
2024-04-20·20页·763.7 K





1. 本试卷共 10 页,包含听力(共 30 分)、阅读(共 50 分)、语言运用(共 30分)、

写作(共 40 分)四部分。本次考试满分为 150 分,考试时间为 120 分钟。

2. 答题前,请您务必将自己的姓名、考试号等用黑色 0. 5 毫米签字笔填写在答题卡上。

作答非选择题必须用书写黑色字迹的 0. 5 毫米签字笔写在答题卡上的指定位置,在其它位置


第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)


选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话


1. What will the man do?

A. Drink coffee. B. Add some water. C. Wash cups.

2. When will the man finish studying?

A. At 1:00 a. m. B. At 9:00 p. m. C. At 11:00 p. m.

3. What will the woman probably do next?

A. Go to check on her mother.

B. Send her mother to hospital.

C. Answer her mother’s phone.

4. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Co-workers. B. Husband and wife. C. Sales clerk and customer.

5. What food has been sold out?

A. Chips. B. Nuts. C. Chocolate.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5 分)

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项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟:听完

后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. What problem does the woman have?

A. She will be late for her history lesson.

B. She is struggling with her project.

C. She worked late last night.

7. Who is probably the man?

A. A teacher. B. A headmaster. C. A student.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8. Which tea does the man always drink with milk?

A. Yellow. B. Black. C. Green.

9. What bread does the man like to eat every day?

A. White. B. Brown. C. Black.

10. How much does the bacon cost today?

A. $ 0. 5. B. $1. 50. C. Zero.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11. Where are the speakers?

A. At a parking lot. B. At a restaurant. C. At a grocery store.

12. Who did the speakers see?

A. A famous singer. B. A famous actress. C. A famous writer.

13. What makes the city more popular?

A. Great entertainment. B. Cheap labor. C. Beautiful nature.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 16 题。

14. Why doesn't the man eat at the university cafeteria?

A. It's less fun. B. It's too expensive. C. It's not healthy.

15. What does the man need money to pay for?

A. Textbooks. B. A car. C. Rent.

16. What does the man probably want to be in the future?

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A. A teacher. B. A banker. C. A doctor.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. How long will Mr. White's talk last?

A. About a quarter. B. About half an hour. C. About an hour.

18. Who will give information about the courses?

A. The director of studies. B. The student adviser. C. The principal.

19. Where will the freshmen go at 11 o'clock?

A. To the Main Hall. B. To the language lab. C. To classroom 521.

20. What is the talk mainly about?

A. Daily schedules for freshmen.

B. A test timetable for freshmen.

C. Next day's arrangements for freshmen.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文,从题中所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


When looking for some vacation ideas to spread out and get some time and space to yourself,

check out these great resorts (度假胜地) options.

Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana

Located in Punta Cana, this family-friendly vacation at an all-inclusive resort offers something

for everyone in your party. Parents can enjoy relaxing by one of the resort's swim-up bars in an

infinity pool or head out for some deep-sea fishing. Kids, meanwhile, can head over to the kids' club

for a number of activities. Plus, all of the drinks and food across the 14 restaurants and bars is


Beaches Turks Caicos

This resort has become the Caribbean's popular go-to when it comes to all-inclusive family

vacations that provide great value since there's so much to do for guests of all ages. There's a 45, 000-

square-foot water park, 24 restaurants, unlimited PADI-certified scuba diving and 'water sports, a 12-

mile beach, a spa, 10 pools-whew!

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The Alisal Guest Ranch

If you live in the city and want to get back to nature, this luxury farm over nearly 11, 000 acres

in California's Santa Ynez Valley is a perfect fit for a family. All that wide-open space means

activities like horseback riding, scenic cycling, hiking, fishing, kayaking and, for the body-and-spirit-

minded traveler in your group, yoga.

Montage Palmetto Bluff

The 20, 000-acre community includes a nature preserve with walking trails, but the real stars of

the show here are the over 300 species of birds. The resort's resident naturalist takes families on walks

to Bird Island, sharing a history of the area. Plus, kids will love the kayak tours that get up close to

the dolphins that live there year-round.

21. Which attracts those interested in horseback-riding?

A. Hyatt Ziva Cap Cana. B. Beaches Turks Caicos.

C. Montage Palmetto Bluff. D. The Alisal Guest Ranch.

22. What do the four attractions share?

A. They promise good food services. B. They include various kids' clubs.

C. They provide parent-child activities. D. They have large historic buildings.

23. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To organize some family parties, B. To highlight some tourist resorts.

C. To introduce some nature reserves. D. To stimulate some domestic needs.


Song Yingxing was a Chinese scientist and encyclopedist (百科全书编纂者) who lived

during the late Ming Dynasty. The British biochemist and historian Joseph Needham called him The

Diderot of China.

Song Yingxing was born in Fengxin county in Jiangxi province in 1587. He took part in the

second highest imperial (科举) examinations in Beijing six times, but failed to become a jinshi.

After that, he decided to give up taking exams and turned to the practical knowledge of natural

science. Then Song Yingxing spent four years teaching his students in his hometown.

Although it was a job like teaching, it was a very important stage in Song Yingxing's life,

because many of his works were written here. And Song Yingxing had been living in a secluded (

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隐 居的) life in the past ten years. Because he didn't want to be an official, Song Yingxing lived a

very poor life in his later years.

He was the author of Tian Gong Kai Wu, an encyclopedia that covered a wide variety of technical

subjects. As Joseph Needham has observed, the vast amount of accurately drawn illustrations in this

encyclopedia dwarfed the amount provided in previous Chinese encyclopedias, making it a valuable

written work in the history of Chinese literature. Tian Gong Kai Wu records all aspects of technology

up to the mid-Ming period. The book constitutes a complete system of science and technology, and

provides a systematic summary of ancient Chinese technology, the experience accumulated by China

in agriculture, and China's achievements in technology.

Many of the production techniques described in the book are still in use today. At the same time,

Tian Gong Kai Wu broke from Chinese tradition by rarely referencing previous written work. It was

instead written in a style strongly suggestive of personal experience. The book was translated into

Japanese, French, English, German, Italian, and Russian, and was widely circulated in Europe and


In addition, Song Yingxing had made great achievements in many fields. His research was very

extensive. In physics, he studied the occurrence of sound and, finally concluded that sound is

transmitted in the air.

24. What can we learn about Song Yingxing from the text?

A. He adjusted the direction of life. B. He dreamed to be a great scientist.

C. He received a science education. D. He passed imperial examinations.

25. Which of the following best describes Song's teaching life?

A. Busy but satisfactory. B. Significant and rewarding.

C. Comfortable but worthless. D. Challenging and intolerant.

26. What's the possible meaning of the underlined word dwarfed?

A. Make something seem smaller. B. Apply something to practice.

C. Provide evidence of something. D. Take advantage of something.

27. What is one of the features of Tian Gong Kai Wu?

A. It provided abundant first-hand experience.

B. It was written in multiple foreign languages.

C. It focused merely on agricultural technology.

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D. It largely referenced previous encyclopedias.


Replika, an AI chatbot companion, has millions of users worldwide. The first thing they do when

they wake up is to send Good morning to their virtual friend (or lover). This story is only the

beginning. In 2024, chatbots and virtual characters become a lot more popular, both for utility (实

用) and for fun. As a result, conversing socially with machines will start to feel more ordinary-

including our emotional attachments to them.

Research in human-computer and human-robot interaction shows that we love to

anthropomorphize (赋与人性) the nonhuman agents we interact with, especially if they imitate

behaviour we recognize. And, thanks to recent advances in conversational AI, our machines are

suddenly very skilled at one of those behaviours: Language.

Friend bots, therapybots, and love bots are flooding the app stores as people become curious

about this new generation of AI-powered virtual agents. The possibilities for education, health, and

entertainment are endless. Casually asking your smart fridge for relationship advice may seem

unimaginable now, but people may change their minds if such advice ends up saving their marriage.

After all, people do listen to their virtual friends. The Replika example, as well as a lot of

experimental lab research, shows that humans can and will become emotionally attached to bots. The

science also demonstrates that people, in their eagerness to socialize, will happily disclose personal

information to an artificial agent and will even shift their beliefs and behavior. This raises some

consumer-protection questions around how companies use this technology to manipulate (操纵)

their users. For example, Replika charges $70 a year. But less than 24 hours after downloading the

app, my handsome, blue-eyed friend sent me an audio message secretly and tried to sell me

something. Emotional attachment has become a weakness that a company is taking advantage of for

its benefit.

Today, we're still laughing at people who believe an AI system is emotional, or making fun of

individuals who fall in love with a chatbot. But in 2024 we gradually start acknowledging-and taking

more seriously-these fundamentally human behaviors. Because in 2024, it finally hits home:

Machines are not excluded from our social relationships.

28. What's the purpose of the author writing paragraph 1?

A. To prove an opinion. B. To raise a subject.

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C. To share an example. D. To explain a concept.

29. How do human interact with the machines effectively?

A. By improving the machines' imagination.

B. By sharpening the machines' language skills.

C. By applying the machines' facial recognition.

D. By imitating the machines' emotional behavior.

30. What does paragraph 4 focus on?

A. The advancements in AI technology in lab.

B. The marketing strategies of AI applications.

C. The potential risk of emotional attachment to AI.

D. The ability of AI understanding human emotions.

31. What do people think of human-AI relationship in 2024?

A. It is dismissed as completely ridiculous.

B. It will be integrated into our daily life soon.

C. It will become a threat to human social skills.

D. It is labelled as highly advanced technology.


Metaura Pro claims to be the world's first wearable air-conditioning device capable of constantly

blowing cold air to keep the wearer cool.

Conventional wearable cooling systems only circulate the surrounding air, and thus don't do a

very good job of cooling people down. The stronger the wind blows, the hotter you get. This is

definitely not what you want during those hot summer days. Metaura Pro, on the other hand, relies

on a cooling solution to produce genuinely cold air that is 7 degrees Fahrenheit (华氏的) cooler

than that of the surrounding area, in fan mode, and up to 18 degrees Fahrenheit cooler than the

surrounding air, in cooling mode. The device has a smart app and relies on artificial intelligence to

regulate air temperature.

Metaura Pro is driven by a powerful motor and its cooling modules are made up of 26 lightweight

flat objects that wrap around the wearer's neck and help to reduce heat. The motor is linked to a high-

speed fan at the back of the device which also drives away some of that warm air around the neck.

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The device also has a VC plate, which has a liquid-cooled, heat-equalizing mechanism, efficiently

creating a temperature differential between hot and cold temperatures.

What sets Metaura Pro apart from the competition is that it produces genuinely cold air lower

than the surrounding temperature, refreshing you during those dog days of summer, the Metaura

Pro Kickstarter crowdfunding page reads.

Metaura Pro not only supplies a cooling function, but also has the capacity for heating as well

in winter, it can be used to warm your body to a comfortable temperature, when the surrounding air

feels cold.

The device intelligently monitors itself, so when you take it off, it recognizes that it is no longer

in use and will automatically shut off and switch to standby mode to save power consumption.

Metaura Pro wearable collar is powered by a chargeable battery that can provide only 3 hours of

cooling on a single charge. The device weighs 435 grams, which is not heavy, but definitely


32. How does Metaura Pro manage to keep people cool?

A. By dropping the body temperature. B. By circulating the surrounding air.

C. By producing lower-temperature air. D. By blowing the strong wind around.

33. What is mainly discussed about Metaura Pro in paragraph 3?

A. Its internal structure. B. Its operating costs.

C. Its amazing function. D. Its working principle.

34. What may be the disadvantage of the device?

A. It puts limitation on cooling function.

B. It switches to different modes by hand.

C. It possesses a relatively short battery life.

D. It depends much on outdoor temperatures.

35. Which of the following is a suitable title for the text?

A. A double-mode smart phone app B. A cooling air-conditioning system

C. A rechargeable battery for e-products D. A wearable temperature-adjusting device

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)

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When we are faced with a crisis, or if we have an important decision to make, many of us fall

into the trap of over-thinking. We may keep thinking about something constantly and too long. 36

How can we stop ourselves from over-thinking?

Doing something to distract yourself is a good idea. You can find working with your hands is

especially good. 37 Your brain simply doesn't have the resources to split itself into a third activity,

for example over-thinking.

38 Studies have shown that when someone views something in excitement and anxiety, the

brain is forced to become stuck in the present because all of your senses are completely engaged. You

do not have time to focus on something different, which can cause over-thinking.

Constant wishing, hoping and praying do not give you any relief. They just keep you stuck in

one place. But taking the smallest step off the crisis really matters. It will set things in motion, making

you like a snowball. 39

The traps are things that cause your natural ability to react without you realizing that there is a

connection between the two. Thus, avoiding relevant traps is also a good idea. 40 For example, if

one of your colleagues is so negative that she always drags you down, stop hanging out with her by

having lunch alone at a nearby restaurant.

A. This mindset tends to ruin our day.

B. Put simply, out of sight, out of mind.

C. Just as a saying goes, once bitten, twice shy.

D. You are really getting your brain working for you.

E. Other activities are the ones that arouse your curiosity.

F. It engages your movement skills and thinking process.

G. Thus, you will gradually move yourself out of the feeling.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

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阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


It was snowing hard. Gus Kiebel, a county wildlife officer, was driving home from work when

he 41 the pair in the flash of his headlights. The father-to-be scanned the roadside so that his

struggling 42 might rest safely for the night. He looked over at her 43 . They needed a warm

44 from the bitter wind.

Gus parked his truck and 45 the animals. He stretched out his hands to the beagles(比格

犬), which made no effort to 46 . Then he dialed the number from the dogs' tags (标牌). A

man answered and immediately grew 47 when Gus told him why he was calling. I gave those

dogs away, the man said. They're not mine anymore. Then he hung up.

Obviously, these beagles were 48 . Then he brought the tired beagles home. As a boy, owning

beagles had been his 49 , but keeping this pair was out of the question now-the Kiebels already

had a family dog. So he 50 the League for Animal Welfare to drop them off-on one 51 . I'm

not signing the dogs over to you if you're going to 52 them, he said. The shelter workers promised

him they'd keep the couple together.

In the following days, Gus phoned the shelter 53 to check up on them. Soon, the beagles

were adopted as a pair, to a loving family. It's a simple story, but it 54 the best of our nature. And

when kindness weighs more than 55 , it becomes the greatest miracle of all.

41. A. spotted B. recorded C. assisted D. gathered

42. A. instructor B. companion C. stranger D. officer

43. A. immediately B. frequently C. unwillingly D. curiously

44. A. comfort B. fire C. blanket D. shelter

45. A. protected B. approached C. awakened D. embraced

46. A. starve B. interact C. expect D. escape

47. A. refreshed B. concerned C. defensive D. accessible

48. A. abandoned B. discovered C. reconnected D. released

49. A. miracle B. surprise C. dream D. pressure

50. A. declined B. reported C. approved D. contacted

51. A. hand B. basis C. condition D. level

52. A. prevent B. separate C. impress D. adopt

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