
2024-01-12·31页·587.3 K

中山市第一中学2023~2024 学年第一学期高三年级第五次统测

英 语

本试卷共8 页,共 120 分,考试时长 120 分钟。

第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分)

第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 37.5分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该



River Beach Community now offers various programs free of charge. Please call (608) 7898640 for details.

Coping Skills

Tuesdays; December 8, December 22 1 p. m. -2 p.m. on

Do you need a little help coping with life? Don’t we all? Come and join us for casual conversation and helpful

information.We will discuss a variety of topics, including healthy ways to cope with change and life transitions as

we age.

Fill Your Cup

Fill Your Cup is a personalized one-hour session held on Mondays or Thursdays. Looking for a way to be

social while still being safe? This program is designed to help you recharge your batteries in a way suitable for you.

Bring your coffee and we’ll chat! Bring your exercise shoes and we can stretch together! Whatever helps you “fill

your cup”, we can figure out a plan together.

Connect 2 Nature

Fridays; December 4, December 18 11 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.on www.Lifesize. com

Join us as we explore a range of topics related to nature and discover how the environment impacts our health

and well-being. We will learn from local experts and share in casual conversation about all things environmental.

New Device Tech Help

Thursdays; December 3, December 17 11 a.m.- 12 p.m.

New Site at St. Andrews Street (if open, please call before attending!)

Do you have questions about a new device or just need some help with your device? Bring in your cell phone,

tablet, iPad, or any other technology item that you may have and La Crosse Library staff will be ready to help with

your questions.

1. How can participants benefit from Fill Your Cup?

A. By taking stretching exercises alone.

B. By designing team plans to improve skills.

C. By enjoying friendly talks with free drinks.

D. By enlarging social circle in a relaxing way.

2. Which program is suitable if you are available only on Fridays?

A. Coping Skills B. Fill Your Cup

C. Connect 2 Nature D. New Device Tech Help

3. What do the programs have in common?

A. They feature online activities.

B. They promote social interaction.

C. They provide professional instructions.

D. They advocate environmental protection.


Putting cash in the hands of mothers can help shape the brains of their babies, according to a study in the

United States.

Family income has been linked to child development numerous times in the past in observational studies, but

this is the first time researchers have found direct experimental evidence of how poverty drives such changes.

The findings come from an ongoing study known as Baby’s First Year, which is attempting to assess how

poverty reduction can impact the cognitive and emotional growth of very young children. “We have known for

many years that growing up in poverty puts children at risk for lower school achievement, reduced earnings, and

poorer health,” explains neuroscientist Kimberly Noble from Columbia University. “However, until now, we

haven’t been able to say whether poverty itself causes differences in child development, or whether growing up in

poverty is simply associated with other factors that cause those differences.”

A thousand low-income mothers in the US were recruited (招募) for the study shortly after their babies were

born. These parents, who came from either New York City, New Orleans, Omaha or Minneapolis/St. Paul, were

then randomly offered either $333 a month in unconditional cash payments or $20 a month in unconditional cash

payments for the first four years of their baby's life—no strings attached.

The data show that giving low-income mothers financial support can directly change infant brain activity in

the first year of life. Infants (婴儿) whose mothers had received the higher cash payments, for instance, had higher

frequency brain activity than those infants whose mothers had received less.

Further research is needed to see whether these changes in brain activity last or whether they translate to

improved cognitive development, but there’s good reason to suspect they might.

4. How is the current study different from previous ones?

A. It didn’t get expectant result. B. Its result is obtained by observing.

C. There is no evidence to support it. D. Its result is based on direct experiment.

5. What’s the purpose of the current study?

A. To find other factors that impact young children.

B. To find if poverty has negative effects on child development.

C. To prove if relieving poverty contributes to child brain development.

D. To prove family income has nothing to do with child development.

6. What can you infer from paragraph 4?

A. The cash was offered without conscious decision.

B. The study gave away money to low-income mothers.

C. Thousands of low-income mothers were involved in the study.

D. Low-income mothers received cash payments for four years.

7. What is the passage probably going to talk about next?

A. Why further research is needed.

B. Studies contrary to the current findings.

C. Whether these changes in brain activity last.

D. Other similar studies that support the current findings.


Peacocks (孔雀) have been troublesome birds of the Palos Verdes Peninsula and the San Gabriel Valley for

decades, destroying gardens, blocking traffic, leaving droppings on roofs and making noises. Much to neighbors’

annoyance, some people leave out seeds and bread for the bright-colored feathered birds.

On Tuesday, the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors decided that feeding peacocks is a misdemeanor, a

slight crime, in unincorporated areas and the 44 cities that contract (签合同) with the county animal control

department. Misdemeanors are punishable by up to six months in prison, a fine of up to $1, 000 or both. Contract

cities can quit this rule, while unincorporated areas cannot, said Marcia Mayeda, director of the LA County

Department of Animal Care and Control.

Some cities, including Pasadena and Arcadia, already ban feeding peacocks. Among the peacock-rich

communities covered by the rule are Rancho Palos Verdes and Rolling Hills, as well as Chapman Woods near


“If a city said, We don’t want to adopt this. We have a different way of handling peacocks, we would agree to

that, ” Mayeda said. According to him, animal control officers generally leave peacocks alone, as“they’re a difficult

bird to catch”. Instead, the county will contract with wildlife expert Mike Maxcy, who worked at the Los Angeles

Zoo for 33 years and has resettled peafowl, a kind of peacock, in large farms since 1999.

Peafowl are smart, eating practically anything and everything, Maxcy said. In adulthood, they don’t face many

killers, other than humans. Feeding the birds, which are not native to Southern California, causes the population to

increase, as they lay more eggs when resources are abundant. LA County’s peacock population has been increased

by years of human feeding.

Thus, the problems are posed by their fans. “They’re all in very nice neighborhoods with very nice homes and

tall, old pine trees (where they sleep), and dare I say, animal fans that love to feed them, ”Maxcy said.

8. What do we know about the new rule?

A. It is intended to protect peacocks.

B. It allows contract cities to drop out.

C. It applies to all the cities in Los Angeles.

D. It involves either being in prison or a fine.

9. Why will the county contract with Mike Maxcy?

A. To observe the rule strictly.

B. To make peacocks lay more eggs.

C. To get advice on feeding peacocks.

D. To deal with peacocks in another way.

10. Which of the following can replace the underlined word “posed” in the last paragraph?

A. Caused. B. Addressed. C. Discussed. D. Covered.

11. What is the best title for the text?

A. Personal growth , joint efforts

B. No balance, no neighborhood

C. Feed a peacock , face a crime

D. Love a peacock, lose a fan


Trust me — I am expedition doctor

Ever since I was a young child, I’ve had a taste for adventure, but I never imagined I’d be able to satisfy this

passion at regular intervals because of my chosen career.

My work as an expedition (探险队) doctor has taken me all over the world. However, my favourite trips, and

the ones in which I now specialise, are those involving mountains. Never do I feel more inspired by nature than when

I look up at their towering peaks and begin to prepare myself mentally for the challenges ahead.

I trained as a doctor in the UK, but there was little in that training to prepare me for binding up a broken leg

during a storm on the side of a mountain! In fact, I’d say that medical skills come some way down the list of job

requirements, after endurance, flexibility, problem-solving and communication.

This kind of medicine is a million miles away from the controlled, germ-free environment of a hospital, and

your medical kit basically consists of whatever you can carry, so you sometimes have to be prepared to improvise

(即兴做). For example, I’ve learned that some drugs can be used for several conditions, and I’ve even had to resort

to cutting branches off a small tree to make a stick to support a broken arm.

That isn’t to say that you can’t train to be an expedition doctor; on the contrary, there are some excellent courses

available. Not only do they teach medical techniques, but also practical skills such as carrying out risk assessments,

crossing rivers safely and using satellite phones. The first course I did included a session on expedition dentistry,

though I must admit I still don’t like the idea of pulling out someone’s tooth!

I do most of my work for adventure holiday companies, travelling to remote places. When I started out, these

holidays were quite rare, but they have become much more mainstream now that we’ve all seen celebrities climbing

Kilimanjaro or watched reality shows about people surviving in jungles.

I do have mixed feelings about all these people with large amounts of disposable income coming to poor areas

just for their own enjoyment, so I try to make sure that the companies I work for have high ethical standards and

benefit the local communities. And of course, tourism provides employment, and also opens the eyes of rich visitors

to the hardship that many people are forced to endure.

I realise that this kind of life isn’t for everyone, but I’d recommend that all doctors try it at least once, if only to

make them appreciate the comforts of their usual working environment!

12. The author feels that he has been________.

A. obliged to choose his career B. lucky with his job

C. obsessed with his adventure D. inspired by his patients

13. According to the passage, what can be learned about medical skills for an expedition doctor?

A. They are less important than practical skills.

B. They are strictly required as the most important.

C. They are adequately attained in medical schools.

D. They are an underlying part of practical skills.

14. Why do expedition doctors sometimes have to use unusual techniques?

A. They keep their equipment in a backpack.

B. Things can happen that they don’t expect.

C. They don’t have the resources of a hospital.

D. They are required by the patients on the trip.

15. The author works for ethical companies because________.

A. they organise expeditions in the remote areas he enjoys visiting

B. they appreciate the comforts of the unusual working environments

C. he wants to make sure that his clients are safe at all times during the expedition

D. he feels uncomfortable about the difference between rich tourists and poor local people

第二节(共 5 小题,每小题 2.5 分,满分 12.5 分)



Body image is a person’s opinions and feelings about his or her own body and physical appearance.

____16____ You appreciate your body for its capabilities and accept ifs imperfections. So, what can you do to

develop a positive body image? Here are some ideas.

Recognize your strengths. Different body types are good for different things. What does your body do well?

Maybe your speed, strength, or coordination makes you better than others at a certain sport. That may be

basketball, table tennis, mountain biking, dancing, or even running. Or perhaps you have non-sports skills, like

drawing, painting, singing, playing musical instrument, writing or acting.____17____

Exercise regularly. Exercise can help you look good and feel good about yourself. Good physiques (体型)

don’t just happen. ____18____ A healthy habit can be as simple as exercising 20 minutes to one hour three days a

week. Working out can also lift your spirits.

____19____Practicing good habits—regular showering; taking care of your teeth, hair, and skin; wearing

clean clothes, and so on—can help you build a positive body image.

Be yourself. Your body is just one part of who you are. ____20____ So try not to let small imperfections take


A. Respect your body.

B. Use this as an opportunity to discover what you’re good at.

C. Your talent for comedy, a quick wit, and all the other things make you unique.

D. They take hard work, regular workouts, and a healthy diet.

E. Having a positive body image means feeling satisfied with the way you look.

F. Just explore talents that you feel good about.

G. The good news is that self-image and body image can be changed.

第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项 A、B、C 和 D 中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

Last June I worked as a volunteer in a remote Aboriginal community. The residents there are short of the

many material ___21___that most of us in big cities have, but their outlook on life is not even comparable to ours.

This community was hard hit by a ___22___ about two years ago.Many people became ___23___and multiple

families had to live under one roof in houses that were___24___ for just one family.However, people felt more of a

sense of ___25___ when families had to live together in such conditions. They ___26___together to help each other

in rebuilding their lives after the hurricane.

Family took ___27___ over everything in this community. If someone is in need, the extended family will

provide any___28___ needed. Children are taught from an early age that family is worth more than any material

possession they will ___29___.They pass that value to the next ____30____,and the cycle continues in ____31____

solid family values.

On my third day in this community, two elders said they had felt a strong ____32____ with my spirit, and

wanted to adopt me into their tribe. It was beyond my ____33____ as to how an outsider could be ____34____after

just three days! One of the elders explained that no one was a stranger there.

Leaving this community was challenging indeed. Not only did my outlook change, my understanding of how

life can be defined took a ____35____for the better.

21. A. rewards B. possessions C. advances D. impacts

22. A. drought B. flood C. typhoon D. hurricane

23. A. jobless B. anxious C. homeless D. upset

24. A. suitable B. possible C. convenient D. necessary

25. A. belonging B. humor C. timing D. hunger

26. A. stood B. banded C. defended D. grew

27. A. priority B. concern C. evaluation D. preference

28. A. attention B. trust C. patience D. support

29. A. lay out B. give up C. come across D. drop off

30. A. generation B. family C. group D. community

31. A. increasing B. appreciating C. treasuring D. sustaining

32. A. contact B. connection C. conflict D. contrast

33. A. confidence B. capacity C. comprehension D. control

34. A. educated B. encountered C. attended D. accepted

35. A. route B. turn C. role D. lead

第二节 (共 10 小题,每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

The cheongsam is the classic dress for Chinese women, which combines the elegance of Chinese tradition

_____36_____ unique elements of style and fully sets off the beauty of the female shape.

The name “cheongsam”, _____37_____(mean) simply “long dress”, entered the English vocabulary from the

dialect of China’s Guangdong Province. In other parts of the country including Beijing, however, it is known as

“qipao”, _____38_____has a history behind it.

After the early Manchu (满族) rulers came to China, the Manchu women normally wore a one-piece dress which

came to be called “qipao. _____39_____ the rule of the Qing Dynasty was ended in 1911, the female dress survived

the political change. In _____40_____ 1920s, the cheongsam experienced a change with the influence of Western

styles, including its length being shortened, which allowed the beauty of the female body _____41_____ (display)

fully. Starting from the 1940s, cheongsam became closer-fitting and more practical and in summer, women wore

sleeveless dresses. It didn’t become standard female clothes until the 1960s.

Today, this close-fitting dress featured by stand collar, right side opening, fitting waist and slip bottom, shows

its charm at many markets. Not only because it has varieties of styles, but also because it can_____42_____(wear)

either on casual or formal occasions. For instance, when _____43_____ (wife) of China’s ambassadors attend

important social gatherings, the cheongsam is their first choice among dresses. In fact, quite a number of

_____44_____ (influence) people have suggested that cheongsam should become the national dress for women in

China. Many foreign women are eager to get ______45______ (they) a cheongsam when they visit China.

第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 (满分 15 分)

46. 假设你是新华高级中学学生李华,你在网上得知一位来自英国的 David 想来中国沿古代丝绸之路游览,

他向网友征集驴友兼向导。你有兴趣做他的旅伴,请你给 David 写一封自荐信,内容要点如下:1. 自我介


2. 你的优势;

3. 希望能成为 David 的驴友。

注意:1. 写作词数应为 80 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear David,







Li Hua

第二节(满分 25 分)

47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。

During the summer before Patty entered fifth grade, she decided to try a new sport. Swim training was nearly

over and Patty was the fastest swimmer in her age group. She had always been the best. The neighborhood was

offering a one-week tennis training course. Patty and her friend Darla got permission from their parents to join.

On Saturday morning, Darla’s mom took the girls to a store and bought them each a good, used tennis racket.

“If you girls stick to tennis, then we’ll talk about a new racket. These will do for now.” The girls were excited about

their new purchases. On Monday morning, at 7:00 a.m., Patty’s mom woke her up. “It’s time for tennis!” Patty

covered her face. “Mom, it’s too early!” She made great effort to get out of bed and down to the breakfast table. Patty

finished breakfast and ran to Darla’s house, then they walked to the court.

Mrs. Cane the tennis coach, lined everyone up and started with the basics. After that, Mrs. Cane tirelessly


taught them to practice their forehand and backhand. By the end of the week, Patty had made impressive progress.

Mrs. Cane commented that Patty had lots of potential. Darla, on the other hand, was struggling. The other teenagers

were having a tough time of it, too. Patty was the only one who seemed to get somewhere.

Since then, Darla had always been out in the August heat, practicing her serves or hitting the ball. Patty wasn’t

really interested. She felt she was such a “natural” for tennis that she really didn’t need to practice. By the end of the

summer, Darla began to get the hang of it. She joined a neighborhood junior tennis team. There would be matches

every Thursday. Patty wanted to join as well, but she didn’t want to miss her favorite TV show. She told herself that

she would join it when she got some free time. If Darla had fun, she would join the team in the spring.


1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;

2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。

The week before school started, Mrs. Cane held another training course.







Patty couldn’t stop thinking of her poor performance on the way home.











