
2024-01-26·15页·281.5 K



本试卷共 150 分,考试用时 120 分钟。



1. 答题前,考生务必将自己的学校、班级、姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡指定位置,认真核对与准考


2. 选择题的作答:选出答案后,用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑,如需改动,用橡皮


3. 非选择题的作答:用黑色墨水的签字笔直接答在答题卡上的每题所对应的答题区域内。答在试题卷


4. 考试结束,监考人员将答题卡收回,考生自己保管好试题卷,评讲时带来。

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分 30分)



第一节 (共5 小题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分 7. 5分)

听下面5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每

段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。

1. What does the man mean?

A. The shopkeeper can help. B. He is not interested in art. C. He knows the area very well.

2. Which part of the speech should the man improve?

A. The vocabulary. B. The pronunciation. C. The logic.

3. How does the woman sound?

A. Annoyed. B. Concerned. C. Confused.

4. Where are the speakers?

A. In a hospital. B. In a grocery store. C. In a restaurant

5. What is the woman worried about?

A. Her ring. B. The glass. C. The table.

第二节 (共 15 小题;每小题 1. 5 分,满分 22. 5分)

听下面5 段对话或读白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳

选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟,听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的


听第6 段材料,回答第6至7 题。

6. What does the man want to do?

A. Make a reservation. B. Change his flight. C. Cancel his order.

7. When does the conversation take place?

A. On January 13th. B. On January 14th. C. On January 15th.

听第7 段材料,回答第8至9 题。

8. What does the woman want to change?

A. The time of the meeting. B. The subject of the meeting. C. The location of the meeting.

9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Classmates. B. Boss and employee. C. Teacher and student.

听第8 段材料,. 回答第 10至 12 题。

10. Why does the man call the woman?

A. To confirm the bill. B. To provide room service. C. To remind her of checkout.

11. When is the woman supposed to leave

A. Before 11: 30 a. m B. Before noon. C. Before 2: 00 p. m.

12. Which word can best describe the man?

A. Energetic. B. Experienced. C. Understanding.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13. What keeps the woman’s brother from swimming more often?

A. Great interest in hanging out. B. High cost of swimming suits. C. Long distance from the beach.

14. Which of the following is true about the woman’s brother?

A. He hates swimming. B. He likes skateboarding. C. He is practising surfing.

15. Which item will the woman pay for at last?

A. A surfboard. B. A skateboard. C. A swimming suit.

16. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. Doing sports. B. Having a race. C. Buying a gift.

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17. What is one benefit of selling online?

A. It improves income. B. It helps those in need. C. It broadens the market.

18. What can we know about the big platforms?

A. They offer no insurance to the seller. B. They charge the seller for advertising.

C. They aren’t readily accessible to sellers.

19. What should be avoided?

A. Using a separate E-mail address. B. Selling items of great value online.

C. Meeting the buyer at a private place.

20. How will the seller be banned from the website?

A. By presenting personal information.

B. By providing false accounts of products.

C. By selling products at an unreasonable price.

第二部分:阅读 (共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题:每小题 2. 5 分,满分 37. 5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和 D) 中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂



The Self-Portrait Challenge

Have you ever done a self-portrait in an art lesson at school? Today, we’re challenging you to write self-portrait

poems. It’s not uncommon to feel like the way people see you on the outside doesn’t quite match up with how you

feel on the inside. So creating a self-portrait can be a good opportunity to address those differences and present the

realest, truest version of yourself. Your challenge is to create a self-portrait in lines, using words instead of paint.

Read on for some more inspiration.

Writing Tips

Have a go at writing a list of metaphors exploring your physical appearance, starting from your head and working

your way down towards your feet.

Instead of representing yourself directly, take on another character, such as a fictional character, a historical figure,

or even a different version of yourself.

Play around with personification, by taking on the voice of a physical object in your poem. Think about what a self-

portrait from the point of view of a mirror, or a bowl of your favourite food would look like?

How to enter

This challenge is for writers aged up to 25 based anywhere in the world. The deadline is 23: 59 GMT, 17 March

2024. You can send a poem, or poems, written down, or as video or audio files. We are using Submittable to accept

submissions to this challenge. You will need to make a free Submittable account to submit in this way. Using

Submittable helps our team to administrate and process entries more quickly. Selected poets will be published on

Young Poets Network.

21. What does the Self-portrait Challenge encourage participants to do?

A. Explore true selves. B. Convey positive emotions.

C. Illustrate personal profiles D. Compare different personalities.

22. What is suggested to better handle the challenge?

A. Using simple language. B. Presenting yourself directly.

C. Taking a different point of view. D. Focusing on physical appearance

23. What is “Submittable” likely to be?

A. A writing tool. B. A search engine. C. An email account. D. An online platform.


Growing up, Maitri Wadher, a left-hander, has struggled to cope in a world made for right-handed people. From

school desks to spiral notebooks that stop the natural flow of writing, Maitri has faced tough challenges from a young

age. “My mother used to tie my left hand and make me eat with my right until a doctor warned that this could

significantly affect my growth and confidence,” Maitri says.

This childhood experience had gnawed (折腾) at the back of her mind, pushing her to do something to ease the

lives of fellow left-handers. In September 2018, she started The Left Out Store, which makes everyday products

ranging from left-handed writing tools and scissors to kitchen tools for left-handed people.

Starting The Left Out Store wasn’t in the cards for Maitri for a very long time. The idea for The Left Out Store

came to Maitri in just 20 minutes during a festival at St. Joseph’s Institute of Management, where she was a post-

graduate student. She presented the rough idea to judges who later became sponsors, and they enthusiastically

supported it. This encouragement gave her the push to make it a market research project to test the waters and explore

the potential market.

Initially, Maitri faced a few hiccups. It took her quite some time to find vendors (小贩 ) and make them

understand how to make the products. With everything in place, Maitri went through a tough time reaching customers.

The first time she made a proper sale was at an exhibition at Lalit Ashok. “People were surprised at first, but gradually

more left-handed people began approaching me, and said they relate to my struggles.” Since then, she has been

regularly marketing her products at exhibitions, and keeps The Left Out Store active on social media.

24. What challenge did Maitri face as a left-hander while growing up?

A. Unfair judgement. B. Lack of parents’ love.

C. Limited access to education. D. Struggle with school tools.

25. How did Maitri turn her idea into a reality?

A. By seeking student sponsors. B. By conducting market research.

C. By expanding the potential market. D. By carrying out her long-thought plan.

26. What does the underlined word “hiccups” probably mean?

A. Barriers. B. Threats C. Complaints. D. Oppositions.

27. What might be a suitable title for the passage?

A. A Left-Hander’s Struggles B. Maitri’s Marketing Strategies

C. Maitri: A Social Media Celebrity D. The Left Out Store: Maitri’s Journey


We’ve all done it before---dropped a box of unwanted household belongings at a flea market and driven off

with a sense of accomplishment. But have you ever stopped to think about where those items actually go?

Business journalist Adam Minter began considering this while cleaning out his late mother’s home. Seeking

reassurance that his mother’s donated items would be put to good use rather than destroyed, he started a journey

worldwide that resulted in his latest book, “Secondhand: ‘Travels in the New Global Garage Sale”. He found the

industry significantly in the dark, with a disturbing lack of data on secondhand goods, despite their crucial role in

clothing, furnishing and educating people worldwide.

In this book, Minter fully reveals himself as an investigative journalist. He doesn’t shy away from the

commonly-accepted assumptions about the global trade in used goods. First, Minter questions the idea that shipments

of secondhand clothes from developed countries to Africa have destroyed local textile industries (纺织业). That’s

overly simplistic, he says. He further explains that multiple factors, such as declining cotton production in local areas

and economic liberation, have influenced the situation.

Minter then explores the topic of car seats, making a statement that recycling car seats, instead of selling them

secondhand, is wasteful and might compromise (危害) safety for children in developing countries. It is disturbing to

say so in a society that prioritizes child safety and highlights zero risk, but when you consider the excessive caution

that might endanger children’s lives elsewhere, the situation starts to look different.

Minter calls it “waste colonialism,” this idea that developed countries can apply their own safety standards onto

the markets of developing countries-and it’s deeply wrong. Why label a used car seat or an old TV as unsafe if

someone else, with different skills, is perfectly capable of repairing it and willing to use it, especially if they lack

access to new products and other options?

The book explores the huge problems of handling surplus (剩余的) items and how producers discourage repairs

and promote the sales of new products. Minter calls for initiatives to enhance product repairability and increase

product lifetime.

28. Why does Minter set out on a journey worldwide?

A. To remember his late mother. B. To explore where used items end up.

C. To collect data for fashion industries. D. To advocate recycling of used goods.

29. In Minter’s opinion, the common idea about secondhand clothes trade in Africa is __________.

A. groundless B. one-sided C. conventional D. self-contradictory

30. Which action taken by developed countries might Minter describe as “waste colonialism”?

A. Selling old TV sets to developing countries.

B. Denying access to used car seats domestically.

C. Banning used goods export to developing countries.

D. Prioritizing safety in new goods for developing countries.

31. What does Minter encourage producers to do in his book?

A. Handle used items efficiently B. Promote sales of new products.

C. Make more sustainable products. D. Take the initiative to boost production.


It seems like just another group of non-player characters (NPCs) in a video game. But unlike traditional NPCs,

these characters’ behavior isn’t programmed by a coder (程序员). Instead, they generate their behavior according to

a short biography given to them consisting of a name, age, job, family, interests, and a few habits. What is surprising?

They behave in ways that are believably humanlike.

In the experiment, a team of Stanford researchers led by Joon Sung Park placed 25 generative agents within a

virtual world. Each agent was assigned a unique background and participated in a two-day simulation (模拟). Various

remarkable behaviors were. then observed. For example, one agent planned a party and informed friends and relatives,

many of whom showed up at the correct time and place; another agent who decided to run for president set off heated

discussions among the community, with different agents holding varying opinions on this candidate.

The researchers used a control group of human participants, each role-playing one of the 25 agents, and were

astonished by the result: actual humans generated responses that an evaluation group of 100 individuals rated as less

human-like than the generative agents.

The study has inspired interest among game designers who hope generative agents will make game play more

engaging. But Park is most interested in other downstream applications, including generative agents’ potential

usefulness for social science studies. “For example, researchers could explore how people in an online forum are

likely to respond to a particular measure aimed at countering false information, “Park envisions.

However, Park acknowledges that generative agents also raise some potential ethical (伦理的) problems. One

highlighted risk is that people will develop one-sided “fake friendships” with humanlike generative agents at the

expense of relationships in real life. The researchers described the ethical concerns with some proposed solutions.

“It’s always better to over-worry about ethical problems at the beginning rather than underestimate their significance

and regret it later,” Park says.

32. How do the generative agents in the study differ from traditional NPCs in video games?

A. They can write biographies. B. They are controlled by coders.

C. They behave in humanlike ways. D. They have unique cultural backgrounds

33. Which of the following steps is taken in the experiment?

A. Having people rate the generated behavior.

B. Managing the human role-players’ response

C. Evaluating the 100 individuals’ generated response.

D. Making the characters imitate the human participants.

34. According to Park, what could be a potential use of generative agents?

A. Enhancing online forum engagement. B. Making technological breakthroughs

C. Designing more absorbing video games. D. Predicting human actions in a social context.

35. What is Park’s recommended approach to the ethical issues raised by generative agents?

A. Discount their significance. B. Address concerns instantly.

C. Be deeply worried throughout. D. Postpone solutions to a later time.

第二节 (共5 小题;每小题 25 分,满分 12. 5分)


Standing on a hill at Cliveden Gardens on a sunny winter day, its dark-green lake surrounded by centuries-old

trees took my breath away. 36 It’s just a local park near London that I’d never heard of during my eight

years living in the UK. As I admired the serene garden, it taught me a lesson about the British culture of


“The English landscape is more beautiful because its beauty is understated, “my friend Will said to me later as

we walked through an exhibition at Tate Britain. He pointed to a painting of a peaceful countryside. “This is the

landscape I grew up with”, he said. Unlike grand waterfalls or wild forests, this scenery doesn’t shout about its beauty.


I wonder if Chinese tourists will explore beyond London. 38 Indeed, Oxford and Cambridge and

the beloved Lake District National Park are some iconic symbols of Britain. But it would be a pity if they miss out

on the lesser-known parts of the English landscape.

39 I remember a straight-A classmate once telling me he “survived exams” and another friend

from Oxford introducing himself as “studying in the countryside”. This modesty also has its mirror in Chinese culture.

I remember my parents’ telling me to work hard but not to brag about my achievements. Chinese culture is full of

proverbs such as “real gold will shine sooner or later”, to encourage long-term dedication to one’s chosen area of


Experiencing both cultures, I’ve realized that the English and Chinese both express achievements with

understatement. 40 It reflects the unspoken charm in both British and Chinese traditions. And it’s an

off-the-beaten-path attraction well worth exploration

A. Cliveden isn’t a famous holiday place

B. Rather, its beauty is reserved for the locals only.

C. I’ve been impressed by British humor all the time.

D. They tend to prefer places with a strong reputation.

E. But the more I looked, the more I saw its quiet elegance.

F. Over the years, I’ve become familiar with British modesty.

G. This mix makes me appreciate the unusual beauty of Cliveden.

第三部分:语言运用 (共两节,满分 30分)

第一节:完形填空 (共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项。 (A、B、C和 D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选


Years ago, my mother passed away from her illness. My father, having long been her only care-taker, was left

with two options: give up on life or 41 himself. Worried how he would 42 without my mother, I

wanted to make sure he picked the latter.

One thing could 43 my mind. In his teenage years, my father had been declared a (an) 44 by

his art teacher. Some of his paintings, though lacking perfect skills. were exhibited and admired in galleries. However,

his creative life was put 45 when my mother fell ill. One time, during a visit to my doctor, I heard a patient

46 a nurse of “micro-managing’’ (微观管理) him. As a freelance writer (自由撰稿人), I had an odd thought: Do

one-celled organisms under the microscope protest about being “micro micromanaged”? Drawing 47 from

this, I decided to propose 48 to my father, asking if he would create a cartoon for my idea.

His 49 response was silence. I asked again the following day. Still no definite answer. Recognizing his

emotional 50 of losing my mother, I had to drop the idea. A week later, however, my father emailed me the

micro-micromanaging cartoon exactly as I had 51 it to him.

With his teenage 52 revived, our partnership has advanced up to now. Sometimes our creativity seems

to 53 and we might quarrel over a bad cartoon, but our 54 has grown stronger because we need each

other for this to work-live a 55 life in the absence of my mother.

41. A. represent B. replace C. restore D. reveal

42. A. manage B. behave C. decide D. forgive

43. A. blow B. ease C. change D. slip

44. A. master B. genius C. authority D. researcher

45. A. on hold B. in place C. at risk D. to test

46. A. reminding B. warning C. accusing D. suspecting

47. A. support B. guidance C. courage D. inspiration

48. A. contracts B. solutions C. interaction D. cooperation

49. A. rapid B. initial C. appropriate D. specific

50. A. need B. abuse C. weight D. awareness

51. A. repeated B. announced C. presented D. described

52. A. enthusiasm B. addiction C. occupation D. curiosity

53. A. take over B. dry up C. come out D. fall apart

54. A. commitment B. competence C. bond D. belief

55. A. purposeful B. harmonious C. respectable D. peaceful

第二节 (共 10 题:每小题 1. 5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容 (1 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

Zhangye Danxia National Geological Park in Gansu is the best representative of China’s colorful Danxia

landform. With a wide ____________ (56) (various) of landforms, this enormous park covers ____________ (57)

area of 510 square kilometres. ____________ (58) (extend) along the northern part of Qilian Mountain in west China,

it was said to be part of The Great Silk Road. At one time, Marco Polo arrived in China through this area.

____________ (59) (former) a provincial park and scenic area, it ____________ (60) (become) a national geopark

in November 2011.

The site is characterized by amazing landforms, including ____________ (61) (drama) natural towers, deep

valleys and impressive waterfalls. These landscapes have helped to conserve broad-leaved evergreen forests, and host

many flowers and plants, about 400 of ____________ (62) are considered to be rare or ____________ (63) (threaten).

The most representative spots in the park such as the Seven-color Screen and the Colorful Sunset look like a

rainbow hanging in the distance. However, scenes are totally different on the edge of the hills. The colors there turn

into yellow and grey like shells in the sun. Scenes are even more breathtaking ____________ (64) sunrise and sunset

when lights and shadows ____________ (65) (cast) on the hills paint this region with unique beauty.

第四部分:写作 (共两节;满分 40分)

第一节 (满分 15分)

假定你是校英文社长李华,上周外教 James 参加了你社举办的”城市漫步” (Citywalk) 活动,徒步游览

了湖边绿道 (lakeside greenway) , 请给他写一封邮件邀请他对这次活动做出反馈,内容包括:

1. 活动感受:

2. 改进建议。


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右:

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear James,











Li Hua

第二节 (满分 25分)


Philip found himself at a crossroads. Although Mrs. Ford, his head teacher, appreciated his stories, the label of.

“nerd” (呆子) from his classmates cast a shadow over his passion for writing. Discouraged and feeling that his writing

served no purpose in the eyes of others, he thought about giving it up.

One day, during recess (课间), as Philip was absentmindedly taking down some random events of the day, he

heard an anxious voice calling out for help. He put down his pen, glanced out the window, and saw a gathering of

people near the playground fence. With concern, he walked over and joined the crowd.

In the centre of the crowd was Robin, a sporty boy in the class, who was injured on the knee and bleeding

heavily. Robin was playing kickball when the ball unexpectedly shot over the playground fence, landing in the old

park next to the school. As he ran to get the ball, he tripped over the overgrown weeds, his left knee crashing into a

broken bench. Robin’s face paled, perhaps from both pain of the bleeding knee and his panic. Concerned classmates

surrounded him, and Mrs. Ford hurried to the scene, providing some initial care before sending him to see the doctor.

Amidst the lively discussion of the crowd, Philip absorbed the information that the park had been abandoned

for ages. Turning his attention to the park, he was astonished at its awful state. Overrun with weeds, broken benches,

rusty sports facilities, and scattered rubbish, the park was practically a dangerous place for students.

Philip was probably a nerd when involved in reading or writing, but he was never ignorant of the world around

him. He felt a strong desire to do something, and the only way he could think of was to pick up his pen.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右:

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The next day witnessed Philip getting down to work. _____________________________________________










As the article spread, offers of help poured in. __________________________________________________














