
2024-05-17·14页·8.7 M

2023 —2024学 年 度 下 学 期高三第三次模拟考试试 题



1-5 BBAAC 6-10 ACCBA 11-15 ACBBC 16-20 ABBAC


W: Are you going out?

M: Yes, in a little while. I’m going to buy some milk. It won’t be long.

W: Could you take out the garbage on your way out?

M: Sure. Leave it by the door.


W: I’m thinking of going bowling tonight. Are you interested in coming along? We can meet at

my house and then go together.

M: Sorry, I’m planning on staying at home tonight to study for my science exam.


M: Excuse me, can I buy tickets here?

W: No, tickets are on sale over there, at the ticket office.

M: OK, is there a discount for senior citizens?

W: I’m not sure. For more information ask at the ticket office.


M: I have a sore throat and a runny nose. I think I have a cold.

W: OK. Let me examine you. Over here, please. Open your mouth, please. OK. You’ve caught

the flu and I think you’d better ask for sick leave from work and have a rest at home.


M: What will Greg do when he finishes his Spanish course?

W: He said he would go to Colombia for a while.

M: That’s a good idea. He’ll be able to practice the language.

W: Yes, he won’t have anyone to help him so he will have to speak Spanish.


M: Look at those boats! I’m thinking of buying one.

W: What? You don’t need a boat. It’s a waste of money!

M: No, it isn’t. Think of all the summers we can spend on it!

W: But look at the price!

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M: I was getting to that. With a little help from a friend, I could buy it. I just need to borrow $1,


W: You’re kidding, right?

M: No, and I promise to pay you back very soon. Please!

W: Sorry, Billy. I’m broke. Anyway, I wouldn’t lend you money for a boat!


M: Hello, Mike speaking. What can I do for you?

W: Hello. This is Ella Campbell, and I’m calling from Bright Lights Radio. Could I speak to

your PR manager, please?

M: Can I ask what your call is concerning?

W: Yes, I’m calling about the new hotel your company is building near the beach in Brighton.

M: OK. The PR manager is Mr. Nash. I’m afraid Mr. Nash is not available right now. Can I take

a message?

W: Yes, could you ask him to call me? It’s quite urgent. We want to interview him on our radio


M: To be honest with you, Ms. Campbell, the best way to get in touch with Mr. Nash is to send

him an e-mail.

W: An e-mail? Is it not possible to send him a text message?

M: I’m afraid not. But he does reply to all e-mails.


W: Good morning, sir. What can I do for you?

M: Hi. I just bought this camera a few days ago, but when I took it out of the packing, I noticed

that there was something wrong with the flash. When I try to photograph, the flash doesn’t go off.

W: I’m sorry you had a problem with our product. Do you still have the receipt?

M: My receipt is right here along with the original box.

W: We don’t have that product at the moment, but we can exchange it for a camera of the same

price. Or, I can ask the technician to fix it, or I can give your money back.

M: I think I’d like to get a new camera today instead of asking my money back.

W: It looks like everything is in order. Why don’t you take a look around and see if there’s

another model you like?


W: George, how are you finding living in this side of the city?

M: Well, I have a job that is challenging and very interesting. I love it. But I’m a bit lonely.

Although I have been living in the city for almost 30 years, my family, my friends and classmates are

all in the opposite side of the city. I don’t really know anyone here except you and Tom in the office.

W: Yes, it’s tough moving to a new place where you don’t know many people, but you don’t

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