
2024-02-24·15页·13.1 M


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷

的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.How does the woman get exercise?

. . .

A By walking. B By running. C By riding a bike.

2.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Student and teacher. B.Patient and clerk. C.Visitor and guide.

3.What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A.Majors. B.Business. C.Interests.

4.Why does the woman want to return the trousers?

A.They are too expensive.

B.Their pockets are too big.

C.They are uncomfortable.

5.Where does the conversation probably take place?

A.In the classroom. B.In the dining hall. C.In the library.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选

项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小

题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。

6.Why did the man call the woman?

A To walk the dog outside.

B.To play in the snow.

C.To camp in the mountain.

7.How did the woman avoid crashing the two children?

A.By frightening the dog away.

B.By shouting at the children.

C.By sliding into the water.

听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。

8.Where is the gym the woman joined?

A.Next to the library. B.Next to the park. C.Next to the museum.

9.What does the man do at the sports center regularly?

A.Play ping-pong. B.Do push-ups. C.Go jogging.

听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。

10.What do the speakers mainly talk about?

A.A team. B.A TV show. C.A hurricane.

11.What did the man do today?

A.Put up some tents. B.Cleared some roads. C.Helped the injured people.

12.What does the woman tell the man to do?

A.Take some photos. B.Keep enough food. C.Call her again.

听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。

13.What color is Sophie’s sitting room?

A.Blue. B.Pink. C.White.

14.Where do children like playing most?

A.In the hallway. B.Outside the front door. C.At the rainbow stairs.

15.What does Sophie expect her children to do?

A.To become confident. B.To engage in activities. C.To find their fortune.

16.What did Sophie’s grandmother do?

A.An actress. B.A furniture maker. C.A fashion designer.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。

17.What’s the main purpose of the text?

A.To arouse the awareness of protecting wildlife.

B.To encourage schoolchildren to enter a competition.

C.To make more people interested in butterflies.

18.What can second-prize winners get?

A.A visit to the wildlife center.

B.A printed T-shirt.

C.A ca p with the winning design.

19.What does John Smith do?

. . .

A A young actor. B A scientist. C A photographer.

20.When will the competition results be shown?

A.Before March 7. B.On March 10. C.On March 12.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


Community Music Classes

Community Music at Tufts offers a year-long program of Saturday classes for children aged 2 to 18.

Singing Teens( 12-15 year olds)

Instructor: Adriana Ausch Class Time: 1:15-2:15 pm

$360 per semester Full year course

Perfect your singing or pick up a new skill! Learn the basic keys of singing like breath and pronunciation. Each

week the class will practice warm-ups and learn a song together; in the second part of the class the students take turns

for single instructions.

Music Theory and Composition

One hour class: 12 noon-1 pm For students aged 9 & up

Instructor: Phillip Grannan $335 per semester

The primary goal of this course is to develop your child’s creativity—both in composing music and in ways of

thinking about music—while filling the basics of music theory. The class is designed for students who have little or

no experience with composing and music theory.

Violin Class

One hour classes: 9 am-10 am, beginning class; 10 am-11 am, level two

Instructor: Yank’l Garcia $360 per semester

Beginning violin students will improve technically and musically in a group environment that promotes

teamwork and encouragement. Solo and group material will be equally emphasized so that students learn how to play

by themselves and with other musicians.

Group Drumming

One hour class: 11 am-12 noon For students aged 9 and up

Minimum 4 students Instructor: Lauren Caso

$325 per semester

Experience the challenge and fun of traditional drumming. Stick and hand techniques will be applied. Songs and

chanting may accompany various pieces in this ongoing series. Prior completion of Foundations of Rhythm in World

Percussion is highly required for beginners.

21.What is special about Singing Teens?

A.It focuses on traditional songs. B.It sets a limit to learner numbers.

C.It is targeted at inexperienced singers. D.It offers one-to-one instructions.

22.Who will teach music theory?

A.Phillip Grannan. B.Adriana Ausch. C.Lauren Caso. D.Yank’l Garcia.

23.Which class has a specific requirement for beginning learners?

A.Violin Class. B.Group Drumming.

C.Singing Teens. D.Music Theory and Composition.


When I was growing up, my dad spoke to me of Mr. Kosuge, as “your Japanese uncle.” My dad got to know him

in 1991 in Beijing. They became fast friends, bonding over a curiosity about the other’s culture.

After my dad moved to Tennessee in 1993, Mr. Kosuge sent a holiday package to wish my parents a good next

chapter. My parents returned the gesture, and since then, two distant families have established an annual tradition.

Even as my parents and I relocated every few years throughout my growth, the arrival of a package from Japan was

one of the few lasting constants in our lives.

This summer, I traveled to Tokyo for some reporting. I told my dad, who was planting a persimmon(柿子)

tree in the backyard in California. If he was in town and available, my dad suggested, I could pay Mr. Kosuge a visit.

I walked out of Tokyo’s Haneda Airport and spotted Mr. Kosuge immediately. He held a handwritten sign with

my Chinese name. On the train ride into the city, Mr. Kosuge pulled out a small photo album. I opened it to see a

picture of my dad, with more hair and fewer wrinkles, holding me as a preschooler. On the next page I was in my

middle school graduation dress. Then came my first high school singing performance, and I left the nest for college.

Mr. Kosuge and I discovered that we share a love for persimmons, a fruit enjoyed in both Japan and China. After

leaving Tokyo, I traveled around the Kansai region, where persimmons flourish, to learn the art of making dried


Before saying goodbye to the Kosuges, I invited them to visit my family in California, where they can help

themselves to the persimmon tree anytime. Until then, I’ll be practicing the art of making dried persimmon with

persimmons harvested by my parents, and perhaps we’ll include some in our annual Christmas package to the

Kosuges. My Japanese uncle has been sharing with us a taste of Japan for more than two decades, and it’s about time

we did it.

24.What tradition did the two families develop?

A.Traveling together around the world. B.Planting persimmon trees in the backyard.

C.Sending a gift package to each other every year. D.Settling down in a different place every few years.

25.What did the author find from Mr. Kosuge’s photo album?

A.A handwritten sign with her Chinese name. B.The endless love of her parents.

C.Her constant pursuit of knowledge. D.The memorable moments throughout her, growth.

26.Why did the author plan to send some dried persimmon to Mr. Kosuge?

A.To pay back his favor. B.To indicate her dad’s good harvest.

C.To stress the. popularity of persimmons. D.To satisfy Mr. Kosuge’s love for persimmons.

27.What is the main idea of the text?

A.A gift coming from a remote country. B.A return favor for a lasting relationship.

C.A family friendship across continents. D.A visit to a friend in a distant country.


Companies have been switching from, plastic straws to paper ones on the grounds of being more environmentally

friendly. However, new research suggests the good - intentioned trend might not be the best alternative after all.

The study found the vast majority of paper straws tested contained PFAS. Commonly referred to as “forever

chemicals,” PFAS don’t break down in the body or in the environment.

“Straws made from plant-based materials, such as paper and bamboo, are often advertised as being more

sustainable and eco-friendly than those made from plastic,” said Thimo Groffen, author of the study. “However, the

presence of PFAS in these straws means that’s not necessarily true.”

Researchers on the study examined 39 brands of straws in Belgium from supermarkets, toy stores, fast-food

chains, drug stores and e-commerce stores. The straws were either made of paper, bamboo; glass, stainless steel or

plastic, and the researchers tested each brand for concentrations of PFAS. 69% of the brands contained PFAS, with

paper straws more likely to contain the chemicals. The researchers found 90% of paper straws had PFAS, compared to

80% of bamboo straws, 75% of plastic straws, and 40% of glass straws. Further, a paper straw brand was the brand

with the highest PFAS concentration.

Small amounts of PFAS do not pose a risk. However, a build-up of the chemicals in the body may cause

dangerous health problems like liver damage, increased blood

“The presence of PFAS in paper and bamboo straws shows they are not necessarily biodegradable(可生物降解

的),” said Groffen. “We did not detect any PFAS in stainless steel straws, so I would advise consumers to use this

type of straw—or just avoid using straws at all.”

28.Why do companies show a preference for paper straws?

A.They are considered more economical.

B.They are considered less harmful to the environment.

C.They are considered more beneficial to health.

D.They are considered easier to produce.

29.What can we know about PFAS from the text?

A.They exist the least in plastic straws. B.They protect our health effectively.

C.They are basic materials for straws. D.They are a potential threat to human health.

30.What does Groffen probably agree with?

A.Paper straws will become more popular. B.We should use glass straws more often.

C.We’d better drink without using straws. D.Stainless steel straws should be avoided.

31.Which of the following serves as the best title?

A.Paper straws are more likely to contain forever chemicals

B.Paper straws have entirely taken the place of plastic straws

C.Paper straws have caused dangerous, health problems to humans

D.Paper straws will become the best alternative for us in the future


“From one day to the next, our profession was wiped out. We woke up and discovered our skills were

unnecessary.” This is what two successful graphic designers told me about the impact of AI. The old promise—

creative workers would be better protected than others from mechanization(机械化)—ruined overnight. If visual

artists can be replaced by machines, who is safe?

While there’s plenty of talk about how education might change, little has been done to equip students for a world

whose conditions shift so fast. It’s not just at work that young people will confront sudden changes of state. They are

also likely to witness more environmental breakdown and the collapse of certain human-made systems.

Why are we so unprepared? Why do we manage our lives so badly? Why are we so expert at material innovation,

but so unskilled at creating a society in which everyone can succeed? Why do obvious lies spread like wildfire? What

is lacking in our education that leaves such gap s in our lives?

The word education partly comes from Latin, meaning “to lead out”. Too often it leads us in: into old ways of

thinking, into dying professions. Too seldom does it lead us out of our cognitive and emotional circles, out of a

political and economic system that’s killing us.

I don’t claim to have definitive answers. But I believe the extreme demands, throughout our schooling, of tests

and exams reduce the range of our thinking. The exam system creates artificial borders. The intense combined

demands of the testing system leave almost no time to respond to opportunities and events, or for children to develop

their own interests.

Education should be joyful and delightful, not only because joy and delight are essential to our health and

happiness, but also because we are more likely to survive major changes. Schooling alone will not be enough to lead

us out of the many crises and disasters we now face. But it should at least lend us a torch.

32.Why does the author quote the two graphic designers?

A.To stress the issue of unemployment. B.To show the wide application of AI.

C.To indicate the creativity of artists. D.To set the tone for further discussion.

33.What does the underlined word “confront” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Object to. B.Bring about. C.Meet with. D.Call for.

34.What do the questions in Paragraph 3 chiefly reflect?

A.The numerous social problems to solve.

B.The complex features of current society.

C.The disadvantages of the current education system.

D.The success of everyone in material matters.

35.What is the author’s attitude towards the exam system?

A.Critical. B.Tolerant. C.Approving. D.Ambiguous.

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)


Phone call anxiety is on the rise, with a quarter of 18-24 year olds avoiding picking up the phone. 36 The

avoidance of phone calls isn’t just a preference; it’s a reflection of anxiety. The immediacy and directness of a phone

call, without the ability to carefully respond as in text-based communication, can be discouraging.

37 Even traditional forms of speaking can set off a release of oxytocin, which helps reduce social anxiety

symptoms. However, in the absence of physical cues(提示) and the comfort of a known audience, phone calls can

worsen these anxieties, making the experience feel more intense.

In face-to-face interactions, we rely heavily on gestures, facial expressions, and body language to interpret

messages, which are absent in phone conversations. 38

The fear of making and receiving phone calls can have negative effects on both your personal and professional

lives. 39 Although answering the phone and making calls may seem like a simple task that everyone should be

able to do, suffering from phone call anxiety can be terrifying and real.

While it’s understandable why phone calls can feel awkward in today’s digital age, it’s essential to recognize the

value they hold in effective communication and relationship building. As we navigate this “phone anxiety pandemic”,

it is crucial to encourage and relearn the art of phone conversation, balancing the ease of texting with the depth and

authenticity of a real-time voice call. 40

A.This anxiety is not entirely new.

B.Who are reluctant to pick up phones?

C.Why are we making fewer phone calls?

D.It represents a sense of being separated.

E.Therefore, it is important to take phone anxiety seriously.

F.This can lead to misunderstandings and a feeling of disconnect.

G.This balance is key to establishing good relationships in in increasingly digital world.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 完形填空(共 15 小题;每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I teach digital technology. Although this class is high-tech; we try to make it high-touch. In other words, we keep

screen-time to a 41

One day, I helped my Grade 8 students build robotic arms. They’re 42 their robots to perform tasks from

the 43 —dipping a tea bag into a mug—to the complex, like cleaning up radioactive(放射性的) waste. Like

most days; things often don’t 44 as expected. Sometimes it’s the wiring that’s not working. Sometimes, it’s a

45 problem, like the glue holding the parts together 46 because of continuous movement. I do my best to

encourage . students. to continue through 47 , though, truly, their peers are the best cheerleaders. When things

aren’t working, they make 48 : “That happened to me, and here’s how I fixed it.” They 49 each other up:

“Try again! You can do it!” They also do a lot of playful 50 . But when things finally work, they celebrate

together. 51 , this is a classroom of teammates, not 52 .

Educators and parents have done a lot of thinking lately about the future of 53 . We don’t learn best on the

54 . More and more, I’ve come to believe that the future of school lies in classrooms like the one we’ve built, where

students 55 technology with human creativity and connection.

41.A.balance B.target C.height D.minimum

42.A.displaying B.allowing C.improving D.inspiring

43.A.ordinary B.urgent C.significant D.tough

44.A.work out B.turn around C.show off D.catch up

45.A.mental B.legal C.mechanical D.financial

46.A.disappearing B.failing C.freezing D.boiling

47.A.applications B.opportunities C.possibilities D.challenges

48.A.suggestions B.mistakes C.excuses D.apologies

49.A.bring B.call C.lift D.wake

50.A.thinking B.training C.learning D.teasing

51.A.Crucially B.Suddenly C.Seriously D.Occasionally

52.A.candidates B.competitors C.colleagues D.audience

53.A.entertainment B.education C.society D.technology

54.A.scene B.stage C.ground D.screen

55.A.provide B.replace C.combine D.assist

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Liulichang Cultural Street is known throughout China and the world for its ancient books, calligraphy, paintings,

rubbings, ink stones and ink. The street, which is only 750 meters long, 56 (locate) south of Hepingmen Gate

within walking distance of the Hepingmen Ouanjude Peking Duck Restaurant. It is 57 must-see for visitors

traveling in Beijing.

Liulichang’s history can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty, 58 it was part of Jixian County. During the

Liao Dynasty, it was known 59 Haiwangcun (Village of the Sea King). The kiln(窑) which made glazed

tiles(琉璃瓦) was first built in the Yuan Dynasty. When Ming rulers began to build 60 (they) palaces in

Beijing, the kiln was enlarged. Most glazed structural 61 (component) of the Ming halls and palaces were

produced in the kiln. In Ming and Qing times , Liulichang was a favorite place for scholars, painters and calligraphers

who gathered there 62 (write) and read books, as well as to paint and compose poetry.

In 1979, the Chinese government 63 (approve) a recommendation to restore and expand Liulichang. The

64 (origin) shops have been restored and the road broadened into a 15-meter-wide pedestrian mall. A museum

65 (display)classical paintings, calligraphy and other antiquities tells the story of the old street.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)





1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


参考词汇:趣味运动会 Fun Sports Day;袋鼠跳 sack jumping;三条腿比赛 three-legged races



第二节(满分 25 分)


The scene of firefighters in Hulunbuir, Inner Mongolia being frozen into “icemen” while braving the fierce

snowstorm to rescue people moved many to tears.

On March 12, Qi Yuehua, head of the Baerhu Road Station of the New Baerhu Zuoqi Fire and Rescue Brigade in

Hulunbuir, said in an interview that the team members worked continuously for nearly five hours two days ago,

saving 8 people trapped in 3 cars. The temperature at the time was around minus 30 degrees Celsius, so there was later

a scene of firefighters being frozen into “icemen”.

“At 12:46 on March 10, we received a call for help, saying that a vehicle was trapped in the snow 35 kilometers

away in the direction of National Highway 332. A driver was trapped in the car waiting for rescue” said Qi Yuehua.

“By noon, a fierce snowstorm had formed, and it was blowing strongly and the temperature was very low. Obviously,

it was dangerous to drive out, but everyone must immediately go to the scene.”

The two rescue vehicles with 12 firefighters set out at 12:50. The visibility was less than 5 meters that day, and

the snowy road was slippery, making driving very difficult. It was hard to tell which way it was to the rescue site, and

the rescue team could only move slowly based on previous driving experience. Consequently, it took more than an

hour that day to drive for a journey that usually takes only ten minutes.

At 14:18, the rescue team eventually arrived at the scene and found the location of the trapped driver. Due to the

heavy wind and snow, the door of the vehicle could not be completely closed. The driver hid in the car, trembling

violently with cold. The firefighters found that two other vehicles with seven people were also trapped there. They

were involved in a traffic accident due to slippery roads and poor visibility.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Without any delay, the firefighters started their rescue effort. _________________________________________





When asked if it was too hard and too risky to be firefighters, Qi smiled. ________________________________






第一部分 听力

1—5CBAAA 6—10BBBAC 11—15 AAACA 16—20 ABBBC

第二部分 阅读


21—23 DAB 24—27 CDAC 28—31 BDCA 32—35DCCA


36—40 CAFEG

第三部分 语言运用


41—45 DCAAC 46—50 BDACD 51—55 ABBDC


56.is located 57.a 58.when 59.as 60.their

61.components 62.to write 63.approved 64.original 65.displaying

第四部分 写作


One possible version:

To enrich our school life, our school held an exciting Fun Sports Day last Friday, engaging all students in a

variety of fun athletic events. The day was packed with laughter and friendly competition as participants took part in

unconventional games like three-legged races and sack jumping. Students showed remarkable teamwork and

sportsmanship and these events strengthened the bonding across different grades. The Fun Sports Day reached its

peak in a lively closing ceremony, when the winners were awarded trophies and certificates, leaving everyone looking

forward to a more exciting edition next year.


One possible version:

Without any delay, the firefighters started their rescue effort. “We first dug up the snow with shovels, and then

pushed the vehicles out of the snow with manpower,” Qi Yuehua recalled. “The thickest snow accumulation was

nearly one meter. The wind was particularly strong that day and the snow hitting our faces felt like needles.” At 17:12,

the trapped people and vehicles were successfully moved to a safe place, and a total of 8 people in 3 cars buried in the

snow were eventually rescued. Some of the firefighters had been frozen into “icemen” by then.

When asked if it was too hard and too risky to be firefighters, Qi smiled. “I am very happy and satisfied that we

completed the task and the rescued people were safe and sound,” he said. “Our firefighters are all young men who

have been training very hard. And we are always well prepared to ensure the safety of people’s lives and property.

Actually, we only thought about getting the trapped people out of danger as soon as possible that day. It was only after

the rescue was completed that I realized how cold and tired I was.”

【解题导语】本文是一篇应用文。主要介绍了开设社区音乐班给 2 至 18 岁的儿童提供为期一年的周六课程的






