
2024-09-21·5页·42.1 K

绵阳南山中学高2022级9月月考英语参考答案第一部分 听力(共两节,满分20分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1-5 CBAAC第二节 (共15小题,满分22.5分)6-10CBCAB 11-15ABCAC 16-20 AABBC第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)21-23 CDA 24-27 DDDC 28-31 DCBA 32-35 ACBC第二节(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)36-40 CDBAG第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每题1分,满分15分)41-45 BACBA46-50 BCAAC 51-55 DACBA第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)56. to 57. to guide 58. when 59. Or 60. shows 61. Generally62. unlikely 63.less 64. is crowded 65. increasing第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)第一节 (满分15分)Version 1:The health of children's vision is facing a growing threat. Data shows that 14.3 percent of preschool kids are near-sighted. The rate is 35.6 percent for primary school students, 71.1 percent for junior high school pupils and 80.5 percent for senior high school students.The age for the beginning of shortsightedness is getting younger. Meanwhile, there is the rapid progression of shortsightedness during the middle school.To tackle the growing problem, schools should reduce the academic burden of students and increase the time of outdoor activities. What’s more, we should attach importance to our visual health and control the time spent on electronic devices.Version 2:The chart illustrates the percentage of students with shortsightedness in different grades. According to the data, there is a consistent increase in the rate of being short-sighted as students progress from the preschool education to the ninth grade.This data highlights the urgent need for effective preventive measures against shortsightedness in the school environment. I believe that integrating more outdoor activities into the school curriculum, limiting continuous screen time, and educating students about proper lighting and posture can significantly reduce the risk of becoming nearsighted. It is crucial for schools, parents, and students to collaborate and make efforts to protect their vision. By taking these proactive steps, we can enjoy a brighter world with healthier eyesight.第二节 (满分25分)一、设计续写情节:Para1:As they were walking out, I heard they were all laughing at me. 他们怎么嘲笑我我尴尬,困惑我心碎,准备离开Para2:Before I was ready to go home, I heard a familiar voice calling my name.是Diane,她如何安慰我,帮助我我被她温暖我的感悟——什么样的人才是真正值得一交的朋友分句写作: 先复习常用的习作技巧:过去分词做状语独立主格结构with结构动作链现在分词做状语无灵主语句语言设计体现人物的同理心情绪转变句型:情绪1 give way to/ be replaced by情绪强调句型It was at that moment that I realized 点明主题not...but...不是,而是 中英写作技巧:Para1:As they were walking out, I heard they were all laughing at me. 他们对我的衣服和口音的窃窃私语和咯咯笑让我脸红羞愧。我充满了尴尬,只能站住那儿,身体僵住了,泪水盈满眼眶。我真无法理解他们为什么要这样对待我。make sb blush with shame让人脸红羞愧过去分词做状语独立主格结构It was beyond sb’s comprehension...某人无法理解我对以美好的友谊开始新的学校生活的所有希望都像泡沫一样破灭了。我垂着头,步履沉重,抓起书包,慢慢地向学校门口挪去,想要逃避羞辱。vanish like a bubble比喻,像泡沫一样破灭with结构动作链现在分词做状语Para 2:Before I was ready to go home, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. 是Diane。她脸上的灿烂笑容,就像一缕阳光,扫走了我的忧郁。得知我又迷路了,她握着我的手,用温柔的声音安慰我:“这些教学楼看起来真的很像,对吗?跟我来。”无灵主语句sweep away my gloom扫走阴郁过去分词做状语动作链语言设计体现人物的同理心一股温暖的涟漪掠过我的心头,尴尬和沮丧被喜悦和感激所取代。独立主格结构情绪转变句型:情绪1 give way to/ be replaced by情绪2就在那一刻,我意识到只和受欢迎做朋友是多么的错误。也许我不应该根据一个人的受欢迎程度或外表来决定他是否值得做我的朋友,而是根据他们是谁。强调句型It was at that moment that I realized 点明主题not...but...不是,而是中英写作技巧:Para1:As they were walking out, I heard they were all laughing at me. 他们对我的衣服和口音的窃窃私语和咯咯笑让我脸红羞愧。我充满了尴尬,只能站住那儿,身体僵住了,泪水盈满眼眶。我真无法理解他们为什么要这样对待我。Their whispering and giggling about my outfit and my accent made me blush with shame. Seized by/ Overwhelmed with a sense of embarrassment, I could do nothing but stand there, my body frozen and tears brimming over my eyes. It was far beyond my comprehension why they treated me like this.make sb blush with shame让人脸红羞愧过去分词做状语独立主格结构It was beyond sb’s comprehension...某人无法理解我对以美好的友谊开始新的学校生活的所有希望都像泡沫一样破灭了。我垂着头,步履沉重,抓起书包,慢慢地向学校门口挪去,想要逃避羞辱。All my hope of beginning a new school life with lovely friendship vanished like a bubble. With a drooping head and heavy legs, I grabbed my bag and inched my way toward the school gate, hoping to escape the humiliation. vanish like a bubble比喻,像泡沫一样破灭with结构动作链现在分词做状语Para 2:Before I was ready to go home, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. 是Diane。她脸上的灿烂笑容,就像一缕阳光,扫走了我的忧郁。得知我又迷路了,她握着我的手,用温柔的声音安慰我:“这些教学楼看起来真的很像,对吗?跟我来。”It was Diane. Like a ray of sunshine, the radiant smile on her face swept away my gloom. Informed that I was lost again, she held my hands and comforted me in a gentle voice, “These teaching buildings really look alike, right? Follow me.” 无灵主语句sweep away my gloom扫走阴郁过去分词做状语动作链语言设计体现人物的同理心一股温暖的涟漪掠过我的心头,尴尬和沮丧被喜悦和感激所取代。A ripple of warmth spreading through my heart, embarrassment and frustration gave way to/were replaced by pure joy and thankfulness. 独立主格结构情绪转变句型:情绪1 give way to/ be replaced by情绪2就在那一刻,我意识到只和受欢迎做朋友是多么的错误。也许我不应该根据一个人的受欢迎程度或外表来决定他是否值得做我的朋友,而是根据他们是谁。It was at that moment that I realized how wrong I was to only be friends with popular guys.Maybe I shouldn’t determine whether a person is worth being my friend by their popularity or appearance , but by who they are.强调句型It was at that moment that I realized 点明主题not...but...不是,而是最终自测: 新生交朋友As they were walking out, I heard they were all laughing at me. 他们对我的衣服和口音的窃窃私语和咯咯笑让我脸红羞愧。我充满了尴尬,只能站住那儿,身体僵住了,泪水盈满眼眶。我真无法理解他们为什么要这样对待我。 我对以美好的友谊开始新的学校生活的所有希望都像泡沫一样破灭了。我垂着头,步履沉重,抓起书包,慢慢地向学校门口挪去,想要逃避羞辱。Before I was ready to go home, I heard a familiar voice calling my name. 她脸上的灿烂笑容,就像一缕阳光,驱散了我的忧郁。得知我又迷路了,她握着我的手,用温柔的声音安慰我:“这些教学楼看起来真的很像,对吗?跟我来。”一股温暖的涟漪掠过我的心头,尴尬和沮丧被喜悦和感激所取代。就在那一刻,我意识到我只和受欢迎的人做朋友是多么的错误。也许我不应该通过一个人的受欢迎程度或外表来决定他是否值得做我的朋友,而是根据他们是谁。





