
2024-05-12·11页·3 M







15 ACBBA 610 CBBCC 1115 AACAB 1620 BCCAA

2125 CCBBD 2630 CDCAB 3135 AADBD 3640 DFCEA

4145 BCADB 4650 CBDAB 5155 CDADC

56.to find 57.actually 58.praising 59.of 60.the

61.who 62.has planted 63.bases 64.grown 65.valuable


Caring for the Elderly: Teaching Seniors Tech Skills

This past weekend, I took part in the “Caring for the Elderly” activity organized by our student union. Our task

was to teach senior citizens in the community how to use their smartphones.

The activity was held at a local community center on Saturday afternoon. There were around 20 elderly

residents who enrolled in the workshop. We first explained the basic functions and features of smartphones. We

then demonstrated how to make calls, send text messages and photos. We also showed them popular apps like

WeChat, camera and weather apps.

By helping the elderly use smartphones, not only did it allow them to better connect with loved ones, but it

also gave us a chance to appreciate seniors and feel rewarded for contributing.


“I didn’t. I’ll go see.” I ran out, with one thing on my mind—HEATSTROKE. As I reached the front yard, my

heart skipped a beat. There, lying on the ground, was Mat. His face was pale, sweat dripping from his forehead, and

his left arm hung loosely at his side. His skateboard lay broken beside him, and he was motionless. The chair he had

been attempting to ollie over stood undisturbed. I could see the redness of his skin, a sign of heatstroke. Frantically,

I screamed for help, and my grandmother rushed out of her room, calling for an ambulance. Mat was quickly lifted

onto a stretcher and rushed to the hospital, and my heart was heavy with worry.

After a week at the hospital, Mat came home. Bandaged and bruised, yet his spirit was unbroken. As soon as he

was able, he began practicing again, determined to master the ollie. Day after day, he pushed himself, falling and

getting up, again and again. Finally, one afternoon, I saw him take a running start, leap into the air, and successfully

land on the other side of the chair. He had done it! The look of success on his face was pure joy. I watched him from

the porch, amazed at his performance. Despite the pain and setbacks, he never gave up. His determination was

stronger than ever, which truly inspired me.




A 篇


21. C 事实细节题。根据第二段 “Has experience using the ILS and Library Services Platforms. Can apply the

ILS-related technologies such as interlibrary loan software and collection analysis tools.”,可知具备使用

LSP 和图书馆平台技术的候选人是适合这个职位的,故选 C。

22. C 事实细节题。根据第三段“Providing support and training for library staff throughout Wyoming.”,可

知申请者需要给该地区所有图书管理员提供帮助和训练。D 选项应该是申请者自己使用报告工具收集和


集分析,因此 D 是错的。故选 C。

23. B 推理判断题。根据最后一段“If you ..., please contact us at statelibrary@wyo.gov.”可知这篇文章选自图

书馆的官方网站,故选 B。

B 篇

【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。文章主要讲述了一位老师和她的学生 Nate 之间深厚的师生情。Nate 是个身患残疾

的孩子,但他积极乐观。当 Nate 不得不进入寄养家庭时,老师决定收养他。在和 Nate 的相处过程中,老师也学


24. B 推理判断题。根据文章第二段倒数第二句 “On As he saw me, his face lit up, his eyebrows raising

sharply and his mouth forming a small ‘O’ of disbelief.”可知,Nate 对于作者的到来感到非常惊讶,故选


25. D 事实细节题。根据文章第三段第二句 “His social worker Jackie said Nate’s foster home was a three-hour

round trip to school.”以及第三句 “I worried about how it would affect his learning, and the doctors

were concerned about him missing medical appointments too.” 可知,是因为 Nate 在寄养家庭生活中的

不便促使作者决定收养他,故选 D。

26. C 推理判断题。根据文章最后两段可知,作者本来是 Nate 的老师,但在和 Nate 共同生活的过程中,她对

于如何为人父母有了更深的理解,故选 C.

27. D 主旨大意题。本文讲述了老师和学生之间的情感联系和互助,展现了人与人之间的深厚情感,因此 D

选项最能概括主旨,故选 D。

C 篇


28. C 事实细节题。由第一段最后一句“And now scientists are finally zeroing in on why.”和第二段第一句

“The new research,...builds on a foundational 2014 study suggesting that people taking notes by

computer were typing without thinking.”可知,新的研究是基于 2014 年研究的结果找寻背后的原因,

故选 C。

29. A 推测词义题。根据第三段 “But when taking notes by hand, it’s often impossible to write everything

down; students have to actively pay attention to the incoming information and process it—prioritize it,

consolidate it and try to relate it to things they’ve learned before.”可知,用手写方式记笔记通常不能记

下所有的内容。学生需要对知识进行消化,然后记下要点。因此 consolidate 应该属于“处理”信息的

过程,故选 A。

30. B 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“When students wrote the words by hand, the sensors detected

widespread connectivity across many brain regions.”以及“Handwriting set off connection patterns


covering visual regions...”可知,当用手写方式记笔记时,大脑多个区域相连接并产生活动,故选 B。



觉区域涉及到感官信息的接受和处理,所以视觉系统不缺乏活动,A 选项错误。C 选项“感官信息处理

很快”,属于无中生有,文章中没有提到处理速度。D 选项“运动皮层接受视觉信息”与原文信息不符,

运动皮层“负责身体运动和感觉运动整合”,D 选项错误。

31. A 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Sophia Vinci-Booher 的说话内容可知,她认为此项研究证实了用手写

方式记笔记可以强化所接收的观点,同时增强大脑对知识的记忆,故选 A。

D 篇



32. A 事实细节题。根据文章第一段“Urban agriculture, ... is considered a way to make cities and urban food

systems more sustainable”可知,城市农业的一个好处是能让城市和城市粮食系统更具有可持续性,故

选 A。

33. D 事实细节题。根据文章第四段描述可知,该研究收集数据的方式是让农民和园丁用日记条目的方式记录

城市农场的投入与产出,故选 D。

34. B 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段 Goldstein 的说话内容“These farms typically only operate for a few years,

so the greenhouse gases used to produce those materials are not used effectively”可知,城市农场农产品


的碳足迹需要充分利用基础设施设备,即延长使用年限,故选 B。

35. D 主旨大意题。据文章的内容,结合全文的要点,本文主要介绍了一项关于城市农场产品的碳足迹的研究,

故选 D。



36. D 前文提到了如果你感觉自己过于情绪化,那么你与情绪的关系可能并不是很积极。选项 D “However,

it’s vital to listen to your emotions in beneficial ways.” 承接上文,总领全文,符合语境。

37. F 根据后文的举例可知,当你感到愤怒,你可能会注意到你的呼吸加速、肌肉紧张等症状,这是在阐释情

绪与肢体的关系,选项 F “Reflect on how your body reacts when you notice an emotion coming

through.” 符合语境。

38. C 本段主旨提到要去解读情绪背后传达的信息。后文对该点进行解释说明,本句选项 C “Often, you feel

emotions as a communication system.”承上启下,符合语境。

39. E 前文提到,尽可能去关注他人的情绪。选项 E “Consider their emotional experience and recognize how

they feel.”指出,要去考虑他们的情绪体验并且识别出他们的感受,“他们”即他人,承接上文,符合


40. A 本题属于段落主旨题。根据本段内容可知,当你自己无法处理情绪的时候,咨询师可以帮助你。选项 A

“Turn to professional aid.” 指出建议——寻求专业帮助,符合语境。


【语篇解读】本文为记叙文。主要讲述了一个海滩发生的惊险故事。Valladarez 和她的未婚夫 Pedro 去海滩

游玩,但当他们进入水中后,Valladarez 发现 Pedro 并不是一个擅长游泳的人。当他开始挣扎时,Valladarez 感

到非常恐慌。幸运的是,一个冲浪者出现了,帮助他们安全回到岸边。多年后,Valladarez 仍然感激那位冲浪者,



41. B 根据句意,两人被海边冲浪和游泳的人吸引,决定进入水中。从上文可知他们是第一次到海边游玩,从

后面也看出他们并不会游泳,因此他们进入水中的态度是谨慎的。故选 C。

42. C 根据句意,两人在水里走着走着,突然触碰不到水底了。故选 C。

43. A 根据句意,作者扭头一看,发现两人离开始下水的地方已经很远了,故选 A。

44. D 根据句意,作者注意到 Pedro 有些不对劲,有些挣扎,故选 D。

45. B 根据句意,事实表明,Pedro 并不是一个擅长游泳的人,故选 B。

46. C 根据上下文可知,Valladarez 意识到这一点后,她开始感到恐慌,故选 C。

47. B 根据上文可知,Valladarez 意识到情况危急后,过往的生活像电影中的画面一样开始快速闪现,故选 B。

48. D 根据上文可知,Valladarez 觉得他们两个人都会被淹死,故选 D。

49. A 根据后文可知,Valladarez 感到失去希望的时候,一名冲浪者出现了,故选 A。

50. B 根据句意,冲浪者在看到两位的危险境遇时,主动提出帮他们回到岸边,故选 B。

51. C 根据前文可知,在接到他人的主动帮助时,他们应该是心怀感激地接受了帮助,故选 C。

52. D 根据前文可知,前文几次提到 shore,应该是回到岸边,beach 是岸边的一种,故选 D。

53. A 根据句意,他们上岸时的状态是疲惫和震惊,故选 A。

54. D 根据句意,冲浪者将他们送至安全(地带),故选 D。

55. C 根据上下文可知,该名冲浪者是一位无名英雄,Valladarez 希望当时问了冲浪者的名字,故选 C。




56. to find 考查非谓语动词。固定搭配,be surprised to do。

57. actually 考查副词。副词修饰动词 “cropped or produced”。

58. praising 考查非谓语动词。根据语境,赞扬当地人好客和涌入旅游景点应该是并列动作,故用现在分


59. of 考查介词。固定搭配,take care of。

60. the 考查冠词。南宁是广西的省会,省会只有一个,表特指,故填定冠词 the。

61. who 考查连词。这是一个非限定从,修饰前面的“黑龙江人”,先行词指人,故填 who。

62. has planted 考查谓语动词。据该句时间状语可知,应用现在完成时;主语是单数,故填 has planted。

63. bases 考查名词。one of 后面接名词的复数形式,故填 bases。

64. grown 考查非谓语动词。该句谓语动词为 include,因此 grow 作定语修饰 berries,与逻辑主语 berries


65. valuable 考查形容词。形容词修饰 foods, 故需将名词 value 转换为形容词。


2024 年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试

高三第三次联合诊断检测 英语听力原文





听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷

的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例如:现在你有 5 秒钟的时间看试卷上的例题。你将听到以下内容:

M: Excuse me.Can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.


How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.

衬衫的价格为 9 磅 15 便士,所以你选择 C 项,并在试卷上将其标出。现在,你有 5 秒钟的时间阅读第 1 小

题的有关内容。(停 5 秒)

Text 1

W: Would you like me to give you a ride to the bus stop?

M: No, thank you. It’s a short walk, just three minutes. Actually, why are you driving to work today?

W: Oh, I slept in and I’ll be late if I catch the bus. (停 10 秒)

Text 2

W: It hasn’t rained for days, and the heat is unbearable. I think we should stay home this afternoon.

M: But you promised to take me to the playground.

W: I said we would go if it was cool today. (停 10 秒)

Text 3

W: Oh, I just remember. Could you stop at the shop over there? I need to buy some food for dinner. It won’t take


M: Sure, take your time. (停 10 秒)

Text 4

W: This month, I will be 17. When’s Sam’s birthday?

M1: I’m not sure but I know it’s in April. The 25th perhaps...?

M2: I think it’s earlier than that.

W: Oh yes! It’s the 18th, just two days before mine. (停 10 秒)

Text 5

M: Are you settled on a career path yet?

W: Kind of. I’m leaning towards teaching, but my family wants me to go into medicine.

M: Well, I think you should follow your heart and choose what you’re enthusiastic about.(停 5 秒)




听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,

并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5


听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 和 7 两个小题。现在,你有 10 秒钟的时间阅读这两个小题。(停 10 秒)

Text 6

M: Lily, have you been able to reach out to David?

W: No, I haven’t. I sent him an email earlier, but he hasn’t responded.

M: Alright. Please inform him that if he needs the documents, they’re uploaded on the cloud drive.

W: Sure. Should I ask David to reach out to you if he has any questions?

M: Actually, my smartphone is broken and I can’t receive messages or calls. If he needs to talk to me, he can drop by

my office.

W: Got it. I’ll make sure he knows.(停 10 秒)

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 三个小题。现在,你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(停 15 秒)

Text 7

W: How’s your cooking class, Jason?

M: It’s really great. My teacher is very skilled and patient.

W: I’ve been thinking about taking the class too. Is it quite expensive?

M: Well, the full fee for the spring semester was 300 dollars, but I got a 15% discount as a university student. Now in

the fall, it’s only 220 dollars.

W: Oh, really? It seems like a good deal to sign up now.

M: Absolutely.

W: So, what do you usually do after class?

M: We often watch cooking shows for inspiration, but last night we had a small party. We sang and danced. It was

such a fun evening.(停 15 秒)

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 三个小题。现在,你有 15 秒钟的时间阅读这三个小题。(停 15 秒)

Text 8

W: Alex, are you free next Saturday? We could go to the art gallery downtown.

M: That sounds great! Do you know what they have on display?

W: Let me see, um, there’s a collection of contemporary paintings and also a photography show.

M: I’m not sure that I can understand contemporary paintings. What’s the theme of the photography exhibit?

W: It’s about urban landscapes. Some really impressive shots of our city.

M: That sounds perfect! I love capturing the beauty of our surroundings. And by the way, have you heard about the

new restaurant that opened up near the gallery?

W: No, what’s it called?

M: It’s called The Flavor Spot. The food reviews are amazing and they have a great outdoor seating area.

W: That sounds like a plan! After the gallery, we can grab lunch there. I’ll look up the menu online now and see

what they have. We should make a reservation too, just to be sure.(停 15 秒)






