
2024-04-14·14页·608.5 K

丽水湖州衢州2024年4 月三地市高三教学质量检测试卷


第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。听

完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每 段对话仅读一遍。

1.What does the man think of the dress?

A.It is attractive.

B.It is tight.

C.It is plain.

2.What can we learn about the woman?

A.She found a great job.

B.She is popular in college.

C.She won the student election.

3.Where does this conversation take place?

A.In a house. B.In a park. C.In a forest

4.What animal does the woman own?

A.A mouse. B.A dog C.A cat.

5.Who is the woman most grateful to?

A.Her parents B.Her professors. C.Her friends.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C 三 个选项中选出

最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟; 听完后,各小题将给出5


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.A new discovery

B.A map of the universe

C.The secrets in DNA.

7.Why has the woman been reading about the topic?

A.Out of curiosity. B.For schoolwork C.As a hobby.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8.What field attracted the woman when she was a kid?

A.Sales. B.Medicine C.Engineering

9.What is it like in advertising according to the man?

A.Interesting. B.Inspiring C.Stressful.

10.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Boss and sales representative.

B.Father and daughter.

C.Husband and wife.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11.How long did the hike take?

A.Three days B.Eight days C.Fourteen days.

12.What was the main landscape during the hike?

A.Mountains. B.Woodlands C.Desert.

13.What animal did the man see in camp?

A.A lion. B.A wolf. C.A snake

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 16 题。

14.What does the man probably do?

A.He's a teacher. B.He's an author. C.He's an astronomer.

15.Where are the speakers going to spend their vacation?

A.In Italy. B.In Iceland. C.In Spain.

16.Why is the hotel attractive to the speakers?

A.It has fine food.

B.It has sandy beaches.

C.It has telescopes to observe the stars.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.What instrument did the speaker play when she was young?

A.The piano. B.The guitar C.The violin

18.Where is the theater located?

A.In London. B.In Sydney C.In New York

19.Why is winning this competition important to the listeners?

A.They'll meet famous performers.

B.They'll have a brighter future.

C.They'll get a chance to travel the world.

20.How many hours will the performances last?

A.Three. B.Four, C.Seven.

第二部分阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡



Explore the science behind these amazing landscapes

Retracing Charles Darwin's travels across North Wales

13 May 2024|6 days

Uncover the best of Wales as you explore the dramatic Welsh landscapes of Eryri (Snowdonia) National

Park and examine the region geology and how it has been transformed by volcanic and glacial activity over the

years.Discover the story of Charles Darwin's 1831 and 1842 tours of Wales,and retrace his travels on this small

group journey to Shrewsbury and Snowdonia.

The Rockies and the Badlands:Geology and dinosaurs in Canada

17 June 2024|7 days

Explore the majestic Rocky Mountains west of Calgary and the otherworldly Badlands to the cast,witness

the stunning scenery and geology of southerm Alberta.This tour includes two visits to UNESCO World Heritage

sites,where you will see first-hand the rugged peaks and glacial features of the Banff portion of Canadian Rocky

Mountain Parks and the bone-riddled badlands of Dinosaur Provincial Park.

Short break:Dinosaurs and Hoodoos:Alberta

23 July 2024|3 days

Visit one of the world's premier dinosaur museums,sail all the way around a World Heritage site with

outstanding dinosaur fossils and explore the multi-hued canyons and wind-sculpted hoodoos ( 石 林 )of the

Alberta Badlands.Throughout this tour you will be accompanied by palaeontologist (古生物学家)Jon Noad,who

will share the stories of the rocks,including tales about past oceans,swamps,rivers and deserts,the rise and fall of

the dinosaurs and,more recently,ice sheets that covered Alberta and carved out spectacular landscapes.

21.Which of the following might appeal to dinosaur enthusiast most?

A.The Eryri National Park B.The Welsh Glaciers.

C.The Rocky Mountains D.The Alberta Badlands.

22.What do all the three tours involve?

A.Scientific facts B.Tales about the past

C.Special companions D.Visits to World Heritage sites.

23.Where is the passage probably taken from?

A.A research paper. B.A science fiction.

C.A tourism report D.A travel brochure.


US Army veteran (退伍老兵)Mazyck remembers when doctors told her she would never walk again.She'd

been paralyzed from the waist down after a serious accident while parachuting in 2003.The doctors never said

anything about floating,though.In 2021,she got to do just that.

Mazyck was one of 12 participants in a Zero G flight,organized by the group AstroAccess. This type of

flight recreates the weightlessness that astronauts experience without going all the way to space.Flying over the

Pacific Ocean off Southern California,the modified 747 jet airplane made 15 steep dives and climbs,allowing the

flyers multiple periods of weightlessness.

The experience left Mazyck feeling joyful.“The flight was something that I would have never in my wildest

dreams thought I would've experienced,she says,especially the floating, the weightlessness.

Traditionally,strict physical requirements have prevented disabled people from becoming

astronauts.AstroAccess is working to make space accessible to all.“Space removes the barriers between

people;now is the time to remove the barriers to space itself,says Mazyck,It is sending a message to people

who have historically been excluded from STEM that not only is there room for you in space,there is a need for


During the flight,she says,the participants did experiments and made observations.They took note of things

that people without certain disabilities might not realize are issues.For example,people who couldn't grip with

their legs needed another way to hold themselves still while weightless.The group also experimented with

signaling lights for the deaf and with ways of using braille(盲文)for the blind.

These types of issues are easy enough to address.Now is the time to make space accessible 一 before space

tourism or space settlements become commonplace.I am so proud and elated about what's happening

here,Mazyck adds.We are paving the way for the future.

24.What do we know about AstroAccess?

A.It redesigns jet airplanes. B.It offers weightlessness experience.

C.It provides physical treatment. D.It trains the disabled to be astronauts.

25.What is required in the flights for the participants?

A.Astronaut experience, B.Steep dives and climbs.

C.Weightlessness periods. D.Trials and observations.

26.Which of the following words can best describe Mazyck?

A.Generous and determined. B.Caring and persistent.

C.Courageous and optimistic. D.Ambitious and innovative.

27.Which of the following can be the best title of the passage?

A.Paving the Way for the Future B.Disabled Americans Make It to Space

C.Making Space a Place for Everyone D.US Veterans Experience Zero G Flight


Three years ago,Juan Carlos Sesma had a realization.Global warming and climate change seemed to be a

mounting problem,with scientific records indicating rising temperatures and sea levels across the world.At the

same time forest fires,logging,and aggressive human expansion meant the supply of trees which helped to

regulate and remove greenhouse gases from our atmosphere was dwindling .

He decided the best way to tackle a problem this large was to combine two of the most powerful forces

emerging in technology:big data and robotics.Sesma founded a new company called CO2 Revolution,whose plan

was to use drones(无人机)to better understand where new trees should be planted and to automate the process of

planting so that much larger areas of forest could be repopulated.The company designed a special smart seed that

helped to deliver just the right amount of protection and nutrition to the young saplings.The overall goal was to

considerably lower the time and cost of large scale re-forestation.

CO2 Revolution isn't alone.In the UK,a startup called Biocarbon Engineering ran a trial carlier this year

where it used drones to help replant Mangrove trees in Myanmar.It has also deployed( 部 署 )its technology in

Australia,South Africa,and Morocco.“In a lot of places, people will either have a map taken by aeroplane,or just

use Google Earth satellite imagery.

They'll draw things out freehand and manually plant,either by hand or tractor,said CEO Susan Graham in a

recent interview.

The challenge for all these startups is to find ways to create a profitable,or at least sustainable,business

model.For Sesma and the team at CO2 Revolution,recent regulatory action has highlighted one potential

pathway.“We offer a solution that allows clients to carry out massive plantings,incrcasing forest mass and thus

compensating for their carbon footprint.” Amid growing calls for carbon sequestration,this kind of effort might

prove not just noble,but financially sensible for large corporations.

28.What drove Sesma to set up CO2 Revolution?

A.Big data and robotics. B.Forest fires and human expansion.

C.Global Warming and climate change. D.Powerful forces emerging in technology.

29.What does the underlined worddwindling probably mean in paragraph 1?

A.Declining B.Changing C.Recovering. D.Expanding

30.What can we infer from the passage?

A.Drones are populated in larger areas of forests.

B.CO2 Revolution calls for a profitable drone model.

C.Biocarbon Engineering sets up worldwide technology centers.

D.Smart seeds are designed to improve the accuracy of planting.

31.What does the author think of startups like CO2 Revolution?

A.Conventional. B.Valueless. C.Beneficial D.Impractical


Babies as young as 4 months old who are born into a bilingual(双语的 )environment show distinct and

potentially advantagcous brain pattcrms for speech processing.Our early-life experiences can have lifelong

effects on our behavior.The brain is most sensitive to its environment during the first year of life,which is

thought to be a critical period for language development.

Previous studies have looked into the brain mechanisms that underlie (构成 … … 的基础 ) speech

processing in babies who hear just one language.To better understand this in bilingual-exposed infants,Borja

Blanco at the University of Cambridge and his collcagues compared how 31 babies who only heard Spanish and

26 babies who heard Spanish and Basque, all aged 4 months,responded to Spanish recordings of The Little

Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupery.

The team used an imaging technique called functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) to measure

changes in brain activities.In the Spanish-only babies,the recordings caused activation in areas which play a role

in speech processing.In the bilingual-exposed babies,the recordings similarly evoked these responses,but they

were larger and wider.These infants also had activation in equivalent areas of their brains’right hemispheres ( 脑

半 球 ) .When the recordings were then played backwards as a control arm of the experiment,the infants exposed

to just Spanish had larger responses to the backwards speech,while those to Spanish and Basque had similar

brain patterns as before.This may be because the bilingual infants take longer to register their primary

language,in this case Spanish,as hearing both this and Basque reduces their overall exposure to either language.

If this is the casc,it could help them be sensitive to linguistic differences and enable them to learn to

distinguish between languages at a younger age.The researchers note that a bilingual environment stimulates

changes in the brain mechanisms underlying speech processing in young infants,adding weight to the idea that

the neural basis of learning two or more languages is established very early in life.

32.Why was the study conducted?

A.To reveal the impact of bilingual exposure. B.To confirm the pattern of brain mechanism.

C.To conclude the factors for speech processing D.To explore the potentials for language


33.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Theory basis. B.Study methods.

C.Research findings D.Technical assistance,

34.What can we learn from the research?

A.Bilingual-exposed babies are more sensitive.

B.Bilingual-exposed babies are more linguistically critical.

C.Bilingual-exposure reduces babies 'linguistic competence.

D.Bilingual-exposure reduces babies' overall language exposure.

35.Which of the following statements might the researchers agree with?

A.Immigrants speak better languages.

B.Mixed race families own more linguistic potential.

C.Exchange students show greater learning capability.

D.Overseas workers have higher language proficiency.

第二节(共5 个小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)


Very often,we take a picture on our smartphones and then immediately check the screen to see how it came

out. 36 We've gathered our best tips to ensure you know how to look good in pictures.

Know your angles.

Knowing your angles is the first step to taking a great picture.Maybe you like one side of your face better

than the other.Maybe you're completely symmetrical and can take a photo from the front. 37 So snap some

selfies and start to get acquainted with your best angle.

Doing so will have you feeling confident and looking your best in your next shot.

Make sure the light is behind the camera.

Great lighting makes a great photo.The key is to make sure you're in front of the light, and that the light is

behind the camera.So,if you're outside,make sure the sun is behind the camera. 38

Take multiples.

39 .Take different photos of the same shot,so you have options when choosing which photo to

keep.You'll be surprised how often your facial expression changes in the same shot.

Invest in a good quality camera.

While smartphone cameras keep getting better and better,nothing beats the clear and crisp image quality of a

digital single-lens reflex (DSLR)camera.The bad news?A good DSLR can cost anywhere from $400 on up. 40

With these photo tips in mind,next time you snap a photo,you'll look at it with a smile.

A.You can never take too many photos,right?

B.Whatever the case is,you have to take the time to study your face.

C.You'll also show more of your eyelashes and brows from this angle.

D.And if you're indoors,make sure windows and lighting fixtures are behind the camera.

E.Most of the photos you see from celebrities and online influencers come from a DSLR.

F.But it might be worth the investment if you really want to achieve that professional look.

G.Bu if you tend to find yourself deleting every picture you take,it's time to up your photo game.

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第 一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I'm sitting impatiently in our dusty car looking out.My travel buddy,Lucas,having taken in enough of the

41 ,has gone to speak with someone from one of the nearby tourist souvenir huts.After ages,he walks towards

me, 42 some sausages,hot water,a new cowboy hat,and a big grin on his face.“We're giving a man a 43 ,”he tells


The idea seems 44 but somehow safe,given that there are two of us and Lucas is a _45 to the country.How

exciting to create an opportunity to meet people that you wouldn't have met 46 .

Now,as I look at Lucas' new friend,I see a different kettle of fish.Michael is big.I mean really BIG.I watch

in the side mirror as Michael 47 towards the car.In his right boot is a big knife,pushed far enough in that only the

handle and the base of the blade poke out.A knife!

I would normally be alert to this 48 stranger now sitting in the back of my vehicle. However,with Lucas

now eagerly 49 with him in a language I barely understand,I'm trying to let myself 50 .Then Lucas loosely

translates the conversation they're having as Michael proudly 51 his knife,explaining that he uses it for

everything:opening bottles, picking his teeth,castrating his cows.

Gradually,my 52 towards our new stranger grows as he persistently tries to communicate with me, 53 the

mood of the car.Twenty minutes down winding mountain roads and we reach Michael's house,where we are

invited to have a meal with his 54 .Later that day,we leave the house without taking any contact details from

Michael.There is an unspoken understanding that this 55 friendship is enough.

41.A.meal B.gift C.money D.view

42.A.leaving B.carrying C.taking D.offering

43.A.treat B.welcome C.ride D.coin

44.A.daring B.pleasant C.practical D.worthwhile

45.A.newcomer B.foreigner C.local D.visitor

46.A.otherwise B.instead C.though D.nevertheless

47.A.climbs B.cycles C.flies D.marches

48.A.cold B.friendly C.enormous D.slim

49.A.singing B.chatting C.arguing D.complaining

50.A.sleep B.wait C.ease D.forget

51.A.pulls out B.gives out C.picks out D.sets out

52.A.fear B.warmth C.anger D.sympathy

53.A.maintaining B.ruining C.darkening D.lifting

54.A.family B.friends C.neighbors D.guests

55.A.permanent B.brief C.close D.renewed


第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

For most of us,popcorn is synonymous(同义的 )with movie theaters.We go to the movies, buy a

popcorn,and enjoy the show 56 even thinking twice about it.But,why?Why do we always eat popcorn at the


One reason for popcorn's increasing 57 (popular)was its mobility:in 1885, the first steam-powered popcorn

maker hit the streets,invented by Charles Cretor.The mobile nature of the machine made 58 the perfect

production machine to serve customers 59 (attend)outdoor sporting events,or circuses and 60 (fair).Not only was

popcorn mobile,but it could be mass-produced without a kitchen,an advantage 61 another crunchy snack —the

potato chip—lacked.Another reason for its dominance over other snacks was its appealing smell when 62 (heat).

But it wasn't super fancy to movie theatres at first as they didn't allow such a loud and messy food into their

performances. 63 relationship between popcorn and the movies was really set in stone during World War

II.Things like chocolate and sugar were limited during the war while salt and popcorn kernels were never

limited.So the country's favorite go-to-movie snack was even 64 (available)and popular.Ever since,popcorn and

movies 65 (continue)to be as iconic as any duo(二重奏)out there.

第四部分写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第 一 节应用文写作(满分 15分)


1. 活动的过程;

2. 活动的影响。


1. 写作词数应为 80 个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。

First Aid Knowledge Hits the Campus

第二节读后续写(满分 25分)


I first met Bo when I voluntecred to be a docent(讲解员)at the zoo.It was a summer program our school

participated in,where biology students earned extra credit by teaching little kids about some of the animals.I

needed to increase my biology grade,so I asked my friend Sue Wang to be my partner.“Melanie,I'll do this with

you,she said,but I'll do the talking.No way will I handle the animals!”That was OK with me.

During the training course,our instructor,Mr.Lindsey came to Sue and me and said,“OK, girls,your animal is

a boa(蟒蛇).”I felt myself go cold.“I have to handle a boa?”

That night,I had a nightmare.I was carrying the snake around a classroom,showing the kids,when all of a

sudden it started constricting(收紧).It squeezed and squeezed,and I couldn't breathe!I woke up in a sweat,my

body rigid.

Next day I told my instructor.“Sure you can do it,”he said.He slid the door of the snake carrier open.“Now

put your elbow in—slowly —and wait for him to crawl on your arm.Good, that's the way.”He wasn't wet or

slimy.He was dry and soft!But it was scary!Mr.Lindsey stood beside me.“Relax,Melanie.You need to show him

you aren't afraid.He needs to trust you, and you need to trust him.”Yeah,right.He didn't do anything.Awesome!I

named him Bo. After a few school visits,I began to really like my boa and was pretty much at ease with him.

Then came the day I will never forget.As usual,I opened the carrier and took him out. After Sue talked about

how boas live mostly in rain forests in Central and South America,I walked around the classroom,saying,“Don't

be afraid.See,he is nice.You can touch him gently, here,on his back.His name is Bo.”

Most of the kids actually did touch him,and everything went fine until one boy,for some unknown

reasons,tapped Bo on the head.I froze.


1. 续写词数应为150个左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卷的相应位置作答。

My worst nightmare came true!

I closed the carrier and signaled the kids to come inside.

丽水、湖州、衢州 2024年4 月三地市高三教学质量检测


一、听力(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1-5 ABCBA 6-10 CBBCB 11-15 CACCB 16-20 CAABA

二、阅读理解(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21-23 DAD 24-27 BDCC 28-31 CADC 32-35 ACBB

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36-40 GBDAF

三、语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节:完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 DBCAC 46-50 ADCBC 51-55 ABDAB

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. without 57. popularity 58. it 59. attending 60. fairs

61. that/which 62. heated 63. The 64. more available 65. have continued

四、写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节:应用文写作(满分 15 分)

One possible version:

First Aid Knowledge Hits the Campus

Last weekend, our school hosted an event titled “First Aid Knowledge Hits the Campus”.

The event began with a lecture by a professional trainer, covering CPR techniques, wound

dressing, and handling common emergencies. Following the lecture, students participated in

hands-on workshops, practicing their skills under the guidance of experts.

This initiative not only equipped our students with valuable lifesaving skills but also raised

awareness of the importance of prompt first aid. The positive feedback from students shows the

need for more such practical and informative events on campus.






2.本题总分为 15 分,按以下5 个档次给分。评分时,先根据作答的整体情况初步确定其


第一档:(1—3 分)只能写出一两个要点;语言错误很多,只有个别句子正确;





