
2024-05-01·15页·365.8 K



1.本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分。满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。

2.答题前,考生务必用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔将密封线内项目填写清楚。

3.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上

对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径 0.5 毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A.19.15. B.9.18. C.9.15.


( )1.What does the man invite the woman to do?

A.Watch a play. B.Go fishing. C.Visit Susan.

( )2.How much more does the man need?

A.$200. B.$500. C.$700.

( )3.Why does the woman ask for a leave next week?

A.To travel around the world. B.To attend a wedding. C.To hold a ceremony.

( )4.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.Mother and son. B.Shopkeeper and customer. C.Coach and player.

( )5.What is the man supposed to do next?

A.Fire the woman. B.Watch a game. C.Play a match.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

( )6.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the street. B.In a college. C.In a store.

( )7.What does the woman want to do?

A.Sell some items. B.Fix the message board. C.Find a language partner.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

( )8.What is probably the woman?

A.An editor. B.A student. C.A teacher.

( )9.Which country does the woman think is better for the man?

A.The UK. B.America. C.Canada.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

( )10.How long did the party last?

A.Seven hours. B.Six hours. C.Two hours.

( )11.When will the man have a big exam?

A.This Saturday. B.Next Tuesday. C.Next Thursday.

( )12.Who will the man meet today?

A.His classmates. B.His teacher. C.His boss.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

( )13.How does the woman feel about the early marriage in Malawi?

A.Pleased. B.Uninterested. C.Shocked.

( )14.What kind of person is Chazeza’s uncle?

A.Self-centered. B.Kind-hearted. C.Cruel.

( )15.Who helped Chazeza finish her college education?

A.Her colleague. B.Her parents. C.Her grandfather.

( )16.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A family. B.A school. C.A story.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

( )17.What can we learn about Australian food?

A.It is the most expensive. B.It is hard to accept. C.It is affected by many cultures.

( )18.What do Chinese students probably think of noodles in Australia?

A.Original. B.Just so-so. C.Awful.

( )19.Which food is eaten every morning after a big night in Australia?

A.Dumplings. B.Honey chicken. C.Meat pie.

( )20.What is the speaker doing?

A.Teaching how to cook food.

B.Telling food culture in Australia.

C.Comparing different lives in the world.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Great Courses—Best for Lifelong Learners

The Great Courses, one of the best online course providers, is an online platform that can meet the demands of

individuals who love to learn simply for joy and choose from 1,345 courses in a range of topics.

The Great Courses Overview

Areas of study 13 subjects available

Course level Beginner, advanced

Cost $18.50—$469.95

Languages available English only

What We Like

While most other online course providers concentrate on upskilling and improving career and salary

prospects, this platform is more about sharing knowledge for the purpose of satisfying intellectual curiosity.

Popular courses focus on subjects like cooking, painting, dog training, language, culture, literature, music, science,

history, geography and more.

Lessons are video-based, available by streaming through The Great Courses’ website or mobile app or on

DVDs. Many lectures are also available as streaming audio makes it even easier for students to learn anytime and


The price of courses can range from around $20 to a few hundred dollars, but The Great Courses regularly

offers discounts. The Great Courses also partners with Wondrium, a subscribed online learning platform, which

gives students unlimited access to a library of courses for $12.50 per month.

What We Don’t Like

Students who’re seeking online learning to gain marketable, career-focused skills may need help in finding

what they’re looking for through The Great Courses. This platform has no grades or certificates of completion.

Lecture-based video lessons may not appeal to all learners, especially those who prefer mastering new skills

through experiential learning or reading assignments.

What Students Are Saying

Users give the platform 3.8 stars on Trustpilot. “I’ve been enjoying courses from this company for the last ten

years. Its courses have broadened my outlook on life, educated me and entertained me,” writes one student.

( )21.What does The Great Courses focus more on?

A.Improving career skills. B.Hands-on practice.

C.Tips on increasing incomes. D.Sharing knowledge.

( )22.What can we know about The Great Courses?

A.Its partner provides courses for free. B.Its course expenses are too high.

C.It has convenient video-based lessons. D.It helps a lot for those job-seekers.

( )23.What is a disadvantage of The Great Courses?

A.It offers no completion certificates. B.Its topic is relatively single.

C.It is only suitable for beginners. D.Its subjects are very limited.


This year, the Music Educator Award, presented by the Recording Academy and Grammy Museum, went to

Annie Ray, the performing arts department chair and orchestra director at Annandale High School in Fairfax

County, Virginia. She attended the awards ceremony in Los Angeles and brought home both a $10,000 prize and

matching grant (资助) for her school’s music program.

Ray created the Crescendo Orchestra for students with severe intellectual and developmental disabilities, as

well as a parent orchestra that teaches nearly 200 caregivers a year to play the same instrument as their children.

She got the idea mostly from the Annandale community, which she says represents over 60 countries, including

many refugees and immigrants. “There’re many cultures that might typically clash, but they come together in this

very beautiful harmony,” Ray explained. “And that’s really uniquely expressed in the orchestra classroom, where

we’re just all music-ing together.”

Ray says the Crescendo Orchestra is focused on teaching students how to play an instrument, through

one-on-one instruction tailored to their needs. The orchestra is about much more than just making music, however.

“I really push my students to be brave and go outside of their comfort zone. We have to learn how to work together

with others,” she says.

Ray, who comes from a family of musicians and has played the harp (竖琴) since the age of five, knows

firsthand the impact that a great teacher can make on their students. “Why I am where I am is because a teacher

changed my life and made me want to be a music educator,” she says.

Ray says her warm reception on the awards ceremony is especially meaningful because not many people

understand what exactly music educators do in the classroom or how much their work matters. She says that lack of

understanding is one of the biggest challenges facing the profession in general. Moreover, she says her school

desperately needs new instruments, and adds that she’ll use some of her grant money to buy more.

( )24.What mainly inspired Ray to create the Crescendo Orchestra?

A.The effect of some caregivers. B.The diversity of a community.

C.The harmony of the disabled. D.The rich culture of her school.

( )25.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Who are influenced by music. B.How the Crescendo Orchestra develops.

C.What students can learn. D.Why students need special instruction.

( )26.How was Ray influenced by her teacher?

A.She funded some students. B.She fought against her family.

C.She began learning the harp. D.She chose to be a music educator.

( )27.What can be learned from what Ray says in the last paragraph?

A.Music education needs to be appreciated. B.She badly wants donations for instruments.

C.The administration offers no support. D.She is often challenged by musicians.


People have long watched moths (飞蛾) and other flying insects flock to streetlamps, lights and flames.

These insects appear attracted by the light. But a new study suggests they may just lose track of which way is up.

Previous theories say light probably blinds flying insects so that they get trapped by the light, or maybe they

interpret light at night as a place to fly for a quick escape. Now the new study suggests flying insects instead turn

their backs to the sky’s light to keep their feet pointing toward the ground. Insects naturally turn their backs toward

light. But when that light is from an artificial source, it may affect their sense of direction, leading to them flying in

circles or diving toward the ground.

At a field station in Costa Rica, Samuel Fabian, an entomologist from Imperial College London in England

and his teammates set up hanging and standing lights, and then used high-speed cameras to track wild, flying

insects including moths and flies. Some circled the lights endlessly, and others flew sharply upward, losing speed

until they couldn’t fly any higher. When the light source pointed up, some insects turned around and headed for the

ground. During the flight, the insects always kept the lights at their back even if they’d end up crashing. Crash

landings were common when the team lit up a white sheet on the floor. But not when a white sheet—stretched into

a height above the floor—was bathed in diffuse (漫射) light, much as the sky would be, insects flew through

the area without getting trapped by the light.

The team also observed some species in a lab. Moths and dragonflies generally behaved like the wild insects,

and they kept the light at their backs. However, in the lab, fruit flies, like oleander hawk moths—which can fly in

the dark—could fly over LED lights without being thrown off course. In the wild, though, the moths still crashed.

Maybe this is because, Fabian says, the insects can sometimes control their response to light, or over time, they

might learn to avoid artificial light.

( )28.Why do insects naturally turn their backs toward light?

A.To get close to the light. B.To escape being caught quickly.

C.To protect their feet better. D.To track where the ground is.

( )29.What did the researchers find during the new study?

A.Artificial light at night could put insects on a crash course.

B.Artificial light signaled an escape route for the insects.

C.The insects had a better sense of direction.

D.The insects were flying toward the light.

( )30.What is the author’s purpose in mentioning oleander hawk moths?

A.To stress the importance of the study. B.To prove the previous theory.

C.To tell the existence of the exception. D.To explain the flight pattern.

( )31.What could be the best title for the text?

A.Artificial Light Makes Insects More Adaptable B.Insects May Lose Track near Artificial Light

C.The Ways to Get Rid of Light Pollution D.Insects Learn to Fly for a Quick Escape


The Ebola virus is an infectious disease that for years had almost no treatments, and it kill s about half the

people it infects. Now a new study published in The Lancet Infectious Diseases shows that a promising vaccine

(疫苗), named rVSVG-ZEBOV-GP, doesn’t just help to reduce infections, it also can cut those death numbers

in half.

The vaccine is a single-dose (单剂) muscular one that causes cells to produce one of the virus’s proteins.

“Later, if the person is exposed to Ebola,”explains Rebecca Coulborn, a scientist with Epicentre, the medical

research arm of Doctors Without Borders, “their immune system will recognize the viral protein. This recognition

allows the immune system to be prepared to attack the virus and protect the person from Ebola virus disease.”

Researchers showed rVSVG-ZEBOV-GP was effective at reducing the risk of infection, but no one knew

how capable it was of preventing death in someone who was vaccinated after becoming infected during an

epidemic (流行病). To figure it out, Coulborn and her colleagues focused their efforts on the second-largest

Ebola outbreak ever recorded, which occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo between 2018 and 2020.

“Every single Ebola health facility across the entire Ebola epidemic had a standardized list of all admissions,”

says Coulborn. This list included 2,279 confirmed Ebola patients, and it recorded whether or not each person had

been vaccinated before they got sick—and if so, when they’d received the vaccine.

Coulborn found the death rate was 56% among the unvaccinated. But for those who’d received the vaccine,

that rate was cut in half. This was true no matter when someone got vaccinated before the appearance of symptoms.

Additionally, those who’d been vaccinated had less virus circulating in their bodies than those who hadn’t. So the

vaccine played an important role.

Rebecca Coulborn says she feels buoyed by the results—since they offer clear evidence that people who’re at

risk of contracting Ebola should be vaccinated early. It’s an opportunity to cut chains of transmission (传播)

and prevent an outbreak before it gains speed.

( )32.What is Coulborn trying to talk about concerning the vaccine in paragraph 2?

A.Who it attacks. B.Why it is developed. C.How it works. D.Where it comes from.

( )33.Coulborn’s team chose the second largest Ebola outbreak in Congo because ______.

A.it listed health facilities B.it was easy to analyze

C.it caused the fewest deaths D.it had a detailed record

( )34.What did Coulborn probably suggest people infected do?

A.Avoid connecting with each other. B.Get vaccinated as early as possible.

C.Stay at home to reduce the spread. D.Learn to recognize the symptoms.

( )35.What does the underlined word “buoyed” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A.Encouraged. B.Relaxed. C.Astonished. D.Honored.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


Do you need a career launch plan? It isn’t absolutely essential but it can be extremely helpful! A well-created

plan is not just about landing a job; it is about entering the professional field with a competitive edge. Beyond that,

it’s a strategy. 36 Therefore, a career launch plan is your survival guide, helping you avoid the traps and

seize the right opportunities. So why not follow the following tips to create a right career launch plan?

37 If you were to plan out your travel routes, what would you do? You’re not just randomly moving;

you’re intentional about where you want to go and what you want to achieve. So is a career plan. It involves

outlining specific and achievable goals that give direction to your career trajectory (轨迹).

Develop relevant skills. Once you’ve identified the qualifications and skills demanded in your ideal

profession, it’s time to acquire them! Sign up for courses, pursue certifications, or gain hands-on experience to

enhance your skill set. 38

Start your job hunt. Your approach to job applications should be more like a precision strike than a messy

explosion of arrows in all directions. 39 It’s not just about quantity; it’s about quality. Tailor each

application to the specific role and company, emphasizing how your skills and experiences agree with their needs.

Stay flexible and agile (机敏的). The job market is changing, and being adaptable is an invaluable ability.

40 Develop a mindset of continuous improvement—always seeking ways to enhance your skills, knowledge,

and approach to stay relevant in the ever-evolving professional landscape.

A.Set your goals.

B.Research your options.

C.So, what should you do to deal with it?

D.To achieve this, develop a systematic approach to your job search.

E.By doing these, you’re essentially improving your techniques!

F.The job market can be a jungle, especially when you’re just starting.

G.The goal is to create a foundation that’ll guide your career decisions.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

That morning in September, at a five-kilometer race, I waited for my 11-year-old son at the finish line. He’d

run 30:34 at another 5k in late spring, so I 41 he could run a 5k in about 30 minutes. When I didn’t see him

at the 35-minute mark, I began to 42 .

It’d already been an 43 morning. About an hour earlier, when we drove into town, my son noticed a

lovely tiny green tree cricket (树蟋) in my car. It jumped onto my son’s hand where it stayed so long that we

eventually gave it a name: Little Friend.

Minutes before the race, it jumped onto the sidewalk. Maybe it wanted to seek freedom, but this wasn’t a safe

place due to the 44 pedestrian traffic. So my son knelt and 45 his hand. Little Friend came back.

But I told him he would 46 it during the race.

I ran well and felt thrilled at the finish line. However, that 47 gave way to anxiety when my son didn’t

show up. I 48 asking people if they’d seen him. No one had. So I returned to the race headquarters. In my

confusion, I didn’t even see him 49 the finish line. But there he was, just ahead of the 45-minute mark,

with Little Friend 50 on his right thumb.

My 51 were wrong. My son didn’t run fast, and he didn’t lose Little Friend. These two 52

seemed somehow related. He 53 a cold he was getting over, but I knew it was more than that.

Sometimes life gives you something beautiful, but fragile (易碎的). There’s no need to 54 ahead.

Treat it 55 and hold on when you can.

( )41.A.indicated B.knew C.meant D.stressed

( )42.A.question B.forgive C.panic D.regret

( )43.A.average B.endless C.unusual D.original

( )44.A.invisible B.smooth C.unpredictable D.easy

( )45.A.took out B.reached out C.gave away D.put up

( )46.A.lose B.change C.train D.catch

( )47.A.eagerness B.nervousness C.annoyance D.excitement

( )48.A.enjoyed B.kept C.practiced D.stopped

( )49.A.crossing B.blocking C.facing D.touching

( )50.A.arguing B.sighing C.riding D.feeding

( )51.A.evaluations B.guesses C.conclusions D.comments

( )52.A.facts B.ideas C.tasks D.activities

( )53.A.overcame B.treated C.received D.blamed

( )54.A.move B.fly C.struggle D.rush

( )55.A.gently B.wisely C.loosely D.urgently

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” Those are the words of Thomas Alva Edison,

one of the greatest 56 (inventor) in the history of the United States.

Edison, who grew up in the Midwest, was 57 (large) self-educated. He earned 1,093 patents in his

lifetime, including the lightbulb. Being 58 successful businessman, Edison often reworked existing

technology, making it more practical for widespread use.

Edison was born on February 11, 1847, a day that 59 (celebrate) as National Inventors’ Day today.

The Thomas Edison Center, which was created in memory of Edison, is at Menlo Park in New Jersey. It is said that

the seven years Edison spent at the lab he created in New Jersey were the most 60 (product).

“Menlo Park is the birthplace of 61 (record) sound. It was in Menlo Park 62 Edison invented

the phonograph (留声机) in 1877. The invention led to the 30-year-old Ohio native’s international fame. From

then on, he was known 63 the “Wizard (奇才) of Menlo Park.”

A phonograph was the first device that was used 64 (reserve) sound. It was the precursor (先驱)

to record albums and CDs. The original model had no volume knob (旋钮), so listeners would have to control

the sound by 65 (place) a sock in the machine. That’s where we get the expression “put a sock in it”, which

means “stop talking”.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

你校于上周六举办了古诗朗诵比赛(Ancient Poetry Recitation Competition)。作为校英文报记者,请你写一





注意:1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;





第二节(满分 25分)


“Jennifer, do you hike?” Karen said to me. “Yes, I hike,” I replied. Karen’s slim figure and sun-kissed cheeks

suggested she was a regular hiker.

“Great, do you want to come with us tomorrow? We will meet in front of Bobbie’s house at 6:30 before it is

too hot, and we will go over to Thunderbird Mountain. It is about three miles in total. Does that sound OK?”

Three miles. I wasn’t sure how long that was, partly because I didn’t actually hike. I was somewhat familiar

with the area where they planned to go, but our family had just moved from Oregon to Arizona. I walked our dog

around the neighbourhood all the time before we moved here. But I wasn’t sure if I had gone three miles. Being

new to town and excited about an invitation from women I wanted to befriend, I accepted, saying, “Sure. That

sounds great. We all benefit from hiking.”

When this hiking conversation among my new friends occurred, I was at a monthly dinner for moms in my

new neighborhood. The group was four women in their forties, all with high-school kids, jobs, a fondness for

reading and music and tricks for simplifying work-life.

I was honored to be invited since making friends in my forties in a new town wasn’t easy. After this

re-location for my husband’s career, making friends wasn’t as simple for me as it was for him. He came to the

community for a full-time position at a busy university. Our teenaged son and daughter immediately plugged into

school through sports and clubs. I was enormously grateful for the ea se of the transition for my family, but nervous

for myself. So, while at the monthly ladies’ gathering, when hiking came up, I just played along, wanting to try

something new.

The next day, I got up early and carefully selected comfortable hiking clothes. When I arrived at the

designated friend’s driveway a little early, Karen was standing there waiting. “Hey, Jennifer, I’m glad that you can

come to hike,” she said cheerfully and hugged me. When the others joined us, we started walking. I was sweaty and

a little out of breath before we even started going uphill.

注意:1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


“So, where did you hike in Oregon?” one of them asked, offering me a bottle of water. __________________


By accepting the invitation to hike that day, I received a lot. ________________________________________




(Text 1)

M: Let’s go fishing in the country this afternoon.

W: I certainly could enjoy some quiet time, but I’ve agreed to go with Susan to watch a play.

M: Then I’ll go alone.

(Text 2)

W: Tom, have you saved enough for the cell phone?

M: I have five hundred dollars, and the cell phone costs seven hundred dollars.

W: I can help you out if you want.

(Text 3)

M: Lisa, I heard you want to take a few days off work. Do you want to take a holiday?

W: No. My best friend is getting married next week. I don’t want to miss the ceremony.

(Text 4)

M: Mom, can we go back now? The football game begins in just ten minutes.

W: But we have to wait in line to pay for these things we need.

M: I should have stayed at home instead.

(Text 5)

W: Peter, I’m not pleased about this. This is the third time you are late for a basketball match! You have to do

something about this.

M: Uh, I’m sorry, coach. What is the big deal? I’m a few minutes late. What difference does it make?

(Text 6)

W: Excuse me. I am a freshman. I want to put a message on the message board by the university cafeteria.

M: What’s it about? That board is only for personal messages or for selling items.

W: I’m looking for a language partner. You know, I’ll teach someone English, and they can help me learn Chinese.

M: Sure, language-exchange messages are fine. Just put your message wherever there is space.

(Text 7)

M: Jane, what are you doing?

W: I’m studying for my IELTS. I want to go to study in the UK one day.

M: What is IELTS?

W: It’s short for International English Language Testing System.

M: I see now. So why do you want to study in the UK?

W: I love Oxford University. I’ve dreamed of going to study there since I was about ten years old. So which

country do you want to study in one day?

M: Either America or Canada.

W: If I were you, I’d choose the latter.

(Text 8)

W: Henry, look at you. I don’t think you had a good sleep last night.





