
2024-01-19·19页·4.1 M



2023-2024 学年度第一学期期末质量检测


2024. 1


1. 答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上。

2. 回答选择题时, 选出每小题答案后, 用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。

如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案标号。回答非选择题时, 将答案写在答题卡上, 写


3. 考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。

第一部分阅读(共两节, 满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 37. 5 分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The famous magazine, Runner’s World, has chosen some of the best, most difficult and

enjoyable UK races.

Top of the Wolds 10K Challenge

This 10-km countryside track in Yorkshire is all fun until you take the left turn at Nunburnholme.

At this point, you enter a serious uphill part, but thankfully the uphill part only lasts for around 1. 5

km. You’ll have about a kilometre to enjoy the views before the way takes you downhill again, and

back to where you started in Warter--a cute little village.

Scurry2Bridges Run

This 161-km relay race is divided into 16 parts, so you each run 4 separate parts. Over the course

of this day-long adventure, you’ll each run about marathon distance while the workers will drive

around for pick-ups and drop-offs at relay exchange points between the start in Dundee and the finish

in Edinburgh.

Scafell Sky Race

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Here’s a trail run (越野跑) that is not suitable for beginners. With a total of 3, 500 m of ascent

(上坡路), this is unquestionably one of the hardest events around. Good thing is that the views

are beautiful, and that there’s hot food and a bottle of apple juice waiting for you in the end.

Offa’s Dyke 15

The traditional 15-mile distance begins at the Clock Tower in Hay-on-Wye and includes a few

hard climbs before finishing in Kington. This year the hard event has added a challenging 10 km

around Kington.

21. What do we know about Scurry2Bridges Run?

A. It is a 161-mile relay race. B. It has an uphill part about 16 km.

C. It requires runners to run and drive. D. It is a relay race made up of 16 parts.

22. Which race best suits racers who want to enjoy food at the end of a race?

A. Top of the Wolds 10K Challenge. B. Scurry2Bridges Run.

C. Scafell Sky Race. D. Offa's Dyke 15.

23. What do the four races have in common?

A. They are held in the countryside. B. They are tough but exciting races.

C. They ask runners to take part alone. D. They can provide the runners with food.


Dr. Elsa Olivetti has always been interested in how materials science can change the way we

store energy. When she started her work at MIT, she was excited about discovering the secrets of

sustainable battery production.

During her research, her main focus was on a special kind of battery, called solid-state batteries,

and a material named LLZO. She discovered a big challenge: finding and getting a special material

called tantalum, which is not easy to find but necessary for the production of LLZO. This inspired

her to look at the whole process of making batteries beyond the laboratory, from getting the materials

to producing the final product.

Dr. Olivetti and her team looked into how these materials are mined, processed, and turned into

batteries. They found that if we want to use more electric cars in the future, we need to get much

better at producing and delivering materials like tantalum. Then, Dr. Olivetti aims to figure out a

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creative solution to the challenge. She worked with industry leaders to develop sustainable mining

practices and called on policy changes to support a better supply chain, which proves effective.

Dr. Olivetti stresses that her work is not meant to replace traditional methods. Instead, it's meant

to help make the battery production better by looking broadly at the things that could make energy

storage efficient. Looking ahead, Dr. Olivetti remains committed to improving sustainable energy

storage. She wants to make the production process less wasteful and more cost-effective, creating a

future where energy storage is not only good but also kind to our planet.

Reflecting on her work, Dr. Olivetti often says that what she does is more than just science.

Each step we take towards more efficient and environmentally-friendly battery technology is a step

towards a better world, stressing the importance of curiosity and perseverance in the pursuit of

scientific exploration.

24. What was Dr. Olivetti's interest in her work at MIT?

A. Making electric cars cheaper. B. Making batteries more sustainable.

C. Figuring out ways to mine materials. D. Dealing with challenges of production.

25. Why is tantalum important in Dr. Olivetti's research?

A. It reduces production costs. B. It helps sustainable mining.

C. It is a common battery material. D. It is important for LLZO production.

26. How did Dr. Olivetti deal with the challenges in battery production?

A. She focused on lab experiments.

B. She worked with industry leaders.

C. She developed a new type of electric car.

D. She replaced old methods with modern ones.

27. What is the passage mainly about?

A. The Science of Battery. B. The Future of Electric Cars.

C. The Importance of Tantalum. D. The Work on Better Batteries.


It's known that reading is good for a child's vocabulary and literacy skills, teaching them math

or science concepts and helping them learn history. Apart from those, reading has another benefit.

Have you read a story and felt tears well up because of a character's suffering? If so, that is because

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you have empathy (共鸣) for the character-and empathy can be learned through various fictions.

It's a magic eye that sees into other people's hearts, explains author Cressida Cowell.

Research shows that human brains react differently to stories and facts. Many more areas of

your brain light up when you're enjoying a story, explains Miranda McKearney from EmpathyLab,

an organization that builds empathy through reading. Your brain thinks you are in the story. . . This

means you experience the characters' thoughts as if they are real.

Empathy helps you to read people's emotions and work out the best way to respond. This skill,

called emotional intelligence, can make it easier to communicate and connect with people. Research

has shown that building empathy can lead to greater kindness and tolerance. One study found that

children who read the Harry Potter novels -which tell stories about humans fighting against the evil-

were less likely to behave unfairly towards powerless groups including refugees(难民).

This theory has been put into practice by St Michael's Primary School. After reading The Boy

at the Back of the Class--a story about a boy who is a refugee escaping from the war-students in that

school were inspired to do a 10-mile walk for the non-profit organization Refugee Action. Their

empathy also spurred them to raise f1, 000 for people who were forced to leave their homes because

of war.

Reading encourages children to empathize with others, which could potentially lead to several

beneficial learning outcomes, new research suggests. For society to develop, creative, communicative

and empathetic individuals really matter.

28. Why do readers cry about a character's experience?

A. They have magic eyes. B. They want to show empathy.

C. They understand his feelings. D. They have the same experience.

29. What does the author show by referring to the Harry Potter novels?

A. The process of building empathy. B. The benefits of developing empathy.

C. The definition of emotional intelligence. D. The results of the school's activity.

30. What does the underlined word spurred mean in paragraph 4?

A. Reminded. B. Permitted. C. Persuaded. D. Encouraged.

31. What might the author advise children to do?

A. Read to learn empathy. B. Become empathetic to others.

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C. Put themselves in others' shoes. D. Read as many books as possible.


While conducting a survey by airplane of northern Guatemala, researchers detected an ancient

Maya site. We can now see the entire landscape of the Maya region in this section of Guatemala,

said Carlos Morales-Aguilar, one of the researchers from the Department of Geography and the

Environment at the University of Texas.

The findings were the result of the survey using lidar(雷达), or light detection and ranging,

which has been revolutionary for studying historic sites. In lidar, lasers are sent out and the reflected

light is used to create imagery of a landscape. The technology is particularly beneficial in areas with

limited visibility such as the rainforest in maya site, as lasers can enter the heavy tree canopy, the

thick cover formed by the leafy upper branches in a forest.

The lidar data showed for the first time an area that was integrated politically and economically,

and never seen before in other places in the Western Hemisphere(西半球), Carlos wrote in the

study. Using data from the scans, the team identified more than 1, 000 settlements dotting the region.

They were interconnected by 100 miles of causeways that the Maya likely traveled on foot. They also

detected the remains of several large platforms and pyramids, along with canals and reservoirs used

for water collection.

So what made this region so attractive that the Maya would want to settle there in the first place?

For the Maya, the Mirador-Calakmul Karst Basin was the 'Goldilocks Zone', Ross Ensley

wrote, partner of Carlos, a geologist from the Institute for Geological Study of the Maya Lowlands

in Houston, Texas. The Maya settled in this region because it had the right mix of uplands for

settlement and lowlands for agriculture. Uplands lie above the level where flooding occurs. They

provided a source for limestone, their primary building material, and dry land to live on. The lowlands

are mostly seasonal swamps(沼泽), which provided space for wetland agriculture as well as

organic-rich soil for use in terraced agriculture.

Researchers hope lidar technology will help them explore sections of Guatemala that have

remained a mystery for centuries.

32. Why did the researchers use lidar in the survey?

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A. It detects a wide range of lasers. B. It pictures quick and clear imagery.

C. It passes lights through forests easily. D. It improves the visibility of rainforests.

33. What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. Why Maya drew great attention.

B. How Maya people made a living.

C. The research process after surveying the Maya.

D. The findings through observing the Maya region.

34. What can we infer about the Maya people according to Ross Ensley?

A. They transformed the land to survive.

B. They were good at upland agriculture.

C. They preferred to build houses using limestone.

D. They made a sound choice about where to settle.

35. Which is the best title for the text?

A. The Perfect Habitat for the Maya People

B. The Secrets of the Ancient Maya Civilization

C. Revolutionary Use of Lidar Reveals Maya Settlements

D. Lidar Technology Unlocks New Discoveries of Rainforests

第二节(共 5 小题;每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 12. 5 分)

Beach is a relaxing place to catch waves, get some sun, enjoy picnic, spot wildlife and go

exploring. Here are tips from experts on how to be a better beachgoer, so future generations of sea

lovers can get their beach therapy(疗法) when they need it.

Use safer sunblock

Many sunblocks advertise that they are reef-friendly, which has no firm definitions, and their

usage isn't regulated by governmental bodies. 36 . Only purchase mineral-based sunscreens so that

it won't do harm to reefs.

Get involved

37 If you forget to bring one, find an abandoned bag at the beach. It may seem a little gesture,

but it will help remove rubbish. By working together people can really make a difference.

Thoughtful toys for kids

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It's fun for your little ones to play with plastic toys in the sand 38 . They end up polluting the

environment and can be accidentally eaten by animals, causing them serious harm on even killing

them. Pack metal or wooden toys instead.

Read the signs

Signs at the beach aren't optional reading. They tell you where you can't go and what you can't

do, so you don't mess with the local ecosystem. 39 . They are storm barriers and home to many


Destroy what you build

It doesn't matter how much time and effort your children spent building sand castles or digging

tunnels: if you are on a beach marked as a sea turtle habitat, fill in the trench and knock down the

structure. Sea turtles have heavy bodies and they can die if they fall into a hole and get trapped. 40


A. So it's best to read the fine print carefully

B. Beach-goers are generally advised to stay off sand hills

C. Thus, try your best to be a considerate eco-friendly tourist

D. However, plastic toys break easily, leaving behind bits and pieces

E. Sand structures also can prevent them from reaching birthing areas

F. Bring a reusable bag to clean up while you're walking the shoreline

G. Have your children pick up trash with you when walking on the beach

第二部分语言运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Everyone could use a little sunshine in their life right now, so a Wisconsin farmer 41 to plant

more than two million sunflowers in his fields. Scott Thompson's family has been 42 in Kenosha

County for more than 70 years, and this is the first year that 43 have decorated the landscape.

Usually, the pick-your-own farm 44 strawberries in summer and pumpkins in the fall.

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Located just 10 miles from Kenosha, Wisconsin, Thompson Strawberry Farm is 45 people

to a simpler family outing where they can picnic and take home a dozen sunflowers. Thompson and

his wife thought it would be 46 to spread a little happiness to their 47 .

Thompson 48 more than 22 acres of flowers. The flowers are planted in more than 15 fields

to provide 49 for social distance and spread out. Word of the sunshine oasis(绿洲) has spread

50 through word of mouth as people come to enjoy a small 51 from reality. Everyone is so

52 , Thompson said. We've got all these 53 on the NET. If I'm out in the field, everybody is

like 'Thanks for doing this, '(and)'This is what I need.

In addition to sunflowers, Thompson also planted a field of wildflowers, and Mexican

sunflowers that are known for 54 butterflies. Thompson said the sunflowers will be a 55 thing

at the farm, even without a pandemic.

41. A. used B. learned C. decided D. promised

42. A. farming B. planting C. gardening D. decorating

43. A. grasses B. trees C. leaves D. flowers

44. A. demands of B. consists of C. searches for D. calls for

45. A. drawing B. taking C. sending D. leading

46. A. flexible B. convenient C. ideal D. timely

47. A. friends B. relatives C. customers D. neighbors

48. A. turned over B. looked at C. picked up D. ended up with

49. A. time B. room C. service D. information

50. A. mostly B. hardly C. possibly D. slowly

51. A. risk B. break C. advantage D. challenge

52. A. patient B. curious C. confident D. happy

53. A. explanations B. inspirations C. comments D. attitudes

54. A. attracting B. feeding C. catching D. warning

55. A. special B. official C. similar D. regular

第二节(共 10 小题:每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

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Xuan paper is known as the Paper of Ages for its many unique qualities. The term Xuan paper

first appeared in a book written by Tang Dynasty scholar Zhang Yanyuan, in 56 he described

Xuan paper as 57 ideal carrier for calligraphy and painting.

The traditional craft of making Xuan paper is 58 (extreme)demanding. Sandalwood bark

(檀香树皮), a plant native to southern China, goes through 108 procedures together with rice

straw over the course of three years 59 it can transform into a batch of fine Xuan paper. The entire

procedure is so complex that even the most skilled craftsman can only master 60 (limit)steps.

The flow of ink, both guided and resisted by water, 61 (determine)the output of Chinese

art, and Xuan paper outshines others with 62 (it)excellent ability to give full play to ink.

Different rates of bark to straw during the paper-making process can create different paper best suited

63 artistic expression in freehand ink paintings or calligraphy.

Xuan paper 64 ( accompany) the passionate brushstrokes of the Chinese artists for

thousands of years. Unlike other forms of paper, it is very resistant to damage brought by time, which

has made it possible 65 (preserve)many valuable works from ancient China.

Paper-making is a wisdom of the ancient Chinese, and Xuan paper is the peak of paper-making.

第三部分写作(共两节, 满分 40 分)

第一节应用文写作(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华。外教 Hans 要求你班同学做一个主题为“The story of an inspiring person”

的小组项目。作为组长, 请你给 Hans 写一封邮件, 内容包括:

1. 项目设想;

2. 恳请指导。


1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Dear Hans,

I am Li Hua, a student from class 5.


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Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。

When Mrs. Russell finished one of her lessons, she was out of breath. A sudden burning

stomachache started but she hoped her students wouldn't notice.

You look pale, Mrs. Russell, are you alright? a kid, Tony, asked. Mrs. Russell tried to explain

everything was alright, but the words just wouldn't come out. She became unconscious and fell down

in front of her class, and there were red and blue lights, many adults, and the sounds of children

crying. An oxygen mask was then put on her.

We'll see what we can do for Mrs. Russell. Now all of you have to go back to class and listen

to whatever Ms. Hanson tells you, Mr. Roberts, the headmaster, tried to ask Mrs. Russell' students

to leave the office, but they wouldn't move. Tony and Hannah were at the front of the pack. They

were told Mrs. Russell needed surgery, and hospitals cost money.

We want to have Mrs. Russell come back! She's the best teacher ever. Please help us, Ms.

Hanson, Hannah said, and all the kids nodded. Kids, let's go back to the classroom and brainstorm

together about helping Mrs. Russell, Ms. Hanson guided them back to the classroom and she

instructed them to write a greeting card to Mrs. Russell.

A card is not enough to save Mrs. Russell. She needs money to afford the surgery. We need a

grown-up to help. Tony told his classmates at break. All the kids were thinking hard, and suddenly,

Asher spoke up. My big sister is a senior in high school. Well, I think she can make a link on a

website or something. Then we can raise the money needed and help Mrs Russell!

All the classmates agreed and went home to tell their elder brothers or sisters about this idea.

Asher's big sister, Dianne, started an online group, and she made an internet link immediately with

her parents' approval.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The link and the group were shared throughout the community quickly.

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