
2024-09-22·1页·14.3 K

2025江苏省南京市高三上学期第一次学情调研英语试题答案第一部分听力1-5 CABAB 6-10 ABCCA 11-15 CABCA 16-20 CBAAB第二部分阅读第一节21-23 CBD 24-27 BDAB 28-31 CABD 32-35 CDCC第二节36-40 CDABF第三部分语言运用第一节41-45 DACCD 46-50 AACBA 51-55 DBAAD 第二节based 57. a 58. inviting 59. led 60. to host61. possibly 62. when 63. into 64.diversity 65. economic第四部分写作第一节Dear Simon,I am writing to share an unforgettable learning trip our class had in Nanjing last weekend. We visited the Nanjing Museum, where we learned about the history and culture of the city. We also went to the Purple Mountain and enjoyed the beautiful scenery.Through this trip, I not only gained knowledge but also strengthened the bond with my classmates. It was a great experience.Do you have similar experiences? Looking forward to your story.Best regards,Li Hua第二节The next morning, we headed out to a remote school with resources. When we arrived, the children welcomed us with big smiles. Nia and Robyn were shocked to see the simple classrooms and the lack of basic facilities. They quickly got involved, helping to distribute the resources and playing with the children. During the two weeks, they learned to appreciate what they had and realized the importance of helping others.Upon returning to the UK, the change in Nia and Robyn was evident. They no longer complained about trivial things and became more grateful for their lives. They also started to save money to support the charity. I was proud to see their growth and the positive impact the trip had on them. It was a journey that they would never forget.





