
2024-04-03·11页·7.3 M











第一部分 听力理解

1-5 BABCB 6-10 BAACB 11-15 ABCCB 16-20 CABCC

第二部分 阅读理解

21-25 ABDDA 26-30 ABCCA 31-35 BDCCD 36-40 FBGDE



41-45 BCBAD 46-50 BACCD 51-55 DABCA


56. has fascinated 57. where 58. the 59. sincerely 60. to

61. to pursue 62. proof 63. expressing 64. its 65.influential

第四部分 写作


One possible version:

Dear Jessica,

How are you? I wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations on winning the first prize in the Chinese

Singing Competition at your school! What an incredible achievement! Your dedication and talent shine


I'm also writing to share my excitement about an upcoming English singing competition at our school.

As someone with experience in competitions, I would greatly appreciate any advice or tips you could offer to

help me prepare.

Thank you in advance for your guidance, and once again, congratulations on your well-deserved success!

Looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours truly,

Li Hua


One possible version:

Once he was underwater, he began to struggle and fight. Each attempt to breathe drew in water, dragging

him deeper into the lake's depths. As he became on the edge of consciousness, his father's firm hand seized him,

pulling him back to the surface. With his father's assistance, he threw himself back into the safety of the boat. Safe

once more, they resumed rowing, the brush with danger marked in their minds.

When they finally got their boat to the shore, father and son lay on the shore looking at the sky. The son,

humbled by the incident, turned to his father and spoke softly, dad, I realize now how wrong I've been with my

complaints. I’m starting to feel the essence of life again. It was in that breath of air you gave me when you pulled

me up. The father's eyes twinkled with understanding and pride as he reminded his son of the lesson learned

that day. He explained that life's essence was revealed to him when he was pulled up, as nature showed him

the taste of life by putting his life in danger. The young man nodded, feeling a deep gratitude for life.


Text 1

M: What was it like working with those young stars?

W: Great!We filmed together and we had a great time.

Text 2

W: Tony was awarded a medal for rescuing several families from the forest fire.

M: I really admire his courage. If it were me, I would run as fast as I could.

Text 3

W: It was so violent that I had to close my eyes on several occasions. I just couldn’t watch what was happening on

the screen.

M: But that’s why the movie’s excellent.

W: Well, if you call that excellent.

Text 4

M: Well, I think while he talked, he was confident and showed an understanding of the requirements our company

has here.

W: I agree. He is the most impressive so far; after all he just graduated from California University.

M: Shall we get the next one in?

Text 5

W: Excuse me, can you help me? What exactly is coq au vin?

M: It’s chicken cooked in wine, madam.

W: I see. How is it cooked?

M: It’s done in the oven with red wine, onions, bacon, mushrooms and garlic. It’s one of the chef’s specialties.

Text 6

M: Mary, in your opinion, what’s the biggest social problem in Britain today?

W: Personal safety definitely. It’s definitely not safe on the streets at night, especially at weekends. There’s too

much violence, so much aggression sometimes. Every day you read about something in the papers, someone

got attacked, and there are more knives and guns.

M: And what’s the answer to the problem?

W: I know a lot of people who say the police are the problem but for me, the answer is more police, definitely.

Text 7

M: Hello.I’ve just missed my connection to London. I was booked on the 9:30. I just want to check if my ticket’s

valid for the next train at 10:30.

W: Um, yes, you’re OK. Obviously, you won’t have a seat reservation. You’ll probably get a seat in first class, if

you want to change your ticket. You can just upgrade it. I can check how much it would cost.

M: Um...oh, no, it’s OK. I don’t think my company would pay my expenses in first class! Is the 10:30 on time, by

the way?

W: Um... It’s running 10 minutes late.

M: OK, thanks. I’ll call the company now. Thank you. I’ll come back later.

Text 8

M: OK, we are going to talk about your family. How many people are there in your family?

W: In my immediate family, there are four of us: my mother, father and my younger sister and .

M: OK, and now do you see each other a lot?

W: I see them actually fairly frequently considering we all live very far away from each other.

M: Oh, yeah. Where does everyone live?

W: Well, I live in Tokyo and my mother is living now in Hong Kong and my father lives in Minneapolis and my

sister lives in Milwaukee.

M: Wow. That's pretty cool. You've got this family like everywhere.

W: It is. It’s very funny. We often go online to chat with each other.

M: So, do you actually go and see your mother in Hong Kong?

W: Really, I've been there several times.

Text 9

W: Dick, what's the date today?

M: Today's the 18th. What's up?

W: It'll soon be the Dragon Boat Festival. No wonder the weather is getting hotter and hotter.





