
2023-12-26·17页·395.2 K




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第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)





例:How much is the shirt?

A. 19.15. . 9.18. C. 9.15.


1. What is probably the woman?

A. A taxi-driver. B. A teacher. C. A restaurant owner.

2. How does the man sound?

A. Puzzled. B. Optimistic. C. Humorous.

3. What are they discussing about the music festival?

A. When to go. B. What to wear. C. How to go.

4. Where does the conversation probably take place?

A. In a library. B. In a classroom. C. In a cafeteria.

5. When will the taxi company send the woman a car?

A. At 9:15. B. At 8:45. C. At 7:45.






6. What did John usually do after work?

A. Going jogging. B. Having a health checkup. C. Playing video games.

7. Why should John change his lifestyle?

A. To keep fit. B. To adapt to his new job. C. To satisfy the woman.


8. What are the speakers mainly talking about?

A. Appreciating their friend. B. Moving to Australia. C. Lending some money.

9. How much does the woman want to pay Grace?

A. $1,500. B. $1,000. C. $2,000.

10. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. Shop assistant and customer.

B. Husband and wife.

C. Employer and employee.


11. Which place did Emma visit in Beijing?

A. The Great Wall. B. The Palace Museum. C. The Bird’s Nest Stadium.

12. How was the weather in Beijing most of the time when Emma was there?

A. Hot. B. Wet. C. Windy.

13. Why did Emma go to Beijing?

A. To entertain. B. To work. C. To study.


14. Why does the woman want to buy a car?

A. To meet daily demands. B. To travel at weekends. C. To earn some money.

15. Which car does the woman prefer?

A. A nice second-hand car. B. A big white car. C. A tiny German car.

16. What makes the woman worried?

A. Being forced to buy a car.

B. Being unable to find an expert to consult.

C. Being unable to buy a second-hand car.


17. What materials are used to make dyes?

A. Plants. B. Pottery. C. Paintings.

18. What did the author’s mother like?

A. Producing striking blue blankets.

B. Making colorful clothes by hand.

C. Decorating her home with handicrafts.

19. How long has the author lived in China?

A. For 10 weeks. B. For 10 months. C. For a decade.

20. How did the author feel at last?

A. He wasn’t satisfied with his job.

B. He felt at home in Guizhou.

C. He missed his hometown so much.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




You may have heard of white and black sand beaches, but what about shores with pink sands? Now let’s take a


Horseshoe Bay Beach, Bermuda

One of the most famous and photographed beaches in Bermuda is Horseshoe Bay Beach. Located in South Shore

Park, this pink beach features a coastal trail that connects it to other area beaches, plus limestone rocks and cliffs that

add to its beauty. Beachgoers can play a game of volleyball or attend one of several annual festivals hosted on-site.

Budelli Island, Italy

Known locally as “Spiaggia Rosa,” this beach gets its pink color from a mixture of coral (珊瑚) and shells. The

pink shore sits on Budelli Island, an isle north of Sardinia in the Maddalena Archipelago. The beach offers a variety of

services, such as stands, lifeguards and beach and water sports equipment rentals like surfboards.

Crane Beach, Barbados

At The Crane Resort, visitors can directly access the pink sand beach by riding in the glass-front beach elevator.

To keep beachgoers safe, there are two lifeguards on duty most days. Resort visitors also have access to free beach

umbrellas, towels and chairs, plus several pools, a hot spring and a fitness center.

Great Santa Cruz Island, Philippines

The pink sand beach on Great Santa Cruz Island gets its color from red organ pipe coral. Many divers gather here

to take advantage of the beach’s clear water and excellent visibility, though much of the area’s sea life has been

destroyed due to illegal coral mining. You’ll also find a small village on the island.

21. What can you do on Horseshoe Bay Beach?

A. Ride on a horse. B. Surf on the sea.

C. Climb up a rock. D. Play beach volleyball.

22. Which beach offers some free services to specific visitors?

A. Horseshoe Bay Beach. B. Budelli Island.

C. Crane Beach. D. Great Santa Cruz Island.

23. What do the four beaches have in common?

A. They provide water sports. B. They have beautiful pink sands.

C. They’re equipped with lifeguards. D. They are located on big islands.


In February of 2022, Walter Orthmann was officially included into the Guinness Book of Records for having the

longest career in the same company. On April 19, he turned 100, but the loyal (忠诚的) employee doesn’t plan to

retire from the only company he has ever worked for.

Walter began working for Industrias Renaux S.A., a textile company in Brusque, when he was only 15 years old.

He began as an assistant in the shipping department, but over the years, he was raised to the sales manager. During his

84-year-long career, Walter went on sales trips all over the world.

“You have to like to work. I started to work with that willingness and fighting spirit,” Walter Orthmann said,

when asked what kept him going for over eight decades. “You can’t just do any job to say that you are working. That

doesn’t work. You’re not going to be able to stand it.”

Recalling his beginnings with his company, Orthmann said that there were no computers, phones weren’t used at

the company, and texts had to be typed on a typewriter and mailed. There was no public lighting, the streets were just

dirt, which became muddy when it rained. There was no running water, and each house had its own well.

Everything is much easier today, Orthmann admits. All you need is a mobile phone and an internet connection,

and you can do business from anywhere in the world. It’s thanks to technology that he is able to continue working, as

he no longer travels like he used to.

Asked what advice he would give people dreaming of staying active and working late into their lives, Orthmann

told Brazilian news site Globo: “Don’t be angry, do everything laughing. Just do what you like to do. Don’t have

enemies. Apologize. Live calmly. Life is just a passage here on Earth, enjoy it and do what you want.”

24. What made Orthmann get the Guinness record?

A. His great contribution to Guinness. B. His career time in one company.

C. His sales trips around the world. D. His influence in business.

25. What do we know about Orthmann?

A. He always recalls the past. B. He is tired of sales trips.

C. He keeps up with the times. D. He started to work in the 1940s.

26. Which words can best describe Orthmann?

A. Positive and philosophical. B. Moody and outspoken.

C. Ambitious and stubborn. D. Hospitable and considerate.

27. What can be a suitable title for the text?

A. A Forever Dream-Chaser B. The World’s Most Loyal Employee

C. A Man Who Never Retires D. The Oldest Employee in the World


Considered the world’s most widely read Spanish-language author, Isabel Allende is known for her many novels

including “Eva Luna”, “Of Love and Shadows” and “A Long Petal of the Sea”. With “The Wind Knows My Name”,

Allende has added a new dimension to her already varied works.

She skillfully creates and twists the unfortunate stories of two apocryphal children in her newest novel. They are

fictionally named Samuel Adler and Anita Diaz, aged 5 and 7 respectively. Both of them are left alone, torn from their

families by war or immigration as we witness the dramatic sacrifices parents sometimes must make to protect their

sons and daughters and give them the best lives possible.

Early on in this work, a Nazi mob (暴徒) attacks the Jewish (犹太的) neighborhood where Samuel lives with his

parents. Afterwards the father turns up in a hospital, but then is taken to a concentration camp and the mother sends

the boy to safety in England. Samuel never sees his parents again. Decades later on the U.S.-Mexico border, Anita

Diaz, 7, is separated by her mother under the U.S. government’s previous no tolerance policy that tore child migrants

from their parents. The little girl is sent to live in a group home for children while her mother keeps missing. Through

a series of circumstances, Samuel and Anita eventually meet through Leticia, a woman who migrated to the U.S. as a

child herself after losing most of her family in El Salvador.

Allende moves the story back and forth between Europe and the United States, switches between the past and

present, as two very different children in very different places and circumstances search for the safety of home and

family. It’s a very different kind of book for Allende, who often places her stories in her native Latin America.

28. What can be learned about Allende?

A. She has traveled around the world.

B. She is a productive writer.

C. She reads works written in Spanish.

D. She creates novels of the same style.

29. What does the underlined word “apocryphal” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Not real. B. Not happy. C. Not perfect. D. Not lucky.

30. What does Allende tells us about the two children in her newest work?

A. They grow up together in the US.

B. They make sacrifices for their parents.

C. They meet each other through a women.

D. They live unhappily with their families.

31. How does Allende develop her newest novel?

A. By placing background in Latin America.

B. By setting in different times and places.

C. By following hero and heroine’s search.

D. By discussing children’s circumstances.


Recently, Tuthill’s team have shown that an extremely frightening trick helps snow flies survive sub-zero

conditions. When a leg begins to freeze, the insects can rapidly self-amputate (自行截肢) it, preventing ice from

moving up into their bodies, the team reports in a paper posted online May 30 at bioRxiv.org.

Tuthill’s team used a thermal camera (热成像仪) to record 77 snow flies as they walked on cold plates. They

found the insects kept walking even when their body temperature fell to an average of -7. More than half of the

snow flies tested dropped at least one leg during the experiments.

This team also noticed a temperature rise in the flies’ legs just before they fell off. That rise is a sign of ice

formation. Liquid water releases heat as it turns into ice. Neurons (神经元) in the leg may sense this temperature shift

and make amputation happen, preventing the ice from spreading, the team suggests. The flies “have about half a

second to get rid of their leg before that wave of ice crashes into their body and then freezes all of their internal

organs,” Tuthill says. Snow flies didn’t lose their legs when the researchers pulled them hard — only in response to


“Other animals have invented different strategies to protect themselves from frost. Some insects produce

antifreeze proteins; certain snails and frogs simply withstand ice forming in their bodies. The cool thing about snow

flies is that they don’t actually follow either strategy” says Dr. Marshall, who provided feedback on the team’s

manuscript, which has not yet been published. “They let ice form in their legs,” she says, and “self-amputate to get rid

of it, which is just completely strange to me.”

Snow flies that amputated their freezing legs survived more than a minute longer than flies that didn’t, the team

found. That extra time may not seem like much. But in the wild, when night is falling and the temperature is dropping

and the insects are “looking eagerly for a place to settle down.” Tuthill says, it could be the difference between life

and death.

32. What is the finding about snow flies?

A. Reducing body temperature in advance.

B. Surviving by cutting off one frozen leg.

C. Loving to be covered by ice in cold days.

D. Recovering from self-amputation very soon

33. What can we know about the snow flies from the experiment?

A. Each of them was kept complete.

B. Their legs fell off before ice formation.

C. Amputation took about half a second.

D. They stopped walking when temperature fell.

34. What does Dr. Marshall’s words mean?

A. Self-amputation is a common strategy.

B. Animals have shared strategy against frost.

C. Snow flies’ strategy makes her surprised.

D. Cold weather helps animal be smarter.

35. Which of the followings does Tuthill probably agree with?

A. Nights in the wild kills plenty of insects.

B. Extra time means much to insects in cold weather.

C. Temperature is in charge of life and death.

D. Snow flies enjoy the same length of life time.



Ways To Improve Concentration

It’s often said our attention span is shorter than ever, and a survey from energy supplements brand ProPlus found

that 41 per cent thought it was worse since the pandemic. But there are steps you can take to help you focus better.

36 . Having a daily routine, including breaks, will minimize the brain fatigue (疲劳) which goes with having

to make endless quick decisions without giving them your full attention and allow you to focus on the really important


Minimize distraction. Removing yourself from people and devices will allow you to concentrate better. Work in

a different room if you can. 37 , turn off notifications and train yourself to check them at set intervals. Set a


Find the right sound. Whether it’s music, white noise or even silence, you might find there’s a particular sound

that helps you maintain your attention. 38 . They promote relaxation and are thought to play a role in cognition

and, according to a small 2015 American study, make you more creative.

Focus on the right foods. 39 . These include fish, nuts, blueberries and dark chocolate (in moderation, of

course!). One of the best ways to keep your brain in trim is to eat a healthy diet.

Sleep well. 40 . Everyone needs different amounts of shut-eye but aiming for seven to nine hours is

considered the ideal.

A. Get up at the same time daily

B. Structure your daily life scientifically

C. This enhances alpha waves-brain waves

D. If you find yourself distracted by digital devices

E. Once you find your phone offer much information

F. Almost everyone suffers from brain fog after a bad night

G. You might get a boost from certain so-called “brain foods”

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



Tawnya Ford and Larry Sumpter are always ready to make their kids feel awkward. When their 15-year-old

daughter Madelynn Sumpter broke the rules by going to a sleepover party secretly, they gave her a choice between

41 her phone for a month, or giving them access to her social media for two weeks. She chose the latter and the

netizens are so 42 of it.

Madelynn Sumpter’s social media 43 by her parents began early in November with an Instagram post

that 44 she had chosen to abandon her social media for two weeks. So her 45 could expect “some

amazing Instagram posts, snapchats and tiktoks from her parents”. On November 11, Madelynn’s dad had already

begun his 46 exploration to embarrass his teen daughter, by 47 one of his photos, saying “Felt cute.

Might delete later”. But that was 48 the beginning. From posing in a tight top and 49 a blonde wig (假

发), to dancing around in a pair of shorts and a tank-top (背心), it seemed like there was nothing the 43-year-old

wouldn’t do to 50 .

Over the course of two weeks, Madelynn Sumpter’s Instagram following 51 from around 2,700 to

12,700, at the time of this writing, so she should probably 52 her parents for their 53 punishment.

The only question is “Can she 54 dad Larry’s creativity?”. She’ll have to give it a(n) 55 as many of

her social media fans are already 56 her to “bring dad back”.

“We always 57 our kids!” Tawnya Ford said, adding that her husband routinely 58 their kids

from school dressed as a mascot (吉祥物). From this 59 , the girl finally understood her parents’ 60 are

another kind of love.

41. A. setting aside B. taking away C. handing over D. bringing along

42. A. appreciative B. proud C. afraid D. confident

43. A. breakdown B. takeover C. comeback D. makeup

44. A. consulted B. found C. pretended D. announced

45. A. relatives B. followers C. classmates D. teachers

46. A. similar B. amusing C. safe D. fearful

47. A. sharing B. downloading C. exploring D. preserving

48. A. exactly B. definitely C. merely D. vaguely

49. A. leaving B. putting C. wearing D. enjoying

50. A. entertain B. relax C. exercise D. compete

51. A. jumped B. dived C. counted D. doubled

52. A. doubt B. accept C. demand D. thank

53. A. average B. severe C. original D. constant

54. A. live up to B. get rid of C. look down on D. put up with

55. A. right B. end C. topic D. go

56. A. warning B. asking C. allowing D. forcing

57. A. please B. support C. frighten D. embarrass

58. A. stares at B. picks up C. knocks on D. comes across

59. A. performance B. failure C. experience D. conflict

60. A. comparisons B. guesses C. expectations D. actions



The Shenzhou XVI crew returned to Earth on Tuesday morning, 61 (conclude) a historic five-month


The spaceship’s reentry capsule, carrying mission commander Major General Jing Haipeng, Colonel Zhu

Yangzhu and Professor Gui Haichao, 62 (touch) down at 8:11 am after flying nearly 12 hours on its return


After safety checks outside, the astronauts 63 (carry) out and placed on chairs in front of the capsule,

and they shared their 64 (experience) with a reporter in a live program.

Jing said they were excited to “return to our motherland” and that the orbital stay inside the Tiangong space

station was 65 “very cool journey”. He said his teammates performed 66 (excellent) during the

mission, they got along very well 67 one another and together managed 68 (honor) their commitment

to the motherland and the people. Zhu, 69 is China’s first spaceflight engineer in space, said they coordinated

well in successfully completing various tasks. Gui, the country’s first civilian astronaut 70 first payload (载荷)

expert in space, said that each day of the mission was busy and memorable.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

With the aim of recycling used books and presenting them to children in the need, the students’ union will launch

a campaign titled “Secondhand Books Donation” next month. To start with, donation boxes, that are about to be

collected by the volunteers twice a week, would be placed in classrooms. In addition, what is also acceptable to take

donations directly to your office on weekdays. Then, the collected book will be delivered to the primary students in

remote but rural areas. This activity is great significance. Not only will the children get books to read, but also we will

gain happiness by help others. So let’s participate active in it.

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)


1. 学校现有社团概况;

2. 你参加的社团及收获。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Chris,






Li Hua


第一部分 听力

1—5 CBBAC 6—10 CAACB 11—15 ACBBC 16—20 AACCB


Text 1

M: I’m sorry, but can we change seats? I think this one is broken.

W: Of course! Let me get someone to help us move.

M: Thank you so much.

W: No problem, we want all our customers to be happy and comfortable.

Text 2

W: Hey, did you understand what the math teacher was talking about today? I was so lost.

M: It was a bit confusing. But I think if we read the textbook and practice more, it will make sense eventually.

Text 3

W: Hey! Are you going to the music festival on Saturday?

M: Definitely! I’ve been counting down the days. Have you decided what to wear yet?

W: I’m still trying to figure it out. Maybe something comfortable since we’ll be standing all day.

Text 4

W: Excuse me. Can you recommend me some books on the study of Chinese poetry? I’m going to prepare my

paper on a Tang poem.

M: Definitely! Follow me, please.

W: Thanks a lot.

Text 5

M: Hello. Alexander’s taxi company.

W: Hello, I need a taxi to go to the railway station tomorrow morning. My train leaves at a quarter to nine, and I

need to be there half an hour earlier.

M: Okay. I’ll send a car to your place an hour before the train leaves.

Text 6

W: John, what will you do after work today?

M: I’ll go jogging by the riverside.

W: That’s not like the John I know who goes home and plays video games.

M: I need to change my lifestyle.

W: How did you come to that conclusion?

M: I had my annual health checkup and the results showed I have too much body fat and high blood pressure.

The doctor strongly recommends I exercise at least three times a week for 30 minutes.

Text 7

W: We should buy Grace something to thank her. It was so kind of her to take care of our cat when we went






