
2024-01-31·16页·792.6 K



英 语







第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30 分,不计入总分)



第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答


例:How much is the shirt?





1.What does the woman mean?

A.She would like to go to the movies.

B.She was too tired to go to the movies.

C.She thought it wonderful to have a sleep.

2.What does the woman probably do?

A.A doctor.

B.A coach.

C.A writer.

3.Who are the speakers probably?



C.Factory workers.

4.Where does the conversation take place?

A.At the ticket office.B.On the train.

C.In the street.

5.What are the speakers talking about?

A.TV stations.

B.TV series.

C.TV ads.

第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个


各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白


听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.What will the speakers do tomorrow?

A.Go to a museum.

B.Go over their lessons.

C.Visit their headteacher.

7.When will the speakers meet at the school gate?

A.At 7:00.

B.At 6:45.

C.At 6:15.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至9 题。

8.Where does the woman work?

A.In the toy department.

B.In the shoe shopping center.

C.At the cashier.

9.What does the woman think that Christmas means to her?

A.More money and more tips.

B.More work and more headaches.

C.More noise and more headaches.

听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10.When does the man feel nervous?

A.Before a game.

B.During a game.

C.During training.

11.What does the man think of their training?




12.What can we learn from the conversation?

A.The man is worried about tomorrow's game.

B.The man's team will probably get the cup.

C.Northern City has won by four goals.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13.What's the man's phone number?




14.Where did the man see the pictures of the furniture?

A.On the Internet.

B.In the shop.

C.In a brochure.

15.What's the man's choice of sofa?

A.Three pieces,yellow.

B.Four pieces,yellow.

C.Three pieces,white.

16.How will the man pay for the furniture?

A.By credit card.

B.By check.

C.In cash.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.Where was Camp Alison first founded?

A.In the UK.

B.In Australia.

C.In America.

18.How long did it take Camp Alison to acquire ten sites in London?

A.About 5 years.

B.About 6 years.

C.About 16 years.

19.Why is it easy for Camp Alison to find sites?

A.It has excellent sports equipment.

B.There are many schools in London.

C.Schools aren't usually open in the summer.

20.What do we know about Camp Alison?

A.It has been operating for 30 years.

B.It is the oldest day camp in the world.

C.It has experienced camp directors.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 60分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题3 分,满分 45分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneur Competition

The Blue Ocean Student Entrepreneur Competition is the largest and most well-known

virtual business competition for high school students in the world.It was founded in Maryland

in 2014 by a young budding(萌芽的)high school entrepreneur.

The competition gives high school students the chance to present their innovative

business ideas, get real entrepreneurial experience,earn cash prizes,and build resumes that

stand out from the crowd when applying for college.Participation is 100%free for all

students,which levels the playing field and provides equal access to opportunities for aspiring

entrepreneurs regardless of their socioeconomic background or nationality.

The competition attracts the very best high school student entrepreneurs from all comers

of the globe,making the competition truly global.

Participating is Easy

1.Register for the competition individually or team up with up to four friends to compete


2.Recognize a pressing problem the world faces,then create something new and build a

business idea to address it.

3.Check out the scoring criteria to make sure your idea qualifies as a blue ocean


4.Reference the blue ocean pitch template(模版)to record your 5-minute video,upload on

YouTube,and submit a link and the video file.

21.What benefit could a competitor get from the competition'

A.A college admission letter.

B.A full scholarship.

C.Hands-on business experience.

D.Discounted entry fee.

22.When did the competition expand on a global scale?

A.In 2014-15.

C.In 2016-17.

B.In 2015-16.

D.In 2022-23.

23.What should be done in preparation for participation?

A.Submitting a word file.

B.Designing a scoring criterion.

C.Identifying an urgent global issue.

D.Register a business organization.


Julia Whelan climbed into the double-walled,foam-insulated booth in her home office

near Palm Springs,Calif.In preparation,she had stopped drinking alcohol the night before,had

avoided dairy since waking at 6 a.m.and had run through the humming and vocalizing of her

warm-up exercises.Her glass jar filled with water,her Vaseline lip therapy at hand,she was

ready to work.

Whelan,38,the comforting,confident female voice behind more than 400 audio-books,is

so sought-after that six months' notice is required.Once she has taken on a project,she reads

through the book once or twice,deciding on themes to highlight when she gets into the

recording booth by using different tones and accents,and emphasizing certain words.

“Narrating a book really is a performance,she said,“and it can be harder to do than acting,

because I can't use my eyes or facial expression to communicate something to the audience.”

Her narrating voice,slightly different from her regular speech,is crisp and

low-pitched.There is no singsong,no up speak,“I have an absolute affection on her voice,with

a detached but not uninterested tone that makes her a very persuasive storyteller.When I listen

to Julia read my stories,it sounds like she is calling you over to tell you a great story.said

Olivia Nuzzi,NewYork magazine's Washington correspondent.

Flynn,an American writer and film maker,decided against rereading the book Gone Girl,

opting instead to listen to the narration when preparing to write the screenplay for the film

adaptation.“Julia gave me the benefit of listening to Amy and seeing the world through her

eyes,”Flynn said.Just before the pandemic,Whelan began her writing Thank You for

Listening.She learned about her writing when she experienced it as a narrator.“There is

something about it that changes when you're performing it,Whelan said,I read the book out

loud during every stage of its revisions but it's different when you sit down and have the

microphone in front of you.When I finally am inhabiting all the characters,the story comes to


24.Why did Julia Whelan make the preparations?

A.To avoid muscle strain.

B.At her followers’ request.

C.To build up her confidence.

D.For her occupational necessity.

25.What can we learn about Whelan from paragraph 2?

A.She is a serious-minded narrator.

B.Her accent is typical of her narration.

C.She earns people's admiration in acting.

D.Her body language speaks louder than voice.

26.Which is closest in meaning to the underlined word“detached”in paragraph 3?





27.What does the author indicate by mentioning Whelan's writing experience?

A.Whelan's exceptional writing talent.

B.Whelan's deep gratitude to.the audience.

C.The hardship of Whelan's interpreting stories.

D.The contribution of Whelan's narration to writing.


Angus Neish dared to hope that his fine-looking cattle,bred at Rodmead Farm in

Wilt-shire,would nab a prize at the Royal Bath and West Show last month.The annual

fair,held near Shepton Mallet,in Somerset,is England's oldest and grandest.As well as a

fiercely competitive livestock parade,it features Morris dancing,sheep-shearing and a vintage

fairground.Its pony-chariot races are second to none.Many contestants performed vigorously

before a large crowd.100,000 turned out for some of the three-day show.

Britons love a fair.No one is sure exactly how many shows there are across the country,

but at least 400 days of such rural events happen annually across the country.Roughly one in

ten Britons attend them each year.It appears their popularity is rising.

In late June,it was the turn of the Royal Highland Show,near Edinburgh,where 217,000

people—breaking a record set in 2019-rolled up.It is estimated that the event last year boosted

nearby businesses by almost &40m($51m).

Why do people go?Nostalgia(怀旧 )is evidently a draw.At Bath and West,as colored

flags flapped,visitors formed queues,bought cream teas and listened as a military band played

wartime hits.Rural shows also have a purpose.Many fairs were founded to spread the

knowledge of new farming technology among rural populations.Some of that mission lives


A secondary goal is to better educate those who flood in from towns and cities—urban

folk make up a decent share of those who pack the grounds.Some consumers also come

armed with powerful knowledge of food supply chains—as well as sometimes picky personal

preferences for organic,local,animal-friendly and environmentally sound products.Laura

Williams,of the Royal Welsh Show,notes that visitors are“much more invested in farming and

interested in where their food comes from”than in years past.

A last purpose,naturally,is for farmers to excel against their rivals in friendly

competition.In this respect,Mr.Neish enjoyed an utterly successful day.In a first for Bath and

West, his cattle scooped all four of the top prizes on offer in their categories.Such victories do

not bring immediate,large financial rewards,but should boost the reputation of his breeding


28.What do we know about the fair last month?

A.It saw high attendances.

B.It was a monthly show.

C.It was a fierce art competition.

D.It conveyed British moral values.

29.What's the purpose of the shows?

A.To narrow the urban-rural gap.

B.To promote wartime hit records.

C.To offer an insight into farming.

D.To erase competition among farmers.

30.What will Mr Neish gain from Bath and West?

A.An instant profit.

B.Marketing strategies.

C.A chance to advertise.

D.An academic reputation.

31.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Rural shows:Victors’ stage

B.Masses of farmers:True winners

C.Farm products:Sweeping British

D.Fun of the fair:Gaining popularity


A team from Newcastle University and Northumbria Uaiversity in the UK has found that

the thin,root -like threads produced by many fungi(真菌 )can potentially be used as a

biodegradable,wearable material that's also able to repair itself.

In their tests,the researchers focused on the Ganoderma lucidum fungus,producing a skin

from branching thin threads,which together weave into a structure called a mycelium(菌丝体).

With a little more work,the fragile skins could serve as a substitute for leather, satisfying

environmental and fashion tastes.

“The results suggest that mycelium materials can survive in dry and unfavourable

environments, and self-repairing is possible with minimal intervention after a two -day

recovery period,write the researchers in their published paper.However,the process used to

produce these materials tends to kill off the fungal spores(孢子 )hat help the organism

regenerate itself.

A new approach involving a mix of mycelia,proteins,and other nutrients in a liquid

encouraged the growth of a skin.The results are currently too thin and delicate to be tuned into

a jacket. However,the researchers are confident that it's possible that future innovations could

turn it into a tougher skin,possibly by combining layers or plasticizing in glycerol. Crucially,

the production process didn't kill off the fungal spores.Tests on the material showed that it

was indeed able to replace holes made in it.The material was as strong as before,though it was

still possible to see where the holes had been.

“Due to their functional properties,the ability of this regenerative mycelium material to

heal micro and macro defects opens interesting future prospects for unique product

applications in leather-goods replacements such as furniture,automotive seals,and fashion

wear,write there searchers.

There's a long way to go here before you'll be wearing clothes made out of fungus.The

growing and healing processes take several days to happen at the moment for example,

something which could be sped up over time.

32.What did the team find in their tests?

A.An alternative to fragile skin.

B.Thin threads shaped like roots.

C.A mycelium with a complicated structure.

D.Mycelium materials with self-healing function.

33.What is mainly presented in paragraph 3?

A.The recovery period of fungal spores.

B.Crises of mycelium materials' survival.

C.Imperfection in producing mycelium materials.

D.The method of intervening organisms' regeneration.

34.What can we learn about the new approach?

A.It speeds up the creation of mycelia.

B.It keeps fungal spores from destruction.

C.It makes the holes in materials invisible.

D.It combines the liquid with layers of skin.

35.What is the prospect of mycelium-based materials?

A.A flash in the pan.

B.Promising but challenging.

C.Inspiring but unachievable.

D.A growth and decline cycle.

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题3 分,满分 15分)



Whenever I've had a few stressful weeks,I typically schedule a“cooking day.Working


recipes that I already know builds my confidence;trying out some new oncs adds an element

ofsurprisc.In the end,I fecl satisfied by the products of my work.36 You can find your

ownrelief in preparing food.

37 This multisensory aspect of cooking is like a coping tool for stressful situation,the

5-4-3-2-1 technique.It allows you to quickly connect with the present momont by

oncouragingyou to notice five things you can see,four things you can fcel,three things you can

hcar,two youcan smell,and one you can taste.38 You might feel a bit calmer at the cnd.

Another key feature of cooking is that it's connected to and shaped by the past.What

youchoose to cook,and the way you prepare it,might issuc in part from the profcrenccs

andtechniques of your parents,grandparents,friends or partners.39This link is part ofcooking's

psychological richness and its potential to restore.

Trying new recipes and new ingredients can help you with the creation of new memorics.40

And,if you are wise in your choice of healthy ingredicnts,the food itself oould havesubsequent

benefits for your psychological wellbeing.

The next time you step into the kitchen and try your hand at a new dish,try to consciouslytake

notice of what's going on in your mind and in your body,of what sorts of feelings

cookingbrings out in you.

A.Cooking engages all five senses.

B.For me,cooking is a stress-relieving way.

C.Through cooking,I can get back control of my life.

D.You are cooking,in this sense,for your future self.

E.Each smell and taste has the power to revive certain memories.

F.It helps focus on a task,offering you a sense of power and control:

G.Giving it a try can demonstrate the benefits of sensory experience.

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题;每小题2 分,满分 30分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


I wasn't raised to be a fan of snails(蜗牛).I was always taught that if we see a snail on a

plant, we should pick it off and__41__on it.This brought us the kind of giggly(咯咯傻笑的)

__42__that only children experience.We loved it.However,my__43__on snails has

changed,as I've grown older.They bring me a different kind of happiness.

The first time.I thought of snails as more than a__44__was when I saw something that

__45__ me in my garden.A small snail,__46__a hard shell,moved slowly toward one__47__

bud and explored it.The exploration lasted for quite a while and,__48__enough,the bud turned

into a full bloom.Watching the snail carefully touching the flower__49__me of the

lyric:“Snails see the beauty in every inch.”I realized that the snail is probably a best

representation of__50__and taking life slowly.

Then,I__51__the snail in my palm.It was scared by the sudden move and immediately

__52__back into its shell.I thought it would__53__inside for several minutes,but shortly after

gutting used to the takeaway,the snail poked its head out again.It was not just hiding but


Giving ourselves time to nourish(滋养)inside and out,and waiting for the right__55__ to

reenter the exciting life,is extremely restorative and worthwhile.

41.A.knock B.stamp C.lean D.click

42.A.relief B.satisfaction C.sympathy D.scare

43.A.view B.focus C.debate D.article

44.A.pet B.toy C.pest D.mascot

45.A.puzzles B.interests C.comforts D.distracts

46.A.dragging B.using C.lifting D.pushing

47.A.eye-catching B.breathtaking C.familiar-looking D.half-blooming

48.A.magically B.secretly C.swiftly D.silently

49.A.cured B.reminded C.warned D.informed

50.A.curiosity B.excitement C.calmness D.eagerness

51.A.placed B.covered C.stuck D.wrapped

52.A.stepped B.drew C.crawled D.walked

53.A.wander B.sleep C.hide D:struggle

54.A.competing B.resisting C.exploring D.adjusting

55.A.reason B.position C.moment D.choice

第二节 (共 10 小题;每小题2 分,满分 20分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Fashion is always a major indicator of popular trends.The new Chinese style has been

selected as one of the Top 10 lifestyle trends in a compilation(汇编 )__56__(release)by


Besides adding value__57__design,the new Chinese style is enriching people's eating

and drinking habits.So far,the imported coffee business__58__(embrace)the Chinese style and

culture to create a new image for coffee as a lifestyle beverage.For instance,Sexy Tea

launched Chinese-style Yuenn &Yang Coffee,__59__struck an instant chord with young

people.__60__(similar),a Moutai flavored latte by Luckin Coffee created a stir in the market.

The integration of Eastern and Western drinks is not simply a__61__(combine),but a new

flavor supported by new materials and processes.

“Amid all these market__62__(phenomenon)sparked by the new Chinese style,cultural

consumption has also emerged.Scenes such as traditional Chinese style photography, Hanfu

outings, ancient city cultural tourism,the popular new Chinese weddings and related fashion

have all become__63__(act).”said Hua Hui,associate professor of the School of Media &

Communication at Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

The inclusiveness of Chinese culture__64__the leading role of Chinese aesthetics(美学)

have redefined the contemporary world,__65__(give)it a new dimension and a new status.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

假定你是李华,你的美国笔友 Sam 看到你在社交媒体上发布的“Just applied to be a

volunteer at the 9th Asian Winter Games(HARBIN 2025).Feeling excited!”,他很感兴趣,发





1.写作词数应为 80 个左右;


Dear Sam,

I hope this email finds you in great spirits.


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25分)


I like staying overnight at my Gramma's house—that is,until Gramma starts telling me

how wonderful my cousin Maya is.Then it's Maya this and Maya that until I don't ever want

to hear another word about her.

That's why I wasn't too excited when Gramma called me on the phone tocome on over

and bring your pyjamas(睡衣裤).”When I got there,it was worse than I'd expected.There,in

Grandpa's big leather rocker,sat Maya,all dressed up and formal-looking and wearing fancy

shoes as if she'd just been a party.

“Surprise,Kristen!”Gramma said.“Your cousin Maya and her parents have traveled in

from the East Coast on business.Maya gets to stay with us this afternoon.”Gramma chattered

away about how excited she'd been for this surprise get-together,and how cousins ought to get

to know each other better.

I hung my baseball cap in the closet and set my backpack by the stairway,all the time

smiling and nodding as if I'd been waiting forever for this chance to spend an afternoon with

Maya.Grandpa's chair squawked(咯咯叫)as Maya rocked back and forth.It's the chair I like

best in the house,the one I usually sit in.I sat down on the sofa across from her.

Shortly,Gramma went off to the kitchen to“see about some lunch,”she said.That left me

stuck in the living room with rocking Maya.

She was still small but taller than I'd remembered her from her last visit four years

ago.She was good at small talk,though,and was chatting away about how nice it was to see me

again.But I could tell that she didn't really think so.The last time she was here,we'd had hours

of fun together building caves out of Gramma's sofa pillows.





