
2024-01-10·17页·1.2 M



第一部分听力(共两节,满分 30 分)



第一节(共 5 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 7.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并

标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对


1. What did Peter do last night?

A. He attended a party.

B. He saw off a friend.

C. He went to a bar.

2. What do we know about Dan?

A. He saved much money.

B. He ran out of the $500.

C. He lent some money out.

3. How much did the man pay for the tickets?

A.$430. B.$645. C.$860.

4. Which movie does the man like best?

A. Godspeed. B. Born to Fly. C. Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 3.

5. What are the speakers talking about?

A. A wedding. B. An app. C. Some photos.

第二节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1.5 分, 满分 22.5 分)

听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出

最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;

听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。

听第 6 段材料, 回答第 6、7 题。

6. What extra food needs to be prepared?

A. Steaks. B. Chicken. C. Hot dogs.

7. Why did the woman set up a tent?

A. To protect people from the sun.

B. To put lawn furniture inside.

C. To hide from the rain.

听第 7 段材料, 回答第 8、9 题。

8. What is Bill doing?

A. Giving advice. B. Asking for help. C. Expressing his thanks.

高三年级英语试题 第 1 页 共 17 页

9. What will the woman buy for her mother?

A. A dress. B. A book. C. A pair of shoes.

听第 8 段材料, 回答第 10 至 13 题。

10. How long has the woman been losing weight?

A. A week. B. Three weeks. C. A month.

11. Why is the woman eager to lose weight?

A. For her wedding. B. For her health. C. For her beauty.

12. What does the man advise the woman to do?

A. Control her diet. B. Do some exercise. C. Starve herself.

13. What does the man think of the woman's plan?

A. Reasonable. B. Exciting. C. Impractical.

听第 9 段材料, 回答第 14 至 17 题。

14. Why was the Sand Sculpture Festival held?

A. To celebrate a holiday. B. To promote tourism. C. To enrich students’ lives.

15. When did the festival start?

A. On May 7th. B. On May 10th. C. On May 14th.

16. Which sculpture won first place?

A. An excellent gorilla sculpture.

B. A library and cultural center sculpture.

C. A turtle sculpture with a castle on its back.

17. What is the relationship between Mohamed Ehab and Nancy Khaled?

A. Host and guest. B. Guide and tourist. C. Schoolmates.

听第 10 段材料, 回答第 18 至 20 题。

18. Where was the article published?

A. In a magazine. B. In the newspaper. C. In a book.

19. How many groups of plants were tested?

A. One. B. Two. C. Three.

20. Who might benefit from the software?

A. Scientists. B. Farmers. C. Gardeners.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 37.5 分)

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。


Cannes(戛纳) is a place that offers lots of different ways to spoil yourself. During the Cannes Film Festival

in May, nothing changes, except that there are more people doing this, and that they talk about film. Here's a gui

de to what you should do during the festival, both film-related and not.

Hotel Intercontinental Carlton

The film festival is a busy time for Cannes. The best way to appreciate the crowds might be having a dinner

on a terrace(露天平台). Head to the Hotel Intercontinental Carlton and wander the lobby to take it all in. If you're

高三年级英语试题 第 2 页 共 17 页

lucky you might be able to secure a table in the restaurant. Dress to impress or you won't stand a chance of gettin

g in.

Cinema de la Plage

Throughout the Cannes Film Festival, one of the best places to soak up some of the wonderful atmosphere i

s the open-air Cinema de la Plage at Mace beach. If you haven't secured a ticket in advance for a seat, there's no

need to worry. You can spread a blanket out on the ground, open up your pre-prepared picnic, and enjoy the mov


March Forville

The March Forville is a must-see for any visitor to Cannes and a foodie’s delight. On most days, vendors s

ell home-made fruits and vegetables as well as local specialties to eat for lunch. But don't go on Mondays, unless

you want to browse for bargains, as that's when the flea market is on instead.

La Croisette

La Croisette is the most famous walk in Cannes and is listed under the cultural inventory of France itself. S

troll the whole length, stop for a coffee, and end your walk by sitting on one of the free blue chairs along the way

while taking in the view. It is also a great place to admire Cannes’ sculptures.

21. What is probably the intention of the text?

A. To suggest tourism activities. B. To present dining locations.

C. To publicize a film festival. D. To introduce French culture.

22. Which place best suits people who enjoy shopping?

A. Hotel Intercontinental Carlton. B. Cinema de la Plage.

C. March Forville. D. La Croisette.

23. What can be expected in Cannes during the festival?

A. Attending fashion shows. B. Experiencing sculpture production.

C. Tasting imported farm produce. D. Watching movies outdoors.


Every book can confirm that reading a good book can take you to a special place where your imagination r

uns free and everything is possible. To gift the love for books to as many kids as possible, Dolly Parton's Imagin

ation Library gives out free books to young children. According to the US Department of Education, around 30

million American adults are at a low basic literacy level or barely literate. Imagination Library works hard to cha

nge this.

Dolly is a country music superstar, songwriter, actress, author, successful business owner, and a philanthro

pist(慈善家), but above all, she is truly a self-made woman. Dolly was born in a one-room cabin in Pittman Cent

er, Tennessee in the Smoky Mountains. She was one of twelve children and her father worked very hard to care f

or his family, but never attended school and couldn't read and write. Dolly has said that her father was the smarte


man she ever knew, and he was the inspiration for her book gifting program.

Dolly's vision for Imagination Library was to get children really excited about books and to foster a love of

reading. She wanted to ensure that children could own books no matter what their family incomes were. “Literac

y is so important,” said Dolly, “because if you can read, you can self-educate.” These gifts of high-quality, age-a

ppropriate books come directly to the children every month right to their mailboxes.

高三年级英语试题 第 3 页 共 17 页

The program began in 1995 and originally served children in Sevier County, Tennessee where Dolly grew

up. It was such an instant success that only five years later, the initiative went national and is now available to ch

ildren in Canada, the UK, and Australia.

24. Why does the author mention the US Department of Education in paragraph 1?

A. To emphasize kids' lack of interest in literature.

B. To stress the influence of Imagination Library.

C. To present the decreasing literacy rate in the US.

D. To show the current literacy crisis in the US.

25. What inspired Dolly to start the book gifting program?

A. Her sufferings in the early life.

B. Her success as a business owner.

C. Her father's inability to read and write.

D. Her desire to become a philanthropist.

26. Which of the following best describes the impact of Imagination Library program?

A. far-reaching. B. predictable. C. short-live D. undefinable.

27. What is the best title for the text?

A. Dolly Parton: The Self-Made Philanthropist.

B. The rise of literacy in the United States.

C. The Importance of Reading for Kids' Education.

D. Imagination Library: Gifting Love for Reading.


One overlooked benefit of lab-grown food is that it may help the UK deal with the crisis in housing afforda

bility. As farming is replaced by precision fermentation (发酵) , the significant amount of land currently used for

livestock farming(including parts of the green belt) will be freed up for development in places that people actuall

y want to live.

However, we'd take a different lesson from the promise of lab-grown meat. Free-market environmentalism

and harnessing the power of innovative technologies-supported by market-based measures like a border-adjusted

carbon tax-can successfully tackle the problem of man-made climate change without fundamentally uprooting the

way we run society. Saving the planet doesn't have to cost us the earth.

It is important to acknowledge that certain types of livestock farming may have issues with sustainability a

nd climate change. But it is not true of all farming systems; and the issues that do exist are being dealt with using

the latest research into genetics and biotechnology-for example, recent research has shown that certain types of s

eaweed can reduce methane emissions from cattle to close to zero.

Farmer data also shows that increased sales of milks have not seen a corresponding reduction in dairy sales.

The global food system, consumer choices and climate change are incredibly complex issues, and anyone

who proposes simple solutions is almost certainly not in possession of all the relevant facts and data. Livestock a

re an important part of humanity's future food needs.

28. Why does lab-grown food help Britain to solve the housing affordability crisis?

A. As farming is replaced by precision fermentation, the level of agricultural development is improved.

B. The significant amount of green belts are used for development in places that people actually want to live.

高三年级英语试题 第 4 页 共 17 页

C. Lab-grown food is more environmentally friendly and beneficial to human health.

D. A large amount of land used for livestock farming will be freed up for residence.

29. What lessons have learned from the promise of lab-grown meat?

A. Free-market environmentalism can change the way society operates.

B. Adjusting carbon tax can successfully solve the problem of climate change.

C. Adopting the power of innovative technologies is useful for saving the earth.

D. Saving the earth requires changing the way society operates.

30. Which of the following best explains “harnessing” underlined in paragraph 2?

A. obtain B. exploit C. inherit D. develop

31. It can be inferred from this passage that .

A. global food issue is so complex that there are no complete research data.

B. sustainability and climate change are common problems in agricultural systems.

C. some kinds of seaweed can make the amount of methane emitted by cattle ineffective.

D. the sales of substitute dairy products increased, and the sales of dairy products decreased accordingly.


When London faced the Black Death in 1665, many people desperately sought a way to protect themselves

and their loved ones from getting sick. One widely adopted method consisted of mixing two small cloves of garli

c in a cup of fresh milk. People believed that drinking this drink in the morning on an empty stomach would prev

ent the feared disease.

Like those living through the hard time in London, many people searched for treatment that would keep vir

uses at bay, which is why the claims that garlic could help people spread on social media. The claims caused the

World Health Organization to post tweets of warning.

Despite laboratory studies showing that garlic does have special substances, the idea of consuming garlic to

prevent becoming infected with any bacteria or viruses is mostly folklore. The idea of garlic as a blanket cure has

its foundation in medical folk wisdom, which is an umbrella term for unproven, widespread beliefs about anythin

g to do with health and disease. It can involve herbal treatment, dietary recommendations and advice about follo

wing specific behaviors. It is often passed down by word of mouth through generations and may be one of the re

asons myths( stories from ancient times) about the causes and cures of diseases continue to exist, despite the prog

ress of medical science.

Medical folk wisdom, like other types of misinformation not backed by science, often spreads quickly on s

ocial media. When the UK went into lockdown, the Burns Centre at Birmingham Children's Hospital saw a 30-fo

ld-increase in the number of injuries. This was caused by folk statements on social media that misled parents into

believing that breathing in steam could prevent or treat respiratory tract(呼吸道) disease.

Medical folk wisdom isn't bad all the time, and nor is it likely to disappear anytime soon. What we need is t

o understand what makes people believe in it and to what extent it challenges beliefs in science. There seems to b

e a complex relationship between beliefs in medical folk wisdom and what people actually do to protect their hea

lth, which could be key to preventing its harmful effects. Therefore, we should think twice before adopting it. Li

ves may depend upon it.

32. What made the garlic welcome in the seventeenth century?

高三年级英语试题 第 5 页 共 17 页

A. Its special taste.

B. Its low price.

C. Its medicinal quality.

D. Its ready availability.

33. What can we learn about medical folk wisdom according to Paragraph 3?

A. It helps increase the advances in medicine.

B. It counts as much as medical science.

C. It includes some long-held beliefs and traditions.

D. It stands up well to science.

34. Why does the author mention the example in Paragraph 4?

A. To highlight the role of social media in spreading misinformation.

B. To show unproven folk practices can do harm to public health.

C. To point out parents lack medical knowledge.

D. To remind us to clarify information online.

35. What should we do with medical folk wisdom according to the text?

A. Try to prove its scientific nature.

B. Adopt it in our daily life.

C. Help remove it as soon as possible.

D. Make an evaluation before using it.

第二节(共五小题, 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)


When you hear that your friend has passed an exam that you failed earlier, how do you react? Do you sha

re in her happiness? If you do, congratulations! 36 Studies have shown that experiencing Freudenfreude ca

n lead to acts of kindness, such as helping others. By celebrating the victories of others, we can bring more suc

cess into our own lives.

37 Sometimes, the disappointment of our own failure can make it difficult to feel happy for others. If we

were raised in an environment where winning was strongly associated with self-worth, we may mistakenly int

erpret someone else's success as our own failure. Our mental health and overall well being can also affect our

ability to share in someone else's joy.38

One method to evoke positive feelings for others is through asking questions. We don't have to wait for so

meone else's good news to practice Freudenfreude. By inviting others to share their victories and genuinely lis

tening to their stories, we can cultivate joy.39

Since emotions are contagious (有感染力的), expressing appreciation can also enhance Freudenfreude. We

can think of Freudenfreude as something that can be shared when we are experiencing personal happiness. 40

Starting by sharing our own achievements and expressing gratitude can create a sense of shared joy, enhancing

Freudenfreude for both parties involved.

A. To better understand Freudenfreude, it is important to realize that it is a win-win.

B. According to social scientists, finding pleasure in another person's success is what they call Freudenfreu


高三年级英语试题 第 6 页 共 17 页

C. However, experiencing Freudenfreude is not always easy.

D. Despite these challenges, generating Freudenfreude is valuable, and there are ways to cultivate this feeli


E. You might ask: “What's the best thing that happened to you this week?”

F. It is a term that describes the joy we feel when someone else succeeds.

G. To do this, we can give credit to others for their support and acknowledge their contribution to our succe


第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分, 满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

On July 4, 2016, Kelly Burch was celebrating on a friend's boat. At that time she wasn't paying attention t

o the tide. When she 41 into what has been deep water, she hit the sand bottom, broke her neck and started to

drown. Three weeks later, she 42 in the intensive care unit(重症监护室).

43 , her parents, grandparents, sister and friends all step in to help her. After she left the44 , she went t

o six weeks of inpatient rehabilitation(康复), where she was getting three hours of therapy a day.

When the inpatient rehabilitation was over, she wanted to join a gym to 45 quality of life. Luckily, she

found a gym that was open to 46 people in California. The first day that she rolled in, she saw a bunch of 4

7 wheelchairs and people like her pushing their 48 .She felt hope for the first time.

But that gym cost $100 an hour. She knew that's completely unattainable to the many people with the dis

abilities who are on fixed 49 . She decided to take action.

Last year, she 50 a gym called Split Second fitness. The goal of it is to provide affordable fitness 51

to disabled people.

Kelly can now transfer herself from her 52 to the floor or her bed. That makes life 53for her and her car

egivers. She has seen 54 results in the clients going to her gym.

Her life isn't about who she was yesterday. It's about who she has to be tomorrow. She wants to help her cli

ents 55 that, too.

41. A. burst B. bounced C. slip D. dove

42. A. took up B. woke up C. showed up D. got up

43. A. Gradually B. Necessarily C. Fortunately D. Unexpectedly

44. A. carriage B. category C. center D. hospital

45. A. identify B. increase C. record D. consume

46. A. disabled B. unhealthy C. harmonious D. infectious

47. A. convincing B. mature C. empty D. urgent

48. A. worries B. sympathy C. consequence D. limits

49. A. schedules B. incomes C. conditions D. expectations

50. A. opened B. explored C. improved D. found

51. A. function B. significance C. service D. concern

52. A. vehicle B. conservation C. desperation D. chair

53. A. easier B. more mysterious C. riskier D. more significant

54. A. terrifying B. similar C. like D. familiar

高三年级英语试题 第 7 页 共 17 页

55. A. explain B. control C. see D. spread

第二节(共 10 小题; 每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式

Preparing the mind and body for space

This year marks the 20th anniversary of China's first manned space mission, with YangLiwei 56 (bec

ome) the first Chinese astronaut to go to space. Since then, another 17astronauts 57 (reach) for the stars. T

he selection of the fourth generation of astronauts began in 2022 and is now in full swing. Expert s revealed 58

tough the training is before astronauts can soar(高飞) to space.

The human body is not designed for space life. Astronauts 59 (face) with multiple challenges on a spa

ce mission. The changes in gravity can have 60 impact on their bodies. The sensation of isolation and confi

nement(封闭) living in a small spacecraft for months can impair(损害) their mental health.61 (emergency)

during missions challenge their knowledge and ability to solve problems under huge pressure. So it's no wonder

that astronauts have to meet 62 (extreme) high standards and go through a tough training program.

To make sure that Chinese astronauts complete 63 (they) missions and return to earth safely, Eight ty

pes, including over 200 subjects of training, were set, Huang Weifen, chief designer of the astronaut system for

China's manned space project, told CCTV News. Apart64 physical fitness training, it also encompasses(包

含) basic scientific theories, psychological health, and mock(模拟) missions.

Each astronaut receives training for at least three and a half years before having the chance65 (go) to sp


第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节(满分 15 分)

假定你是李华,得知好友 Eric 回国后在学校成立了中国传统文化和习俗学习小组。请给他写一封

邮件, 内容包括:

1 表示祝贺;

2 询问学习内容;

3 期待他分享学习体会。

注意: 1 词数为 80 左右;

2 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

第二节(满分 25 分)


It was a beautiful day outside. The sky was a pale blue and the clouds were big and fluffy which made me d

高三年级英语试题 第 8 页 共 17 页

elighted. I decided to take a walk in the park and enjoy the lovely weather. As I was walking, I saw a little girl sit

ting on a bench, looking sad and lonely. I approached her and asked if she was okay. She looked up at me with bi

g, round eyes filled with tears and shook her head.

I sat down next to her and asked her what was wrong. She said that she had lost her doll and couldn't find it

anywhere. I offered to help her look for it and we searched the park together. We looked in every nook and crann

y, behind trees and bushes, but couldn't find the doll. We all felt frustrated and depressed. Just when we were ab

out to give up, I saw a glimmer of pink behind a park bench. I picked up the doll and handed it to the little girl.

She was so grateful and gave me a big, warm hug. She told me that her doll was very special to her because

the gift was given by her best friend who had gone abroad and she missed the best friend very much. She couldn'

t thank me enough for helping her find it. As we walked back to her house, the little girl told me that she was new

to the area and didn't have any friends yet. She always felt lonely and sad and didn't want to go to school. I comf

orted her and promised to come back and visit her again, and we exchanged phone numbers.


1.续写词数应为 150 左右;


Paragraph 1:As promised, I went to visit the little girl the following week.

Paragraph 2:Years passed, and I received a wedding invitation from my childhood friend.

高三年级英语试题 第 9 页 共 17 页




听力 1~5ABCBC 6~10 CAABA 11~15CACBA 16~20 BCACB


Text 1 参加送别聚会

W:Are you okay, Peter? You don't look very well.

M:I feel terrible. I went to a going away party last night with Trevor and I drank too much.

Text 2 花钱如流水

M: Guess what, Anna? I won $500 last week!

W: That's great! Dan, remember to save some of it.

M: Save? I spent it. That money was burning a hole in my pocket.

Text 3 冰川之旅

W: How about your glacier landing tour with your wife?

M: It was amazing. I highly recommend it.

W:Well, I am trying to get tickets for Friday. How much does it cost?

M:The ticket price is $430 per person, though little kids younger than 2 years old for free.

Text 4 推荐电影

W:Can you recommend some new movies to me?

M: Yeah. There are several good movies in May, such as Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3,Godspeed, Born to Fly. I

like the last one best.

W:OK. I will go to see it this afternoon.

Text 5 分享照片

M:Look at these pictures I took at my friend's wedding! They turned out really well.

W: So beautiful! They are great.

M:Yeah. I will share them on Instagram.

Text 6 家庭烧烤

M:Is everything ready for the big family barbecue tomorrow?

W:Yeah. The steaks and chicken are prepared, and I also bought hamburgers.

M:How about cooking a couple of hot dogs?

W: Good idea. We can put some lawn furniture outside next to the grill. I also set up the tent outside, so we c

高三年级英语试题 第 10 页 共 17 页





