
2024-05-08·14页·3 M




满分:150分 考试时长:120分钟



2.回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需


3.回答非选择题时,请使用 0.5 毫米黑色字迹签字笔将答案写在答题卡各题目的答题区域内,



第一部分 听力(1-20 小题)

注意事项:英语听力共两节,共 20 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分。


第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷

的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What docs Jenny think of the movie?

A. Amusing. B. Engaging. C. Frightening.

2. What is Tim fond of?

A. Jazz. B. Pop music. C. Rock music.

3. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A math class. B. A math test. C. Math homework.

4. When did Mindy get up this morning?

A. At 6:45. B. At 6:30. C. At6:15.

5. Who will assist Mike in presenting the financial report?

A. Amy. B. David. C. Sarah.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,

并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小

题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听下面一段对话,回答第6至7 题。

6. Why is Sarah walking funny?

A. She broke her ankle.

B. She fell on the floor.

C. She got tired at the gym.

7. What will Sarah probably do this weekend?

A. Take an X-ray. B. Go to the gym. C. See a doctor.

听下面一段对话,回答第8至9 题。

8. Why does the man make the call?

A. To enquire about apartments.

B. To advertise for roommates.

C. To book a room in a hotel.

9. When does the man make the phone call?

A. On July 2nd. B. On July 7th. C. On July 9th.

听下面一段对话,回答第 10至 12 题。

10. Where are the speakers?

A. In a park. B. In a mall. C. In a toy store.

11. What do we know about the man?

A. He is interested in sports.

B. He is thinner than his son.

C. He is much taller than his son.

12. How much shall the man pay?

A. $20. B. $48. C. $60.

听下面一段对话,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. What does the man do?

A. A host B. judge. C. A tutor.

14. What is Sue’s suggestion for people with difficulties?

A. Being committed to their goals.

B. Pushing their limits.

C. Looking for help.

15. How does Sue feel about her job?

A. Overwhelmed. B. Confident. C. Satisfied.

16. What does Sue think happiness is?

A. Solving problems.

B. Sharing with others.

C. Achieving personal goals.

听下面一段独白,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. Which activity will the tourists enjoy on the last day?

A. Climbing the Tower of London.

B. Paying a visit to Big Ben.

C. Enjoying a concert.

18. How will the tourists mainly travel?

A. By bus. B. On foot. C. By subway.

19. Which is the first point of the attention?

A. Drinking. B. Littering. C. Crossing the road.

20. What does the speaker advise the tourists to take?

A. Umbrellas. B. Coats C. Hats.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Shots to Shoot for

If you haven’t given much thought lately to smallpox, polio or diphtheria, that’s because these once-dangerous

diseases either have been completely rid of or are now well controlled, thanks to the success of earlier

vaccination(接种疫苗 ) programs. But the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC) estimates that

currently fewer than a quarter of American adults have received all age-appropriate vaccines(疫苗).

While some vaccines are given in childhood and give protection for life, others must be repeated into

adulthood. The virus that causes measles, for instance, is a very stable virus, it doesn’t change—basically, the virus

today is the same as it was in 1935, Flu and COVID viruses, on the other hand, change frequently, so the vaccine s

need to be updated and repeated.

Here are the CDC’s vaccine recommendations for adults age 19 and older. (Note: Some guidelines change for

adults with additional risk factors or health conditions. Ask your doctor for more information.)

Flu: One dose(剂量) annually.

COVID-19: Boosters on your doctor’s recommendation.

MMR: One to two doses for those born in 1957 or later who have not been fully immunized.

Hepatitis A: People with certain medical conditions or those traveling overseas may require two to three doses,

depending on the vaccine.

Hepatitis B: Two to four doses for all adults, depending on the vaccine.

HPV: Two to three doses before age 26(or before age 45, depending on your doctor’s recommendation).

Pneumococcal: For all adults over age 65, one dose PCV15 followed by PPSV23 or one dose PCV20.

Meningococcal: Recommended for previously unvaccinated adults who are in college or the military, or have a

weak immune system.

21. Which of the childhood vaccine can provide lifelong protection?

A. Measles. B. Hu C. COVID-19. D. MMR.

22. How many doses are needed for HPV?

A. One dose annually. B. Non c before age 45.

C. Two to three doses before age 26. D. Depending on the vaccine.

23. Who need to take Meningococcal shots?

A. Unvaccinated soldiers. B. All unvaccinated adults.

C. People with a strong immune system. D. Vaccinated college students.


Richard Feynman was arguably the second best known physicist after Einstein. But he is not the only

distinguished scientist in the Feynman family.

Born in 1927, Joan Feynman grew up in Queens, New York, alongside her older brother Richard. He would

become Joan’s first teacher and someone who helped develop her curious nature, believing her capable of learning

all the math and science he could teach her. She would try to solve math problems for the unique reward of getting

to pull her brother’s hair and serving as his “lab assistant” at the age of five. For her fourteenth birthday, Richard

gave Feynman a copy of Astronomy by Rebecca Horace Baker, a college-level physics text, which both taught her

about physics and what was possible. Feynman credited it for proving to her that women could indeed have a career

doing science.

Feynman would go on to receive a bachelor’s degree from Oberlin College, before she attended Syracuse

University, studying condensed matter theory and earning a PhD in 1958. By 1960, Feynman was married with two

children and she decided to take a break from physics to take on the role of homemaker.

The break was short-lived, as Feynman grew depressed from keeping a home and caring for two small

children. In 1962, at the advice of a psychologist, she went in search of employment, securing three job offers at

multiple institutes. At Lamont, where she worked part-time, Feynman began her research into Earth’s

magnetosphere, identifying its shape.

Over the course of her career, Feynman made many breakthroughs in furthering the understanding of solar

wind and its interaction with the Earth’s magnetosphere. As author or co-author of more than 185 papers,

Feynman’s research accomplishments range from discovering the shape of the Earth’s magnetosphere to

identifying the origin of auroras. In 1974, she would become the first woman ever elected as an officer of the

American Geophysical Union, and in 2000 she was awarded NASA’s Exceptional Scientific Achievement Medal.

“Joan Feynman leaves a wealth of scientific accomplishments, having made important contributions,” said

APS CEO Kate Kirby. “Despite being discouraged to pursue science by social expectations, she persevered, and

her accomplishments serve as an inspiration to women who wish to pursue a career in science.”

24. How did Richard influence Joan?

A. By preparing her for subjects in college.

B. By introducing her to the world of science.

C. By teaching her the importance of astronomy.

D. By offering her a job serving as his lab assistant.

25. What can be inferred from the passage?

A. All women scientists have benefited from Joan’s inspiration.

B. In Joan’s time women were encouraged to become scientists.

C. Pursuing scientific goals contributed to Joan’s psychological well-being.

D. As her first teacher, Richard designed Joan’s career path as an astronomer.

26. Which best describes Joan Feynman as a scientist?

A. Successful and wealthy. B. Optimistic and hardworking.

C. Popular and ambitious. D. Productive and acknowledged.

27. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Joan Feynman: Survivor of Depression

B. Joan Feynman: Sister of Richard Feynman

C. Joan Feynman: The Lesser-known Feynman

D. Joan Feynman: The Most Successful Woman Scientist


Why are some people more motivated to handle difficult things? And is there a way to make doing difficult

things easy? To answer this question, we need to look at this: dopamine(多巴胺). Dopamine is often considered a

pleasure molecule (分子). But that’s not quite what it does. Dopamine is what makes us desire things. And it’s that

desire that gives us the motivation to get up and do things.

In fact, your brain considers something more important than others mainly depending on how much dopamine

it’s expecting to get. If an activity releases too little dopamine, you won’t have much motivation to do it. But if an

activity releases a lot of dopamine, you’ll be motivated to repeat it, over and over. So which behavior releases

dopamine? Any activity where you expect there’s a possible reward releases it.

And in today’s digital society, we are flooding our brains with unnaturally high amounts of dopamine on a

daily basis, even if we don’t know it. Some examples of high dopamine behavior include: visiting social media

websites, playing video games, etc.

And you might think, “Oh so what? It’s not like it’s harming me in any way.” But you’d be wrong. Our bodies

have a biological system called homeostasis(体内动态平衡). Whenever an imbalance occurs, our body adapts to it.

Basically your brain gets used to having high levels of dopamine and those levels become your new normal. Thus

you develop a dopamine tolerance. This can be a huge problem because the things that don`t give you as much

dopamine don’t interest you any longer. That’s why people tend to prefer playing video games or surfing the

Internet, compared to studying or working on their business.

But it is possible to make doing difficult things feel easier. Separate yourself from the unnaturally high

amounts of dopamine, or at least expose yourself to it far less frequently. Only then will normal, everyday, low

dopamine activities become exciting again and you’ll be able to do them for longer. That’s why you might want to

limit your phone and computer usage, along with other high dopamine-releasing behavior.

We are all dopamine addicts to a certain extent. And that’s a good thing because dopamine motivates us to

achieve our goals and improve ourselves. But it’s up to you to decide where you’re going to get your dopamine.

Are you going to get it from things that don’t benefit you? Or are you going to get it from working on your

long-term goals? The choice is yours.

28. According to the passage, dopamine is what __________.

A. determines our mindset B. motivates us to act

C. enables us to tackle difficult tasks D. causes our emotions

29. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us about?

A. The adaptability of our brain.

B. The problem of dopamine tolerance.

C. The imbalance of the dopamine levels.

D. The biological system called homeostasis.

30. What docs the author suggest to make doing difficult things feel easier?

A. Reducing the usage of digital devices.

B. Making difficult things more exciting

C. Forcing our body to adapt to dopamine.

D. Exposing ourselves more to social media.

31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Being addicted to dopamine benefits us.

B. Dopamine can be made use of to better ourselves.

C. Dopamine is to blame for our improper behaviour.

D. Working on long-term goals releases more dopamine.


The printed book is back.

Recent studies have shown students keep more information in memory when they read a hard-copy book

compared to reading on a digital device. One school in Australia responded to these findings by abandoning its

e-readers. The students noted that “the ease of navigation” was superior when using a traditional book.

I love the way we now judge printed books using the language of the digital world. E-books may come with “a

set of navigational tools,” but it turns out that the best navigational devices are your forefinger and thumb. To think,

all this time, those devices have just been sitting there, hanging at the ends of your arms.

Can a traditional book offer all the features of an e-book? Alas, no. It lacks a “progress bar” indicating what

percentage of the book has been read. Luckily, a “hack (劈具)”is available: Turn your book so that it can be viewed

from the side or top. It will naturally form two halves joined in the middle (“the spine”)(书脊)If the left-hand

chunk is thicker than the right-hand one, you are more than halfway through.

Fans of the e-book point out that digital text is easy to annotate(作注解). Some devices even feature a little

image of a pencil to guide the reader through the process. Traditional-book users have a similar system called a

“pencil”. With it, favored passages can be underlined and, if it’s a history book, pretentious comments can be

written in the margin. Thus annotated, such books can be left around for others to pursue, convincing family

members, or prospectve lovers, of your intellectual judgment and insght.

Educational fads come and go, so maybe the shift back to traditional books won’t last. But for the moment, I

find myself standing at attention, tightening my textbook-built shoulders and saluting their glorious return.

32. What is the purpose of paragraph 2?

A. To support a point.

B. To clarify a concept.

C. To describe a phenomenon.

D. To present the central point.

33. __________ is suggested to compensate for the lack of a progress bar in a traditional book.

A. Dividing the book into halves

B. Turning the book upside down

C. Calculating the percentage of the reading

D. Comparing the finished part to half the volume

34. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the underlined word “pretentious”?

A. Sensitive. B. Showy. C. Frequent. D. Imaginative.

35. Which of the following is the author most likely to agree with?

A. An overall ban should be placed on e-books to improve learning.

B. Digital devices do not present an advantage over fingers in reading.

C. The language of the digital world is popular with printed book lovers.

D. Traditional books have made a comeback and are here to stay for good.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


If you search the internet these days, you’ll likely run across some strange-looking, yet cheerful cartoon

characters. These computer-generated people have small heads and exaggerated bodies. 36 The happy

figures are often moving or doing something creative.

In 2017 Facebook paid a design team to develop a positive illustration system. 37 She worked to

show human connection, motion, energy and joy in her drawings. She wanted to portray that sense of joy people

feel when they’re sharing things together. The name which was given to the new art form when it was completed

was very appropriate. They named it Alegria, which means joy in Spanish.

Why did Alegria art become popular so quickly? There are many reasons. As websites depended on

illustrations to fill space, Alegria-type art became increasingly useful. 38 By comparison, more detailed art

designs require extra time, skill and money to produce. Businesses also love the fact that Alegria’s characters

celebrate diversity by featuring international cultural events. The illustrations convey good feelings. Those feelings

help people believe they can trust the companies that feature them on their pages.

39 These people think companies like Facebook have simply prepared over their problems with

positive images. They’ve failed to address their real problems or make lasting changes.

For many, however, Alegria is a nice visual language that represents happiness. From children hugging to

couples dancing, the images are all about positive energy. 40

A. The style is flat, simple and easy to create.

B. For some consumers, though, that’s a problem.

C. One of the designers took that message to heart.

D. For the netizens, Alegria helps build trust on the big companies.

E. No wonder Alegria is now the most popular style of illustrations for books.

F. All in all, it seems that Alegria is the perfect name for this playful, fun art style.

G. They’re created in bold colors with arms and legs that resemble giant wet noodles.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Back in the day when I wasn’t sure what I wanted to do with my life, I was studying to become a firefighter.

As a firefighter, you’re 41 thinking of other people and trying to help children. That’s the mindset.

One dark night I 42 at a burger place. I got my burger and started to head for my car when I was

43 by a homeless man. He was very dirty and obviously very hungry. He asked me for some 44 to buy

a little food. As I was pulling out some, I had an idea.

I 45 to see if he wanted to eat a real dinner, so I asked him to follow me back into the burger joint to

order. He was 46 of the way he looked and said he did not want to. But I 47 . When he eventually

followed me in, the people behind the 48 refused to let him in, but I told them that I was buying him dinner

and he had a 49 to be there. After some negotiating, they finally 50 . It seemed like he was 51

a bit to be finally sitting at a table. Well, I asked him to order whatever he wanted. He only ordered a burger, so I

had to 52 him to order whatever and however much he wanted. He 53 ordering enough to fill his

stomach at least 3 times over!

Now I often think about this story, because to me it’s not just about helping someone out by 54 them,

but giving him the respect and 55 of being a human being and allowing him to feel good about himself that

was truly rewarding.

41. A. secretly B. constantly C. occasionally D. unwillingly

42. A. sped up B. gave out C. broke down D. stopped off

43. A. approached B. recognized C. directed D. invited

44. A. budget B. change C. charge D. payment

45. A. promised B. expected C. decided D. preferred

46. A. ashamed B. scared C. sick D. certain

47. A. protested B. begged C. ordered D. insisted

48. A. table B. window C. counter D. house

49. A. chance B. priority C. will D. right

50. A. admitted B. responded C. agreed D. understood

51. A. frightened B. relieved C. curious D. grateful

52. A. assist B. force C. teach D. encourage

53. A. hesitated over B. concentrated on C. ended up D. thought of

54. A. feeding B. pitying C. moving D. accompanying

55. A. status B. dignity C. happiness D. pride

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内词的正确形式。

Over 400 pieces of Dehua white porcelain(德化白瓷) are on display in the National Museum of China in

Beijing, with the exhibition 56. __________ (run) from Aug 26 for three months.

Dehua white porcelain is famous for its pure white color. According to Chen Chao, an artist dedicated to

porcelain research, Dehua porcelain is 57. __________ (extraordinary) pure and white because the kaolin(高岭土)

in Dehua county in Fujian has a low percentage of iron, making 58. __________ porcelain stainless like white jade.

Sitting in Quanzhou city, 59. __________ the ancient Maritime Silk Road started, Dehua white porcelain 60.

__________ (sell) like hotcakes at home and abroad since the Song Dynasty. In 2006, Dehua white porcelain 61.

__________ (list) as a national intangible cultural christiane.

Despite the past glories, Dehua craftsmen never stop 62. __________ (improve) their skills. One 63.

__________ (impress) skill is “the eggshell technique”. 64. __________ the technique improved by generations of

craftsmen, today’s eggshell porcelain can be made as thin as paper.

“By combining traditional Chinese artistic skills with modern 65. __________ (discipline) like material

science and humanities, Dehua white porcelain will continue to enhance the cultural confidence of the Chinese

people as they create even more outstanding works,” said Chen.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

联合国将 2024 年世界水日的主题设定为“以水促和平”。你校英文报社举办了征文活动,请你写一篇




注意:1.词数 80 左右;


Save Water, Save the World

This year sees the 32nd World Water Day with the theme “Water for Peace”.



第二节(满分 25 分)


Ten miles away stood a house with shiny red walls, a green garden and an apple tree. A young girl’s face

would be seen reflecting from one of the large glassy windows. Her name is Maggie. Her eyes were sparkling and

on her face there was a smile which could light a million candles. She seemed to be longing for a chance to play

like a young child, but she had no strength in her legs because she and her family met with an accident, in which

she lost both her legs.

But her spirit was strong. She would be inspired by seeing birds fly. The flying eagle would make her want to

fly. She was lonely. She longed for a true friend who would talk to her and teach her to fly or at least tell her stories

about soaring into the blue sky.

One evening, Maggie slowly rolled her wheelchair to the giant window and looked out to the many houses that

lay across the road. Suddenly she heard someone singing and then could see an old man in a pilot suit singing in

glory. The beautiful sound and the melody made the little girl happy. Suddenly he stopped and gazed up toward

her. “What are you staring at?” he said angrily. “You think I’m a circus clown? (马戏团小丑)” “No, Sir. I was just

listening to you. You sing very well,” she said. “I don’t need your praises. I don’t need anyone!” he shouted. He

started to walk to his house and shut the door. Tears rolled down from her apple-red cheeks as the man shouted at

her. She was lonely.

Next morning, Maggie pushed her wheelchair across the garden to the stone road as little children played

hide-and-seek around her. Suddenly out of nowhere a loading truck came rumbling across toward her. Terrified,

she tried to move away from its path but the wheels of her chair were stuck. “Oh my,” she thought as the truck

came in her direction fast, with the driver unaware of the obstruction in front of him. She screamed loudly but in a

split second she was pulled out of her wheelchair by someone and fell on the ground. She closed her eyes and

shivered as the truck passed her whistling. As she opened her eyes, she could see a man standing beside her.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;


She gazed up to him and immediately recognized him as the man she saw singing last night. ______________



Maggie got to know his name was Ken and that he was a retired pilot. ________________________________







