
2024-03-26·10页·602.8 K

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2024葫芦岛市普通高中高三年级第一次模拟考试听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

英 语 6. How often will the man have psychology classes?

A. Once a week. B. Four times a week. C. Twice a week.

学 校 考生注意: 7. What time will the man be having his psychology class next week?

1.试卷满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。 A. 8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.Wednesday.


姓 名 B. 8:00 a.m.—10:00 a.m.Tuesday.

3.答题前,务必在答题纸上按要求填写信息,并将核对后的条形码贴在指定位置上。作答 C. 2:30 p.m.—4:30 p.m.Thursday.

必须涂或写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答一律不得分。卷部分的作答必须涂在答题纸上 听第7 段材料,回答第8至9 题。

考 号

相应的区域,卷部分的作答必须写在答题纸上与试卷题号对应的位置。 8. Why does Lydia call the man?

A. To report a broken window.

第卷(三部分,共 95分) B. To return a lost baseball.

第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分) C. To complain about a repairman.

9. What did Lydia do this morning?

第一节 (共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

A. She met her friend. B. She went shopping. C. She played baseball.

装 听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出

… … … … 听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关

10. What’s the probable relationship between the speakers?


A. Student and teacher. B. Close friends. C. Assistant and customer.

订 1. What is the woman looking for? 11. What rule does Linda tell the man?

… … … …

A. A bookstore. B. A gallery. C. A coffee shop. A. No books can be renewed.

2. Where probably are the speakers? B. Late returns will be fined.

A. At home. B. In the office. C. In a cafe. C. ID cards are needed each time.

线 3. What does the woman ask the man to do? 12. What will the speakers do next?

… … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … …

A. Keep an eye on her stuff. A. Photocopy the ID card. B. Pay for the book. C. Buy a coffee.

B. Buy lunch for her. 听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

C. Look after her kid. 13.What is the woman probably?

4. How does the man find the film? A. A teacher. B. A physician. C. A secretary.

A. Well-acted. B. Difficult. C. Dull. 14. Why did the man move to Los Angles?

5. What are the speakers mainly talking about? A. He’s got a promotion.

A. Their plan. B. The weather. C. The beach. B. He’s to take an examination.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分) C. He’s landed a new job.

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三 15. When will the man meet the headmaster?

个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅 A. At 11:00 a.m. B. At 10:00 a.m. C. At 9:00 a.m.

读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独 16. How will the man get his report?

白读两遍。 A. By app. B. By e-mail. C. By telephone.

高三英语 第1页 共 12页 高三英语 第2页 共 12页

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。 downloaded from the App Store or our official website. Once you have the app on your phone,

17. How long does a complete IELTS test last? register your personal details on the app to get an account. Note that for each customer, only

A. 120 minutes. B. 2-5 days. C. 165 minutes. one account is allowed and a family shared account will not be acknowledged. Finally, with all

18. What is an advantage of taking the IELTS test? the preparation work done, you’ll be ready to shop using just your phone.

A. Improvement of one’s social status. Plus, there’s no need to worry about your bank details being stored on your phone —

B. Greater possibility of full-time education. they’re all securely protected in our data centers. So not only is it quicker and easier, it’s safer

C. Access to international job opportunities. than going shopping with your wallet as well.

19. Which section of the two versions of IELTS differ from each other? 21. If customers use PayQuick in UK Tesco stores, they can ______.

A. Writing. B. Listening. C. Speaking. A. get their Tesco points automatically B. purchase things only offline

20. Who has to take an IELTS General test? C. keep track of their daily spending D. pay for their shopping without limit

A. A student preparing for exchange programs. 22. Which is NOT a must for PayQuick users?

B. A Japanese wanting to work in the UK. A. To register by 3rd March 2024. B. To download the PayQuick app.

C. A job seeker eager for a position in the government. C. To share the account with their family. D. To bring their phones with them.

23. What is the author’s intention in writing this passage?

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分) A. To ensure the safety of PayQuick.

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分) B. To stress the importance of PayQuick.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在 C. To illustrate the application of PayQuick.

答题卡上将该项涂黑。 D. To popularize the use of PayQuick.


What is PayQuick? B

PayQuick is a fast payment service for shopping in the biggest supermarket in UK — A rising star from Virginia has secured the title of “America’s Top Young Scientist” for

Tesco. It allows you to add your credit or debit card details to the app so you can use your his groundbreaking creation — a bar of soap designed to battle against skin cancer. At just 14

smartphone to pay for your shopping with just one scan, which means you can go wallet-free in years old, Heman Bekele emerged as the victor of the 2023 Young Scientist Challenge,

all UK Tesco stores. standing out among the ten finalists with his innovative creation known as the Skin Cancer

What are the benefits? Treating Soap (SCTS).

Bekele’s brilliant concept centers on the development of a soap that is not only affordable,

Collect your Tesco points automatically

but also has the potential to reactivate the body’s natural defenders of the skin to stop skin

Pay for your weekly shopping up to 250

cancer. In Bekele’s own words, “Curing cancer, one bar of soap at a time. ” He always has

Use PayQuick offline, even with no signal

endless passion for biology and technology, and the Young Scientist Challenge just provided

Track your spending in Tesco

However, only one qualifying deal per week will collect the extra Tesco points. him with the perfect platform to display his ideas. Reflecting on his inspiration, Bekele shared

Additional payments in the same week won’t receive extra points. Tesco points will be added that his childhood played a significant role in shaping his innovative thinking. Having

to your future Tesco points statement. witnessed people work tirelessly under the sun, he couldn’t help but wonder how many were

How to get your PayQuick? aware of the risks associated with constant sun exposure.

Available to new customers who sign up by 3rd March 2024, the PayQuick app can be “I wanted to make my idea not only scientifically exceptional but also accessible to a

高三英语 第3页 共 12页 高三英语 第4页 共 12页

broad audience,” Bekele expressed during an interview with the media. He received invaluable colleagues point out methodological faults in some of the studies that claim plants have

guidance from Deborah Isabelle, a product engineering specialist, who connected him with brain-like command centers and animal-like nerve cells. But beyond the debate over how these

other scientists to aid him in reaching his ambitious plans. studies are conducted, Taiz’s team argues that plant consciousness doesn’t even make sense

During his presentation, Bekele passionately expressed his vision of turning the soap into from an evolutionary point of view.

“a symbol of hope, accessibility, and a world where skin cancer treatment is within reach for “Complicated animal brains advanced in part to help a living being catch a meal and avoid

all.” becoming one,” Taiz says. “But plants are rooted to the ground and rely on sunlight for energy,

Over the coming five years, Bekele longs to perfect his invention and establish a nonprofit an inactive lifestyle that doesn’t require quick thinking or outsmarting a predator (捕食者) or the

organization devoted to distributing his innovative creation to more places including energetically expensive nervous systems that enable those behaviors.” “What use would

undeveloped communities, offering hope and a practical solution in the fight against skin consciousness be to a plant?” Taiz asks. “If a plant worried and suffered when faced with a threat,

cancer. it would be wasting so much energy that it wouldn’t have any left to do anything about that

24. What made Bekele an instant hit? threat,” Taiz says. “Furthermore, plants have plenty to do without having to be conscious, too.

A. Starting a soap fashion. B. Overcoming skin cancer. With sunlight, carbon dioxide and water, plants create the compounds that sustain much of the

C. Creating a soap against skin cancer. D. Being the youngest scientist. rest of life on Earth,” Taiz points out. “Isn’t that enough?”

25. What inspired Bekele to invent SCTS? 28. What does the rise of “plant neurobiology” indicate?

A. His adventure in childhood. B. His concern for others. A. It is widely recognized that plants have brains and nervous systems.

C. His enthusiasm for invention. D. His interest in medical knowledge. B. Scientists proved that plants can handle information like animals.

26. What will Bekele do in the near future? C. The science community believes in the promising future of studying it.

A. Obtain official approval. B. Increase the availability of the soap. D. Certain scientists believe that plants may possess consciousness.

C. Visit undeveloped areas. D. Update the facilities of production. 29. What is probably Linchol Taiz’s opinion concerning plants?

27. Which of the following can best describe Bekele? A. Plants possess animal-like nervous systems.

A. Creative and considerate. B. Humorous and positive. B. It is not understandable that plants have consciousness.

C. Inspiring and modest. D. Curious and independent. C. Plants perform complicated behaviors with brains.

D. It is necessary for plants to develop brains for survival.


30. What is the function of Taiz’s words in Paragraph 3?

The last decade saw the rise of the field of “plant neurobiology (植物神经生物学)”. That

A. To support an argument. B. To clarify a concept.

debatable field is based on the idea that plants — which do not possess brains — handle

C. To explain a rule. D. To present a fact.

information in ways similar to complicated animal nervous systems. This thinking implies that

31. In which section of a magazine may this text appear?

plants could feel happiness or sorrow or pain, make intentional decisions and even possess

A. Entertainment. B. Life. C. Education. D. Science.

consciousness. But the chances of that are “effectively zero”. “There’s nothing in the plant

comparable to the complexity of the animal brain,” says Taiz, from the University of California,


Santa Cruz.

A new study has found that a child’s reading speed can be improved by simply increasing

Some plants are capable of complicated behaviors. For example, wounded leaves can send

the space between letters within a piece of text. The research, led by Dr. Steven Stagg of

warning signals to other parts of the plant. But plants perform these with equipment that’s very

Anglia Ruskin University (ARU), examined the benefits of letter spacing and coloured

different from the nervous systems of animals, no brain required, Taiz argues. He and his overlays (颜色标注) among children.

高三英语 第5页 共 12页 高三英语 第6页 共 12页

Two groups of children, dyslexic(有阅读障碍的) and non-dyslexic children, were asked C. Extra-large letter spacing can promote children’s reading ability.

to read four texts with either standard or extra-large letter spacing, both with and without a D. Color overlays may not increase reading speeds.

coloured overlay. They were instructed to read the text out loud while being recorded. The 第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

recording was used to measure the number of errors they made—specifically missed words, 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为

added words, wrong words, and pronunciation—as well as the participants’ reading time. 多余选项。

The study discovered that text with increased space between letters provided a benefit for Minimalism isn’t about being boring or getting rid of most of your things and living in

both groups. On average, the dyslexia group showed a 13% increase in reading speed, while empty rooms. It’s more about identifying what adds value to your life and brings you joy and

the group of non-dyslexic children showed a 5% increase. In addition to improving reading parting with things that don’t. 36

speed, it also resulted in a significant decline in the number of words missed by the children Whether you want to start the process of living a more minimalist lifestyle or have already

with dyslexia. However, the study found that coloured overlays had no significant impact on started but are finding yourself stuck, here are some tips to help you.

reading speed or the reduction of errors for either group. Be Clear On Why You Want To Live a Minimalist Lifestyle

Dr. Stagg, Senior Lecturer in Psychology at ARU, said: “We believe extra-large letter Getting rid of useless things in your home, workspace and life, in general, can be

spacing works by reducing what is known as the ‘crowding effect’, which can hamper the challenging. 37 Yet, chances are, if you’ve barely used these items, you won’t need

recognition of letters and reduce reading speed.” them in the future.

“Our findings strongly suggest that teachers can be confident that all children would be Being clear as to why you’re doing it can be critical as it’ll help remind you of your goal,

helped by increased letter spacing in reading materials.” Dr. Stagg added. “While we found fuel your motivation and keep you going even when you’re feeling overwhelmed. 38 No

that coloured overlays provided little benefit, we suggest children should be encouraged to use matter the reason, knowing why you’re doing it is the best way to ensure you successfully

overlays if they find these help their reading. Coloured overlays may not increase reading move towards a more minimalist lifestyle.

speeds, but they may extend reading stamina(持久力 ). Previous research suggests their Clear Out Responsibly

Opening a garbage bag and clearing out everything you don’t want to keep is quick and

benefits may not become apparent if reading time is less than 10 minutes and the short reading

easy. Yet, someone else could use your items or recycle them. One of the best things you can

duration of the tests in our study may have put coloured overlays at a disadvantage.”

do is donate your clothes to someone you know or a charity. 39 Lastly, as mentioned

32. What can we learn about increased letter spacing from paragraph 3?

before, certain items can be recycled. You should only throw away things you can’t sell, donate

A. It enhances reading comprehension. B. It sharpens reading skills.

or recycle.

C. It arouses reading interest. D. It reduces reading errors.

Get In the Right Mindset

33. What does the underlined word “hamper” in paragraph 4 probably mean?

40 It’s about finding joy and gratitude. It’s about being satisfied when you need

A. Prevent. B. Obtain. C. Change. D. Involve.

to throw out something old and promoting self-care and loving yourself. The minimalist seeks

34. What can be inferred about coloured overlays from paragraph 5?

simplicity, usefulness and clarity with less focus on material possessions and more focus on

A. They might work better in short reading.

value in life. Clear the useless things so you can focus on your priorities and goals.

B. They might not be recommended by experts.

A. That’s because it might be hard to part with some of your things.

C. They might not have been evaluated fairly.

B. The best way to tidy up is to take it one step at a time.

D. They might have some disadvantages.

C. This way, you can get rid of the unnecessary things that burden you.

35. What’s the best title of the passage?

D. Mindset is key to a “less is more” attitude and lifestyle.

A. Extra-large letter spacing can’t necessarily promote children’s reading ability.

E. Living a minimalist lifestyle can allow us to create a more fruitful life.

B. Color overlays can promote children’s reading ability.

高三英语 第7页 共 12页 高三英语 第8页 共 12页

F. Perhaps you want to create more space in your home or limit your carbon footprint. 49.A. pleasure B. greed C. pride D. envy

G. You can also organize a big garage sale. 50.A. suspecting B. expecting C. ignoring D. appreciating

51.A. ordered B. reported C. requested D. promised

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 分)

30 52.A. exiting B. fooled C. sitting D. chosen

第一节 完形填空(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

15 1 15 53.A. interpreted B. designed C. repeated D. evaluated

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项( 、 、 和 )中,选出可以填入

A B C D 54.A. divide B. brighten C. reward D. explore


55.A. However B. Actually C. Instead D. Consequently

Some years ago, I was stuck on a crosstown bus during rush hour. The bus was filled with

cold, tired people 41 with one another. Two men 42 at each other for an

第卷(满分 55分)

unintentional push. An elderly woman got on, and nobody offered her a 43 . Anger


was in the air; no 44 could be found here.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

As the bus approached Seventh Avenue, the driver’s words came from the speaker.

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

“Folks,” he said. “I know you’ve had a (n) 45 day and that you are depressed, but I

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

will 46 . When each of you walks by before getting off, drop your 47 into my

“Long Chenchen”, the mascot for China’s upcoming Dragon Spring Festival Gala, has

palm(手掌). My route goes right by the Hudson River, into which I’ll 48 them. ”

been designed and released recently as a cute yet lively dragon 56 (celebrate) the year

It seemed as if a spell had lifted. Everyone burst out laughing, their faces shining with

2024. The seemingly cute-looking dragon takes inspiration from Chinese archaeological

49 . The passengers who had been 50 each other’s existence were suddenly

discoveries. The design of its nose 57 (inspire) by a dragon-shaped jade item that was

grinning(咧嘴笑) at each other — is this guy serious?

discovered in the Erlitou Ruins, 58 major site in Luoyang, Central China’s Henan

At the next stop, just as 51 , the driver held out his hand, palm up, and waited. All

province that witnessed the rise and fall of the Xia and Shang dynasties. The fire shape pattern

the 52 passengers performed the gesture of dropping something into his palm. The

on 59 (it) shoulder originated from a bronze piece with cloud patterns dating back to the

driver 53 the same action at every stop that followed.

Spring and Autumn Period, 60 multiple materials appeared and social changes were

Occasionally we may sink into a gray world, but someone can 54 it like a ray of


light, showing us hope. What if we are the light? 55 , anyone possesses the power to

61 receiving many likes, the mascot has also sparked criticism. Some netizens

shine on others’ dark days.

doubt the dragon character might have been synthesized(合成 )by artificial intelligence.

41.A. satisfied B. annoyed C. impressed D. associated

CMG, a design studio, 62 (admit) that it has some “imperfections”, said it was created

42.A. barked B. nodded C. smiled D. shot

by designers “one stroke after another” and that “all the 63 (feature) about the dragon,

43.A. reminder B. ride C. choice D. seat

including its patterns, colors and face, have been revised by designers through a lot of

44.A. security B. fortune C. courage D. mercy


45.A. fruitful B. average C. tough D. important

The design has become one of the 64 (hot) topics on Sina Weibo and has been

46.A. make comments B. show up C. take risks D. help out

commented by more than 200 million netizens. “ 65 it was created by AI or human beings,

47.A. memories B. faults C. troubles D. tips

the mascot has successfully delivered the spirit of the dragon.” a netizen posted on Sina Weibo.

48.A. cast B. stretch C. accompany D. transform

高三英语 第9页 共 12页 高三英语 第 10页 共 12页

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分) “Oh,” Jean cried. “Daddy was so silly! He’s been saving to come here for lunch for MONTHS

第一节 (满分 15 分) and now he ruined his appetite with breakfast!” The waiter, Carl Bader, immediately realized

假定你是李华,你校刚建成的室内游泳馆即将开放,请给校园英文广播站写一篇广 what was going on and went to Mr. Fargonetti, the restaurant owner, and told him about Jean

播稿。内容包括:1.游泳馆的开放时间及注意事项;2. 倡导同学们积极参加游泳,强身 and Bob.

健体。 An hour later, surprisingly, the waiter brought wonderful dishes and set them before the

注意:1.词数应为 80 个左右; father and daughter. “Lunch is on the house with Mr. Fargonetti’s compliments (致意),” Carl

2.请按如下格式在答题卡规定位置作答。 said. For Bob and Jean, it was a free but magical meal. They were on cloud nine when they

Welcome to Our Swimming Pool walked out “Jean,” said Bob happily. “I feel our luck has changed!” And it did! The next day,

Dear fellow students, one of Bob’s old friends called and offered him a job at a new magazine, and Jean believed

____________________________________________________________________________ Fargonetti’s had made it all happen. That was when she decided to become a chef!

____________________________________________________________________________ Twenty years later, the old restaurant looked run-down and depressing, but Jean

____________________________________________________________________________ recognized the waiter immediately. “Carl?” she asked delightedly.

注意: 续写词数应为 左右;

____________________________________________________________________________ 1. 150



The man looked surprised.____________________________________________________






第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文, ____________________________________________________________________________

续写的词数应为 150 左右。 ____________________________________________________________________________

Jean’s dream was to be a great chef, so when she was 20, she travelled to France, which ____________________________________________________________________________

has the most famous cuisine in the world, to learn to cook. After twelve years, she was among

Jean was staring at Carl and a brilliant idea was taking shape in her mind._____________

the best.


Her father, Bob, was getting old, and she wanted to be near him. Jean accepted an offer


from one of Washington’s top restaurants. The manager offered her a handsome salary, and

30% ownership of the restaurant. The next day, Jean went to sign the contract. As she got out ____________________________________________________________________________

of the car, she caught sight of a green sunshade. Instead of going to meet the manager, she ____________________________________________________________________________

crossed the street towards the old restaurant, Fargonetti’s. She pushed open the door and the ____________________________________________________________________________

memories came flooding back.


Jean’s mum died when she was just 11, and her father lost his job and was forced to take


on odd jobs to make ends meet. Money was very short. When Jean turned thirteen, Bob had

made a reservation at Fargonetti’s, the capital’s best restaurant.

“I’m not hungry, baby girl. I had a huge breakfast,” Bob said. “This is all for you!”

高三英语 第 11页 共 12页 高三英语 第 12页 共 12页

2024 葫芦岛市第一次模拟考试



1-5 BCAAB 6-10 CAABB 11-15 BACCA 16-20 BCCAB


21-23 ACD 24-27 CBBA 28-31 DBAD 32-35 DACC


36-40 CAFGD


41-45 BADDC 46-50 DCAAC 51-55 DACBB


56 to celebrate 57 was inspired 58 a 59 its 60 when

61 Despite 62 admitting 63 features 64 hottest 65 Whether


Dear fellow students,

This is Li Hua. I am excited to announce that our newly constructed indoor

swimming pool is about to open its doors to everyone!

The swimming pool will be open from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on a daily basis. Before

you dive in, remember to follow the safety guidelines posted around the pool area.

All students are welcome to take advantage of this fantastic facility. Swimming is not

only a great getaway to relax but also an excellent form of exercise to keep your body

fit .

Grab your swimsuits and dive in for a refreshing experience!


The man looked surprised. “Twenty years ago I came here for my thirteenth

birthday,” Jean explained. “You spoke to Mr. Fargonetti and he gave us a wonderful

lunch for free. I’m so glad to have an opportunity to thank you!” Carl smiled,

remembering Jean. He told Jean that Mr Fargonetti passed away five years ago, and

he left Carl the restaurant. Carl had promised he would keep it going, and he tried, but

it wasn’t that easy. Their chef left and the replacement was a disaster.

Jean was staring at Carl and a brilliant idea was taking shape in her mind. “I’m

Jean Earl, a chef. ” she said. “ I’ll turn Fargonetti’s around for Mr Fargonetti!” Carl

stared at Jean in disbelief. He knew of Jean’s reputation and was concerned he


couldn’t afford her service. However, Jean simply wanted to help without any

expectation of payment. She turned down the contract she had been offered and

worked at Fargonetti’s. Gradually, the old restaurant was fully booked again. A simple

act of kindness has the power to transform lives, bringing good fortune not only to the

receiver but also to those who give it.


(Text 1)

W:Excuse me,sir.I was told to take a right turn here to get to the National Gallery,but…

M:No,not here.Go straight on.Turn right at the traffic light there.Go past the bookshop.It's the

building next to the bookshop opposite the coffee shop.

(Text 2)

M:Let's ask for the bill.We're late for work.

W:But there is still much roast beef left.

M:I'm just too full to eat any more.Get a to-go box to take it home?

W:Good idea.

(Text 3)

W:Excuse me,could you take care of my luggage?I'd like to get a snack lunch for my kid.

M:I'd love to but it is announced that my plane is now boarding at Gate 37.

(Text 4)

W:So,you went to see the film?Some people say it's boring and dull.

M:Maybe that's because the story is a little hard to follow.

W:So,what did you make of it?

M:I thought the actors did a very good job.

(Text 5)

W:I hope it stay warm.Do you think it will be good beach weather tomorrow?

M:Maybe.But you know that California weather is unpredictable.One minute it's hot,and then

the next minute it's cold,spoiling your plan easily.

W:You're right.

(Text 6)

M:Good morning,madam.Could you sign me up for a psychology class now?

W:There are two psychology classes that are still open.The first class is a Tuesday and

Thursday class from 2:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.

M:What a pity!I'm not available on those afternoons.What about the other class?

W:It's on Monday and Wednesday from 8:00 a.m.to 10:00 a.m.

M:Are you sure there are no more open classes?

W:I'm sure.

M:In this case,I'll choose the latter one.


W:Okay.Your class will begin next week.

(Text 7)

W:I'm Lydia Smith in apartment 23.Is that the apartment manager speaking?

M:Yes.Speaking please.

W:As usual,I went out to get some groceries this morning,but when I came back,I found

broken glass lying about in my living room.Besides,there was a baseball near it.I guess it was

from some kids in this building

M:OK.Ill call the window repairman,but it'll probably take a couple of days.

W:I could get fast service if I call a friend of mine.He happens to work in a repair shop.


W:But what about the bill?

M:Since the kids broke it,your friend can bill me.

(Text 8)

M:Linda,could I check out this book?

W:I remember you haven't had a library card,have you?

M:No,I haven't.How can I get a library card?

W:If you have your Identity Card with you,we can apply for one right now.

M:Yes,here it is.

W:By the way,there are some rules you'll have to bear in mind.First,books can only be kept

for a week.But you can renew them.This is very important,because if you don't return a book

on time,you will have to pay a fine.Five cents per day for each book.Now,let's go to the coffee

shop on the second floor.We'll have to get a copy of your ID card first.

M:It's really a privilege to be in the same school with you.

(Text 9)

W:Doctor Rita’s office.

M:This is Peter Jones.I'd like to make an appointment for a checkup,please.I've just moved in

Los Angles for a job switch and my new company needs a thorough medical examination.

M:Welcome,Mr.Jones.Companies usually want a fairly complete examination.So that means

you'll have to come in the morning and don't eat or drink anything after midnight the night

before.When would you like to come in?

M:Anytime this week.I don't have to go into the office until next Monday.

W:Will 9.00 a.m.Thursday be convenient?

M:No problem.Oh,I forgot.We'll have a meeting with my children's new headmaster that

morning.That's at 11.

W:What school is that?

M:Beverly Hills High School.

W:Oh,that's no problem.The whole examination will take about an hour,maybe a bit more and

the school is only two blocks from here.A 3-minute walk.So,you will have plenty of time.

M:That's good.So,9.00 a.m.Thursday.

W:How would you like to get the report?We can either telephone to tell you or e-mail you or

you can visit our app and download it.

M:Send it to pjones12@hotspot.com.


(Text 10)https://collegedunia.com/exams/ielts

IELTS is an English language test that is widely accepted by over 3000 universities

worldwide.IELTS registration can be done by selecting a suitable test center and date.The

total duration of the test is 2 hours and 45 minutes.Candidates can take the test up to four

times a month.The IELTS score is usually available within 2-5 days after the test date.

The IELTS test evaluates an individual's mastery in English and the score is widely

recognized by over 11,000 employers,universities,and government authorities globally.So

those who want to get jobs in international companies or study abroad or live permanently in

English-speaking countries usually choose to take the exam.

IELTS is available in two ways:IELTS Academic and IELTS General:IELTS Academic

and IELTS General Training,each serving a specific purpose.While the Listening and

Speaking sections of both tests are identical,the Reading and Writing sections differ.The

IELTS Academic test is intended for individuals seeking higher education or professional

certification in an English-speaking country.On the other hand,the IELTS General Training

test is primarily taken by people who wish to move to or work in English-speaking

countries,with a focus on the skills required to succeed in the workplace.






