
2024-02-25·16页·612.9 K

成都石室中学2023 —2024学年度下期高 2024 届入学考试


(满分 150分 考试时间:120 分钟)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅


1. What will the speakers do on Thursday?

A. Play football. B. Watch a movie. C. Go hiking.

2. What does the man want to do?

A. Place an order. B. Design a uniform. C. Form a team.

3. What is Sally’s favorite city?

A. Paris. B. Madrid. C. Venice.

4. Where will the speakers go?

A. To a cafe. B. To a dessert shop. C. To a bookstore.

5. What relation is Mr. Gomez to the man?

A. His teacher. B. His client. C. His boss.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选


题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听下面一段对话,回答第6 至第7 题。

6. What is the man doing?

A. Driving a car. B. Repairing a car. C. Borrowing a car.

7. How does the man sound in the end?

A. Confused. B. Hesitant. C. Confident.

听下面一段对话,回答第8 至第 10 题。

8. What are the speakers discussing?

A. A job candidate. B. A new workmate. C. Travel arrangements.

9. How does Steven Johnson impress the man?

A. By his working experiences.

B. By his communication skills.

C. By his international background.

10. When will the speakers meet Steven Johnson?

A. Tomorrow. B. Next week. C. The week after next.

听下面一段对话,回答第 11 至第 13 题。

11. What will the man do on Monday?

A. Start a new position. B. Pack his belongings. C. Attend a meeting.

12. What is the man busy doing now?

A. Moving to his new office.

第 1页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

B. Checking off office supplies.

C. Preparing for a promotion campaign.

13. What does the woman offer to do?

A. Review an expense report.

B. Provide the man with supplies.

C. Arrange a company celebration.

听下面一段对话,回答第 14 至第 17 题。

14. Where will the event take place?

A. At a coffee shop. B. At a music hall. C. At a park.

15. Why did the woman choose the location?

A. It’s private. B. It’s family friendly. C. It’s requested by the charity.

16. What does the woman ask the man to do?

A. Organize some activities. B. Contribute some money. C. Contact some bands.

17. What is the event’s purpose?

A. To hear some live music. B. To help an animal shelter. C. To have some family fun.

听下面一段独白,回答第 18 至第 20 题。

18. Why did the speaker learn Arabic?

A. She wanted to study in Cairo.

B. She was inspired by her teacher.

C. She became interested in the culture.

19. What is the biggest challenge for the speaker?

A. Suffering from culture shock.

B. Finding a hotel and accommodation.

C. Mastering written and spoken Arabic.

20. What excites the speaker most?

A. Being invited to a meal.

B. Shopping at a local market.

C. Getting to know the locals.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30 分)



This is the time when we start thinking of travel plans for the coming holiday. Will we go back

to our old favorites? Try somewhere new? The following list will give you fresh ideas of where to


Matca, Transylvania (Romania)

Matca, which means “queen bee” in Romanian, is a nickname for the hotel. Transylvania’s rural

landscapes have long been a favorite of those in the know — the UK’s royal family has a house two

hours north — and hilltop Matca renews its 16 rooms with the spirit of Romanian traditions, from

hand carved beds to traditional carpets over the floorboard. Expected to be open in March.

Maria, Helsinki (Finland)

The Maria has been the first choice for Helsinki travelers since it met the public last month, with

its “spa suites” plus private saunas(桑拿)or steam rooms. The hotel sits across four protected

buildings dating back to 1885, and as such the look is modern classic, with plenty of copper and iron

gray and big windows to let as much of that light as possible into the supersized rooms.

第 2页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

Casa Lucia, Buenos Aires (Argentina)

Though Argentina looks set to be entering a period of financial uncertainty in 2024, this new

Buenos Aires hotel is looking for new ideas by turning to the city’s golden age a century ago. Featuring

“royal suites” and opening soon in April in the Edificio Mihanovich, a skyscraper in the Retiro district,

the Casa Lucia is an upgraded version of the former Sofitel.

The Leinster, Dublin (Ireland)

For all too long, there’s only been room for one famous hotel on Dublin’s Merrion Square. The

Leinster is about to change that. Opening next month, it’s bringing an almost Kit Kemp style of

boutique chic(精品时尚)to the historic square, with lively patterned headboards brightening the

modern rooms. The other hotel on the square — The Merrion — had better look to its laurels.

21. Which hotel is already receiving guests?

A. Matca. B. Maria. C. Casa Lucia. D. The Leinster.

22. What do Matca and Casa Lucia have in common?

A. They face financial uncertainties. B. They draw inspiration from the past.

C. They are famous among royal families. D. They are single buildings in rural areas.

23. What does the underlined phrase “look to its laurels” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Stay calm and optimistic. B. Stick to the original look.

C. Try not to lose its advantage. D. Look up to the newcomer.


It’s said that you can tell a lot about a person by looking at what’s on their bookshelves. What do

my bookshelves say about me? Well, I’d always thought of myself as a cultured person, but my

bookshelves told a rather different story.

So, in October 2011, I registered my blog, ayearofreadingtheworld.com, and posted a short appeal

online. I explained how narrow my reading had been and asked anyone who cared to suggest what I

read from other parts of the planet. I had no idea whether anyone would be interested, but within a few

hours, people started to get in touch.

Books came from surprising sources. My Panamanian read, for example, came through a

conversation I had with the Panama Canal on Twitter, which advised I try the work of the Panamanian

author Juan David Morgan. I found Morgan’s website and sent him a message, asking if any of his

Spanish-language novels had been translated into English. And he said nothing had been published,

but he did have an unpublished translation of his novel “The Golden Horse”, and he emailed it to me.

Morgan was by no means the only wordsmith to share his work with me in this way. From

Sweden to Palau, writers and translators sent me self-published books and unpublished manuscripts

(手稿)of books that hadn’t been picked up by Anglophone publishers or that were no longer

available, giving me privileged glimpses(初步的感受)of some remarkable imaginary worlds.

The books I read that year have opened my eyes to many things. That can be an uncomfortable

experience, particularly when I’m reading a book from a culture that may have quite different values

to my own. But it can also be really enlightening. Wrestling with unfamiliar ideas can help clarify my

own thinking and show up blind spots in the way I might have been looking at the world.

When I looked back at much of the English-language literature I’d grown up with, I began to see

how narrow a lot of it was, compared to the richness that the world has to offer. Little by little, that

long list of countries that I’d started the year with changed from a rather dry, academic register of

place names into living, breathing entities.

24. Why did the author create the blog “A Year of Reading the World”?

A. To learn from others’ bookshelves. B. To broaden her cultural horizons.

第 3页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

C. To get recommendations from readers. D. To find out the literary works she lacked.

25. What did the author think of the responses from writers and translators?

A. They presented a challenge to the author.

B. They blocked the author’s reading journey.

C. They offered unique access to literary worlds.

D. They inspired confidence in the author’s project.

26. How does reading diverse cultural books benefit the author?

A. Provide her with unfamiliar topics.

B. Make her absorbed in other cultures.

C. Show fields she needs to learn more about.

D. Reveal areas she lacks insight in her worldview.

27. Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Exploring the Global Literary Landscape B. The Challenge of Reading the World

C. Uncovering Stories from Every Country D. The Impact of Culture on the Worldview


We all have people who don’t like us and don’t give us the time of day. Many of them have

shown superiority or talked down to us, have criticized us, or have hurt us in a deep way. Why, then,

are they the first people we want to tell when we accomplish something big? Or when something good

happens in our lives? “A-ha!” we think, “See? I am valuable and worthy. You were wrong about me.

Look at me now.”

It all gets back to our wiring(脑回路). Our brain prioritizes survival first and everything else

second. It creates an inner stream of survival-based thoughts from “Am I good / smart / pretty enough?”

to “I really need a snack,” using an automatic thought network called the default(默认)mode

network (DMN). The DMN scans the environment for potential threats and focuses on data that

suggests we are unsafe. The people who love and support us give us positive feedback. Those

comments don’t capture the DMN’s interest. The person who criticizes us? Now he or she has the

DMN’s attention. The one who totally rejects us? Let’s get the popcorn.

Think about how polite we are to people we don’t like. We are so used to performing social graces

that we often dismiss positive feedback coming back to us as courtesy(礼貌), not truth. Negative

feedback, on the other hand, can feel like we’re finally hearing what people think. We tend to grasp

onto it as some higher truth about who we are and what we should be doing differently when, in reality,

it probably has nothing to do with us.

People who criticize or blame others often have an overactive DMN that tells them they are doing

everything wrong. When they criticize us, they are revealing the negative thoughts and beliefs that

consume their own minds. Their DMNs are convinced that they are unsafe in this world, and they are

going to spread that unhappiness to anyone and everyone around them.

So it’s time to kick the annoying people off the soapboxes in our mind. We have nothing to prove

to them. And it’s time to embrace positive feedback from the ones we love, and who love us. They’re

not being polite; they’re being honest. Give our DMN a reality check on how great we actually are.

28. What really causes us to share accomplishments with critics first?

A. The urge to fight back. B. The desire to prove our worth.

C. The need to regain confidence. D. The DMN activated by criticism.

29. What does the author mean by “Let’s get the popcorn.” in Paragraph 2?

A. We feel offended and lose interest.

B. We turn our attention to other things.

第 4页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

C. We need a snack to comfort ourselves.

D. We expect something dramatic to happen.

30. What does the article suggest about negative and positive feedback?

A. Negative feedback is attention-grabbing and honest.

B. Negative feedback actually reflects our lack of security.

C. Positive feedback is less readily accepted by the brain.

D. Positive feedback is less genuine and easily overlooked.

31. What is the text mainly about?

A. Embracing positive feedback. B. Understanding DMN’s secret.

C. The impact of negative feedback. D. The importance of self-confidence.


Meet Retro, a cloned rhesus monkey born on July 16, 2020. He is now more than 3 years old and

is “doing well and growing strong,” according to Falong Lu, a researcher at the Chinese Academy of

Sciences, who published a study in the journal Nature Communications that describes how Retro came

to be.

Retro is only the second species of primate(灵长类动物)that scientists have been able to

clone successfully. The same team of researchers announced in 2018 that they had made two cloned

cynomolgus monkeys, which are still alive today. “We have achieved the first live and healthy cloned

rhesus monkey, which is a big step forward, although the efficiency is very low compared to fertilized

embryos(受精胚胎),” said Lu. “Currently, we haven’t had the second live birth yet.”

The first animal to be cloned — Dolly the sheep — was created in 1996 using a technique called

SCNT, where scientists essentially reconstruct an unfertilized egg by joining a somatic cell nucleus

(体细胞核)with an egg in which the nucleus has been removed. The Chinese team improved the

technique further to clone the rhesus monkey.

During hundreds of failed cloning attempts, they realized that, in the early cloned embryos, the

outer part did not develop properly. To address this problem, they performed a process called inner

cell mass transplantation, which involved putting cloned inner cells into a non-cloned embryo, and

that allowed the clone to develop normally. “We think that there might be additional… abnormalities

to be fixed. Strategies to further enhance the success rate of SCNT in primates remains … our main

focus in the future,” Lu said.

The researchers said that being able to successfully clone monkeys might help accelerate

biomedical research given that there are limitations on what scientists can learn from lab mice.

Research on nonhuman primates, which are closer to humans, has been crucial for lifesaving medical

advances, including the creation of medicines against Covid-19, according to a report by National

Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

32. What can be learned about Retro?

A. It is the second live cloned rhesus monkey.

B. It represents a major scientific breakthrough.

C. It is a cloned monkey from a fertilized embryo.

D. It has outlived the cloned cynomolgus monkeys.

33. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The purpose. B. The process. C. The difficulty. D. The method.

34. How did scientists address the problem from failed attempts?

A. Give the clone space to grow. B. Fix additional abnormalities.

C. Change a non-cloned embryo. D. Help inner cells develop properly.

第 5页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

35. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To present the recent progress in cloning.

B. To reveal challenges in cloning monkeys.

C. To call for research on nonhuman primates.

D. To stress the importance of medical advances.

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分 10 分)



Tips to help you overcome people-pleasing

Considering other people’s feelings and treating them with kindness is something we strive to


36 When this happens, people-pleasing has crossed the line from kind and generous to self-

abandonment — not being the authentic self because we’re afraid others will disapprove, criticize, or

reject us. Here are tips for you to overcome such behaviors.


Self-care is a necessity, not a luxury. It’s not something you do if you have time or if you deserve

it. Taking care of your emotional, mental, spiritual, and physical needs keeps you healthy. Without it,

you’ll get sick, stressed, and irritable. Try putting self-care activities (exercise, socializing, hobbies,

etc.) on your calendar to ensure that self-care is a priority.

Not everyone’s opinion matters.

One big mistake people-pleasers make is acting as if everyone’s opinion matters equally. You

don’t differentiate whose opinion matters more. Generally, the closer the relationship, the more you’ll

value their opinion and want to please them. Thus, it’s natural to want to do things to make your loved

ones happy. 38

Healthy conflict can improve relationships.

Most people worry that painful conflicts will destroy relationships. 39 But it’s not helpful

or possible. When you avoid conflict, you suppress your feelings and needs. And this causes you to

disconnect from yourself and from others. But healthy conflict is the one in which both parties can

respectfully express themselves. 40 This is quite different from the unhealthy conflicts.

A. Be aware of your inner needs.

B. Taking care of yourself isn’t selfish.

C. This indicates that we’re People-Pleasers.

D. It’s understandable and common to want to avoid them.

E. But sacrificing our wellbeing to make others happy is not.

F. However, you don’t need to please acquaintances in the same way.

G. It results in greater understanding and ultimately strengthens the relationship.

第三部分 英语知识运用 (共两节,满分 45分)

第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)



You may be familiar with the essay called Peach Blossom Shangri-la (《桃花源记》)from

your Chinese textbook. But do you really understand the meaning 41 ?

When Erer Suansuan, now a postgraduate studying radio and broadcasting at Peking University,

第 6页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

first read the essay in high school, she didn’t 42 much about it. However, after 43 it again

one day in college, she 44 that there is more than what she first saw in the 320-word text.

For example, Suansuan’s found that three key images 45 . One is the peach blossom

Shangri-la, which appears in many other poems, paintings and plays. Second goes to the unnamed

fisherman, as he’s a 46 of the special group of hermits(隐士). Suansuan also 47 the

“cave heaven” in Taoism with the “Allegory(隐喻) of the Cave” by ancient Greek philosopher

Plato to tell the difference.

People become 48 when growing older, with comprehension ability 49 , Suansuan

explained. She could now read the same essay from a new 50 . It’s become much more fun and

51 to her. She now wants to share her fresh 52 on these essays in Chinese textbooks with

more people — by making videos.

Before that, Suansuan would extensively read 53 related to the essays. She also paints in

her videos to make them easily 54 . For a 10-minute video, she may draw up to 80 55 .

Since May 2019, she’s made over 50 videos, seven of which are about the 56 stories behind

texts in Chinese textbooks. The rest are about learning 57 and other works of literature. These

have 58 her over 1.5 million fans on Bilibili, many of them teenagers. They have 59

bullet comments and messages, saying she’s made their school life more interesting.

As Suansuan puts it, the two things that bring her the most happiness are learning and creating;

making videos combines both. Challenging as it is, she will 60 .

41. A. among other words B. in the context

C. between the lines D. over the page

42. A. think B. wonder C. learn D. worry

43. A. recommending B. encountering C. evaluating D. emerging

44. A. imagined B. reflected C. analyzed D. realized

45. A. stand out B. come alive C. move on D. stay around

46. A. member B. staff C. symbol D. model

47. A. combines B. associates C. engages D. compares

48. A. accessible B. sensitive C. mature D. courageous

49. A. formed B. improved C. integrated D. challenged

50. A. beginning B. perspective C. concept D. discovery

51. A. descriptive B. relative C. interactive D. attractive

52. A. thoughts B. comments C. definitions D. statements

53. A. materials B. literature C. accounts D. adaptations

54. A. appreciated B. represented C. understood D. memorized

55. A. diagrams B. conclusions C. designs D. drafts

56. A. polished B. hidden C. invented D. edited

57. A. process B. activities C. strategies D. abilities

58. A. produced B. awarded C. offered D. earned

59. A. brought about B. left behind C. given away D. brushed aside

60. A. burn up B. take off C. hold out D. soldier on


第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

第 7页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

At first glance, the words alligator, bedroom, eyeball, gossip, hurry, and kissing may not have

anything obvious in common, 61 they do — William Shakespeare. They are among up to 1,700

words 62 first recorded use is in the collected 63 (work) of the most important writer in the

history of the English language.

More than four centuries after his death in 1616, Shakespeare’s plays remain 64 unique

source of artistic inspiration far beyond the land of his birth, 65 (endless) performed, studied, and

adapted for countless languages and audiences. From Disney’s The Lion King to Feng Xiaogang’s

film The Banquet, the story of a young man 66 (face) the challenge of growing up to seek revenge

for his murdered father, is one of his most famous works. The 67 (forbid) love of Romeo and

Juliet has been the inspiration for everything from Oscar-winning musical West Side Story to Chloe

Gong’s novel series These Violent Delights, and Macbeth, with its tale of a man destined for greatness

ruined by ambition, 68 (adapt) into Li Jianwu’s play Wang Deming in 1944, and classic Japanese

film Throne of Blood in 1957.

The collection of Shakespeare’s plays 69 (remain) at the heart of the study of English

literature worldwide, and also provides the backbone of the tourist industry in Stratford-upon-Avon,

his birthplace in England’s West Midlands, which is also home 70 the Royal Shakespeare

Company theater.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)

第一节 短文改错(共 10 小题;每小题1 分,满分 10 分)


有 10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My dream is to become a biologist who studies life in the ocean. I wish to spend my time at sea,

admire sea life, doing research on them and then protecting the awesome life. To realize my dream, I

must to work very hard academic and physically. Firstly, I need to gain as much knowledges as

possible. Beside, I must start exercising more both in strengthening my muscles or improving my heart

and lung capabilities. To be a skill swimmer and diver will qualify me for my work in a field. Though

the preparations are tough, I am sure my success.

第二节 书面表达(满分 25 分)






1、词数 100 左右;


参考词汇:the coming-of-age ceremony 成人礼仪式

Ladies and gentlemen,



第 8页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英


Thank you for your listening!

第 9页 / 共8页 命题人/审题人:涂鸣、刘艳、彭德河、易力敏、王建英

成都石室中学 2023 — 2024 学年度下期高 2024 届入学考试



1-5 BACBC 6-10 BCAAC 11-15 AABAB 16-20 CBBCA


21-23 BBC 24-27 BCDA 28-31 DDCA 32-35 BDCA

七选五:36-40 EBFDG


41-45 CABDA 46-50 CDCBB 51-55 DAACD 56-60 BCDBD


61. but / yet 62. whose 63. works 64. a 65. endlessly

66. facing 67. forbidden 68. was adapted 69. remains 70. to/of


My dream is to become a biologist who studies life in the ocean. I wish to spend my time at

sea, admire sea life, doing research on them and then protecting the awesome life. To realize my

admiring it

dream, I must to work very hard academic and physically. Firstly, I need to gain as much


academically knowledge

as possible. Beside, I must start exercising more both in strengthening my muscles or improving my

Besides and

heart and lung capabilities. To be a skill swimmer and diver will qualify me for my work in a field.

skilled /skillful the

Though the preparations are tough, I am suremy success.

of / about


One possible version:

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good morning. I’m Li Hua, chairman of the Students’ Union. It is my great honor to deliver a

speech today on this momentous occasion of our coming-of-age ceremony.

The coming-of-age ceremony holds great significance as it marks our transition from

adolescence to adulthood. It is the beginning of a new chapter that symbolizes our readiness to take

on greater responsibilities and face the challenges that come with maturity. This ceremony serves

as a reminder of the values and virtues we should uphold as we step into the next phase of our lives.

As we embark on this new journey, I hope that we will continue to demonstrate resilience,

compassion, and integrity. I am confident that with the knowledge and wisdom we have gained, we

will rise to the challenges that lie ahead and emerge as responsible, empathetic, and successful


Thank you for your listening!





