
2024-04-10·14页·5.5 M


英 语







第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


If you are parents, we'd like to tell you that when you trust kids, they learn to trust themselves. So since

1989, we've offered summer day camps where kids choose their own adventures through a range of activities. It

offers a safe, judgment-free environment for kids to have fun. They can be themselves, explore their passions,

and find a sense of meaning in their activities, which is hard to find elsewhere.


We offer a uniquely flexible camp model that parents love. You can purchase as many Day Passes as you'd like,

or get a Summer Pass, which is good for the entire season. No weekly reservations are required. Just show up and

we'll be ready for you! And because we know you're busy and that your schedules may change, we'll automatically

refund all unused Day Passes and underused Summer Passes by mid-September.


We can't pretend to know what your schedule looks like, so we offer industry-leading opening hours with no

extra charge. Every single one of our camps is open from 8 am until 6pm, and you can drop off or pick up at any

time in the window. And get ready for a summer without packing lunches! Lunches and snacks are included daily.


We have over 40 locations across the US, with camp locations in San Francisco, LosAngeles, Irvine,

Seattle, Portland, Denver, Chicago, New York, New Jersey, Boston,Washington DC, Virginia,

Austin, Minneapolis and Atlanta. And your camp passes are good at every single location.

Dates & Prices

Our dates range from the early June to the late August, depending on your camp location. Please see our web

【高三英语 第1页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

page for your local dates & prices.

1. What is the purpose of the camps?

A. To help kids enjoy themselves.

B. To teach kids to organize activities.

C. To teach kids to trust their parents.

D. To help kids know their parents' passions.

2. What do we know about the tickets of the camps?

A. They are for use in September.

B. They are available in two types.

C. The adult ones need to be reserved weekly.

D. The unused ones can be refunded at any time.

3. Which of the following do the camps offer?

A. Omine price enquiry. B. Three free meals per day.

C. Tours to 40 cities in the US. D. A 24-hour transportation service.


What will you do when you feel like a failure? Feeling like a failure is part of the human experiences. Treat

yourself with kindness and understand that failure does not define you, but it is a stepping stone on your journey.

When you're ready, take action and challenge yourself.

As some friends were deeply lost in the world of yoga and mindfulness, I've personally struggled with the

feeling of failure, not on the yoga mat, but on the road to my entrepreneurship(创业). It all began several years

ago when I threw myself into the business, driven by my passion and a dream.

In the early days, optimism flowed freely, but financial struggles and sleepless nights soon followed. I

questioned my decision and felt like the biggest failure. However, every difficulty became a stepping stone towards

growth. I learned more from my failures than from my successes, adapting and growing stronger with each obstacle.

I reached out to instructors,friends and family, sought advice and slowly saw a ray of hope. One defining moment

came when I gained my first long-term coaching partnership. It was a breakthrough, and my hard work paid off.

Over the years, I faced many more failures, but I refused to let them define me.

Today, looking back at my journey, I realize that moments of feeling like a failure were essential to my

success. They taught me humility, perseverance and the value of hard work.They shaped me into a successful

entrepreneur I am today—someone who doesn't fear failure but embraces it as a necessary part of the path to success.

As we approach the end of the year of graduation, remember that success is not about avoiding failure, but about

how we rise after we fall. Let's support each other on this journey called life. Stay positive, stay inspired and stay

true to ourselves.

4. What is the function of paragraph 1?

A. To give the definition of failure.

B. To list some examples of failure.

C. To introduce the topic of the story.

D. To stress the importance of experience.

【高三英语 第2页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

5. What made the author start a business?

A. Advice from a coach. B. Internal motivation.

C. Family financial crisis. D. Encouragement from friends.

6. What can be concluded from the author's entrepreneurial experience?

A. To teach is to learn.

B. A word spoken is past recalling.

C. Constant dropping wears away a stone.

D. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched.

7. What does the author want to do in the last paragraph?

A. Inspire us with his lessons.

B. Persuade us to major in business.

C. Recall there key moments of his entrepreneurship.

D. Advocate. avoiding obstacles an the way to success.


Historical accounts often described the now-extinct California grizzly bears as huge beasts ready to attack

humans and livestock at any time. But according to a new paper, scientists say the truth might have been less

dramatic: The bears ate a mostly vegetarian diet and were smaller than previously described. California grizzly bears

once roamed in the Golden State.But European settlers often hunted, poisoned and trapped the creatures. Over

time, because of these human activities, the California grizzly population declined. The last reliable sighting of

a California grizzly bear occurred 100 years ago in 1924, and the animals disappeared completely sometime after


Researchers wanted to get a better understanding of the factors that accelerated the bears'extinction. They also

hoped to gain more insight into the creatures' behavior, size and diet.To do so, they turned to documents and

California grizzly specimens in natural history collections. They measured the animals' skulls and teeth and analyzed

their bones and pelts.The researchers found that California grizzly bears were much smaller than the 2,000 pounds

often reported at the time. Historical accounts might not necessarily have been wrong, but they might have only

included the largest bears. In addition, analyses of the animals' bones and skins suggest the bears were primarily

eating plants, which stands in contrast to their fearsome hypercarnivorous (超级食肉的) reputation. “The bears

likely increased meat consumption due to landscape changes coupled with the arrival of livestock,”says study co-

author Alexis Mychajliw. However, researchers found the animals still ate a majority vegetarian diet and killed far

less livestock than historical accounts suggested.

By digging beyond the bears' reputation, the researchers gained a more accurate understanding of the

California grizzly's biology and natural history. And since scientists and land managers often rely on historical

accounts when reintroducing animals to their former habitats, the study serves as a reminder that those old

newspapers and journals do not tell the whole story.

8. What does the underlined word“roamed”in paragraph 1 mean?

A. Disappeared. B. Wandered. C. Declined. D. Fought.

9. What did the researchers discover about California grizzly bears?

【高三英语 第3页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

A. They mainly fed on livestock.

B. Their diet consisted mostly of plants.

C. They ate a balanced diet of plants and meat.

D. The absence of livestock changed their dietary habit.

10. What can we learn about historical accounts of animals from the last paragraph?

A. They are unique. B. They are accurate.

C. They are comprehensive. D. They are one-sided.

11. What is the text mainly about?

A. The natural habitats of California grizzly bears.

B. The extinction process of California grizzly bears.

C. The level of the truth of California grizzly bears.

D. The significance of the arrival of California grizzly bears.


Until recently, gravitational waves could have been the stuff of Einstein's imagination.Before they were

detected, these waves in space time existed only in the physicist's general theory of relativity, as far as scientists

knew. Now, researchers are on the hunt for more ways to detect the waves.“The study of gravitational waves is

booming,”says astrophysicistKaran Jani of Vanderbilt University in Nashville. “This is just remarkable. No field I

can think of in fundamental physics has seen progress this fast.”

Just as light comes in a variety of wavelengths, so do gravitational waves. Different wavelengths point to

different types of origins of the universe and require different kinds of detectors. Gravitational waves with

wavelengths of a few thousand kilometers—like those detected by the United States, Italy and Japan—come mostly

from pairs of black holes 10 or so times the mass of the sun, or from collisions of dense cosmic blocks called

neutron stars(中子星).These detectors could also spot waves from certain types of exploding stars and rapidly

moving neutron stars.

In contrast, huge waves that span light-years are thought to be created by orbiting pairs of bigger black holes

with masses billions of times that of the sun. In June, scientists reported the first strong evidence of these types of

waves by turning the entire galaxy(星系) into a detector, watching how the waves make slight changes to the

timing of regular blinks from neutron stars throughout the Milky Way.

Physicists now hope to dive into a vast, cosmic ocean of gravitational waves of all sorts of sizes. These waves

could reveal new details about the secret lives of exotic objects such as black holes and unknown parts of the universe.

Physicist Jason Hogan of Stanford University thinks there are still a lot of gaps in the coverage of

wavelengths.“But it makes sense to cover all the bases. Who knows what else we may find?” he says. The search for

capturing the full complement of the universe's gravitational waves exactly could take observatories out into the

moon, to the atomic area and elsewhere.

12. What does Karan Jani think of the current study on gravitational waves?

A. It is rapid and pioneering.

B. It is slow but steadily increasing.

C. It is interrupted due to limited detectors.

【高三英语 第4页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

D. It is progressing as fast as any other field.

13. What do the detected gravitational waves mostly indicate?

A. The creation of different kinds of detectors.

B. Collisions of planets outside the solar system.

C. The presence of light in different wavelengths.

D. Activities involving black holes and neutron stars.

14. How did scientists manage to find huge waves' evidence?

A. By andyzing sunlight.

B. By locating the new galaxy.

C. I using the whole galaxy as a tool.

D. By observing the sun's regular movement.

15. What can be inferred about the future study according to the last paragraph?

A. It'll exclude the atomic field.

B. It'll focus exactly on the mapping of the galaxy.

C. It'll require prioritizing certain wavelengths on the moon.

D. It'll explore potential places to detect gravitational waves.

第二节 (共 9 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Shop Sustainably

If you have to name one thing that contributes most to your ecological footprints, you may say the energy you

use at home, or your car's emissions. 16 Knowing this can make your grocery shops more planet-friendly. Here

is what you can do to help shop sustainably.

17 Using those is a great first step. If you get some, do remember to fill them with your purchases. When

you adapt yourself to reusing them, then you'll cut your consumption of single-use plastic bags even further.

Avoid unnecessary packing. Buy loose fruit and vegetables instead of pre-packaged produce, and avoid

products that contain multiple single packages or double packaging, like grain in a box and a bag. Consider

switching from tea bags and coffee pods to tea leaves and ground coffee. 18

Go organic when you can. In addition to the benefit organic farming has to insect biodiversity, it's also

considered more sustainable and better for the environment. 19 Choosing free-range or Marine Stewardship

Council-certified products also encourages environment- and animal-friendly food production.

Buy seasonal and native products. 20 So you can avoid buying goods that have travelled long distances to

reach your plate. As well as opting for local goods, depending on where you live, in the supermarket, you can

also buy directly from the source at farmers'markets.

【高三英语 第5页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

A. Take reusable grocery bags.

B. Select single-use plastic bags.

C. It supports local farmers and food producers.

D. You can also refill your own containers with loose-packed food.

E. When buying organic products, look for those officially certified.

F. But it's what we eat that accounts for up to 60% of our personal demand.

G. You'll find it convenient whenever you buy tea or coffee in the supermarket.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 19 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 10 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I was chatting with Henry, a colleague of mine, about how I was struggling with my shrinking social circle.

At that moment, I realized just how lonely and 21 I had started to feel. He 22 something unexpected. He had

joined a social rugby club, and 23 that it was just what I needed. Seeing his determined look, on second thought,

I 24 to go along for a training sometime.

When I finally got to my first training session, it was overwhelming. I was miles outside my 25 zone,

with 100-meter dashes and passing drills. I felt so worn out that I was afraidI couldn't go on. The team and coaches

were 26 , though.

Bit by bit, I found it easier to 27 my anxiety and turn up to training. There was something 28 about being

around a bunch of people. Even when exercising in the rain, we all still managed to win and have fun. We faced

tough losses and 29 hard-fought victories together.

I currently have a network of 30 I can call on when I move house. Packing up and finding a new place used

to put me in a vortex(旋涡) of 31 . However, I have 15teammates happy to help me now. They don't expect

anything in return, and are there 32 to be supportive. I know I can always 33 on them for anything.

Through the club, I've fitted into a crew of people who support me, on and off the 34 . If you're in the same

situation like me, give it a shot to join a club, which will help you face the 35 in a healthy way.

21. A. anxious B. innocent C. forgetful D. dangerous

22. A. stopped B. recommended C. allowed D. admitted

23. A. suspected B. regretted C. confirmed D. joked

24. A. revealed B. rejected C. remembered D. resolved

25. A. time B. trade C. comfort D. security

26. A. popular B. patient C. disappointed D. disciplined

27. A. put aside B. refer to C. miss out D. pick up

28. A. awesome B. awkward C. unfortunate D. unwelcome

【高三英语 第6页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

29. A. assessed B. overlooked C. selected D. claimed

30. A. volunteers B. friends C. stations D. branches

31. A. joy B. excitement C. worry D. abuse

32. A. temporarily B. purely C. unwillingly D. scarcely

33. A. count B. cheat C. feed D. pass

34. A. subject B. island C. court D. board

35. A. unemployment B. opponent C. punishment D. trouble

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

As Chinese traditions go, few things are 36 (good) than sitting around a steaming hotpot in winter of

northern China. Archaeological studies support the claim that Kublai Khan, the 37 (found) of the Yuan

Dynasty, invented mutton hotpot. For a long time,only the upper classes could get their hands on mutton hotpot.

It was also 38 (extraordinary) popular among many royal families of the Qing Dynasty. And according to the

record, Emperor Qianlong was a true hotpot lover.

Among vegetables and meat spread out on the dinner table, mutton has been placed in the center. Many diners

believe mutton has the medical effect of warming the body, 39 (make) it an ideal food for the colder months.

Many folk customs favor mutton over beef in part because in the past, cattle 40 (consider) much more

important as a means 41 production.

Traditional Beijing instant boiled mutton, 42 many southerners think tasteless, is known for its simplicity.

It has no mouthwatering hotpot soup base, just plain water with some scallion and ginger(葱和姜) slices 43

(add). Thus, the quality of the mutton plays a major role in the hotpot experience.

Nowadays, mutton hotpot has become one of 44 favorite cuisines of the Chinese,with 45 (technology)

development in mutton production allowing for year-round supplies of fresh meat across the country.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)






1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Protecting Rare Animals

【高三英语 第7页(共 8 页)】 24-411C

第二节 (满分 25 分)


Bobby, my brother, and I would spend our usual Saturday with Grandpa, cleaning his house. Mom would

take us to his home in the early morning. Since childhood, Bobby and Ihad been spending the day dusting,

mopping and changing the sheets on his bed.

Grandpa grew up in a poor family. His dad died when he was a teenager. Then he had to leave school, run the

family farm and raise his brother and sister. He worked as a night doorkeeper for a company within walking distance

of his home, and the highlight of his week was the reward that he gave my brother and me for cleaning. And it

was the moment when we felt the happiest.

This Satur aft er Bobby and I finished cleaning, Grandpa decided to invite us to dinner. When we finally

arrived at his favorite restaurant, the waitresses greeted him as a long-last older. Their smiles and waves followed

us to our favorite table as we placed our orders. And then we laughed and ate. Grandpa praised how well we had

cleaned his place,telling anyone who would like to listen about every task we had accomplished.

Regardless of who was serving us at the time, each of the other waitresses would come up to say“hi”to handpa

and congratulate his grandkids on their work. It was a restaurant, but it was like our home. When dinner was over,

the waitress would bring the check and hand it to Grandpa. This time, it was Gloria that bent close to him, and

told him the amount of the check.

Grandpa carefully dug into the pocket of his trousers and brought out a worn coin purse.He carefully laid out

the coins and paid the bill. Then he gave Gloria a tip, but it wasn't enough. I was ashamee that he got the amount

of the tip wrong, and we were embarrassed. Iwas about to say something when Gloria grabbed my hands. “Come

and get some flowers,today's gifts, Susie,”she said as she led me toward the counter.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


“I want you to listen carefully,Susie,”Gloria said to me seriously.

I listened to Gloria and stared at those flowers,deep in thought.

【高三英语 第8页(共 8 页)】 24-411C






