
2024-01-15·15页·296.9 K



英 语



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第一节(共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)



1. What help did Mrs. Evans offer the girl?

A. Giving her a donation.

B. Taking her to a doctor.

C. Assisting her with her study.

2. Who will be the woman's interviewee?

A. A movie star. B. A screenwriter. C. A director.

3. What does the woman think of the ballet?

A. Satisfactory.

B. Just so-so.

C. Disappointing.

4. What is the conversation mainly about?

A. A book. B. A TV series. C. A film.

5. Where are probably the speakers?

A. In the jewelry store.

B. In the clothing shop.

C. At the campground.





听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。

6. How did the woman get the handbag?

A. She got it from her friend.

B. She bought it in France.

C. She ordered it online.

7. Where is the woman going next?

A. To the police station.

B. To the post office.

C. To a testing agency.

听第7段材料, 回答第8、9题。

8. What is the most probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Cousins. B. Classmates. C. Couples.

9. What is the boy likely to do next?

A. Share his summer camp experience.

B. Talk to the girl's mother.

C. Enjoy some food.

听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。

10. Why does Susan feel upset these days?

A. She can't see her own value.

B. Her achievement s were laughed at,

C. She has made no progress in drawing.

11. How can Susan boost her confidence according to the man?

A. Set achievable goals.

B. Make more preparations.

C. Focus on her strong points.

12. What does the man tell Susan to do in the end?

A. Go easy on herself.

B. Learn more skills.

C. Make fewer mistakes next time.

听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。

13. What do we know about the woman?

A. She was assigned to a team of 70 people.

B. She took charge of a green activity.

C. She forgot to take some trash bags.

14. What was found on the beach?

A. An old glove. B. A new surfboard. C. A bike tire.

15. How did the volunteers feel at the end of the event?

A. Tired. B. Excited. C. Surprised.

16. How did the volunteers probably deal with glass bottles?

A. By sending them to the recycling center.

B. B y putting them into designated bins.

C. By using them to make handicrafts.

听第10段材料, 回答第17至20题。

17. When did the couple get married?

A. In May. B. In July. C. In September.

18. What does the couple's cat often do first after they make camp?

A. It sleeps in the tent. B. It walks around. C. It plays with the dog.

19. What happened to the couple in the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region?

A. They were troubled by mice.

B. They experienced strong winds.

C. Their car turned over.

20. What kind of life do the couple seem to like most?

A. Colorful. B. Quiet. C. Simple.


第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)



Arches National Park

Why Go to Arches National Park

A trip to Arches National Park is like visiting another planet with thousands of natural sandstone arches, red

rocks and amazing landscapes, as well as light that seems to change all the time. The way the shadows pass through

the arches makes the park particularly attractive for photographers.

Sitting 5 miles northwest of Moab, Utah, the park has 26 miles of scenic road and hikes for every level of fitness.

Best Months to Visit

The best time to visit Arohes National Park is from April to May and from September to October. In summer,

temperatures can go beyond 100 degrees, making exploring the park very uncomfortable. In late summer, violent storms

often cause flash floods, which can be quite dangerous. Winter is a good time for sightseeing, with fewer crowds, but

occasional snow and ice can make the paths wet, smooth and therefore easy to fall on. However, the visitor center is

open daily.

What to Eat

There are no restaurants or hotels in Arches National Park, so you need to bring your own food or plan to eat in

neighboring Moab, Utah, about 5 miles from the park entrance. There are several picnic areas in the park, so plan ahead

if you want to eat with Arches as the background.

Getting Around Arches National Park

The best way to get around Arches National Park is by car. There is no public transport inside Arches National

Park. Visitors can also ride bikes in the park, but there are no bike lanes or shoulders, so this is more of an option for

experienced cyclists.

21. What may visitors do at Arches National Park?

A. Learn about another planet. B. Have dinner in restaurants.

C. Take some photographs. D. Stay in the hotel for a few days.

22. What is a disadvantage of visiting the park in winter?

A. The risk of falling. B. The danger of flash floods.

C. The crowds of tourists. D. The shutdown of the visitor center.

23. Where is this text probably taken from?

A. A fashion magazine. B. A tourism website.

C. A geography book. D. An academic article.


Consider what goes through your mind after you've taken your sea t on an airplane. You've not seen the captain,

but his or her voice comes over the air.“Hello, this is your captain speaking.”Are you about to fly the friendly skies?

What you probably don't realize is that you do make quick judgments based on very few factors the moment you


Experts have discovered that“hello”carries enough information for listeners to draw judgments about the speaker's

personality, such as how reliable he or she is. They recorded 64 students reading a telephone conversation. The

word“hello”was then picked from each recording, and 320 different students listened to that word through a computer.

The students were asked to score the voices according to personality, including attractiveness and warmth, giving them

points from 1 to 10.Although every voice was played in one third a second, the students formed an opinion quickly.

It is amazing that from such short voice s of speech they can get such an obvious impression of a person. And whether

it is correct, their impressions are mostly the same as what the other listeners get. The research also suggests that people's

impressions are based on the tone of voice. Men and women who present the strength of their voices are regarded as more


The speed with which the students made their judgments makes much sense. Deciding who to trust can be important

to your survival. There's no point in listening to someone talk for 5 minutes to decide if they’re reliable or not ——you

could be dead already. The discovery may help improve computer-made voice technologies, experts say.

24. Why does the author mention“the captain”in paragraph 1?

A. To present a fact. B. To make a prediction.

C. To introduce a new research. D. To explain the rule on a plane.

25. How did the students tell the speakers’personality?

A. Making telephone calls.

B. Playing voices at high speeds.

C. Picking“hello”from conversations.

D. Listening to and scoring the records of“hello”.

26. What can we do to leave a good first impression?

A. Make a long speech. B. Follow other listeners.

C. Give powerful voice. D. Speak as fast as possible.

27. What will probably be talked about in the following paragraph?

A. The secret to speaking for 5 minutes. B. The application in voice technologies.

C. The different ways you say“hello”. D. The method of listening with attention.


In scientific literature, baby talk is called“parentese”and is a unique way of communicating with babies. Classic baby

talk will include speaking at a higher pitch, with exaggerated(夸张的)intonation, simplified vocabulary, and repetitive

phrases. It has a melodic quality, coupled with exaggerated facial expressions. Adults also tend to speak more slowly and

emphasize key words or phrases when engaging in baby talk. What's the point of using such a ridiculous style of talking

with babies? Why not just talk to a baby with normal speech, like we'd talk to another adult?

Primarily, we use baby talk to capture the baby's attention. The exaggerated vocalizations and facial expressions

serve to engage the child’s focus by being distinct from all the other noise and

visual stimuli around the baby. Remember, the brain of a newborn baby is still developing and needs different cues to

engage and learn something.

Baby talk also helps to establish an emotional connection between the adult and the baby. The melodic and nurturing

tone conveys affection, love, and care. As a result, in a way, it reassures the child by giving them a sense of security.

Interestingly, there was a study where researchers tested 2,329 babies from 16 countries on their preference for this

high-pitched, animated vocalization……babies love it when adults engage in baby talk. The study also revealed that babies

from almost all cultures have an inherent love for baby talk.

Newborns can't speak, but they come ready to learn. Evidence suggests that human brains are primed to absorb and

process linguistic input. The melodic patterns and smplified language of baby talk help infants differentiate speech sounds

and identify keywords, facilitating more efficient language development.

However, it's important to strike a balance between baby talk and normal adult conversation as babies grow older and

their language skills develop. As children become more proficient in understanding and producing language, adults should

adapt and advance their cothmunication style accordingly.

28. Which of the following is the characteristic of baby talk?

A. Vivid expressions. B. Rich information.

C. Complex grammar. D. Large vocabulary.

29. According to the passage, what's the function of baby talk?

A. To entertain adults. B. To form emotional bond.

C. To learn more about babies. D. To help babies understand the adult world.

30. What does the last paragraph focus on?

A. Describing a phenomenon. B. Offering advice.

C. Analyzing causes. D. Interpreting facts.

31. What is the passage mainly about?

A. What is baby talk? B. Why can't adults talk like babies?

C. How do babies talk with adults? D. Why can't adults talk normully to babies?


Both Roberto and Keith have a 45-minute commute(通勤) time from their homes to their workplace. When Roberto

drives, he has realistic expectations of how others drive and how long the trip should take. Overall, he is able to adapt to

any unexpected challenges he may: face on the road.

He rarely becomes angry. By contrast, Keith drives with a tendency for becoming angry easily, partly due to unrealistic

expectations of other drivers, his quickness to personalize and feel threatened by the actions of others, and his inability to

calm his anger.

The difference between how Roberto and Keith experience their drive to work, especially with regard to getting angry,

is influenced very much by their emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is crucial for helping individuals choose

constructive over destructive anger. A key aspect of healthy anger is being able to pause and reflect on, rather than react to

our thoughts, feelings, and senses associated with getting angry.

Self-regulation and empathy(同理心 ) are two important components of emotional intelligence, which can be a

buffer(缓冲) against destructive anger. Self-regulation helps us to control our moods. Empathy helps us to recognize the

humanity. in others and ourselves.

Studies suggest that training in emotional intelligence can powerfully impact how anger is managed. This was

supported by a three-year study of 476 young adults who showed reduced tendency of becoming angry after training.

Children and adults can learn skills to boost their emotional intelligence and, by doing so, develop adaptability for dealing

with various negative feelings, including anger. Many workbooks offer skills in emotional intelligence to promote empathy

and self-awareness regarding emotions and how they impact our beliefs and behavior.

Clearly, through training, Keith would experience greater emotional flexibility that could support a more peaceful

commute to work. I firmly believe that learning skills in emotional intelligence should be the focus in helping individuals

more constructively manage this highly challenging and complex emotion.

32. What is the main feature of healthy anger?

A. Thinking over the annoying situation.

B. Taking action to deal with the awful situation.

C. Turning a blind eye to the unwelcome situation.

D. Expressing feelings about the disturbing situation.

33. What is the author's attitude towards training in emotional intelligence?

A. Supportive. B. Doubtful.

C. Negative. D. Tolerant.

34. What would happen to Keith if he received training in emotional intelligence?

A. He would shorten his commute time.

B. He would stop threatening other drivers.

C. He would help others more deliberately.

D. He would manage emotons more constructively.

35. What is the suitable title of the text?

A. The Role of Empathy in Commuting Peacefully

B. The Influence of Emotional Intelligence on Life

C. The Need for Drivers to Enhance Their Intellectual Training

D. Emotional Intelligence: A Protection Against Destructive Anger

第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)


Science shows that stretching us essential after exercise. Stretching lengthens and mobilizes the connective tissue

around your muscle. What's more, stretching helps your blood flow and even relieves your stress. 36

You could feel sick. You won't be surprised to know that when you exercise, you raise your heart rate for a period of

time . While it's great to get that blood flowing, it's just as important to get your heart rate back to a normal level after the

workout is over. 37 As your heart is beating faster and your body temperature is higher, you could pass out or feel sick

if you stop* too fast. Stretching after physical activity allows a gradual decrease at the end of the episode.

Your muscles will likely become stiffer and sorer. When you exercise your muscles, it produces lactic acid(乳酸),

which is actually what causes your muscles to become sore. When you rest between periods of exercise, your body naturally

breaks down that lactic acid. Is there one thing that helps your body get rid of that lactic acid? 38 Stretching helps you

distribute oxygen throughout your body, which can reduce lactic acid production and rid your muscles of any accumulation

of lactic acid.

39 Flexibility is closely related to injury risk. Poor flexibility will cause you to have muscles that get tired quicker

and joints that are more likely to suffer from injury. Besides, your weakened range of motion will lead to less blood and

nutrients to your joints. 40 Sticking to stretching exercise after physical activity can hopefully improve your flexibility.

A. You guessed it: Stretching.

B. You’ll be at risk of injury.

C. You’ll improve your flexibility by Stretching.

D. This is also known in the fitness world as“cooling down”.

E. It does wonders for both your physical and mental health.

F. There are harmful side effects if you don't stretch after exercise.

G. That's why people often feel pain in their“weight bearing”joints like knees.


第一节(共15小题; 每小题1分,满分15分)

阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、 D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

When I was a teenager, my dad wasn't terribly interested in the music I liked. To him, it just sounded like“ 41 ”,

while he referred to the music he listened to as“ 42 .”As I've grown older, I'll often hear people of my age say things

like “they just don't make 43 music like they used to.”

Luckily, my 44 as a psychologist has given me some insights into this puzzle. We know that musical tastes begin

to 45 when we're teenagers. By the time we're in our early 20s, these tastes get locked into place pretty firmly.

In fact, studies have found that by the time we turn 33, most of us have 46 listening to new music. Meanwhile,

those familiar songs released when you're in your early teens are likely to remain quite 47 among your age group for the

rest of your life. There could be a biological 48 for this. There's evidence that the brain's ability to make subtle distinctions

between different chords, rhythms and melodies gets 49 with age. So to older people, less 50 songs might all“sound

the same”.

But I believe there are some simpler 51 for older people’s dislike of newer music the “me re exposure effect.” It

means that the more we're 52 to something, the more we tend to like it.

Psychology research has shown that the emotions that we 53 as teens seem more intense than those that come later.

We also know that intense emotions are 54 with stronger memories and preferences. All of this might explain why the

songs we listen to during this period become so memorable and beloved.

So there's 55 wrong with your parents because they don't like your music. In a way, it's all part of the natural order

of things.

41. A. prayer B. puzzle C. noise D. poetry

42. A. beautiful B. strange C. boring D. significant

43. A. enough B. brief C. unique D. good

44. A. certificate B. honor C. background D. attitude

45. A. change B. form C. disappear D. reduce

46. A. stopped B. continued C. appreciated D. practiced

47. A. modern B. unchanged C. silent D. popular

48. A. expression B. evaluation C. explanation D. experiment

49. A. uplifted B. poorer C. sensitive D. sharper

50. A. different B. distressing C. familiar D. cheerful

51. A. examples B. excuses C. statements D. reasons

52. A. opposed B. devoted C. adapted D. exposed

53. A. experience B. share C. illustrate D. release

54. A. compared B. associated C. combined D. expressed

55. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything


第二节(共10小题: 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)


A small device, Moxie, has produced oxygen on the surface of Mare, 56 (bring) the chances of surviving on the

red planet a stop closer. Research published in 57 journal Science Advances reported that Moxie produced breathable

oxygen in seven-hour-long tests conducted in various weather and atmospheric conditions last year. The research also

found that even in 58 (extreme) harsh weather conditions like a Martian dust storm, Moxie 59 (continue) to produce

high purity oxygen.

“This is the first demonstration of actually using 60 (resource) on the surface of Mars and transforming them

chemically into something useful for a human mission,” Jeffrey Hoffman, a retired astronaut, said.

“The thin atmosphere on Mar s is 96 percent carbon dioxide and much more 61 (change)than on Earth and the

temperature can vary by 100 degrees , ” Hoffman said. “ One aim is 62 (show) we can run Moxie in all seasons.”

The device, Moxie, uses some special pumps , 63 take in carbon dioxide. The gas 64 (heat) to 800C and

pressed to separate the carbon and oxygen. Carbon monoxide is sent out as waste while the pure oxygen is left behind.

Despite the challenges, Moxie has proved durable in the extreme conditions on Mars and scientists regard the test

results 65 a great achievement.











Dear friends,

How time flies!

Thank you.


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)


We were very poor. To help support the family, Grandma would go to the mountains to dig wild vegetables, and then

sell them. In this way, Grandma had to spend the whole day in the mountains. After she came back from collecting a lot of

wild vegetables, she had to pick them until late night. Early in the morning, my grandma would take the vegetables, walk

through the mountain road, and go to the market to sell them.

I hated Grandma digging wild vegetables all day long, because as soon as I finished my homework, I had to help her

pick vegetables. And this dirty work often made my fingers black. In that case, no matter how hard I washed my hands, the

dirty black color couldn’t be washed away, which made me very upset. My grandma noticed I hated the black color so

much; she once suggested using bleach and iron filings(漂白剂和铁屑). It worked. However, it really hurt so I refused to

try them again.

One day, something unexpected happened.

“Everyone, you need to invite your parents to school. OK?” the teacher said to us, “the school requires students to

bring your parents to school, mainly to discuss your school work.”

Of course it didn't matter to other classmates, but I…… Grandma was the only one who could come to school with

me, Hearing what the teacher said ,I sighed helplessly, “Oh……”The worn-out clothes, the slightly hunched(弓背的) back,

and the most terrible thing was the dirty black color on Grandma's fingers!

I couldn't tell how worried and frightened I was and I didn't know what to do. Anyway, I didn't want the teacher to

see the color of my grandma’s fingers. I came home with an unhappy face and said hesitantly: “Well, Grandma, the teacher

asked parents to go to school tomorrow.”


1. 续写词数应为150左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

Paragraph 1:

I couldn't help stealing a look at her hands.

Paragraph 2:

The next afternoon, a classmate told me my grandma was in the teacher's office. _



第一部分听力(共 20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)

1-5CBABC 6-10CABCA 11-15CABCB 16—20 AABBA

第二部分阅读理解(共20小题; 每小题2.5分,满分 50分)

第一节21-23CAB 24—27 CDCB 28—31ABBD 32—35 AADD



第一节完形填空(共15 小题; 每小题1 分,满分15分)

41—45 CADCB 46—50ADCBC 51——55DDABB

第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分,满分15分)

56. bringing 57. the 58. extremely 59. continued 60. resources

61. changeable 62. to show 63. which 64. is heated 65. as

第四部分写作(共 40分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

One possible version:

Dear friends,

How time flies! Two week exchange activity is coming to an end. I feel privileged to say farewell to our

UK friends on behalf of our school.

During these two weeks, I believe you have experienced the vibrant culture of our school through

exchanges both in studies and in life. We had discussions, worked on projects, and enjoyed cultural activities,

through which we have formed a lasting friendship. This exchange program has also opened our eyes by

providing us with a chance to learn about your education system and cultures.

May our friendship last forever and wish you a happy journey home!

Thank you.

第二节(满分 25 分)

I couldn't help stealing a look at her hands. Although I told Grandma the news, I secretly whispered:don't

go. I was suffering so much that I didn't even eat dinner. I avoided my grandma's eyes on purpose, but my

grandma came up to me.“Jenny, are you all right?”said my grandma,gently patting my shoulder.“I'm OK. I'm

just tired, I replied, without realizing that I stole another look at her hands again. Then I went straight back to

my room, locked the door, and fell asleep with my head covered with a quilt.

The next afternoon, a classmate told me my grandma was in the teacher's office. I rushed there. Almost

immediately, I saw my grandma and her hands, which were covered with red cuts! It turned out that knowing

how worried I was, the old woman spent the whole morning washing her hands with bleach and iron filings,

trying to get rid of the blackness on her hands. I couldn't hold my tears back any longer, and rushed to hug my

grandma firmly. Only then did I understand my grandma's tough and kind heart!


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