
2024-01-14·37页·932.7 K



本试卷分第1卷(选择题)和第I卷(非选择题)两部分,共 130分, 考试用时 100 分钟。第I卷1

至 12页, 第 I1卷 13至 16页。

答卷前, 考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡上, 并在规定位置粘贴考试用条形码。

答卷时, 考生务必将答案涂写在答题卡上, 答在试卷上的无效。考试结束后, 将本试卷和答题





1. 每小题选出答案后, 用铅笔将答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动, 用橡皮擦干净

后, 再选涂其它答案标号。

2. 本卷共 55小题, 共 95分。

第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 45分)

第一节:单项填空(共 15 小题:每小题1分, 满分 15分)

从A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。


Stand over there ________ you’ll be able to see it better.

A. or B. and C. but D. while


1. —Can you take me on a trip this summer vacation?

—________ I can take you where you want to go.

A. Sure thing B. Forget it C. That depends D. Absolutely not

2. He’s become the ________ for a lot of criticism recently.

A. pressure B. target C. function D. trick

3. Although he was poor, he was quite ________ to his needy friends.

A. typical B. generous C. adequate D. identical

4. Every customer coming here must do the warm-up exercise before ________ swimming. That’s our regulation.

A. catching up with B. getting on with

C. getting down to D. putting up with

5. Keep down! You ________ let anyone see you.

A. needn’t B. daren’t C. mustn’t D. won’t

6. It is unclear ________ the results of this test will convince a judge.

A. what B. whether C. why D. that

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7. If you do not know who you are, what are your interests and values, you can hardly act ________ yourself.

A. in addition to B. in return for

C. in terms of D. in agreement with

8. The restaurant ________ they serve fried chicken is my favorite.

A. which B. when C. that D. where

9. My washing machine ________ this week, so I have to wash my clothes by hand.

A. is repairing B. has been repaired

C. is being repaired D. repaired

10. They decided to ________ their old furniture to charity.

A. give away B. hang on C. hand down D. get down

11. Exhibits include pottery (器)________ back to the 3rd Century BC and coins from the 17th Century.

A. being dated B. to be dated C. dating D. to date

12. —Got to fly. See you around.

—Bye. ________.

A. Catch you later B. Go ahead

C. That’s really something D. Don’t bother me

13. Since 1993, the number of people living in Old Montreal ________ from 100 to 6, 000.

A. has grown B. have grown C. is growing D. are growing

14. They had to buy their own copies rather than waiting to borrow ________.

A. it B. that C. this D. one

15. ________ I had the talent to play tennis, I couldn’t stand the pressure.

A. Even if B. As though C. Ever since D. Now that

第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题:每小题 1. 5 分, 满分 30 分)

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从 16~35 各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选


Talking about Beijing Opera, we cannot forget to mention one of its greatest performers: Mei Lanfang, a

brilliant artist who played an important role in bringing Beijing Opera to the world. Mei Lanfang was born in

Beijing in 1894. He started to learn the ___16___ of Beijing Opera at the age of eight and made his on-stage debut

(首次登台) at age eleven. Mei Lanfang worked hard to learn as much as possible from the great artists

and___17___ of Beijing Opera, and by the age of 20, he had become a(n)___18___ actor in Beijing Opera’s dan

role (角).

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Mei Lanfang quickly became well-known among Chinese audiences ___19___ his acting skill. Mei Lanfang’s

skill opened doors for him to become friends with people from all over the world, as he often ___20___ guests

from other countries who wanted to meet the young actor. As Mei Lanfang ___21___ to know ambassadors (大使),

European royal families, and celebrities from ___22___, he ___23___ bring his beloved Beijing Opera to the rest of

the world, so that even more people from other countries might understand and ___24___ the beauty of Chinese

culture and art.

And so, in 1919, Mei Lanfang began to travel abroad, ___25___ performances in Japan and the Soviet Union

(苏联). His ___26___ were a great success; audiences were fascinated by this ___27___ opera from the Orient (东

方). One of Mei Lanfang’s greatest ___28___ was to visit the United States, and after cight years of ___29___, he

and his opera group finally brought Beijing Opera to the USA.

Mei Lanfang ___30___ his whole life to the art of Beijing Opera. He ___31___ sought to improve his own

artistry, creating many unforgettable and beautiful ___32___ for the stage. His style became known as the “Mei

Lanfang school (梅派)”, a(n) ___33___ graceful style, and is still one of the most popular styles of Beijing Opera


Mei Lanfang died in 1961 of heart disease. During his more than 50 years on the stage, Mei Lanfang took

traditions from the past and ___34___ the best parts to create new and enrich old forms of Beijing Opera. Although

this great opera master has now joined the heroes of history, he ___35___ a legacy of cultural wealth for his people

and for all future generations.


A. name B. history C. art D. tradition


A. celebrities B. masters C. fans D. audiences


A. assistant B. amateur C. supporting D. leading


A. for B. as C. with D. by


A. entertained B. avoided C. fooled D. gathered


A. needed B. wanted C. got D. learned


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A. heart B. abroad C. world D. community


A. came to B. agreed to C. got down to D. longed to


A. maintain B. polish C. identify D. appreciate


A. showing B. taking C. giving D. playing


A. tours B. fames C. reforms D. routines


A. valued B. elegant C. opened D. honored


A. approaches B. responses C. goals D. shames


A. dreams B. controls C. attempts D. trades


A. sacrificed B. brought C. risked D. devoted


A. ultimately B. mostly C. absolutely D. constantly


A. characters B. experiences C. stars D. lives


A. merely B. uniquely C. entirely D. barely


A. adapted B. deserted C. drew D. declined


A. brought out B. left behind C. gave out D. filled up

第二部分:阅读理解(共 20 小题:每小题 2. 5 分, 满分 50 分)

阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。


The skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have three layers (层) of skin which act as

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a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun’s harmful rays. The functions of your skin are also very complex: it

keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain

and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First

aid is a very important first step in the treatment of burns.

Causes of burns

You can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids steam, fire, radiation (by being close to high heat or


fire, etc. ), the sun, electricity or chemicals.

Types of burns

There are three types of burns. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending on which layers

of the skin are burned.

First degree burns

These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burns are not serious and should feel better within a day or

two. Examples include mild sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a mordent (熨烫熨


Second degree burns

These affect both the top and the second layer of the skin. These burns are serious and take a few weeks to

heal. Examples include severe sunburn and burns caused by hot liquids.

Third degree burns

These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns

caused by electric shocks, burning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and the

victim must go to hospital at once.

Characteristics of burns

First degree burns

dry, red and mildly swollen

mildly painful

turn white when pressed

Second degree burns

rough, red and swollen

watery surface

extremely painful

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Third degree burns

black and white and charred

swollen; often tissue under them can be seen

little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injured area

36. According to Paragraph 1, the functions of the skin include ________.

A. regulating body temperature B. reflecting the sun’s harmful rays

C. speeding up water loss D. absorbing poisons automatically

37. According to Paragraph 2, which of the following may NOT be the cause of burns?

A. Boiling oil. B. Hot chocolate. C. Electric shocks. D. Heart attacks.

38. How are burn grades divided?

A. Depending on the speed of the burn.

B. Depending on the location of the burn.

C. Depending on how many layers of skin there are.

D. Depending on how deep they burn the surface of the skin.

39. According to the author, which of the following is a second-degree burn?

A. Your skin may be bright red, swollen, and look wet.

B. The bur site appears white or charred and there is no feeling in the area.

C. Your skin may be red and painful, and you may experience mild swelling.

D. Instead of turning red, your skin may appear black, brown, white or yellow.

40. Where is the passage probably taken from?

A. A course guide. B. A first aid brochure.

C. A hospital advertisement. D. A business magazine.


You have to get to your job interview, but you don’t have access to an automobile. How would you solve this

dilemma (困境)? Most people would probably call an Uber or perhaps ask a friend or family member for a ride.

But not this Indiana woman. Kasia Shelton from Muncie has been arrested for stealing a vehicle from a local

dealership (经销商). According to police reports, the 20-year-old used the 2013 Kia Optima to drive to a job

interview in Indianapolis.

The auto theft happened on Monday, October 9. On the day, Shelton arrived at RDI Motors in Muncie and

asked an employee to see a certain 2013 Kia Optima. He showed the car to Shelton and we can only assume he

talked in length about its great condition for its age, the features, and the reliability. The employee later told the

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police that Shelton seemed interested in the car and asked to take it for a test drive. But while he was talking to her

and preparing the car for a drive, the dealership’s telephone kept ringing and ringing. He said that he had to excuse

himself constantly to go pick up the phone, yet there was never anybody on the other end of the line. The last time

the phone rang was just as the employee had gotten the car ready for Shelton to take it for a test drive. When he got

back from the phone, Shelton and the Kia were gone.

The RDI employee immediately called the Muncie Police Department. The police then began using the Flock

camera surveillance system (监控系统) in an attempt to spot the car. A while later, they saw the car again, this time

returning to Muncie. After that, the cameras lost the car, but we now know that Shelton drove it back to RDI

Motors. Finding out wasn’t too difficult. The police said they were able to connect the car to Shelton because she

had filled out an online form on RDI Motors’ website.

When the police later showed up at Shelton’s door, she seemed confused and thought the officers were pulling

off some kind of a joke. She genuinely didn’t seem to understand what she was getting arrested for. After all, she

returned the Kia to the dealership once she was done with her trip. She didn’t plan to keep it, so what’s the big


Whether she understood the reason why or not, Shelton was arrested. She has been charged with auto theft,

which could land her in prison for up to two and a half years.

41. Why was Shelton arrested?

A. Because she got a job interview. B. Because she didn’t call an Uber.

C. Because she stole a car. D. Because she drove a 2013 Kia Optima.

42. What was the attitude of the employee when introducing the 2013 Kia Optima to Shelton?

A. Uninterested. B. Negative. C. Responsible. D. Intolerable.

43. What stopped the employee from taking Shelton to the test drive?

A. Some other clients. B. Mysterious phone calls.

C. Shelton’s attitude. D. His colleagues’ calls.

44. How did the police find Shelton?

A. By searching the Flock camera surveillance system.

B. Through the interview company.

C. By inquiring RDI motors’ employees.

D. Through the personal information she left on the site.

45. The underlined part “what’s the big deal?” in Paragraph 4 can be understood as ________.

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A. Don’t you think that’s the reason you arrest me? B. Is this small thing worth an arrest?

C. Is this a deal? D. Do you think I should buy the car?


Is it possible to make machines think like humans? This is one question in research in the field of Artificial

Intelligence, or “AI” To think like a human, it involves feelings, morality, hopes, and dreams. Humans are capable

of making decisions by themselves without input from others, and they can learn from experience. In addition,

humans are able to create things from their own inspiration for their own pleasure. The question is whether

machines can ever really think in all these aspects. The idea of a computer that is all-powerful and can think and

make decisions for itself terrifies many people. In some films, AI even decides that all humans must be killed.

Many people are also concerned that AI will be used to replace humans.

Yet others are comforted by the thought of AI. Maybe with AI. robots can be made to replace loved ones who

have died. Today, the creation of an all-powerful computer capable of human thought is still in progress. We have

companion (陪伴) robots, and it is likely that they will grow more important in our lives as time goes by. However,

the need for such robots does not seem to be as critical as our need for intelligent machines that can solve problems

by learning from their observations and experience.

For example, AI is already being used with great success in Internet search engines and as a personal assistant

in our smartphones. It learns from our habits to help us find what we want and like. AI is also used to diagnose (诊

断) problems and suggest solutions. Researchers are also experimenting with the use of AI in driverless cars which

can sense their surroundings and decide on the best way to reach a destination. It is also being used in education,

particularly in online courses. Furthermore, industries that use robots for repetitive or dangerous work often turn to

AI to manage these electronic workers. In addition, virtual assistants are also being used in some homes today. In

the near future, it is likely that AI will be used to manage smart homes and handle an even greater variety of tasks

such as setting out favourite clothes and helping us with our personal grooming (梳妆). The AI of today has already

proven its superiority to humans in many areas. Do you think that we can create a robot that thinks like a human or

one that is even more intelligent? If so, is there truly a difference between AI and a human?

46. What can we learn from Paragraphs 1 and 2?

A. We already have all-powerful computers with the power of human thought.

B. One day the AI will decide on its own to wipe out humans.

C. Robots with AI have the potential to replace our loved ones.

D. In contrast, humans need artificial intelligence machines to help us solve problems rather than companion


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47. What does the underlined part in Paragraph 3 probably mean?

A. AI will eventually be used to manage workers.

B. AI is often used to manage robots on production lines.

C. Industrial robots are completely different from electronic workers.

D. Industrial robots often turn to AI.

48. What could be inferred from Paragraph 3 about AI?

A. Smartphones already have AI technology.

B. AI technology for driverless cars is already mature.

C. AI has been being used to mange smart homes.

D. Artificial intelligence has proved its superiority over humanity in all fields.

49. What is the author’s attitude towards AI?

A. Short-sighted. B. Wait-and-see. C. Optimistic. D. Skeptical.

50. What makes the best title for the passage?

A. AI Thinks Like Humans B. AI Robots

C. AI and Human Beings D. The Future of AI


Countries around the globe are spending billions of dollars and lots of time on various space missions, whether

to Mars or other planets much further away. Some people argue that we should stop wasting time and money

exploring space. Instead, we should feed the world’s poor and find immediate solutions to other problems, such as

pollution and fatal diseases (致命疾病). However, others feel this is a shallow view which fails to realise how

exploring space helps us.

Firstly, exploring space has already made a difference in the fight against world hunger. It has directly resulted

in the many satellites that now orbit Earth. A number of the satellites record data on land and weather patterns. Then

the data is transmitted ( 传 送 ) to scientists on Earth. After careful analysis, the scientists can provide useful

recommendations and advice for farmers. As a result, space-based science has helped farming in its efforts to grow

enough food to feed Earth’s increasing population.

Secondly, space exploration has already promoted technological improvements that benefit us all. High-end

products around the world are made to a higher standard now because of advanced technology which was first created

to meet the requirements for space exploration. For example, space technologies have helped the research and

development of different types of new material. They have also helped companies make better heart monitors and

other machines that doctors regularly use. Today, space technologies are widely used in all kinds of industries, and

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everyday products such as GPS, memory foam pillows (记忆棉枕头), and smartphone cameras are changing our


Finally, sending astronauts into space has helped people to think about the world’s problems and even to find

ways to solve them. Seeing pictures of our planet as an island in a black sea made people realise that our planet’s

resources are limited. In order to provide for such a rapidly increasing population, scientists are trying to find other

planets that could one day be our new home. The greatest attention at present is on Mars because it is closer to Earth.

In the future, humans may live on both planets.

In closing, exploring space provides the world with many different benefits. Therefore, it should continue so as

to provide new and better solutions to people’s short-term and long-term problems.

51. In writing Paragraph 1, the author aims to ________.

A. propose a definition B. make a comparison

C. reach a conclusion D. present an argument

52. Which of the following is TRUE about the satellites?

A. They can collect information of the land and weather changes.

B. They can provide useful recommendations for farmers.

C. They can fight against world hunger directly.

D. They can analyze the data and make suggestions.

53. What idea does the author convey in Paragraph 3?

A. Space exploration no longer requires high-end products.

B. High-end products cannot meet the needs of space exploration.

C. Our daily life has benefited from the development of space technology.

D. The development of new material is a must for space exploration.

54. What does the author intend to tell us in Paragraph 4?

A. Space exploration has changed the way our planet works.

B. Space exploration helps to discover and solve Earth’s problems.

C. In the future, all humans may have to move to Mars.

D. Resource shortage and population growth are already serious problems.

55. What is the author’s purpose in writing the passage?

A. To provide guidance on how to carry out space exploration.

B. To stress the need of promoting technology.

C. To state the importance of exploring space.

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