
2024-05-12·13页·973.7 K

安 徽 省 2 0 2 4 年 高 考 适 应 性 联 考




1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。






第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)



1. What did the woman do last night?

A. She gave a presentation. B. She went to a big art show. C. She observed shooting stars.

2. Which section was difficult for the woman?

A. The writing. B. The multiple choices. C. Blank-filling questions.

3. Where does the conversation take place?

A. On a bus. B. In a lift. C. In an office.

4. What will the woman do this winter vacation?

A. Hiking. B. Skating. C. Skiing.

5. What does the man mean?

A. He will move soon. B. He cannot take the tree. C. He will accept the offer.

第二节 (共15 小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独



6. Which line-up was performed in the community theater?

A. Romeo and Juliet. B. Macbeth. C. Hamlet.

7. What is unique about Macbeth?

A. The stage design. B. The music. C. The leading actress.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。

8. What might the woman be?

A. A nurse. B. A shop assistant. C. A doctor.

9. What can we learn about the man?

A. He is overweight. B. He loves meat. C. He is good at cooking.

听第8段材料,回答第10至 12题。

10. What is the presentation about?

A. A survey result. B. A working schedule. C. A new product.

11. Why does the woman suggest the man attend the presentation?

A. To know more about the market. B. To get familiar with the new team. C. To get inspired for his marketing report.

12. When will the speakers meet?

A. At 3:00 pm. B. At 2:55 pm. C. At 2:45 pm.

听第9段材料,回答第 13 至 16题。

13. What does the woman say about her performance in the World Championships?

A. She did better than she had expected.

B. She was disappointed to win a silver medal.

C. She regretted spending so much time on training.

14. How often does the woman practice?

A. Once a week. B. Every day. C. Six days a week.

15. How is the woman's relationship with other athletes?

A. Very unfriendly. B. Extremely close. C. Relatively distant.

16. What did the woman enjoy doing in the past?

A. Flying kites. B. Reading. C. Skiing.

听第10段材料,回答第17至 20题。

17. What made the blog first known to the public?

A. A newspaper report. B. A TV program. C. A fashion show.

18. What does the woman's brother do for the blog?

A. Taking photos. B. Acting as a model. C. Doing make-ups.

19. What is the woman's blog mainly about?

A. Old fashion trends. B. Money-saving tips. C. Clothes for students.

20. Which period of clothes do people recently enjoy most?

A. The 1920s. B. The 1970s. C. The 1980s.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15 小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



China has constructed more than 20 new museums since 2012. Here are some of the best.

Shanghai Astronomy Museum

Launched in 2021, Shanghai Astronomy Museum is reportedly the world's largest astronomy museum, covering more than 630,000

square feet.

In its three main sections—Home, Universe, and Journey—visitors can see 150 interactive exhibits. They can also watch videos of

the vast universe in a huge dome theater with an 8K screen, which helps visitors to have a multi-sensory journey for space exploration.

Chengdu Science Fiction Museum

Located on a lake and opened to the public on October 13, 2023, the roughly 635,000-square-foot museum explains Chengdu's

status as the national center of science fiction writing. It was in this mountain-surrounded city that China's most popular science fiction

magazine, Science Fiction World, was first published in 1979.

Beijing Sound Art Museum

For a decade, local artist Colin Chinnery regularly walked the streets of China's capital, recording traditional sounds that are

gradually disappearing from this modernizing city. Now, the museum has cataloged hundreds of his audio recordings of Beijing's

evolving soundscape——from the calls of street hawkers(商贩) to pige on whistles blown in parks. Opened on May 20, 2023,it's located

in Songzhuang Art District of Tongzhou, in Beijing's eastern suburbs.

Suzhou Imperial Bricks Museum

Opened to the public on May 18, 2016, it is China's first museum to display bricks for the royal families during the Ming and Qing

dynasties(1368——1911). The museum was built close to the brick kiln(窑) to show the complex brick-making process.

The kiln is still in use today. Bricks produced with traditional technologies have been used in restoration projects of heritage

buildings, such as the Summer Palace in Beijing and the Puji Temple in Zhejiang province.

In the exhibition hall, visitors can explore the brick-making process through various cultural relics and interactive games.

21. What can visitors do in the huge theater of Shanghai Astronomy Museum?

A. Play interactive video games. B. Watch high-definition videos.

C. Attend multi-sensory exhibits. D. Scan the universe with telescopes.

22. When was Science Fiction World first published?

A. In 2021. B. In 2016. C. In 2012. D. In 1979.

23. What do the last two museums have in common?

A. They preserve the past. B. They show high technologies.

C. They explain the royal lives. D. They present personal artworks.


As young children went back to school across Sweden last month, many of their teachers were putting a new emphasis on printed

books, quiet reading time and handwriting practice and devoting less time to tablets, independent online research and keyboarding


The return to more traditional ways of learning is a response to experts' doubt on the country's over-digitalized approach to

education, which has even introduced tablets into kindergartens. They are worried that it has already led to a decline in basic skills.

The rapid adoption of digital learning tools has also drawn concern from a United Nations' education agency. In a report published

last month, the agency issued an urgent call for appropriate use of technology in education. The report urges countries to speed up

internet connections at schools, but at the same time warns that technology in education should be used in a way so that it never

replaces in-person, teacher-led instruction and supports the shared objective of quality education for all.

However, online instruction is a hotly debated subject across Europe and other parts of the West. Germany has been famously

slow in moving information of all kinds online, including education. Many students can complete their schooling without any kind of

required digital instruction, such as coding. Most parents worry their children may not be able to compete in the job market with

technologically better-trained young people from other countries. “If we don't manage to make education digital, then we will no longer

be a competitive country in 20years,”said Sascha Lobo, one of the parents interviewed last year.

However, not all teachers are convinced that Sweden's back-to-basics push is in the best interest for students. “Technology is

just one part of a really complex network of factors in education,” said Catarina Branelius, a third grade teacher in the Swedish

capital, Stockholm. “I use tablets in math, but I don't use tablets for writing text. Students under age 10 need time and practice and

exercise in handwriting... before you introduce them to write on a tablet.”

24. What did Sweden stress before this new school year?

A. Printed books. B. Handwriting practice. C. Quiet reading time. D. Independent online research.

25. Which can best describe the approach suggested by the United Nations' agency?

A. Textbook-centered. B. Balanced. C. Over-digitalized. D. Traditional.

26. What can be known from paragraph 4?

A. Students in Germany do not heavily rely on computers. B. The German government is pushing for online instruction.

C. German parents are happy with their children's education. D. Teachers in Germany are ready to make education digital.

27. What is Catarina Branelius's attitude to the new policy?

A. Favorable. B. Unclear. C. Doubtful. D. Unconcerned.


In a neighborhood in the east of Paris, if you walk out of your front door, you can arrive at a kindergarten in one minute and a

bookstore in three minutes. A bakery? It's across the street. Actually, all key things in daily life——work, food, schools and

entertainment——are within a 15-minute walk.

This neighborhood was built in this way more than 150 years ago and this old idea of having all important things close by has

now evolved into an urban planning model that is gaining popularity around the world.

“A 15-minute city not only improves quality of life, but can also reduce greenhouse gases. Transportation accounts for about

20% of global energy-related CO pollution, with cars making up almost 10%,”says Carlos Moreno, a professor at University of Paris,

who has been helping the city put this idea to use. “Paris should integrate the 15-minute city as part of a broader strategy to get closer

to net zero goals.”

Besides reducing greenhouse gases, there are lots of “co-benefits” for people who live in 15-minute cities. Facilities that

prioritize walking and biking mean less noise from cars and more safety for the people, Less air pollution from cars and daily

routines with more walking and biking promote health. Redesigning cities where homes are mixed in with businesses can drive

more. foot traffic to those businesses.

But one challenge to building 15-minute cities across France is financial. Many banks are still unwilling to provide loans for

mixed-use developments, because they are still a relatively uncommon way to build communities. Other barriers have to do with

parking in a more heavily populated area. The biggest obstacle involves public schools. When couples have kids, they often leave

cities for suburbs, which they think have better schools.

“If we want regional sustainability, we have to look to these urban places,”Makarewicz says. “But if we want to successfully

introduce a 15-minute city approach to an area, we should focus on the way people want to live.”

28. What is a feature of the so-called 15-minute city?

A. Better schools are built in the suburbs. B. People are required to walk or ride bikes.

C. All important daily things are close by. D. Greenhouse gases are reduced to net zero.

29. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The difficulties of redesigning. B. The benefits of a 15-minute city.

C. The harms of living in big cities. D. The costs to build 15-minute cities.

30. Which of the following best explains “obstacle” underlined in paragraph 5?

A. Failure. B. Plan. C. Change. D. Problem.

31. What is the key to putting Carlos Moreno’ idea into use successfully?

A. Urban residents’ acceptance. B. The available urban space.

C. People's willingness to lend money. D. The governmental support.


In Nathaniel Hawthorne's short story The Birth-Mark, a chemist called Aylmer marries a young woman, Georgiana,

whose only imperfection is a red spot on her left cheek. He considers it a “terrible flaw”. So she asks him to use his skills to

remove it. At length Aylmer creates a medicine that has the desired effect: to kill her without pain.

Hawthorne's story illustrates the harm of perfectionism. It is Thomas Curran's starting-point for a study of what he calls

a “hidden epidemic(流行病)”. He thinks the endless efforts for higher standards is mainly a disaster. As a social psychologist

at the London School of Economics, Mr. Curran describes himself as “a recovering perfectionist”. Drawing on both academic

research and his own experiences, he makes a convincing case.

Mr. Curran distinguishes between two sorts of perfectionism. The first, which looks inward, is the unforgiving self-

criticizing of the hardworking employees. A second version, directed towards others, is commonly found in bosses who have

unrealistic expectations of their staff and sharply criticize their supposed failings. Its victims tend to feel lonely. Often they

think about harming themselves.

Having noted the potential negative effects, Mr. Curran suggests some causes. These include a lack of job security,

unreasonable requirements by helicopter parents and the unhealthy advertising, which fuel consumption and anxiety.

“The economy”, he claims, “is based on our discontent. Social media flood users with images of finely sculpted bodies,

seemingly perfect dresses and unbelievably romantic weddings.”

His greatest attack, though, is directed at society. In this he draws on the thinking of Michael Sandel, a philosopher at

Harvard. Especially in the book, The Tyranny of Merit, Professor Sandel has argued that using achievements as a sorting

machine leads to a society that is divided into just winners and losers, while ignoring the common good. Like Mr. Curran,

Professor Sandel has a good point.

32. Who can be considered as the second type of perfectionist by Thomas Curran?

A. Aylmer. B. Georgiana. C. Michael Sandel. D. Nathaniel Hawthorne.

33. According to Thomas Curran, a healthy economy should .

A. not have winners or losers B. provide job security for everyone

C. be free from advertisements D. not be driven just by anxiety

34. What does the author think of Michael Sandel’s criticism of the society?

A. Unfair. B. Convincing. C. Misleading. D. Gentle.

35. Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A. The Imperfection of Our Society B. A Review of The Tyranny of Merit

C. Comments on Thomas Curran's Study D. Effective Ways to Deal With Perfectionism

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


Stanford researchers have found that students from middle school to college are struggling to assess the credibility of the online

articles. Here are a few practices recommended by the researchers.

36 . Established news organizations usually have standard addresses that you are probably familiar with. So addresses with such

strange endings like www.xxcom.com” should put you on guard. 37 . This is necessary even when the pages on the websites look

familiar and professional.

Look at the quotes in a story. Or rather, look at the lack of quotes. Most reliable publications quote multiple sources who are

professionals in the fields they talk about. 38 .

Search for the images in the story. Pictures should be accurate in illustrating what the story is about. However, this often doesn't

happen. If people who write the news story don't even leave their homes or interview anyone for the story, it's unlikely that they take

their own pictures. 39 . You can do this by right-clicking on the images and choosing to search for them. If the pictures appear in a lot

of stories about many different topics, there's a good chance that the story is unreliable.

Stop the spreading of misinformation. If you see your friends sharing obviously unreliable information, kindly tell them it's not

real. 40 . Everyone should help fix the misinformation problem.

A. Check your articles

B. Pay attention to the spelling of the website address

C. Then you need to dig around more to see if they can be trusted

D. If you do these steps, you're helping yourself and the publisher

E. Do a little detective work and search for the photos in a search engine

F. If it's a serious issue, they are usually supported by more reliable sources

G. Don't shy away from these warnings even if they might be uncomfortable

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分 15分)


In 1985, Vanessa Foster and her husband hopped on a flight to Alaska without any plan. When they 41 , they used the last of

their money to buy an old 42 and started wandering across the state, A little while into their drive, they saw a hitchhiker(搭便车的

人)on the side of the road, and her husband decided to give him a 43 . A few hours later, they 44 at a rest stop.

“I hopped out and 45 to the ladies’ room. When I came out a few minutes later, my husband was exiting the men's room,”

Foster remembered. “We 46 around the parking lot, and the hitchhiker and our car were gone. So we 47 the hitchhikers, ”Foster


As they walked down the 48 , none of the cars slowed down to 49 them up. 50 , an El Camino stopped. Sitting in the

driver's seat was a middle-aged man with bright 51 eyes. He told them to hop in.

“When he heard we were 52 and lost everything, he offered us summer jobs and a place to stay on his farm near Homer, Alaska,” Foster


The 53 impacted them to such a degree that Vanessa Foster wrote about it in a book titled More Than Everything. Looking back on that time in

her life, all these years later, she says she'll never 54 that man with the bright blue eyes.

“I really appreciate his kindness toward a couple of 55 on that Alaskan highway,” she says.

41. A. escaped B. came C. won D. landed

42. A. car B. map C. horse D. tent

43. A. lesson B. bike C. ride D. treat

44. A. gave up B. pulled over C. checked out D. sat down

45. A. rushed B. preferred C. appealed D. referred

46. A. wandered B. searched C. played D. drove

47. A. asked B. invited C. became D. needed

48. A. hill B. plane C. bank D. highway

49. A. break B. pick C. clean D. eat

50. A. Currently B. Occasionally C. Finally D. Frequently

51. A. little B. black C. unpleasant D. blue

52. A. jobless B. hungry C. tired D. cold

53. A. story B. scenery C. experience D. book

54. A. forget B. miss C. hate D. forgive

55. A. writers B. thieves C. animals D. strangers

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


It's a fitting discovery in the Year of the Dragon: A team of 56 (scientist) has unearthed a surprisingly complete fossil of an ancient

animal that looks like a “Loong” because of its snake-like appearance and long neck. The fossil dates back 240 million years and 57 (find) in

the Guizhou Province of southern China this month by a group of researchers from America, China, Germany and Scotland.

While the kind of ancient animal was first identified in 2003, the latest discovery is much 58 (complete) and allows the researchers 59

(study) the strange, prehistoric creature in full for the first time.

“The fossil is so 60 (good) preserved that it will help us build on our existing knowledge of this animal,” Professor Li Chun from the

Chinese Academy of Sciences said on Friday. “We hope future research will help us know more about the 61 (develop) of this group of

animals, in particular, how the animal with such extraordinarily long neck adapt 62 the ocean.”

“We are certain that the new discovery will interest the public across the globe due to its striking appearance, 63 reminds us of the

mysterious Chinese Dragon,” said Nick Fraser, head of the National Museum of Scotland.

The animal’s neck has 32 separate vertebrae(椎骨)—longer than 64 creature’s body and tail combined——and probably played a key

role in 65 (feed) in the ocean, according to the researchers.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (满分15分)







Dear Lucy,



________________________________________________________ _


Best wishes


Li Hua

第二节 (满分 25分)


When I was working, I happened to hear two of my co-workers talking about a great college for poor people in Virginia. It was

Hampton Institute. The school was established to provide opportunities for poor but worthy applicants who could work out all or part

of the education, and at the same time be taught some trade or skills. On hearing the news, I decided at once to go to that school.

I always wanted to go to college. But when I graduated from high school two years ago, I was told by my parents that they could

not afford the fees and eventually I found a job in a coal-mine in Malden, West Virginia.

The next day, I started for Hampton. I had only a small, cheap bag that contained the plain clothes I could get. The distance from

Malden to Hampton is about five hundred miles. I had never been far away from home. Soon, it began to grow painfully evident that I

did not have enough money to pay my tickets to Hampton. But I refused to give up.

By walking and begging rides along the way, I finally reached Hampton Institute a few days later, tired and dirty. Without a

second thought, I went to the head teacher for assignment to a class.

Having been so long without proper food, a bath, and change of clothing, I seemed like a worthless young man. I did not, of

course, make a very favourable impression upon her, and I could see at once that there were doubts in her mind about the wisdom of

admitting me as a * student. I tried to impress her in all the ways I could with my worthiness. After some time, the head teacher said to

me, “A classroom near my office needs sweeping. Take the broom and sweep it while I am preparing an examination for you.”

注意:1.续写词数应为 150个左右;


How happy I was when she left! __________________________________











When I was through, I reported to the head teacher.
















