
2024-05-19·13页·1.1 M





1.本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。第卷 1 至 13 页,第卷 14 至 16

页,满分 180 分。考试时间 120 分钟。




形码粘贴区。回答第卷时,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如[]。如需


4.回答第卷时,须用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上相对应的答题区域


5.第卷共三部分。听力满分 30 分,不计入总分。



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)


第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试

卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

答案是 C。

1. How many students are there in the woman’s class?

A.40. B. 48. C. 50.

2. What does the man want to do now?

A. See a film. B. Go shopping. C. Get something to eat.

3. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. Outside a gallery. B. Inside a stadium. C. Beside a bookstore.

4. Why does the man go to the bank?

A. To apply for a credit card.

B. To start a savings account.

C. To open a checking account.

5. What does the woman imply?

A. She likes drinking tea.

B. She doesn’t like chemistry.

C. Applied math is very difficult.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

请听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What did the woman do last night?

A. She joined a club.

B. She attended a meeting.

C. She bought some furniture.

7. What does the man think of the woman’s proposal?

A. Practical. B. Creative. C. Unreasonable.

听第 7 段对话,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What time does the woman want to wake up in the morning?

A. At 8:00 a. m. B. At 7:00 a. m. C. At 6:00 a. m.

9. Why does the woman want to get up early?

A. To go jogging before breakfast.

B. To have an early breakfast.

C. To see her parents around 7:00 a. m.

10. What will the speakers do on Sunday morning?

A. Make plans. B. See a play. C. Sleep late.

听第 8 段对话, 回答第 11 至 14 题。

11. How does Nancy look to Daniel?

A. Anxious. B. Excited. C. Confused.

12. Why does Daniel mention his performance in a play?

A. To comfort Nancy. B. To express his regret.

C. To show his pride.

13. What is Nancy going to do next week?

A. Take a school test. B. Have a check-up. C. Go in for a competition.

14. What does Daniel offer to do for Nancy?

A. Rewrite her lines. B. Help her with the practice.

C. Drive her to the theatre.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 15 至 17 题。

15. Where are the speakers?

A. In the car. B. In the bedroom. C. In the yard.

16. What is the man’s advice?

A. Taking a short break.

B. Searching for it together.

C. Traveling yesterday’s steps.

17. What will the man do next?

A. Call Amy.

B. Check the laundry.

C. Repair the washing machine.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至第 20 题。

18. What does the speaker’s mother want her to be?

A、 A confident person. B. A warm-hearted person.

C. A humorous person.

19. Why did the speaker feel lonely in her childhood?

A. She often traveled by herself.

B. Her family moved frequently.

C. Her mother was busy working.

20. What does the speaker mainly talk about?

A. Importance of home schooling.

B. A role model in her family.

C. Mother-daughter relationship.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 60 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 45 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。


We are barely a quarter into 2024, and it is already shaping up to be an impressive year for literature lovers

everywhere. With new releases spanning various fields, readers are bound to find something to bury themselves in.

Forever and Always

By Brittany J. Thurman (Author), Shamar Knight-Justice (Illustrator)

Publication date: January 16, 2024

Worry and love go hand in hand in this children’s picture book. Olivia waits anxiously for her dad to come

home from work, so she makes him something to make the time go by. School Library Journal reviewed,“This

book gives oxygen to all the unstated fears, perhaps burning them off, offering a reality right out of the headlines,

but by leaving it child-sized has a huge impact.”

A Calamity of Souls

By David Baldacci

Publication date: April 6, 2024

Jack Lee, a white lawyer from Freeman County, has never done anything to raise his voice against racism, but

this time he does. He makes the decision to represent a black man named Jerome Washington, who is accused of

murdering a wealthy white couple. However, Lee doubts his decision as there are fewer chances of winning.

Desire, a black lawyer from Chicago, has always fought for justice and equality, and she partners with Lee to face

the legal battle against the best lawyer. Both of them fight together for a fair trial and justice.

The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years

By Shubnum Khan

Publication date: January 9, 2024

When Sana and her dad move into Akbar Manzil, Sana can’t help but be fascinated by the house there. She

endlessly explores the rooms, trying to unearth the house’s mysteries. But Sana is most curious by the locked room,

which once belonged to a woman named Meena, the long-dead wife of the original owner of Akbar Manzil. Within

the room’s walls also lives a sorrowful djinn who now watches Sana as her interest in Meena and the house’s

mysteries turns into obsession.

21. What is special about the second book?

A. Its plot is extremely mysterious and complicated.

B. It themes on the love among children and parents.

C. It displays justice and fairness against the racism.

D. It encourages readers to maintain bravery and curiosity.

22. Who is likely to read the book The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years?

A. Readers who prefer horror novels.

B. Readers who favor detective tales.

C. Readers who are fond of romantic stories.

D. Readers who are fascinated by science fictions.

23. Which book is suitable for a five-year-old kid?

A. A Calamity of Souls B. Forever and Always

C. School. Library Journal D. The Djinn Waits a Hundred Years


The horse-face skirt, or mamianqun in Chinese, is receiving renewed attention on the fashion stage.

Far from being photoshoot prop, wearing the horse-face skirt has become almost trend among many Chinese

celebrities and influencers for various international social occasions. On Douyin, China’s TikTok, individuals who

sport the horse-face skirt on city streets in Paris and other international cities can easily gain millions of likes. A

popular blogger on Xiaohongshu appeared on a British television program to discuss the development of the

English Premier League in China while wearing a horse-face skirt.

From its first appearance during the Song Dynasty to becoming a standout representation of Chinese clothing,

mamianqun has crossed nearly a millennium of history. In the current trend of traditional Chinese clothing

reconstruction, how has the horse-face skirt stood out to become the most famous clothing?

Mao Zhaoxi, who is a hanfu enthusiast, told the Global Times that Hanfu is the external demonstration of

culture, integrating the life philosophies, values, and aesthetic (美学) views formed and inherited (继承) by the

Chinese people generation after generation. She said, “Many young people believe that the horse-face skirt is not

just a fashion item, but also a cultural symbol. This shows the awakening of traditional aesthetic genes among the

younger generations, indicating that the confidence in our own culture is constantly increasing.”

Moreover, Hu Xiao, one of the founders of the ancient Chinese costumes restoration team, analyzed one main

reason of this phenomenon lies in the fact that the horse-face skirt has managed to remain relevant, never falling out

of fashion. “Many people thought the horse-face skirt had disappeared for a while, but in fact, Chinese brides can

always be seen in the costume of mamianqun.” The horse-face skirt possesses a strong sense of inheritance while

also possessing fashionable features. This perhaps is the cultural DNA that enables it to become a fashion item.

The momentum (潮流) of Chinese-style clothing has begun, and how to lead the trend of Chinese-style

clothing through design and how to stay at the forefront of the national trend is an issue that will not disappear in a

short time.

24. What does the underlined word “sport” mean in paragraph 2?

A. Compete. B. Display. C. Exercise. D. Decorate.

25. What can be learned from the text?

A. Horse-face skirts are Chinese clothing with a long history.

B. Horse-face skirts had become fashionable in Song Dynasty.

C. Horse-face skirts have been the main clothing for a millennium.

D. Horse-face skirts are leading the clothing design around the world.

26. Which of the following best describes the impact of the horse-face skirt?

A. It develops everyone’s aesthetic and philosophy view.

B. It represents the ancient Chinese costumes and life.

C. It wakens the young to love their own traditional culture.

D. It demonstrates the importance of Chinese-style clothing.

27. How does the author consider the future development of Chinese-style clothing?

A. Good beginning and it will lead the world fashion.

B. Good beginning and it will fall into the disfavors.

C. Good beginning and it will own fashionable DNA.

D. Good beginning and it will have a long way to go.


Not getting enough sleep may cause you to feel five to 10 years older than you really are, according to two

new studies. “Sleep plays a causal role in how old individuals feel,” Leonie Balter, a sleep researcher at Stockholm

University in Sweden and the author of both studies, wrote in an email.

Health and mobility issues can contribute to feeling aged before your time, but when it comes to sleep,

nodding off was a key to perceiving oneself as old, according to the studies, published in the Proceedings of the

Royal Society B. “Insufficient sleep causes feelings of sleepiness. Sleepiness is an important motivational state that

makes us prioritize sleep and reduces our energy levels,” she said. A lack of energy and motivation can certainly

contribute to feeling older while limiting a person’s ability to remain physically and socially active, both of which

contribute to feeling young.

Balter and her colleagues conducted two studies. One tested how well 429 people between the ages of 18 and

70 had slept in their own homes over the previous month. For every night of poor sleep during that time, people

reported feeling about a quarter of a year older than their chronological (按时间顺序) age. The second study asked

186 of the same participants to sleep in a lab for two nights, making sure they did not get more than four hours of

shuteye each night. The subjective experience of aging was much greater when people experienced this degree of

sleep insufficiency: On average, people felt nearly 4 years older than they really were.

“Overall, these findings emphasize the importance of enough sleep in maintaining a youthful subjective age,”

said sleep researcher Dr. Chang-Ho Yun, a neurology professor at Seoul National University, who was not involved

in the studies, “Feeling young is a good thing which has been associated in studies with living longer, a lower rate

of dementia (痴呆), less depression and more positive characters such as optimism, hope and adaptation.”

28. What might contribute to feeling young according to paragraph 2?

A. Enough sleep. B. Optimistic attitude.

C. Limited sociability. D. Insufficient motivation.

29. What can be learned in the two studies according to the third paragraph?

A. All the tested participants were middle ages from Seoul.

B. Chronological age is influenced by less hours of naps.

C. The hours for sleeping were strictly limited in both studies.

D. People in the latter study felt older than those in the former.

30. What was Dr. Chang-Ho Yun’s attitude towards Balter’s study?

A. Doubtful. B. Unidentifiable. C. Favorable. D. Objective.

31. Which is the most suitable title for the text?

A. The development of good sleep. B. The adaptation of sleepiness.

C. The vitality of sufficient sleep. D. The characteristics of sleepiness.


A ship that has spent decades trying to drill nearer to the earth’s mantle (地幔) is preparing for a new voyage

to uncover clues to how life began.

With the plan to deepen a hole drilled nearly 20 years ago, two dozen geologists, microbiologists and other

scientists will aboard the Joides Resolution to the Atlantis Massif. The hole won’t be the longest in the seafloor but

would push closer than ever to the mantle and explore deeper layers of ocean crust (地壳) that haven’t been

reached before. Engineers on the ship intend to lower heavy drilling tools through about 5,400 feet of water to find

a hole on the seafloor about 15 inches wide. Joides engineers compared the process to standing on a chair and

trying to lower a pencil tied to the end of string into the mouth of a soda bottle with a fan blowing.

Samples from the new depths will be taken to investigate whether a special mix of rock and water, Olivine,

could have started life on Earth and possibly other planets. This green and magnesium-rich mineral, abundant at

such depths, is critical to serpentinization (蛇纹石化), a reaction that occurs when some minerals encounter

seawater. Geochemists think the process of serpentinization generates the energy and geochemical conditions

favorable to the creation of organic molecules. “These are the building blocks of life,” said Susan Q. Lang, the

expedition’s cochief scientist.

The new depth is thought where serpentinization occurs but where temperatures are beyond the limits at which

life is known to exist. “If organic molecules are found there, it could help confirm that serpentinization leads to

their creation, which contributed to the origin of life.” Dr. Lang said. Finding organic molecules in samples from

serpentinization sites could also inform the search for life on other planets. “The geochemistry of fluids in the

plumes of Enceladus, a moon of Saturn (土星), have been inferred by astrobiologists to be similar to the makeup of

fluids found at the Atlantis Massif.” she added.

32. How long could it be from the ocean surface to New Target according to the text and picture?

A. 14700 feet. B. 12150 feet. C. 11390 feet. D. 10040 feet.

33. What can we learn from the engineers’ example given in paragraph 2?

A. Deepening the hole will be challenging.

B. Engineers will be required to stand high.

C. The size of the drill pipe needs to be large.

D. The task will be affected by the wind from a fan.

34. What is the significance of finding the serpentinization according the text?

A. It may help to find a mineral rich in magnesium.

B. It may help to produce the organic molecules.

C. It may help to obtain the habitat of life on earth.

D. It may help to uncover clues to how life began.

35. What information can we get in the picture?

A. The Joides Resolution could scale with depth.

B. The Wall Street Journal will organize the voyage.

C. The new voyage could be named Moho Moonshot.

D. The ship will leave for Portugal from Ponta Delgada.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 3 分,满分 15 分)



How to Choose Your Purpose-Filled Career

When you think about choosing a career, you often do it in the following two ways.

Think about what you like to do. If you like writing or doing crafts, you might consider these things. This is

not a bad way to go, of course, but you can not always make money doing things you like (like video games or

drinking beer). 36

Think about a well-paid job that you can do and doesn’t sound so bad. 37 Or maybe that’s out of your

educational reach, so you choose office or retail worker. These are all great choices. But often they are not

something you’re really passionate about. It’s kind of like just doing something because it’s there —not very


38 Try to do something to serve a community or make the world better. For example, taking care of

children, because you really want to help children get a great start in life, or blossom into who they want to be or

getting into government or social work to improve the conditions of the community you live in or becoming a

scientist to help ease the environmental crisis or find a cure for a terrible disease. 39 And if you choose one

of them for that purpose, you will serve in that work feeling a sense of purpose each day.

40 The point is not how you serve the world, but just serving the world in some way will help you feel

filled with purpose. If you choose a purposeful and enjoyable job, you are always further along than most people.

A. There are endless ways to do that.

B. Maybe a doctor, engineer or lawyer?

C. However, there’s another way that is perhaps better.

D. You are dreaming of a well-paid job which you like best.

E. It’s essential not to concentrate on interests and good payment.

F. Each of these is just one of many possibilities filled with purpose.

G. And sometimes things you like are better as a hobby or side passion.

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在


During my university days, I joined a school overseas community project coordinated by The Green

Volunteers. After the trip, I 41 to try out something new — gardening, which can also be a creative hobby

that allows people to express themselves through the maintenance of their garden space.

Watching my plants grow from 42 and trying different sorts of plant-related activities got me 43

right away. It has been 44 ; a pleasure and an honour to 45 others and to meet like-minded people.

You are never 46 in the quest for a better world.

In our work, we 47 out to people to get them to be more 48 about the world we live in. The

trees and shrubs (灌木) we plant also act as a source of 49 for people to create change where they are.

There were several times when members of the public 50 praised on the butterflies our 51

attracted and hoped to bring them to their place.

One day, when you find yourself having some free time and having this 52 to do something “good”,

find a purpose that calls out to you and that rings with your 53 . It is about something bigger than you. Get

your 54 dirty, feet wet, and go all out and cherish the moments. Your passions may 55 through the

years, yet we hope your commitment to making our world a better place will stand firm.

41. A. waited B. offered C. failed D. hurried

42. A. grass B. grain C. flowers D. seeds

43. A. hooked B. stressed C. exhausted D. excited

44. A. special B. difficult C. satisfying D. comfortable

45. A. rely on B. learn from C. look after D. cheer for

46. A. alone B. unique C. lonely D. abandoned

47. A. send B. watch C. leave D. reach

48. A. faithful B. reliable C. conscious D. knowledgeable

49. A. productivity B. movement C. possession D. inspiration

50. A. desperately B. temporarily C. secretly D. obviously

51. A. field B. garden C. university. D. community

52. A. practice B. demand C. urge D. task

53. A. talent B. body C. soul D. phone

54. A. legs B. ears C. arms D. hands

55. A. follow B. shift C. delay D. recover



用 0.5 毫米黑色笔迹的签字笔将答案写在答题卡上。写在本试卷上无效。

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 50 分)

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 20 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Dunhuang, an oasis(绿洲) in the Taklamakan Desert, used to be a major stop along the Silk Road, but is now

mainly a fascinating tourist destination.

Those who have 56 intense interest in Dunhuang’s colorful history will be attracted by the Mogao

Caves, one of the city’s main attractions. The entrance to each cave 57 (block) by a locked door, which can

only be opened by expert guides. Behind these doors are caves of all sizes —from very small to absolutely huge.

The caves contain thousands of 58 (price) manuscripts and silk paintings, which, 59 their

discovery, drew much attention to the area.

Also, there are few things as special as walking across the desert oasis at sunrise. 60 (catch) this

incredible scene, you must rise early. It’s bitterly cold. But as the sunrises atop the golden dunes (沙丘) and paints

a 61 (true) picturesque scene, all your efforts pay off. Sunset is a popular time for a camel ride. Get off the

camels 62 walk up a rather steep dune overlooking Crescent Lake. From this position, 63 (regard)

as the best one, the incredible sunset is awe-inspiring.

No trip to Dunhuang is complete without visiting the Dunhuang Museum, 64 it is possible to put all

of the city’s historical sites into proper historical context. The museum is expansive, 65 (contain): many

original artworks. Here, you are bound to be amazed by Dunhuang’s rich culture.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,在英语项目式学习后,了解到 2024 年法国巴黎夏季奥运会开幕式将在塞纳河畔(the River




注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear fellow learners,







第二节 (满分 25 分)


It was a cold, snowy evening. Tommy was running as fast as he could, focused on nothing but his destination

—the shop on the street corner. Two weeks ago he saw figurines (小塑像) of Marvel superheroes on the shelves

and felt he had to have one. He has been walking the neighbor’s dog ever since then to earn money to fulfil his little

dream. He was so excited and barely noticing the world around him. Maybe that’s why he tripped over the legs of a

homeless woman, who was sitting on the pavement, her back against the wall. He said “sorry” and moved on to his


Once he entered the shop, he went straight to the shelves with figurines. Hulk, Thor, Captain America, Iron

Man, and many more — all of his admired heroes. With his heart pounding like crazy he reached for Spiderman.

“You like these, true believer?”

Tommy turned around. An old man was standing behind him with a wide smile on his face.

“Y-yes,… Yes, they’re awesome! ”answered Tommy. “They’re strong and fast and help other people a lot ...”

the boy looked at figurines in admiration. “I wish I could be a superhero too.”

“Then become one!” said the old man.

“How?” Tommy asked in surprise “I don’t have any superpowers.”

“And why would you need them?” the old man smiled. Seeing the confusion on the boy’s face, he put his

hands on Tommy’s arms. “Did you know that shopkeeper lady over there has a disabled husband? She has been

working hard and taking care of him for years. I have never heard a word of complaint from her. And this

person...”he pointed at a redhead man, who just entered the shop. “He’s a firefighter; he’s saved countless lives. He

never gives up, no matter how dangerous the situation seems to be.”

The old man looked Tommy in the eyes and smiled. “You don’t need a superpower to be a hero for someone





