
2024-06-03·12页·1010.8 K

Course Materials

We offer a material kit containing 18 aromatic materials and some tools, which costs $75.

英语试卷 We recommend ordering your kit instantly you have purchased the course to ensure your

receiving it in time for class, though it's not strictly necessary to have received it by the first



1. 答题前, 考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、 准考证号、 考场号、 座位号在答

Please note that these are professional-grade perfume materials and although we have I


carefully selected all our materials to prevent allergens, there is nevertheless a slight possibility

2. 每小题选出答案后, 用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。 如需改动,

that you may experience a sensitivity to one or two of them. We request you not work with your

用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。 在试题卷上作答无效。

3.考试结束后, 请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 满分 120 分, 考试用时 100 分钟。 material kit until our first class, in which we will cover health and safety tips. If you're highly

sensitive to fragrance, we recommend you not take this class.

第 一 部分 阅读(共两节, 满分 50分) Please contact us at experiences@atlasobscura. com if you have any questions.

1. Which is covered in this course?

第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)

A. Strategy of selling fragrance. B. Distribution of global perfumery.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C 和 D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。

C. Smelling scents. D. Evaluating perfume formulas.


2. When can we take the fragrance classification class?

Making Scents: Experimental Perfumery with Saskia Wilson-Brown

A. On Mar. 25. B. On Mar. 18. C. On Apr. 1. D. On May 18.

Course Description

3. What can we say about the course?

Led by Saskia Wilson-Brown, the founder and director of The Institute for Art and

A. The kit should be opened in advance.

Olfaction, this course will provide an expansive overview of perfumery. Starting with the B. The materials are safe for they are natural.

important social context for the global history of perfumery, the class will go on to cover fragrance C. We need to pay $290 for the experience.

families and classification, materials of natural and synthetic (合成的) origin, diluents, and D. It is suitable for those sensitive to fragrance.

the basics for a safe practice. Importantly, we'll do the fun work of smelling, discussing each B

material in the kit through a process of sensorial evaluation. Finally, we'll create several Tilly Williams, a Parkside primary student, has broken a world distance running record,

beating other girls who were eight years older than her to run 5, OOOm in just 17 minutes and

introductory perfume formulas and end the course with a glimpse into the perfume industry with a

22.7 seconds.

focus on independent and experimental practices.

Tilly started running just three years ago and has already shot straight to the top. When


some of her friends told her about the international record, she decided to give it a go while

Session 1 (7: 00-9: 00 pm, Mar.18) : Lah Basics: Safety, tools, and fragrance families

competing at the SA State Championships.

Session 2 (7: 00-9: 00 pm, Mar. 25) : Materials and Strategies

Some of my running friends told me about it and I was like, wow, it would be crazy if I got

Session 3 (7: 00-9: 00 pm, Apr.1) : Industry: Mainstream vs. artisan practice that and here I am, Tilly said. I am the kind of person who really enjoys the challenge, she

Price added, I really love surfing and I love bike riding and hiking - all different kinds of

$215 per person (course only) adventures and sports.

英语.第1页(共10页) 一己已圈 口一二 英语 第2页(共10页)


She started running in 2021 when she joined her school's cross-country team. Since then, C

she has run two to three times a week with her dad, Mark Williams, or at the Adelaide Harriers Pawn shops (典当行) have long been known as treasure banks of unexpected finds. From

Athletics Club. musical instruments to electronics, these establishments offer a diverse range of items that

Tilly said, It's good knowing that my family's on my side and my friends are on my side as motivate the imaginations of both buyers and sellers. In this article, we explore the fascinating

well. Usually I just go out and run with my running group and with my dad as well because it is world of popular items frequently pawned at shops. Now, fasten your seatbelts and get ready for

like a bond. a journey through the fascinating stock of pawn shops.

Tilly doesn't follow a strict diet, so her favourite food is still on the menu - her dad's In today's digital age, electronics have become an essential part of our lives. From

home-cooked pizza. I do love pepperoni pizza, she said. smartphones and laptops to gaming devices and home entertainment systems, pawn shops have

You never think that anyone's going to get a world record at this age, at any age really. become hotspots for tech enthusiasts seeking bargains and unique finds. These shops are packed

It's just surreal, Mr.Williams said, It's very important to recognise these achievements, but with the items that have bridged distances , captured memories, and entertained us in various

also to stay very much grounded and just enjoy the other pursuits that she likes. She loves her ways.

running, but she does so many other things as well and I think it's really important that the focus Guitars have a magnetic charm, attracting musicians and enthusiasts alike. From vintage

is on life rather than just one thing. classics to contemporary models, pawned guitars arouse a sense of nostalgia and craftsmanship.

4. What do we know about Tilly? They have been the backbone of countless melodies and the catalyst (催化剂) for musical

A. She prefers surfing to bike riding. dreams. Whether it's a legendary electric guitar that once rocked a stadium or a humble acoustic

B. She failed at the SA State Championships. (原声吉他) that accompanied close and friendly performances,each guitar carries a unique

C. She holds the 5000m record of her age. tale of passion and creativity.

D. She's lucky to have her dad as her coach. Pawn shops are also renowned for their dazzling arrays of jewelry. Rings, necklaces,

5. What might Williams agree? bracelets, and watches —- these delicate pieces hold sentimental value and timeless beauty,

A. We'd better concentrate on a single thing. carrying stories of love, milestones, and cherished memories. From vintage heirlooms to modern

B. Tilly deserves the reputation and praise. designs, the jewelry section of a pawn shop offers a remarkable mixture, where you can find

C. Tilly should make efforts to keep her record. unique and eye-catching pieces and appreciate the charm and craftsmanship of fine decoration.

D. People should consider needs more than hobbies. So, the next time you find yourself near a pawn shop, step inside, explore the aisles , and

6. Which of the following can best describe Tilly? let your imagination roam. You never know what hidden treasures you might uncover, or what

A. Gifted and persevering. B. Optimistic and careful. remarkable tales you might encounter in the attractive world of pawned items.

C. Determined and humorous. D. Dynamic and warm-hearted. 8. Who would most probably enter a pawn shop?

7. Where can we find this text? A. A research chemist. B. A travel planner.

A. www. naturewatch. com. C. A wedding food provider. D. A family party organizer.

B. www.thecookinghouse.com. 9. What can we do in pawn shops?

C. www. kidsnews. com. A. Conserve the antiques. B. Appreciate fairy tales.

D. www.adventuretours.com. C. Practice with the craftsman. D. Experience the history and love.

英语 第3页(共10页) 口二..口一二 英语.第4页(共10页)


10. What does the underlined word sentimental mean in Paragraph 4? 12. What can we learn about blue bananas from the text?

A. Emotional. B. Social. C. Economic. D. Decorative. A. They have become a hit worldwide.

11. What is the best title for the text? B. They are still limited in supply.

A. Legends behind Pawned Items Never Disappear C. They have been exported to Sri Lanka.

B. Hidden Treasures in Pawn Shops Speak D. They have the highest medical value in fruits.

C. Try Various Pawn Shops to Meet Your Beloved 13. What is a characteristic of Pisang Ceylon? ,

D. Borrow Attractive Old Things from Pawn Shops A. It has light blue skin. B. It tastes like ice cream.

D C. It is as sweet as Kluai Namwa Aw. D. It contains a lot of nutrients.

When we think of bananas, the image of a vibrant yellow fruit comes to mind. However, 14. Why are blue bananas good for health?

there exists a unique variety of blue bananas that adds a colorful twist to this classic fruit. While A. They improve the resistance to infection.

not as widely available as their yellow counterparts, blue bananas offer a delightful and nutritious B. They cure heart disease.

addition to fruit lovers. So, embrace the unexpected and seek out the extraordinary blue bananas C. They strengthen the digestive system.

for a truly unforgettable taste experience. D. They contain less sugar.

One of the most well-known blue banana varieties is the Blue Java, also called the Ice 15. What is the main idea of the text?

Cream banana. This distinctive fruit owns a pale blue or silver skin when unripe, which A. Yellow bananas are replaced by blue ones.

gradually turns to a creamy yellow when fully ripe. Its flesh has a delicate, sweet flavor like B. Blue bananas are perfect for delicious cuisine.

vanilla ice cream, earning it the fitting nickname. C. We should raise the awareness of preserving blue bananas.

Originating from Sri Lanka, the Pisang Ceylon banana is another interesting blue variety. D. It's time to explore the amazing world of blue bananas.

Its striking blue-green skin hides a creamy white flesh that is slightly sweet of citrus (相橘). 第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)

This unique banana is valued not only for its appealing color but also for its nutritional benefits. 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 选项中有两项为

There are other related varieties with similar coloration. These include the Namwah Blue, 多余选项。

Kluai Khai, and Kluai Namwa Aw. Each exhibits its own distinct flavor, ranging from sweet, As we age, we find our mind is easily distracted. 16 ? In fact, like a computer that

creamy to subtly tangy (强烈的) respectively. slows with use, the brain accumulates wear and tear that affects processing. This can be caused

Blue bananas are widely used fruits that can be enjoyed in various cooking preparations. by a number of physiological stressors such as inflammation (炎症), injury to blood vessels, the

Their sweet, creamy flesh lends itself well to smooth.ies, milkshakes, and desserts. build-up of abnormal proteins. And there are also other factors affecting our concentration.

Additionally, their unique color adds a visually striking element to fruit salads or tropical-themed 17 ? You can consider the following approaches.

dishes. Mindfulness

Like their yellow counterparts, blue bananas are abundant in vital nutrients. They are a Practising mindfulness has been shown to rewire the brain so that attention is stronger in

good source of potassium (钾), which supports heart health and helps maintain proper blood everyday life, says Kim Willment, a neuropsychologist of Brigham and Women's Hospital.

pressure. Blue bananas also contain protein, vitamin C, and other beneficial antioxidants that 18 , closing your eyes, and focusing on your breath as well as the sounds and sensation

contribute to overall well-being and immune system support. around you.

英语 第5页(共10页) 口口一一口圈口 英语.第6页(共10页)


e Cognitive training For a kid like Steven, growing up in a modest environment, toys weren't just a fun 30

Computerized cognitive training games aim to improve your response time and attention. 一they were a creative outlet, too. When they played, their imagination grew and when their

The goal of playing these games is not to get better at them, but to get better in the cognitive imagination grew, they could begin to 31 the seeds for the impossible.

activities of everyday life, Willment says , 19 , pushing it to the next level can help Now, since he is on the cover of Forbes, Steven has 32 it. He gifted his uncle a big

improve it, and this may translate to everyday life. toy - a brand new SUV. Even better, he has his own company. It's easy to see how Steven's

eA healthier lifestyle upbringing 33 the vision he has behind his company. As a (n) 34 , his affordable

Many aspects of a healthy lifestyle can help attention. Start with exercise and sleep. When luxury business model is informed by his childhood and wanting to be the change he wanted to

you exercise, you increase the availability of brain chemicals that promote new brain see in the world. That is the art of hoi sum (Cantonese) Steven has 35 - living with an

connections, reduce stress, and improve sleep. When you sleep, you reduce stress hormones open heart.

2 . A. shape B. situation C. direction D. field

that are harmful to the brain. 20 . 1

22. A. heartily B. orally C. financially D. mentally

A. What happened to the laser-sharp focus we once enjoyed

23. A. Therefore B. Otherwise C. Also D. However

B. And you clear out proteins that injure it

24. A. game B. friend C. pet D. toy

C. If you reach a certain level of sustained attention

25. A. competiti. ve B. international C. civil D. dynamic

D. Then what are the strategies to improve attention

26. A. led to B. amounted to C. submitted to D. referred to

E. Once you master the skills of playing these games

27. A. adjustment B. assessment C. labor D. life

F. And you have a more comprehensive way of thinking

28. A. mended B. hit C. made D. revealed

G. She recommends sitting still for a few minutes each day

29. A. intention B. highlight C. target D. exhibition

第二部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)

30. A. escape B. assistant C. reminder D. work

第一节(共15小题;每小题l分, 满分15分)

31. A. harvest B. observe C. store D. plant

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、 B、 C、 D四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最

32. A. missed B. proved C. estimated D. overstated


33. A. changes B. displays C. influences D. forecasts

Steven Elliot grew up in a poor town in China. He knew he wasn't in the same 21 as

34. A. businessman B. interviewer C. employee D. player

the other kids of his age. For one, Steven's parents had so little to support their children 22

35. A. practised B. anticipated C. memorized D. reserved

and they could barely afford to survive. 23 , Steven never resented (憎恨 this and was

) 第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)

grateful for all his parents provided. Like any kid of his age, he wished one day that he could

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

also have a 24 of his own to play with. Heading off to the train station straight after work on Friday, checking in 36 least eight

Steven's uncle decided to do something to help. Finally, in the 25 job market, he tourism attractions in one day for three continuous days , hopping on a late-night train and

managed to get a job. After working a full-time job, his monthly salary 26 merely $400 returning to work or lectures at 8 o'clock the next morning — the travel practice of visiting as

dollars. Yet, despite the horrific pay for the exhausting 27 , Steven's uncle worked hard day many sights as possible within the 37 (short) period of time is known as Special Forces

and night with one pu叩ose in mind - to buy a PS2 for the nephews. He 28 it. The style tourism. Lately, the style 38 (become) a popular trend among China's young tourists,

cutting-edge gadget (小玩意儿) became the 29 of Steven's childhood. —一旦 (allow) them to make the most of their short holiday breaks.

英语 第7页(共10页) 口亡I - -口一口 英语.第8页(共10页)


Last May Day witnessed the peak of this intense travel practice, as the number of tourists gentle hand, offering food and warmth. Feeling Shelley's kindness, the kitten accepted her food

reached a record high of 200 million. The hashtag (标签) Young People's Special Force Style and home offer. At home, Shelley named the kitten Sophie. In the warmth of Shelley's care,

Tourism during May Day Holiday enjoyed more than 3. 3 million 40 (view) on China's Sophie transformed from a scared wanderer to a beloved companion, seeking out affection and

largest micro-blogging site Weibo. purring contentedly in her arms.

Many people flocked to the online space to share 41 (they) experiences of Special For the past two years, Shelley would go for daily walks in the woods with a cat carrier

Force style tourism including two vloggers, 42 documented the three-day climbing attached to her back and Sophie would peer out. I tell her that her job is to bring joy - and I

experience of Wuyue. During the trip, they covered a distance of 4,600 kilometers with less she does, Shelley said, recalling how her cat would greet the people they passed. She's very

than 10 hours of sleep. sweet and social.

This 43 (physical) demanding travel becomes a trend because of a video showing a Sophie was also very confident, until that day last summer when the cat jumped out of her

group of university students travelling to the Tibetan capital Lhasa by taking an old-fashioned carrier and an energetic dog chased her away. Shelley searched for Sophie all day, but the cat

train. Although 44 entire journey took them 54 hours with only hard seats available, didn't come back.

students 45 (see) to be in high spirits chanting Youth is priceless, and hard seats take us It was the worst day of my life, Shelley said. She found herself experiencing the worst

straight to Lhasa! weeks of her life. After putting up posters, posting on social media, and searching the 565 acres

第三部分 写作(共两节, 满分 40 分) of forest surrounding Royal Roads University every day from dusk until dawn, there was no sign


第一节(满分15分) of Sophie. It is like she vanished into thin air, Shelley said. It does get harder and harde

neighbour, Marilyn Hanner, stepped

假定你是李华, 在英国某中学参加夏令营活动, 在为学校制作海报时, 不小心弄脏 to believe that you are going to find her. But then a former

after being asked why she joined the

了 一块桌布, 请给班级负责人 Kate 老师写一封道歉信, 内容包括: up to help. There's nothing to think about, Marilyn said

1. 表示歉意; daily search for Sophie. You have an animal in danger, you jump in. Marilyn and her

to set up around the forest. If you have the means, why

2. 说明原因; husband also bought four trail cameras

3. 补救措施。 wouldn't you? Marilyn said.

注意: 注意: 1. 续写词数应为150左右;

1. 写作词数应为80词左右; 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。 As weeks turned to months , the cameras captured countless other creatures - from slugs (鼻涕

Dear Kate, 虫) to a cougar (美洲狮).

Sophie and Shelley were reunited after being apart for more than three months.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

Five years ago, a homeless kitten wandered in a park, its fur matted and eyes wide with

fear. Hunger bit its tiny body. Accidentally, a kind-hearted woman Shelley Hall spotted the

trembling ball of fur and felt a tug at her heartstrings. Approaching slowly, she extended a

英语 第9页(共10页) 一口口--二一己 英语 第10页(共10页)



第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

1~5 CBCCB 6~10 ACDDA 11~15 BBDAD

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

16~20 ADGCB

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

21~25 BCDDA 26~30 BCCBA 31~35 DBCAA

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

36.at 37.shortest 38.has become 39.allowing 40.views

41.their 42.who 43.physically 44.the 45.were seen

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)


Dear Kate,

I’m writing to make an apology for staining the tablecloth while making the poster. I feel

awful about it and want to tell you what happened.

As there was no desk available,we decided to use the podium.After confirming the layout

and the content of the poster,we began making it.So absorbed was I that I knocked over the paint

accidentally.Although we completed the beautiful poster in time,the tablecloth couldn’t go back

to its beauty.To make up for it,I can either take the tablecloth to the laundry or compensate you

with a new one.Please let me know which solution you prefer.

Once again,I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)


As weeks turned to months,the cameras captured countless other creatures — from slugs(鼻

涕虫)to a cougar(美洲狮).“Seeing the cougar was quite daunting,” Shelley said.But then

one day while looking through the footage, Shelley and Marilyn spotted a picture of a blurry

cat. When they watched carefully, it inspired definite hope.“Oh my God! That’s

Sophie!”Shelley yelled out.“She’s alive and she looks well!”Three weeks after that, which

included multiple sightings,and thanks to crucial help from the neighbour,the cat was captured

close to her home.

Sophie and Shelley were reunited after being apart for more than three months.“She purred

and rubbed against us,”Shelley smiled before showing pictures of the cat cuddling close to her

face.“She was so happy to be home.” Shelley and Sophie were back doing daily walks in the

woods. But now the cat was attached to a leash, while her mom’s thankfulness couldn’t be

contained.“I feel grateful very easily now, ”Shelley said.“For so much.”And for so many

people — especially Marilyn,who never gave up helping or hoping.“Never give up trying,”

Marilyn said.“Until you know for sure,you can never give up.”


第一部分 阅读



主题语境:人与社会 —— 制香课程


1.C 细节理解题。根据第一部分 Course Description 中倒数第二句“Importantly,we’ll do

the fun work of smelling,discussing each material in the kit through a process of sensorial



2.B 细节理解题。根据第二部分 Syllabus 第一句“ Session 1(7:00–9:00 pm,Mar.

18): Lab Basics:Safety,tools,and fragrance families”可知,3 月 18 日课程内容

为实验室基础操作知识:安全、工具及香氛家族,故选 B。

3.C 细节理解题。根据第三部分 Price 的内容“$215 per person(course only)”和最后一

部分 Course Materials 第一句“We offer a material kit containing 18 aromatic materials

and some tools,which costs $75.”可知,课程价格为 215 美元,加上 75 美元的材料

包,一共 290 美元,故选 C。


主题语境:人与社会 —— 天才女孩打破世界长跑纪录

【语篇导读】本文是记叙文。叙述了一名来自 Parkside 的天才女孩在家人、朋友等多方

支持下,艰苦训练,打破 5000 米长跑世界纪录的故事。

4.C 细节理解题。根据第一段可知,Tilly 打破了 5000 米长跑的世界纪录,即她是当前同

年龄段的 5000m 纪录保持者,故选 C。

5.B 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,Williams 认为在女儿这样小的年纪就能创下世界


女儿实至名归,故选 B。

6.A 推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“ Tilly started running just three years ago and has

already shot straight to the top.”和第四段第二句“Since then,she has run two to three

times a week with her dad,Mark Williams,or at the Adelaide Harriers Athletics Club.”

可知,Tilly 才训练了三年就达到了世界巅峰水平,由此看出她天赋异禀;自从她参

加学校越野队以后,每周都会坚持和爸爸一起跑步或者去俱乐部进行 2~3 次训练,

由此看出她坚持不懈,故选 A。

7.C 文章出处题。全文讲述了天才女孩在家人、朋友等多方支持下,艰苦训练,打破

5000 米长跑世界纪录的故事,所以最有可能在儿童新闻这个网站找到这篇文章,故

选 C。


主题语境:人与社会 —— 典当行背后的故事



8.D 推理判断题。根据第二段第二句“From smartphones and laptops to gaming devices and

home entertainment systems, pawn shops have become hotspots for tech enthusiasts

seeking bargains and unique finds.”可知,典当行里有智能手机、平板电脑、游戏设


来典当行,故选 D。

9.D 推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“These shops are packed with the items that have

bridged distances,captured memories,and entertained us in various ways.”和倒数第二

段 第 二 句“ Rings, necklaces, bracelets, and watches — these delicate pieces hold

sentimental value and timeless beauty, carrying stories of love, milestones, and

cherished memories.”可知,典当行里充满了可以跨越时空、品味温暖回忆和让我们



感受历史和爱,故选 D。

10.A 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段第二句“ …carrying stories of love,milestones,and

cherished memories.”可知,这些物件承载着爱的故事,有着里程碑式的意义或者带

有珍贵的回忆,所以应当是有情感价值,故选 A。

11.B 最佳标题题。本文描绘了典当行里的三样典型物品,让我们感受到在这里每个老物

件都是有温度的,满载着爱与回忆,故选 B。


主题语境:人与自然 —— 探秘蓝色香蕉



12. B 细节理解题。根据第一段第三句“ While not as widely available as their yellow

counterparts,blue bananas offer a delightful and nutritious addition to fruit lovers.”可

知,蓝色香蕉目前供应有限,故选 B。

13.D 细节理解题。根据第三段最后一句“ This unique banana is valued not only for its

appealing color but also for its nutritional benefits.”可知,Pisang Ceylon 这种蓝香蕉不

仅仅因为迷人的颜色,更因为它丰富的营养价值而受到人们的喜爱,故选 D。

14.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段最后两句“They are a good source of potassium(钾),

which supports heart health and helps maintain proper blood pressure.Blue bananas also

contain protein, vitamin C, and other beneficial antioxidants that contribute to overall

well-being and immune system support.”可知,蓝香蕉富含钾元素,而钾元素对心脏

健康和血压稳定都有益处。此外,它还含有丰富的蛋白质、维生素 C 和其他抗氧化

物,有益于人的身体健康和免疫系统,故选 A。

15.D 主旨大意题。本文介绍了世界上独特的蓝色香蕉的产地、气味、口感和营养价值等

相关信息,故选 D。


主题语境:人与自我 —— 提高专注力



16.A 考查句间承接关系。该空前一句说到“随着年龄的增长,我们发现我们更容易分



损,影响信息处理”,故选 A。

17.D 考查概括信息。该空后一句说到“你可以考虑以下的方法”,所以该空应填“那么有

哪些提高注意力的策略呢?”,故选 D。

18.G 考查例证关系。该空前面说到“Kim Willment 认为‘练习正念已经被证明可以重新

连接大脑,使注意力更集中’”,后面应该接 Kim Willment 推荐的几个保持专注力的

方法,如“静坐、闭目、专注呼吸等”,故选 G。

19.C 考查句间承接关系。该空前面提到“玩这些游戏的目的不是让你擅长这些游戏,而





20.B 考查句间承接关系。本段小标题“健康的生活方式”总领全段,该空前面提到“当


脑的蛋白质也会被清除”,故选 B。

第二部分 语言运用


主题语境:人与社会 —— 开心地生活

【语篇导读】本文是记叙文,讲述了 Steven Elliot 在童年时收到叔叔送的一件珍贵礼



21.B 考查名词的辨析。shape“形态”;situation“处境”;direction“方向”;field“领

域”。该句要表达的意思是:他知道他与同龄的孩子处境不同,故选 B。

22.C 考查副词的辨析。heartily“衷心地”;orally“口头上”;financially“财政上”;

mentally“精神上”。该句要表达的意思是:Steven 的父母经济上不宽裕,家庭只能

勉强度日,故选 C。

23.D 考查副词的辨析。therefore“因此”;otherwise“否则”;also“也”;however“然

而”。该句要表达的意思是:然而,Steven 从不憎恨这些,对父母能够提供的一切心

存感激,故选 D。

24.D 考查名词的辨析。game“游戏”;friend“朋友”;pet“宠物”;toy“玩具”。该句要





