
2024-04-23·10页·185 K


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)


第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对

话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每话对话仅读一遍。

1. What will the woman possibly do this Sunday?

A. Go hiking. B. Take a cooking class. C. Study for an exam.

2. What was the man’s favorite sport in high school?

A. Volleyball. B. Basketball. C. Badminton.

3. Where is probably the man now?

A. At the airport. B. On the bus. C In the hotel.

4. When did the man last see the woman’s daughter?

A. About 3 years ago. B. About 5 years ago. C. About 8 years ago.

5. How did the speakers come to New York?

A. By plane. B. By car. C. By train.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B、C 选项中选出最佳选项。听

每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5 秒钟的作答时间。


听第6 段材料,回答第6 、7 题。

6. How does the woman feel about office jobs?

A. Excited. B. Interested. C. Disappointed

7. What does the man probably do?

A. He is a lawyer. B. He is a dancer. C. He is an officer.

听第7 段材料,回答第8 至 10 题。

8. What did the woman do before the conversation?

A. She handled some work. B. She ordered today’s special. C. She tried some fish.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Boss and secretary. B. Customer and waitress. C. Husband and wife.

10. What did the man have for lunch today?

A. A ham sandwich. B. Some noodles. C. Fish and vegetable.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11. How much was Pigcasso’s record-breaking painting?

A. 14,000. B. 20,000. C. 40,000.

12. Which art work broke the record for the highest selling price?

A. The Blue Elephant. B. The Queen. C. Wild and Free.

13. Who makes Pigcasso’s achievements?

A. A German farmer. B. A talented painter. C. An animal rescuer.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 16 题。

14. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. The style of furniture.

B. The design of the apartment.

C. The kind of apartment to buy.

15. What do we know about the modern style?

A. It features darker walls.

B. It emphasizes simplicity.

C. It creates a homely atmosphere.

16. What does the man think of the traditional style?

A. Particular. B. Updated. C. Old-fashioned.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What can tourists do tomorrow evening?

A. Watch Hollywood films. B. Enjoy the beautiful pool. C. See a theatre play.

18. Why are indoor activities arranged on the last evening?

A. The theatre is only available then.

B. The weather may be unpleasant then.

C. Tourists can relax before going home.

19. Where can tourists show their special skills?

A. In the dining hall. B. In the reading room. C. On the deck.

20. What’s the purpose of the passage?

A. To discuss an issue.

B. To do a promotion.

C. To introduce trip activities.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Experience the ultimate wellness retreat for your mind, body, and soul amidst the breathtaking landscapes of

Iceland. Across the country are world-class spa s that tap into Iceland’s abundant, sustainable and mineral-rich

waters from geothermal(地热的) sources. Iceland is a true destination, attracting tired travelers from across the


Secret Lagoon

Secret Lagoon natural hot springs are located in the small village called Fludir. In the whole area there are

several geothermal spots and a little Geysir which erupts every 5 minutes, showing off for the guests relaxing in the

hot spring. During winter, the northern lights are often giving a great lightshow above Secret Lagoon.

The Blue Lagoon

The Blue Lagoon is a health and geothermal spa on the Reykjanes Peninsula. For ten consecutive years Blue

Lagoon has been awarded the Blue Flag environmental recognition granted to natural beaches and hot springs. The

lagoon holds nine million liters of geothermal seawater.

Laugarvatn Fontana

Laugarvatn Fontana is the place for relaxation and an authentic Icelandic experience. Soak in the warm

geothermal pools and get energized in the natural steam rooms, with the hot spring bubbling right below you. Be

sure not to miss a visit to taste the delicious rye bread that grandmothers of the area have been baking in the hot

spring s of Laugarvatn for decades.

Mvatn Nature Baths

Located in the heart of north-east Iceland about 105 kilometres (65 miles) south of the Arctic Circle, Lake

Mvatn and its surroundings are one of Europe’s greatest natural treasures. Containing a unique blend of minerals,

silicates and micro-organisms, the warm soothing water of Myvatn Nature Bath benefits both skin and spirit alike.

21. What do Secret Lagoon and The Blue Lagoon have in common?

A. They own natural hot springs. B. They hold geothermal seawater.

C. They features quite long histories. D. They have lightshows for visitors.

22. Where can travelers experience the local elder-making food?

A. Secret Lagoon. B. The Blue Lagoon.

C. Laugarvat n Fontana. D. Mvatn Nature Baths.

23. What is a feature of Mvatn Nature Baths?

A. It offers travelers geothermal spa services.

B. It sees a Geysir that erupts every 5 minutes.

C. It contains Europe’s greatest natural and cultural resources.

D. It enjoys a mixture of minerals, silicates and micro-organisms.


Finland’s system for returning drink containers started in the 1950s, and today almost every bottle and can is

recycled. Convenience is the cornerstone of the system’s success.

Nowadays there are almost 5,000 container-return machines across Finland. Most of them are located in the

same shops that sell drinks, making returning them a convenient part of people’s routine. Hotels, restaurants,

offices, schools and event organizers return containers through their drink providers.

The return machines are easy to use. You place a bottle or can on a set of mini conveyor belts at the front of

the machine. They carry it past a scanner and out of sight. The machine sorts the bottles and crushes the cans. When

you’re done, you press a button and the machine gives you a receipt. Plastic bottles are worth 20 to 40 cents,

depending on their size, while glass bottles are worth 10 to 40 cents and aluminium(铝) cans are 15 cents. The

returned containers are recycled or the materials are reused. Across Finland, on average, every Finn returns 373

items in a year: 251 aluminium cans, 98 plastic bottles and 24 glass bottles.

The government has entrusted this function to the private agency. “Palpa is completely nonprofit and receives

no government funding,” says Tommi Vihavainen, Palpa’s director of producer services, ICT and communication.

Russia, the UK and other countries have shown interest in the Finnish system. “Most visitors want to see how

the return system works in Finland,” says Vihavainen. “We don’t act as consultants, but we’re proud to present our


24. What do we know about Finland’s system for returning drink containers?

A. It still has a long way to develop.

B. It gains popularity for its convenience.

C. It used to be fashionable but now out-dated.

D. It’s supported financially by the government.

25. Why does the writer use the figures in paragraph 3?

A. To show Finns consume various drinks.

B. To help make the story more interesting.

C. To make the impact of the system convincing.

D. To guarantee the proper logic of the passage.

26. What’s Vihavainen’s attitude towards the return system?

A. Indifferent. B. Positive. C. Pessimistic. D. Dismissive.

27. What is the passage mainly about?

A. Finland’s recycling programme keeps bottles off streets.

B. The return machines in the world are popular and easy.

C. Palpa—a complete nonprofit to recycle the bottles.

D. Finland—a country free of waste such as bottles.


July was the world’s hottest month on record. Wildfires this summer destroyed a Hawaiian city and caused

excuations(疏散 ) in Canada. Greece, and Thailand. Floods devastated towns in Vermont in July and killed

thousands of Libyans in September.

John Vaillant’s new book Fire Weather aims to shake us out of this with a tale of terror from a climate change

frontline: the city of Fort McMurray, in northern Canada’s vast forest, where an uncontrollable wildfire during an

exceptionally warm spring in 2016 flooded entire communities within days.

Vaillant tells his story at disaster-movie pace, starting with the glimpse of smoke on the horizon and

assurances from the authorities that all will be fine. Mounting misfortune follows as the flames lick golf courses on

the city’s edge. By the end, 90, 00 people had been evacuated, 2,500 structures destroyed, another 500 damaged.

The energy generated by the fire created its own weather system, with hurricane force winds and lightning strikes.

What attracts me most is the book’s central irony. The story takes place in Fort McMurrary, which is the

industrial centre of northern Alberta’s tar sands, one of the world’s largest fossil fuel deposits. It is a city whose

existence depends on the hydrocarbons whose burning caused climate change; but whose existence almost ended in

a climate-caused burning.

Fire Weather isn’t a typical disaster book. Vaillant’s references to Nassim Taleb, Lucretius, Seamus Heaney,

The Lord of the Rings, Xerxes, and Moby-Dick can grant. But Vaillant’s theme is also catching my eyes. Our

industrial world is releasing carbon at a rate 10 times faster than scientists can find in the geological record for the

past 250mn years, he writes. “Thanks to fire and our appetite for boundless energy, we have evolved into a geologic

event that will be measurable a million years from now.”

28. What’s the purpose of mentioning the examples in paragraph 1?

A. To show the varieties of nature disasters.

B. To engage the readers in the same topic.

C. To indicate the difficulties of these areas.

D. To provide the background of the book.

29. What’s special about the book according to this passage?

A. Plot and viewpoint. B. Character and conflict.

C. Setting and theme. D. Tone and style.

30. What does the underlined word “grant” in paragraph 5 mean?

A. Be presented. B. Be refused. C. Be preserved. D. Be recorded.

31. Where as the text most probably taken from?

A. An essay on the climate change.

B. A guidebook to Fort McMurrary.

C. A review of world disasters.

D. An introduction to a book.


The past few months have brought electrifying news that, for the first time, a gene treatment has provided

some hearing to children born with deafness.

Eli Lilly announced this week, for example, that a profoundly deaf boy from Morocco given its treatment as

part of a clinical trial in Philadelphia can now hear. And five children in China treated similarly at younger ages

gained hearing with some able to verbally communicate without their cochlear implants(人工耳蜗). Their hearing

recovery, first covered by the press in October 2023, is described in de tail this week in The Lancet.

“It’s an enormous achievement,” says geneticist Karen Avraham of Tel Aviv University. Otolaryngologist(耳

鼻喉科专家) and gene therapist Lawrence Lustig of Columbia University, whose lab was among the first to test the

same approach in mice, agrees. “Other than cochlear implants, we haven’t really had any successful treatment s to

treat deafness,” he notes.

The various efforts from companies and academic centers each use a virus to insert the same gene, OTOF, into

the children’s inner ear so the so-called hair cells there can sense sound and transmit it to the brain.

The new deafness treatments add to a string of recent successes for the gene treatment field, but also raise

questions. The ear’s hair cells don’t divide, so the new copies of OTOF they contain should persist and continue to

instruct the cells to make OTOF. Gene expression could drop off over time or the ear could mount an immune

response that shuts it off.

But Lustig is optimistic that the various challenges will be overcome. “Now that we’ve got one success story,

there’s going to be more money coming in to fund some of these other projects,” he says.

32. What do we know about the new treatment?

A. It is a totally mature practice. B. It’s a China-only clinical trial.

C. It uses a virus to sense sound. D. It aims to treat the deafness.

33. Which of the following best describes the impact of the treatment?

A. Breakthrough. B. Regret. C. Disappointment. D. Adventure.

34. What is the problem of the gene treatment?

A. The brain refuses to receive it.

B. Gene stops to produce hair cells.

C. Gene expression might be weakened.

D. Companies really profit a lot from it.

35. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Electrifying News Based on Some Clinical Trials

B. Gene Treatment That Brings Deaf Children Hope

C. Ways How Scientists Develop Cochlear Implants

D. Challenges About the New Deafness Treatment

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Plogging is a great way to make your little area of the world a little cleaner, brighter, and safer while boosting

your own health, fitness, and mood. This up and coming environmental activity began in Sweden in 2016.

36 . It is quite a common scene across other European countries, as well as the United States, Mexico, and other


Definition of plogging

37 . It is a term made by combining “jogging” with “plocka upp,” which is Swedish for “pick up.”

Therefore, the plogging definition is an emerging fitness that involves picking up litter or trash while you run.

Benefits of plogging

Because plogging typically involves jogging or running, there are many health benefits to this eco-friendly

fitness trend. However, the benefits extend beyond just improving heart health. 38 . First, it improves mood

and makes you feel good about yourself. What’s more, it gives back to your community and connects you online

and builds social connections with other ploggers.

How to get started

Before you start, you’ll need to outfit yourself with the right gear to get the job done. If you’re already running

or jogging, you should have a good pair of running shoes and running apparel(装备). 39 . Otherwise, broken

glass and sharp and dirty litter items you may pick up will hurt you. A trash bag of some sort for collecting what

you pick up is a must as well.


Theoretically, you can go plogging almost anywhere you have permission to be. Depending on where you live,

you may encounter trash along the side of the roads, parks, school playgrounds, trails, parking lots, town squares

and bike paths.

A. How to do plogging

B. Where to go plogging

C. It has since spread around the world

D. Here are some of the top benefits of plogging

E. It’s important that you have the right footwear

I. Beyond that, you’ll need a good pair of gloves to protect your hands

G Plogging is not, in fact, a compound word of “plodding” and “jogging”

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

When my son Reace celebrated his sixth birthday two years ago, he made a wish that I would get a transplant.

Less than a week later, his wish came true when I received new 41 .

Born with a breathing disease, I was able to manage my 42 without a hospital visit until I was 23. At

30, 43 , it steadily worsened and I was 44 for a transplant. I started having check-ups once a year,

then every six months, then every three months until I was 45 living at the hospital and reliant on oxygen

to survive. Everyday 46 like having a shower or brushing my hair became 47 .

After four months on the list, I 48 the call to say a pair of lungs was available. The transplant was

successful and the 49 was noticeable. Before my transplant I had been so 50 , I couldn’t even walk

from the couch to the front door without 51 my breath—and it was only six paces. 52 . I was so

used to being breathless that I didn’t know any difference. I had 53 what it would be like to be a 54

person and now I know. I can do everything an ordinary mum would do: housework, workout, or taking Reace to


I am extremely grateful to my 55 and his family.

41. A. medicines B. gifts C. lungs D. hearts

42. A. condition B. weight C. stress D. emotion

43. A. therefore B. however C. otherwise D. besides

44. A. scheduled B. hospitalized C. listed D. selected

45. A. barely B. previously C. temporarily D. basically

46. A. tasks B. challenges C. decisions D. concerns

47. A. necessary B. fundamental C. impossible D. contradictory

48. A. missed B. received C. returned D. rejected

49. A. symptom B. damage C. trouble D. difference

50. A. sick B. nervous C. sensitive D. innocent

51. A. catching B. holding C. losing D. recovering

52. A. Fortunately B. Actually C. Possibly D. Eventually

53. A. understood B. experienced C. recalled D. wondered

54. A. normal B. distinguished C. disabled D. responsible

55. A. doctor B. nurse C. child D. donor

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

It is a beautiful drone(无人机) shot, 56 popular kind of video you might see in a travel video.

However, there is no drone 57 camera, and you needn’t travel in person because the video was generated

by AI, which is from a new tool programmed by Open AI called Sora.

It’s not perfect, but it’s a large step up from what we’ve seen before. What most people don’t know is 58

Sora can do more than just create videos from scratch. It can combine separate videos into one scene. And its

videos can be up 59 a minute long and in 1080p resolution.

60 (compare) with Runway ML, the difference with Sora is that it’s coherent. Previous system have a

61 (character) morphing(图像渐变) quality as the video 62 (program). With Sora, that’s vastly reduced

or gone altogether. The 63 (object) remain stable even when covered by things in the foreground. We’ve

seen something similar to this in research since 2019, but what is new is the ability 64 (combine) two videos

together in one scene. It can also make up different camera angles of a single scene with just one prompt.

Sora, like digital audio workstation 65 (envelop) recording studios several years ago, must be a trend


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

上周你校举行了主题为“Reading and Sharing”读书分享活动。请你为校英语报写一篇报道,内容包括:





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Reading and Sharing

第二节(满分 25 分)


It had been a challenging week, marked by a sudden large increase in oil prices coinciding with a sharp drop in

temperatures in Boston. It was nearly below zero degree. With three missed workdays under my belt, my upcoming

paycheck was going to be lower than normal. The stress weighed heavily on me as I carefully sought for every

conceivable opportunity to save pennies, ensuring that I could afford both groceries and keep the house warm.

My eight-year-old son didn’t understand when I told him we were struggling that week. He had his heart set

on a particular brand of yogurt, but I didn’t have the extra three dollars to buy it for him. It was the kind of yogurt

decorated with a cartoon child skateboarding on its packaging, containing a mere two spoonfuls per cup. Such

products, designed to lure children with their flashy marketing, only served to make me hate advertising.

However, a bunch of parental guilt gripped me as his innocent eyes met mine, silently questioning, “Why is

yogurt such a big deal?” Determned to sweep his disappointment, I made a sacrifice typical of single mothers. I

returned an item needed to the shelf, ensuring that he could enjoy his favorite yogurt.

On the journey back from the grocery store, a sight caught my attention—a homeless man, holding a sign by

the roadside. My heart ached, and I turned around, observing passers-by purposefully steer(绕开) clear of him,

avoiding any meaningful interaction. Even my son didn’t seem to care much. either. Yet, upon closer inspection, I

noticed the man—bare hands grasping a piece of cardboard, snot frozen to his face, a worn-out jacket. And there I

was struggling because I had to buy oil and groceries. But I decided to help. I pulled over to the man and handed

him a five-dollar bill.


(1)续写词数应为 150 左右;


Seeing this, my son became confused and surprised.

On that day, my son performed an act that most adults wouldn’t have done.



1~5 BBABA 6~10 CAACB 11~15 BCCBB 16~20 CABAC


21~25 ACDBC 26~30 BABCA 31~35 DDACB 36~40 CGDFB


41~45 CABCD 46~50 ACBDA 51~55 CBDAD


56. a 57. or 58. that 59. to 60. Compared

61. characteristic 62. progresses 63. objects 64. to combine 65. enveloping


第一段 Last week, our school hosted a “Reading and Sharing” event aimed at fostering a love for reading among

students and enhancing our learning community. The event kicked off with an enthusiastic introduction by our

principal, followed by students and teachers sharing insights and experiences from their favorite books. Participants

also recommended books to their peers, creating an engaging atmosphere filled with lively discussions.

第二段 Students expressed increased interest in exploring new genres and authors. The success of the event has

encouraged the school to make “Reading and Sharing” a regular activity, hoping to continuously ignite students’

passion for reading.


第一段 He stared at me with curious eyes, trying to piece together why we could afford to help someone else when

we ourselves were in a tight spot. I took the moment to explain that even when life feels overwhelming, we can

always find something to offer to others. “Sometimes, it’s not just about having enough, but about sharing what

we do have,” I said, hoping to ins till a sense of compassion and generosity in him. My words seemed to resonate

with him as he nodded thoughtfully, a spark of understanding lighting up his face.

第二段 Just before we were about to leave the homeless man, he impulsively took out the newly bought yogurt

from the grocery bag and ran back to the man. Handing it over, he said, “I think you might be hungry.” The man’s

eyes softened, his face breaking into a grateful smile as he accepted the yogurt. Watching this, I felt a surge of pride

for my son’s unexpected gesture of kindness. It was a poignant reminder that true generosity comes from a willing

heart, not from the abundance of what we have.





