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江苏省南京市2023-2024学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

2023-2024 学年第二学期期初联合调研试题

高三英语学科 2024.2

第一部分:听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每 段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What will the speakers do on Thursday?

A. Play football. B. Watch a movie. C. Go hiking.

2. What does the man want to do?

A. Place an order. B. Design a uniform. C. Form a team.

3. What is Sally’s favorite city?

A. Paris. B. Madrid. C. Venice.

4. Where will the speakers go?

A. To a cafe. B. To a dessert shop. C. To a bookstore.

5. What relation is Mr. Gomez to the man?

A. His teacher. B. His client. C. His boss.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中

选出最佳 选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小

题将给出 5 秒钟的 作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6、7 题。

6. What is the man doing?

A. Driving a car. B. Repairing a car. C. Borrowing a car.

7. How does the man sound in the end?

A. Confused. B. Hesitant. C. Confident.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 10 题。

8. What are the speakers discussing?

A. A job candidate. B. A new workmate. C. Travel arrangements.

9. How does Steven Johnson impress the man?

A. By his working experiences.

B. By his communication skills.

C. By his international background.

10. When will the speakers meet Steven Johnson?

A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. The week after next.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 11 至 13 题。

11. What will the man do on Monday?

A. Start a new position. B. Pack his belongings. C. Attend a meeting.

12. What is the man busy doing now?

A. Moving to his new office.


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

B. Checking off office supplies.

C. Preparing for a promotion campaign.

13. What does the woman offer to do?

A. Review an expense report.

B. Provide the man with supplies.

C. Arrange a company celebration.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. Where will the event take place?

A. At a coffee shop. B. At a music hall. C. At a park.

15. Why did the woman choose the location?

A. It’s private. B. It’s family friendly. C. It’s requested by the charity.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Organize some activities. B. Contribute some money. C. Contact some bands.

17. What is the event’s purpose?

A. To hear some live music. B. To help an animal shelter. C. To have some family fun.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. Why did the speaker learn Arabic?

A. She wanted to study in Cairo.

B. She was inspired by her teacher.

C. She became interested in the culture.

19. What is the biggest challenge for the speaker?

A. Suffering from culture shock.

B. Finding a hotel and accommodation.

C. Mastering written and spoken Arabic.

20. What excites the speaker most?

A. Being invited to a meal.

B. Shopping at a local market.

C. Getting to know the locals.

第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Italki works with Emmersion and Oxford Online Placement Test to provide online language tests for

language learners.

Test contents:

Italki Language Test is powered by Emmersion, which offered two kinds of test contents, Emmersion

Speaking test and Emmersion Grammar test. The Emmersion Speaking test is available for 7 languages:

English, French, Spanish, German, Japanese, Portuguese and Italian, and is mostly designed to use neutral

accents and not focus on a specific dialect. However, the Spanish test uses a Latin American accent, and

the Portuguese test leans towards a Brazilian accent. The Emmersion Grammar test is available for 5

languages: English, French, Spanish, German, and Italian. OOPT, Oxford Online Placement Test includes

an English Grammar test.

Expiration (有效期):

1. OOPT is valid for a year from the purchase date.


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

2. Italki Language test is valid for 1 year after purchase. You can take up to 4 times tests within one

purchase. To take the test, you need to activate (激活) it to start. Italki Language Test won’t limit you to

activate the same language for these 4 tests. You can choose any available language you want to activate

each time.

What should I prepare before taking the Italki Language Test?

A stable internet connection. An updated internet browser. Chrome is recommended, but here, you’ll

find a list of compatible (可兼容的) browsers and equipment, including mobile devices and computers:


A quiet environment with little or no background noise.

A headset with a built-in microphone (Optional).

How long will the test take?

The test will ask you 40-45 questions, which should take 15 minutes to 30 minutes.

However, it depends on you. The computerized adaptive testing adapts to the examinee’s level. There

isn’t a set number of questions, and the questions won’t always be the same. For the OOPT test, please

make sure that you click “submit” to complete your test within the one-hour time limit. Otherwise, you

won’t get a score as the exam didn’t finish in time.

21. How many foreign languages are available for a Spanish student in an Emmersion Grammar test?

A. one B. four C. five D. seven

22. Which is a must for a Italki Language test?

A. A quiet environment. B. The Chrome browser.

C. A computer. D. A headset with a built-in microphone.

23. What else should you pay attention to when taking a test?

A. Accents are not acceptable in the test.

B. You should stick to one language for tests within one purchase.

C. The numbers of questions in the test are not fixed.

D. You should click “submit” within 45 minutes in an OOPT text.


Adolescent chimpanzees share some of the same risk-taking behaviors as human teens, but they may

be less impulsive (冲动的) than human adolescents, according to research published in the Journal of

Experimental Psychology: General by the American Psychological Association.

“Adolescent chimpanzees are in some sense facing the same psychological tempest that human teens

are,” said lead researcher Alexandra Rosati, an associate professor of psychology at the University of

Michigan. “Our findings show that several key features of human adolescent psychology are also seen in


The researchers conducted two tests involving food rewards with 40 wild-born chimpanzees in the

Republic of Congo. The chimpanzees voluntarily participated in the games in order to receive food treats.

In the first test, adolescent and adult chimpanzees could choose between two containers. One container

always contained peanuts, a food that chimpanzees somewhat like. The other container hid either a less

favorite fooda cucumber sliceor a favorite fooda banana slice. The chimpanzees could play it safe

and get the peanuts, or take a chance for some banana at the risk of ending up with unappetizing cucumber.

The chimpanzees’ reactions were recorded, and their saliva (唾液) samples were collected for analysis.

During several rounds of the test, adolescent chimpanzees took the risky option more often than adult

chimpanzees, but adolescents and adults had similar negative reactions when they received cucumber.

The second test examined delayed satisfaction where chimpanzees could receive one banana slice


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

immediately or wait for one minute to receive three slices. Both adolescent and adult chimpanzees chose

the greater delayed reward at a similar rate. Human teens tend to be more impulsive than adults so they

would be more likely to take the immediate reward. “Previous research indicates that chimpanzees are quite

patient compared with other animals, and our study shows that their ability to delay satisfaction is already

mature at a fairly young age, unlike in humans,” Rosati said.

However, adolescent chimpanzees weren’t happy about waiting for the extra banana slices and they

showed greater anger during the one-minute delay than adult chimpanzees. “Risk-taking behavior in both

adolescent chimpanzees and humans appears to be biologically rooted, but increases in impulsive behavior

may be specific to human teens,” Rosati said.

24. Which of the following best explains the underlined word “tempest” in paragraph 2?

A. Illness. B. Training. C. Recognition. D. Struggle.

25. What does paragraph 4 mainly talk about concerning the test?

A. Its potential risks. B. Its research results.

C. Its experiment process. D. Its first-stage preparations.

26. What did the first test find?

A. Adult chimpanzees tended to take on more challenging tasks.

B. Adolescent chimpanzees stayed calm when eating less favorite foods.

C. Adolescent chimpanzees were more likely to take risks than adult ones.

D. Adult chimpanzees weren’t willing to participate in games with food treats.

27. What can we learn about chimpanzees’ ability to delay satisfaction?

A. It leads to more risk-taking behavior. B. It develops earlier than that of humans.

C. It differs greatly in different age groups. D. It is mainly associated with the waiting time.


Consumers increasingly use smartwatches and other wearable devices to measure their heart rates and

rhythm during exercise and for overall health monitoring. However, those measurements may be less

accurate in people with darker skin tones (肤色), according to a study.

The findings are based on a systematic review of 10 previously published studies involving a total of

469 participants. The study is the first to pool data from many studies to specifically examine how skin

tones may affect the accuracy of heart data in wearables.

After screening 622 scientific papers, the researchers identified 10 studies that reported the heart rate

and rhythm data for consumer wearable technology according to a participant’s skin tone. Of those studies,

they found that heart rate measurements were significantly less accurate in darker-skinned individuals

compared with either lighter-skinned individuals or measurements from proven devices, such as chest strap

monitors or electrocardiograms (心电图). One study reported that although there was no difference in heart

rate accuracy, wearable devices recorded significantly fewer data points for people with darker skin.

Most wearables detect the heart rate and rhythm by aiming a beam of light at the wrist and then

detecting how much light is absorbed. Greater light absorption indicates a greater volume of blood flowing

through the veins (静脉) under the skin. The study results suggest that this signaling process might not work

well in darker skin that contains more melanin (黑色素), which absorbs light. In addition to the rising use

of wearables to monitor physical activity and sleep patterns, interest in the use of consumer wearables for

medical research and even early detection of heart problems has increased in recent years.

The study emphasizes the importance of ensuring that technology meets the needs of diverse

populations, especially when it’s intended to improve health. “It’s urgent to explore alternative options to

collect reliable data from all users. There is some evidence to suggest that certain light, particularly green


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

light, is more accurate in people across all skin tones,” Daniel Koerber, the study’s co-lead author, said.

28. How did researchers conduct research?

A. They surveyed wearable device users. B. They took advantage of existing data.

C. They communicated with professionals. D. They tested wearable devices on the market.

29. How do most wearables detect users’ heart rates?

A. By detecting melanin levels in users’ skin.

B. By observing users’ breathing rates and blood pressure.

C. By measuring the speed of the blood flow in users’ veins.

D. By detecting the amount of light absorbed by users’ wrists.

30. Which of the following statements about wearables may Daniel Koerber agree with?

A. They require improvement. B. They face severe competition.

C. They are a double-edged sword. D. They are a kind of marketing trick.

31. What can be the best title for the text?

A. How is your heart rate detected properly?

B. How accurate is the heart data from your smartwatch?

C. What challenge does future wearable technology face?

D. How may skin tones affect the accuracy of heart data in wearables?


Remember Malcolm Gladwell’s famous “10,000-hour rule” from his book Outliers? It proposed that

achieving mastery in any field required roughly 10,000 hours of practice, emphasizing the importance of

early professionalization and intensive practice for becoming an elite (精英) in a particular field.

This approach, known as deliberate practice, encourages setting goals from a young age, investing time,

and specializing in a specific field. On paper, it sounds like the surefire (必定成功的) path to success, but

when we deeply study the lives of elite athletes, musicians, and scholars, we find a different story.

In reality, many individuals who have risen to the top of their respective fields took a more diverse and

circuitous (曲折的) route. They often explored a wide range of activities, gained a broad skill set, and only

specialized at a later stage in life. Studies have shown that an approach called the “sampling period” is often

more effective for achieving success. During this phase, individuals try various activities, gain diverse skills,

identify their strengths and weaknesses, and only choose a field to specialize in once they have a clearer

understanding of their passions and abilities.

Consider the journey of Roger Federer, one of the greatest tennis players of all time. At the age of 6,

he dabbled (涉足) in rugby, skiing, and wrestling, only returning to tennis later. The trial period benefited

him not just because he found his true passion but also because his experiences in various sports enriched

his tennis game with a unique set of skills.

Setting strict goals for children from a young age, driven by the deliberate practice model, may not be

the ideal path to success. The concept of the “sampling period” offers a more flexible and effective approach.

It allows individuals to explore their interests, gain diverse skills, and discover their true passions.

In a world marked by constant change and complexity, the ability to draw from a range of experiences

and knowledge is a critical skill for achieving excellence and innovation. So, perhaps it’s time to reconsider

the way we nurture the talents and ambitions of the next generation.

32. What is the key to becoming elite in a field according to the book Outliers?

A. The professional instruction. B. The correct practice method.

C. Long and continuous practice. D. The determination to try different activities.

33. What do many people who have excelled in their fields share according to paragraph 3?


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

A. They all have strong determination to succeed.

B. They all achieved success in their fields at an old age.

C. They all tried many things before focusing on their fields.

D. They all have been passionate about their careers from an early age.

34. Why is Roger Federer mentioned in paragraph 5?

A. To propose a spirit. B. To make a comparison.

C. To provide a suggestion. D. To serve as an example.

35. What can be learned from the last two paragraphs?

A. Experience is more important than success.

B. Parents should not set goals for their kids at an early age.

C. It is never too late to start following your passion.

D. Children should be taught about the complexity of the world.

第二节 (共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Most of us have a map of the world in our mind that we use any time we think about places. 36 In

fact, many of the maps in our heads share the same errors, some of which are quite large and surprisingly

resistant to correction.

For example, we all believe that South America is just south of North America, of course. But you

may be surprised by the fact that virtually the entire South American continent is east of Florida. There are

lots of possible reasons for geographical misconceptions like this one, says cartographer (地图绘制员) John

Nelson. 37 After all it’s not called Southeast America.

Europe is also often placed much farther south on mental maps than it really is. But it actually lines up

better with Canada. 38 Western Europe is relatively warm for its latitude (纬度) thanks to the Gulf

Stream which brings warmer water from the Gulf of Mexico across the Atlantic. The warmer temperatures

are more similar to the climate of the lower 48 states than Canada’s.

39 We also have misconceptions about the relative size of things. This may be due in part to the

nature of 2D maps. Flattening a 3D globe onto a flat surface isn’t possible without some distortion (变形).

This is especially obvious for maps that use certain projections.

Mercator maps distort the shape and relative size of continents, particularly near the poles. This is why

Greenland appears to be similar in size to all of South America on Mercator maps. 40

A. Locations aren’t the only way our mental maps can be wrong.

B. But these mental maps aren’t necessarily dependable.

C. Nelson says that climate might play a role in this misunderstanding.

D. In fact, South America is more than eight times larger than Greenland.

E. He believes the misplaced Americas may be partly a result of their names.

F. However, our physical experience of the world may come into play as well.

G. None of these geographic misconceptions would be surprising for a student.

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Starting a business at a young age is challenging. 18-year-old Tom Oswald, the owner of the newly-

founded “Homeboy Cafe” is the best 41 of persistence leading to success. Oswald had been working


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

as an assistant in a caf when he heard of a place being 42 and decided to open his caf. With much

struggle, he 43 to set his menu, marketing and aesthetics (审美) to create his own caf.

The 44 part was that Oswald held the opening of his caf but nobody appeared. He posted a

video of his 45 shop. The text on the video read, “Opened a caf and nobody came.” While it felt

like a downfall (衰落), Oswald didn’t 46 . Instead, he started improving his strategies and the caf

itself. This led him to 47 a TikTok account for his caf. He posted a series of videos showing his

48 in marketing, building, replanning the menu and more. The account was intended to help him interact

with potential customers. 49 , no one but a few family members and close friends came to support

and lift his 50 .

Oswald tried to maintain an aesthetic and develop a personality for the caf that would 51 people

to come. He renamed his shop “Homeboy Caf” to give it a personal 52 . While it didn’t offer much

success, Oswald carried on with his attempts to make his caf 53 . He recorded week after week

showcasing the comfortable spots of his caf. He 54 recorded his procedures, menu, mouth-watering

items fresh out of the oven and more. Hopefully, weeks later someone showed up. Oswald posted his next

video which read, “ 55 : Had a few TikTok customers.”

41. A. player B. role C. example D. position

42. A. picked out B. rented out C. found out D. carried out

43. A. intended B. expected C. happened D. managed

44. A. depressing B. astonishing C. confusing D. frightening

45. A. unique B. busy C. empty D. smart

46. A. hesitate B. quit C. fail D. battle

47. A. arrange B. pursue C. share D. create

48. A. efforts B. faiths C. motives D. difficulties

49. A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Furthermore

50. A. qualities B. abilities C. beliefs D. spirits

51. A. inspire B. pressure C. allow D. remind

52. A. effect B. experience C. touch D. taste

53. A. expanded B. known C. improved D. mastered

54. A. ever B. never C. still D. even

55. A. Update B. Warn C. Advertise D. Maintain

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

With the opening of the Zhejiang Provincial Museum’s new branch in August, a full show of

technology across the new museum 56 (hold) outside so visitors could see the charm of its “digitalized

cultural relics”. The 9 opening of the new venue (场馆), 57 (know) as the Zhijiang branch, in

Hangzhou, is accompanied by 13 exhibitions, among 58 the 10,000 Years of ZhejiangZhejiang

History and Culture Exhibition is a highlight.

The use of new technology at the branch has attracted a large number of visitors. The new exhibition

hall for digital cultural relics uses 3D digital space modeling and other advanced technology to allow visitors

to have 59 immersive experience with the cultural relics, promoting the 60 (innovate)

integration and development of digitalization in cultural relic protection as well. 61 (make) sure

visitors can see the exhibits behind the glass more clearly, the new venue also introduced low reflection

glass, which reduces light interference (干扰) and 62 (great) shortens the distance between viewers

and cultural relics. The new venue is a total of 100,000 square meters in size, 63 it is three times


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

larger than the main museum. At present, 2,000 objects 64 (exhibit) in 10,000 Years of Zhejiang,

taking 65 half of the total number of all exhibits that have been collected in the new venue.

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)


题讲座。请 你写一则活动通知,发布在校英文网站上,内容包括:

1. 讲座的目的和主题;

2. 主讲人和讲座内容简介;

3. 注意事项。

注意:写作词数应为 80 左右。





The Students’ Union

第二节(满分 25 分)


Debra, a five-year-old cousin of mine, often annoyed me. She wished me to stay with her, talk to her

and teach her ballet. I hated it and never taught her to dance. That hot July afternoon, Debra annoyed me


Our big family all gathered together at a friend’s outdoor wedding. The children were running around

and playing games. The afternoon couldn’t have been better. My friends and I gathered together and

excitedly talked about our up and-coming freshman year. Debra desired to join us, but what could a five-

year-old kid contribute to our conversations?

I left the table where we were sitting, leaving behind my mother, my grandmother and Debra. I walked

inside the house and greeted everyone inside before making my way to the bathroom. As I was washing my

hands, there was a big knock and the bathroom door burst open. It was an older cousin of mine, Sylvia.

With a look of fear, anxiety and shock, she rushed to find towels. I figured one of the kids was injured while

playing. “There has been a bad accident outside,” she told me and rushed out.

What kind of accident? Was anyone hurt? I left the bathroom. A woman approached and told me that

a guest who was leaving the party had lost control of his car. Then I heard a voice calling my name. It was

my mother. She told me, “Debra has been badly hurt. Come and help rescue her!” My heart dropped to my

feet. I was struck by the sudden thought that I might lose her.

I hurried outside. Tables and chairs were overturned everywhere by the runaway car. I was in shock.

My mother quickly drove our car around and laid down the backseat. But where was Debra? I saw her

parents running from a room with a piece of board, perfectly Debra’s size. I didn’t see my tiny cousin until

she was put onto the board and laid in the car, crying. Her new white dress had blood, and on her left shoe

was a tire (轮胎) mark.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式作答。

Together, we hurried to drive towards the hospital. ____________________________________________



江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28



“She’ll walk again as long as you take good care of her,” the doctor told us.____________________




2023-2024 学年第二学期期初联合调研考试


第一部分 听力 (每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1-5. BACBC 6-10. BCA AC 11-15. AABAB 16-20. CBBCA

第二部分 阅读理解 (每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

21-25 BACDC 26-30 CBBDA 31-35 DCCDB

第三部分节 七选五 (每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36-40 BECAD

第四部分 完形填空 (每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 CBDAC 46-50 BDABD 51-55 ACBDA

第五部分 语法语篇填空 (每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. was held 57. known 58. which 59. an 60. innovative

61. To make 62. greatly 63. and 64. are being exhibited 65. up

第六部分 第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15 分)

One possible version:


本写作要求你写一则通知,通知学生参加一专题讲座。时态应以一般将来时和现在时为 主。

审题可知,第一段应说明写讲座的目的和主题—航天强国,学生只要把航天强国的意思 表达出来

就行,不要求一定写出 space power 第二段是介绍主讲人吴教授(简要介绍即可) 以及讲座主要内

容是什么: 如中国航天的发展/历史/成就等;第三段注意事项如:准时参会/ 适当记笔记/保持安静


One possible version:


As planned, a lecture with the theme of “Space Power” will be held to raise our national pride. We also

hope it will enrich our campus life and broaden our knowledge.

Mr Wu, a professor from Beihang University, will briefly introduce the history of China’s space

industry. Afterwards, some achievements in the area will be listed. Finally, he will answer questions from

the audience.

The lecture will be held at 2 pm this Friday in the school hall/school lecture hall. All the students are

welcome and while attending the lecture, every student should be quiet and take notes if necessary.

The Students’ Union



按照故事的发展逻辑及续写第一段的给出语可知,在这一段应解决故事中的最大冲突, 也就

是“救治 Debra”。故本段应围绕 “我们” 送 Debra 就医的过程展开续写。根据材料中的 Debra, a five-

year-old cousin of mine, often annoyed me ... I hated it and never taught her to dance ... Debra desired to

join us, but what could a five-year-old kid contribute to our conversations? ... I left the table where we were


江苏省南京市 2023-2024 学年第二学期期初六校联合调研高三英语试题 答案 写作提示 听力原文 2024.02.28

sitting, leaving behind my mother, my grandmother and Debra 等信息可 知,作者不喜欢和 Debra 玩,

嫌她烦; 材料中的 She told me, “Debra has been badly hurt. Come and help rescue her!和 Her new white

dress had blood, and on her left shoe was a tire mark 等信 息暗示,Debra 受伤严重;材料中的 My heart

dropped to my feet. I was struck by the sudden thought that I might lose her 和 I hurried outside 等信息

暗示,面对 Debra 受伤,作者既担忧又 难过。她对 Debra 的态度正在发生转变。因此,本段可以


续写第二段的给出语暗示,如果不好好照顾 Debra,她将再也无法行走。根据上一段的 分析

可推测,作者接下来会好好照顾 Debra。续写本段时,还可以结合材料中的 She wished me to stay

with her, talk to her and teach her ballet 等信息,合理地想象 Debra 在康复过程中和 康复后,作者是

如何关心爱护 Debra 的。本段结尾时,还可以写一写作者对这件事的认识, 从而达到升华文章主


One possible version

Together, we hurried to drive towards the hospital. On the way, Debra asked if she would die and told

us how much she loved us. It felt like she was saying good-bye and that made us heartbroken. It was then

that I realized how precious my cousin was. I grabbed her little hand, comforting her. Feeling guilty, I

thought if I had allowed her to stay with me, she probably wouldn’t have been injured. Upon reaching the

hospital, Debra was brought into the operation room. Six hours later, she was brought to the recovery room.

Luckily, she survived.

“She’ll walk again as long as you take good care of her,” the doctor told us. “We can do it!” I cried,

glad that she had a chance to recover. When Debra awoke, I told her that she would be all right. That year,

I spent much time with Debra, helping her parents care for her, which made her so happy. Although her

recovery process was long and painful, she eventually could walk and learned ballet with my help. During

that period, I learned we should love the people who are important to us before it is too late.



听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出 最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段 对话仅读一遍。

例如,现在, 你有 5 秒钟的时间看试卷上的例题, 你将听到以下内容:

M: Excuse me, can you tell me how much the shirt is?

W: Yes, it’s nine fifteen.

你将有 5 秒钟的时间将正确答案标在试卷上。衬衫的价格为 9 镑 15 便士。所以,你选 择 C 项,


现在, 你有 5 秒钟的时间阅读第 1 小题的有关内容。

(Text 1)

M: Hey, that new superhero movie is out this weekend! But we’re going hiking. Maybe we can go during

the week?

W: Okay. It’s showing on Tuesday and Thursday.

M: Let’s go on Thursday. I play football on Mondays and Tuesdays.

W: Perfect, let’s do it!

(Text 2)

M: Good afternoon. I’m calling about ordering some uniforms for my baseball team.

W: OK. Do you have a design in mind? If not, you can use our website to view different styles. Then you

can submit your order through the site, too.

(Text 3)






