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兰州一中高三年级诊断考试试卷 高三英语说明:本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分150分,考试时间120 分钟。答案写在答题卡上,交卷时只交答题卡。 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷 的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.Which country did the woman go?A.France. B.China. C.South Korea.2.Whowill move to anew place?A.Kitty. B.Roger. C.Ann3.When should the plans be handed in at the latest?A.On Tuesday afternoon. B.On Thursday aftermoon. C.BeforeTuesday afternoon. 4.What are the speakers doing?A.Practicing a play. B.Taking a walk downtown.C.Filming a movie scene. 5.What can we learn about the woman?A.She isn't a local. B.She is trying to park her car.C.She didn't see the sign第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。 听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时 间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where did the woman stay at night during the holiday?A.In atent. B.In a hotel. C.Ina farmhouse7.What does the woman think of the people there?A.Interesting. B.Friendly C.Honest.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What does the man callthe woman for? A.To hand in his roommate'spaperB.To ask about his roommate's illness. C.To ask her to see his sick roommate.9.What does the man have to do in the aftermoon?A.Visit thewoman. B.Meet the secretary C.Have a meeting听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.Where does the conversation probably take place?A.At home. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.11.What does the woman say about the foods?A.They are good bargains.B.They are of highquality.C.They canbe stored for along time.12.What does the woman ask the man to do?A.Calla taxi for her. B.Take a taxi back. C.Carry the groceries to the car.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。 13.What did the woman watch?A.A soap opera. B.A documentary. C.A news program14.What was the news mainly about?A.PresidentBarack Obama's schedule.B.The release of COby power plants.C.Aplan to fight against global warming.15.Whatis the speakers'attitude toward global warming?A.Indifferent. B.Positive. C.Negative.16.What will the speakers do next?A.Go to have supper. B.Gotohave a drink C.Keep talking at home.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.Who persuaded the speaker to go on a cookery course?A.Her cousin. B.Her sister. C.Her mother.18.Which course did the speaker choose?A.The one-daycourse. B.The three-day course. C.The one-week course 19.What surprised the speaker when she started her course?A.The course was popular.B.There were many teenagers.C.Many teachers were there to help. 20.What place did the speaker visit?A.A restaurant B.A market. C.A bakery第二部分词汇运用(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下列句子,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案21.The moment I heard that my partner was suffering a serious illness,myheart was burning with anxiety. I hoped thathe could recover soon.A.from B.over C.of D.in22 He was one of the 30 forthe manager's position,and thus,he had no confidence in himself.A.discoveries B.applicants C.colleagues D.acquaintances23.If you want to ,you must applyyourself to studying kmowledgeA.get across B.get over C.get through D.get ahead 24.Being an editor is a job and Mr Chang often feels ,for which he cant sleep well.A.stressful,stressful B.stressful,stressedC.stressed,stressful D.stressed,stressed25.It is typical of Jane to buylots of useless things online and thus,she wants to seek ways to remove her to it.A.addiction B.recreation C.tension D.function26.According to the above graph,65%of the students surveyed to listen to English movies visit Englishleaming websitesA.would,rather than B.prefer,rather thanC.prefer,than D.would rather,than27.We desire that our school more activities like this,which can not only relieve our great study pressure but also broaden our horizons.A.organised B.organises C.organise D.is organising28.Why not keepyournotes and text books on hand some forgotten knowledge points?A.incase of B.in case C.in this case D.in any case29.Seeing the big stone removed from the major road,the old man smiled A.to disappointment B.with disappointment C.to satisfaction D.withsatisfaction30.I believe that myson has the competence to finish the challenging task perfectly and he wont A.letme down B.let me in C.let me out D.let me alone31. by the enthusiastic audience,the champion felt excited and happy.A.Surrounded B.Tosurround C.Surrounding D.Surround32.In contrast,students who read Englishbooks and browse English learningwebsites aremuch fewer than those mentioned above,only 18%and 12%separately.A.accounts on B.accounting forC.counts forD.counting for33.My English teacher great importance to good pronunciation,which isof benefit to remembering words inthe long run.A.extends B.applies C.attaches D.whispers34.On no occasion the occasion when wefirst met at China-Ireland Cultural Festival two yearsago.A.will forget I B.I will forget C.will I forget D.will I forgot 35.You have made such great progress Iam specially writing to extend my congratulations to you.A.what B.as C.which D.that第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节(共15小题,每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳答案AAmazing FestivalsYiPeng Lantern Festival,ThailandThis wonderful unique Festival is celebrated in Chiang Mai in November every year.It is held on the full moon of the twelfth lunar month every year.Locals believe that this is the time when the moon is at its brightest and the rivers are filled to their fullest,so this is the best time to light a lantem or set a floating kratongoff on the Ping River andmake a wish.Holi Festival,IndiaHoli is a Hindu festival,which marks the beginning of spring.The holiday symbolizes the victory of good overevil,end of winter and it is celebrated as a thanksgiving for a good harvest.Day of the Dead,MexicoThe origins of the Day of the Dead go back in time some 3000 years.Upon dying,a person was believed to travel to the Land of theDead.The belief is that spirits return to the world of the living,for one day.The spirits are greetedwith offerings of their favorite food and drinks.Carnival of Venice,ItalyThe origins of the Venice Camival are found in two different ancient traditions:the Latin Saturmalia and the Greek Dionysian cults—major religious festival s involving the use of masks and symbolic representations.They are made of leather,porcelain or using the original glass technique.The Carnival ends with an important Christian event,the start ofLent,40 days before Easter.36.Whichfestival is associated with the moon?A.Holi Festival. B.Day ofthe Dead.C.Canival of Venice. D.YiPeng Lantem Festival.37.What will Mexicans do when the spirits return to the earth?A.Entertain them B.Drive them away.C.Sparea roomfor them. D.Spend a few days with them. 38.In which section of the Intemet can we find this text?A.Culture. B.Economy C.Well-being D.Advertisement.BFor many runners,a marathon can often be a challenge —but sometimes what gets a runner through the tough 26.2 miles is looking out into the crowd and seeing his or her loved one holding up a sign and shouting words of encouragement.For one mom,though,her loved one was a bit more hands-on.While running the REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon in Salt Lake City,Courtney Rich,a self-taught baker and mother oftwo,was beginning to run out of energy just yards fromthe end when she was suddenly joined by her 10-year-olddaughter,Avery.The touching moment,caught on video and posted on social media,shows Avery running to her mother's side to support her as she approached the end of the race.Rich's face lit up when Avery joined her andhelped her cross the finish line.Rich later said in thevideo's caption that being joined by her daughter to finish the race was a moment I hopeneither of us ever forget.Rich said that her daughter could tell she was struggling after a phone call near the end of the race.She kmew I had struggled the last few miles,Rich said.She saw tears in my eyes when I called on mile 24.In the video,Rich's facial expression changes from tiredness to a smile after seeing her daughter emerge from the crowd to join her.Then,Rich and her daughter ran hand-in-hand to the finish line.Nothing could have prepared me for the moment my 10-year-old daughter would jump out of the crowd and run with meto the finish line,she said.When the race was done,the two hugged each other at the finish line.The video ends with a final caption,And then shejust held me.She held me.In the past,the REVEL Big Cottonwood Marathon has had othermemorable moments of mothers caring for their children,but perhaps not as hands-on as this one.39.What happened to Rich when she was coming to the finish line?A.She fell downall of a sudden. B.She was far behind others.C.She felt herself struggling D.Shewas interrupted by Avery.40.How did Avery react to theaccident?A.She helped Rich run to the finish line.B.She tried to call for help at once.C.She ran the rest in place of Rich.D.She shouted encouraging words to Rich.41.Howdid Rich feel about Avery's response?A.Doubtful. B.Content. C.Concerned. D.Expected.42.What can be the best title for the text?A.AMother Would Never GiveUp On Her Marathon DreamB.AMother Encouraged Her Daughter To Pursue Her DreamC.ADaughter Got Involved In Her Mother's Race By Mistake D.ADaughter Cheered For Her Mother By Joining In Her RaceCHave you ever seen your cat or dog eating grass?They do so because it can help their digestion,and many wild species use natural substances to prevent and control diseases.This is called zoo pharmacognosyor,more commonly,animal self-medication.Scientists have discovered that tamarin monkeys use a specific treeresin ( 树 脂 ) as medicine.In the Brazilian Atlantic Forest,scientists followed several groups of them to collect data.During one of these daily studies,tamarin monkeys were observed rubbing their bodies on the trunk of a tree.At first,researchers thought that they weremarking their territory,a common behaviour in this species.Botanical experts later confirmed that the tree was a species of cabreuva,which is well known for its medical properties.Researchers decided to place camera-traps in different sites at the foot of the tree to record future visits by tamarin monkeys.The records surprisingly showed that many animals living in the forest visited it.Totally,ten species were observed.For many of them,it was the first time that behaviors similar to self-medication had beenobserved.More surprisingly,one species spread resin on each other's fur in pairs.In general,the species seemed to specifically visit the tree to acquire theresin and seemingly benefit from it,either healing their wounds or fighting backparasites (寄生虫) .While further studies are needed to identify the properties of the resin and thus confirming that this is indeed self-medication,the use of it suggests that cabreuva represents a common and universal drugstore for the residents of the Brazilian Atlantic Forest.It is likely to be a valuable resource helping the species maintain their magnitude by improvingtheir health.This discovery could have an important protection influence,as the disappearance of some trees could potentially affect the survival of some animals.43.Why do tamarin monkeys rub themselves against the tree?A.They would like to digest what they eat.B.They are trying to cure diseases.C.They are attracting companions'attention.D.They feel like occupying the land.44.What do researchers find through camera-traps?A.Animals can help each other clean the fur.B.Many animals copy monkeys'behaviors.C.Resin can be used as medicine for some animals D.The cabreduva is thehabitat of tamarin monkeys.45.What does the underlined word magnitudein paragraph 4 probably mean?A.Characteristics. B.Populations. C.Flexibilities. D.Similarities.46.What is the possible significance of the discovery?A.Increasing the production of resin. B.Promoting evolution of creatures.C.Motivating the study of monkeys diet. D.Contributing toforest conservationDOn September 7,1991,the costliest hailstorm(雹暴) in Canadian history hit Calgary's southern suburbs.As a result,since 1996 a group of insurance companies have spent about $2 million per year on the Alberta Hail Suppression Project.Airplanes seed threatening storm cells with a chemical to make small ice crystals fall as rain before they can grow into dangerous hailstones.But farmers in east-central Alberta —downwind of the hail project flights —worry that precious moisture(水分)is being stolen from their thirsty land by the cloud seeding.Norman Stienwand,who farms in that area,has been addressing public meetings on this issue for years. Basically,the provincial govemment is letting the insurance companies protect the Calgary-Edmonton urban area from hail,Mr Stienwandsays,but they're increasing drought risk as far east as Saskatchewan.The Alberta hail project is managed by Terry Krauss,a cloud physicist who works for Weather Modification Inc.of Fargo,North Dakota.We affect only a very small percentage of the total moisture in the air,so we cannot be causing drought,Dr Krauss says.In fact,we may be helping increase the moisture downwind by creating wetter ground.One doubter about the safetyof cloud seeding is Chuck Doswell,a research scientist who just retired from the University of Oklahoma.In 1999,Ipersonally saw significant tormadoes(龙卷风) fom from aseeded storm cell in Kansas,Dr Doswell says.Does cloud seeding create killer storms or reduce moisture downwind?No one really knows,of course,but the seeding goes on.Given thedegree of doubt,Mr Stienwand suggests,it would be wise to stop cloud seeding.In practice,doubt has had the opposite effect.Due to the lack of scientific proof concerning their impacts,no one has succeded in winning a lawsuit against cloud-seeding companies.Hence,private climate engineering can proceed in relative legal safety.47.Whatdoes the project aim to do?A.Conserve moisture in the soil. B.Prevent the formation of hailstones.C.Forecast disastrous hailstorms. D.Investigate chemical use in farming.48.Who are opposed to the project?A.Farmers in east-central Alberta. B.Managers of insurance companies.C.Provincial govermment officials. D.Residents of Calgary and Edmonton.49.Why does Dr Doswell mention the tormadoes he saw in 1999?A.To compare different kinds of seeding methods. B.To illustratethe development of big hailstorms C.To indicate apossible danger of cloud seeding. D.To show thelink between storms andmoisture. 50.What can we infer from the lastparagraph?A.Scientific studies have proved Stienwand right. B.Private climate engineering is illegal in CanadaC.The doubt about cloud seeding hasdisappeared.D.Cloud-seeding companies willcontinue to exist.第二节(共5小题,每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)阅读下列短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。If you travel to nearly any Chinese city in the summertime,you will see people,mostly menwearing T-shirts sitting out on the sidewalks on low chairs in the shade,playing a game with large round disks of wood. 51 Xiangqi dates back as early as the Waring States period.While experts have different opinions as to who created Xiangqi and how it is linked to Western chess,there is no doubt that by the Tang Dymasty Xiangqi was a popular game in China. 52 And in the 20th century both Sun Yat-sen and Zhou Enlai were big fans of the game.And though it may look quite a bit different than Westem chess,Xiangqi is actually quite similar in what the pieces can do and how the game is played.Like Western chess,the object of the game is to capture the other player's king.Actually,in Xiangqi he is just a general53 Another big diffrence between Western chess and Xiangqi is that there is a large empty space in the middleof the board,which the elephants cannot cross. 54 This space refers to an area in China where Liu Bang and Xiang Yu had a life-or-death war.The war was so influential that the Chu River and the HanBoundaryhas become a metaphor( 隐 喻 ) refering to any boundary between two opposing armies.When the Chinese people today see this name on the board,the battle scenes come to their mind,as though they are surrounded by thick smoke,able to hear the beating of war drums.55A.Unlike Western chess,instead of placing the pieces in squares,thepieces are placed on the intersections of lines.B.During the Qing Dynasty itspopularity grew.C.Itis called the Chu River and the Han Boundary.D.The game is called Xiangqi,a game of ordinary people.E.There are many differences between Xiangqi and Westem chess. F.Anintensebattle is about to take place onthis small chessboard.G.Several sayings related to Xiangqi are in common use in China today.第四部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Christmas didnt feel like a holiday right now.Amonth earlier my two-year-old son had been diagnosed with autism ( 自 闭 症 ) ,and it came with many food sensitivities (过敏) .That meant we had to 56 parties and Christmas cookies.Then what could I give my children?It really 57 me.It started snowing outside.First snow of the season.My five-year-old daughter was 58 ,Mama, snow!Everywhere!Her 59 swept over her until my husband tookher and her brother out to play in the snow.I watched them joyfully 60 enough snow to make a snowman.Even my little boy ran back and forth, touching the snow every few paces.And that was when a sudden 61 came to me.I had recently made mashed potatoes with almond milk and remembered they tasted normal.Maybe that would 62 for hot chocolate.I poured almond milk in a pan and melted chocolate chips into it.Ha!I yelled.My family returned 63 snow was getting heavier.While they were excitedly chatting about how it should snow forever,I 64 ,Hot chocolate!Who wants it?My husband looked into my eyes, 65 .Hot chocolate?Can he have any? Yes,it's 66 .I smiled.Just then mydaughter was shouting about getting the Christmas tree out.After we 67 it up together, we enjoyed the hot chocolate,toasting (干杯) the first 68 of the season.Here,I was witnessing our first Christmas 69 ,everyone participating in his or her own way.Andit was 70 _56.A.attend B.avoid C.hold D.ruin57.A.upsetB.interestedC.frightenedD.amazed58.A.shoutingB.comfortingC.whisperingD.requesting59.A.satisfactionB.excitementC.nervousnessD.fear60.A.supply B.select C.gather D.remove61.A.awareness B.desire C.silence D.inspiration62.A.change B.work C.call D.apply63.A.though B.unless C.when D.if64.A.agreedB.continuedC.criedD.joked65.A.shockedB.embarrassedC.angryD.scared66.A.typical B.simple C.common D.safe67.A.set B.added C.turned D.made68.A.tree B.snow C.holiday D.chocolate69.A.present B.culture C.fortune D.tradition70.A.ancient B.ordinary C.beautiful D.diverse第二节(共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。(原创) Table tennis is a sport very close to the hearts of Chinese people.For decades,the nation's players 71 (dominate)the sport on the world stage.Generation after generation of stars have shone brightly,and now it's the tum of Generation Z youngsters to impress.Borm in 2000,Gen Zer Sun Yingshahas been given the nickname Little Devilby her fans.When she was little,Sun was sensitive 72 the sound of a table tennis ball hitting the ground.Her parents noticed her interest and encouraged her 73 (give)the sport atry.After a few days of training,she found that she really enjoyed itWhen Sun first joined the reserve squad (预备队) of the national table tennisteam,she was excited and 74 (inspire).Becoming a world top player like her idol Zhang Yining has always been her dream.However,Sun has faced setbacks along the way.She took part in the Tokyo Olympics in2021 and it was there75 she faced significant losses.After the Tokyo Olympics,she has also experienced many other 76 (defeat).Sun believes that life is always full of ups and downs.Determination and courage can make a goodathlete,she said.What keeps me going are the goals and dreams I set for 77 (I).At the 2023 Singapore Smash,Sun won the women's singles,the women's doubles and the mixed doubles, 78 (become)the first athlete to pocket three gold medals at the tourmament.After competing with strong players from other countries, Sun is delighted to see that table tennis has a bright future.If you 79 (true)love table tennis,I hope you can persevere,no matter 80 difficulties or setbacks you encounter,she stated.第五部分读后续写(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。Last Sunday moming,my parents and I were going on a vacation in Sydney,where my grandparents lived,to celebrate my birthday.Actually,celebrating my birthday inmy grandparents homehadbeen a family tradition.As a result,their neighbors,warm-hearted and friendly,were familiar with me.Sometimes,they even came tothe house and brought me birthday gifts in person.We took the subway there as usual.When we got off the subway,I found I had lost my bag.The bag was memorable to me because it was given by myparentswhen I became a senior high school student.It also had some valuable items inside,including an expensive watch,a birthday giftfrommy grandparents.I couldnt help but cry because the bag meant so much to me.What's the matter,Lily?My mom asked.I toldher that I might leave the bag on the subway.Hearing that,she comforted me and said,We have plenty of time. Let's talk to the staff.Instantly,my parents reported the situation to the staff at the subway station.Akind worker smiled to me and said,If someone found it,they would hand it in.He asked usto waitpatientlyfor awhile,and then he called for help.After half an hour,the worker didnt give us any information.I started to become anxious and lose hope.My father said,No news is good news.However,the worker finally apologized to us and let us wait for the information on the recovery of the missing bagat home.We had to go to mygrandparents house first.In the aftenoon,while I,together with mygrandparents and myfather,was preparing for a birthday party,I heard my mother talking to someone on the phone about my lost bag.My heart was beating violently,and I was expecting something extraordinary to happen.Sure enough,my mother got me to answer thephone,Good news, Lily.The call is just for you,from the kind worker.He said a girl called Beatrice had sent the bag back.I feltamazed that the girl's name is the same as my friend's in Sydney. 1续写词数应为150左右;2.请按格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。I took the phone,andthen the voice of the worker who had helpedus at the subway station came from it.My family and I weredancing happily when someone knocked atthe door.第一部分听力 1-5ACBCA第二部分词汇运用 21-25ABDBA第三部分阅读理解第一节36-40DAACA第二节51-55DBACF第四部分语言运用第一节完形填空 55-60BAABC第二节语法填空71 have dominated 72 to英语答案6-10ABABC26-30BCADA41-45BDBCB61-65DBCCA11-15ABBCB31-35ABCCD46-50DBACD66-70DABDC73 to give 74 inspired 75 that16-20AACCB76 defeats 77myself 78 becoming 79 truly 80 what第五部分读后续写81参考范文I took the phone,and then the voice of the worker who had helped us at the subwaystation came from it.He explained to me that,the kind girl,Beatrice,had picked up my bag on the subway and that she was sorryfor not notifying the Lost and Found officein time.I felt infinitely grateful to him and the girl When I hung up the phone, I circled with excitement.When my father soon fetched the bag,the birthday dinner was ready,and our family was seated at the desk,where weate,talking and laughing.After dinner,we began to dance to the music.The house was full of harmony and warmth.My family and I were dancing happily when someone knocked at the door.Grandma stopped dancing and went to openthe door.She said It must be a neighbor whowants to give you a gift,Lily.In a moment,a beautiful girl entered the house with a bunch of flowers.Happy birthday,Lily.said she,my best friend,Beatrice.I warmly welcomed her.When she saw the bag on the sofa,she screamed,The bag looks like the one I picked up this moming.We confirmed it and thought it was a coincidence.I said with gratitude,Thanks,Beatrice.Kindness is always around us.听力原文Text 1M:Did you go toSouth Korea and China during the summer,Sara?W:No,my father wanted to go to Europe.So we went to France instead.Well go toAsia next summer. Text 2W:Hello Roger?This is Ann.M:Oh,hi,Ann.How have you been?And how's your new apartment working out?W:Well,that's what I'm calling about.You see,I just can't stand Kitty any longer.Therefore,Ive decided to look for anew placeText 3W:When would you like me to send those plans over to youroffice,Mr.Black?M:It would be good if you could get them to me by Thursday afternoon,Ms.Barkley. W:I think I can give them to you on Tuesday aftemoon.Text 4W:Iused to love walking down these streets.Now,it feels like I'm a stranger ina child's dream somewhere!M All right,that's a cut.Mandy,I love the emotion,but every time you say that last line,you look at the camera OK,again from thetop..Text 5M:Excuse me!Don't you know that you can tum right when the light is red?It's just like being at a stop sign in that situation.You're holding up traffic!W:Oh,I'm sorry.The laws are different in Montana...M:Good moming,Sue!How is your holiday?Did you enjoy it?W:Yes,I had a great time.I went to Inner Mongolia with some of my friends.We went mountain climbing near Baotou,and we stayed in a tent at night and cooked meals over an open fire.M:Sounds cool!Did you like thepeople there?W:Yes,they were nice.We met some farmers and they invited us to have tea in theirhouse.M:What an interestingexperience! Text 7W:Donna HooverspeakingM Dr.Hoover,my name is Edgar Bush.My roommate,John,is in your art history class.Uh..,ArtHistory 502? W:Yes.M:Well,he is sick and won't be in your class today.He asked me tobring his term paper to your officeW:OK.The paper is due by 3 o'clock.M:I have a class from 1:00 to 2:00.Ill bring it to your office after myclassW:Well,I have a meeting this aftermoon.So you can drop it off with the secretary of the art history department. She'll see to it.Text 8M:Oh,Cindy,you got so many things.Three shopping baskets flled with foods!How many days will the foods last?W:Oh,these are all reduced items that are almost past their best-before date.They discount all these goods at 10 percent off.It's agood way to stock up on things such as beef and canned foods.M:Don't you have to buy any green vegetables?Oh,no,what a long checkout line!Do we have to stand in that line?W:Yes,we do,but dont worry.The cashier can deal with each customer very quickly.But today,since we came in your Mini Cooper,I'm afraid both of us and the groceries cant fit in your car.Could we please take the taxi back instead?Text 9M:Have you finished watching the documentary about climate change?W:Yes.It was my first time to watch this kind of program and I was deeply attracted to it.After watching it,I really became concermed about global warming.M:Global warming is really a big issue.So what are you doing now?W:I'm reading some news about globalwarming.And Iread something great.M:What did you read?W:On Monday,President Barack Obama announced a newplan to limit pollution created by power plants.By 2030 powerplants will release 32%less carbon dioxide compared with the amount in 2005.M:That's really great.W:Yes.I dont think it's too late to control global warming yet.If all nations worktogether,global warming won't be a problemfor the next generation.M:I totally agree.Oh,it's already 6:00p.m.What about going out to eat now?W:Why not?I'm kind of hungry now.Andwe can keep talkingabout this topicwhile eatingout. Text 10W:I never thought I'd be the type to go on a cookery course!My mum and my sister always used to laugh at me,because though I love eating,I couldn't make anythingmyself.Then one day my cousin decided she wanted to have cooking classes.She didnt want to do them on her own,though.I agreed to go along.You could do one-day, three-day or one-week courses.We thought a week should be enoughto get us started,so we chose that during the summer holidays.When we got there on the first moming,loads of people had already arrived.I kmew it was a popular course, with lots of teenagers likeme there.What I hadnt expected was that there'd be so many teachers—you got plenty of help that way and I certainly needed it.We leant how to bake a cake in the first class.And thatwas a really good way toget started.Another thing we did was go out and visit places.We didn't go to any restaurants.There were a few markets nearby.And we visited one of the best ones.We passed a couple of supermarkets on the way,but we didnt go in.





