
2024-01-23·9页·581 K

莆田六中高三上学期1 月模拟测试英语试卷 9. Why are the prices for the two double rooms different?

2024.01 A. The rooms have different views.

本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。满分 150 分。考试时间 120 分钟。 B. The rooms are different in size.

第卷 (选择题 共95分)

C. The rooms are of different shapes.

第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)

听第8 段材料,回答第10至13题。


听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳 10. When is the woman supposed to finish her essay?

选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅 A. By this Saturday. B. By next Monday. C. By next Friday.

读一遍。 11. Why is the woman behind with her writing class?

例:How much is the shirt? A. She was ill. B. The course is too difficult. C. She is busy with her reading task.

A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.

12. What does the man think of his college life?


A. Busy. B. Boring. C. Colorful.

1. Where is the man going?

13. What is the woman probably going to do on the 28th?

A. Kennedy. B. London. C. New York.

A. Visit an exhibition. B. Attend a party. C. Watch a play.

2. What are the speakers talking about?

听第9 段材料,回答第14至17题。

A. A disease. B. A co-worker. C. A doctor.

14. What is the man doing?

3. What does the man intend to do?

A. Introducing the woman to his neighbors.

A. Make friends. B. Collect papers. C. Do the typing.

B. Giving the woman advice on how to find a flat.

4. What is the man doing?

C. Showing the woman around the neighborhood.

A. Asking for information. B. Giving directions. C. Waiting for a bus.

15. What is the woman eager to do?

5. What does the man want to know? A. Visit the night market. B. Jog in the high school. C. Shop in convenience stores.

A. How to make dessert. B. How to solve problems. C. How to understand expressions. 16. Why does the woman look for a library?

第二节(共 小题;每小题 分,满分 分)

15 1.5 22.5 A. To get some information. B. To find a map of the city. C. To borrow some books.

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选

17. Where will the speakers go next?

项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5 秒钟;听完后,

A. To a restaurant. B. To a bookstore. C. To a park.

各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第10 段材料,回答第18至20题。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7题。

18. What should a public speaker avoid doing according to the woman?

6. What happened to the woman’s flight?

A. Talking too loudly. B. Speaking too fast. C. Saying too much.

A. It failed to take off on time.

19. Why should the closing of a speech be carefully planned?

B. It was called off without notice.

A. It’s usually the most remembered part.

C. It arrived about two hours earlier. B. It’s the last chance to make your point.

7. Where docs the conversation probably take place? C. It’s as important as the opening words.

A. In a restaurant. B. On a plane. C. At the airport. 20. What does the woman suggest a public speaker do during the speech?

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9题。 A. Show a good sense of humor.

8. How long is the woman going to stay at the hotel? B. Motivate the audience to act.

A. For two nights. B. For three nights. C. For four nights. C. Meet challenges with courage.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分) 23. What should you do if you want to go hiking?

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分) A. Form a group. B. Carry an umbrella. C. Prepay the ticket. D. Wear formal clothes.

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上 B


Young soldiers, far away from home and missing their families, discover a bear cub. That’s how


the story of Wojtek begins, back in 1942. He was alone in the mountains of Iran; nobody knows how

Forest Park Easy Hike in Queens

he got there.


When the exhausted Polish soldiers came upon Wojtek, they were immediately struck with

Walk out into the great outdoors, just outside Manhattan! Forest Park is filled with natural

treasures and is a perfect getaway for locals and visitors alike. Can you believe this park has been emotions. They had been away from their loved ones for a long time. They needed something to pick

around for over a century? Take the chance to bring family and four-legged friends, and expect to see their spirits up. So, they nursed the baby bear with milk from a bottle and named him Wojtek, which

a friendly doggie here and there. During the hike, you will explore different trails(all well-constructed) means: a warrior to whom fighting brings joy.

and stop at a few key spots to learn more about the 3rd largest park in Queens. Wojtek was officially adopted into the army. He traveled with the army to the Middle East,

Get Tickets Here: https: //newyorksocialnetwork.com/events/forest-park-easy-hike-in-queens-7 providing comradery and entertainment. He would wrestle with the men, chase after oranges they cast

Cost: $20 general members Date: May 7, 2023, Sunday for him and follow them about like a puppy. He became their connection to humanity in a time when

How it works: the light of peace seemed so far away. And, like a child, he was also playful. In the desert heat, he

We’ll meet at 3 p. m. at Wallenberg Square right outside of Forest Park in Queens. learned how to break into the showers and turn on the water. He could also be seen pulling trunks of

Be prepared to walk as we explore multiple paths throughout the park!

empty gun shells with the men or standing at attention in formation. Wojtek was also the chief

Public transit is available! You can take the E / F to Union Turnpike or the LIRR to Kew

frightener of new members: He would literally bear hug them and hold them upside down for a good

Gardens and walk 15 minutes over to Wallenberg Square.


The hike will start and end at Wallenberg Square.

Getting through the hardship of war takes something extraordinary, something unexpectedly

What to bring: Water, hiking boots or sneakers

Difficulty Level: Easy dangerous to preserve your mental state. That’s what Wojtek did for the men who had been so long in

What if it rains? Refunds will be given if the event is canceled due to rain. the fog and uncertainty of World War II. A playful bear became the symbol of strength and

Can I come alone? Yes, most guests do! It’s a great way to meet new people. adaptability. Thankfully, wars ended but Wojtek was not forgotten. He was shipped with a group of

Dress Code: Be comfortable and casual. Dress for the weather. You will be outside for 90 men to a farm in Scotland, which was a fitting place to retire for a bear with so much military

minutes. experience. Wojtek was a local celebrity. Stories of him kicking a soccer ball, attending local dances

Ages: 20+ Most of our events attract 20’s-40’s although some events can be adjusted to younger and parties, and enjoying jam and honey are still told today. And to everyone who knew him, Wojtek

or older(50’s) depending on the event. was the one that made a difficult time a little more bearable.

Questions? Email Dave Cervini at dave@newyorksocialnetwork.com or call 212-873-2256, M-F 24. How did the Polish soldiers react after they found the bear?

10 a. m. to 4 p. m. . Nonrefundable unless canceled.

A. They were hit by the bear. B. They accepted him and fed him.

21. What can we learn about Forest Park Easy Hike?

C. They called Wojtek names. D. They brought joy to him like warriors.

A. It is a dog-friendly event.

25. What did Wojtek do in the army?

B. It requires non-stop walking.

A. He would run after and eat up the oranges thrown by the soldiers.

C. It is held in the city center.

D. It takes place on winding paths. B. He could pull branches with the soldiers to the army camp.

22. What is the age requirement for the event? C. He would stand and listen attentively for information.

A. Older than ten. B. Older than twenty. C. Older than thirty. D. Older than forty. D. He would play tricks on those newly-joined soldiers.

26. What happened to Wojtek after World War II? down stairs, had an approximately 30% lower possibility of disease than drivers, who sat down all day.

A. He became famous and brought joy to the locals in a farm in Scotland. Exercise was keeping people alive. Morris’s research was eventually published in 1953, just three

B. He settled down with the Polish army in a farm in Scotland. years after a study by Richard Doll proving the link between smoking and lung cancer. Morris’s work

C. He enjoyed his life in another army in a farm in Scotland. had consequences both big and small. Morris now also took up exercise, handing his jacket to his

D. He was shipped to his hometown with the help of the Polish soldiers. daughter and just running. “People thought I was bananas.” Slowly, the rest of the world took off its

27. What is the best title of the passage? jacket and followed.

A. Wojtek: The Wild Warrior in the Desert Storm 28. Why does the author mention the new study in the first paragraph?

B. Wojtek: From the Frontlines to a Hairy Friend A. To clarify a concept.

C. A Lifelong Bear Friend with the Scottish Locals B. To introduce the topic.

D. Bearing Witness: The Remarkable Tale of the Polish Army C. To present the argument.

C D. To provide an example.

29. What does the underlined part “exercising researchers” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A new study has found that smiling at London bus drivers increases happiness. However, on the

A. Encouraging researchers to work out.

Number 24 bus to Hampstead Heath, Londoners are sceptical(怀疑的). “Bus drivers”, says Liz Hands,

B. Helping with researchers’ inquiry.

a passenger, “are generally annoying.”

C. Hold back researchers’ progress.

It might seem improbable that a report on London’s buses could change behaviour. But it has

D. Drawing researchers’ attention.

happened before. London’s buses have an underappreciated role in the history of medical science. In

30. How did Morris conduct his study on the transport employees?

the 1940s, a single study of London’s transport workers transformed epidemiology(流行病学 ),

A. By carrying out surveys.

medicine and the way we live now. Every time you go on a run, check your step-count, or take the

B. By observing their routines.

stairs instead of the lift, you are following a path pioneered by the feet of the workers on London’s

C. By doing medical examinations.

buses. D. By analyzing their medical data.

In the late 1940s, doctors were worried. Britain, like many rich countries, was suffering from an 31. What is the best title for the text?

“epidemic” of heart disease and no one knew why. Various hypotheses(假说), such as stress, were A. Smiling and Its Effects on London Bus Drivers

suggested; but one thing that was not exercising researchers was exercise. The idea that health and B. The Evolution of London’s Transportation System

exercise were linked “wasn’t the accepted fact that we know today”, says Nick Wareham, a professor C. How London Bus Drivers Led the world to exercise

of epidemiology at Cambridge University. Some even felt that “too much physical activity was a bad D. What Londoners Think about Studies on Bus Drivers

thing for your health”. Miners and farmers who did physical exercise also suffered from various D

diseases and died young. In recent years, it seems that we are slowly coming to understand that animals like elephants,

At this time a young doctor called Jerry Morris started to suspect that the increasing deaths from monkeys and pigs have not just brains, but complicated inner and social lives thanks to scientific

heart disease might be linked to occupation. He began studying the medical records of 31,000 London advances in our understanding of animal minds. Yet that awareness hasn’t made itself felt to much

transport workers. His findings were breathtaking: conductors, who spent their time running up and greater degree in our closest relationship with animals: at the dinner table.

With Personalities on the Plate, Barbara King asks us to think hard about our meat eating and 第二节(共5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)

how we might reduce it. King does not criticize. Instead, she takes us chapter by chapter on a cook’s 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,其中有两项为多余选项。

tour of animals we humans eat, from insects to pigs and dogs, while exploring the latest scientific

Have you ever caught a smell of something and been strongly reminded of a person or place?

discoveries about their intelligence and feelings that we humans often wrongly claim uniquely for

There seems to be a deep psychological link between smells and our memory. Some research even


suggests that smells can influence our cognition(感知).

Built on a mix of firsthand experience and close engagement with the work of scientists, farmers

36 Roja Dove, a perfumer, informed the BBC that when we are born, the olfactory bulb(嗅

and chefs, Personalities on the Plate has successfully built a case for them as beings that deserve more

than a trip down our stomachs. With humor and tales of animals acting as individuals expressing their 球), which is the area in our brain that processes smell, is empty, without pre-existing information or

emotions, Personalities on the Plate takes us on an unforgettable journey through the world of animals association. 37 When we smell an odour again, the original and unique memory comes

we eat. flooding back because of the association acquired in our previous experience.

“This thoughtful book is not about whether we ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t’ eat meat. Barbara King Our awareness of smells is primarily unconscious. 38 But, low-level smells are still

looks at the range of values and consequences surrounding farming and feasting, and at who we are picked up because the scent receptors(感受器) in our brain are so powerful that we unconsciously

considering eating,” says Carl Safina, author of Beyond Words: What Animals Think and Feel. “Her

register them. In fact, various studies have found the olfactory bulb sends more neurons(神经元) to

book gives me a richer understanding. Her method and passion are effective. I ended the book

more areas of our brain than our hearing or vision.

agreeing that I can—and should—help these creatures and our environment by choosing to eat fewer

Research suggests that the power of smell can also affect how the brain performs. 39

of them or none at all.

Mark Moss at Northumbria University’s Psychology Department discovered that certain essential oils,

32. What does the author suggest in the first paragraph?

A. Lots of people plan to stop eating meat. such as peppermint, positively impact cognition, and rosemary s scent can enhance memory. He also

B. Meat consumption should be increased. studied lavender, which he says “tends to impair memory and slow reaction time”. But research by

C. Scientists should do more to protect animals. others has shown it to be useful in reducing pre treatment anxiety in dental and medical situations.

D. Our diet is hardly influenced by our knowledge. 40 The next time a familiar smell brings back a special memory, just remember that

33. What can we know about Personalities on the Plate? your nose is working wonders.

A. It openly opposes meat eating.

A. Why do smells take us back?

B. It is written by scientists and chefs.

B. So, don’t take your nose for granted.

C. It includes humorous and vivid stories.

C. How is the sense of smell connected to your brain?

D. It denies animals’ intelligence and feelings.

D. Scents can revive memories that have been long forgotten.

34. What does Carl Safina say about King’s book?

A. Its method is too subjective. E. We are not actively aware of them unless they are extremely strong.

B. Its conclusion is convincing. F. This is especially true when it comes to the fragrance of essential oils.

C. The book is tightly organized. G. Therefore, our responses to smells are learnt and highly individualized.

D. The evidences are contradictory. 第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分30分)

35. What is the author’s main purpose in writing the text? 第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分15分)

A. To review a book. B. To recommend an author. 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的

C. To promote a diet. D. To advocate animals’ rights. 最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A much-liked university janitor(看门人) was surprised by 230 of the school’s students as they 第卷 (非选择题 共55分)

provided him with a truly 41 vacation back in June of this year. 第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分15分)

Herman Gordon 42 after Bristol University in England as if it were his own home. Many of 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。

his adoring fans at the university 43 him as a “legend” and “hero”, and these students thought it The Sanya Nanfan(南繁) Seed Breeding(繁殖) Base, located in south China’s Hainan Province,

their duty to make sure this “cheerful” man could get 44 what he deserved. plays a vital role as a seed centre in China. 56 (unique) blessed with nature’s gifts and a wealth

One student in particular posted on social media about how the 65-year-old janitor had not been of the country’s resources, it serves as the dedicated ground 57 skilled agricultural experts

45 to see his family in Jamaica for four years. He set up a JustGiving page to collect donation. contribute to feeding our nation and addressing global hunger.

46 , the site managed to raise enough money. Dr. Xiao Feng stands at the forefront of agricultural innovation in Nanfan. Jokingly 58

One of the donors handed Herman the 47 gift in an envelope filled with cash. The 48 (refer) to himself as a “mudskipper”, he is often spotted with rolled-up trouser legs knee-deep in the

was caught on camera, showing Herman 49 down in tears, greatly moved by the 50 . The 59 (mud) fields. Dr. Xiao, along with other Nanfan researchers, 60 (commit)

video was 51 thousands of times online, showing all the donors what they had 52 . wholeheartedly to improving grain production, ensuring that people’s dinner tables are filled.

Herman and his wife had an 53 vacation. After Herman 54 photos of his celebrity “Life can be compared to a seed,” remarks Dr. Xiao. “Occasionally, it may either not grow as

treatment at a five-star hotel, he wrote to the Bristol students, saying: “God bless you all. Everybody expected 60 remain inactive. Nevertheless, hope and opportunity persist. The seed of life will

will see this and think that I’m a(n) 55 .” always manage 61 (emerge) through the ground.”

41. A. recommended B. deserved C. understood D. accepted The term “Nanfan” itself implies to the practice of transplanting summertime crops from northern

42. A. takes B. goes C. looks D. asks latitudes to Hainan during its winter. This makes for an 63 (extend) of growing seasons.

43. A. described B. mistook C. welcomed D. appointed Shortening the breeding cycle 64 half or more, Nanfan accelerates the breeding process.

44. A. over B. down C. through D. back Hope is a humble seed, when 65 (plant) in fertile ground, it transfigures(美化.....的外表) into

45. A. willing B. able C. ready D. determined new life bearing fruits of change. The researchers at Nanfan are those seeds of hope.

46. A. Eventually B. Honestly C. Particularly D. Actually 第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

47. A. festival B. birthday C. surprise D. comfort 第一节(满分15分)

48. A. accident B. chance C. deal D. moment 假定你是李华,在外教课期末考试中发现有人作弊,你认为这会影响考试公平。请你给外

49. A. slowing B. climbing C. breaking D. falling 教 John 写一封邮件,内容包括:

50. A. politeness B. kindness C. thoughtfulness D. smartness 1. 情况描述;

51. A. shared B. bought C. reported D. edited 2. 你的看法;

52. A. overlooked B. designed C. achieved D. witnessed 3. 你的请求。

53. A. economical B. educational C. adventurous D. amazing 注意:

54. A. exchanged B. released C. retouched D. found 1.写作词数应为80 左右;

55. A. millionaire B. adventurist C. tourist D. explorer 2.请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear John,

______________________________________________________________________________ name is William Hartley. He hoped to repay us some day.

______________________________________________________________________________ Many years later, I left for Liverpool by water. At the end of the journey, there came a terrible

storm and the ship was in trouble. A great leak was filling the ship with water. The crew was made up


of strong and able men. But after fighting for one whole night with the water still flowing in, the

______________________________________________________________________________ sailors gave up desperately.

______________________________________________________________________________ But the captain didn’t give up. He ordered every man to his position and went below to look for

______________________________________________________________________________ the leak. As he passed me, I asked whether there was any hope of saving the ship. He looked at me,

firmly saying, “Yes, sir. As long as one inch of this ship remains above water, there is hope.”



______________________________________________________________________________ 1. 所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右;

______________________________________________________________________________ 2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Yours, Three times during that day we encountered rather dangerous situations. ___________________

Li Hua ______________________________________________________________________________

第二节(满分25分) ______________________________________________________________________________



Many years ago I stepped into a bookstore in Cincinnati in search of some books that I wanted.


While I was there, a poor little boy, about twelve, came in to ask whether they had a world atlas(地图

册) for sale. ______________________________________________________________________________

“Yes. It costs one dollar,” replied the salesman. “I have only sixty-two cents,” the boy said. ______________________________________________________________________________

“Would you let me have it and wait a little while for the rest of the money?” His request being refused,

Before I expressed my thanks to him, the captain said first, “Sir, didn’t you recognize me?”_____

the boy left. I followed him. “And what now?” I asked.


“I shall try another place, sir.”


“Do you mind if I go too and see how you succeed?”

“If you like,” he said in surprise. ______________________________________________________________________________

Four times I saw the look on the boy’s face turn to disappointment. But he continued. When we ______________________________________________________________________________

entered the fifth store, he told the bookseller what had happened. When asked why he wanted the atlas ______________________________________________________________________________

so much, the boy said, “My father was a sailor, but he is dead. I want to know about the places he used


to go to and I'm going to be a sailor, too.”

Deeply touched, the bookseller sold the boy an atlas and presented him with a new pencil for his ______________________________________________________________________________

perseverance. I also gave him two dollars for other books he wanted. Tears in his eyes, he told us his

莆田六中高三上学期1 月模拟测试英语试卷参考答案

第一部分 听力 (共 20 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 30分)

1-5 BBCBC 6-10 ACBABC 11-15 ACBCA 16-20 ABCAB

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

21-23 ABC 24-27 BDAB 28-31 BDDC 32-35 DCBA

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)

36-40 AGEFB

第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

41-45 BCADB 46-50 ACDCB 51-55 ACDBA

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

56. Uniquely 57. where 58. referring 59. muddy 60. commits / is committed

61. or 62. to emerge 63. extension 64. by 65. planted

第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

Dear John,

I hope this email finds you well. I’m Li Hua, one of your students, and I am writing to report an incident of

cheating that I witnessed during the final exam.

Regrettably, I noticed several students engage in dishonest behavior during the exam, such as exchanging

answers and using electronic devices. In my opinion, the cheating behavior has the potential to impact the overall

fairness of the exam. Therefore, I kindly request that you look into this matter and reconsider the scores already


Thank you for your attention to this matter. Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

第二节(满分 25分)

Three times during that day we encountered rather dangerous situations. But the cool-headed captain’s

courage, perseverance and powerful will inspired everyone on board, and we all went to work together. In the end

we survived rough seas. With the ship successfully docking in Liverpool, I heard many people cheering with

excitement and saw the captain standing on the deck with a smile. Thinking that the ship would have sunk with all

on board had it not been for the captain, I decided to go to thank him for making us out of the woods.

Before I expressed my thanks to him, the captain said first, “Sir, didn’t you recognize me?” I shook my head

and was a little confused after thinking back for a while. “Do you remember the boy you followed who had great

difficulty in getting a world atlas some thirty years ago in Cincinnati?” he asked. “Oh, yes, I remember that boy

very well. His name is William Hartley,” I said excitedly. “I’m William Hartley,” the captain laughed. “Years

ago, you got the atlas through perseverance, and now it’s the perseverance that saves our lives,” I said.


语 及 文 中 的 “... the sailors gave up desperately. But the captain didn’t give up. He ordered every man to his

position and went below to look for the leak.”可知,本段续写内容应包括船长坚持不懈拯救轮船及乘客的情况,




William Hartley 以及二人重逢后的情况,可以适当写些对话。


Text 1

M: I'd like to book a flight from New York to London at around 9:00 tomorrow morning.

W: One moment, please. OK. We've got a non-stop flight leaving Kennedy at 9:25.

M: All right. One single ticket. first class, please.

Text 2

M: Did you hear the news? Jim is retiring.

W: Yeah. I heard his doctor told him to retire immediately. He needs to stop working to take care of himself.

M: That's so sad. I'm going to miss him.

Text 3

M: What's up? You look down.

W: I've got piles of papers to type, but I type so slowly. .

M: Come on. What are friends for? I can do it for you.

W: Really? How kind you are to help me out!

Text 4

W: Excuse me. Could you tell me how to get to the Global Theater?

M: Yes, it's right at the end of this street but not within walking distance. I suggest you take the number 6 bus

across the street.

W: Oh, I see the bus stop over there. Thanks.

Text 5

M: Can you tell me the meaning of “piece of cake”? What about “easy as pie”?

W: Neither is about dessert. They are similar in meaning to “No problem”.

M: Well, have you ever made a pie? There is nothing easy about it.

Text 6

M: I thought your flight would arrive two hours ago. What took so long?

W: Didn't they announce that our flight was delayed?

M: I didn't hear anything about a delay. I thought everything was running on time. What happened?

W: We got on the plane on time but then we were held up for almost two hours due to an unknown problem.

M: That's too bad. Have you had anything to eat?

W: I managed to get a sandwich on the plane. How about you?

M: I've had nothing but a cup of coffee. I'm starving. Let's get out of here and find a restaurant.

Text 7

M: Hello, Victoria Hotel. Can I help you?

W: Hello. I'd like to make a reservation for July the 1st through the 4th. I'm... I'm checking out on the morning of

the 4th.

M: OK. Would you like a single room, a double room, or a twin room?

W: I'd like a double room. What's the rate?

M: We have only two double rooms available. One is 180 dollars and the other 200 dollars.

W: Why are the prices different?

M: Well, they're both standard double rooms, but the 200-dollar room faces the garden.

W: OK, I see.

Text 8

M: Hi Lorna! You seem busy.

W: Oh, hi! You can't imagine what I have to finish by next Monday! The English literature course is so difficult! I

have to read two novels by next Monday and compare them in a 3,000-word essay by next Friday.

M: So I suppose you don't want to come to an exhibition with me this Saturday?

W: I'd love to but there's no way. I'm already behind with my writing class because I had a cold for a week and

missed a few lessons. It's OK for you. You seem to have loads of free time.

M: I guess we just don't have as much academic work as you. My college life is interesting compared with yours.

There' re varieties of live performances as an art major.

W: Yes. I'm bored with the life of reading and writing every day now.

M: Hey. Why don't we stop talking? Just work now. If you have finished everything by the 16th, we could go to

that new play by the, University Theater Group.

W: OK. I'll try. And I don't want to miss the student party on the 28th, so I'd better get working.

Text 9

M: There are several 24-hour convenience stores in our neighborhood. And there is a park to your right. You can

meet a lot of our neighbors there. They're all very friendly.

W: Can I jog there?

M: Yes, but I suggest that you go to the high school behind your apartment. It has more room.

W: Thank you for telling me. By the way, before I came here, Brian told me to try some traditional British food.

Where can I find it?

M: There's a big night market.

W: Great! I can hardly wait to visit it. Another question: is there a library around? I need to collect some

information for my business.

M: We have a small library at our community center.

W: That's wonderful. Thank you for showing me around. I guess what I need now is a map of the city.

M: No problem. You can get them at the bookstore around the corner. Let's go!

Text 10

W: Good afternoon, everyone. I'm here to offer you some tips on public speaking. One of the worst mistakes

you can make as a public speaker is talking too long. It doesn't matter if your entire speech is good and the

audience come away with information that will change their lives. If you talk too long, they will leave saying that

speaker just wouldn't quit. Don't let this happen to you.

Say what you have to say and sit down. Before you do, give them a well-thought-out closing. The last thing

you say is generally what the audience remembers most. Just like your opening, your closing doesn't have to be

humorous. It could be challenging, thoughtful, or it could retell your point in a different way. Please, at some time

during your talk, ask the audience to do something. Many a great talk goes no further than the walls of the

meeting-room because the audience isn't moved to action. If you haven' t asked them to do something by now, the

closing is your last chance.





