
2023-12-24·10页·14.1 M

山东新高考联合质量测评12 月联考


第一部分 听力:(共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,共 30 分)

1-5 ABCAA 6-10 BACAC

11-15 CBCAB 16-20 CABCB

第二部分 阅读(共 20 小题;每题 2.5 分,满分 50 分)

21-23 BAB 24-27 CDCB 28-31 DADC 32-35 CADC 36-40 BEDFG

第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分 30 分)

第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 1 分,满分 15 分)

41-45 BAADA 46-50 DBCAC 51-55 BCCBD

第二节(共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)

56. perceived 57. motivation 58. but 59. an 60. is/has been

61. better 62. to 63. involving 64. frequently 65. where

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分 40 分)

第一节 应用文(满分 15 分)

Dear Jane,

Learning that you have gained the first place in the Chinese Traditional Culture Paper-cutting

Competition for International Students, I’m more than delighted to write to extend my sincere

congratulations to you.

As the saying goes, you reap what you sow. From my perspective, your efforts paid off. It was your

passion and hard work that contributed to your winning. Keen on Chinese traditional culture paper-cutting,

you have long been devoted to learning from masters and keeping practicing constantly. What you have

committed to counts.

I expect you could share your experience and reflection with me. I am terribly thirsty for cultivating

my culture consciousness and enhancing my practical abilities. Once again, congratulations on your

splendid achievement.

Looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


一、 评分原则


第五档: (13-15 分)


第四档: (10-12 分)


第三档: (7-9 分)


第二档: (4-6 分)


第一档: (1-3 分)


第二节 读后续写(满分 25 分)

Possible version

So deeply touched was Bopsy that he resolved to live with perseverance. His dream realized, with him

blessed with all the love and attention, Bobsy felt that he was the most fortunate person in the world.

Never had the boy anticipated such a great dream could be realized on him. Though in the process of

terminal leukemia, Bobsy still led a life full of hope and beauty. It was the personal experience of being

a fireman that inspired his desire to live a good life regardless of the severe illness. Brimming with

confidence in life, along with the encouragement of the great mother, Bobsy was positively engaged in

his treatment. However, a severe infectious virus hit him, which worsened his condition.

All the doctors thought the boy was on the edge of life and death. However, the mother insisted on the

fact that faith could create the miracle of life. Hugging the boy in her arms, the mother called the fire chief

and asked if it would be possible to send a fireman in uniform to the hospital to be with Bopsy to pull

through the dangerous period. No sooner had the fireman came into the ward than Bobsy smiled as if the

fireman were his future and all the pain had gone. Amazingly, the next few days saw the boy picking up

gradually. He was firmly convinced that his life wouldn’t end before he could be a real firefighter. With

scientific and effective treatment, his condition was improving all the time. So a beautiful dream in the

heart can make a great difference.



1.本题总分为 25 分,按五个档次进行评分。








(1)词数少于 120 的,酌情扣分 。


(3)单词拼写和标点符号是写作规范的重要方面,评分时应视其对交际的影响程度 予以

考虑,英 、美拼写及词汇用法均可接受。

二、、 各档次的给分范围和要求

档次 描述



第五档 —有效使用了多样且恰当的词汇和语法结构,表达流畅,语言错误少,

(21-25) 且完全不影响理解。


—创造了比较丰富合理的内容, 比较有逻辑性,续写比较完整,与原文



第四档 别 错误,但完全不影响理解 。

(16-20) —比较有效的使用了语句间的衔接手段,全文比较结构清晰,意义比较





第三档 有 些许错误,但基本不影响理解。

(11-15) —基本有效的使用了语句间的衔接手段,全文结构基本清晰,意义基本




第二档 —所使用的词汇有限,语法结构单调,错误较多且比较低级,影响理解。





第一档 —所使用的词汇非常有限,语法结构单调,错误极多且严重影响理解。



零分 抄原文,未作答,跑题。


Text 1

W: It’s already 10 p.m. Have you packed? Our flight is early in the morning. (1)

M: Yes. I can’t believe that the day after tomorrow we’ll be lying on a beach.

W: And one day after that, we’ll be on the trip we booked to Rome.

Text 2

M: Sitting here in this garden, I feel like I don’t have a care in the world.

W: Me too. I could spend the whole day here, just enjoying the sights, sounds and smells of

nature. (2)

Text 3

W: Harry, your forehead is burning. Are you alright?

M: No, I’ve been in bed all day. Plus, I’m so sweaty, and I have no appetite.

W: Let me check your temperature. Oh no, you should probably stay home from school

tomorrow. (3)

Text 4

M: What are you doing after school? The rest of us are going to play tennis. Want to come?

W: Definitely. (4) I had two science classes this morning but luckily we weren’t given any homework.

Text 5

W: Sorry, Tom, we’ve sold out of white chocolate biscuits today. You aren’t the only fan. (5)

M: Oh no. What else do you have?

W: We have them in milk chocolate or dark chocolate.

Text 6 (第 7 题为推断题)

M: Q, Z, N, L, P, B, A, T…

W: OK, that’s fine. Your eyesight seems to be good. Now, could you lift your shirt, please? (6)

M: Like this?

W: A little bit higher…that’s it. Now, I’ll just have a listen. Great, there’s a good strong beat. (6)

You can pull your shirt back down. And lastly, blood pressure. Let me wrap this thing around your


M: It’s making my arm move on its own.

W: That’s OK. It’s meant to do that. Blood pressure is normal — and that’s it. No problems at all.

Could you send the next student in?

Text 7(第 8 题为总结题)

W: Hello, Evening News. Can I help you?

M: Could you tell me the price for half a page on Friday?

W: A half-page advertisement on Friday would cost you 200.

M: Oh, I was expecting it to cost more than that.

W: Well, fewer and fewer people read newspapers these days. So they advertise on TV or on the Internet.

M: I sell my products mainly to the 60 to 80 age group. (9) I’m not dealing in computer games

or baby clothes.

W: Most of our remaining readers are now in that age group, so you’ve probably come to the right place.


M: OK, I’ll go ahead.

W: We do have an offer. Two Fridays for just 250. That might suit you. (10)

M: Oh yes, I’ll do that.

Text 8

M: OK, the structure of the bridge has been settled. Shall I call the trucks to bring the building materials?

W: Not yet. I’ll tell the safety workers to do their final checks. You can never do too many checks

on a job of this size.

M: Fine. So, what now? (11)

W: We’ll come back after our lunch break and move on to the concrete stage. (11)

M: I hope you don’t mind me saying so, but it’s very unusual to see a woman doing a job like this.

W: You’re right there. I was the only woman in my university group to graduate as an engineer.

(12) That was six years ago. I was only 22 then.

M: Did you find it difficult?

W: No more than anyone else. I’ve always been interested in construction, especially big

projects like this. But some of my classmates thought I should be at home baking cakes or

looking after children. (13)

M: Dinosaurs. Just go ahead and show them they are wrong. (13)

Text 9 (第 17 题为推断题)

W: Hurry up. The show starts at 8:00 p.m. (14) (15)

M: Oh, stop worrying. We have another two hours yet. (14)

W: Yes, but we have to drive there. We don’t know what the traffic will be like, and we’ve never

seen a play before. We don’t know what happens in a theater. (15)

M: Relax, it will be just like going to a movie or a sports game, except that we’ll be dressed a little

more smartly.

W: I don’t know why you didn’t just have a shower. Baths take too long.

M: I’ve nearly finished. Once I’ve dried myself, I’ll be getting dressed.

W: Remember we have to pick up my sister on the way.

M: Are we taking your mum and dad as well?

W: No, they said they would meet us there.

M: Well, that will save us some time. We’ll probably arrive too early.

W: I’d rather be early than late. And I’m not sure about this black dress. It makes me look fat

in the mirror. Should I change it? (16)

M: It’s beautiful. Everyone in the audience will be looking at you instead of the play.

W: Oh dear! I hope not.

Text 10 (第 20 题为推断题)

High school friends Rob and Mike went to a grocery store with four hundred dollars in their

pockets. The money wasn’t meant to buy eggs and milk for themselves, however. Instead, they

used it to surprise 15 needy shoppers by buying their groceries for them. (18) You could see

the shock and happiness in the shoppers’ eyes as they realized that strangers had just paid for them.

One woman offered to pay for the next person’s groceries. Another blew Rob a kiss and said, “I

love you!” A third said, “That just made my day.” Another woman cried so much that Mike went

around the counter and gave her a hug. “Now you’re going to make me cry as well,” she said. “Let’s

truly love our neighbor, whatever that looks like for you.” Rob said later. Mike added that one of


the women they had helped that day later contacted them, and said she had been going

through a rough time and that day brought the light into her darkest days. (19) Rob said, “We

are not from wealthy families, but we want to do something to encourage people to go out and be

nice to others. Be kind to a person or smile at someone.”






