
2024-03-29·9页·315.3 K

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Brown Girl Dreaming

By Jacqueline Woodson

As a winner of the National Book Award, the Coretta Scott King Award, and a Newberry Honor Book, in her

book, Brown Girl Dreaming, the author uses poetry to tell her true story of growing up as a black woman in the 1960s

and 1970s. Woodson’s beautiful language explores big ideas while describing her family, her growing awareness of

race and the civil rights movement, and her life in South Carolina and New York City.

When You Were Everything

By Ashley Woodfolk

Cleo and Layla have been best friends for years. But in their second year of middle school, everything changes.

Layla starts hanging out with her new friends, and the two girls’ friendship slowly ends. Cleo is still trying to make

sense of what happened as she tries to make new friends. Told across two timelines, Cleo’s story of sadness

surrounding a lost friendship will be relevant for many 8th graders trying to deal with past middle school friend drama

and looking forward to high school.

The Hound of the Baskervilles

By Arthur Conan Doyle

The famous detective Sherlock Holmes and his friend Watson set out to look into a new case in Dartmoor,

England. A man is dead, with many dog paw prints leading to his body. Holmes and Watson arrive in Dartmoor to

find several unexplainable events and clues. Together, they start to figure out a puzzle that has defined mystery and

detective fiction ever since.

The Hobbit

By J. R. R. Tolkien

This story is an opener to the longer and more challenging The Lord of the Rings trilogy. It’s an adventure story

set in a fantasy world. With dwarves (小矮人), hobbits, sword fights, wizards and dragons, the book’s plot and humor

have stood the test of time.

21. How is Brown Girl Dreaming different from the other books?

A. It focuses on city life. B. It uses clear language.

C. It has won many awards. D. It tells humorous stories.

22. What is When You Were Everything mainly about?

A. Friendship and growth. B. Lost love and gained hope.

C. Learning to be more independent. D. Dealing with pressure from schoolwork.

23. Which book suits whoever wants to read about adventures?

A. The Hobbit B. Brown Girl Dreaming

C. When You Were Everything D. The Hound of the Baskervilles


It was a cold May morning when I received an email from an old friend inviting me to join a 10-day all-girls surf

trip. I knew I had to say yes. The trip seemed simple enough. 10 women aged 30 to 45, all complete strangers, were to

meet on the coast of Portugal to try something new: surfing in the Atlantic Ocean. I have always loved traveling, so I

eagerly sent an email to my boss asking for time off to make the trip.

If there’s one thing I’ve learned over my past 33 years, it’s that adults typically spend their days mastering the

things they’ve done before. It seems like we pride ourselves on becoming experts in whatever field we’ve fallen into,

knowing more about less. Now, in theory, this is a great strategy, as it allows you to become really good at one

particular thing, but it also kind of ends up leaving some skills lacking.

I met my new surfing companions on the grass of the hotel lawn in a small surf town called Ericeira. Despite our

different personalities and backgrounds, we were all united in a strong desire to challenge ourselves, learn, tackle and


The shores at Ericeira, where the beginners learn to surf, are shallow and covered with slippery rocks. They make

for softer waves but are difficult to ride.

Guided by our amazing coaches, together, we faced the waves. Sometimes, it poured with rain, and the waves

crashed around us, but we were still out there. And with every slip and fall, words of encouragement filled the air.

Honestly, I probably spent most of my days frozen to the bone, but that didn’t matter because a new level of genuine

joy and personal achievement had been unlocked.

Learning a new skill taught me the humility (谦虚) that can come from doing badly at something new, and the

pride that develops when you finally manage to grasp something you’ve been working on. While surfing might not be

my lifelong passion, trying it out inspired me to take more risks in life. You never know what you’re capable of if you

don’t go out there and try.

24. What inspired the author to join the surf trip?

A. Her love for seashore surfing. B. Her desire to make new friends.

C. Her need to take a break from work. D. Her passion for exploring something new.

25. What does the author think of adults’ focusing on mastering one field?

A. It hurts one’s pride. B. It narrows one’s potential.

C. It promotes one’s career success. D. It broadens one’s view of the world.

26. Which words can best describe the author’s surfing experience?

A. Relaxing but dangerous. B. Tough and uninteresting.

C. Challenging but rewarding. D. Surprising and unforgettable.

27. What can be inferred about the author?

A. She used to lack confidence in herself.

B. She determined to become an expert surfer.

C. She discovered her lifelong passion after the trip.

D. She was more willing to try new experiences in life.


You hate me. You don’t even know me and you hate me. Before we’ve even spoken, you hate me. At least that’s

how it feels on my end of the call as a female collections officer at a call center.

I dread the moment when I have to log on to our phone system first thing in the morning because I never know

who is going to be on the other end of that call.

Sometimes it’s an easy task. The caller is pleasant and has accepted personal responsibility for their debts, and

we get through the phone call with ease. Then there are the ones who call in looking for a fight, or looking for

someone to blame. Through the luck of the phone system, that person is me.

I’ve had people who shout at me, call me horrible names, accuse me personally of taking their money and

threaten me. Why? I think it’s because I am invisible. I think I would be treated with the same level of disrespect if we

were face to face. Fortunately for me, I have had years of experience in customer service, so I’m fairly rich in not

letting the negative encounters bother me.

The biggest and most effective skill when it comes to the job is empathy (同感). I can appreciate the situation

which the caller is in because I’ve been there. That’s why I’m good at my job—I understand what you’re going

through, and I’m here to help.

Some days though, no matter how much I try to leave the stress behind when I hang up the phone, it stays with

me. I may do some deep breathing, go for a quick walk or simply stick my head outside for a burst of fresh air. I do

this so I don’t carry that negativity on to my next call. That next call may be a person having the worst day of their

life, but I don’t want to ever be the one who makes it worse. We are all humans just trying to get by in life, which

makes you and me equal. So please, the next time we talk, remember that.

28. What does the underlined word “dread” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Enjoy. B. Fear. C. Expect. D. Avoid.

29. Why does the author think some callers treat her badly?

A. They get angry too easily. B. They blame her for their debts.

C. They do not see her as a real person. D. They accuse her of taking their money.

30. Why does the author think she is good at her job?

A. She can offer callers best advice. B. She is always respected by callers.

C. She can put herself in others’ shoes. D. She isn’t easily influenced by negativity.

31. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this text?

A. To call for understanding of her job. B. To explain why she is good at her job.

C. To introduce what she is responsible for. D. To complain about her being treated badly.


Waterways are important for every country around the world. They provide not only water for everyday use but

also routes for transport. However, due to industrial activity, many of them are now polluted.

Dakota Perry from the US has experienced water pollution first-hand. The 15-year-old high school girl told

Alabama Local News that she spends a lot of time going on boat rides with her dad on the river behind their house.

However, the river has become littered with plastic bags, bottles and cups. Perry wanted to clean up the water so she

could continue to enjoy the river. So, with the help of her father, she designed a system to collect and remove rubbish

in waterways.

In May, Perry put forward her solution at the Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair held in

Georgia, US, and received a Judge’s Award from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration for her


According to the Science News for Students website, her system was inspired by the Dutch Great Bubble (气泡)

Barrier in Amsterdam, which creates a flow of bubbles that trap waste and directs it to a catchment system. But Perry

tried to challenge herself and make her system more environment-friendly. She planned to create a curtain of bubbles

that stretched the river diagonally (对角地). The curtain would stop the floating rubbish and then push it toward the

shore. Once there, a conveyor run by a solar-powered battery would carry the waste to a dustbin.

In her backyard pool, Perry used an air compressor (压缩机) to send air through a pipe full of holes to create a

stream of bubbles. She experimented with different amounts of pressure to make sure there would be enough bubbles

to form a full curtain. “For the bubble system to actually work and collect rubbish,” she explained to Science News for

Students, “I have to know how much pressure the air compressor is supposed to push out.”

After she tested her system for collecting rubbish, Perry found that it worked better than expected. Next, she

plans to work out how to use the power of the river to run the air compressor.

32. What motivated Perry to design a rubbish-collecting system?

A. Her father’s encouragement.

B. Her desire to protect a nearby river.

C. A visit to a science and engineering fair.

D. An invention of a Dutch high school student.

33. What can we know about the rubbish-collecting system?

A. It was designed by Perry alone.

B. It makes power to run the air compressor.

C. It collects solar energy to remove rubbish.

D. It creates a bubble curtain to block rubbish.

34. What is the 5th paragraph mainly about?

A. Advantages of the system. B. The way of testing the system.

C. The improvement on the system. D. Challenges in the design process.

35. What kind of person is Perry?

A. Efficient and ambitious. B. Helpful and hardworking.

C. Responsible and creative. D. Professional and adventurous.



We all want to know what happiness means and try to find ways to help make our life better. Happiness—you

know it when you see it, but it’s hard to define. You might call it a sense of well-being, optimism or meaningfulness

in life, although those could also be treated separately. 36 we know that we want it, and that is just somehow


We also know that we don’t always have control over our happiness. Research suggests that genetics may play a

big role in our level of happiness, so some of us may start out at a disadvantage. On top of that, environmental factors

can bring down mood and dry up our thirst for living. 37 . Many studies have found a connection between

psychological and physical well-being.

A 2022 review of more than 200 studies found a connection between positive psychological features, such as

happiness, optimism and life satisfaction, and a lowered risk of heart disease.

38 . If you have a good sense of well-being, it’s easier to maintain good habits: exercising, eating a

balanced diet and getting enough sleep.

39 , and they do not provide hard evidence of cause and effect. But some researchers believe that positive

mental states do have a direct effect on the body, perhaps by reducing damaging physical processes. For instance, they

found that optimism is associated with lower levels of inflammation (炎症).

If what you mean by happiness is specifically “enjoyment of life”, there’s newer evidence to support that, too. A

study in the Canadian Medical Association Journal found that people aged 60 and over who said they enjoyed life

less were more likely to develop disability over an 8-year period. 40 . This study does not prove that physical

problems are caused by less enjoyment of life, but suggests a relationship.

A. But whatever happiness really is

B. It might take more work if your mood is low

C. For now these studies can only show associations

D. That refers to the person, and the situation he or she is in

E. Being able to travel around was also related to enjoyment of life

F. To manage our emotions is important for both our body and mind

G. It’s not as simple as “you must be happy to prevent heart attacks”, though




Standing on the shore of a lake, I can’t help but feel surprised at the thousands of small rocks that surround my

boots. They were all created from hard surfaces, their edges softening over time. I wonder, “Can we learn from a pile

of 41 ?”

Even the tallest mountains have 42 ; none are as tall as they were 1,000 years ago. And much like a rock,

I’ve found my 43 has softened and my desire to better understand others has expanded with each trip around

the sun.

44 , I was also a sharp rock covered in pointy edges. Today, after decades of the waters of life coursing

over me, my edges are softer and and I’m more 45 . I’m less likely to judge and more interested in learning

how we can 46 together.

But I’m not a rock. I’m a 47 filled with all the drama built into my DNA.

Two years ago, while traveling in the Pacific Northwest, I watched a restaurant owner ask several young men to

48 for not wearing masks. Not 49 and not rude. On the door read a sign, “Please wear a mask before

entering our restaurant. We don’t like it either, but let’s all do what we can to 50 this together.”

The group of young men wanted to 51 about the note. I sat at the restaurant watching, understanding

both sides. I’ve been one of them before, using my youthful edges to chip away at the world. What I lost, 52 ,

was the ability to grow from 53 by looking through the eyes of others. In learning to be more 54 , I’ve

also found more happiness and success.

You can fit more rounded rocks in a jar than those with sharp edges. The former look for ways to 55 and

make room for others, while the latter never give an 56 to accommodate others.

57 , like the waters rolling against once sharp stones, changes us by washing away our resistance to 58

the world from someone else’s point of view.

I placed a 59 stone into my jacket pocket. Mother Nature is holding a 60 again.

41. A. goods B. boxes C. books D. rocks

42. A. piled up B. worn down C. risen up D. broken down

43. A. will B. voice C. attitude D. heart

44. A. open B. Still C. Here D. Once

45. A. understanding B. confident C. patient D. competitive

46. A. contribute B. exist C. suffer D. develop

47. A. leader B. teacher C. human D. judge

48. A. leave B. explain C. apologize D. pay

49. A. contradictory B. confusing C. forceful D. discouraging

50. A. get through B. stick to C. deal with D. fight against

51. A. think B. care C. talk D. argue

52. A. even B. however C. anyway D. also

53. A. hardships B. struggle C. experiences D. failure

54. A. open B. cautious C. ambitious D. independent

55. A. ignore B. accept C. adjust D. change

56. A. excuse B. agreement C. entrance D. inch

57. A. Nature B. Tolerance C. Tide D. Time

58. A. reforming B. seeing C. exploring D. travelling

59. A. sharp B. rounded C. valuable D. rolling

60. A. class B. belief C. meeting D. discussion



The 38th Qinhuai Lantern Festival Lights Up China

On the evening of February 2, the 2024 “Light Up China” event, the 38th annual China Qinhuai Lantern Festival

lighting ceremony, 61 (begin) at the Bailuzhou Park in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. The Qinhuai Lantern

Festival, 62 is also known as the “Jinling Lantern Festival”, is a folk cultural activity spread in Nanjing in

history. It is usually held during the Spring Festival to the Lantern Festival every year. It is the most famous lantern

festival in China and it is included in the national intangible cultural heritage list.

With the Bailuzhou Park, the Confucius Temple Scenic Area and the Laomendong District serving 63

main display venues, this year’s Qinhuai Lantern Fair has set up 7 exhibition areas with 330 lantern installations.

64 (compare) to previous years’ lantern festivals, one of the major highlights this year is the remarkable

“the Year of the Dragon” theme. For instance, at the front of the Linxing Gate of the Confucius Temple in Nanjing,

the lantern display features twin dragons winding around pillars, blowing out dragon pearls, symbolizing

auspiciousness (吉祥) and reunion. Meanwhile, the Bailuzhou Park takes 65 (inspire) from the “Illustration of

Lanterns in the Shangyuan Festival” as its creative theme, showing 66 total of 68 sets of lanterns in various

sizes and forms, recreating the splendid scene of observing lanterns during the Ming dynasty as described in the

ancient artworks.

The Lantern Festival in Nanjing this year not only celebrates the traditional customs of the Lunar New Year but

also highlights the city’s cultural heritage and 67 (innovation) spirit, drawing visitors from across the nation

68 (participate) in the joyous celebrations.

A local elderly person said to a news reporter 69 (proud), “It has the reputation of No. 1 Lantern Festival

in the world and the Qinhuai Lantern Festival 70 (be) the best in the world. It is the only large-scale

comprehensive lantern festival in China that integrates lantern exhibitions, lantern festivals and lantern markets.”


第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Last Sunday I took part in the exciting outdoor activity with my friends. We go hiking in the mountains nearby,

and it was a pleasant experience. We got up early than usual to pack our backpacks with water, food and other

necessary thing. When we got there, we started with our hike. The path was challenging, but the scenery was amazed.

As we hiked, we chatted, laughed, and encouraging each other. We also had breaks and took photos. When they

finally completed the hike, we were tired out but happy. I was extreme delighted to spend time with my friends in

nature and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. It was an unforgettable walk indeed, I can’t wait to have another chance to

hike with them.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)

你们学校最近组织了一次植树活动,请以“An Interesting Tree-planting Activity”为题写一篇报道,向校英


1. 时间、地点及参与者;

2. 植树的过程;

3. 你的体验和感受。


1. 写作词数应为100左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

An Interesting Tree-planting Activity







1. What does Mike plan to do tonight?

A. Watch a movie. B. Attend a meeting. C. Work on his presentation.

2. How will the woman contact John?

A. By phone. B. By email. C. In person.

3. When will the speakers meet on Thursday?

A. At 3:30 p.m. B. At 4:00 p.m. C. At 4:10 p.m.

4. Why will Kathy call Anne?

A. To express thanks. B. To look for a helper. C. To give some information.

5. Where will the conference probably be held?

A. In Pittsburgh. B. In Atlanta. C. In Kansas City.






6. What are they probably doing?

A. Taking a driving test. B. Doing some shopping. C. Playing a computer game.

7. What did the woman think of what the man did?

A. It was useless. B. It was not correct. C. It was unimportant.


8. What has the woman decided to do?

A. Try film making. B. Learn a language. C. Study photography.

9. Why does the woman want to develop a new skill?

A. To travel. B. To find a job. C. To get promoted.

10. What are the speakers going to do first?

A. Buy some coffee. B. Eat dinner. C. Watch a performance.


11. What does the woman probably do?

A. A host. B. A teacher. C. A writer.

12. What does Bob say about life administration?

A. It is pleasing. B. It is tiring. C. It is boring.

13. What did Elizabeth advise the “administration avoiders” to do?

A. Make a to-do list. B. Do necessary tasks first. C. Avoid meaningless.


14. What keeps the group going?

A. The love for creating artworks.

B. The pleasure of helping others.

C. The wish to improve the community.

15. How has the local government helped the group?

A. By renting a room. B. By providing money. C. By building a webs.

16. Where can people buy the bottles now?

A. From the town hall. B. In the shops. C. On the Internet.

17. How many members does the group have at present?

A. Three. B. Five. C. Eight.


18. Why will the shopping mall make a change to the cafe?

A. To offer more dishes.

B. To make it more comfortable.

C. To provide room for more customers.

19. How should shoppers book the “personal shopper” service?

A. By filling in a form online.

B. By going and visiting the store.

C. By calling the information desk.

20. What is the second cooking class about?

A. Keeping food fresh. B. Making instant meals. C. Learning about safety rules.





