
2024-03-23·16页·493.5 K

2024年 3月 22 日下午

2024 年河南省五市高三第一次联考

英 语


1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、考生号填写在试卷和答题卡上,并将考生号条形码





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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5 分)


选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话


1. What is Alice worried about?

A. An upcoming lecture. B. The students’ behavior. C. A traditional custom.

2. Where does the conversation take place?

A. In a restaurant. B. At home. C. In a supermarket.

3. How do the speakers/feel now?

A. Surprised. B. Happy. C. Annoyed.

4. What is the woman doing?

A. Baking cakes. B. Preparing for a party. C. Making a shopping list.

5. What are the speakers: mainly talking about?

A. Peter’s holiday! B. Peter’s trip. plan. C. Peter’s’ cousins.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5i 分,满分 22. 5 分)



题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听

第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6. Why did Tom come home late?

A. He lost track of the time. B. He missed the last bus. C. He finished school late.

7. What does Tom say about the singer?

A. He needs some money.

B. He just wants to be appreciated.

C. He's good at singing classical songs.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8. What did David ask his colleagues to do?

A. Attend the afternoon meeting.

B. Arrive at the restaurant by 7: 00.

C. Leave early to avoid busy traffic.

9. Why is the man unable to ensure his arrival time?

A. He has to pick up Mr. Smith.

B. He has to prepare for a meeting.

C. He has to deliver some packages.

10. What does Monica suggest the man do?

A. Give David a call.

B. Skip the gathering.

C. Take public transportation.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11. How often does the woman walk to work?

A. Two days a week. B. Three days a week. C. Four days a week.

12. What does the woman dislike about shared bikes?

A. The speed. B. The expense. C. The parking situation.

13. Where will the man go next?

A. His office. B. His home. C. The subway station.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 16 题。

14. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Schoolmates.

B. Former neighbors.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

15. Why does the man feel-upset about the interview on campus?

A. He didn't attend it.

B. He found it meaningless.

C. He hasn't received any notice:

16. What advice does Jenny give to the man about interviews?

A. Providing satisfactory answers.

B. Arriving at the company on time.

C. Doing research on the company beforehand.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. Which group do the listeners belong to?

A. The first one. B. The second one. C. The third one.

18. What product is the store selling now?

A. Home electronics. B. Outdoor furniture. C. Indoor furniture:

19. When did the speaker become the store manager?

A. One year ago. B. Four years ago. C. Ten years ago.

20. Who is the speaker talking to?

A. The employees. B. The customers. C. The partners.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Jonathan Drori's interest in plants dates back to his years when growing up in southwest London.

They lived within walking distance of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, home to one of the most

diverse collections of plants in the world. His parents would take him and his brother frequently to

the gardens, exploring the grounds and discovering new plant species from around the world.

My father was trained in botany but worked as an engineer, while my mother was interest- ed

in the beauty of plants, he says, She would carry a magnifying glass in her purse, and we' d go to

Kew every week to look at the individual plants.

Now Drori is a botany expert. He's built a career as an educator, focusing on the environment

and technology, and is also a productive author. His new book explains the historical and cultural

significance of different plant species. Using a map as his guide, he selected about eighty plants from

around the world, and each has an interesting backstory. that focuses on the cultural significance and

botanical structure of each species.

For example, amaranth (苋菜)from Peru has almost been forgotten, since it's often over-

shadowed by more readily available whole grains like oats and rye. However, it has gained popularity

in recent years thanks to being highly nutritious and a good source of beneficial acids. In fact, before

the Spanish Conquest in 1519, amaranth was a major foodstuff of the Inca and Aztec empires. The

Aztecs used its seeds for ceremonial purposes, mixing amaranth flour into figures representing

important deities within their culture, such as Tlaloc, the god of rain.

21. Where did Jonathan Drori's interest in botany mainly come from?

A. His collection B. His teachers C. His books D. His childhood

22. Which of the following is the most possible title for Jonathan Drori's new book?

A. Around the World in 80 Plants B. How Plants Relate to Civilization

C. How Plants Tell Stories of History D. A Brief History of Research on Plants

23. What leads to amaranth becoming more and more popular recently?

A. Its historical value B. Its ceremonial value

C. Its healthy value D. Its cultural value


Early in my time in China, I. asked a coworker. if she noticed anything Americans do that is

strange. You're always fighting, even with your best friend, she said. She had never. seen me fight

with my friend, so I was surprised, until I realized she was referring to a philosophical de- bate.

Though passionate, my friend and I would hardly have considered it a fight. According to him, many

Chinese wouldn't tell their friend to shut your mouth when you speak to me or tell them, your logic

is so dumb- you don't have object permanence, which is opposed to social harmony.

Words are metaphors, serving to comprehend abstract ideas or beliefs. Each language possesses

an inner logic, influencing how its speakers structure sentences and understand words. This

uniqueness extends beyond mere vocabulary; it spreads to the system of expression, shaping thoughts

and ideas. Regardless-of how skilled one becomes at communicating, or how many dictionaries

they've read, they cannot guarantee that the listener. understands them correctly.

Each language barrier exists within speakers of the same language. In 2013, I worked with a

British man who had lived in China for a-decade and spoke Chinese fluently. It took him about 10

years to fully understand the culture. Either I, 'm silly, or he was kidding me.

I can confidently say that after all' this time, I'm even more confused. than I was then. . The

concepts and ideas I. learn about Chinese culture expand endlessly, and I suspect that will always be

true. If I'm lucky, I'll have another 30 years of life, less time than more intelligent men than I have

spent studying culture.

Perhaps I'm not meant to understand China. There is acceptance and peace in that. With my

foreign friends, I will joke and even tease them and with my Chinese friends, I will ask questions to

avoid giving the impression I. am fighting with them. I will embrace cross-cultural confusion and

persist in understanding my Chinese friends, family, coworkers and neighbors, because that

knowledge bears gifts of wisdom and joy. My. life is better for it.

24. What impression does the author leave on his Chinese friend?

A. He specializes in debating. B. He is kind of rude to friends.

C. He argues with others much. D. He is passionate about philosophy.

25. What does the author stress about the language in. Paragraph 2?

A. Its inner logic B. Its significant complexity

C. Its abstract origin D. Its changing structure

26. What makes the author more puzzled when living longer in China?

A. Profound Chinese culture B. His British friend's, experience

C. Little time spent with family D. Different understanding of humor

27. Which is the author's plan for future life?

A. He will take China as it is. B. He will return to his motherland.

C. He will be more serious in China. D. He will persist in academic study.


In recent years, the popular idea of reducing carbon footprints by eating locally to cut down food

miles has come under close examination. However, a recent study published in Nature Food indicates

that global food miles might account for as much as 20 percent of food-related emissions, a

significantly higher percentage than previous estimations. This statement begs the question: Are food

miles more significant than we initially believed?

Food miles represent the distance food travels from production to consumption, with previous

studies suggesting that the emissions from these miles are tiny compared to the emissions produced

during the food growing process. For instance, producing one kilogram of beef generates almost 99

kg of CO2, while apples only produce 0. 4 kg per kilogram. If the goal is to minimize dietary carbon

footprints, it would be more beneficial to choose foods with lower overall carbon footprints, even if

they have to travel a distance. Therefore, reducing meat and dairy intake could prove to be a more

effective strategy.

The recent study doesn’t contradict (相矛盾)this conclusion. The reason why the reported

proportion is higher is that the calculation includes all transport involved, including the transportation

of fertilizers, farm equipment, and pesticides (杀虫剂) . Hannah Ritchie, a researcher at the

University of Oxford, suggests that a term other than food miles would be more appropriate to

avoid any confusion. If the study had followed the standard definition of food miles, the per- centage

would drop to 9 percent, which corresponds more closely with the 4 to 6 percent found in prior


Moreover, the study theorizes that even if all food was produced in the countries where it is

consumed, the reduction in emissions would only be 1. 7 percent. overall. This is due to the fact that

a larger proportion of food would be transported by road rather than by sea, with trucks producing

higher emissions per ton of cargo than ships.

So, overall, the bottom line is still that what you eat has a much bigger impact on emissions

than the distance that food has to travel to reach you, said Ritchie.

28. What has the recent study found?

A. Food production has caused a lot of carbon emissions.

B. Carbon emissions from food miles are increasing rapidly.

C. Carbon emission reduction largely depends on eating locally.

D. Global food miles lead to more carbon emissions than expected.

29. Why does the author mention beef and apples in paragraph. 2?

A. To explain the benefits of apples

B. To highlight food production's effect

C. To compare beef and apple production

D. To advocate short-distance transportation

30. Which of the following is the best solution to food-related carbon footprints?

A. Supplying. high-calory foods

B. Upgrading food delivery systems

C. Reducing meat and dairy consumption

D. Avoiding chemical pesticides for plants

31. What is the Ritchie's attitude toward the recent study finding?

A. Unfavourable B. Supportive C. Tolerant D. Uncertain


Traditionally, many decisions about medical treatment were left up to doctors: They decided,

and patients agreed. Today, health care professionals are embracing the idea of shared decision-

making, where patients become informed partners in their choices. Health care professionals now

focus on placing the patient at the center of care, informing them about their options, and engaging

them in treatment decisions. For example, they engage patients by asking, What' s important to you?

And what are your priorities and goals as we. talk about a treatment plan?

I think there's a strong recognition in American medicine, of the importance of patient

engagement not only. in their care, but in deciding what types of care and types of procedures they're

going to get, said Dr. Allen, a professor of medicine at the University of Colorado School of

Medicine in Aurora.

A 2017 study, published in the journal Circulation: Cardiovascular Quality and Outcomes found

that people with heart disease who went through-shared decision-making had better physical and

mental health, better obedience to medication and lower rates of staying in hospital and emergency

department use. Patients also reported better communication with their doctors. When people are

more engaged in decision-making, they understand the pros and cons of various treatment options,

and they're more likely to stick to the treatment plan and to continue that communication.

But research on how to best approach different, cultural groups is lacking. Many doctors cite

limited time as a barrier, although research shows that shared decision-making can be accomplished

even within short clinic visits. Also, current models of payment for doctors' visits do not always agree

with the goals of shared decision-making. But underlying all that is that medical decisions can be

incredibly. complicated

Making the practice work. on a wider scale is an evolving process. But in the long run, Allen

said: shared decision-making can ensure that with all the amazing new technologies and treatments

that we will have in medicine, they really can be applied to more patients in a tailored, meaningful

way that meets their own values, goals and preferences.

32. What role do doctors play in shared decision-making?

A. They are at the center of care. B. They ask questions to patients:

C. They follow patients' opinions. D. They present suggestions to patients.

33. Which can be a benefit to patients from shared decision-making?

A. Shortened time in hospital B. Improved healthy awareness

C. Reduced mental problems D. Enhanced communication skills

34. What is the biggest challenge to shared decision-making?

A. Lack of family support

B. Limited time and money

C. Uniqueness of medical treatment

D. Complicated medicine production process

35. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Shared Decision Making: More than Technology?

B. Shared Decision Making: an Ideal Way for Patients

C. Shared Decision Making: a Future Model of Hospitals?

D. Shared Decision Making: Advantages and Disadvantages

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分,满分 12. 5 分)



Your alarm goes off on January 1. You force yourself out of bed and drag your feet toward the

bathroom, where you glimpse a pale-faced stranger in the mirror. 36 After a moment, however,

you think, Wait, it's okay because today is New Year's Day; there's time to get back in shape!

For many people, the start of a new year signals the end of a period of overindulgence (放 纵

) in diet. 37 . They often revolve around turning oneself into a fit and healthy human being.

However, the fact is that approximately 80% of them are abandoned before February. How does that

happen? 38 . While we may have good intentions when making resolutions, we are not actually

making enough determination to live in a more controlled way. Change involves a degree of stress,

and someone not mentally equipped to handle that stress will struggle to change.

So, what can you do to achieve your healthy goals in the new year? One idea is to think small

rather than the opposite. 39 But in reality change is likely easier in smaller steps, which allows

for greater success. Another helpful strategy is to design a personal reward system. Finally, set

concrete goals. Instead of making a vague resolution like I'm going to get in better shape this year,

make a specific one. For example, I'm going to run for 30 minutes every day would be far more

powerful. Most importantly, remember that despite their name, New Year's resolutions should be for

life. 40 but with suitable strategies, there is no reason why you cannot stick to your resolutions

permanently or at least until March.

A. Change takes time and effort

B. Instinctively, you step back in horror

C. It's probably related to self-discipline

D. Many people's plans involve grand measures

E. The answer is likely that we should be confident

F. New Year is a great time to be with family and friends

G. In December it's often justified by planning New Year's resolutions

第三部分语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


For the past years, 83-year-old Al Merritt has been a cheery presence in his neighborhood. Since

2010, Merritt has been trying to achieve the mission to 41 the circumference (周长) of the

Earth-24, 901 miles-without ever leaving his own neighborhood. 42 , Merritt got to know many

of his neighbors. Up until October 24, (2021), he never realized that his daily bicycle trips were

as 43 to them as they were to him. At 3 p. m. , nearly 200 people appeared to congratulate Merritt

on the ending of his round-the-world 44 , and a large trophy (杯)was placed in his arms.

Al started cycling around 11 years ago. At first, his rides were about five miles long, then 10 to

12 miles, and 45 the length of his outings grew. As time went by, he began to think 46 the

circumference of the Earth. By the end of 2020, he had 47 21, 565 miles in total.

There was no 48 of the goal planned until two passers-by, Natalie London and Taylor Plecity,

came along. They were visiting London's mom when Merritt 49 by on his bike quickly. Then

attracted by his 50 and discovering Merritt was just weeks away from completing his goal, they

asked if they could 51 a short documentary.

He represents how an individual's small 52 can change an entire community, said Lon-

don. To celebrate the completion of Merritt's cycling goal, they secretly printed up posters and placed

them on doorways for several 53 . But even they were surprised at the huge crowd that 54 .

Actually Merritt has no plans to change the routine that has become the 55 of his daily life.

41. A. measure B. guess C. survey D. cycle

42. A. In a word B. As a result C. On the contrary D. After all

43. A. time-consuming B. meaningful C. usual D. demanding

44. A. adventure B. expectation C. subject D. phenomenon

45. A. unexpectedly B. immediately C. hopefully D. gradually

46. A. again B. twice C. big D. deep

47. A. obtained B. dominated C. covered D. revolved

48. A. celebration B. delay C. excuse D. admission

49. A. drove B. flew C. stood D. slid

50. A. speed B. bike C. route D. story

51. A. cast B. picture C. film D. advertise





