
2024-03-30·12页·232.2 K



(考试时间:下午 3:00-5:00)

本试卷采用闭卷、笔试形式。试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最

佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对


例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15.

-B. 9.18.



1. Who is the man most probably speaking to?

A. A postal clerk.

B. A bus conductor.

C. A shop assistant.

2. How do the speakers find the movie?

A. Unforgettable.

B. Complicated.

C. Appealing.

3. What will the man probably do next?

A. Go to sleep.

B. Drink some coffee.

C. Prepare for his presentation.

4. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

C. In a booking office.

A. At a hotel.

B. At the airport.

5. What is Sally like now?

C. She is in poor health.

A. She is overweight.

B. She is in good shape.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个

选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听

完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. Why does the woman refuse to go out with the man tonight?

A. She can't understand Spanish.

B. She doesn't really like dancing.

C. She worries about being late for the festival.

7. Where will the speakers go tomorrow?

C. To the downtown center.

B. To the City Theatre.

A. To the man's home.

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8. Why did Bob make the call?

A. To ask for leave.

B. To extend an apology.

C. To make an appointment.

9. What is the reason for Bob not contacting Penny?

A. He forgot to call Penny.

B. He failed to get through.

C. He was busy with extra work.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10. Why will sandwiches and snacks be served?

A. The guests can have more choices.

B. They are typical food for the occasion.

C. They give guests chances to communicate freely.

11. What does the woman say about the new supermarket?

A. It offers big discounts.

B. It sells all kinds of drinks.

C. It is quite close to her house.

12. What will Paul do for the party?

A. Make a call.

B. Bring his speakers.

C. Send out invitations.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. Why does the man choose to take an evening course?

A. It lasts much longer.

B. He prefers smaller classes.

C. He has to work during the day.

14. What is the schedule of the evening course?

A. It will end at 10 pm.

B. It will last for a week.

C. It will end after Christmas.

15. What does the man have to do before taking the course?

A. Learn a new language.

B. Learn data processing.

C. Buy some computer software.

16. What information does the man get at the end of the conversation?

A. How much to pay.

B. Where to register.

C. What to bring.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What business does Milton take up in America?

A. Financing.

B. Housekeeping.

C. Cooking.

18. Why did he advertise his business on the radio?

A. It was cheaper.

B. It had a greater influence.

C. It attracted more customers.

19. What contributes to the success of Mr. Angelino's business?

A. The good location.

B. The competitive price.

C. The pleasant atmosphere.

20. What is the purpose of this speech?

A. To give advice.

B. To advertise a restaurant.

C. To complain about the hard life.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 60 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题3 分,满分 45 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Concerned about outdoor play in crowded cities? Start a play street- a community event

where neighbors close their road to traffic, creating a safe space for children to play. This

initiative allows kids and adults to explore, create and socialize, which, undoubtedly, will bring

the bonds between neighbors to a new height.

Compared to structured plays' with strict rules and fixed procedures, a play street allows

children to lead, establish rules and get involved in an open-ended activity without specific

instructions, methods or goals.

Getting Started:

1. Host a meeting to discuss benefits and encourage involvement. Choose an event date and

assign tasks to the neighbors.

2. Reach out to city councils for necessary permits to close the road. Ignoring this will lead

to the cancellation of the whole plan.

3. Use posters, flyers, and social media to spread the word. Use these promotion means to

inform residents of the date, time and activities planned for the play street.

4. Set up barriers for safety, provide equipment and encourage neighbor’s; participation.

What to Expect:

. Game Areas: A variety of play equipment tailored for kids, such as jump ropes, balls, chalk

for drawing, hula hoops and other outdoor games.

. Swapping Corner: A place where moms can bring unwanted items such as

kitchenware,gardening tools or other household goods to exchange with each other.

Arts and Crafts Seating: Arts and crafts seating with materials like paper, markers,

crayons,paints and brushes. Children are encouraged to get creative and express themselves

through art.. Snack and Refreshment Station: Light refreshments like water, juice, fruit and

healthy snacks to keep mixed-age participants energized. A potluck to share homemade treats

and recipes.

21. What is the purpose of a play street?

A. To prevent traffic jams.

B.To strengthen community bonds.

C. To explore kids' artistic potential.

D. To involve children in structured plays.

22. What is a must to hold the event?

A. Raising funds.

B. Announcing instructions.

C. Posting the safety regulations.

D. Asking for authorities' approval.

23. Which activity is intended for both kids and adults?

B. Arts and Crafts Seating.

A. Game Areas.

D.Snack and Refreshment Station.

C. Swapping Corner.

It was not until photographer Rita Nannini left New York that she grew fascinated by the

city’s;s subways. While living in Manhattan for some 15 years in the 1980s and early 1990s,

Nannini only commuted(通勤)on the one train-given the subway system's bad reputation.But

after relocating to New Jersey for several years where subway is not an option, Nannini found

that absence did make the heart grow fonder- maybe even for pizza rats. During her visit back to

New York, Nannini nodded, noticing improvements in the subway's facilities.

While Nannini was waiting for a train, a bench on the platform opposite caught her

attention due to the ever changing faces and characters. They were people of different accents,

colors and beliefs. They were from all walks of life, a diverse mix of New Yorkers all there for

their own different reasons. Having learned the teenagers’; popular End of the Line

challenge-boarding trains at random and riding them until their final destination, Nannini

decided to visit every first and last stop across the NY subway's lines with her beloved camera.

Nannini's End of the Line experience saw her traveling some 665 miles across 26 routes in

New York city. She took over 8,000 photos of the final stations, as well as the communities they

served. In many cases, she rode the routes two or three times over to ensure she got the shot.

The project really shows me how important the subway is, and how sustainable it makes our

lives, she said.

It’s often said that my photos show the end of the lines-the last stops,she said.But the

end of the line is indeed the start for so many people. That made me think about who the people

and the communities that live at the two ends are and what it is that the subway means to

them.Nannini was proud of her set of images directly challenging the traditions of story telling,

which echoed both the boredom and excitement of travel on tracks.

Nannini enjoyed taking her time, starting her challenge in 2013 and only shooting the final

photos last year. Her first monograph on the terminal stops of the NY subway was released in

April 2023.

When you drive in the suburbs, you don't have those encounters, she continued. People

enter your life on the subway. That's what strikes me most on my journey on tracks.24. How did

Nannini find the New York subway during her revisit?

A. It turned out fine.

B. It was depressing.

C. It still held the same bad reputation.

D. It would be her only commuting option.

25. What is paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. The diversity of New Yorkers' daily life.

B. The inspiration for Nannini's subway shots.

C. The popularity of End of the Line challenge.

D. The challenges of Nannini's job as a photographer.

26. What can we infer from Nannini's End of the Line experience?

A. Her way of telling stories is traditional.

B. She expressed sympathy for the subway riders.

C. Her photography is highly expected by the encounters.

D. She found life on tracks was more interesting than life on wheels.

27. Which of the following is the best title for the text?

A. End of the Line Challenge: A New Trend in NY Subways

B. The Road Home: Rita Nannini's Record of her Subway Ride

C. Last Stop to New Start: A Photographer's Rediscovery of NY Subways

D. New Yorkers' Routine: A Surprising Mixture of Boredom and Excitement

Pick up any packaged processed food, and there's a decent chance that one of its listed

ingredients will be natural flavor. The ingredient sounds good, particularly in contrast

toartificial flavor. But what exactly does natural flavor mean? It refers to extracts(提取物)

got from natural sources like plants, meat or seafood. When consumers see natural flavor on a

label, they are unlikely to assume that someone is squeezing the juice from oranges into their

bottle. They know even though natural flavor must come from natural sources, it needn't all

come from the plant or meat. For example, orange flavor might contain not only orange extract,

but also extracts from bark and grass. Nor is the common belief true that ingredients extracted

from nature are necessarily safer than something artificially made.

So if flavors like orange are needed, why not just use oranges? The answer comes down

toavailability, cost and sustainability, according to flavor chemist Gary Reineccius of the

University of Minnesota. If you're going to use all your grapes on grape soda, Reineccius says,

you don't have any grapes for wine making; the products are going to be exorbitant; besides,

what do you do with the by-products you create after you've squeezed all the juice out of the

grape?Actually, while chemists make natural flavors by extracting chemicals from natural

ingredients, artificial flavors are made by creating the same chemicals artificially. The reason why

companies bother to use natural flavors rather than artificial flavors is simple: marketing. Many

of these products have health titles, says Platkin, professor from Hunter College. Consumers

may be talked to believe products with natural flavors are healthier, though they're nutritionally

no different from those with artificial flavors. Natural flavors may involve more forest

clear-cutting and carbon emissions from transport than flavors created in the lab.

Platkin suggests getting more transparent labeling on packaging that describes exactly what

the natural or artificial flavors are, so consumers are not misled into buying one product over

another because of natural flavors. Reineccius also offers some simple guidance: Don't buy

anything because it says 'natural flavors'. Buy it because you like it.

28. Which is a misunderstanding about the natural flavor juice according to paragraph 1?

A. It comes from 100% original fruit.

B. It is nothing but advertising tricks.

C. It certainly contains extracts made in the lab.

D. It is absolutely safer than juice with artificial flavors.

29. What does the underlined word exorbitant in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Popular.

B. Expensive.

C. Durable.

D. Innovative.

30. Why do companies use natural flavors in their products?

A. To cut the costs.

B. To promote the sales.

C. To advocate a healthy diet.

D. To avoid food safety issues.

31. What can we conclude from the text?

A. Gary and Platkin hold opposite perspectives.

B. Natural flavors are more environmentally-friendly.

C. Customers are misled for ignoring labels on packaging.

D. Natural and artificial flavors are more alike than you think.

Influenced by factors like school funding, sports facilities, teacher resources and safety

concerns, traditional physical education was limited to static(静态的) scenes and closed gyms

and playgrounds, which lacked interaction and feedback functions. PE curriculum was also

restricted to basic sports like ball games, track and field and gymnastics. However, the

emergence and application of new technologies like virtual reality (VR), 3D technology, greatly

expand and innovate sports scenes, providing possibilities for the construction of a flexible

on-site, on-campus, online integrated new sports world.

IT can build online virtual learning environments for students, creating teaching scenes hard

to achieve in physical world. Many schools have already partnered with technology companies to

create different teaching scenes using digital sports products. The University of South Florida has

cooperated with the VR sports training company Sense Arena, allowing students to practice

tennis on its globally pioneering VR tennis training platform. Students use the Meta Quest 2

headset and VR touching racket(球拍) which imitates the weight and feel of a real tennis

racket. The platform features 35 training modes imitating various scenes in real-life tennis

matches, including crowd noise, dazzling sunlight, shadows and wind. Athletes can engage in

various forms of training, such as skill practice, technical analysis and match imitation. Such

virtual sports teaching space further enhances the experience of PE learning.

Technology-based physical education not only serves ordinary students' physical health but

also addresses the needs of special groups in sports, especially students who cannot participate

in regular PE classes due to physical, psychological or social adaptation issues. Many schools

offer specialized sports programs to disabled students, like the Pathways to Inclusion program

launched by the University of Queensland, which tailors various sports activities to different

disabilities,such as blind football and wheelchair hockey. This is made possible with the support

of sports technology, as different symptoms require the use of different sports equipment.

Through scientific, healthy and joyful educational concepts, technology-empowered PE

classes convey the values of creating and enjoying a personalized experience, developing a sports

education where everyone participates and benefits.

32. How do new technologies change traditional PE class according to paragraph 1?

A. By investing more in basic sports.

B. By combining it with academic study.

C. By making dynamic PE class possible.

D. By replacing PE teachers with AI teachers.

33. Which of the following services can Sense Arena provide?

A. Real-life tennis matches.

B.Virtual headsets and rackets.

C. Imitative distracting conditions.

D. Sufficient sports space on campus.

34. What does Pathways to Inclusion program feature?

A. Professional knowledge about psychology.

B. Technology-assisted sports for the disabled.

C. Interactive activities with ordinary students.

D. Personalized medical treatment for disabilities.

35. What is the author's writing purpose of the text?

A. To advertise a new VR product.

B. To raise public awareness of physical education.

C. To stress the importance of equality among students.

D.To introduce a new application of technology in PE class.

第二节(共5 小题;每小题3 分,满分 15 分)



Do you ever feel like you're not good enough, even though you've done some cool stuff?

This feeling can contribute to increased anxiety, depression and a cycle of overworking to

prove36. Actually, lots of people, up to 82%, have these kinds of discouraging


feelings. Here's how you can deal with them.

. 37. One way to fight self-doubt is to keep track of all the cool things you've

done. Start a journal where you write down projects youapos; ve finished, goals youapos; ve

reached, and nice things people have said about you. Work out a practical schedule to look back

at this list.

. Figure out what's good enough. Success can mean different things in different situations

for different persons, so it's okay not to be the best at everything all the time. Just think about

how good is good enough 38, and then it can save your energy for other important

things, like spending time with your family and friends.

. Get help from someone you look up to. Working with a seasoned life coach who has done

well and has qualities you admire can be a big help. They can assist you by sharing their own

struggles with self-doubt and this exchange equips you with good strategies in your own pursuit

of success. 39

Just remember, it's normal to be fooled by negative feelings sometimes, but you can't be

tricked by them all the time. 40. By using these strategies, you can start a transformative path

towards personal growth.

A. But you are not alone

B. Plan a personal-growth schedule

C. Collect proof of your accomplishment

D. So you'd better try to get the best of most tasks

E. This way, you may know when to stop properly

F. You can benefit a lot from the practical guidance

G. You are sure to break free from the cycle of self-doubt

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

It was a sunny Sunday afternoon. My husband was taking care of our baby girl so that my

six-year-old and I could do some yard work, just the two of us. It was sure to be 41. But soon, the

clouds of mosquitos seemed 42 to our bug spray(喷雾)and arguing with my son about 43 to pull

weeds. I had told him the right way- getting those weeds out from the bottom, by the roots,

removing them entirely.

However, my son went about things in his own way. He pulled the 44 of the weeds

off,moving quickly down the line as he left the remaining part still in the soil. Somehow, I found

this to be incredibly 45. Why couldn't he do it in my way and save me the time of having to46 his

portion(部分)? Why did he do it at all if he wasn't going to do it properly?

If you would do as told, we'd be done earlier and 47 a longer period before we would have

to return and pull weeds next time. I said, trying to keep my tone 48.

He went back to his work, shaking dirt from his handful of growing things and throwing49

stems into our shared basket. People do things ... 50, Mom. He said innocently.

My fire soon faded, replaced by the 51 realization that I'd just received a valuable52 from

the person that I was supposed to be teaching. While trying to 53 my baby girl,my

kindergartener, and the yard work, 54 was a lifeline for me, a coping mechanism. But my way

was, perhaps, not the best way after all. His time shouldn’t be 55. His job was to be a kid and

take his time, for as long as he was able.

41. A. relaxing B. disturbing C. urgent D. tough

42. A. sensitive B.resistant C. harmful D. addicted

43. A. how B. who C. whether D. why

44. A. roots B. fibres C. tops D. points

45. A. amazing B. boring C.annoying D. confusing

46. A. recycle B. redo C. identify D. ignore

47. A. clarified B. launched C.repeated D promised

48. A. nervous B. mysterious C. light D. loud

49 A long B. broken C. dry D. useful

50. A. differently B. separately C. indirectly D.absolutely

51. A. satisfying B. corresponding C. depressing D. humbling

52. A. behavior B. warning C.reminder D.review

53. A. raise B. land C.discipline D. balance

54. A. efficiency B. concentration C. made up for D. quality

55. A. run out of B.set limits to C. urgent D. kept pace with

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题2 分,满分 20 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Every Lunar New Year, China introduces a zodiac(生肖) sign from a cycle of 12 lucky

animals. This year, it’s the Year of the Dragon, or more 56(accurate), the Year of the Loong.

Then what's the difference?

The Western 57 (describe) of dragons as fire breathing winged creatureswas inspired by

literature such as Beowulf-the Old English epic about a Scandinavian hero 58 contribution was

killing monsters, including a dragon. Greek fairy tales also presented dragons 59.a violent sea

monsters or guards of valuable 60.(possession). By contrast, loong, a word 61 (create) in the

19th century, reminds people of strength and fortune, and should 62(distinguish) its Western

cousin. In Shiji, 63 2, 000-year-old Chinese history book, the emperor’s mother dreamed of a

dragon lying on her body, 64 (predict)the birth of a future emperor. Exactly for this reason,

Chinese people proudly claim they aredescendants of the Loong.

Therefore, some culture experts have been calling for a switch to loong 65 (tell) the

Chinese dragon from the frightening monsters of Western tales. The call is also in line with the

push for cultural confidence to choose the preferred translation of the Mandarin word for a

creature long respected in Chinese culture.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)






1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;



Dear residents,

Property Company

March 30

第二节(满分 25 分)


The very first speech I had given changed my life more than I could ever have imagined. I

was a third-grader when I chose Susan B. Anthony to be the topic. When I got the assignment, I

went to the library and began researching the Women's Fight for the Right to Vote. I never really

thought about a time when women had no voting rights and that their opinions didn't count. I

learned that Susan B. Anthony led the fight to give women a say in our society. She overcame a

lot of obstacles in order to do that.

About a week after giving my school speech, my mom read a newspaper article about a

statue honoring Susan B. Anthony. The problem was that few people ever got to see the statue.

It was dedicated(落成)in 1921, but within twenty-four hours it was taken down to the basement

and stored where it had remained for nearly eighty years.

When I read that article, I was getting angry! This statue belonged in a place of honor. I felt

that it should be in the Rotunda, along with the statues of Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King

Jr. and George Washington.

The article asked for donations because it would take $74,000 to move the thirteen-ton

statue out of the basement. I decided to write a letter with a self-addressed envelope asking my

relatives and friends to send a Susan B. Anthony coin or a $1 bill to me to contribute to the

Women’s Voting Statue Campaign. Every day I ran to the mailbox after school. But a month later,

my piggy bank was still far from full.

So every night, after my homework, I wrote more letters at the kitchen table. Pretty soon

the whole family got involved in the project. My seven-year-old brother, David, prepared stamps

and envelopes. My mother and grandmother found addresses for people I wanted to contact and

my dad drove me around and gave me tons of encouragement when I spoke to big groups.


1.续写词数应为 150 个左右;


I passed around a piggy bank for donations at the end of each speech.

I was interviewed on TV.

太原市2024 年高三年级模拟考试(一)



第一部分 听力





















