
2024-02-29·9页·687.7 K

2023-2024 学年春学期期初学调研试卷


命题人: 复核人:


1. 考试前请将密封线内的项目填写清楚。

2. 试卷共 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟。

3. 答案一律写在答题卡上。考试结束时,上交答题卡。

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)



第一节 (共5小题: 每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出

最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每


1.Why was the woman worried?

A.The boy cut a line. B.The boy went out alone. C.The boy told a lie.

2.When does the bank close on Sunday?

A.At 9:00 p.m. B.At 5:00 p.m. C.At 4:00 p.m.

3.What is the man dissatisfied with about the store?

A.The clothes. B.The service. C.The price.

4.How did the man get his shirt?

A.From his father. B.From an e-mall. C.From a souvenir shop.

5.Where will the woman put her plants?

A.In her backyard. B.In her window. C.On her balcony.

第二节 (共15小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个


听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What does the man plan to do this afternoon?

A.Go swimming. B.Go to class. C.Go to the library.

7.What does the woman offer to do for the man?

A.Collect information for his paper.

B.Help him with his chemistry.

C.Teach him to study math.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至 10 题。

8.What will the man do next month?

A.Move out of his apartment. B.Find a new roommate. C.Fix the windows and doors.

9.What does the woman like about the apartment?

A.The rent. B.The roof. C.The location.

10.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Call the house owner. B.Go back to her office. C.Bargain with the man.

听第8 段材料,回答第 11至 13 题。

11.What is the woman?

A.A policewoman. B.A driver. C.A car park attendant.

12.Where is the car park?

A.It’s near a hotel. B.It’s around the corner. C.It’s at the end of the street.

13.What will the man probably do next?

A.Drive away. B.Go to the police station. C.Show the woman his license.

听第9 段材料,回答第 14至 17 题。

14.What happened to the woman?

A.She lost her wallet. B.She didn’t finish his paper. C.She was caught by policemen.

15.When does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the morning. B.In the afternoon. C.At noon.

16.Where did the woman go first today?

A.The police station. B.The shop. C.The restaurant.

17.Who does the man suggest the woman phone?

A.The woman’s friend. B.The shop’s manager. C.The restaurant’s manager.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 18至 20 题。

18.What was Samuel Parnell’s job?

A.A lawyer. B.A carpenter. C.A doctor.

19.What did Samuel Parnell encourage other workers to do?

A.Reduce the working time to 8 hours.

B.Demand to found a workers’ group.

C.Require to take holidays every year.

20.When was Labor Day first celebrated as a public holiday?

A.In 1900. B.In 1899. C.In 1890.

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分50分)

第一节 (共15小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


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21. How much will you spend if your portrait photo needs make-up correction?

A. $0.25. B. $5. C. $2.50. D. $6.

22. Which two services provide background replacement?

A. Figure and Wedding. B. Figure and Product.

C. Product and Jewellery. D. Wedding and Jewellery.

23. What is the first thing you must do if you want to edit your photos?

A. Open an account on this website. B. Upload your photos to retouchers.

C. Give a detailed self-introduction. D. Take down your own requirements.


About a decade ago, Lawson was at a beach in Virginia watching his kids build castles right

next to the waves.

“I kept trying to get them to come back because I thought it was a terrible idea,” he remarked.

He wanted them to build their sandcastles closer to the dunes. But they found it more exciting to

build right where the waves hit, seeing their sandcastles get destroyed, and then rebuilding them

with whatever debris washed up from the ocean. “It seemed so symbolic, somehow, of how life

works more than just building your perfect sandcastles,” said Lawson. When he decided to turn

that sunny day into a children’s book, the idea came to just use pictures. “It seemed like it would

work beautifully without words,” he said.

A Day for Sandcastles is illustrated by Qin Leng. It’s the second wordless picture book for

Lawson and Leng since 2021’s Over the Shop. Leng’s illustrations stay pretty true to real life.

Three siblings spend the day building sandcastles and watching them get destroyed by a flying

hat. “To me it’s a celebration of childhood and the simple joys of life. These are the things I like

to capture,” said Leng.

Leng spent part of her childhood in France, and she was inspired by European comic books

“What I love to do when I illustrate a picture book is add side stories to the main storyline. I always

think about the readers and the longevity of the book, and I want them to be able to discover

something new every time they revisit the book,” Leng explained.

At the end of the day, the sleepy-eyed kids pile into the bus that will take them home. “Those

last pages are some of my favorite. They capture that feeling like at the end of the day on the

beach, when it’s getting dark and you feel completely exhausted,” Lawson said. It must be a

universal childhood feeling: happy with sand, sticky from the salt, hot from the sun, and ready to

fall asleep the moment you get into the car.

24. Why does Lawson mention the scene where the kids built sandcastles?

A. To suggest a way to enjoy leisure. B. To remind readers of the childhood.

C. To convince us of how life works. D. To tell us the inspiration for his book.

25. What do you know about the two books mentioned?

A. They are purchased by kids universally. B. Readers can only find pictures in them.

C. They carry no elements of comic books. D. The stories are literally works of fantasy.

26. How does Lawson feel when telling us the last pages in the last paragraph?

A. Relieved. B. Pleased. C. Disturbed. D. Exhausted.

27. What can be a suitable title for the passage?

A. Childhood in sandcastles B. Beautiful childhood memories

C. Popular illustrated books D. Explore the mystery of nature


Rush up the stairs. Play games with your kids. Increasing the vigor (活力) of our daily

activities could have a huge impact on our long life, according to a new study of movement

intensity and death rate.

The study finds that as few as three minutes a day of vigorous everyday activity is linked to

a 40 percent lower risk of early death in adults, even when they do not exercise at all. “It is fantastic”

research,said Ulrik Wisloff, the director of the K.G. Jebsen Center for Exercise in Medicine at

the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

The study’s results join rising scientific evidence that adding a little intensity to our lives pays

big dividends for our health, without requiring extra equipment, instruction, gym memberships

or time. The idea that how we move influences how long we live is hardly new. Plenty of research

links regular exercise with longevity (长寿),including the formal public health exercise guidelines,

which recommend at least 150 minutes a week of moderate (适度的) exercise for health and


More-focused research, though, suggests intensifying some of our exercise increases the

health benefits. In a 2006 study from Wisloff’s lab, for instance, just 30 minutes a week of intense

exercise dropped the risk of dying from heart disease by about half in men and women, compared

to people who were sitting long. Similarly, a study published last year in JAMA Internal Medicine

concluded that people who occasionally pushed themselves during exercise were about 17 percent

less likely to die early than people who did the same amount of exercise, but at a gentler, mild


Both of these studies, though, were based on people’s recall of how much and how hard they

exercised. They also were exercise studies, making them of interest mostly to people who exercise

or would like to, which does not represent the greater part of humanity. “If we’re honest, most

people are allergic( 过 敏 ) to the word ‘exercise,’” said Emmanuel Stamatakis, a professor of

physical activity and health studies at the University of Sydney, who led the new study.

28. What is the main finding of the new study?

A. There’s a connection between exercise intensity and long life.

B. Increasing the intensity of daily activity may affect our life.

C. Vigorous everyday activity is better than moderate exercise.

D. The way people choose to exercise determines people’s health.

29. What does the underlined phrase “pays big dividends for” mean in paragraph 3?

A. Brings great benefits to. B. Causes serious harm to.

C. Takes off the pressure from. D. Raises big money for.

30. Why does the author mention the study from Wisloff’s lab in paragraph4?

A. To explain the right amount of exercise improves health.

B. To show energetic exercise raises heart rates and breathing.

C. To prove adding some intensity to exercise brings more benefits.

D. To demonstrate exercise in a gentler way benefits people more.

31. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. People’s subjective recall is reliable.

B. Most people like exercise to a certain degree.

C. The new study involves a great majority of people.

D. The new study has some limitations as previous ones.


An open letter, attracting signatures from the likes of Tesla CEO Elon Musk and Apple co-

founder Steve Wozniak, was released early last week. It advocates a 6-month stop to give Artificial

Intelligence (AI) companies and regulators time to make safeguards to protect society from

potential risks of the technology.

AI has progressed at an alarming speed since the launch of ChatGPT, from the Microsoft-

backed company Open AI. ChatGPT reportedly reached more than 100 million users by January,

2023, and major tech companies are racing to build generative AI into their products, which have

caught many off guard.

“I think many people aren’t well prepared for the pace and scale of these AI models. They

are ideal for spreading misinformation, cheating people out of their money and convincing

employees to click on dangerous links in emails,” says Michael Osborne, a machine learning

researcher of AI company Mind Foundry, who signed the letter. “I feel that a 6-month pause would

give regulators enough time to catch up with the rapid pace of advances.”

Privacy is another emerging concern, as critics worry that systems could exactly reproduce

personal information from their training sets. Italy’s data protection authority prohibited ChatGPT

on 31 March over concerns that Italians’ personal data are being used to train Open AI’s models.

Some technologists warn of deeper security threats. Planned ChatGPT-based digital assistants that

can read and write emails could offer new opportunities for hackers.

Unfortunately, many problems of today’s AI models don’t have easy solutions. One tricky

issue is how to make AI-generated content easy to detect. Some researchers are working on

“watermarking” —— creating a digital signature in the AI’s output. However, a recent research

finds that tools which slightly change AI-produced text can easily defeat this approach.

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates tells Reuters the proposed pause won’t “solve the challenges”

ahead. He notes the people behind the letter are heavily involved in the tech world, which he thinks

gives them an arrow perspective on the potential risks.

32. What’s the purpose of the open letter?

A. To draw the attention of AI giants.

B. To present the risks of AI technology.

C. To call for a pause on the AI development.

D. To turn down the application of AI programs.

33. What can we infer about AI from the text?

A. AI models threaten human survival.

B. AI users have expanded out of control.

C. AI development brings potential dangers.

D. AI technology will replace human beings.

34. What does the author aim to show by mentioning “watermarking” in Paragraph 5?

A. It is hard to sign digitally. B. It is easy to detect AI’s output.

C. It is wise to leave a water mark. D. It is tough to settle AI problems.

35. What’s Bill Gates’ attitude towards the 6-month pause?

A. Favorable B. Negative. C. Ambiguous. D. Tolerant.

第二节 (共5小题; 每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



The desire to be noticed by peers(同龄人)is a natural tendency. Your style – the way you

dress up, the way you carry yourself, the trends you follow – plays a key role in helping your stand

out from the others. 36 The following tips can help you.

Be yourself.

Why be a second-rate version of anybody else when you can be the first–rate version of

yourself? Nothing will help you stand out of the crowd more than your own features because there

can be only one you. Everyone has their own belief, their own way of thinking, their own

experiences that shape their styles. However, self-doubt and fear of disapproval drive many to

abandon their own ways and follow what everyone else is doing. 37

Keep an open mind.

Open-mindedness helps you see things from a different perspective, understand others, find

opportunities, and learn from others. 38 There are several styles that you should

explore and determine which suits your own personality. Nobody knows what fashion you are

enthusiastic about. But you should be clearly aware of your own true feelings about it.

Keep up with the recent trends.

Fashion is always changing. 39 As society changes, so does fashion.

Changing trends reflect the changes in people’s taste. Similarly, your sense of fashion changes as

you gain more experiences in life. Keeping track of the latest fashion will help you redefine your


Wear your confidence.

Your attitude towards dressing can make a significant difference to how you look. You can

wear a very beautiful dress, but if you can’t carry it with confidence, it will not look good on you.

40 Don’t wear an uncomfortable dress just because everyone or your

friend is wearing it. Remember, it’s okay to have your own style as long as you are confident with


A. Also, it tells a lot about your personality.

B. What worked yesterday may not work today.

C. Copying others will make you just another face in a crowd.

D. Having an open mind can be very helpful in defining your style.

E. On the other hand, even an average dress looks great on people who wear it confidently.

F. It is not absolutely necessary to follow every new trend, and you can enjoy the ones you like.

G. Simply following the fashion trends or wearing expensive clothes will not help you get a

distinct style.


第一节(共15小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


Millions of young people grow up with a deep love of Disney. 41 by the studio’s

fairytales, they dream of becoming a prince or princess.

Cori Borgstadt, however, has a slightly different 42 . Instead of 43 to be a

princess like Snow White, she wants to become Disney’s CEO and has been 44 the

company’s shareholder (股东) meetings since she was three years old.

Borgstadt, now 18, has 45 Disney for as long as she can remember. As well as

collecting dolls and toys 46 her favourite films, she owns 47 in the company.

She is studying economics and film and media studies at Texas Tech University, and has

48 Bob Iger, the Disney CEO about how to eventually 49 him, at most of the meetings

she has attended. Iger, now 72, replied: “Well, one thing you can do is keep coming to our

shareholders’ meeting.”

The love of Disney has always been in Borgstadt’s 50 . Her grandmother bought her

and her younger sister a single share when they were children. It was her mother, Jan, who

suggested she attend the shareholder meeting 51 .

Borgstadt 52 that her dream of one day becoming the boss will not be easy to achieve,

and would require a 53 similar to the ones Disney has been creating for a century. But

she is 54 to work her way up, from making her 55 felt in the meetings.

41. A. Inspired B. Selected C. Financed D. Transformed

42. A. imagination B. assumption C. description D. ambition

43. A. turning out B. growing up C. setting out D. going on

44. A. calling B. attending C. reporting D. chairing

45. A. created B. owned C. loved D. missed

46. A. related to B. adapted from C. intended for D. combined with

47. A. studios B. positions C. offices D. shares

48. A. asked B. bothered C. informed D. warned

49. A. support B. approach C. replace D. attract

50. A. dream B. plan C. family D. generation

51. A. consequently B. regularly C. instantly D. gradually

52. A. accepts B. recalls C. proves D. doubts

53. A. character B. theme C. membership D. fairytale

54. A. anxious B. qualified C. determined D. content

55. A. creation B. presence C. honesty D. kindness

第二节(共10小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The latest film Re La Gun Tang, or YOLO in English, which Jia Ling directed and played

the lead role in has finally hit the big screen as part of the Spring Festival movies in 2024.

The film 56 (feature) Jia tells a story of an unemployed woman in her thirties who

leads an aimless life. It has set off an online argument due to Jia’s significant weight loss, 57

it goes far beyond that. Jia once explained on her Weibo account: “The film is not 58

(relate) to weight loss and even has very little connection with boxing. It tells 59 a kind

person finds herself and learns to love herself.”

After a family conflict, Le Ying (played by Jia Ling) decides to leave home 60 she

lives with her parents and her divorced younger sister. From then on, she struggles to live an

independent life, working at a small restaurant. Her unexpected encounter 61 Hao Kun

(played by Lei Jiayin), a boxing coach, brings a glimmer of hope into her gloomy life. However,

fate plays another cruel trick on her, further 62 (complicate) her journey. Instead of

getting 63 (depress), she turns to boxing and pulls through slowly.

The comedy film 64 (dominate) the box office chart since its debut, pocketing

about 2.7 billion yuan in revenue. “It was incredibly moving,” said Cheng Zhangli, a viewer in

Beijing. “The heroine’s unwavering persistence and 65 (determine) deeply touched me.

I believe everyone should applaud their own journey,” she added.



假设你是李华,在你校举行的成人礼上你将作为学生代表发言。 请你用英语写一份


1. 表达感恩; 2. 担起责任; 3. 畅想未来。

注意: 1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答;

3. 参考词汇:成人礼 the Coming-Of-Age ceremony

Dear teachers, parents and fellow guys,

第二节 (满分25分)


Roses are red, violets are blue,

Sugar is sweet, and so are you.

Those words were what one of my new classmates wrote to me in an autograph book(签名

簿)when I moved with my family to a new country, feeling extremely lonely.

Having settled in a completely unfamiliar place, my father and mother worked day and night

to provide for the family, though we were still in debt. I spoke a little English and was sent to a

public school. Being ten years old, I was placed in the fourth grade. Some of the children in the

class tried to be friendly but I didn’t have time to hang around with them after my lessons because

I had to help with the housework and look after my little brothers and sisters.

At the end of the school year, all the kids were excited about going to camp, a concept that

was quite foreign to me. Also foreign to me were some of the customs the children had. The

strangest one was the “autograph book”! It was a blank book, about four by six inches, with pages

in different colors. My schoolmates exchanged their autograph books with each other and wrote

silly messages on the pages. These messages made no sense to me: “Yours till the kitchen sinks.

” “Yours till the horse flies.” “Yours till Niagara falls. ”(永远属于你) Teachers and older

relatives wrote more serious and practical words like a prayer or wish——I remember something

about “a wise owl living in a tree”.(少说话多做事的人)

The boy whose desk was next to mine asked me to write a few words in his autograph book.

I didn’t know what to say, so I just signed my name. Then he asked if he could write in my

autograph book. I explained I didn’t have one, embarrassed and upset.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

That night when I went to bed, I felt sorry for myself. ________________________

The next day, the boy sitting beside me whispered he wanted to give me something at


2023-2024 学年春学期期初学情调研试卷


第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)

1~5 BCBAB 6~10 CBACA 11~15 ABAAB 16~20 CCBAA

第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题: 每小题 2.5分, 满分 37.5分)

21~23 DCA 24~27 DBBA 28~31 AACD 32~35 CCDB

第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)

36~40 GCDBE

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题,每小题1 分,满分 15分)

41-45 ADBBC 46-50 ADACC 51-55 BADCB

第二节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

56. featuring 57. but 58. related 59. how 60. where

61. with 62. complicating 63. depressed 64.has dominated 65. determination

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)

第一节 应用文写作 (满分 15分)

Dear teachers, parents and fellow guys,

It is a great honor for me to deliver a speech at the Coming-Of-Age ceremony.

On behalf of my fellow guys, I’d like to express heartfelt gratitude to our parents and teachers,

who are devoted to our growth. It’s time for us to take responsibility in all aspects of our everyday

life and work hard to realize our dreams.

In the future, we hope to do our part for our society and make China more powerful. That’s

all for my speech. Thank you for your kind attention!

第二节 读后续写 (满分 25分)

That night when I went to bed,I felt sorry for myself. I couldn’t help but thinking about

how different my life was from that of my classmates. They all seemed to have so much more than

me. I was missing out on all the fun that my classmates were having just because I was an

immigrant. Tears rolling down my cheeks, I felt lonely and hopeless. How I wished I could have

a life without anxiety for food and clothes and a school life where I could fit in happily.

The next day, the boy sitting beside me whispered he wanted to give me something at break.

As soon as the bell rang for break, he handed me a small box with a big smile. Inside it was a book

with multicolored pages——an autograph book——just like everyone else’s. Looking through

the pages, I was touched by those warm words written in the gift, tears welling up in my eyes. I

felt included and accepted for the first time after arriving in America. From that day forward, I

realized there were always people who were willing to help and make a difference in someone’s






