
2024-09-25·16页·54.3 K

高考模拟金典卷英语(120分钟 150分)考生须知:1.本卷侧重:高考评价体系之基础性。2.本卷怎么考:考查应对基础性素材的能力(阅读C);考查应对基础性设题的能力(题51、54、55)。3.本卷典型情境题:阅读C、D;阅读第二节。4.本卷测试范围:高考全部内容。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where are the speakers probably?A. In a restaurant. B. On a plane. C. In a cafeteria.2. How does the man feel?A. Impatient. B. Worried. C. Excited.3. What does the woman like doing on sunny days?A. Exploring the city.B. Staying with her friends.C. Watching a movie.4. How does the woman practice her English?A. By talking with natives online.B. By going to the English Corner.C. By looking through English websites.5. What does the woman really mean?A. Mike is always lying.B. Mike should give her a dollar.C. Mike loses many important things.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第 6、7题。6. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Doctor and patient.7. What is likely to blame for Janis’s sickness?A. The flu. B. The food. C. The street’s noise.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Where does the woman want to go?A. To a beach. B. To a stadium. C. To a restaurant.9. How is the man’s work in his opinion?A. Stressful. B. Simple. C. Rewarding.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. What does Bob think of motorcycle racing after the accident?A. It’s too dangerous. B. It’s still attractive. C. It’s more than painful.11. How long does Bob need to stay in bed all through?A. About two weeks. B. About three weeks. C. About five weeks.12. What did the woman give to Bob?A. Some magazines. B. Some medicine. C. Some flowers.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. How did the woman feel before the laser surgery?A. Calm. B. Nervous. C. Embarrassed.14. How soon do most patients go back to work after the laser surgery?A. One day later. B. One week later. C. One month later.15. What side effect did Jason’s uncle suffer after the laser surgery?A. He couldn’t see very well at night.B. His eyes became smaller than before.C. He could feel something inside his eyes.16. What does the woman think of the laser surgery in general?A. It needs improving. B. It causes inconvenience. C. It proves to be safe.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker always check first after she gets up?A. Her email. B. Her calendar. C. The weather.18. What did the speaker and her workmates do today?A. They had lunch together.B. They read some magazines.C. They visited a fashion show.19. What is the speaker’s job probably?A. A secretary. B. An online model. C. A magazine editor.20. What is the speaker mainly talking about?A. Her daily routine with her colleagues.B. Her one- day experience without the Internet.C. Some changes in her job in the future.第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。AStaff as Students of Social JusticeAbout the ProgramThe Staff as Students of Social Justice (SSSJ) program is an opportunity for campus staff (from the Division of Undergraduate Education and beyond) to audit(旁听) an American Cultures course and participate in discussions about timely and important topics. Piloted in fall2020, the SSSJ program is a unique opportunity to learn first - hand from leading scholars and American Cultures instructors about the intersections of race, ethnicity, and gender; dig into subjects of personal interests; and build connections with faculty, students, and fellow staff colleagues.Program Overview Attend online lectures and meetings for the core course. No exams, grades, or academic credits. Upon completion, you will receive a certificate signed by Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education Oliver O’ Reilly, which will be added to your HR file. Supplemental readings will be available and encouraged — especially for the guest scholars presenting to the SSSJ participants.Staff discussion sections will be led by Graduate Student Instructor David Maldonado (Berkeley School of Education) with flexible dates and a unified curriculum. The application cycle for spring2025is now closed. For questions about future offerings, please email to sssj@berkeley. edu.Remark“The best thing about the program was that I was able to gain a more firm and nuanced understanding of the harms and inequities of the tech industry while having really thoughtful conversations with our professors, my classmates, and folks from the VCUE Division around existing and imagined interventions into so many different aspects of tech in a lot of other spaces from art to journalism to activism.” — Sara Assadi - Nik, Program Coordinator, Division of Summer Sessions, Study Abroad & Lifelong Learning.21. What can the participants learn from the program?A. American history.B. American social issues.C. American after - school activities.D. American tech industry projects.22. How will the participants get a certificate?A. By passing the exams.B. By obtaining academic credits.C. By completing supplemental readings.D. By attending the online lectures and meetings.23. What does Sara Assadi - Nik think about the program?A. Complex. B. Unfair. C. Beneficial. D. Unique.BCourage is a huge theme in my life, a quality I constantly seek, appreciate, and analyze. The root of “courage” is “cor”, the Latin word for heart. Originally, courage meant “to speak one’s mind by telling all one’s heart”. While courage is often associated with heroism nowadays, I believe true courage lies in being open and honest about who we are and how we feel.I recently witnessed an example of true courage. During a mountain- climbing trip with my 15 - year - old daughter and some college students, I noticed her struggling to keep up with the group. Despite my suggestions for having a rest, she persisted until she couldn’t breathe properly.Panicked, I called out to the front for help, but there was no response, and we had no cellphone signal. Fortunately, two students just came back to check on us. They offered assistance and calmed us down. As we continued at a slower pace, they shared their own experiences, from starting out as beginners like my daughter to becoming consistently among the first to reach the peak.“You know,” one of them said, looking at my daughter, “I was just like you when I started. But with practice and proper pace, you’ll get there too.”“Yeah, don’t let your lack of experience stop you,” the other added. “It’s okay to admit when you’re struggling or not feeling alright. In fact, it’s important to speak up and ask for help when you need it. That’s how we improve and grow.”Reaching the mountain top was a huge relief for both my daughter and me. However, the two students addressed the celebrating group directly, emphasizing the importance of staying together in tough environments. Their words led the group to apologize to us for overlooking our struggle.I was totally amazed at their bravery, and my daughter learned that it’s okay to be the least experienced in a group. Courage, I’ve come to realize, has a ripple effect. Each time we choose courage, we inspire those around us to be a little braver and make the world a little better.24. Why does the author mention the original meaning of courage?A. To argue for the true essence of courage.B. To question the common belief of courage.C. To show the changing meaning of courage.D. To clarify different interpretations of courage.25. What did one of the two students suggest the author’s daughter do?A. Keep a suitable pace. B. Seek professional suggestions.C. Challenge her own limit. D. Stay with experienced climbers.26. Which behavior shows true courage according to the author?A. The two students stayed with them.B. The author’s daughter tried hard not to fall behind.C. The group celebrated their arrival at the mountain top.D. The two students pointed out the group’s indifference.27. What does the author intend to tell us?A. Courage means bravery in everything.B. Most people with courage can succeed.C. A beginner has to go through more struggles.D. We don’t have to be a hero without asking for help.CIn the digital world of endless comparisons, a thought - provoking study by a team at Ruhr University Bochum reveals a startling truth: materialism on social media fuels stress and reduces happiness. This research, conducted through an online survey of over 1, 200 participants, highlights the unique way social media sustains materialistic attitudes and the subsequent impact on mental health.Conducted with a diverse group of participants, the survey analyzed the social media behaviors and psychological states of individuals, focusing on their materialistic posts. The study employed six questionnaires to understand the participants’ materialistic attitudes, social media habits, stress levels, and life satisfaction. The participants, averaging over two hours a day on social media, revealed a clear pattern: higher levels of materialism on social media are associated with lower life satisfaction, increased stress symptoms, and a higher risk of social media addiction.The study’s implications extend beyond numbers and charts. It suggests a worrying trend where individuals seeking validation(认可) through materialistic displays on social media might be sacrificing their mental peace and happiness. Social media addiction is characterized by compulsive use of social media platforms, often at the expense of other activities. Stress symptoms can range from anxiety to physical manifestations like headaches or fatigue. What’s clear is that social media may cause far more harm to users than good.While the study acknowledges the risks associated with social media, especially for materialistic individuals, Dr Ozimek advises against completely abandoning these platforms. Instead, he suggests mindfulness in usage and a balanced approach to prevent overcompensation. Researchers also propose incorporating materialism and social media usage assessments in mental health treatment. Recognizing these factors as potential starting points for interventions offers new avenues for addressing modern - day mental health challenges.28. How did the researchers conduct the research?A. By collecting social platform data.B. By doing psychological tests.C. By employing questionnaires.D. By monitoring social media habits.29. Why do some people tend to display materialism on social media?A. To seek mental peace.B. To pursue recognition.C. To reduce stress symptoms.D. To increase life satisfaction.30. What matters to the materialistic individuals on social media in Dr Ozimek’s opinion?A. The level of life satisfaction.B. The mindfulness in using social media.C. The risks of revealing personal information.D. The intervention in mental health challenges.31. What does the text mainly talk about?A. A trend of materialistic displays.B. The substantial impact of social media.C. Different materialistic attitudes on social media.D. Materialism on social media driving mental health crisis.DTeachers across the country are dealing with whether to view AI tools like ChatGPT as friend or foe in the classroom. My research shows that the answer isn’t always simple. It can be both.Increasingly, students are using AI to help with their schoolwork. Students tend to view AI as having a positive impact on their creativity. In our study, 100% of participants using AI found it helpful for brainstorming. Only 16% of students preferred to brainstorm without AI. The students in this study generated more diverse and detailed ideas when using AI. They found that AI was useful for starting brainstorming sessions. Other research has shown that AI can also serve as a nonjudgmental partner for brainstorming, which can boost a free stream of ideas they might normally withhold in a group setting.The downside of brainstorming with AI was that some students voice d concerns about overreliance on the technology. They feared it might undermine their own thoughts and, consequently, confidence in their creative abilities. Some students reported a “fixation of the mind”, meaning that once they saw the AI’s ideas, they had a hard time coming up with their own.Some students also questioned the originality of ideas generated by AI. The research supported these opinions. We noted that while using ChatGPT improved students’ creative output individually, the AI ideas tended to be repetitive overall. This is likely due to generative AI recycling existing content rather than creating original thought.The study results indicate that allowing students to practice creativity independently first will strengthen their belief in themselves and their abilities. Once they accomplish this, AI can be useful for furthering their learning, much like teaching long division to students before introducing a calculator.As generative AI gains popularity, schools are pressed to set guidelines to ensure these tools are used responsibly. Some states have already developed guidelines for AI in education. Ethical considerations are vital for a positive relationship between creativity and AI. Our team will continue to research the effect of AI on students’ creativity, exploring its impact on agency, confidence and other phases of the creative process. AI in education is not just about the latest technology. It’s about shaping a future where human creativity and technological advancement progress hand in hand.32. What can AI do when serving as a nonjudgmental partner for brainstorming?A. Inspire the expression of unspoken ideas.B. Provide the group with detailed facts.C. Compare the ideas with each other.D. Evaluate a free stream of ideas.33. What does the underlined word “undermine” in paragraph 3 mean?A. Promote. B. Weaken. C. Reveal. D. Judge.34. What is crucial to students when using AI for their schoolwork?A. Ethical considerations.B. Practicing brainstorm consistently.C. Avoiding fixation of the mind.D. Independent and creative thinking.35. What will the team’s next focus be?A. The advantage of AI in education.B. The originality of ideas generated by AI.C. The impact of AI on students’ innovation.D. The ability of AI to communicate with humans.第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。When teachers are in tune with their emotions and those of their colleagues, it’s easier to work cooperatively. 36 However, when members of these teams display emotional intelligence (EQ) through an increased awareness of their emotions and the emotions or feelings of others, the groups are more productive. The following are some strategies to make use of in order to increase emotional intelligence among staff members within teams. 37 Active listening is a very important component of building relationships among all stakeholders within a community. Coaching small groups allows for intimate relationships to be formed among teammates. It’s a great way to have members practice in a small group setting while developing community norms to build trust.Use conversation protocols(协议). Protocols such as “glow and grow” and “3, 2, 1” area great way to help guide conversations. They allow time for introverts(内向的人) to process and communicate while having the outgoing persons monitor how much talk time they have and practice letting others take the floor. Protocols can help teammates build permanent practice on how meetings and conversations are held. 38 Hold reflective discussions about individual and team practices. Reflection is one of the most powerful characteristics. It allows for self- reflection and reflecting on the emotions and feelings of others in relation to your actions and feelings. 39 It allows for all to take accountability and ownership in their part to play in the development of the team and productivity.Emotional intelligence within schools is at the heart of the interconnectedness of the heart and mind. As educational therapist Anna T. McDonald says, “ 40 In times of crisis, having this type of intelligence allows us to think rationally and temp er our emotions with patience and understanding. We think before we act, practice good decision - making, and foster positive interpersonal relationships.”A. Discussions are common in school.B. High EQ makes conversations easier.C. This practice can promote productivity.D. Conduct small group coaching on active listening.E. At the heart of every successful school are collaborative teams.F. Having high EQ enables us to handle the challenges we might encounter.G. Reflective conversations allow team members to discuss their strengths and areas of growth.第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。In 2015 my husband and I spent some days traveling in Sahara Desert. I was super 41 to ride a camel for the first time and spent a night in a tent in the desert. 42 , the ride started with me hanging upside down from the saddle(鞍) with one 43 in the air. Bob, my camel, had decided to 44 before I could settle in. I held onto the saddle 45 as the guide pushed me up onto the camel’s back. Bob 46 a sound of disapproval and we rode off. I thought it would be bumpy(颠簸的), but it was a very 47 journey all the way 48 the fact that the camel in front was having a bad case of gas.After dinner, we returned to the tent for sleep. Even in several thick blankets, I was 49 from head to to e while my husband fell asleep straight away. Thankfully, I drifted into dreamland gradually, only to be 50 by an unusual noise, followed by a(n) 51 smell. I tried to go back to sleep, but another unpleasant smell and more 52 went on for hours.After what felt like a 53 night, it was time to rise to watch the sunrise. I dragged my sleepy body out. There, 54 just outside was Bob, who made direct eye contact with me and I promised I 55 a broad grin on his face.41. A. alarmed B. optimistic C. conventional D. excited42. A. Therefore B. Nevertheless C. Indeed D. Otherwise43. A. foot B. arm C. bag D. rope44. A. lie down B. roll over C. break off D. stand up45. A. desperately B. carefully C. frequently D. loosely46. A. dropped off B. turned down C. let out D. held back47. A. vital B. horrible C. personal D. pleasant48. A. on account of B. rather than C. except for D. in terms of49. A. swinging B. shaking C. circling D. aching50. A. replaced B. attracted C. disturbed D. rewarded51. A. appetizing B. awful C. damp D. smoky52. A. chewing B. laughter C. cooking D. barks53. A. restful B. lonely C. mysterious D. rough54. A. stationed B. examined C. targeted D. absorbed55. A. modeled B. spotted C. expected D. forced第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Yu Hongru, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), was born in June 1928 in east China’s Jiangxi Province. On April 8, 2024, he 56 (honor) with the award of Person Touching China for 2023.He is one of the forerunners in the research and 57 (apply) of shock tubes(激波管) and shock tube wind tunnels in China. He has devoted more than 60 years 58 wind tunnel research, and led the design of multiple wind tunnel models throughout his life, 59 (make) significant contributions to the development of China’s aerospace industry.In early 1956, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China called for “advancing into science”. Yu Hongru applied for the postgraduate program at the Institute of Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and 60 (become) a student of Guo Yonghuai, a famous scientist. In early 1958, the Shock Tube Group was established at the Institute of Mechanics, and Guo Yonghuai appointed Yu Hongru as the group leader. At that time, China had a weak economy and was short of electricity supply. 61 a situation made it impossible 62 (follow) the path of foreign countries to develop wind tunnels. Therefore, Yu Hongru chose the more 63 (economy) method of using hydrogen - oxygen combustion as the driving force, 64 was extremely dangerous. After many trials and analyses, Yu Hongru finally led the team in finding a new path for wind tunnel research in China. In 1958, the core component of the shock tube wind tunnel, the first - generation shock tube in China, was 65 (success) developed.第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)第一节(满分15分)你近期参加了你校组织的科技小发明竞赛。请你为校英文报写一篇报道,内容包括:(1)活动过程;(2)你的收获与感想。注意:(1)写作词数应为80个左右;(2)请按如下格式在相应位置作答。The Young Inventor Competition____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。In the small town of Greendale, the annual Harvest Festival was a time - honored tradition that brought the community together. The town square was filled with stalls featuring homemade goods, crafts, and an array of local produce. Brightly colored leaves adorned the trees and lamp posts, and the smell of pumpkin pie and apple cider filled the air. Children ran about playing hide - and- seek and laughing, while their parents sat together, sharing stories and enjoying the festive atmosphere.One of the main attractions at the festival was the pie - baking contest, which always drew a large crowd. This year, the competition was fierce, with more participants than ever. Among the contestants was Mrs Ellen Baker, a retired schoolteacher and a famous baker in Greendale. Her apple pies were famous for their flaky crust and perfectly spiced filling. As she placed her entry on the judges’ table, she noticed the nervous faces of the other contestants, especially young Tommy, a first - timer who had entered his grandmother’s cherry pie recipe.Tommy had spent weeks practicing, determined to honor his grandmother’s legacy(遗产). The pie looked beautiful, but as he watched the judges sampling different entries, his confidence began to decrease. Mrs Baker, noticing his anxiety, gave him a reassuring smile. She remembered her first competition, the nerves, and the excitement. And she knew just how much courage it took to put one’s baking skills on display.The judges made their rounds, tasting, noting, and occasionally nodding in approval. The crowd waited eagerly, whispering predictions and cheering for their favorite bakers. As the announcement time drew near, Tommy’s hands trembled slightly — this moment could be a turning point for him.注意:(1)续写词数应为150个左右;(2)请按如下格式在相应位置作答。Tommy watched as the judges discussed among themselves, occasionally glancing at his pie. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Finally, the judge stepped forward to announce the winners. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________高考模拟金典卷英语参 考 答 案题序123456789101112131415答案BABCAABCABCCBAA题序161718192021222324252627282930答案CACBBBDCAADDCBB题序313233343536373839404142434445答案DABDAEDCGFDBADA题序46474849505152535455答案CDCBCBADAB听力部分录音材料(Text 1)W: Do you serve vegetarian meals?M: I’m sorry, Madam. Vegetarian meals need to be requested at least a day before your flight.(Text 2)W: Sorry sir, your room will be ready soon.M: Don’t you understand? I feel tired and I want to have a rest immediately.(Text 3)W: Hi, Vincent. What do you usually do for fun?M: Riding a bike to explore the city is my favorite. How about you?W: Well, if the weather is nice, I’ ll get together with friends. If not, I’ ll stay at home and enjoy a movie instead.(Text 4)M: How do you practice your English?W: I usually look through English websites every day.M: Have you ever considered going to the English Corner?W: Yeah, I have. And I hope to speak to native speakers someday.(Text 5)M: Mike forgot to take his notebook home. That’s why he failed to go over his lessons.W: Come on! Do you really believe that? If I had a dollar each time he lost something important at school, I’d be a millionaire.(Text 6)M: You look rather pale, Janis.W: I was sick most of the night. I didn’t sleep very well. Could I ask for sick leave, sir?M: What seems to be the matter? Is it the flu?W: No. We ate at that restaurant last night, and I must have eaten something that didn’t agree with me.M: Is it that new restaurant on Fourth Street?W: Yes, it is. Why do you ask?M: Because John in Class Three ate there last week and had the same kind of problem.(Text 7)W: We always eat early. Let’s go out for a late dinner at a restaurant tonight instead.M: You know the game is on at 8:00, dear. We should get home before that.W: But you watch sports every night! I miss spending time with you.M: This season is important, and my job depends on it. There are too many journalists now, and they’re getting younger and younger.W: But you have more experience.M: True. I’m good at what I do, but audiences want new er faces these days. I need to stay on top if I don’t want to get fired. But I promise I’ll take you on a nice vacation when it’s all over. We’ ll spend a week at the beach!(Text 8)W: Hi, Bob. I heard about your accident, but I didn’t know it would be this bad.M: Well, thanks for making me feel better.W: I can hardly recognize you. Tell me what happened.M: I just got back from Africa where I had a terrible accident during a motorcycle race. I broke both my legs when my motor failed and was hit by another motorcycle. I was laid up in a hospital for three weeks.W: Three weeks? That’s a long time. What did you do while you were in the hospital?M: Well, if you can believe it, I read all about motorcycle racing. I love racing even when it pains me.W: Ha - ha! But I’m afraid you don’t make it look very funny. You are lucky to be alive.M: That’s for sure. I’m lucky to be alive.W: How soon will you recover? Did the doctor tell you?M: They say I still need to stay in bed for two weeks or so.W: You’ ll probably put on some pounds in that much time! By the way, is there anything I can do for you?M: No, thanks. Thank you for the beautiful flowers. It’s very kind of you to come and see me.W: My pleasure. I’ ll be going then. Bye.M: Bye.(Text 9)M: Grace! What are you doing at work? Didn’t you just have laser surgery?W: Yes, Jason! My vision is normal now. I don’t need to wear glasses any more. You should consider it.M: I don’t know if I’m ready for it. But shouldn’t you be home resting?W: Actually, after 24 hours more than half of the patients go back to work.M: I can’t imagine someone cutting my eyes with a laser. Sounds dangerous.W: Nah. Over 30 million people have had laser surgery. The success rate is very high.M: It still sounds scary.W: Honestly, I was a little nervous before the surgery, but it was close to painless.M: That’s because they put something in your eyes so you couldn’t feel anything. That worries me. I hear that there can be side effects such as dry eyes.W: You worry too much. Ninety- six percent of patients gain their ideal eyesight from this surgery.M: Doesn’t your night vision suffer? My uncle had to stop driving at night after his laser surgery.W: Yes. It’s a little difficult to see at night, but once my eyes recover completely, I’ ll be fine. Really, the surgery is safe.(Text 10)W: Today, I took on a challenge to go 24 hours without using the Internet. Usually, before I go to bed, I visit social networks and check the weather and my calendar for the next day. I never completely stop thinking about work. When I get up, I always check my email and read the news. Most of my social life is online too, so I thought it would be really hard for me not to use the Internet. Social media is very important for my job. Usually, I take photos of what I’m wearing, post them online, count the “likes” and read people’s comments. I couldn’t do that today. So this morning I visited a fashion show with colleagues, then I met a friend for lunch at one o’clock. I looked through some magazines this afternoon. Then I finished work early and chatted with my sister. So now it’s ten o’ clock in the evening. Well, I can’t lie. I’m really looking forward to being back online tomorrow. I missed social media so much at work, but I felt so much more relaxed today. So, in the future, I’m going to change a few things and think more carefully about my Internet use. I’m not going to waste much time online and I’m not going to check my phone all the time!试 题 答 案第一部分 听力1~5 BABCA 6~10 ABCAB 11~15 CCBAA 16~20 CACBB第二部分 阅读第一节AStaff as Students of Social Justice(SSSJ)项目为校园职工提供了一个旁听美国文化课程并参与讨论重要话题的机会。21.答案 B解题分析 细节题。根据 About the Program部分中的最后一句可知,参加 SSSJ项目的人可以从顶尖的学者和美国文化课程讲师那里了解并讨论美国的一些社会问题。22.答案 D解题分析 细节题。根据 Program Overview部分中的第1、2、3条信息可知,这个项目没有考试和学分,参与者只要完成这个项目的活动(参加在线讲座和会议),就能获得证书。23.答案 C解题分析 推断题。根据 Remark部分可知,通过这个项目,Sara Assadi- Nik 对科技行业的危害和不公平有了更细致的了解,同时她与教授、同学及 VCUE 部门的同事进行了有思想深度的对话,讨论了许多领域的话题。因此,她认为该项目是有益的。B勇气常常与英雄主义联系在一起,但作者认为真正的勇气在于对自己和自己的感受保持开放的心态,诚实地展现自己的问题。24.答案 A解题分析推断题。根据第1段第2、3句可知,最初,勇气的意思是“说出自己的想法和感受”。作者认为真正的勇气是对自己和自己的感受保持诚实和开放的心态,而不是英雄主义。由此可推知,作者提到勇气的本意是为了说明它真正的含义。25.答案 A解题分析细节题。根据第4段可知,其中一位学生建议作者的女儿保持适当的登山速度。26.答案 D解题分析推断题。根据第6段可知,这两名学生向在庆祝的人强调在艰难的环境中团结的重要性。他们的话使这群人意识到他们忽视了在爬山途中需要帮助的作者和作者的女儿。27.答案 D解题分析推断题。通读全文可知,作者指出了勇气的真正含义就是在需要帮助的时候能勇敢地说出自己的想法和感受。C研究发现,社交媒体上的物质主义言论增加了网民的压力,降低了他们的幸福感。28.答案 C解题分析 细节题。根据第2段第2句可知,该研究通过问卷调查来了解参与者对物质主义的态度以及他们的社交媒体使用习惯、压力水平和生活满意度。29.答案 B解题分析细节题。根据第3段第2句可知,有些网民通过在社交媒体上展示物质生活来寻求认可。30.答案 B解题分析推断题。根据最后一段第2句可知,Dr Ozimek建议网民在使用社交媒体时要留心。31.答案 D解题分析主旨大意题。研究发现,社交媒体上的物质主义言论增加了网民的压力,降低了他们的幸福感,导致心理危机。D研究发现,人工智能可能有助于学生更好地解决问题,但也会阻碍他们的创造性思维的形成。32.答案 A解题分析推断题。根据第2段最后一句可知,人工智能还可以作为无偏见的伙伴与学生一起进行头脑风暴,这可以激发学生自由表达在集体环境中通常被保留的想法。33.答案 B解题分析词义推测题。根据画线词所在段第2句可知,他们担心这可能会逐渐削弱他们自己的思维,从而削弱他们对自己的创造力的信心。34.答案 D解题分析 细节题。根据第5段可知,研究结果表明,首先,让学生独立发挥他们的创造力,这样可以增强他们对自己的信心,提升他们的能力。一旦学生做到了这一点,人工智能就可以进一步帮助他们学习。35.答案 C解题分析 推断题。根据最后一段倒数第3句可知,研究团队将继续研究人工智能对创造力的影响。第二节在团队合作中,高情商会使合作更高效。36.答案 E解题分析根据该空上文“当老师们的情绪和同事们的情绪保持一致时,合作就更容易了。”可知,选项E“每一所成功的学校的核心都是具有协作意识的团队。”符合语境。37.答案 D解题分析 根据该空下文“积极倾听是社团内所有利益相关者之间建立关系的重要组成部分。”可知,选项D“针对积极倾听方面开展小组辅导活动。”符合语境。38.答案C解题分析 根据该空上文可知,选项C“这种做法可以提高工作效率。”符合语境。39.答案 G解题分析 根据本段首句和该空下文可知,选项G“反思性对话允许团队成员讨论他们的优势和成长领域。”符合语境。40.答案 F解题分析根据该空下文“在危机时刻,拥有高情商可以让我们理性思考,用耐心和理解来缓和我们的情绪。”可知,选项F“高情商使我们能够应对可能遇到的挑战。”符合语境。第三部分 语言运用第一节文章主要讲述了作者和丈夫在撒哈拉沙漠旅行的故事。41.答案 D解题分析 考查形容词。第一次骑骆驼和在沙漠中睡帐篷让我非常兴奋。42.答案 B解题分析 考查副词。然而,刚骑上骆驼时,我一只脚悬空,整个人倒挂在骆驼鞍上。43.答案 A解题分析 考查名词。见上题解析。44.答案 D解题分析考查短语动词。在我坐到骆驼Bob的背上之前,Bob已经决定站起来了。54.答案 A解题分析 考查副词。当向导把我推到骆驼背上时,我拼命地抓住骆驼鞍。46.答案 C解题分析 考查短语动词。Bob发出不情愿的叫声。47.答案 D解题分析考查形容词。我原以为旅途会很颠簸,但是,除了前面的骆驼放出臭气之外,一路上都很愉快。48.答案 C解题分析考查介词短语。见上题解析。49.答案 B解题分析 考查动词。即使盖着几条厚厚的毯子,我还是冷得浑身发抖,而我丈夫很快就睡着了。50.答案 C解题分析 考查动词。谢天谢地,我渐渐进入了梦乡。后来,我被一种不寻常的声音吵醒了,接着闻到一股难闻的气味。51.答案 B解题分析 考查形容词。见上题解析。52.答案 A解题分析考查名词。我试着继续睡觉,但另一种难闻的气味和咀嚼声持续了几个小时。53.答案 D解题分析 考查形容词。经历了一个糟糕的夜晚之后,我们该起床看日出了。54.答案 A解题分析考查动词。Bob就站在外面,我和它对视了一眼,我确信我看到它咧嘴笑了。55.答案 B解题分析 考查动词。见上题解析。第二节本文讲述了中国科学院院士、中国激波管和激波风洞研究的先驱之一俞鸿儒的科研生涯和他对中国航空航天工业的贡献。在2024年4月8日,他当选“感动中国2023年度人物”。56.答案 was honored解题分析 考查被动语态。根据时间状语On April 8,2024和语境可知,此处用一般过去时的被动形式。57.答案 application解题分析考查名词。此处指俞鸿儒在激波管和激波风洞的研究和应用方面的工作,名词research与application为并列关系。58.答案 to解题分析考查介词。此处指俞鸿儒六十余年致力于激波风洞研究。devote... to为固定搭配,意为“致力于”。59.答案 making解题分析 考查动词- ing形式。动词-ing形式making作结果状语,说明俞鸿儒一生中设计了多种激波风洞模型,对中国航空航天工业的发展做出了重大贡献。60.答案 became解题分析 考查动词时态。根据上文可知,此处用一般过去时,表示俞鸿儒成了著名科学家郭永怀的学生。61.答案 Such解题分析 考查固定搭配。Such a situation指前文描述的困难情况。62.答案 to follow解题分析 考查动词不定式。该句中it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是 to follow the path of foreign countries to develop wind tunnels。63.答案 economical解题分析 考查形容词。此处用形容词修饰名词method,表示俞鸿儒选择了更经济的氢氧燃烧驱动方式。64.答案 which解题分析 考查定语从句。which引导非限制性定语从句,指代 method of using hydrogen- oxygen combustion as the driving force,说明氢氧燃烧驱动方式的危险性。65.答案 successfully解题分析 考查副词。此处用副词successfully修饰动词developed。第四部分 写作第一节One possible version:The Young Inventor CompetitionRecently, I took part in the Young Inventor Competition at our school. The event was a showcase of creativity, where participants presented their own small inventions. These ranged from simple devices that solve everyday problems to new software applications. Each presentation was followed by a Q & A session, where inventors could discuss their processes of inventing their products.This competition was an eye - opening experience. It highlighted the potential of young minds to innovate and solve real- world issues. Personally, I was inspired by the creativity of my schoolmates. This event has motivated me to think more critically about how I can contribute to solving the challenges our society faces.第二节One possible version:Tommy watched as the judges discussed among themselves, occasionally glancing at his pie. He tried to read their expressions, searching for any sign of approval, his mind racing with possibilities. His heart raced as he saw them nod appreciatively while discussing his entry, their nods and murmurs of agreement a promising sign. Mrs Baker caught his eye and winked, her confidence in him unspoken but clearly conveyed, a warm smile spreading across her face. Tommy felt a wave of hope; maybe, just maybe, his grandmother’s recipe had impressed them, and he would finally receive the recognition he deserved.Finally, the judge stepped forward to announce the winners. The crowd quieted, eager to hear the results. “Third place goes to Tommy for his outstanding cherry pie!” The audience erupted in applause as Tommy’s face lit up with a proud smile. He accepted his ribbon, feeling grateful and proud of his achievement. His hard work and his grandmother’s beloved recipe had paid off, earning recognition and praise from the judges and the crowd.





