒子之间。考查常识。根据图片可知,A选项中的鸟在两个盒子之间。故选A。3. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)—After being out in the rain, Tom’s feeling ________.—He’d better go to see a doctor.A. on top of the worldB. under the weatherC. like a million dollarsD. like a kid again【答案】B【解析】句意:——在外面淋雨之后,汤姆感到不舒服。——他最好去看医生。考查习语。 top of the world世界之巅;under the weather身体不适;like a million dollars像一百万美元;like a kid again又像个孩子。根据“He’d better go to see a doctor.”可知,此处指汤姆淋雨后身体不舒服,最好去看医生。故选B。4. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)What does Jane want Lucy to do?A. Go to the school with her.B. Explain the homework.C. Watch a movie together.D. Lend her a book.【答案】D【解析】句意:简想让露西做什么?考查情景交际。Go to the school with her.和她一起去学校;Explain the homework.解释作业;Watch a movie together.一起看电影;Lend her a book.借给她一本书。根据“I left my math book at school! Can I use yours?”可知,简的数学书落在学校了,想要借用露西的。故选D。5. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)—Teenagers should be allowed to make their own decisions.—________ They are not old enough.A. I don’t think so.B. I’m afraid so.C. I couldn’t agree more.D. I hope so.【答案】A【解析】句意:——应该允许青少年自己做决定。——我不这么认为。他们还不够大。考查情景交际。I don’t think so.我不这么认为。I’m afraid so.恐怕是这样。I couldn’t agree more.我完全同意。I hope so.我希望如此。根据“They are not old enough.”可知,不同意对方的观点,故选A。6. (2024甘肃白银中考真题)Which of the following tells that you should keep quiet?A. B. C. D. 【答案】C【解析】句意:以下哪项告诉你应该保持安静?考查常识。根据图片可知,C选项中的图片表示“保持安静”。故选C。7. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)Which picture shows the dog is behind the house?A. B. C. D. 【答案】C【解析】句意:哪张图片显示狗在房子后面?考查常识。根据图片可知,C项中狗在房子后面,故选C。8. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)—We should take action against school bullying (欺凌).—________ School bullying must be stopped.A. I hope not.B. I don’t think so.C. I agree with you.D. I’m afraid I can’t.【答案】C【解析】句意:——-应该采取措施防止校园欺凌。——我同意你的看法。校园欺凌必须停止。考查情景交际。I hope not.我希望不是;I don’t think so我不这么想;I agree with you.我同意你的看法;I’m afraid I can’t恐怕不行。根据“We should take action against school bullying (欺凌).”和“School bullying must be stopped.”可知,此处是同意对方的观点。故选C。9. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)We can’t turn right when we see the sign ________.A. B. C. D. 【答案】D【解析】句意:当我们看到“禁止右转”标志时,我们不能向右转。考查交通常识。A选项是警告标志;B选项是禁止鸣笛;C选项是停车场位置指向标志;D选项是禁止右转。D选项符合题意,故选D。10. (2024甘肃省临夏州中考真题)Which of the following is true according to the picture?A. They are reading books.B. They are doing some cleaning.C. They are playing games.D. They are doing their homework.【答案】B【解析】句意:根据图片,下列哪一项是正确的?考查情景交际。They are reading books他们正在看书;They are doing some cleaning他们正在打扫;They are playing games他们正在玩游戏;They are doing their homework他们正在做作业。根据图片所示,学生们正在教室里打扫卫生。故选B。11. (2024广西统考中考真题)—Hello, I’m Gina. Glad to meet you.—________A. I’m sorry.B. Glad to meet you, too.C. Here you are.【答案】B【解析】句意:——你好,我是吉娜。很高兴认识你。——我也很高兴认识你。考查情景交际。I’m sorry.很抱歉。Glad to meet you, too.我也很高兴认识你。Here you are.给你。根据“Glad to meet you.”可知,此处应回答“我也很高兴认识你”,故选B。12. (2024黑龙江龙东地区中考真题)—Could you please sweep the floor, Daming? —________ I’m busy cooking.A. Yes, sure.B. Sorry, I can’t.C. Yes, please.【答案】B【解析】句意:——大明,你能去扫地吗?——抱歉,我不能。我正忙着做饭。考查情景交际。Yes, sure.是的,当然;Sorry, I can’t.抱歉,我不能;Yes, please.是的,请。根据“I’m busy cooking.”可知,大明正在做饭,所以不能扫地,此处应拒绝请求。故选B。13. (2024黑龙江龙东地区中考真题)You should be careful when you see the sign.A. B. C. 【答案】A【解析】句意:你看到这个标志时应该小心点。考查交通常识。A选项表示“小心”;B选项表示“禁止停车”;C选项表示“禁止左转”。根据常识可知看到A选项标志时,要小心,故选A。14. (2024黑龙江齐齐哈尔中考真题)—Hi, Tom. I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday. ________! —Thank you, Mike.A. CongratulationsB. Good luckC. Come on【答案】A【解析】句意:——嗨,汤姆。我听说你在昨天的才艺表演中得了第一名。恭喜你!——谢谢你,迈克。考查情景交际。Congratulations恭喜你;Good luck祝你好运;Come on加油。根据“I heard that you won the first prize in the talent show yesterday.”可知,对方得了第一名,要恭喜,故选A。15. (2024湖北省武汉中考真题)—________?—I’d like two teas, please.A. How are you doingB. Where’s the tea houseC. What can I do for youD. Why do you like tea【答案】C【解析】句意:——有什么可以帮忙吗?——我想要两杯茶。考查情景交际。How are you doing你好吗;Where’s the tea house茶馆在哪里;What can I do for you有什么可以帮忙吗;Why do you like tea你为什么喜欢茶。根据“I’d like two teas, please.”可知此处应是服务员询问需不需要帮忙,选项C符合。故选C。16. (2024湖北省武汉中考真题)—We’ll be high school students soon. Managing time is more important for us. —________. Time is valuable.A. I think soB. It’s nothingC. All rightD. Not at all【答案】A【解析】句意:——我们很快就要成为高中生了。管理时间对我们来说更重要。——我也这么认为。时间是宝贵的。考查情景交际。I think so我也这么认为;It’s nothing没什么;All right好的;Not at all根本不。根据“Managing time is more important for us.”和“Time is valuable.”可知,同意对方的看法,故选A。17. (2024湖北省武汉中考真题)—Dad, I fail again. It’s difficult for me to make a sky lantern. —________! I’m sure you can.A. Well doneB. Hard to sayC. Take careD. Keep trying【答案】D【解析】句意:——爸爸,我又失败了。做一个孔明灯对我来说很困难。——继续尝试!我相信你可以。考查情景交际。Well done干得好;Hard to say很难说;Take care保重;Keep trying继续尝试。根据“I’m sure you can.”可知,爸爸鼓励孩子继续尝试,故选D。18. (2024江苏省连云港市中考真题)Don’t _________, otherwise, you’ll be tired out.A. do as the Romans doB. burn the candle at both endsC. put yourself in others’ shoesD. put all your eggs in one basket【答案】B【解析】句意:不要把蜡烛两头烧,否则你会累的。考查习语。do as the Romans do入乡随俗;burn the candle at both ends蜡烛两头烧;put yourself in others’ shoes设身处地为他人着想;put all your eggs in one basket把所有的鸡蛋放在一个篮子里。根据“otherwise, you’ll be tired out.”可知不要把蜡烛两头烧,否则你会累的,选项B符合。故选B。19. (2024江苏省扬州市中考真题)—I hear you’re leaving for Guilin for your holiday?— ________. And I’m looking forward to it.A. It doesn’t matterB. It’s a pleasureC. That’s rightD. Never mind【答案】C【解析】句意:——我听说你要去桂林度假?——没错。我很期待。考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter没关系;It’s a pleasure不客气;That’s right没错;Never mind没关系。根据“I hear you’re leaving for Guilin for your holiday?”可知,上文是询问对方是否要去桂林度假,下文回答“没错”符合语境。故选C。20. (2024四川达州市中考真题)—Tommy, come on! Believe in yourself. You can do it! —For you, ________. For me, it’s quite difficult. But I’ll try my best.A. it’s a piece of cakeB. it serves you rightC. it takes time【答案】A【解析】句意:——汤米,加油!相信自己。你可以做到!——对你来说,这是小菜一碟。对我来说,这相当困难。但我会尽力的。考查习语。it’s a piece of cake小菜一碟;it serves you right你活该;it takes time这需要时间。根据“For me, it’s quite difficult.”可知,此处指这件事对对方来说很容易,对自己来说很困难。形容做某事很容易,应用“小菜一碟”。故选A。21. (2024四川乐山中考真题)—The Chengdu Horticultural Exhibition (成都园艺博览会) is really excellent! Thanks for inviting me here!—______A. I’m sorry.B. You’re welcome.C. No problem.【答案】B【解析】句意:——成都园艺博览会真是太棒了!谢谢你邀请我来这里!——不客气。考查情景交际。I’m sorry我很抱歉;You’re welcome不客气;No problem没问题。根据“Thanks for inviting me here!”可知,面对致谢,应该说“不客气”,故选B。22. (2024四川凉山中考真题)—Hello? This is Jenny. May I speak to Laura?—______.A. Have a good tripB. Sorry, she is not hereC. Never mind【答案】B【解析】句意:——喂?我是珍妮。我可以和劳拉通话吗?——抱歉,她不在这。考查情景交际。Have a good trip祝你旅途愉快;Sorry, she is not here抱歉,她不在这;Never mind没关系。根据“This is Jenny. May I speak to Laura”可知,这是在打电话,只有B选项符合,故选B。23. (2024四川泸州市中考真题)—Thank you for lending me your umbrella yesterday.—_________.A. Take it easyB. Well doneC. It’s up to youD. My pleasure【答案】D【解析】句意:——谢谢你昨天把伞借给我。——我很乐意这样做。考查情景交际。Take it easy别紧张;Well done做得好;It’s up to you由你决定;My pleasure我很乐意这样做。上文“Thank you for…”表示感谢,下文回应“我很乐意帮忙”符合语境。故选D。24. (2024四川遂宁市中考真题)—I have passed the exam. Thanks for your help. —________A. It’s my pleasure.B. With pleasure.C. All right.D. Never mind.【答案】A【解析】句意:——我通过了考试。谢谢你的帮助。——我的荣幸。考查情景交际。It’s my pleasure.我的荣幸,用于回答致谢。With pleasure.乐意效劳,用于回答请求。All right.好的。Never mind.不要紧。根据“Thanks for your help.”可知,此处是回答致谢,故选A。25. (2024四川自贡市中考真题)—My friend fell off the bike and hurt his leg.—________.A. No problemB. That’s OKC. Sorry to hear that【答案】C【解析】句意:——我的朋友从自行车上摔下来,伤了腿。——听到这个消息很难过。考查情景交际。No problem没问题;That’s OK没关系;Sorry to hear that很抱歉听到这个消息。根据“My friend fell off the bike and hurt his leg”可知,听到不好的消息应说“很抱歉听到这个消息”,故选C。26. (2024天津中考真题)— Let’s go to the Tianjin TV and Radio Tower to enjoy the beautiful sights.— ________. I can’t wait to go there.A. That’s coolB. That’s a pityC. Never mindD. No idea【答案】A【解析】句意:——我们去天津广播电视塔欣赏美丽的景色吧。——太酷了。我等不及要去那里了。考查情景交际。That’s cool太酷了;That’s a pity那太遗憾了;Never mind不要紧;No idea不知道。根据“I can’t wait to go there.”可知,等不及想去,所以觉得很酷,故选A。(2023中考真题)1.(2023湖北十堰统考中考真题)—Some of my classmates like soap operas. What about you?—Oh. ________. They are too boring!A.I love themB.I’m not sureC.I can’t stand themD.It’s hard to say【答案】C【详解】句意:——我的一些同学喜欢肥皂剧。你呢?——哦。我受不了它们。它们太无聊了!考查情景交际。I love them我爱它们;I’m not sure我不确定;I can’t stand them我受不了它们;It’s hard to say很难说。根据“They are too boring!”可知,太无聊了,所以受不了肥皂剧,故选C。2.(2023山东青岛统考中考真题)—Excuse me. How can I get to the park?—Go along the street. It is across from the hospital.Which map is the conversation about?B.C.D.【答案】B【详解】句意:——打扰一下。我如何能到公园?——沿着这条街走。它在医院的对面。对话是关于哪张地图的?考查情景交际。根据“Go along the street. It is across from the hospital”可知,公园在医院的对方,中间隔着一条街,B图片符合,故选B。3.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)In the picture, people are celebrating ________.A.Spring Festival B.Mid-Autumn FestivalC.Lantern FestivalD.Dragon Boat Festival【答案】D【详解】句意:在图片中,人们正在庆祝端午节。考查常识。Spring Festival春节;Mid-Autumn Festival中秋节;Lantern Festival元宵节;Dragon Boat Festival端午节。图片中的人们正在赛龙舟,故人们正在庆祝端午节。故选D。4.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Please move your car away, sir. This is “________” area.A.No smokingB.No parkingC.No swimmingD.No littering【答案】B【详解】句意:先生,请把您的车开走。这里是“禁止停车”区域。考查情景交际。No smoking禁止吸烟;No parking禁止停车;No swimming禁止游泳;No littering禁止乱扔垃圾。根据“Please move your car away”可知,要把车开走,所以是禁止停车,故选B。5.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)—I guess you want to go fishing.—________. That’s exactly what I was thinking.A.You read my mindB.You are welcomeC.You never knowD.It’s up to you【答案】A【详解】句意:——我猜你想去钓鱼。——你读懂了我的心思。这正是我的想法。考查情景交际。You read my mind你读懂了我的心思;You are welcome不客气;You never know你永远不会知道;It’s up to you这取决于你。根据“I guess you want to go fishing.”及“That’s exactly what I was thinking.”可知,“我”想去钓鱼,对方猜中了我的想法,故You read my mind符合语境。故选A。6.(2023江苏徐州中考真题)Amy: You can just drop me here.Tom: But we are two blocks away from the office.Amy: It’s fine. I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk.What does Amy want to do? A.Have lunch.B.Take a walk.C.Call her office.D.Drive a car.【答案】B【详解】句意:Amy: 你把我送到这里就行。Tom: 但是我们离办公室还有两个街区。Amy: 没事。我吃了一顿丰盛的午餐,想散散步。Amy想做什么?考查情景交际。Have lunch.吃午餐;Take a walk.散步;Call her office.打电话给她的办公室;Drive a car.开车。根据“I had a big lunch, and feel like a bit of walk.”可知,Amy吃完午餐后想走走。故选B。7.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)— Martin always helps people in trouble.— ________.What a lucky boyB.What a kind boyC.How lonely he isD.How beautiful his voice is【答案】B【详解】句意:——马丁总是帮助有困难的人。——多么善良的男孩。考查情景交际。What a lucky boy多么幸运的男孩; What a kind boy多么善良的男孩; How lonely he is他多么孤独;How beautiful his voice is他的声音多美啊。根据“Martin always helps people in trouble.”可知经常帮助有困难的人,说明他很善良,故选B。8.(2023辽宁丹东统考中考真题)— Miss Li, I can’t go to school today. I have a toothache.— ________. Hope you’ll be better soon.A.Hurry upB.Good ideaC.I’m sorry to hear thatD.Good luck to you【答案】C【详解】句意:——李老师,我今天不能去上学了。我牙痛。——很抱歉听到这个消息。希望你很快好起来。考查情景交际。Hurry up 快点;Good idea好主意;I’m sorry to hear that很抱歉听到这个消息; Good luck to you祝你好运。根据“ I have a toothache.”可知听到对方生病了应表示“很抱歉听到这个消息”。故选C。9.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)—I’m sorry. I lost the pen you lent to me. —________. I’ll buy a new one.A.I’m not sureB.It takes timeC.It’s hard to sayD.It’s not a big deal【答案】D【详解】句意:——对不起。你借给我的钢笔我弄丢了。——没什么大不了的。我会再买支新的。考查情景交际。I’m not sure我不确定;It takes time这需要时间;It’s hard to say这很难说;It’s not a big deal没什么大不了的。根据“I’ll buy a new one.”可知,此处指“弄丢了钢笔”不是什么大事,没什么大不了的。故选D。10.(2023辽宁锦州统考中考真题)Which of the following is a traffic sign?A.B.C.D.【答案】A【详解】句意:下面哪一个是交通标志?A.禁止左转;B.飞行标志;C.反对校园欺凌;D.小心地滑。根据Which of the following is a traffic sign?可知A.禁止左转是交通标志。故答案选A。11.(2023湖北恩施中考真题)—Who is ________, Sally or Lucy?—They are both fifteen years old.A.tallerB.braverC.older【答案】C【详解】句意:——莎莉和露西,谁更大?——她们都是15岁。考查形容词辨析。taller更高的;braver更勇敢的;older更大的。根据“They are both fifteen years old.”可知,此处比较莎莉和露西的年纪谁更大。故选C。12.(2023湖北恩施中考真题)—I am going to take the driving test. I feel a little nervous.—________ I’m sure you’ll pass it.A.Take it easy.B.What a pity!C.Not at all.【答案】A【详解】句意:——我要参加驾驶考试。我觉得有点紧张。——放轻松。我相信你会通过的。考查情景交际。Take it easy.别紧张,放轻松;What a pity!真遗憾;Not at all.一点也不。根据“I feel a little nervous.”可知,对方感到紧张,此处应安慰对方,让其不要紧张,放轻松。故选A。13.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)— Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternoon. — _______.A.I can’t agree moreB.I’d like toC.Don’t mention itD.It doesn’t matter【答案】A【详解】句意:——午饭后睡一会儿可以帮助我们在下午更好地学习。——我完全同意。考查情景交际。I can’t agree more我完全同意;I’d like to我想要;Don’t mention it别提了;It doesn’t matter没关系。根据“Sleeping for a while after lunch can help us study better in the afternoon.”可知,此处对对方的观点进行评价,故选A。14.(2023江苏宿迁统考中考真题)— Judy, when you are in a strange place, you’d better do as the local people do. — That’s it. ________.A.Practice makes perfectB.Many hands make light workC.When in Rome, do as Romans doD.A friend in need is a friend indeed【答案】C【详解】句意:——朱迪,当你在一个陌生的地方,你最好像当地人一样。——就是这样。入乡随俗。考查谚语。Practice makes perfect熟能生巧;Many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高;When in Rome, do as Romans do入乡随俗;A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情。根据“when you are in a strange place, you’d better do as the local people do”可知,到一个陌生的地方时,我们应该入乡随俗。故选C。15.(2023辽宁抚顺统考中考真题)—We should take action to protect the environment.—________. That’s very important.A.Don’t mention itB.It doesn’t matterC.I agree with youD.Have a good time【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们应该采取行动保护环境。——我同意你的看法。这很重要。考查情景交际。Don’t mention it别提了;It doesn’t matter没关系;I agree with you我同意你的看法;Have a good time玩得开心。根据“We should take action to protect the environment.”和“That’s very important.”可知,同意对方对于保护环境的看法,故选C。16.(2023江苏无锡统考中考真题)—It looks as if we’re going to lose.—________? We’ve never won a game. Not even once.A.Who caresB.You sureC.Who knowsD.You kidding【答案】A【详解】句意:——看起来我们要输了。——谁在乎呢?我们从来没有赢过一场比赛。一场都没有。考查情景交际。Who cares谁在乎呢;You sure你确定;Who knows谁知道;You kidding你在开玩笑。根据“We’ve never won a game. Not even once.”可知,一次都没赢过,所以不在乎。故选A。17.(2023辽宁沈阳统考中考真题)—Wow! I have won a free ticket to the Film Park.—________. You are so lucky!A.That’s greatB.Never mindC.You’re welcomeD.Don’t worry【答案】A【详解】句意:——哇!我赢得了一张去电影公园的免费票。——那太好了。你真幸运。考查情景交际。That’s great那太好了;Never mind没关系;You’re welcome不客气;Don’t worry别担心。根据“Wow! I have won a free ticket to the Film Park.”可知赢得了去电影公园的免费票,是很好的事情。故选A。18.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)Please look at the board. How long is Sunshine Science Museum open on Wednesday afternoon?Sunshine Science MuseumOpen:Tue—Fri 9:00-12:0014:00-18:00Sat—Sun 8:30-12:0013:00-20:00Closed: MonA.3 hoursB.7 hoursC.3.5 hoursD.4 hours【答案】D【详解】句意:请看告示牌。阳光科学馆星期三下午开放多久?考查常识。根据“Tue—Fri 14:00-18:00”可知,周三下午开放时间是14点到18点,共计4小时。故选D。19.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)—Tony, remember it’s rude to ________.—OK, mom. I will keep it in mind. Thank you!A.push in before othersB.wait in a lineC.say “please” all the timeD.greet each other【答案】A【详解】句意:——托尼,记住在别人前面插队是不礼貌的。——好的,妈妈。我会记住的。谢谢您!考查常识。push in before others插队;wait in a line排队;say “please” all the time总是说“请”;greet each other互相问候。根据常识可知,插队是不礼貌的,故选A。20.(2023江苏泰州中考真题)—No photos here, please. We must learn to keep secrets for the safety of our motherland.—________ I forgot teachers had told us.A.No way!B.Why not?C.Sorry, I won’t.D.That’s all right.【答案】C【详解】句意:——请不要拍照。为了祖国的安全,我们必须学会保守秘密。——对不起,我不会了。我忘了老师告诉过我们。考查情景交际。No way!没门;Why not?为什么不;Sorry, I won’t.对不起,我不会了;That’s all right.没关系。根据“No photos here, please. We must learn to keep secrets for the safety of our motherland.”可知,此处应该为不当行为致歉,故选C。21.(2023四川遂宁中考真题)—This is Annie speaking. May I speak to Sally?—________ I can take a message for you.A.I hope not.B.I’m sorry to hear that.C.Sorry, she isn’t here now.D.Have a good day.【答案】C【详解】句意:——我是安妮。我可以和萨莉说话吗? ——对不起,她现在不在。我可以给你留个口信。考查情景交际。I hope not.我希望不是;I’m sorry to hear that.听到这个很难过;Sorry, she isn’t here now.对不起,她现在不在这儿;Have a good day.祝你有愉快的一天。根据“I can take a message for you”可知萨莉现在不在这儿。故选C。22.(2023辽宁统考中考真题)—I will take the PE test tomorrow.—________!A.Sounds goodB.Hurry upC.No wayD.Good luck【答案】D【详解】句意:——我明天要参加体育考试。——祝你好运!考查情景交际。Sounds good听起来不错;Hurry up快点;No way没门;Good luck祝你好运。对方要参加考试,空处应对此表达祝愿。故选D。23.(2023黑龙江牡丹江统考中考真题)—It’s bad for us to drink too much coffee.—________. I seldom drink it.A.That’s for sureB.It’s up to youC.Hope things work out【答案】A【详解】句意:——咖啡喝多了对我们不好。——这是肯定的。我很少喝它。考查交际用语。That’s for sure这是肯定的;It’s up to you这取决于你;Hope things work out希望一切顺利。根据“I seldom drink it.”可知此处应表示赞同对方的观点,认为咖啡喝多了不好,应用“That’s for sure”来表示赞同。故选A。24.(2023辽宁营口中考真题)—Can you wait a minute? I need to take down the information.—Of course. ________.A.Take your timeB.Make yourself at homeC.Enjoy yourselfD.Please be in a hurry【答案】A【详解】句意:——你能等一下吗?我需要记下这些信息。——当然。慢慢来。考查情景交际。Take your time慢慢来;Make yourself at home别拘束;Enjoy yourself玩得开心;Please be in a hurry请快一点。根据“Can you wait a minute? I need to take down the information”及“Of course.”可知,不用着急,慢慢来。take your time符合情景。故选A。25.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)—I won the first prize in the speech competition of my school.—________A.That’s all right.B.Sorry to hear that.C.Congratulations!【答案】C【详解】句意:——我赢得了我学校演讲比赛的一等奖。——恭喜!考查情景交际。That’s all right.没关系;Sorry to hear that.很遗憾听到这个消息;Congratulations!恭喜。根据“I won the first prize in the speech competition of my school.”可知赢得一等奖应表示祝贺。故选C。26.(2023黑龙江统考中考真题)Which sign can lead you to get out of the movie theater?A.B.C.【答案】A【详解】句意:哪个标志可以引导你走出电影院?考查常识。根据“get out of the movie theater”可知要走出电影院应该从“出口”出去,因此选项A显示的出口标志可以引导你走出电影院。故选A。27.(2023四川乐山统考中考真题)—Will you join us for the party tomorrow?—________ Maybe I’ll have a meeting.A.That’ll be great!B.I’m not sure.C.Certainly.【答案】B【详解】句意:——你明天要参加我们的聚会吗?——我不确定。也许我要开个会。考查情景交际。That’ll be great那太好了;I’m not sure我不确定;Certainly当然了。根据“Maybe”说明说话人不确定是否要参加,故选B。28.(2023广西统考中考真题)—Nana, happy birthday to you!—________.A.Thank youB.You’re welcomeC.Goodbye【答案】A【详解】句意:——娜娜,祝你生日快乐!——谢谢。考查情景交际。Thank you谢谢;You’re welcome不客气;Goodbye再见。根据“happy birthday to you!”可知,得到他人的祝福后应表示感谢,故选A。29.(2023湖北孝感统考中考真题)— The three astronauts from China Shenzhou-15 manned spaceship (载人航天飞船) landed successfully on June 4th, 2023.— Wow, ________!A.no problemB.with pleasureC.never mindD.that’s great【答案】D【详解】句意:——中国神舟十五号载人飞船上的三名航天员于2023年6月4日成功着陆。——哇,太棒了!考查交际用语。no problem没问题,没事儿;with pleasure没问题,愉快地;never mind没关系,不用担心;that’s great那太好了。根据“The three astronauts from China Shenzhou-15 manned spaceship(载人航天飞船)landed successfully on June 4th, 2023.”可知,航天员的成功着陆是一个令人振奋的好消息,因此此处应对其作出肯定的评价,如“那太好了”。故选D。30.(2023湖北荆州统考中考真题)—Would you like to play basketball with us tomorrow?—_______, but these days I’m too busy with the singing competition.A.I’ll take your suggestionB.I’m sorry to hear thatC.That sounds like funD.With pleasure【答案】C【详解】句意:——明天你愿意和我们一起打篮球吗?——那听起来很有趣,但这些天我忙于歌唱比赛。考查情景交际。I’ll take your suggestion我接受你的建议;I’m sorry to hear that很难过听到这个消息;That sounds like fun那听起来很有趣;With pleasure我很乐意。根据“but these days I’m too busy with the singing competition.”可知,此处表示转折,That sounds like fun符合题意。故选C。31.(2023湖南岳阳统考中考真题)—May I use your computer?—________, but first you have to fold the clothes.A.Sure, I’d love toB.Yes, you canC.No, you can’t【答案】B【详解】句意:——我可以用一下你的电脑吗?——是的,你可以,不过你得先把衣服叠好。考查情景交际。Sure, I’d love to 当然,我很乐意;Yes, you can是的,你可以;No, you can’t不,你不能。问句“May I use your computer?”表示委婉请求,应回答可以或不可以,结合“but first you have to fold the clothes”可知,同意对方请求。故选B。32.(2023湖北武汉统考中考真题)—Do you understand what I mean? —________. I’m a bit lost.A.Very muchB.I hope notC.Not reallyD.It’s nothing【答案】C【详解】句意:——你明白我的意思吗?——不尽然。我有点迷惑。考查情景交际。Very much非常;I hope not我希望不是;Not really不尽然;It’s nothing没什么。根据“I’m a bit lost”可知有点迷惑,所以不是很理解对方说的意思,选项C符合语境。故选C。33.(2023湖北武汉统考中考真题)—Mom, can I talk to you about my job offer, please? —________.A.Go aheadB.I seeC.Much betterD.Never mind【答案】A【详解】句意:——妈妈,我能和你谈谈我的工作机会吗?——请说。考查情景交际。Go ahead请说;I see我明白了;Much better好多了;Never mind没关系。根据“can I talk to...”可知此处表示同意,请对方继续说,选项A符合语境。故选A。34.(2023湖北武汉统考中考真题)—What the headmaster said at the graduation must have stuck in the minds of many students. —________. It was very inspiring.A.I agreeB.Thank youC.All rightD.My pleasure【答案】A【详解】句意:——校长在毕业典礼上说的话一定深深地印在许多学生的脑海里。——我同意。它非常鼓舞人心。考查情景交际。I agree我同意;Thank you谢谢你;All right好的;My pleasure我的荣幸。根据“It was very inspiring”可知此处是同意对方的观点,选项A符合。故选A。35.(2023山东滨州统考中考真题)—I think that saving the earth begins with little things.—________. All those little things will add up to be great.A.You’re rightB.You’re welcomeC.I’m not sure about thatD.I’m afraid I can’t agree【答案】A【详解】句意:——我认为拯救地球始于小事。——你是对的。所有这些小事加起来都会很棒的。考查情景交际。You’re right你是对的;You’re welcome不客气;I’m not sure about that我不确定;I’m afraid I can’t agree恐怕我不同意。根据“All those little things will add up to be great”可知此处是同意对方的说法,选项A符合语境。故选A。36.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)Which of the following is TRUE according to the right picture?A.They are possibly in the kitchen of their house.B.It seems that nobody is happyC.They are probably a family.D.The girl is taller than the boy.【答案】C【详解】句意:根据右图,以下哪一项是正确的?考查常识。根据常识可知,他们四个人在游乐场,两个成人两个孩子,由此可推知他们可能是一家人。故选C。37.(2023甘肃白银统考中考真题)—Home is always the warmest place.—________ East or west, home is the best.A.I don’t think so.B.I’m afraid not.C.I couldn’t agree more.D.I hope not.【答案】C【详解】句意:——家永远是最温暖的地方。——我完全同意。金窝银窝,不如自己的草窝。考查情景交际。I don’t think so我不这么想;I’m afraid not恐怕不行;I couldn’t agree more我完全同意;I hope not我希望不会。根据“East or west, home is the best.”可知是认同对方观点。故选C。38.(2023江苏扬州统考中考真题)—I’ve made little progress in my maths, Li Ming. I’m really worried.—________, Liu Mei. It takes time.A.Sounds goodB.Don’t mention itC.That’s a good ideaD.Don’t worry【答案】D【详解】句意:——李明,我的数学进步不大。我真的很担心。——别担心,刘梅。这需要时间。考查情景交际。Sounds good听起来不错;Don’t mention it别提了;That’s a good idea这个主意真不错;Don’t worry别担心。根据“It takes time.”可知,此处应是安慰对方不要过于担心,故选D。39.(2023天津统考中考真题)—Oh, no! My mobile phone is missing!—________. Go to the lost and found office. They might have it.A.Don’t worryB.Thanks a lotC.It sounds greatD.That’s cool【答案】A【详解】句意:——哦,不!我的手机不见了!——不要担心。去失物招领处。他们可能有。考查情景交际。Don’t worry别担心; Thanks a lot非常感谢;It sounds great听起来不错;That’s cool太酷了。根据“Go to the lost and found office. They might have it.”可知是安慰对方,Don’t worry符合语境。故选A。40.(2023安徽统考中考真题)—What is the best way to see the beautiful countryside?—________. When I don’t need to rush, I’d like to see it by bike.A.No problemB.Forget itC.Good luckD.It depends【答案】D【详解】句意:——看美丽乡村的最好方式是什么?——视情况而定。当我不需要赶时间的时候,我喜欢骑自行车去看它。考查情景交际。No problem没问题;Forget it别在意;Good luck祝你好运;It depends看情况而定。根据“When I don’t need to rush, I’d like to see it by bike”可知,根据自身的情况确定最好的方式是什么,故选D。41.(2023云南统考中考真题)He has failed many times, ________ he never loses heart.A.andB.butC.orD.so【答案】B【详解】句意:他失败了很多次,但他从未灰心。考查连词辨析。and和;but但是;or或者;so因此。前后句之间是转折关系,需用转折连词but。故选B。42.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We ________ learn to protect ourselves.A.mightB.shouldC.couldD.would【答案】B【详解】句意:地震可能非常危险。我们应该学会保护自己。考查情态动词。might可能;should应该;could能;would将。根据“We...learn to protect ourselves.”可知此处是表示建议,我们应该学会保护自己,故选B。43.(2023云南统考中考真题)It’s a good habit to ________ the lights when you leave a room.A.turn downB.turn upC.turn offD.turn on【答案】C【详解】句意:离开房间时关灯是个好习惯。考查动词短语。turn down把声音调小;turn up把声音调大;turn off关闭;turn on打开。根据“It’s a good habit to... the lights when you leave a room.”可知离开房间时关灯是好习惯。故选C。44.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)It won’t take long to clean the hall when we do it together. You know, ________.A.the early bird catches the wormB.many hands make light workC.a friend in need is a friend indeedD.actions speak louder than words【答案】B【详解】句意:我们一起打扫大厅不会花很长时间。你知道的,众人拾柴火焰高。考查谚语。the early bird catches the worm早起的鸟儿有虫吃;many hands make light work众人拾柴火焰高;a friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情;actions speak louder than words事实胜于雄辩。根据“It won’t take long to clean the hall when we do it together.”可知此处主要强调团结的力量。故选B。45.(2023江苏连云港统考中考真题)—Thanks for inviting me to the Garden Flower Expo.—________!A.That’s rightB.I’m fineC.You’re welcomeD.Great idea【答案】C【详解】句意:——谢谢你邀请我参加花园花卉博览会。——不用客气!考查交际用语。That’s right没错;I’m fine我很好;You’re welcome不客气;Great idea好主意。根据“Thanks for inviting me to the Garden Flower Expo.”可知此处应对感谢作出回应,应用“You’re welcome”表示“不客气”。故选C。46.(2023四川自贡统考中考真题)— I’m sorry to trouble you, Mr. Smith.— ______.A.I hope notB.Don’t say thatC.That’s all right【答案】C【详解】句意:——很抱歉打扰你,史密斯先生。——没关系。考查情景交际。I hope not我希望不会;Don’t say that别那么说;That’s all right没关系。上文“I’m sorry to trouble you”表示抱歉,下文应回应“没关系”。故选C。47.(2023四川泸州统考中考真题)—Do you want to watch the basketball game in the park?—________, but I have to do the chores first.A.I’m afraid notB.I’d love toC.Never mindD.Of course not【答案】B【详解】句意:——你想在公园里看篮球赛吗?——我很乐意,但我必须先做家务。考查情景交际。I’m afraid not恐怕不是;I’d love to我愿意;Never mind别介意;Of course not当然不。根据“but I have to do the chores first.”可知,此处是表示肯定的意愿“我很乐意”,但是要先做家务。故选B。48.(2023四川达州统考中考真题)—I think the best way to improve your swimming skills is to practice more.—________ After all, practice makes perfect.A.I can’t agree more.B.I disagree with you.C.How come?【答案】A【详解】句意:——我认为提高你游泳技术的最好方法是多练习。——我非常同意。毕竟,熟能生巧。考查情景交际。I can’t agree more.我非常同意;I disagree with you.我不同意你的看法;How come?怎么会,为什么。根据“practice makes perfect”可知,“我”同意上文“提高游泳技术的最好方法是多练习”。故选A。49.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)— Can we talk about it in the library?— No way. Look at the sign ________ on the wall. We must be quiet here.A.B.C.【答案】C【详解】句意:——我们能在图书馆谈吗?——不可能。看墙上的指示牌。我们必须保持安静。考查常识。A:禁止吃喝;B:禁止拍照;C:保持安静。根据“We must be quiet here.”可知,要保持安静,故选C。50.(2023四川凉山统考中考真题)—I want to complain about the new computer.—________A.What happened?B.How are you?C.With pleasure.【答案】A【详解】句意:——我想抱怨这台新电脑。——发生了什么?考查情景交际。What happened?发生什么事了;How are you?你好吗; With pleasure.乐意效劳。根据“I want to complain about the new computer.”可知对方要抱怨,应是问发生什么了。故选A。(2022中考真题)1.(2022辽宁大连中考真题)—Is this your sweater, Jack? —Oh, yes, it is. ________A.Thank you.B.You’re welcome.C.Never mindD.Good luck.【答案】A【解析】句意:——这是你的毛衣吗,杰克?——哦,是的。 谢谢你。考查情景交际。Thank you.谢谢;You’re welcome.不客气;Never mind没关系;Good luck.祝你好运。根据“Is this your sweater, Jack?”以及“Oh, yes, it is.”可知,此处应该谢谢对方。故选A。2.(2022辽宁沈阳中考真题)— I am sorry that I broke your cup. — ________. Let’s just clean it up.A.Not badB.Good ideaC.Well doneD.Never mind【答案】D【解析】句意:——我很抱歉打破了你的杯子。——没关系。我们把它清理一下。考查情景交际。Not bad还不错;Good idea好主意;Well done干得好;Never mind没关系。根据“Let’s just clean it up.”可知,安慰对方打破了杯子是没关系的,故选D。3.(2022广西梧州中考真题)—Thank you for opening the window.—________!A.Come onB.No problemC.You’re welcomeD.Never mind【答案】C【解析】句意:——谢谢你打开窗户。——不客气。考查情景交际。Come on来吧 ;No problem没问题;You’re welcome不客气;Never mind没关系。根据“Thank you...”可知,对方表示感谢,此处应说“不客气”。故选C。4.(2022山东滨州中考真题)— Thank you for showing me around your beautiful city. I love it so much. — ________. We are looking forward to your next visit to Binzhou!A.Never mindB.All rightC.That’s rightD.My pleasure【答案】D【解析】句意:——谢谢你带我参观你们美丽的城市。 我非常喜欢它。——我的荣幸。期待您下次光临滨州!考查情景交际。Never mind没关系;All right好吧;That’s right你说得对;My pleasure我的荣幸。根据“Thank you for showing me around your beautiful city”可知,针对对方的感谢应说“My pleasure”,故选D。5.(2022黑龙江牡丹江中考真题)— Kevin, please help me repair the alarm clock.— No problem! ________A.It’s a piece of cake.B.I don’t think so.C.It serves you right.【答案】A【解析】句意:——凯文,请帮我修闹钟。——没问题! 很简单的。考查情景交际。It’s a piece of cake.小菜一碟。;I don’t think so.我不这么认为。;It serves you right.你自作自受。根据“No problem!”可知,此处是答应帮对方修闹钟。选项A“小菜一碟”符合语境。故选A。6.(2022广西河池中考真题)— Amy, my class will visit the Bird’s Nest this afternoon.— ________A.Good luck!B.Congratulations!C.Have a good time.D.That’s a good idea.【答案】C【解析】句意:——艾米, 今天下午我们班要去参观鸟巢。——祝你们玩得高兴。考查交际用语。Good luck!祝你好运;Congratulations!恭喜;Have a good time.玩得高兴;That’s a good idea.那是一个好主意。根据“Amy, my class will visit the Bird’s Nest this afternoon.”可知,对于他人要出去游玩应表示祝福,因此Amy可以说“玩得高兴”。故选C。7.(2022辽宁营口中考真题)—Shall we go fishing? — ________. The wind is too strong. Let’s stay at home and read books.A.Good ideaB.I agree with youC.Don’t be sillyD.No problem【答案】C【解析】句意:——我们去钓鱼怎么样?——别傻了。风这么大。我们还是待在家里读书吧。考查交际用语。Good idea好主意;I agree with you我同意你的想法;Don’t be silly别傻了;No problem没问题。根据“The wind is too strong. Let’s stay at home and read books”可知外面风太大,还是待在家里看书吧,说明这是不同意去钓鱼的,因此应回答“别傻了”。故选C。8.(2022江苏常州中考真题)—It’s necessary for us to spend more time with our grandparents.—________. They won’t see us often after we go to college.A.I hope notB.I think soC.I’m sorryD.I’m not sure【答案】B【解析】句意:——我们有必要花更多的时间和祖父母在一起。——我也这么想。我们上大学后,他们就不会经常见到我们了。考查情景交际。I hope not我希望不是;I think so我也这么想;I’m sorry我很抱歉;I’m not sure我不确定。根据“It’s necessary for us to spend more time with our grandparents.”和“They won’t see us often after we go to college.”可知,后者赞同前者的看法,故选B。9.(2022江苏镇江中考真题)—Sam’s animal sign is the Tiger. It is said that people born in the Year of the Tiger are brave.— _______ He reported a crime to the police last week.A.I can’t agree more.B.You’re welcome.C.That’s not the case.D.Never mind.【答案】A【解析】句意:——山姆的属相是虎。据说虎年出生的人很勇敢。——我完全同意。他上周向警方报案。考查情景交际。I can’t agree more.我完全同意;You’re welcome.不用谢;That’s not the case.事实并非如此;Never mind.不要紧;根据“He reported a crime to the police last week.”可知,此处是说完全同意对方的观点,故选A。10.(2022山东菏泽中考真题)—Lisa, pass me the phone, please.—OK. ________.A.You’re welcomeB.Here you areC.I think so【答案】B【解析】句意:——丽莎,请把电话递给我。——好的。给你。考查情景交际。You’re welcome不客气;Here you are给你;I think so我也这么想。根据“Lisa, pass me the phone, please.”可知此处是请求帮助,再根据“OK”可知应回答说“给你”。故选B。11.(2022广西中考真题)—Our team won the first prize in the football match last week.— ________ .A.You’re welcomeB.Good ideaC.Well doneD.That’s all right【答案】C【解析】句意:——上周我们队赢得了足球比赛的第一名。——干得好。考查交际用语。You’re welcome不客气;Good idea好主意;Well done干得好;That’s all right没关系。根据“Our team won the first prize in the football match last week”可知我们队赢得第一名,因此此处应给予肯定、赞赏。故选C。12.(2022广西贵港中考真题)—Would you like to go to the mountains with me tomorrow, Gina?—________. Catch you at 9:00 am.A.Sure, I’d love toB.Lucky youC.Yes, pleaseD.Have a good time【答案】A【解析】句意:——你明天愿意和我一起去山上吗,吉娜?——当然,我很乐意。早上9点见。考查情景交际。Sure, I’d love to当然,我很乐意;Lucky you你真幸运;Yes, please是的,请;Have a good time玩得愉快。根据“Catch you at 9:00 am.”可知,此处表示接受邀请,使用Sure, I’d love to,故选A。13.(2022湖北荆州中考真题)—Let’s go to Mr. Yu’s speech on Chinese culture, shall we? —________ We can go next time.A.Why not?B.That’s all right.C.Never mind.D.I’m afraid it’s too late.【答案】D【解析】句意:——我们去听余先生关于中国文化的演讲,好吗?——恐怕为时已晚。 我们下次可以去。考查情景交际。Why not 为何不……(用来提建议);That’s all right没关系;Never mind不要紧;I’m afraid it’s too late恐怕太迟了。根据“We can go next time.”可知应说恐怕太迟了。故选D。14.(2022江苏徐州中考真题)—Are you going to Helen’s birthday party tomorrow?—________. I might have to work.A.It dependsB.Thank youC.Good ideaD.With pleasure【答案】A【解析】句意:——你明天要去海伦的生日聚会吗?——视情况而定。我可能不得不工作。考查情景交际。It depends视情况而定;Thank you谢谢;Good idea好主意;With pleasure我很乐意。根据“I might have to work.”可知,此处是指去不去聚会得视情况而定。故选A。15.(2022辽宁辽宁中考真题)—What about joining the science club with me? —________. I’m looking forward to it.A.Good ideaB.With pleasureC.Never mindD.It doesn’t matter【答案】A【解析】句意:——和我一起加入科学俱乐部怎么样?——好主意。我很期待。考查情景交际。Good idea好主意;With pleasure我很愿意,用来回答对方的请求;Never mind没关系;It doesn’t matter没关系。根据“I’m looking forward to it.”可知,此处是赞同对方的提议。故选A。16.(2022湖北恩施中考真题)—Would you mind my closing the door? It’s too cold outside.—________ You can do it!A.Certainly.B.You’d better not.C.Of course not.【答案】C【解析】句意:——你介意我把门关上吗?外面太冷了。 ——当然不介意。你可以关上门!考查情景交际。Certainly当然介意;You’d better not你最好不要; Of course not当然不介意。根据“Would you mind my closing the door”及“You can do it!”可知,让对方关门,所以此处是表达不介意,故选C。17.(2022黑龙江黑龙江中考真题)—_________? —Wait a minute. I’ll go and call him in.A.Are you Mr. WhiteB.Who’s speakingC.May I speak to Mr. White, please【答案】C【解析】句意:——请问我可以和怀特先生讲话吗?——等一下。我去叫他进来。考查情景交际。Are you Mr. White您是怀特先生吗;Who’s speaking谁在讲话;May I speak to Mr. White. Please请问我可以和怀特先生讲话吗;根据“Wait a minute. I’ll go and call him in.”可知,这是电话用语,打电话要找某人应该说“May I speak to...”,C选项符合,故选C。18.(2022内蒙古包头中考真题)— I won a prize at the school sports day, Mum. — ________ Congratulations!A.Oh, no.B.That’s great!C.Hard to say.D.It all depends.【答案】B【解析】句意:——妈妈,我在学校运动会上得了奖。——真好!祝贺!考查情景交际。Oh, no哦,不;That’s great非常好;Hard to say很难说;It all depends这视情况而定。根据“I won a prize at the school sports day, Mum”可知对对方进行积极评价,选项B符合语境。故选B。19.(2022内蒙古包头中考真题)— I’m in the 400-meter race. It’s in two hours, and I’m very nervous. — Come on, ________ You have been practising hard and you will win if you just focus.A.all right.B.no wonder.C.no need to worry!D.sounds like fun.【答案】C【解析】句意:——我参加了400米长跑。两个小时就开始了,我非常紧张。——加油,没必要担忧!你已经很努力练习了,如果你只是集中注意力你会赢的。考查情景交际。all right好吧;no wonder难怪;no need to worry没有必要担忧;sounds like fun听起来很有趣。根据“You have been practising hard and you will win if you just focus”可知,回答表达不要担忧,用句子“no need to worry”。故选C。20.(2022贵州黔东南中考真题)—If you go out for a party with your dad and he wants to drive after drinking, what should you do? —_________A.Tell him to drive carefully.B.Ask him to wear his seat belt.C.Stop him from driving.D.Prevent him from meeting the traffic police.【答案】C【解析】句意:——如果你和你爸爸出去参加聚会,他酒后驾车,你该怎么办?——阻止他开车。考查常识。Tell him to drive carefully告诉他开车要小心;Ask him to wear his seat belt让他系上安全带;Stop him from driving阻止他开车;Prevent him from meeting the traffic police阻止他遇见交警。根据“If you go out for a party with your dad and he wants to drive after drinking”及常识可知,酒后驾驶违反了交通法规,所以应该阻止他酒后开车,故选C。21.(2022黑龙江中考真题)—I plan to go to the Children’s Amusement Center, would you like to go with me?—Oh, ________ I have to study for a test.A.what a surprise!B.don’t mention it.C.what a pity!【答案】C【解析】句意:——我打算去儿童游乐中心,你愿意和我一起去吗?——噢真可惜! 我必须为考试而学习。考查情景交际。what a surprise!真是一个惊喜;don’t mention it.别客气;what a pity!太遗憾了。根据“I have to study for a test.”可知,说话者要准备考试,因此对不能去儿童中心感到很遗憾。故选C。22.(2022黑龙江中考真题)— Do you mind my sitting here?— ________. It’s for Mr. Smith.A.You’d better notB.Not at allC.No, I don’t【答案】A【解析】句意:——你介意我坐在这里吗?——你最好不要。 这是给史密斯先生的。考查情景交际。You’d better not 你最好不要;Not at all一点也不;No, I don’t不,我没有。根据“It’s for Mr. Smith.”可知,此处表示介意对方坐在这里,A选项符合语境。故选A。23.(2022贵州毕节中考真题)—Please mind your head, sir.—________A.It doesn’t matter.B.OK! Thank you.C.Don’t mention.D.I’m afraid not.【答案】B【解析】句意:——先生,请小心你的头。——好的!多谢。考查情景交际。It doesn’t matter没关系;OK! Thank you好的,感谢;Don’t mention别客气;I’m afraid not恐怕不行。根据“Please mind your head, sir”可知对于别人的提醒要表示感谢。故选B。24.(2022江苏无锡中考真题)—How about going to the library this afternoon?—________ Reading is my therapy.A.Are you kidding?B.You got me there.C.Don’t you know?D.You read my mind.【答案】D【解析】句意:——今天下午去图书馆怎么样?——你知我心。阅读是我的治疗方法。考查情景交际。Are you kidding你在开玩笑吧;You got me there你难住我了;Don’t you know难道你不知道;You read my mind你知我心。根据“How about going to the library this afternoon?”可知,此处表建议,结合“Reading is my therapy.”可知,此处为肯定回答,表示赞同。故选D。25.(2022江苏泰州中考真题)—What a sunny day! Why not go camping with your friends?—________A.It’s my pleasure.B.You’d better not.C.No, I don’t mind.D.That sounds great.【答案】D【解析】句意:——多么阳光明媚的一天! 为什么不和你的朋友一起去露营呢?——听起来不错。考查情景交际。It’s my pleasure这是我的荣幸;You’d better not你最好不;No, I don’t mind不,我不介意;That sounds great听起来不错。根据“Why not go camping with your friends?”可知此处是表示建议,应回答“听起来不错”,故选D。26.(2022四川凉山彝族自治州中考真题)—Don’t be noisy in public. It’s impolite, you know.—________A.Sorry, I won’t.B.Not at all.C.I’m afraid so.【答案】A【解析】句意:——不要在公共场合吵闹。 你知道,这是不礼貌的。 ——抱歉,我不会的。考查情景交际。Sorry, I won’t抱歉,我不会;Not at all根本不;I’m afraid so我恐怕是这样的。根据“Don’t be noisy in public”可知,此处应回复自己下次不会了,故选A。27.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—Tom, turn off the light. Don’t keep it on. —________.A.You’d better notB.OK. I willC.Not at allD.You’re welcome【答案】B【解析】句意:汤姆,关掉灯。不要让它一直开着。考查情景交际。You’d better not“你最好不要”;OK. I will“好的。我会的”;Not at all“不客气”;You’re welcome“不客气”。根据“Tom, turn off the light. Don’t keep it on.”可知,题干表示提醒某人要做某事,应用“I will”回复。故选B。28.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—Would you mind my sitting here?—Of course not. ________.A.Don’t be sillyB.I’ve no ideaC.Go aheadD.It’s hard to say【答案】C【解析】句意:——你介意我坐在这里吗?——当然不。 来吧。考查情景交际。Don’t be silly别傻了;I’ve no idea我不知道;Go ahead 来吧,继续;It’s hard to say这很难说。根据“Of course not.”可知,此处是不介意对方坐在这里,“Go ahead”符合语境,表示让对方来坐下。故选C。29.(2022湖北湖北中考真题)—Would you like to have a picnic with us?—________. Thanks.A.Yes, I’d love toB.It doesn’t matterC.I’m sorry to hear thatD.I don’t think so【答案】A【解析】句意:——你愿意和我们一起去野餐吗?——是的,我很乐意。谢谢。考查情景交际。Yes, I’d love to是的,我很想去;It doesn’t matter没关系;I’m sorry to hear that我很遗憾听到这个消息;I don’t think so我不这么认为。根据“Thanks.”可知,是愿意去的;故选A。30.(2022安徽中考真题)—Cooking helps us show love for family members.—________. Every time I make dishes for Mum, she is very happy.A.I can’t believe itB.Take it easyC.I couldn’t agree moreD.That depends【答案】C【解析】句意:——烹饪帮助我们表达对家人的爱。——我完全同意。每次我给妈妈做饭,她都很高兴。考查情景交际。I can’t believe it我不能相信;Take it easy放轻松;I couldn’t agree more我完全同意;That depends视情况而定。根据“Every time I make dishes for Mum, she is very happy.”可知,后者同意前者的说法,故选C。31.(2022天津中考真题)—Do you know about rock music?—________. Ask Robert. He is a fan of rock music.A.No ideaB.No wonderC.No wayD.No problem【答案】A【解析】句意:——你了解摇滚乐吗?——不知道。问Robert。他是摇滚乐迷。考查情景交际。No idea不知道;No wonder难怪;No way没门;No problem没问题。根据“Ask Robert”可知不了解摇滚乐,选项A符合语境。故选A。32.(2022新疆中考真题)—Don’t forget to keep a safe social distance (距离) in public places, Tony!—________.A.Sorry, I won’tB.Never mindC.Not at allD.I hope not【答案】A【解析】句意:——别忘了在公共场合保持安全的社交距离,托尼!——对不起,我不会了。考查情景交际。Sorry, I won’t对不起,我不会了;Never mind没关系;Not at all一点儿不,别客气;I hope not我希望不会。根据“Don’t forget to keep a safe social distance in public places, Tony!”可知对方提醒之后会道歉并保证不会再忘记保持安全社交距离,用“Sorry, I won’t”符合语境。故选A。33.(2022云南昆明中考真题)—Please be quiet. We are in the library.—________.A.Well doneB.OK, I willC.Enjoy yourselfD.Long time no see【答案】B【解析】句意:——请安静。我们在图书馆里。——好的,我会的。考查情景交际。Well done做得好;OK, I will好的,我会的;Enjoy yourself玩得开心;Long time no see好久不见;根据“Please be quiet. We are in the library.”可知,这里应该是对此提醒作出回复,指的是“知道了,我会的”,故选B。34.(2022云南昆明中考真题)—This is Jenny speaking. May I speak to Dr. Wang?—________. I’ll tell him to call you back.A.Have a good tripB.This is Dr. Wang speakingC.I’m glad to hear thatD.Sorry, he is not available now【答案】D【解析】句意:——我是珍妮。 我可以和王医生讲话吗?——抱歉,他现在没有空。我会让他给你回电话。考查情景交际。Have a good trip旅行愉快;This is Dr. Wang speaking我是王医生;I’m glad to hear that听到这个我很开心;Sorry, he is not available now抱歉,他现在没有空。根据“I’ll tell him to call you back”可知,王医生现在没办法接电话,故选D。35.(2022云南中考真题)— Hello, boys and girls! I’m your new teacher. ________— Nice to meet you, too.A.Nice to meet you.B.What’s your name?C.Good morning.D.How are you?【答案】A【解析】句意:——你好,孩子们!我是你们的新老师。很高兴见到你们。——我们也很高兴见到你。考查情景交际。Nice to meet you很高兴见到你们;What’s your name你叫什么名字;Good morning早上好;How are you你好吗。根据“Nice to meet you, too”可知,此处应说“很高兴见到你们”,故选A。36.(2022云南中考真题)— I’m sorry, Bill. I took your notebook by mistake.— ________. They look almost the same.A.You’re not rightB.It doesn’t matterC.I hope notD.I’m not sure【答案】B【解析】句意:——我很抱歉,Bill。我错拿了你的笔记本。——没关系。它们看起来几乎一样。考查情景交际。You’re not right你不对;It doesn’t matter没关系;I hope not我希望不是;I’m not sure我不确定。根据“I took your notebook by mistake”及“They look almost the same”可知,此处应是安慰对方没关系,故选B。37.(2022云南中考真题)— Kids should play outdoor games more instead of playing computer games.— ________. It will be better for their eyes.A.Just so soB.Not at allC.I agree with youD.It’s a pity【答案】C【解析】句意:——孩子们应该多玩户外游戏而不是玩电脑游戏。 ——我同意你的观点。那对他们的眼睛更好。考查情景交际。Just so so一般般;Not at all别客气;I agree with you我同意你的观点;It’s a pity多可惜。根据“Kids should play outdoor games more instead of playing computer games”及“It will be better for their eyes”可知,此处是同意对方的观点,故选C。38.(2022浙江温州中考真题)—Dad, we’ll play against s strong team in tomorrow’s football match.—________! Just try your best!A.Good ideaB.Come onC.Thank youD.Wait a minute【答案】B【解析】句意:——爸爸,明天的足球比赛我们将和一支强队比赛。 ——加油!尽你最大的努力!考查情景交际。Good idea好主意;Come on加油;Thank you谢谢你;Wait a minute等一会。根据“Just try your best”可知,此处应是一句加油鼓励的话语,故选B。39.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)— Shall we have an outdoor graduation party after the exam?— ________ I think everyone will love it.A.Good idea.B.No way.C.Enjoy yourself.D.The same to you.【答案】A【解析】句意:——考试结束后我们举行一个户外毕业晚会好吗?——好主意。我认为每个人都会喜欢它。考查情景交际。Good idea好主意;No way没门;Enjoy yourself玩得开心;The same to you你也一样。根据“Shall we have an outdoor graduation party after the exam”及“I think everyone will love it”可知,认为对方的建议很不错,故选A。40.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)—I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to smoke.— ________ It’s bad for the teens’ health.A.I agree.B.I hope so.C.I disagree.D.I hope not.【答案】A【解析】句意:——我认为十六岁的孩子不应该被允许吸烟。——我同意。这对青少年的健康有害。考查情景交际。I agree.我同意;I hope so.我希望如此;I disagree.我不同意;I hope not我不希望;根据“I don’t think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to smoke.”及“It’s bad for the teens’ health.”可知,此处是同意对方的观点,故选A。41.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)— Hi, Mary. You look tired. ________— I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning.A.What happened?B.What a pain!C.You’re kidding.D.How about you?【答案】A【解析】句意:——嗨,玛丽。你看起来很累。发生了什么事?——我没赶上校车,所以今天早上不得不跑着去上学。考查情景交际。What happened发生了什么事;What a pain真痛苦;You’re kidding你在开玩笑;How about you你呢?根据“You look tired.”和“I missed the school bus so I had to run to school this morning.”可知,询问对方怎么了,故选A。42.(2022甘肃武威中考真题)— Happy birthday to you, Mary. — ________A.Have a nice day.B.See you.C.The same to you.D.Thank you.【答案】D【解析】句意:——Mary,祝你生日快乐。——谢谢你。考查情景交际。Have a nice day祝你有美好的一天;See you再见;The same to you你也一样;Thank you谢谢你。根据“Happy birthday to you”可知,对于对方的祝愿应表示感谢,故选D。43.(2022湖北武汉中考真题)— Can I have two tickets for the Chinese Poetic Dance? — ________. All the tickets have been sold out.A.I’m sorryB.Of courseC.Never mindD.Thank you【答案】A【解析】句意:——我可以买两张中国诗歌舞的票吗?——我很抱歉。所有的票都卖完了。考查情景交际。I’m sorry我很抱歉;Of course当然;Never mind没关系;Thank you谢谢你。根据“All the tickets have been sold out”可知,因所有的票都卖完了而感到抱歉,故选A。44.(2022湖北武汉中考真题)—Would you like to visit the National Science Museum with me tomorrow, Amy? —________.A.See you thenB.Sounds niceC.Excuse meD.I hope not【答案】B【解析】句意:——艾米,明天你愿意和我一起去参观国家科学博物馆吗?——听着不错。考查情景交际。See you then再见;Sounds nice听着不错;Excuse me打扰了;I hope not我希望不会。根据“Would you like to visit the National Science Museum with me tomorrow, Amy?”可知,这里邀请艾米一起餐馆国家科学博物馆,此处应对此作出评价,用“Sounds nice”符合语境。故选B。45.(2022湖北武汉中考真题)—Please show me your health code (码), either on Wechat or Alipay. —________. Here it is.A.It’s nothingB.Be carefulC.Go aheadD.No problem【答案】D【解析】句意:——请出示您的健康码,微信或者支付宝都可以。——没问题。给你。考查情景交际。It’s nothing没什么;Be careful小心;Go ahead去吧;No problem没问题。根据“Here it is.”可知同意出示健康码,用“No problem”符合语境。故选D。46.(2022湖南怀化中考真题)—Would you like to go to the history museum with me? —_______.A.Sure, I’d love toB.Yes, I doC.That’s right【答案】A【解析】句意:——你愿意和我一起去历史博物馆吗?——当然,我想去。考查情景交际。Sure, I’d love to当然,我想去;Yes, I do是的,我……;That’s right没错。根据“Would you like to go to the history museum with me”可知,对于对方的邀请表示同意或拒绝,故选A。47.(2022湖南岳阳中考真题)—Long time no see, Angela. How’s it going? —_______, thank you.A.It doesn’t matterB.The same to youC.Pretty good【答案】C【解析】句意:——好久不见,安吉拉,你过得怎样?——相当好,谢谢你。考查情景交际。it doesn’t matter没关系;the same to you你也一样;pretty good相当好。根据“How’s it going”可知是在询问近况,回答表达“相当好”,用“pretty good”。故选C。48.(2022江苏连云港中考真题)Keep practising, and you’ll be an excellent football player. ________.A.No pain, no gainB.A friend in need is a friend indeedC.It never rains but it poursD.When in Rome, do as the Romans do【答案】A【解析】句意:坚持练习,你会成为一名优秀的足球运动员。没有付出就没有收获。考查谚语。No pain, no gain没有付出就没有收获;A friend in need is a friend indeed患难见真情;It never rains but it pours祸不单行;When in Rome, do as the Romans do入乡随俗。根据“Keep practising, and you’ll be an excellent football player”可知,此处讲的是付出与收获,A项符合语境。故选A。49.(2022江苏连云港中考真题)—Shall we go birdwatching tomorrow?— ________! I’d love to.A.Good luckB.Best wishesC.Sounds greatD.You’re welcome【答案】C【解析】句意:——我们明天去赏鸟好吗?——听起来不错!我想去。考查情景交际。Good luck祝你好运;Best wishes最美好的祝愿;Sounds great听起来不错;You’re welcome不客气。根据“Shall we go birdwatching tomorrow”及“I’d love to”可知,认为对方的建议不错,故选C。50.(2022江苏宿迁中考真题)—Would you like to go to the youth centre with me tomorrow?— ________ I can’t wait for the robot show there.A.Yes, that’s right.B.Sure, I’d love to.C.Of course not.D.Not at all.【答案】B【解析】句意:——你明天愿意和我一起去青年中心吗?——当然,我愿意。我等不及看那里的机器人表演了。考查情景交际。Yes, that’s right是的,那是对的;Sure, I’d love to是的,我愿意;Of course not当然不;Not at all一点也不。根据“I can’t wait for the robot show there”可知此处是接受别人的邀请,选项B符合语境。故选B。51.(2022江苏扬州中考真题)—My pet dog died yesterday. I’m in a bad mood.—________. I know how it feels.A.Sorry to hear thatB.That’s not the caseC.Never mindD.It’s a pleasure【答案】A【解析】句意:——我的宠物狗昨天死了。我的心情不好。——很抱歉听到这个消息。我知道那是什么感觉。考查情景交际。Sorry to hear that很抱歉听到这个消息;That’s not the case事实并非如此;Never mind没关系;It’s a pleasure别客气。根据“My pet dog died yesterday. I’m in a bad mood”可知此处应对别人的不幸遭遇表示同情,选项A符合语境。故选A。52.(2022四川达州中考真题)—Ruby, could you please help me solve these problems?—___________, but still half are left for you to do by yourself.A.I don’t think soB.I hope notC.With pleasureD.It’s my pleasure【答案】C【解析】句意:——Ruby,你能帮我解决这些问题吗?——我很乐意,但还有一半留给你自己去做。考查情景交际。I don’t think so我不这么认为;I hope not我希望不是这样;With pleasure我很乐意;It’s my pleasure不客气。根据“could you please help me solve these problems”可知,对方提出请求,根据“but still half are left for you to do by yourself.”可知选项C“我很乐意”符合语境,故选C。53.(2022四川乐山中考真题)— Wow, look at the notice. Tina won the first prize of the English Spelling Competition.— ________A.That’s a pity.B.That’s cool.C.That’s all.【答案】B【解析】句意:——哇,看这个通知。 蒂娜在英语拼写比赛中获得第一名。——那太棒了。考查情景交际。That’s a pity那太可惜了;That’s cool真棒;That’s all就这样。根据“Tina won the first prize of the English Spelling Competition”可知,应该夸奖对方的出色表现,故选B。54.(2022四川泸州中考真题)—I’m taking the high school entrance examination these days. I hope I will make it. —________!A.Good luckB.No wayC.What a pityD.Congratulations【答案】A【解析】句意:——这几天我在参加中考。 我希望我能成功。 ——祝你好运!考查情景交际。Good luck祝你好运;No way没门;What a pity多么可惜;Congratulations恭喜。根据“I’m taking the high school entrance examination these days. I hope I will make it”可知,应对对方表达祝愿,故选A。55.(2022四川遂宁中考真题)— I think teenagers should sleep at least 8 hours every day.—________ Enough sleep is good for their health.A.I agree with you.B.I don’t think so.C.It doesn’t matter.D.I don’t mind.【答案】A【解析】句意:——我认为青少年每天应该至少睡8小时。 ——我同意你的观点。充足的睡眠对他们的健康有好处。考查情景交际。I agree with you我同意你的观点;I don’t think so我不这么认为;It doesn’t matter没关系;I don’t mind我不介意。根据“I think teenagers should sleep at least 8 hours every day”及“Enough sleep is good for their health”可知,同意对方的观点,故选A。56.(2022四川自贡中考真题)—Mom, could I surf the Internet after finishing my homework?—________. You’d better go out for a walk.A.Go aheadB.Sorry, you can’tC.Of course you can【答案】B【解析】句意:——妈妈,我做完作业可以上网吗?——对不起,你不能。你最好出去散散步。考查情景交际。Go ahead开始吧;Sorry, you can’t对不起,你不能;Of course you can你当然可以。根据“You’d better go out for a walk”可知此处是不同意对方的请求,选项B符合语境。故选B。57.(2022四川广元中考真题)—Would you like to go to the movies with me tonight?—______. I have to prepare for my English test.A.Yes, I wouldB.I’m afraid notC.Never mindD.I’d love to【答案】B【解析】句意:——今晚要和我一起去看电影吗?——恐怕不能。 我必须为我的英语考试做准备。考查情景交际。Yes, I would是的,我会;I’m afraid not恐怕不能;Never mind没关系;I’d love to我很乐意。根据“I have to prepare for my English test.”可知,是不能去看电影。故选B。58.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)—Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?—________A.Thank you!B.Never mind!C.You’re welcome.D.Sure, I’d love to.【答案】D【解析】句意:——晚饭后你想去散步吗?——当然,我很乐意。 考查情景交际。Thank you谢谢你;Never mind没关系;You’re welcome不客气;Sure, I’d love to当然,我很乐意。 根据“Would you like to go for a walk after dinner?”可知,对方邀请去散步,应回答是否愿意,故选D。59.(2022湖北十堰中考真题)— I am going to take an exam tomorrow.— ________A.Wonderful!B.Help yourself.C.Good luck!D.Hurry up.【答案】C【解析】句意:——我明天要考试。 ——祝你好运!考查情景交际。Wonderful太棒了;Help yourself请随意;Good luck祝你好运;Hurry up快点。根据“I am going to take an exam tomorrow.”可知,对方要考试,应祝好运,故选C。





