
2024-02-24·11页·3.8 M







第一部分 听力(每小题 1.5 分,满分 30 分)

1-5 CBACB 6-10 BACAA 11-15 BBCAC 16-20 CBABA

第二部分 阅读理解(每小题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

21~23 CBA 24~27 DBDC 28~31 DBCD 32~35 AADC 36~40 GCABF

第三部分 英语知识运用

第一节 完形填空(每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 BABDC 46-50 ACDBA 51-55 ACDBD

第二节 语法填空(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. treasures 57. have stuck 58. to enhance 59. prosperous

60. carrier 61. for 62. diligently 63. the 64. whose 65. laying

第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40 分)


In order to celebrate the one hundredth anniversary of the school, our school launched

an activity themed “ Graduates revisit the alma mater” last Friday.

During the activity, numerous graduates returned back. First and foremost, with the

company of the Student Union, graduates visited the beautiful campus, recalling the

precious memory of their school life. Additionally, some outstanding graduates were

invited to deliver speeches, sharing their successful study experience.Eventually, members

from different clubs put on brilliant performances, and all of people had a wonderful time


The activity deepened the connection among students, making it an unforgettable



Suddenly, he felt his body shaking on the edge and the krathong dropped from his

hand into the dark water. It rocked on the surface for a moment before tipping on its side.

Lek held his breath as the light from the candle flickered. Then it disappeared. Lek’s throat

stiffened, tears flooding his eyes. He nearly lost his balance again as he reached toward the

river, but it was no use. The wake splashed against the banana leaves and turned the tiny boat

upside down. Lek’s tears dropped into the river as he watched Katia’s krathong drift beneath

the jetty.

Fred walked toward weeping Lek with a krathong in his hand. Fred asked, “What’s

wrong?” Lek explained the whole thing. Having heard this, Fred said,“ Lek, let’s launch a

krathong for Katia together.” Lek nodded, wiping his eyes. Under the guidance of Fred, Lek

placed the boat on the edge of his pole, and then inched the boat down into the dark water

until it floated on the waves and began its journey to the sea. He thought about Katia lying in

bed at home and made his own silent wish. The krathong floated into the current, its candle

bright as it sailed down the river. Lek and Fred smiled as they listened to the tiny waves

lapping the jetty, convinced that their sister would be better and better.


第一节(满分 15 分)


1.本题总分为 15 分,按 5 个档次给分。



3.词数少于 60 或多于 100 的,从总分中减去 2 分。







第五档(1315 分)








第四档(1012 分)


-虽漏掉 12 个次重点,但覆盖所有主要内容。





第三档(79 分)







第二档(46 分)







第一档(13 分)







0 分



第二节(满分 25 分)


1.本题总分为 25 分,按 5 个档次给分。



3.词数少于 130 的或多于 170 的,从总分中减去 2 分。










第五档(2125 分)





第四档(1620 分)





第三档(1115 分)





第二档(610 分)





第一档(15 分)






0 分


Text 1

M: Wow, you are watching our wedding video once more!

W: Yeah.I really enjoyed that day! All our friends sent us their best wishes. Besides,my

schoolmate's band played music for us.

Text 2

M: The air conditioner seems to be broken. I pressed the button on the remote control, but it

can't be switched on.

W:Let me see... The batteries are missing from the remote control. Mark must have done it.

Text 3

M: The train is about to arrive.Please keep clear of the warning line for safety.

W: Alright.

M: Is this your luggage over here?

W: Oh yes.

Text 4

W: Recently I've been addicted to Chinese calligraphy. It's the writing of Chinese characters

as an art form, combining purely visual art and interpretation of the literary meaning.

M: What a coincidence! I like calligraphy, too, especially clerical script and regular script.

Text 5

W:Where is your basketball, Dylan? You had it when you went out.

M: Oh, I left it in the playground. I found this cat just as I got there. It is bleeding. Let's take it

to the pet hospital.W:OK.

Text 6

W: Justin, can you tell me something about yourself?

M: Yes. I left school two years ago and resigned from a training institution six months

ago. That was my last job.

W:Okay. Can you speak foreign languages? As a tour guide, being multilingual opens up

more opportunities and often leads to higher income.

M: Yes. I'm fluent in Spanish and Chinese. And I also have good communication skills.

W:Very good. Well, may I know why you want to be a tour guide?

M: It sounds interesting and I feel like a job with career prospects.

Text 7

M: Would you like to go fishing with me this afternoon?

W: No. If we fish in the heat, we're heading for a bad attack of sunburn. Why don't we play


M: I've actually never played chess before.

W: It's quite enjoyable. Initially, it might seem challenging to win, but you'll find it

fascinating because it requires strategic thinking. I've been playing it since I was four years


M: Oh,it's quite a long time.

W: Indeed,you should give it a try.

M: Alright,I'm in.

Text 8

M: Today, we have the pleasure of sitting down with Emily Johnson, the remarkable

entrepreneur behind Tech Solutions Inc. Actually I had a few conversations with Emily in the

past, and we both enjoyed them.Emily, could you share with our audience the story behind

your journey as an entrepreneur?

W: Absolutely. It all started with a vision to revolutionize the tech industry. From my

humble beginnings as a self-taught coder, I recognized the need for innovative solutions that

could simplify complex processes. So Tech Solutions Inc.was born.

M: Fascinating! What were the major challenges you faced when starting Tech Solutions


W:The initial difficulty was securing funding. It was tough to convince investors to trust a

young entrepreneur. Additionally, building a competent team was critical, but finding

skilled individuals who shared my passion proved the most challenging. Luckily, we're doing

very well. We invested heavily in research and development and stood out in the market.

M: Truly inspiring! Now, what advice would you give to young people who are looking to

make their mark?

W:Embrace failure as a stepping stone to success. Stay persistent, surround yourself with a

supportive network,and never stop learning. Also, remember that success is not solely

measured by financial gain, but also by the impact you have on the society.

M: I can't agree more with the last one. Thank you, Emily, for sharing your incredible

journey with us.

Text 9

M: Grace, in early June,the Beijing Museum of Natural History was upgraded to a

national-level museum.Now it's known as the National Natural History Museum of China.

W: I know. I went there with my grandpa a month before it was updated.

M: It was the first museum I visited in my life. My parents were too busy to take me there.

I still vividly remember the trip to the museum organized by our school at that time. I was so

happy because the school trip was significant.

W:That was still good.

M: Totally! I saw an interview with the director of the museum. He made a point that really

impressed me: A natural history museum in the new era should not only spread knowledge

about natural science to people, but more importantly, guide people to understand the





