
2024-01-13·14页·268.6 K

2023—2024 学年度上学期期末考试


时间:120 分钟 满分:150分

第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5分)

听下面5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选

出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1.What is the woman going to do this Saturday?

A.Go to see a film with the man.

B.Take Jane to the hospital.

C.Help Jane clean up her room.

2.How will the speakers go to Chris's house?

A.By taxi

B.By bus.

C.On foot

3.When will the woman reach the school?

A.Before 10 o'clock.

B.Almost 11 o'clock.

C.At 11:30.

4.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Relax at home.

B.Have online classes at home.

C.Go hiking with the man.

5.What's the relationship between the speakers?

A.Father and daughter.

B.Teacher and student.


第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5分)

听下面5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C


秒钟听完后,各小题将给出5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第6 段材料,回答第6、7 题。

6.Where is the man now?

A.In a clothes shop.

B.In the lab

C.In the woman's office.

7.What is included in the safety rules in the lab?

A.Wearing sunglasses.

B.Wearing proper clothes.

C.Saying nothing with lab partner

听第7 段材料,回答第8、9 题。

8.What is the man unsatisfied with?

A.The lighting.

B.Some dishes.

C.The service of the staff.

9.What attitude does the woman take toward baked(烤的)fish in the restaurant?




听第8 段材料,回答第 10至 12 题。

10.What is the Love Kuching Project related to?

A.Looking after cats.

B.Visiting the elderly.

C.Cleaning up the beaches.

11.What is the woman like?




12.What will the woman probably do next?

A.Contact a project by e-mail.

B.Call a project to do voluntary work.

C.Call friends to try the Love Kuching Project.

听第9 段材料,回答第 13至 16 题。

13.What is the woman now?

A.A doctor in a clinic.B.A university student.C.A university teacher.

14.What made the woman's application unique?

A.She was more experienced in medicine.

B.She was a top student in all courses.

C.She had ever acquired languages.

15.What is beyond the woman's expectation?

A.The hospitals always gave students surprises.

B.Most teachers handed out materials on each topic.

C.The doctors usually had no time to help students.

16.How will the woman spend her summer break?

A.Do some summer work.

B.Get trained at a hospital in Paris.

C.Travel to Paris to have a good break

听第 10 段材料,回答第 17至 20 题。

17.Where is Mountain Kilimanjaro located?

A.In America

B.In Africa.

C.In Asia

18.What do we know about Mountain Kilimanjaro?

A.It is part of a mountain range.

B.It is the greatest nature wonder in the world.

C.It attracts people to see the glacier-covered(冰川覆盖的)peaks(山顶).

19.When was Kilimanjaro Nation Park declared a World Heritage Site?

A.In 1889.

B.In 1973.

C.In 1987.

20.What happens to Mountain Kilimanjaro now?

A.Changing climate makes it disappear gradually.

B.Nobody tries to climb it because of worse weather.

C.Disappearance of snow may be reducing the income of tourism.

第二部分阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节(共 15 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


The 2024 Science Fiction Short Story Contest

The 2023 Science Fiction Short Story Contest just came to an end.Welcome to our 2024

Science Fiction Short Story Contest sponsored by Science Fiction Association in our city. The

contest is to encourage amateur and semi-professional writers to reach the next level of

proficiency.We will look for engaging openings,good character development, well-structured

plotting, powerful imagery,humorous language,unique word or phrasing choices, and

convincing endings.Come to show the world your fantasy imagination and storytelling



A qualifying story must have strong science fiction or fantasy elements and must be

shorter than 7,500 words.Your entries must be original works of fiction.If you have received

prizes for your fiction writing from any source or your story has been published in any paying

publication, you are no longer qualified.

Past winners of our contest are no longer qualified.

No reprints,fan fiction or poetry,please.

Judge and Prize

Judges will provide feed backs for all qualifying contest entries.First-round judges will

consist of Science Fiction Association members and volunteers.The professional writers'

decision is final.

The champions,runners-up and honorable mentions will receive prizes including cash

prize, a certificate of achievement,Science Fiction Association Press books,and a free

membership to Science Fiction Association,All winners can select their books and either take

them immediately or ask for them to be shipped later.


The contest will be limited to the first 60 qualifying entries.While the submission

deadline is September 30th,2024,we may close off the entry for the year sooner if the

response is larger than expected.The winners will be published on December 31st.


Please place your contact information for possible awards.

There is no entry fee.Please submit only one entry per author.

21.What is the activity about?

A.Story telling.

B.Story writing.

C.Writer training.

D.Writer recommending.

22.What is a requirement for the science fiction of the contest?

A.It can come as the form of a poem.

B.It should be over 7,500 words long.

C.It must be the author's original one.

D.It is supposed to be published before.

23.Who will finally determine the winners?

A.Professional writers.

B.Amateur writers.

C.Science Fiction Association members.

D.Science Fiction Association volunteers.


As a young woman,Pei Aimin,now 49,hid her natural gift for writing,hoping nobody in

her farming village would notice and accuse her of neglecting(忽视)work and family.

That was the way of things when Pei was young in her village.In the past,girls often

dropped out of school at an early age to get married and settle into the regular routines of

rural life.

A few,like Pei,how ever,yearned for a wider world and looked for ways to express

themselves.Pei began to write in middle school and mailed her stories to publishers.Two of

them were published,one in a newspaper,another in a magazine.

After her marriage,she had to create secret opportunities.Sometimes she would water

useless land just so she could read or write outdoors without being observed.Sometimes she

sat under a tree,expressing her feelings on paper until somebody came,and she would

hurriedly hide the papers and pen.

“Few women in my village could read or write,Pei said.“All my family members

thought it was a waste of time.

After reading and writing like that for years,Pei took everyone by surprise when she

published a book,Diary of Aunt Vole.It is a collection of 365 short diary entries that describe

the natural scenery of the northwestern countryside,the daily routine of the local people,and

interesting things that happened in the village.

Pei said she hoped the book would help readers understand that farm work consists of

both hardship and fun.

Now Pei's family no longer objects to her hobby.Although women in the village still

don't read,many have changed their minds about it,Pei said.Learning,after all,is useful.

24.What do the underlined words yearned forin Paragraph 3 mean?





25.What did Pei have to do in order to write?

A.Become a publisher.

B.Tell harmless lies.

C.Drop out of school.

D.Hide from other people.

26.How did people in her village feel when Pei published her book?





27.What role does Pei want her book to play?

A.Inspire students to study hard.

B.Show the real life on the farm.

C.Encourage more women to read.

D.Attract people to the countryside.


One of China's greatest resources is no doubt its diverse food.One of the most popular

foods to be found is no doubt the street snacks that make up a large part of everyday

life.“Compared with A Bite of China,which show eases chefs' cooking processes and

delicious food on air,Chinese Barbecue(烧烤 )is more down-to-earth in describing the

people,commented a viewer

A new documentary series,called Chinese Barbecue,tells the story of this popular food

option that sizzles over hot coals on just about every street corner in cities and towns across

the country.Barbecued meat shining over hot coal containers,while not as elegant as some of

the fine dining options in China,are an essential part of people's night life.The pleasant smell

and atmosphere surrounding the grilled(烤的)street food are “something that could entice a

girl to fly downstairs at night wearing her pajamas,the documentary claims.

In many Chinese's eyes,barbecue,regarded as the most ordinary and common night street

snack,is different from homemade food by mothers as that is a symbol of kinship(亲情 ),

Barbecue is where you go to become connected to people in society.And unlike official

business lunches,during which people are rather reserved and polite,barbecue lets people cut

loose and relax with old friends and newly made friends,leaving a lasting impression


On the other side of the world,in the United States,BBQ,well received by all ages,

demonstrates the even more enthusiastic personality of Americans,who grill large steaks on

their outdoor stoves at home and enjoy competing to see who has the better cooking skills.It's

safe to say that the world,as a whole,holds deep-rooted good feelings toward barbecue,either

for the taste or the warmth generated by fire.

28.What is probably A Bite of China?

A.A popular documentary.

B.A commercial programme.

C.A cuisine radio programme.

D.A soap opera of chefs.

29.What may the underlined wordenticein paragraph 2 mean?





30.What makes barbecue different from other food in Chinese's view?

A.Close family bonds.

B.Quality food.

C.Unique atmosphere.

D.Beautiful cooking style.

31.Why does author mention BBQ in the United States?

A.To indicate the popularity of BBQ.

B.To present special American culture.

C.To show friendship between countries.

D.To make a comparison with Chinese BBQ.


There is some truth to the old belief that achy joints are a sign that bad weather is on the

way. Research shows a relationship between pain levels and changes in weather, particularly

for people who suffer from chronic conditions such as arthritis(关节炎).

A2019 UK study analyzed the daily pain logs of 13,000 residents with arthritis.Using

GPS data from participants' smartphones,the researchers found connections between pain and

humidity(湿度),air pressure and wind speed.Participants were more likely to experience pains

on stormy,windy days and least likely to do so when conditions were dry and calm.

It's unclear why changes in weather may influence pain severity for some people and not

for others.“Everyone experiences pain differently,”says Sin Bevan,chief science officer at

Arthritis Society Canada.“There are a lot of factors that could impact pain tolerance,including

sleep,stress and depression.

“It's a good idea to track your symptoms and how certain weather conditions may affect

your pain levels,says Bevan.From there you can manage expectations for what can be done

on days when symptoms are worse.

Not surprisingly,there's evidence that the weather may also impact your mood.There are

multiple reasons for this connection,according to Dr Max Pemberton,a UK-based psychiatrist.

“Less sunlight affects your levels of melatonin,a hormone(激素)directly involved in mood


Besides,bad weather may contribute to social isolation and loneliness because we can't

go outside and do things we enjoy with friends and family,explains Pemberton.

Once you understand how the weather impacts you physically or mentally,there are

strategies you can try.For example,if you're sensitive to cold and damp weather,a hot bath

could provide relief for achy joints.Regular exercise—even if it has to be indoors—is also

known to improve mood and is an important part of pain control.

32.What kind of weather is more likely to cause pain?

A.Windy and cloudy weather.

B.Rainy and windy weather.

C.Rainy and calm weather.

D.Calm and dry weather.

33.What can we learn from Sian Bevan's words?

A.There is little to do when pain is severe.

B.Everyone is affected by weather changes.

C.A lack of sleep may affect people 's mood.

D.People differ in their ability to suffer pain.

34.What can people do to relieve pain in bad weather according to the text?

A.Have a hot bath.

B.Stay in bed.

C.Hang out with friends.

D.Take some pills.

35.Where is the text probably taken from?

A.A biology textbook.

B.A news report

C.A health magazine.

D.A weather report.

第二节(共5 小题:每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5分)




Human beings are not only ones who communicate.__36__Here is a quick look at how

some of our animal friends send messages to us and to each other.

__37__When a dog is happy,its ears will stand up and its eyes will be wide open.The

dog will start barking.moving its tail,and running around in circles or jumping up and down to

show you that it wants to play.A dog that is afraid will lay on its back and close its eyes.The

dog may show its teeth and lower its body so that it is close to the ground.The dog may also

shake,and it will put its tail between its legs.When a dog is angry,its main body language is

showing its teeth and growling(低声叫).The dog will try making itself look as big as possible.

The tail will stand straight out from the body.

Elephants also use noises and body language to express themselves.An elephant's sense

of smell is highly developed.An elephant can smell how another elephant is feeling and even

tell if it is sick.The elephant's nose,or trunk,is also used to make noises.and to welcome other

elephants. Different noises have a variety of meanings they can mean “I am hungry,I am

angry”,or “Good to see you!”__38__If an elephant spreads its ears,it means“Watch out!“To

show friendship,elephants will touch each other with their trunks and stand close to each

other,putting their heads together.

Dolphins are social animals.__39__An angry dolphin will sometimes hit its tail on the

surface of the water.The movement and noise let other dolphins know that something is

wrong. If a dolphin wants to send a message over a long distance,or if it wants to show how

strong it is,it will jump high out of the water and land on its side,making a loud noise.A

dolphin's favorite activity is leaping into the air while playing with its friends.When dolphins

are tired and need to rest,they will swim in small groups close to the surface.__40__

A.Dogs are human's loyal friends.

B.If you see them doing this,you should not disturb them.

C.An elephant's body language includes ear signals and gestures.

D.They live in groups and love showing each other their feelings.

E.Dogs use sounds,body movements,and their tails to communicate.

F.If an elephant senses its partner is falling sick,it will also make a noise.G Animals use body

language to tell each other how they feel and what they think

第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30分)

第一节(共 15 小题;每小题1 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最


Five-year-old Willard Wigan struggled to tell the difference between an M and a W or a

6 and a 9.Unfortunately,his schoolteacher knew nothing about dyslexia(阅读障碍症 ),a

learning disability that can make letters and numbers confusing.She didn't try to__41__him.

Not__42__,Willard didn't like school.Usually,his mind drifted(游荡)to playing outside,to

his dog Maxie,or to the ants that lived near his family's garden bed.Willard was

especially__43__about those ants.He felt like them__44__and insignificant.

Willard__45__that the ants were coming and going from a hole in the dirt.One ant was

carrying a piece of grass,and Willard thought,He's trying to build a house,so I am going to

help him!

Willard constructed a small house for ants.At school,Willard still__46__,but now he

knew he could do something special.Maybe he wasn't a__47__after all.Though he had

__48__with his reading or maths,life isn't all about reading or maths.Willard later went home

and created tiny furniture(家具)for the ant house.

His artistic skill__49__,and a love for little things began to grow in his heart.When he

showed his mother his carved works,she said,This is what you do well.You must make

every__50__to be the best in the world.”

With her__51__,Willard continued.When he quit school at age 15 to help__52__ his

family,Willard still spent his spare time carving.His confidence grew as more

people__53__his talent.

Because of their beauty and rarity,Willard's sculptures have made him a(n)__54__ man.

But he says,“__55__isn't about material things like an expensive watch or a costly ring;it's

about determination and achieving your dreams.”

41.A.help B.warn C.question D.rescue

42.A.hurriedly B.expectedly C.suddenly D.surprisingly

43.A.confident B.curious C.particular D.doubtful

44.A.small B.smart C.pretty D.lazy

45.A.imagined B.noticed C.realized D.thought

46.A.waited B.escaped C.disappeared D.struggled

47.A.star B.failure C.leader D.stranger

48.A.disagreement B.conflict C.trouble D.fun

49.A.gained B.increased C.shared D.ended

50.A.plan B.friend C.preparation D.effort

51.A.comfort B.concern C.instruction D.encouragement

52.A.abandon B.challenge C.support D.start

53.A.possessed B.developed C.showed D.appreciated

54.A.wealthy B.reliable C.independent D.open

55.A.Courage B.Ambition C.Success D.Fame

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Cold temperatures,biting wind,heavy snow and slippery roads are the common

challenges that trouble or even interrupt winter commutes.(通勤)However,for students and

teachers at a college in Northeast China,56.___have been severely affected by the recent cold

wave, their commute has been made easy,warm and safe thanks to the newly 57.__(build) sky

walks(天桥)on campus.

In the northeastern region,students have been sharing their challenging experiences of

walking to classrooms,cafeterias,dormitories,and other school 58.__(facility)in snowy

weather on social media.Some online videos show students wearing thick coats struggling

against strong winds,and even falling heavily 59.__their way.

In contrast,students at Harbin Institute of Technology in Harbin,the capital city of

Northeast China's Heilongjiang province,have 60.__entirely different experience.

They 61.__(comfortable)move between classrooms,libraries,cafeterias,dormitories,and

the gym in short sleeves through the sky walks,all within a 5-minute walk Some students have

even been spotted 62.__(enjoy)ice cream while admiring the snowy scenery along the


In addition to connecting 63.__(vary)school buildings,the sky bridges as the school's

new landmark will serve different functions.In the future,some sections 64.__(equip)with

power outlets,LED lighting,network interfaces(接口 ),WiFi and even fitness equipment to

offer more spaces for study and 65.__(relax).

第四部分写作(两节,满分 40分)

第一节(满分 15分)

66.假定你是校英语俱乐部负责人李华,你邀请到了英国环保专家 Smith 教授作主题为

“Living in Harmony with Nature”的讲座。请你在讲座前简要发言,内容包括:




1.写作词数应为 80 左右;


Dear fellow students,



第二节(满分 25分)


Steve,a twelve-year-old boy with alcoholic parents,was about to be lost forever,by the

U.S.education system.Remarkably,he could read.Yet,in spite of his reading skills,Steve was

failing. He had been failing since first grade,as he was passed on from grade to grade.Steve

was a big boy,looking more like a teenager than a twelve-year-old.Yet,Steve went

unnoticed ...until Miss White.

Miss White was a smiling,young,beautiful redhead,and Steve loved her!For the first time

in his young life,he couldn't take his eyes off his teacher;yet,still he failed.He never did his

homework, and he was always in trouble with Miss White.His heart would break under her

sharp words,and when he was punished for failing to turn in his homework,he felt just

miserable!Still,he did not study.

In the middle of the first semester of school,the entire seventh grade was tested for basic

skills.Steve hurried through his tests,and continued to dream of other things,as the day went

on. His heart was not in school,but in the woods,where he often escaped alone,trying to

shutout the sights,sounds and smells of his alcoholic home.No one checked on him to see if

he was safe.No one knew he was gone,because no one was sober(清醒的)enough to care.

Oddly, Steve never missed a day of school.

One day,Miss White's impatient voice broke into his daydreams.

Steve!Startled,he turned to look at her.

Pay attention!she began to go over the test results for the seventh grade.

You all did pretty well,she told the class,except for one boy,and it breaks my heart to

tell you this,but..She hesitated,pinning Steve to his seat with a sharp stare,her eyes searching

his face.

The smartest boy in the seventh grade is failing my class!

She just stared at Steve,as the class spun around for a good look.Steve dropped his eyes

and carefully examined his fingertips.

After that,Steve still wouldn't do his homework.Even as the punishments became more

severe,he remained stubborn.

Just try it!ONE WEEK!He was unmoved.

You are smart enough!You'll see a change!Nothing fazed him.

Give yourself a chance!Don't give up on your life!Nothing.

Steve!Please!I care about you!

Wow!Suddenly,Steve got it!Someone cared about him?Someone,totally unattainable and



1.所续写短文的词数应为 150 左右:


Paragraph 1:

Steve went home from school,thoughtful,that afternoon.__________________________



Paragraph 2:

The following Monday,Miss White,gave a quiz on the weekend








