
2024-09-21·13页·67.5 K

巴中市普通高中2022级“零诊考试英 语(满分150分 120分钟完卷)注意事项:1.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、班级、考号填写在答题卡规定的位置2. 选择题答时请使用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题答题时必须 用0.5毫米黑色墨迹签字笔,将答案书写在答题卡规定的位置,在规定的答题区域以外答题 无效,在试题卷上答题无效3.考试结束后,考生将答题卡交回第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中 选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一 小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.How did the woman return from the trip?A.By plane. B.By car. C.By coach.2.What does the man suggest doing?A.Talking to the teacher. B.Giving up the course. C.Renting the cquipment.3.What are the speakers mainly talkingabout?A.The man's job. .B.The man's house. C.The man's hobby.4.Why docs the man say David Olsen is unfit for the position?A.He's impolite. B.He's immature. C.He's inexperienced.5.Which clue did the speakers miss?A.The locked door. B.The broken glass. C.The muddy footprints.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有儿个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料、回答第6、7题。 6.Why will the man go to Los Angeles?A.To meet a relative. B.To attend a mccting. C.To receive education.7.What will the woman tell the man after lunch?A.When she will start the trip.B.What transport she will use.C.Whether she will go with him.英语 第1页(共10)页)听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8.Why does the man suggest stopping around 8 am?A.To avoid rush-hour traffic. B.To wait for the guide. C.To buy some food9.Who will sharc the driving during the trip?A.Jack and Jennifer. B.Chris and Jennifer. C.Jack and Chris.10.What will the group do on Tuesday afternoon?A.Measure the beach. B.Sail up a river. C.Focus on a valley.听第8段材料、回答第11至13题。11.What does the man think it's unnecessary to clean?A.The fridge. B.The washing machinc. C.The gas cooker.12.Which of the following services docs the man need?A.Sorting out the clothes. B.Checking the wiring.C.Cleaning the curtains.13.What will the man probably do next?A.Download an app. B.Meet a clcaner. C.Sign a contract.听第9段材料,回答第14至16题14.How many people will go to the dinner?A.19. B.20. C.21.15.Why does the woiman recommend Sarah's Bistro to the man?A.It's ncar his workplace.B.It's an English restaurant. C.It's suitable for vegetarians.16.How does the man sound at the end of the conversation?A.Disappointed. B.Puzzled. C.Satisfied.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题17.What is the attitude of Sun Club toward the staff's opinions now?A.Ambiguous. B.Favorable. C.Disapproving.18.How does Grecn Planet reduce staffturnover?A.Giving childcare services. B.Providingjob opportunities. C.Offering paid holidays.19.What unexpected benefit does Downtown Hotel get after improving staff welfare?A.A fall in customer complaints.B.A rise in customer spcnding.C.An increase in the flow of customers. 20.Who is the speaker probably talking to?A.Hotel guests. B.Hotel waiters C.Hotel managers英语 第2页(共10页)第二部分阅读(共两节,满分50分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。AWelcome toThe Savill Garden How to Get to the Savill GardenBy car:follow brown signs on the A30 from J13,M25.Approximate travel time: Windsor-11 minutes,London-36 minutes,Reading-46 minutes,Oxford-1 hour 10 minutes.By rail:the nearest rail stations are located at Fgham,Windsor and Virginia Water.Opening TimesOpen all year round (last entry at 17:00 p.m.1 Jan.2024-31 Dec.2024) Monday -Sunday 09:00-18:00The Savill Garden is closed on 24 and 25 December.Admission ChargesTicket TypeTicket TariffAdult off peakf8.50 per ticketAult peakf14.50 per ticketChildren 0-4 YearsFrceChildren 5-16 Years Off peakf4.50 per ticketChildren 5-16 Years peakf7.50 per tckctSpecial EventsSummer Roses June -July 2024The event is the focus for an intense sensory experience.Roses are specially choscn for their scent,strong colors and repeat flowering,and are best appreciated from a walkway that 'floats'above them.En Plein Air July 2024Open Air(quick)painting event and competition where,during a four-hour period, artists create their own masterpieces at locations around the town centre.Art in the Garden September -October 2024An exhibition of eye-catching sculpture inspired by the natural world forms a trail around The Savill Garden.Each piece is placed to benefit from the surrounding fora and be shown to best effect throughout the event.Great Park Illuminated November 2024-January2025Follow a path through woodland awash with color as sparkles of fireflies,luminous beacons and dancing fairics blaze the way,the lake alive with flood-lit fountains and glimmering reflections.英语 第3页(共10页)21.How long does it take a tourist to drivc to the Savill Garden from Oxford?A.About l1 minutes. B.About 36 minutes.C.About 46 minutes D.About 70 minutcs.22.How much should a couple with their 4-year -old son and 10-year -old daughter pay to visit Savill Garden during peak hours?A.f21.50 B.f36.50 C.E26 D.f4423.What unique feature does the Great Park lluminatedcvent offer?A.Floating walkways B.Open air paintingC.Flood-lit fountains D.Scerted rosesBJohn loved fairytales as a child and went on to study English literature at Oxford University.There,he joined a literary club with friends who shared his passion.However, World War I changed cverything for him and his friends.During the Battle of the Somme, his unit suffered heavy losses,but John was sent home because he had trench fever,which saved his life.By the end of the war,many of his literary friends had not survived.After the war,John became a professor at Oxford.Despite his academic responsibilitics,he had a strong desirc to writc his own fiction.Inspired by fairytales,he began creating a grand mythology for England.However,when he tried to publish this extensive work,publishers rejected it,finding it too long and complicated.In addition to his mythology,John entertained his children with bedtime storics.often making them up on the spot.One day,he wrote,In a hole in the ground there lived a Hobbit.This simple line led to the creation'of The Hobbit,a children's book that became very popular and made John Ronald Reucl Tolkien a well-known author.Despite the success of The Hobbit.Tolkien nevcr gave up on his grand mythology, which he named The Simarillion.Unfortunately,even as a best-selling author,he faced continucd rcjection from publishers who were more interested in a sequel to The Hobbit than in his complex mythology.Nonetheless,Tolkien stayed committed to his imaginativeworld,showing his strong dedication to his crcative vision.24.What do we know about John's experience in World War I?A.He was savcd by a mcmber of his literary club.B.He returned to the battlefield to realize his ambition. C.Hc survivcd thc most intcnsc fighting in the Sommc.D.He was relieved from the front line early due to his illness. 25.What influcnccd John's desirc to write his own fiction?A.His academic qualification. B.His love for fairytales.C.His rolc as a profcssor. D.His mcmbcrship in a literary club.英语 第4页(共10页)26.Why did John write The Hobbit?A.To changc his writing style. B.To amuse his children.C.To satisfy the market. D.To shoulder his responsibilities. 27.Why did John keep working on his mythology despite rejections?A.To follow his drcam. B.To gain popularity.C.To prove publishers wrong. D.To express his creativity.CWhen it comes to building structures.humans often consider themselves the best,but the abilitics of social insects are amazing.For example,termites(白蚁)construct tall nests. However,the truc masters of insect architecture arc the bees.A team of evolutionary biologists,led by Viviana Di Pietro,has discovered that these small-brained insects can build in various architectural stylcs,similar to humans.These styles are passed down from generation to generation,indicating that insects can have cultural differences—a concept once believed to be unique to humans,as noted by Andrew Whiten.In a study of over 400 bee colonies in Brazil,most nests were layered like cakes,while others were spiral(螺旋状) .The researchers filmed the bees and found no difference in the spced of cell construction,suggcsting that neither style is more efficient than thc other.To determine if genctics played a role,rescarchers transferred workers from onc ncst type to another.The relocated bees adapted to the local building style,and so did the young bees.These findings are exciting for those studying animal culture,as they demonstrate that bees can pass down construction techniques without direct teaching.This challenges the traditional view of culture,which is often defined as behavior directly passed from one individual to another.Dr.Whiten believes that the new findings suggest complex animal behaviors,like beaver(海狸)dams,may also result from indirect learning.Some scientists say that certain human traditions could be passed down similarly,although this is not sure.Bees keepsurprising us;it has bcen obscrvcd that bumblcbecs(大黄蜂)lcarn from older becs,challenging the idea that such learning is unique to humans.Perhaps bees deserve recognition as top architects too!28.What did the team of Viviana Di Pietro find?A.Culture is only found in human societies.B.Bees build more efficiently than humans.C.Bces cxhibit varied construction traditions.D.Animal behaviors come from direct teaching.29.What was the traditional view of culture according to Paragraph 4?A.Inheritcd through gcnctic traits.B.Learned from individual interactions.C.Passed down through written records. D.Developed from environmental factors.英语 第5页(共10页)30.What can we learn from the last paragraph?A.Bees challengc human uniqueness in learning. B.Bees cannot communicate with each other at all. C.Animal behaviors are mostly natural occuring.D.Human traditions can be directly taught to others. 31.What could be the best title for the passage?A.The Secret Lives of Bees B.The Intelligence of BeesC.The Cultural Architecture of Bees D.The Complexity of Inscct StructuresDArtificial compounds found in things like food packaging can be a risk to our health. We can clean them up.but who will pay the vast bill?You are probably aware of the term “forevcr chemicals”,if not entirely clcar on the specifics.What they are is a class of around 16.000 artificial compounds called PFAS that break down very slowly,in the environment and our bodies.Thcy are extremely useful,but also a potential hazard to wildlife and human health.After more than 80 years of widespread and often unlimited use,PFAS pollution is morc or less everywhere,from the soil on our farms to the rain that watcrs them.In all likelihood,you have a detectable amount of these chemicals in your body.A growing body of rescarch has linked contact with some types of PFAS to harmful cffects,such as kidney disease,immune disorder and certain types of cancer.Just a few parts per trillion of some forms accumulated over time is enough to be damaging.Moreover. contact is more or less unavoidable.How did we let it come to this?To some extent,society is facing the consequences of releasing many new chemicals without propcr safety testing.That has to change,and not just for PFAS.Time and again we lind,too late,that industrial chemicals are harmful—as now seems the case with those in some climbing shocs—Indoor climbing wall users may be breathing in toxic rubber dust—while allowing the firms that makc them to carry on business as usualThere is nothing illegal in that.Nonetheless,the PFAS industry has bccn highly irresponsible.There is good evidence that some producers have known for decades that the chemicals could be harmful,but intentionally confused that knowledge.As the science of PFAS advances,there is optimism that they can be replaced,as well asrounded up from the environment and destroyed.But the bill will be vast.It isn't unreasonablc to ask the firms that inventcd and profited from these products to pay at least part of it.32.What does the underlined word hazardin paragraph 2 mean?A.threat B.benefit C.safety D.effect英语 第6页(共10页)33.Why does the author mentionclimbing shoesin paragraph 4?A.To criticize poor shoe quality. B.To highlight climbing popularity.C.To argue safety of climbing shoes. D.To show harm of untested chemicals 34.What does the author imply in the last paragraph?A.PFAS will be removed through science.B.PFAS clcanup will be complex to manage.C.Science could eventually make PFAS harmless.D.Companies should help cover cleanup expenses. 35.What's the writing purpose of the passage?A.To promote the use of PFAS. B.To seek solutions of PFAS risks.C.To discuss new industrial chemicals. D.To explain the influence ofPFAS.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2 .5分,满分12 .5分)阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两 项为多余选项。Exercise is an integral part of a healthy lifestyle.Some prefer running right away in the morning,while others enjoy a late aftcrnoon workout. 36 While there's evidence that late afitcrnoon is the optimum( 最 佳 的 )timc for a workout,other times also bring benefits. No matter what,the best time to exercise is the time that works best for you.According to research,you'll get optimum results when your body temperature is at its highest.For most people,that's between 4 p.m.and 5 p.m..though some studies extend this time to 7 p.m. 37 Exercisers tend to perform better on physical performance tests measuring acrobic capacity and rcaction time.In the morning,your body temperaturc is at the lowest point of the day.This indicates the morning isn't the besttime to exercis..However,running in the morning may help keep you motivated.Additionally,early morning is the coolest part of the day during warmer months. 38 When it comes to choosing the right time for workouts,adapt your routine to fit your lifcstylc.Lctting your cxercisc routinc naturally fit into your schedule can relievc the stress of finding time to work out. 39 While you may not feel normally like working out during the time when you are available,it's possible to adjust your biological clock to your schedule. 40) For instancd,if you are training for a marathon,running in the morning can prepare you for the event because most marathons begin in the moming.Whatever sport you participatc in,training during those times will help your body perform better on theday.gameA.This will hclp you stick to it.B.You need to get an adequatc amount of sleep.C.It is within these few hours that strength and endurance pcak.D.Is there any advantage of exercising at any specific time ofday?E.You'll besafer and more comfortable if you run when it's not hot.F.Your exercise time should agree with thesport you're training for.topic among expertsG.This is a of much debate athletes and exercise .英语 第7页(共10页)第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题:每小题1分,满分15分)Kate,a 6-year-old girl.assisted her brother in washing windows to get a reward promised by her mother,a purple doll that she wanted. 41 _was shining in her eyes as she watched her mother order the doll online.The next day,with Kate 42 inquiring about the shipping status ,her mom couldn't but agree to open the web pagc and walked away.leaving the little girl with the 43 alone.After seeing her beloved doll would be soon to arrivc,she was 44 by something else,suggestions about other dolls and toys.15 minutes and a few 45 later,with more than $350 worth of dolls in her cart,Kate 46 the order and ran off to play.Seeing such a long list of dolls on the way the following day was a great 47 to Kate's mother.She was able to 48 two of them,but it was too late for the rest.It seemcd what was left to do was waiting the dolls to be 49 .Just then,Kate's father suggested 50 the dolls to the local children's hospital 51 sending them back. Kate was 52 at first,but as she sat with some of the girl patients,laughing and playing with the dolls,her spirits 53 _.Secing the smiles on the children's faces,she learned a valuable 54 about the joy of giving.The cxpcrience taught her that sometimes the best 55 are the ones we give to others.41.A.CuriosityB.ExcitementC.DesireD.Wonder42.A.eagcrlyB.shylyC.casuallyD.hesitantly43.A.dollB.orderC.scrcenD.receipt44.A.borcdB.attractcdC.annoyedD.puzzled45.A.momentsB.hoursC.clicksD.steps46.A.putB.plannedC.tookD.placed47.A.shockB.fearC.inierestD.relief48.A.sendB.packC.cancelD.buy49.A.soldB,usedC.opcnedD.returned50.A.sellingB.donatingC.buyingD.lending51.A.instead ofB.regardless ofC.in addition toD.in spite of52.A.satisfiedB.depressedC.worriedD.thrilled53.A.destroyedB.stayedC.loweredD.lifted54.A.lessonB.storyC.exampleD.event55.A.ideasB.secrctsC.giftsD.words第二节( 共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。Baduanjin,a form of fitness Qigong,56. (originate)in Northern Song Dynasty 英语 第8页(共10页)with a history of more than 800 years.Initially,it developed as a way 57. (enhance) the physical health of soldiers.Over time,it evolved into a comprchensive system.of exercises practiced by both martial artists and common people.Thcre are 58. total of cight movemcnts,cach designed to targct different parts of the body and promote overall well-being.These movements are not merely physical exercises,but also include mental focus and 59. (control)breathing.The firstmovement benefits the shoulders,arms and upper back,enhancing 60. (flexible)and circulation in these areas.And the final movement involves bouncing 61. (gcntlc)on the toes while shaking thc body.62. rcleases tension throughout the body.One of the greatest advantages of Baduanjin lies in its accessibility.Pcople of all agcs and fitness levels can practice it 63. any special equipment or prior cxpericnce.In recent years,Baduanjin has enjoyed great popularity among younger generations in China.As the world evolves rapidly,many young people are seeking approaches to 64. (find)inner balance and order.By embracing Baduanjin,younger generations are keeping the ancient practice alive and finding harmony between their modern lives and the inheritance of traditional Chinese culture.This is 65. young people and traditional culture meet.第 四 部 分 写 作(共两节,满分40分) 第一节( 满分15分)假定你是李华,你校外教 Chris 想学习中国的水墨画,希望你能给他推荐一位老 师。请你给他写一封电子邮件,内容包括:1.介绍老师的情况;2.授课时间和地点。 注意:1.词数80词左右;2.开头和结尾已给出、但不计入总词数。 Dear Chris,Best regards. Li Hua英语 第9页(共10页)第二节(满分25分)阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文. In our classroom,we have something called a job wheel.Our teacher,Mr.Jones,puts all the jobs on a small inside circle,and he puts everyone'sname on a largcr outside circle.At the beginning of each imonth,we give it a spin(旋转),cagerly waiting to see what our jobs might be.For the longest time.I'd been hoping to land on the pct-care team.Finally,last month, it happcned!Along with Migucl and Imani,1 was tasked with looking after Larry the Lizard, our class pct.It was a dream to come truc for mc.We took our duties seriously.dividing up the tasks among us—feeding Larry,cleaning his terrarium(饲养箱) .chccking the temperaturc,and yes,evcn singing him songs.We werc a committed(尽心尽力的)team,makmg sure L.arry was happy and healthy.But then,one morning.disaster struck.Larry was nowhere to be found.We searched high and low,turning the classroom upside down in our determined hunt for Larry.But despite our efforts,he femained clusive(难找的).As the day wore on,my worry grew into fiull-blown anxiety.Thankfully,Miguel,Imani,and I knew how lo help each other through tough times.Miguel reminded me to brcathe,guiding me through calming brcaths until my racing heart slowed its speed.With Mr.Jones'permission,we staycd afier school fer one final search.It was thcn that lmani had a brilliant idea——to think like Larry.We brainstormed ways to entice(诱使)him back home,setting up a treat trail and crcating a comfortabie spot outside his tcrrarium.And then,inspircd by Larry's love for our songs.we cratied a heantfelt song,requesting his return.Are you having an adventure in somc secret spacc below?Did you join the circus doing daring tricks so high?A little lizard walking on a tightrope in the sky.Imani was thc one who sang the last part.Just as she sang the word sky.she looked up,and …注意:1.续写词数应为150左在; 2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答、Oh,hcllo.she said with a smile. You thrce make a grcat search-and-rescuc team!said Mr.Jones. 英语 第10页(共[0页)四川省巴中市普通高中2022级高三“零诊”考试 英语试题参考答案第一部分听力1-5.CABCA 6-10.ACABC11-15.CBACB16-20.CBABC第二部分阅读理解21-23.DBCDB 26-30.BACBA31-35CADDB36-40 DCEAF第三部分语言知识运用第一节完形填空41-45.BACBC 46-50.DACDB 51-55.ABDAC第二节短文填空56.originated 61.gently57.to enhance 62.which58.a63.without60.flexibility 64.finding59.controlled 65.where第四部分写作第一节 Possible versionDear ChrisIm writing to recommend a Chinese ink painting teacher to you as you expressed your interest in learning this art form.I wholeheartedly suggest Mr Li,anaccomplished and seasoned professional in Chinese ink painting.With over two decades of experience in teaching,Mr.Liis widely recognized for his engaging and practical teaching style,which has earned him a considerable following.His classes are both informative and entertaining.The classes are held on Saturdays from 10 am to 12 pm at the Chinese Cultural Center,situated at No.6 Kangning RoadI hope this recommendation is helpful to you.Please let me know if you have any questions,as I would be happy to assist you furtherBest regards, Li Hua第二节 Possible version“Oh,hello,”she said with a smile.It's hard to believe that with everyone in ourwhole class searching,not one of us had thought to look up.But there was Larry, peeking out from a vent,just as happy as could be.Luckily,Mr.Jones is on the tall side,so all he had to do was stand on a desk and reach up with his arm,so Larry could climb right onto his hand!The next thing we knew,our little escape artist was back in his terrarium,safe and sound.“You three make a great search-and-rescue team!”said Mr:Jones. “Thanks,”said Miguel.When we tucked Larry in for the night,we saw that his favorite climbing tree had tipped over just enough to lift the corner of the terrarium lid a bit.We repositioned the tree and put heavy books on it.The next morning,Mr.Jones brought in a secure terrarium cover.Our song about Larry still makes me smile when I think about it.So,making up a song or poem can make you focus on other stuff and help you feel better.





