
2024-09-20·14页·2.4 M

黄冈市2024 年高三年级 9 月调研考试


第一部分 听力


第二部分 阅读

21--23 DCB 24--27 DDBC 28--31 ACAC 32--35 BDBD

36--40 FGACD

第三部分 语言运用




56.efforts 57. survival 58. an 59.most important 60. centralized

61.among/of 62.that 63. was carved 64. Apparently 65.leaving

(A 篇)本文节选自网页对巴黎奥运会新项目的介绍。


21. D。细节理解题。根据副标题 Breakdance 后第三段中的“Key Elements: Athletes

perform combinations of moves such as the 6-step, and freezes, judged on execution,

creativity, and style.”得知运动员动作富有创造性,得分会更高,答案为 D。

22. C。推理判断题。从四个比赛项目中可知,男女均可参加,答案为 C。

23. B。细节理解题。从最后一段中“ And return to home page to find more about

Unique Aspects of Traditional Sports.”可知该文出自某网页内容。答案为 B。

(B 篇)文章出处: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/rcTX0NE8roG4tyl90A0isA



24.D。句意猜测题。从文章第二段中“Feng's recent viral video comes from his

bilingual(双语的) stop announcements in Chinese and English, captivating netizens.

Some remark, It's like a luxurious flight for just two yuan! ”可知冯志亮的公交车

双语播报让乘客们感觉仅用两块钱体验到了坐飞机时双语播音的感觉,故答案 D。

25. D。细节理解题。文章第三段中“Encouraged by their positive feedback, he saw an

opportunity to serve the many foreigners riding his bus.”可知冯志亮是受到外国乘



26. B。推理判断题。从文章中冯志亮在休息间隙的 20 分钟里,在晚上九点下班

后一直坚持学习英语,说明他是是一个意志坚定又勤奋的人。故答案为 B。

27. C。推理判断题。综观全文,冯志亮为了双语报站,从而提升公交系统的服


客的纷纷点赞和认可,实现了他的心愿和目标。故答案为 C。

(C 篇)文章出处:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/y2qtctprpjtTdKnZkyeBiQ

《Weekend Where to go | 20 年前,一对德国夫妇赠送的温暖礼包》


28. A。 细节理解题。从第三段“Yang Lizhou, then the museum’s vice director,

recalled that when Peter Ludwig visited China to discuss about donation, he was not

very determined but said “YES” after Yang told him that one quarter of the world’s

population would support and remember him for his generosity.”得知,当时的博物馆



了捐赠,故答案为 A。

29. C。推理判断题。结合第四段“The museum has toured the Ludwig collection in

many cities over the past two decades, broadening people’s vision of fine arts.”可知,


答案为 C.

30. A。词意猜测题。从前文“The painting expressed fascinations of love and the

burden it brings by merging the images of a woman and a man, where they seem

physically independent while bound by scarfs reluctantly ”,“这幅画把看似身体独立,


下文语境可知划线单词 dejected 的意思为“不高兴的,沮丧的”,故答案为 A。

31. C。主旨大意题,纵观全文尤其是第一段可知,文章的主题为“一对德国夫妇

赠送给中国的当代切艺术大礼包”,故答案为 C。

(D 篇)体裁:说明文

选自 Scientific American

32. B。推理判断题。根据第一段“Indeed, forgetting can sometimes help people cope

psychologically or let go of useless knowledge. ”及第二段“In a new study…”可


识。” 这个研究结果,再讲述研究的具体内容,故答案为 B。

33. D。细节理解题。在第三段“ He also discussed how dementia may ultimately

effect disordered forgetting more than lost memories.”他还讨论了痴呆症最终反映

的可能是无序遗忘,而不是失去记忆。故 A 错误。根据第四段“Others are not so

arbitrary but are still quite demanding, such as the knowledge you build to become a

practicing doctor.”另一些知识不那么武断和任意,但仍然要求很高,比如你为成

为执业医师而积累的知识,可以类推,成为教师的知识亦如此。故答案为 D.

34. B。推理判断题。根据倒数第二段“A growing body of research in neuroscience

is studying the idea that forgetting is adaptive rather than limiting”可知答案为 B。

35. D。写作意图题。根据文章第一段推理出,人们对遗忘现象存在误解。“遗忘



无用的知识。” 再结合下文的内容,遗忘是大脑的特征而不是缺陷,作者具体阐

释和澄清了这一误解。故答案为 D。





36. F。 与前面第一句中的 with some seeing the glass half full while others half

empty 相呼应。句意为“人们对幸福的看法不同,有些人看到的是半满的杯子,

而有些人看到的是半空的杯子。社会心理学家 Sonja Lyubomirsky 解释说,幸福


个问题上。”所以答案选 F。

37. G。 通过后文的 on the contrary 和 casual 、relaxing 可知,所填内容应该刚好

相反,是较有挑战性不易完成的事。所以答案选 G。

38. A。 这一整段的大意是经营一段良好的人际关系可以提升人的幸福感,与 A

选项“Manage your circles”这一段落主题句构成解释关系。所以答案选 A。

39. C。这一整段的小标题是经营你的社交圈,前一句的意思是“选择一段还需要

加强的关系,投入时间和精力去修复、培养和享受它。”C 选项中的代词 this 指

代的就是前一句话的内容,这个小小的投资会带来长远的影响。所以答案选 C。

40.D。横线前一句的内容是表达做好事所能带来的益处,横线后一句中的 in turn

以及 helps 这两个词说明横线部分依旧在表达做好事所能带来的益处,前后句构

成层层递进的关系。D 选项中的 also 也应证了答案。

完形填空:本文讲的是 Michael Surrell 先生英勇火中救人的故事。



41. A 词意辨析。根据后文的故事情节走向,可了解到 Michael Surrell 一听说隔

壁着火了,立马过去查看了解情况。故选 A。

42. B。根据后文的“grandma”可得知 Tiara 是这位女士的“granddaughter”,故选 B。

43. B 词意辨析。根据语境可知,尽管已经联系了火警,但 Michael Surrell 先生

立即冲进了着火的房屋救人,突显他危急关头果断救人的品质。”故选 B。

44. A。根据常识可知,thick 修饰的是 smoke,与后文的 the smoke-filled house 也

呼应上了。故选 A。

45. C 词意辨析。根据下文的提示 he moved outside to 46 his breath,可知他

喘不过气来,故选 C。

46. D。根据前文的“smoke-filled house,moved outside”,可知他退出来是为了呼

吸新鲜空气。故选 D。

47. D 词意辨析。根据语境可知,紧急关头,Michael Surrell 先生急切地询问小

女孩身在何处,故选 D。

48. B。根据后文的“easily, made it to the second floor”可得知两家的户型结构相似,

故选 B。

49. C 词意辨析。根据后文的“All he could feel was the crackling and popping of

burning wood.”可得知此时此刻屋内浓烟密布,一片漆黑,他什么都看不见。故选


50. C 词意辨析。根据后文“He crawled toward the sound”可得知他在一片漆黑中,


故选 C。

51.D 根据前文的“feeling around for...”可得知他在一片漆黑中,什么也看不见,是

根据声音摸索着寻找小女孩的存在的迹象,故选 D。

52.A 词意辨析。根据常识可知,在有火和浓烟的环境里,无法看清东西,只能

依靠手触摸感知事物,故选 A。

53.B 词意辨析。根据前文的环境交代,可得知他在一片漆黑中,什么也看不见,


易,故选 B。

54.D 词意辨析。be released from the hospital 此处翻译成“出院”。故选 D。

55.A 句意为“这是一个很小的代价,如果还有下一次我依然会毫不犹豫救人的。”

故选 A。

语法填空: 海上丝绸之路 体裁:说明文

56.efforts 57. survival 58. an 59.most important 60. centralized

61.among /of 62.that 63. was carved 64. Apparently 65.leaving

56.考查名词单复数,可知答案为 efforts。

57.考查词性转换,可知答案为 survival。

58.考查冠词的用法,可知答案为 an。

59.考查形容词的最高级形式,根据 the,可知答案为 most important。




其中造船技术和航海技术比以前有了飞跃式的发展”,among 或 of 表示“在这些


62.考查强调句型结构“It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他部分”,可知答案为 that。

63.考查动词的时态语态和数,可知答案为 was carved。

64.考查词性转换,可知答案为 Apparently。

65 考查非谓语动词的用法,现在分词作状语。可知答案为 leaving。


Dear David,

I’m writing to share with you our school’s chorus competition last Wednesday. The day

dawned with a sense of anticipation, as we all gathered in the auditorium.

The competition kicked off with a breathtaking opening performance. Each class took the

stage in turn, each performance unique and filled with passion. As we stepped forward, the

nervousness was transformed into pure joy. Our chosen piece resonated through the hall, bringing

smiles to audience’s faces and applause to our ears. Eventually, we won the first prize. This

chorus was a celebration of music, friendship, and perseverance, which taught me the power of

cooperation and the joy of expressing oneself.

I feel grateful to have been a part of such a memorable experience. Do you have any

interesting events or activities happening? I’m eager to hear from you.


Li Hua

本题总分为 15 分,按五个档次:第五档:13-15 分;第四档:10-12 分; 第三

档 7-9 分;第二档 4-6 分;第一档 1-3 分。







One possible version:

Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter from Hector's room. Cautiously

peeking inside, I was met with a heartwarming sight – Dylan's arm warmly wrapped

around Hector's shoulders, both laughing uncontrollably as they toasted with their

drinks. Hector's eyes sparkled with joy, a sharp contrast to the dullness clouding over

them earlier. My heart swelled with pride and gratitude, a realization dawning on me:

Dylan, with his innocent heart and genuine warmth, managed to bridge the gap,

offering a glimpse of hope that even the finest medicines couldn't quite match.

On the way home that night, Dylan asked me several times if Hector would be

okay. His words, filled with earnestness, wrapping my heart like a cozy blanket.

Mommy, can we visit Hector soon to see his smile blossom wider? My smile

mirrored his, gently promising a nodding yes, which lit up his face. As the night drove

us home, I knew we'd not only mended a little boy's broken body, but Dylan had

stitched a piece of Hector's heart back together, teaching him the sweet symphony of

compassion and the awe-inspiring power of making a world of difference in

someone's life.

One possible version:

Imagine my surprise when I heard laughter from Hector’s room. The moment I

opened the door, I was dumbstruck. Dylan, who had been indifferent not long before,

was telling jokes to Hector! Two boys were giggling and Hector was obviously

enjoying his company. The next scene I saw was that Dylan handed the drink to

Hector and asked if he’d like to have one. An unforgettably innocent smile lit up

Hector’s face. It was truly amazing to watch them interact, as if it were the most

natural thing in the world.

On the way home that night, Dylan asked me several times whether Hector would

be okay. I told him the joy he brought to Hector lifted his spirits and that would surely

accelerate his recovery,yet challenges still lay ahead. My son paused, lost in thought.

Then he declared his intention to join Healing the Children,eager to help more

children like Hector. Emotions surged within me as I witnessed Dylan's

transformation.He didn’t see the world through his own eyes any longer, but

gained another vision from the eyes of those in need.





