
2024-05-16·6页·3.2 M




1-5 CACBA 6-10 ABBAC 11-15 BABCC 16-20 ABBAC


21-23 ADB 24-27 BCDA 28-31 BAAC 32-35 ABDC 36-40 CDBAF


41-45 BACAB 46-50 BDADC 51-55 ADCDB


56. Starting 57. for 58. representative 59. strength 60. to do

61. has been invited 62. and 63. countries' 64. closer 65. who


Dear Charles,

How delighted I am to hear about your new removal!Given your enthusiasm for Chinese culture,I

suggest the design and decoration of your room embracing Chinese style with elegance.

From my perspective,not only can you hang a Chinese painting or calligraphy to add a cultural

atmosphere, but also you may furnish the room with wooden pieces, their simplicity and dignity

relieving the pressure of daily life. Additionally, use colors of red, gold and black, associated with

Chinese culture,their richness enhancing the warmth of your space. There is no denying that a porcelain

vase can add a unique and cultural touch to your space.

Were it possible,you could combine these elements to create a room reflecting your personal taste.

I am sure your creation will be a masterpiece,a perfect blend of China and the foreign countries.

Eager to see the fruit of your endeavor!

Best regards,

Li Hua

英语试题参考答案第 1 页(共2页)


But as they approached the chest,they heard a deep sound from the earth beneath their feet. The

ground began to shake,and the trees around them collapsed,making them realize that they had triggered

some ancient trap. Immediately,they leaped aside to avoid falling pieces of stone. As the ground settled,

they saw that the chest had opened,revealing a glittering pile of gold coins and precious jewels. But

before they could reach for the treasure,countless venomous snakes crawled out of the chest,hissing and

striking at them. Fortunately,with quick responses and even quicker thinking,Jack and Tom managed to

escape from the fatal chest.

Finally,the two friends realized that the true treasure of their journey was not the gold and jewels.

However,the treasure was the challenges they had overcome and the bond they had built through their

shared adventure. Hugging each other tightly,they were grateful for the friendship that had witnessed

them through so much. With newfound wisdom and a deeper understanding of each other,they set out

on their way back to the village,leaving the forbidden forest and its hidden treasures behind them. On

the way home,the sun shining down on them,Jack and Tom realized that the most precious thing they

had found was not the mythical treasure hidden in the forest, but the invaluable friendship between


英语试题参考答案第 2 页(共2页)





