
2024-01-26·10页·12.6 M












第一部分 阅读(共两节;满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Walk and dance on the ceilings,sit in a bathroom with an upside-down toilet,grab a chair

in the home office,and traverse the entry way,sitting-room,bedroom,kitchen and more.Come

on down, upside-down,to House Down Under,Australia's first inverted house photo


This hugely successful,unique and exciting attraction is back just in time for the school

holidays at Rouse Hill Town Centre in Western Sydney.It is a must-see,family-friendly,fun

experience with a range of installations and activities inside a completely inverted house.

Visitors can spend as much time as they like inside the house,so they can take their time

perfecting poses and taking as many photos as they like.House Down Under staff are always

on hand in the house,offering advice,tips on best photo ops and to snap pictures of the whole


House Down Under is open from 1 April and opening hours can be found at the end of

this article or on the official website.The building is located between the Metro and the Town

Centre at Market Square,Rouse Hill Town Centre and you won't be able to miss it.

Rouse Hill Town Centre is also a great place for families with a variety of entertainment

and food options,so make it a day out and enjoy everything on offer.

Entry tickets to House Down Under are $27 for an adult;$19 for a child;$23 for a

concession(优惠),with family passes ranging from $52-$74 for a family of four.For further

information on House Down Under,visit the website,www.house downunder.com.au.

OPEN DAILY-Weekdays 9 am to 6 pm;Weekends 10 am to 6 pm.

1.What is special about House Down Under?

A.It is conveniently located.

B.All staff are properly trained.

C.All things are upside-down in it.

D.It supplies flexible food options.

2.What can visitors do in House Down Under?

A.Take pictures at will.

B.Enjoy a shopping trip.

C.Have a family party.

D.Visit its occupants.

3.How much does a family of four pay at least for the entry?






My three grandchildren grew up,listening to someone read and learning to read.They

discovered Jeanne Birdsall,Ben Hatke,Sara Penny packer and Rick Riordan.I read-and

loved—many of the books.Often,I was reminded of my running story.

I started running when my older daughter was in primary school.During those early days,

she made her disrespect for running clear.Later she did run.She ran throughout high school

and had been running ever since.We often ran together.At first,I slowed down for her.But

very soon,her pace improved,and she was slowing down for me.

Now I compared this with my reading grandchildren.At first,adults-parents,grandparents

and teachers-led the way.Then the kids learned to read,and soon they were mere specks in the

distance,gulping down books we'd never heard of,referring to series we'd never come across.

Early on,I began preparing myself for the inevitable.The era of cozy reading sessions

would end.Indeed,it ended,in the case of my granddaughter.She and her mother still read

together,but mostly she read on her own.My grandsons also read like they breathed-in the car,

at the table,while walking from the parking lot to the ball field and back again,eyes on their


I trailed behind them this summer as they collected a heaping pile of books from the

library.They sustained them through ten days in the Yellowstone and Grand Teton national

parks.The night before our flight home,each of them were read,some more than once.

Recently,I picked up a book once owned by a child who was now these boys' uncle.I

began reading aloud during a moment of wild enjoyment,and within minutes both boys were

beside me on the couch,listening to narrator Ludlow Fitch describe a terrifying attack and his

escape to the tiny village of Pagus Parvus.

4.What's the author's purpose of telling her running story?

A.To explain the benefits of running.

B.To share her running experience.

C.To exhibit her girl's talent for running.

D.To show the similarities of learning to read.

5.What is the key to guiding children to read in the author's view?

A.Setting an attainable goal.

B.Being a model yourself.

C.Discovering their interests.

D.Providing suitable books.

6.What does the underlined part imply in Paragraph3?

A.They made their own choice.

B.They soon followed suit.

C.They quickly lost interest.

D.They did much better.

7.What can we learn about the children from last two paragraphs?

A.They were all fond of books.

B.They all had curious minds.

C.They were keen on traveling.

D.They liked thrilling stories.


Gather together a couple of good friends and take a leisurely stroll through the

streets—this is what many youngsters in China enjoy doing when they visit a new city.

To them,City walk means roaming around the cityon foot.Participants can follow a

distinctive urban route,soaking up the atmosphere,exploring old buildings,browsing boutique

shops,sipping a cup of coffee,or indulging in authentic local snacks.

City walk can be a special guided trip for a small group of people,or simply a leisurely

stroll for one or two to explore new areas,sticking to the key point:avoiding famous scenic

spots and big crowds to gain a more inclusive experience of the places you visit.Besides

interacting with a city,City walk provides young people with a new social scene,where they

who share the same interests and ideas can easily make friends.

In China,the City walk trend is spreading from first-tier cities like Beijing and Shanghai

to second and third-tier cities,encouraging more participants and event organizers to get

involved.Some organizers invite folk culture researchers and enthusiasts to act as tour

guides.Xiao Yiyi,a young entrepreneur in Changsha,recently launched six City walk routes in

different cities on her social media account,with the aim of providing experiences for visitors

to“walk in open-air museums”.Her Changsha route features more offbeat sights like historical

architecture from the 19th century,artsy old alleys,and even a stop-off to sample the local

spicy crayfish specialty.

Even though City walk is a relatively new phenomenon,it is offering a positive change to

urban travelers as they can better choose the experiences based on their interests and needs.At

the same time,City walk represents an opportunity for tour guides and travel service providers

to offer a more tailored,professional service to meet with ever-changing market demands

8.Why do young people choose City walk?

A.To enjoy a guided tour.

B.To cut down expenses.

C.To dig deeper into a city.

D.To make new friends.

9.What is the most notable feature about Citywalk?

A.Doing sightseeing on foot.B.Avoiding hot scenic spots.

D.Taking a local tour guide.C.Keeping a fixed urban route.

10.What might Xiao Yiyi be?

A.A tour guideB.A culture researcher.

C.A Citywalk enthusiast.D.An event organizer.

11.What is the author's attitude to the Citywalk trend?






Before the year has even come to a close,climate experts are certain that 2023 will be the

hottest year in recorded history.

On Dec.6,the Copernicus Climate Change Service(C3S)—part of the European Union's

space program—revealed that this year's average global temperatures have been 2.6 F(1.46

C)higher than temperatures in preindustrial times and 0.2 F(0.13 C)higher than January to

November in 2016.These“extraordinary”temperatures mean that 2023will be“the warmest

year in recorded history,”C3S deputy director Samantha Burgess said in a statement.

The researchers note that this year's record heat was partly caused by the latest El Nino

event—a phenomenon where warmer water near the equator triggers warmer global air

temperatures—that began in June.Some other experts have suggested that the January2022

eruption of Tonga's underwater volcano,which pumped record levels of water vapor into the

atmosphere,may also be partly responsible.

Despite these factors,the major cause of climbing temperatures is global warming caused

by runaway greenhouse gas emissions,which,noted in a C3S statement,have trapped more

than 25 billion atomic bombs' worth of energy in our atmosphere over the last 50 years.And

still worse,the global carbon emissions have reached a new high this year,according to

scientists at the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties(COP28)On Dec 4.

The effects of global warming are becoming more obvious.In 2023,research revealed

that climate change is causing major U.S.cities to sink and more than half of the world's

largest lakes and reservoirs to shrink.Studies also predicted that the Gulf Stream,which plays

a vital role in ocean circulation,could collapse by as early as 2025,and that rising sea levels

could swamp the U.S.coastline by 2050.

However,scientists say that we still have time to prevent further disaster.Leading climate

change expert Michael Mann,from the University of Pennsylvania,recently wrote that“we can

still stop the worst effects of climate change”if we stop emitting greenhouse gases as soon as


12.What's the purpose of the text?

A.To report the recorded hottest year.

B.To present findings of a research.

C.To analyze the causes of climate change.

D.To warn of the coming natural disaster.

13.Which is the main factor in causing the warmest weather in 2023?

A.Eruption of an underwater volcano.

B.Greenhouse gas emissions.

C.Collapse of the Gulf Stream.

D.The latest El Nino event.

14.What is Paragraph 5 mainly about?

A.Scientists' predictions of the future.

B.The threat of rising sea levels to the U.S.

C.The effects of climate change.

D.Different opinions on global warming.

15.How does Michael Mann feel about the present situation?





第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)



Too often,doctors and others tell a patient suffering from a stress related disorder that she

or he must spend some time relaxing.__16__In fact,just sitting in front of the TV set and

trying to ignore the day's problems don't make much effect.To deal effectively with stress and

cope efficiently with anxiety,you'll have to to use the power of your own mind constructively.

To do this,one of the best ways is to boost your self-confidence.Lacking self-confidence,you

will probably worry about disastrous things happening to you.__17__In such circumstances,

you should replace negative,damaging feelings of failure with positive feelings of success.

Take a piece of paper and a pencil,and try writing down good words that describe you,

such as honest,thoughtful,hard working,considerate,kind,ambitious,creative and so on.

__18__Your parents,your friends,your interests,your achievements,and particularly your

memories. You will probably be surprised to find how many things there are that you can be

proud of!

Don't worry about making mistakes.__19__If you accept challenges and live your life to

the full,you will fail sometimes.Make mistakes means taking chances.Those who never take

chances will have a life full of lost opportunities.

When you are worried about the future,ask yourself:What is the worst thing that can

happen?You will often be surprised to find that the“worst”may not be as bad as you thought it

was going to be.The“bottom line”isn't often as discouraging as you think it will be.__20__

A.That isn't a lot of help,of course.

B.All these things will help you greatly.

C.No one can possibly be right all the time.

D.List the things that are valuable in your life.

E.Occasionally,your judgments will be faulty.

F.Instead,it will help you make plans accordingly.

G.You may become pessimistic and can't get over it.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节;满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最


When I was a little girl,every time when my dad was repairing something,he would ask

me to hold the hammer.Then we could have a time for a__21__with each other.

I grew up and left home for the college,and since then,he had been__22__me every

Sunday morning.Later,when I bought a house,my dad was__23__it by himself for three days

in the 30 summer__24__.All he asked for was to hold his paint brush and__25__to him.

Several years ago,he was__26__me.He spent hours__27__a swing set for my daughter.

He asked me to bring him a cup of tea and have a talk with him,but I had to__28__for a trip,

so I did not have time for any long conversations.

One Sunday morning,we had a telephone talk__29__,and I noticed that my dad kept

forgetting some things we discussed__30__.Few hours later came a call.He was in hospital

with an aneurysm(动脉瘤).Immediately I bought a ticket for the__31__and by the time I got

to the hospital,my dad had passed away.Now it was he who did not have__32__for a talk with


After his__33__,I learned more about him,and I realized how little I knew about his

deepest__34__and dreams.All he ever asked me was my time,but now his has all my__35__

every single day.

21.A.change B.cooperation C.conversation D.debate

22.A.contacting B.calling C.educating D.meeting

23.A.decorating B.clearing C.repairing D.painting

24.A.labor B.rest C.heat D.misery

25.A.talk B.tend C.hand D.keep

26.A.joining B.visiting C.following D.leaving

27.A.putting together B.giving away C.tearing apart D.making up

28.A.prepare B.apologize C.apply D.delay

29.A.on time B.at first C.in return D.as usual

30.A.exactly B.freely C.lately D.personally

31.A.hospital B.flight C.journey D.treatment

32.A.pleasure B.interest C.choice D.time

33.A.death B.illness C.recovery D.suffering

34.A.efforts B.demands C.thoughts D.struggles

35.A.relief B.attention C.comfort D.courage

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Harmony is a core value of China's Hehe culture,which is__36__(wide)appreciated in

modern Chinese society.

The term“Hehe”(和合 )__37__(consist)of two Chinese characters that have the same

pronunciation but different meanings:the first means harmony,and the second means

convergence.In short,Hehe culture involves__38__(seek)common ground while reserving

differences,and it means harmonious coexistence and coordinated development.Liuchixiang,a

2-meter-wide alley in Anhui's Tongcheng City,is a location in China__39__has its own story

of harmony.

During the reign of Emperor Kangxi over 300 years ago,high-ranking official

ZhangYing received__40__letter from his family in Tongcheng,his hometown.In their

letter,they told Zhang that they had quarreled__41__property boundaries with their

neighbor,Wu,and asked for help.

Zhang replied to their letter with a poem:“A letter is written,just for a wall.__42__it

moves a meter,what harm is done?The Great Wall still stands tall today,yet__43__(go)is its

builder, Emperor Qinshihuang.

Enlightened by his reply,the Zhang family decided__44__(bring)their walls back by

approximately one meter.Deeply moved by their generosity,the Wu family also brought their

walls back by a meter,and the two households created a 2-meter-wide alley between their

homes for passersby.

The alley is now a popular__45__ (attract)that is traversed daily by locals.

第三部分写作(共两节;满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

假定你是李华,学校英语社团负责人。请给外教 Jim 写信,邀请他参加你社团将要举办




1.词数 80 左右;2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

第二节(满分 25分)


From an early age,Patti Wilson was told that she was an epileptic(癫痫患者 ).

However,she was a lively and enthusiastic girl,looking at her illness as simply“an

inconvenience. She never focused on what she had lost,but on what she had left.One day,

Patti said to her father,who was a morning jogger,Daddy,I'd really love to run with you every

day,but I'm afraid I'll have an epileptic fit.

Her father told her,“Don't worry,my girl.I know how to handle it!Let's start running


It was a wonderful experience for the father and daughter to run together every day.After

a few weeks,the ambitious girl told her father,“Daddy,What I'd really love to do is to break

the world's long-distance running record for women.”The father checked the Guinness Book

of World Records and found that the farthest any woman had run was 80miles.

That year,she completed her run to San Francisco,which is a distance of 400 miles.She

was wearing a T-shirt,reading,I Love Epileptics.Her father ran every mile at her side,and

her mom,a nurse,followed in a motor home behind them in case anything went wrong.But

nothing happened at all while she was running.

As a senior high school student,Patti announced that she was determined to run from her

hometown up to the White House,which is a distance of more than 3000 miles away.Her

classmates got behind her.They built a giant poster that read,Run,Patti,Run!This has since

become her motto and the title of a book she later has written.


1.续写的词数应为 150 左右;


2023—2024 学年第一学期高三质量检测


第一部分:阅读(满分 50分)

第一节(每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

1—5 CACDB 6—10 DACBD 11—15AABCD

第二节(每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)

16—20 AGDCF

第二部分:语言运用(共两节;满分 30分)

第一节(每小题1 分,满分 15分)

— — —

21 25 CBDCA 26 30 BAADC 31 35 BDACB

第二节(每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

36.widely 37.consists 38.seeking 39.that/which 40.a

41.over/about 42.If 43.gone 44.to bring 45.attraction

第三部分:写作(共两节;满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)


1.本题总分为 15 分,按5 个档次给分。



词数少于 和多于 的,从总分中减去 分。

3. 60 100 2













































第二节(满分 25分)


1.本题总分为 25 分,按7 个档次给分。






4.词数少于 120 的,从总分中减去2 分。



6.书写较差以致影响交际的,从总分中减去扣2 分。




































