
2024-05-27·9页·950.6 K

The Guangzhou Opera House was designed by Iraqi-born architect Zaha Hadid. Though nature inspired the

architect, she used 21st-century construction and design methods to make her design a reality. GPS positioning

and laser techniques helped shape the structure.

Bubble Palace (Cannes, France)

昆明市第 中学2024届高中新课标高三第十次考前适应性训练Inspiration: Habitology一the idea that habitats should use nature's curves (曲线)

英语试卷 Size: Almost three times the size of a basketball court

This house may look like a space settlement, but it's really a IO-bedroom palace. Made of cave-like

bubbles, it also has ponds, waterfalls, swimming pools, an outdoor theater and views of the Mediterranean Sea.

本试卷共三个部分。 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。 满分 120 分,考试用时 100 分钟。

Architect Antti Lovag had the bubbles built out of iron bars covered with wire web and concrete, and then

注意事项: coated with a mix of fibergl邸s and plastic.

1. 答题前,考生务必用黑色碳素笔将自己的姓名、准考证号、考场号、座位号在答题卡上填写清 1. Which building involves a visual trick?

楚, 并认真核准条形码上的准考证号、姓名、考场号、座位号及科目,在规定的位置上贴好条形码。 A. Cube Houses. B. Wonder Works.

2. 每小题选出答案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦擦 C. Guangzhou Opera House. D. Bubble Palace.

干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。 答在试卷上的答案无效。 2. What inspired the design of Zaha Hadid?

A. Trees in a forest. B. A laboratory in a villa.

第 一部分:阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

C. A concept on habitat. D. A geographic phenomenon.

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

3. Where is the smallest building of the four located?

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C、D) 中, 选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项

A. In China. B. In France. C. In Netherlands. D. In the USA.




At first glance, 15-year-old Kenan Pala seems like a typical teenager, playing video games with his

Some Innovative Buildings

friends, but he also loves finance and economics and invests in the stock (股票) market. He founded

Cube Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Kids4Community, a nonprofit offering volunteer projects for kids, when he was just 12.

Inspiration: Trees in a forest

The idea came out of his family's experieI1f;e. Pala's parents came to the U. S. from Turkey in 1998 and

Size: About one-fourth the size of a basketball court

founded a company. We started very little here, said Pala's mother. But for the help we got along the way,

As a popular attraction, the 38 Cube Houses are also real houses that people live in! The cubes have

we wouldn't have been where we are. The Palas wanted their children to live by this lesson, so they

concrete foundations and floors with a wood-frame living space on top. The furniture is tailor-made to fit the odd

encouraged them to give hack to the community.

angles. Architect Piet Blom designed the homes based on the idea of living as an urban roo广

Wonder Works (Pigeon Forge, the USA) Anyone can donate with Kids4Community, but its events are intended for kids. Pala's organization aims to

Inspiration: A laboratory in an Italian-style villa boost young people's involvement in community efforts because many organizations don't let children volunteer.

Size: About nine-tenths the size of a football field Last month, Kids4Community volunteers made 2, 000 hygiene kits containing shampoo, toothbrushes,

Looking at the cracks in this building, you might think, ls it about to collapse? And how do they get palm toothpaste, and other supplies. Kids4Community organizes the event annually and distributes the kits to the

trees to grow ups必e down? But the upside-down features are just for show. This indoor amusement park is needy through Christmas Day. In fall, the group's efforts are focused on disaster victims. Over the years, it has

actually pretty normal with more than 100 hands-on science exhibits and activities. made care packages for survivors of earthquakes and Hurricanes.

Guangzhou Opera House (Guangzhou, China) Another key focus is homelessness - an issue that has taken on particular significance. Years ago, Pala

Inspiration: Erosion (侵蚀) of rocks and landscapes was jogging along the beach when he came across a sickly baby seal (海豹), surrounded by people who were

Size: About 13 times the size of a football field caring for it and calling for help. Hours later, I saw a homeless person, also sick and needing help, but people

英语第l页(共8页) 英语第2页(共8页)





昆明一中2024 届高三第十次联考


第一部分:阅读理解(50 分)

第一节(37.5 分):1-3 BDC 4-7 CADD 8-11 BDCA 12-15 DBAC

第二节(12.5 分):16-20 DACGF

第二部分:语言知识运用(30 分)

第一节(15 分): 21-25 BDADD 26-30 CADBA 31-35 CDBCB

第二节(15 分):

36. to scare 37. for 38. but 39. winding 40. a

41. is observed 42. Specifically 43. whom 44. varieties 45. substantial



My Life Motto

People have mottos to live by and I am no exception. “You only live once.” That’s my motto, which means so

limited is life that we should make the most of it to live the way we won’t regret it.

Ever since I first came across the sentence in a book at an early age, it has served as my life guideline. Every

time I am in a dilemma to make a difficult decision, it inspires me to stick to my heart and initial intention to do the

right thing. Every time I am about to give up, it inspires me to gather up courage to overcome the hardships and go


I believe my motto is making me a better individual and everyone needs one. what is your motto?


The test was cruelly challenging for Javon. Undoubtedly, all the problems involved letters that threw Javon in

confusion. Scratching his head hard and shifting restlessly in his seat, he was struggling with every problem and

trying to work them out. As the minutes ticked by, the test time was up. Javon found himself not even having one

problem completed. Having submitted the paper, he felt the scholarship was slipping through his fingers, leaving

him in great despair and a total loss how to face his parents who had always been working hard to pay the bills. That

night at home, much to his amazement, they didn’t blame him after learning about his test performance. Instead,

they comforted him and suggested he talk with Mr. T.

Following his parents’ advice, Javon knocked on the door of Mr. T’s office. After being admitted into the

office, Javon was guilty and tense. Nevertheless, he gathered up courage and whispered, “Mr. T, my test...” He

didn’t continue as Mr. T presented his test paper with an “F” on it. Seeing the grade, Javon was seized with a sense

of disappointment at himself, tears welling up in his eyes and his mind blank. After what seemed several minutes,

he heard Mr. T asking, “What did you do when having difficulty reaching for your gym locker?” Suddenly, Javon

realized he should have asked Mr. T for help just like he had asked Ms. Haygood to get his gym locker changed.

That day when stepping out of Mr. T’s office, Javon felt a weight off his heart, reflecting upon how to study widely




第一部分:阅读理解(50 分)

第一节(37.5 分)

A 篇


1. B 根据第二部分中 “But the upside-down features are just for show.”可知,Wonder Works 在设计上使用了

障眼法(a visual trick)。故选B。

2. D 根据第三部分中 “The Guangzhou Opera House was designed by Iraqi-born architect Zaha Hadid”和

“Inspiration: Erosion(侵蚀) of rocks and landscapes”可知,Zaha Hadid 设计的广州剧院的灵感来源于岩


3. C 根据各建筑物的大小介绍可知,Cube House 的大小为一个篮球场的四分之一,而另外三个建筑的大


题 Cube Houses (Rotterdam, Netherlands)可知答案。故选C。


【语篇导读】新闻报道。本文讲述十五岁 CEO 建立为青少年提供志愿活动的组织、回馈社会的故事。

4. C 根据第二段中 “‘We started very little here,’ said Pala’s mother. ‘But for the help we got along the way, we

wouldn’t have been where we are.’” The Palas wanted their children to live by this lesson, so they

encouraged them to give back to the community.”可知,Pala 一家的家训是感恩社会并回馈社会。


5. A 根据第四段中 “In fall, the group’s efforts are focused on disasters. Over the years, it has made care packages

for survivors of earthquakes and Hurricanes.”可知,Kids4Community 在秋天的工作重点是赈灾(disaster


6. D 第五段第一句“Another key focus is homelessness — an issue that has taken on particular significance.”

是全段主旨句,其后讲到的 Pala 遇到海豹和无家可归者收到的差别待遇是对其的解释例证。故选D。

7. D 概括归纳全文内容可知,Pala 关注社会问题,致力于回馈社会,而且在 15 岁成为组织的 CEO,具有




8. B 根据第二段中“ She’ll make comments like, ‘I would go outside if I had hands, but I can’t hold an umbrella”

可知,ElliQ 会讲笑话,有幽默感和人情味。故选B。

9. D 根据第五段中“...Julianne Holt-Lunstad...worries that a device like ElliQ might have short-term helpful

effects but it could make people less likely to seek human contact.”可知,Holt-Lunstad 担心与聊天机器人


10. C 根据最后一段最后一句“Her agency has provided 300 ElliQs which, she believes, help the situation. She

said, ‘People generally like her and she makes them smile.’”可知,Taloy 认为 ElliQ 很有帮助,令人满意。


11. A 结合全文内容,通过归纳概括可知,本文介绍一个帮助老年人缓解孤独感的聊天机器人。故选A。




12. D 根据该划线词所在分句中 “because the bags break down slowly”可知,塑料袋的降解过程很漫长,就

造成他们持续存在于垃圾填埋场中。且划线词 linger 与其后一句中的 stick around 为近义词,与选项

D中 last 同为近义词,意为“持续存在”。故选D。

13. B 根据第二段中 “Plastic ends up photodegrading(光降解) from ultraviolet(紫外线的) radiation because the

majority of microorganisms cannot eat it.”和第三段中 “If buried in a landfill and sheltered from ultraviolet

light, plastic bags will last a very long time”可知,紫外线照射对于塑料袋的降解起到不可或缺的作用。


14. A 结合该段第一句 “Bags have an impact on the environment beyond just their removal.”与其后具体内容—



15. C 细节理解题 根据第一段最后一句中 “The carbon footprint left by the cloth bags must be countered by

thousands of uses.”可知,使用布袋替代塑料袋也不可取,只有上千次的使用才能抵消制造布袋的碳


第二节(12.5 分)


16. D 本空前两句讲了大家普遍面临省钱难的问题,空后一句是全文主旨句提出本文将给出省钱的实用方


17. A 本空是第二段的小标题,根据第二段中 “These can provide a good sense of where your money

has been going and identify opportunities to reduce your costs.”可知,该部分建议的要点是了解

自己的消费习惯(your spending habits);后文 “making this review process a shared task”提示这

是一个回顾(review)的过程,点出关键词 review。故选A。

18. C 本空所在第三段的建议聚焦食品杂货开销的减省。该空前一句 “Those who made a shopping list in

advance throw away less food”与之构成因果关系,因为提前计划购物清单可以减少食物浪费,所以应


19. G 本空所在第四段的建议聚焦放弃购买品牌产品。本空前一句提到像面条这类食物,对比发现昂贵的


items)的平替物,可知该空起到过渡作用,即从食品过渡到家居用品(non-food items such as paper and

hand soap)。故选G。

20. F 本空前一句提到在开销冻结期可以减少不必要的开支(unnecessary spending),本句是对其的顺承,即

“这让你感知到你在非必需品(nonessentials)上花了多少钱”。unnecessary和 nonessentials 体现近义词


第三部分:语言知识应用(30 分)

第一节(15 分)

【语篇导读】记叙文。本文讲述 59 岁父亲背着 28 岁罹患脑瘫的儿子完成铁人三项比赛的感人故事。

21. B 根据后两句内容:Johnny 患有脑瘫,故肌肉无力行动不变,是由其父亲 Jeff 背着他充当他的手和脚



22. D 根据上下文,可知本句意为“Jeff 充当儿子的手和脚,实实在在地(literally)承担着儿子的体重”。


23. A 根据后文“competitors must complete a(n) 24 140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under

17 hours”可知,此处意思为“要到达完成的标准”,qualify有“取得资格,达到标准”的意思。故选


24. D 根据句中“140 miles of swimming, bicycling and running in under 17 hours”的信息可知,该赛程令人筋


25. D 根据后一句中“to show Johnny that he could pursue his dream of being an athlete”可知,Jeff 和妻子不希

望儿子 Johnny 被残疾所阻碍(held back)。故选D。

26. C 结合上题与本句可知,Jeff 和妻子决心(determined)像儿子表明他可以追求梦想。故选C。

27. A 根据语境和句意可知,Jeff 和妻子给 Johnny 报名加入了 myTeam Triumph 组织。 sign sb. up 意为“给


28. D 根据语境和句意可知,myTeam Triumph 组织是帮助有残疾(disability)的孩子参与到耐力型运动中。


29. B 根据语境和句意可知,Johnny 喜欢上(be attracted to)了赛跑。故选B。

30. A 根据本空后 “Johnny in a racing chair”可知,Jeff 是推(pushing)着 Johnny 跑。故选A。

31. C 根据语境和句意可知,Jeff 每天都驱使(drive)自己跑得更远一点。故选C。

32. D 根据语境和句意可知,父子俩终于跨过(crossed)了终点线。故选D。

33. B 根据语境和句意可知,人群围绕(surrounded)着 Johnny 并祝贺他。故选B。

34. C 根据后文 “He didn't want attention to his finish line moment”可知,Jeff 不想要关注所以保持低调(kept a

low profile)。故选C。

35. B 根据语境和句意可知,Jeff 保持低调,想把穿过重点线时的瞩目给儿子,因此 Johnny说“他想让其


第二节 (15分)


36. to scare 考查动词不定式做主语补足语。be said to do 为固定搭配。

37. for 考查介词。pray for 意为“祈祷得到”,for 在此处表目的,与后文 pray against 形成对比。

38. but 考查并列连词。该句为 “not only... but...”的结构。

39. winding 考查现在分词做宾语补足语。see sb/sth doing,“看到某人/某物正在做...”。

40. a 考查不定冠词。a time-honored traditional folk activity 是其前 The dragon dance 的同位语,意为“一种

历史悠久的传统民间活动”,activity 是可数名词单数形式,此处填a 表泛指。

41. is observed 考查谓语动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。动词 observe(“庆祝”)在句中做谓语,因其讲述

的是客观事实,用一般现在时;与主语 The dragon dance 之间为被动关系,用被动语态;

主语为第三人称单数。故填 is observed。

42. Specifically 考查句子副词。specifically 作句子副词,意为“具体来说”。

43. whom 考查定语从句关系代词。whom 指代主句中的先行词 dancers,在从句中做 the trick of中 of 的宾

语。the trick of whom 构成从句的主语。

44. varieties 考查名词单复数。varieties of 为固定搭配,意为“各种各样的”。


45. substantial 考查名词转换为形容词。该空应用形容词修饰名词 symbol,故填 substantial(“重大的”)。






