
2024-04-14·33页·729.4 K






1. 答题前,考生务必先将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。如需改动,


卷上无效。使用 0.5 毫米的黑色中性(签字)笔或碳素笔书写,字体工整、笔迹清楚。


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)



第一节(共5小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What food will the woman’s daughter avoid?

A. Steaks. B. Onions. C. Ice cream.

2. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Salesperson and customer.

B. Co-workers.

C. A couple.

3. What flight will the speakers be on?

A. CJ 875. B. CJ 865. C. CJ 930.

4. Why is the man worried about his brother?

A. His brother is too confident.

B. His brother struggles to make friends.

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C. His brother’s friends will be a bad influence on him.

5. What is the main topic of the conversation?

A. Online classes. B. Places to sleep. C. Types of schools.

第二节(共 15小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中


小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。

6. How can the woman be described?

A. Helpful. B. Rude. C. Dishonest.

7. What is the man likely canceling?

A. A hospital booking. B. A flight. C. A hotel room.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10题。

8. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a caf. B. In an office. C. On a soccer field.

9. Who is the best goalscorer in the team?

A. Natalie. B. Laura. C. Dave.

10. What position will Bill probably play?

A. The goalkeeper. B. The striker. C. The midfielder.

听第8 段材料 ,回答第 11至 13题。

11. What does the woman like best about the stamps she collects?

A. Their beauty. B. Their price. C. Their cultural value.

12. Which stamp does the man like most?

A. The one from Ethiopia. B. The one from Norway. C. The one from Fiji.

13. How much does the set of stamps about Mei Lanfang probably cost?

A. 13,000 yuan. B. 40,000 yuan. C. 85,000 yuan.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17题。

14. What event are the speakers cleaning for?

A. The Easter party. B. The woman’s birthday. C. The Spring Festival gathering.

15. How does the woman feel about hosting the event?

A. Particular. B. Excited. C. Nervous.

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16. Why does the man do the cleaning before Spring Festival?

A. To make his mother happy.

B. To treat his relatives.

C. To get rid of bad luck.

17. What can the man probably do on the first day of the New Year?

A. Wash clothes. B. Cook. C. Do the dishes.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20题。

18. What is the name of the speaker’s first play?

A. Bird on the Wing. B. Iris Falls. C. Clara’s Girl.

19. Why did the speaker act the lead character in her first play?

A. She was a talented actress.

B. She didn’t trust another actress.

C. She couldn’t afford to pay proper actors.

20. Who plays the main character in Clara’s Girl?

A. Yvette Rogers. B. Dame Vera Parker. C. Shing Wu.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15小题;每小题2 分,满分 30分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该



There are many podcasts (播客) that teach English and you can listen to them anytime. Here is a list of some of

the best podcasts that you must see.

Learn English Podcast

This podcast has three levels.The first is for beginners, the second is for intermediates (中级学生) and the third

is for upper intermediates. If a person wants to learn Business English,then episodes are also made for him.Every

podcast is short but very informative. Worksheets and vocabulary tasks are also included.

Speaking Broadly

This podcast is made for advanced learners. Explained through discussion and interviews, each episode has non-

native English speakers and every recording also has expert feedback. You will see some common mistakes made by

English learners and you can improve your English by learning from those mistakes.

The English We Speak

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This podcast airs one episode daily and every episode is only three to four minutes, which talks about phrases

and idioms.There are two people in each episode who communicate with each other. Whatever level you are,you will

find it rewarding

Elementary Podcast

This podcast is mainly for beginners and intermediate level learners. The length of a podcast is around 25

minutes but you can pause it anytime and continue whenever you want. The hosts of each episode are different.

1. Which podcast provides exercises going with it?

A. Learn English Podcast. B. Speaking Broadly.

C. The English We Speak D. Elementary Podcast.

2. What do we know about Speaking Broadly?

A. It records just expert speakers. B. It aims at beginners.

C. It presents some typical mistakes. D. It provides feedback from listeners.

3. What do The English We Speak and Elementary Podcast have in common?

A. They have the same length. B. They are both interactive.

C. They share the same contents. D. They are suitable for beginners.


Turning soil, pulling weeds, and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids.

And at first it is, says Abby Jaramillo, who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts, a school garden program at

four low-income schools. The program aims to help students develop science skills, environmental awareness, and

healthy lifestyles.

Jaramillo’s students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find and fast food

restaurants outnumber grocery stores. “The kids literally come to school with bags of snacks and large bottles of

soft drinks,” she says. “They come to us thinking vegetables are awful, dirt is awful, insects are awful.” Though

some are initially scared of the insects and turned off by the dirt, most are eager to try something new.

Urban Sprouts’ classes, at two middle schools and two high schools, include hands-on experiments such as

soil testing, flower-and-seed dissection, tastings of fresh or dried produce, and work in the garden. Several times a

year, students cook the vegetables they grow, and they occasionally make salads for their entire schools.

Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a result of the classes. “We have students who say

they went home and talked to their parents and now they’re eating differently,” Jaramillo says.

She adds that the program’s benefits go beyond nutrition. Some students get so interested in gardening that

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they bring home seeds to start their own vegetable gardens. Besides, working in the garden seems to have a calming

effect on Jaramillo’s special education students, many of whom have emotional control issues. “They get outside,”

she says, “and they feel successful.”

4. What do we know about Abby Jaramillo?

A. She used to be a health worker. B. She grew up in a low-income family.

C. She owns a fast food restaurant. D. She is an initiator of Urban Sprouts.

5. What was a problem facing Jaramillo at the start of the program?

A. The kids’ parents distrusted her. B. Students had little time for her classes.

C. Some kids disliked garden work. D. There was no space for school gardens.

6. Which of the following best describes the impact of the program?

A. Far-reaching. B. Predictable.

C. Short-lived. D. Unidentifiable.

7. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Rescuing School Gardens B. Experiencing Country Life

C. Growing Vegetable Lovers D. Changing Local Landscape


According to the Solar Energy Industry Association, the number of solar panels installed( 安 装 )has grown

rapidly in the past decade, and it has to grow even faster to meet climate goals. But all of that growth will take up a

lot of space, and though more and more people accept the concept of solar energy, few like large solar panels to be

installed near them.

Solar developers want to put up panels as quickly and cheaply as possible, so they haven’t given much thought

to what they put under them. Often, they’ll end up filling the area with small stones and using chemicals to control

weeds. The result is that many communities, especially in farming regions, see solar farms as destroyers of the soil.

“Solar projects need to be good neighbors,” says Jordan Macknick, the head of the Innovative Site Preparation

and Impact Reductions on the Environment(InSPIRE)project. “They need to be protectors of the land and contribute

to the agricultural economy.” InSPIRE is investigating practical approaches to “low-impact” solar development,

which focuses on establishing and operating solar farms in a way that is kinder to the land. One of the easiest low-

impact solar strategies is providing habitat for pollinators(传粉昆虫).

Habitat loss, pesticide use, and climate change have caused dramatic declines in pollinator populations over the

past couple of decades, which has damaged the U.S. agricultural economy. Over 28 states have passed laws related

to pollinator habitat protection and pesticide use. Conservation organizations put out pollinator-friendliness

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guidelines for home gardens, businesses, schools, cities—and now there are guidelines for solar farms.

Over the past few years, many solar farm developers have transformed the space under their solar panels into a

shelter for various kinds of pollinators, resulting in soil improvement and carbon reduction. “These pollinator-friendly

solar farms can have a valuable impact on everything that’s going on in the landscape,” says Macknick.

8. What do solar developers often ignore?

A. The decline in the demand for solar energy.

B. The negative impact of installing solar panels.

C. The rising labor cost of building solar farms.

D. The most recent advances in solar technology.

9. What does InSPIRE aim to do?

A. Improve the productivity of local farms.

B. Invent new methods for controlling weeds.

C. Make solar projects environmentally friendly.

D. Promote the use of solar energy in rural areas.

10. What is the purpose of the laws mentioned in paragraph 4?

A. To conserve pollinators. B. To restrict solar development.

C. To diversify the economy. D. To ensure the supply of energy.

11. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. Pollinators: To Leave or to Stay B. Solar Energy: Hope for the Future

C. InSPIRE: A Leader in Agriculture D. Solar Farms: A New Development


3M and Discovery Education announced Sean Jiang from Gilman School as one of the top ten finalists from

across the nation for the 2023 3M Young Scientist Challenge. It’s a competition that encourages students to

identify an everyday problem and submit a video showing the science behind the solution he or she came up with.

14-year-old Jiang decided to help those who can’t see. Blind people had a hard time navigating (导航) objects

that are medium to far range. So Jiang wanted to design something to give them a heads-up on obstacles (障碍) that

may be incoming.

Jiang’s inspiration came from the powers of the hearing system. “I learned in school that bats and whales are

able to use echolocation (回声定位) to help them navigate and just use their sense of hearing and I also saw on

YouTube some very skilled blind people that use echolocation to help them walk,” said Jiang.

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Jiang started with a virtual reality setting and then made it a reality. His creation uses a depth camera that can

detect how close objects are, thus giving enough time to dodge the obstacles. When a blind is walking with the

device, the sensor of the depth camera gathers the information regarding the obstacles’ position and distance. Then

the AI system in it will turn the distance data into musical sound guidance. This could significantly increase the

walking speed of a blind person as well as decrease the number of obstacles they hit.

Some other similar programs were alright at finding objects that were in close range, but Jiang still wanted the

blind to experience the world even fuller so they were able to see stuff that was much further away than their circle

of reach.

In October the top ten finalists will compete in person in Minneapolis for the title of “America’s Top Young


Scientist” and a $25, 000 prize.

12. What can we learn about Jiang from the first two paragraphs?

A. He was the champion of the 2023 3M event.

B. He invented technology to remove road obstacles.

C. He sought to assist the blind in walking smoothly.

D. He developed a new navigation app for his school.

13. Why did Jiang mention “echolocation”?

A. To show the development of technology.

B. To present the difficulties the blind face.

C. To stress the significance of hearing.

D. To explain the inspiration of his invention.

14. What does the underlined word “dodge” mean in paragraph 4?

A. Avoid.

B. Encounter.

C. Challenge.

D. Remove.

15. What is the text mainly about?

A. 3M facilities intended for the blind.

B. A teen using sound to help the blind.

C. An invention to cure vision problems.

D. A competition to improve the blind’s life.

第7页/共 11页

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2 分,满分 10 分)


One of the cores of emotional intelligence is self-regulation, an important skill in the workplace. Like any skill,

mastery of emotional self-control requires intentionality and practice. ___16___.

Pause to Mentally Distance

When you notice your typical physiological experiences associated with strong negative emotion, what should

you do? Mentally step out of your immediate experience. Asking yourself any question, or imagining what you might

look like to others right now, will do the trick. At that point, although still physiologically keyed up, you will be able

to ask yourself, “What is the best course of action right now?” or “What advice would I give someone else who is in

my shoes?” ___17___.

Take Control of Your Self-Talk

We’re frequently unaware of how much self-chatter is going on in the background of our minds. Such self-talk

might not be in fully articulated (铰接式的) words or phrases, but instead little flashes of thought. Becoming aware

of your self-talk can be difficult. Why is this an important skill to develop? ___18___. To genuinely ease a strong

negative emotion requires tackling the source by examining the underlying belief and how accurate, reasonable, or

useful it is.

Seek Support from Partners

Ask others you trust to help you recognize when your emotions seem to be getting the best of you. ___19___.

Agree on a gesture or word that might serve as a signal that your trusted individual wonders whether you’re riding

the led-by-your-limbic-system train. Of course, there will be times they’re wrong. So, it’s important not to respond

defensively when you get that signal. Reacting with anything other than gratitude ensures that your partner won’t

take that risk again.

Cultivate (培养) Curiosity

Our brains are wired to draw conclusions and form judgments at lightning speed, and those are frequently the

cause of our negative emotions. ___20___, but we tend to run with them, sparking the self-talk that follows. Generally

working to be more curious about other people’s experiences, including their self-identified motives for their behavior,

helps avoid making hasty judgments.

A. They are comfortable with all emotions

B. Those judgments are not necessarily accurate

C. Doing so provides you with choices as to how to act

D. Explain your developmental goals and sincerely ask for help

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E. Stay focused on coming up with an answer and following through on it

F. Because it is those background beliefs that fuel our emotional responses

G. Here are four ways you can develop greater emotional self-management

第三部分语言知识运用(共两节,满分 45 分)

第一节(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳


In the late afternoon, Brandon finished his farm work and went home. As they often did, his two sons, Louie, 6,

and Everett, 3, ____21____ him.

As they headed for the house, the two boys ran ahead of him, who stopped to close the gate. Louie ____22____

at an old well. The ____23____ covering the well was brittle (脆弱的) over time. When Louie stepped on it, it was

____24____ and the boy fell in the well. Brandon quickly ____25____ what had happened.

He ran to the well and heard Louie ____26____ the water and screaming. Without ____27____ , he jumped in.

As he ____28____ the well, he grabbed a thin pipe, which slowed his ____29____ and kept him from hurting his


Brandon hit the _____30_____ water at the bottom of the well. He grabbed Louie, who was _____31_____.

Knowing they could not _____32_____ in the freezing water too long, Brandon carried his son onto his chest as he

_____33_____ his own legs and back against the narrow walls for _____34_____. Then he asked Everett to go back

out to the road and get help.

About 15 minutes later, Christi and Mark, nearby farmer, noticed Everett stood _____35_____ by the side of

the road, waving. They asked if he was OK. He told them the _____36_____ accident. The couple put Everett into

their car and drove onto the farm, and the boy _____37_____ to the well. Mark called the police while Christi called

another _____38_____, Dan, who sped to Brandon’s farm with his son and a _____39_____ rope.

With the neighbors’ help, Brandon and Louie were rescued _____40_____ at last.

21. A. followed B. remembered C. copied D. left

22. A. pretended B. danced C. stopped D. spoke

23. A. brick B. board C. pipe D. sign

24. A. accurate B. sensitive C. unnecessary D. broken

25. A. heard B. realized C. imagined D. dreamed

26. A. drinking B. adding C. beating D. exploring

27. A. hesitation B. money C. time D. supply

第9页/共 11页

28. A. gave up B. turned to C. met with D. fell down

29. A. speech B. sight C. progress D. speed

30. A. dirty B. cold C. deep D. poisonous

31. A. panic B. excited C. embarrassed D. proud

32. A. live B. move C. stay D. believe

33. A. cleaned B. fixed C. found D. treated

34. A. help B. power C. appreciation D. support

35. A. alone B. happily C. free D. casually

36. A. important B. terrible C. apparent D. common

37. A. warned B. brought C. cheated D. pointed

38. A. neighbor B. victim C. policeman D. farmer

39. A. short B. colorful C. thick D. new

40. A. temporarily B. gradually C. successfully D. similarly

第二节(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Are you familiar with pop star Jay Chou’s Blue &White Porcelain? Its original lines, just as the composer Fang

Wenshan described, ____41____ (inspire) by Ru porcelain (汝瓷).

Ru porcelain, ____42____ (rank) best among famous kinds during the Song Dynasty(960-1279), is known for

____43____ (it) unique pale blue glaze (釉). Oceans of Ru porcelain flooded onto the market around the year of

1100, but the ____44____ (exist) of Ru ware now is actually rare. Thanks to the efforts of Ru porcelain inheritors

(传承人), people can now appreciate it closer at hand than before.

Born in Ruzhou, Henan province, Li Chao has spent a decade ____45____ (better) crafting skills. Ru porcelain

goes through 72 steps, the first of ____46____ is knead (揉) mud. Any small errors could lead ____47____ disaster,

said the 41-year-old inheritor. He then stressed that a Ru porcelain inheritor must be patient enough. Every item of

artwork ____48____ (full) deserves our admiration.

Techniques of making Ru porcelain will be lost with senior inheritors gradually passing away, ____49____ what

Li spares no effort in doing is introducing it to wider masses. _____50_____ (achieve) this goal, he creatively uses

Ru porcelain in making daily ware popular among young people. Now he’s aiming to expand the market by

introducing it to the whole world.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35 分)

第 10页/共 11页





